The Drinched Book
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Kndrew Stewart, C. A.
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Over 1 1 ,400 Members
MEMBERSHIP is obtained after examination and a
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Directors seeking accommodation and staff for
Companies are invited to apply to the Secretary
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All those who love wild
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protection by joining the
Society which carries out
this work. For full particu-
lars of its many activities
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82 Victoria Street,
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o o
Terms of Subscription:
Life Fellow^ £21 »
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Lfe Member, £j : js.
Member from js. annually.
Founded February i88p. Incorporated under Royal Charter, November 1904.
asks your support for its
The British Sailors’ Society is doing a magnificent
work in the interests of all Sailors and their
dependents — Homes and Institutes in ports
throughout the world ; orphans maintained ;
widows aided ; employment bureau maintained
for work afloat and ashore. Help by gift and
legacy is urgently needed.
NOTE TO BENEFACTORS BY WILL — Special opportunities exist at the Society’s
Homes for perpetuating the memory of loved ones
Donations will be welcomed by the Honorary Treasurer, The Right Hon Sir Frederick Sykes
680 Commercial Road, London, E 14 (Herbert E Barker, General Secretary)
Telegraphic Address: Telephone :
Natdis, Stock, London. Mansion House 5241 (3 lines).
SUBSCRIBED CAPITAL . £2,153,335 0 0
“ A ** Shares of £2 : I Os. fully paid . . 423,332 10 0
“ B " Shares of £7 : lOs. ; £2 : 10s. paid . 576,667 10 0
£1^00,000 0 0
RESERVE FUND £1,000,000 0 0
Col. the Hon. Sir Sidney Peel, Bart., C.B., D.S.O., Ghairman .
Lt.-Col. the Hon. George Akers-
Hon. Arthur M. Asquith, D.S.O.
Francis Goldsmith.
Frederick W. Green.
H. S. H. Guinness.
Sir SiGisMUND F. Mendl, K.B.E.
Sir Charles D. Seligman.
Francis Goldsmith.
H. R. W. Brown 1 S. S. Johnson.
G. H. Ellaby.
Price, Waterhouse & Co.
Bank of England.
National Provincial Bank, Limited.
Treasury Bills, Bank and Mercantile Bills Negotiated.
Money received on Deposit at Call and Short Notice at
the Current Market Rates of Interest ; and for Longer Periods
upon Specially Agreed Terms.
Loans granted upon Approved Securities.
Jll communications to be addressed to the Manager.
,5 Advertisements
In two volumes — 1897-191^
which together contain all the biographies re-
moved from WHO’S WHO on account of death
between January 1897 and December 1928.
The 1929 and subsequent issues of WHO’S
WHO, with these two supplements, constitute
a complete record of the notable men and
women of the past 34 years.
Two volumes. Each 21s. net (hj post, 21s. 9cl.)
Missions TO SEAMEN
P/eoseremember THE MISSIONS TO SEAMEN in your Will
General Super intendent—Rev. G F. TRENCH, M.A. Secretary— A J. MATTHEW
4 • 5 • Sr • 6 • SOHO • SQUARE ■ LONDON • W • I
Printed in Great Bt ita in
The United States
Australia and New Zealand
South Africa
India and Burma
As it is necessary to begin printing who’s who in August, in many
cases occurrences of a later date are not recorded ; deaths reported up to
the middle of October have been included, however, in the Obituary.
In view of misunderstandings that sometimes arise it should be
pointed out that the statements in regard to children of a marriage
should be the number of sons and daughters now living ; also, under
Clubs it is the practice to print the names of London clubs without
the word London at the end, although in the case of clubs elsewhere
the name of the towns where they are situated should be given.
It is well to bear in mind that a proof for correction cannot be
sent unless there is an address. As any sort of correction, even well-
meant attempts to cut down biographies, involves expense, it is re-
quested that no alterations should be made unless absolutely necessary.
Corrections must be made on the proofs themselves, and not written
out on separate slips of paper.
Anyone who has had the Companionage of a British Order con-
ferred on him and has not yet been included is invited to write for a
form on which to fill in particulars as to birth, parentage, career, etc.,
for the next edition.
Square, London, W.l
The leading Hospital in the world
for all Diseases of the Chest
• EARNESTLY SOLICITED F. G. Rouvray, Secretary
Companions to
" Who’s Who ”
WHO WAS WHO, 1897-1915
A Supplement to Who’s Who, containing the biographies of all the people
formerly in Who’s Who who died from Jan 1897 to Jan 1916 Reissue
with addenda and corrigenda Price 21s net (By post 21s 9d )
WHO WAS WHO, 1916-1928
A second Supplement to Who’s Who.
This volume contains the biographies of all the people in Who’s Who
who have died from January 1916 to December 1928 With these two
supplements in the library it is only necessary to retain the 1929 and
subsequent annual issues to have a complete record of all the notable
men and women of the past 30 years Price 21s (By post 21s. 9d )
A Guide to their Correct Use, in person or by post.
Fourth Edition, thoroughly revised. Price 3s 6d net
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For Parents,
Authorities, etc.
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and Artist
For the Surgeon
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By D W. HUGHES Price 3s. 6d net (By post 3s lid)
By JOHN D COMRIE, M A , B Sc , M D., FRCP (Edin ) This book
IS of novel scope, and aims at giving to the average reader a general
view of medical science and treatment Fourteenth Edition, completing
100,000 copies. With 2 Illustrations in colour, and over 500 black-
and-white Illustrations in the text. Price IBs. net. (By post 18s. 9d )
By JOHN D COMRIE, M D , F R C P , etc Second Edition. With 2
full-page plates m colour. Price 7s 6d net. (By post 8s )
By J D COMRIE, M D , F R C P , with 40 diagrams and line illustrations
This IS a book for the medical practitioner, for nurses and for all health
visitors. Price 5s. net. (By post 5s 6d.)
A Directory for Writers, Artists, and Photographers, giving in compact
form addresses to which MSS may be sent, and the kind of ‘copy’
preferred 31st year of issue Price 3s 6d net. (By post 3s I Od )
Compiled and edited by WILLIAM C MILLER, M R C.V S , of the Royal
(Dick) Veterinary College, Edinburgh. With 8 full-page Plates and 326
Illustrations in the text. Second Edition Price 21s net (By post 21s 9d )
A Dictionary of servants of God canonised by the Catholic Church
Compiled by the Benedictine Monks of St Augustine’s Abbey, Ramsgate
A complete record of the saints with brief biographies in the style of
Who’s Who Third Edition, revised, and with a special Supplement and
Calendar of Saints Price 7s 6d net (By post 8s )
Obtainable from all Booksellers
Urgently requires aciciitional income to carry on
its increasingly cJifTicult work in a very poor area
Gifts welcomed by The Secretary, Hampstead Road, London, N.W.I
NOTE ....... 6’
for your sight please help
to restore sight to others
The English Association
. 3756
The Rationalist Press Association .
. 3781
Banks, etc.
Bank of Adelaide ....
. 3779
English, Scottish & Australian Bank,
Ltd. 3778
National Discount Co. Ltd. .
Union Bank of Australia, Ltd.
Books, Magazines, etc.
Black, Adam & Charles, J, 9, 45, 47, SO,
1508**, 2062**,
3758, 3775, 3776
Foyle, W. & G. Ltd.
Building: Society.
Huddersheld Building Society
Charities, Hospitals, Institutions,
Actors’ Benevolent Fund
. 3766
Additional Curates Society ,
. 3768
Alexandra Orphanage
. 3766
Anti-Slavery Society
. 3765
CliaritieSi etc, —Conid. page
Belgrave Hospitol 3707
British Empire Cancer Campaign . . 52
British Empire Leprosy Relief . 3700
British Sailors’ Society . ... 2
Brompton Hospital . ... 8
Chelsea Hospital foi Women . . 3770
Children’s Hospital, Birmingham . . 3709
Christian Evidence Society . . . 37o7
Christie Cancer Hospital, Manchester 3770
Church Arjiiy 3767
City of London Maternity Hospital . 3766
Connaught Hospital . . 3765
Dr. Barnardo’s Homes . . .. 26
Dogs’ Home, Battersea .... 3772
Earl Haig’s Appeal Fund . 3759
Everslield Chest Hospital, St.-Leonards-
on-Sea 3772
German Hospital 28
Gordon Hospital 3760
Hostel of God 3760
King Edward Memorial Hospital, Baling 3771
Lock Hospital 3765
London City Mission .... 47
London Hospital 3702
Booksellers to the World
New and second-hand books on every subject. Stock of nearly
three million volumes. Catalogues free on mentioning interests.
Books bought.
Telephone : Gerrard 5660 (12 lines)
Charities^ etc,— Contd. page
London Orphan School .... 3771
Miss Smallwood’s Society . . . 3759
Missions to Seamen 5
Mount Vernon Hospital . . . 3771
National Association of Discharged
Prisoners’ Aid Societies . . . 3799
National Association for the Prevention
of Tuberculosis 3764
National Children’s Home and Orphanage .3761
National Council of Young Men’s Chris-
tian Associations 3772
National Hospital for Diseases of the
Heart 32
National Institute for the Blind . . J,9
National Institute for the Deaf . . 3762
National Society for Cancer Relief . .3767
National Society for Epileptics . 37n0
National Temperance Hospital . . 10
National Union of Railwaymen’s Orphan
Fund 74
Newsvendors’ Institution . . . 37(»0
Poor Clergy Relief Corporation . 3764
Poplar Hospital for Accidents . . 3769
Printers’ Pension Corporation . 37<»8
Queen Mary’s Hospital . 37<>2
Reedham Orphanage . . 3761
Royal Caledonian Hchools . 3768
Royal Eye Hospital . . .10
Royal Hospital for Incurables . . 3764
Royal Merchant Navy School . . . 45
lioyal National llosjntal loi Consump-
tion, Ventnor 3764
Royal National Pension Fund for Nurses 3778
Royal Sailors’ Rests . . 3763
Royal School lor the Blind . . . 3768
Royal U. K. Beneficent Association . .37<>.5
St. Dunstan’s 32
St. Francis J^eper Guild .... 3769
St. John’s Hosjntal, Lewisham . . 3770
St. Mary’s Hospital . ... 3U
St. Thomas’s Hospital .... .3771
Salvation Army 38
School for the Blind . 3763
Shaftesbury Society .... 31
Westminster Hospital .... 3762
Woolwich Memorial Hospital . . 3770
Distillers. PAGE
John Haig lUOS*
Educational Section.
Schools and Colleges —
College of Estate Management . . 3U
Globe House, Hunstanton . . . 37.56
Guild Hall School of Music . . . 3754
London College of Music . . . 20
Royal Academy of Music . . . 3757
Royal College of Music . . . 3757
St. Bartholomew’s Hospital and
College 3755
Tutors —
Scoone’s 3753
Business and Secretarial Tiaining —
Mayfair Secretarial College . . . 37.54
Mrs. Hoster’s Secretarial Training
College 3756
St. James’s Secretarial College . . 32
Durham, W. H (Ltd ) . . . 3780
Jermyn Finance Co Ltd . . T81S*'
Hotels^ etc.
Be I A sh 1 1 e —
(Bray on Thames) Hotel de Paris . 3747
Ca til bridge sh lie —
(Cambridge) The University Arms
Hotel 3747
Cumberland —
(Keswick) The Keswick Hotel . . 3748
(Sidmouth) Fortfield Hotel . . . 3748
(Sid mouth) Victoria Hotel . . . 3748
(Yelvorton) Rock Hotel . . . 3749
Glouceste rsh ire —
(Tewkesbury) Royal Hop Pole Hotel . 3749
Kent —
(Folkestone) Lyndhurst Hotel . . 3749
Lancashire —
(St. Annes on the Sea) Hotel Ma^jestic 3750
(Cromer) Newhaven Court Hotel . . 3750
a I
Hotels, tic.-’ContcL PAofi
(Wansford) The Haycock Hotel . . 37f)0
Northumberland —
(Otterblirn) Otterburn Hall Hotel . 3750
(Bast Gnnstead) Ye Okie Felbndge
Hotel 3751
(Forest Row) The Roebuck Hotel , 3751
(Hastings) Alexandra Hotel . . 3752
(Haywards Heath) The Birch Hotel . 3752
(Anglesey) The Cliff Hotel, Trearddur
Bay 3747
(Grasmere) Prince of Wales Lake Hotel 3752
Harrogate Spa Corporation . . . J?4
House Assent.
Cathcart & Cathcart .... 3780
Insurance Companies.
Eagle Star and British Dominions In-
surance Co. Ltd. . . spine of volume, ^4
National Provident Institution . . 3777
Norwich Union Insurance Societies . 3778
Motorsi Accessories, etc.
Coup4 Co., Ltd. . . so
K.L.G. Plugs ... . 1818**
Newspapers, Magazines, etc.
English . . .... .375()
The Scotsman . . ‘^063*
Banner, H. R 3783
Photography. paqb
Kodak Ltd 8781
Railways, Steamships and Tours.
Booth Line 8772
Animal Defence and Anti-Vivisection
Society 3773
Humane Education Society . . 3756
National Anti-Vivisection Society . IS
National Canine Defence League . 3774
Royal National Pension Fund for
Nurses 3778
Royal Society for the Protection of
Birds S
Scottish Society for the Prevention of
Cruelty to Animals .... 3774
Society for the Preservation of the
Fauna of the Empire . . . 3781
United Humanitarian League . , 3774
Chartered Institute of Secretaries of
Joint Stock Companies, etc. . . 2
Chartered Society of Massage and
Medical Gymnastics . . . 3782
Incorporated Accountants ... 46
Incorporated Society of Auctioneers . 8780
Institute of Chartered Accountants 171/t*
Institute of Registered Architects 17U^*
London Association of Certified
Accountants . .... W
Royal Photographic Society . . 47
Stocks and Shares.
Stock Exchange 3782
Tetley & Butler 3780
Racecourse Betting Control Board . 16
For 60 years the National Union of Railwaymen
has been helping the widows and children of
deceased railway workers.
During this period the mothers of over 26,000
children have been assisted by monetary grants.
Over £1,000,000 have been paid in benefits.
At the present time 4,577 boys and girls are par>
The policy of the N.U.R. is to assist to keep the
home going when the breadwinner has been taken
away. Thus the children are not denied the
blessings of home influence.
Funds are urgently needed to carry on this great
work, the annual cost of which is approximately
150,000 railwaymen each contribute a small sum
weekly, but, as this is not sufficient to cover ex-
penditure, assistance is sought from the benevolent
The Secretary will gladly furnish further information
on application. Please write to—
John Marchbank,
Unity House,
Euston Road,
London, N.W.I
A 1 . First Rate (at Lloyd's)
A.A.G. . Assistant- Adjatant'General
A.A.M.C. . Australian Army Medical Corps.
A.B. . . Bachelor of Arts; able-bodied
Abp. . . Archbishop.
A.O* . • Ante Chnstum (before Christ).
A.C.A. . Associate of the Institute of
Chartered Accountante.
Acad. . . Academy.
A.C.G.I. . Associate of City and Guilds of
London Institute.
A.C.I.S. . Associate of the Cliartered In
stitute of Secretaries.
A . O . S . . Additional Curates Society.
A.D. . . Anno Domini.
A.D.C. . Aide-de-camp.
Ad etuid, . Ad eundem gradtm (admitted to
the same degree).
Ad^, . Adjutant.
Ad lib. . Ad Ixbitvm (at discretion).
Adm. . . Admiral.
A.D.M.S. . Assistant Director of Medical
A.D.O.S. . Assistant Director of Ordnance
AdT. . Advocate.
A.D.V.S. . Assistant Director of Veterinary
AdTt. . . Advertisement
A.E.C. . Army Educational Corps.
ABt., ABtat. (aged)
A.F.C. . Air Force Cross.
A.F.R.Ae.S. Associate Fellow Royal Aero-
nautical Society
Aft. Afternoon.
A.G. . . Attorney • General ; Adjutant-
A.G.I. . Associate of the Institute of
Certificated Grocers.
A.H.W.C. Associate of Heriot-Watt Col-
lege, Edinburgh.
A.I.B.D. . Associate of the Institute of
British Decorators.
A.I.O. . Associate of the Institute of
A.I.F. . Australian Imperial Forces.
A.l.G. . Adiutant-Inspector-General.
A.Inst.P.X. Associate of the Institute of
A.X.S.A, . Associate of the Incorporated
Secretaries’ Association.
A.K.O. . Associate of Kings College,
A.L.A. . Associate of the Library Asso-
Ala. . . Alabama (U S.).
A.L.A. A. . Associate of the London Associa-
tion of Chartered Accountants.
Alta. . . Alberta.
A.L.I. . . Argyll Light Infantry.
A.M. . . Ante Meridim (before mid-day) ,
Anno Mundx (in the year of the
world) ; Master of Arts ; Alpes
Maritimes ; Albert Medal.
A . M . I . E . E . Associate Member of Institute of
Electrical Engineers.
A.M.X.Mech.E. Associate Member In-
stitution of Mechanical En-
A.M.Inat.B.E. Associate Member of the In-
stitution of British Engineers
A.M.Inst.C.E. Associate Member of In-
stitution of Civil Engineers
A. M. I. Struct. E. Associate Member of the
Institution of Structural
A.M.S. . Assistant Military Secretary,
A.N.A. . Associate National Academician
Anat. . . Anatomy ; Anatomical
Anon. . . Anonymously.
A.O.D. . Army Ordnance Department.
A.P.D. . Army Pay Department.
A.P.S. . Aborigines Protection Society.
A.Q.M.G. . Assistant Quartermaster-General.
A.R.A. . Associate of the Royal Academy.
Ar. Agrt. . Army Agent.
A.R.A.M. . Associate of the Royal Academy
of Music.
A.R.B.C. . Associate Royal British Colonial
Society of Artists.
A. R.B. S. . Associate Royal Society of British
A.R.C.A. Associate Royal Cambrian
Academy ; Associate Royal
Canadian Academy.
A.R.C.A.(Lond.) Associate Royal College
of Art.
A.R.C.E. . Academical Rank of Civil En-
Areht. . . Architect.
A.R.G. M . . Associate of the Royal College of
A.R.C.O. . Associate Royal College of
A.R.C.S. . Associate Royal College of
Established in 1928 by the To operate Totalisators
Racecourse Betting Act at Horse Racecourses
By your patronage of
you are benefiting —
since the surplus funds from the operations of the
TOTALISATOR are devoted solely to these objects
The Racecourse Betting Control Board, 5 Praed Street, London, W.2
WHO’S WHO, 1938
. Associate of Boyal Society ot
Painter Etchers.
. Associate of the Boyal Institute
of British Architects.
Ark. .
. Arkansas (U.S.).
. Associate of the Royal Society of
Miniature Painters.
A.R.P.S. .
Associate of the Royal Photo-
graphic Society.
Associate Royal Scottish Academy.
. Associate Royal School of Mines
, Artist.
Associate Royal West of England
. Associate Royal Society of
Painters in Water-Colours.
A.S. .
. Anglo-Saxon.
. Associate of the Society of In-
corporated Accountants and
. Associate of the Society of Art
. Army Service Corps.
Abb. or ABBUt. Assistant.
Abb. CommlBB. Ocn. Assistant-Commissary-
Abboc. I.S.
,1. Associate of Iron and Steel
Abboc. Sc.
. Associate in Science.
ABtr. .
. Astronomy.
. Associate of Trinity College of
Music, London.
Atk. .
Athabasca (Canada).
A.V. .
. Authorised Version.
. Avenue.
. Army Veterinary Department.
B. .
b. .
born ; brother.
B.A. .
Bachelor of Arts.
Bachelor of Engineering.
Bachelor of Obstetrics.
Ball. .
Barr. .
Bart, or Bt
Batt. or Bn
British Broadcasting Corpora-
B.C. .
Before Christ ; British Columbia
. Bachelor of Surgery.
Bachelor of Civil Law.
, Bachelor of Commerce.
. Bengal Civil Service.
B.D. .
. Bachelor of Divinity.
. Board.
Bde. .
. Brigade.
B.E. .
. Bachelor of Engineering.
Bad*. .
. Bedfordshire.
British Expeditionary Force.
BerkB .
, Berkshire.
. Bachelor of Letters.
. British Medical Association.
. British Medical Journal.
. Brasenose College.
Bom. C.S.
. Bombay Civil Service.
Bom. S.C.
. Bombay Staff Corps.
Hot. .
. Botany; Botanical.
B.P. .
. British Public.
. Bishop.
, British Red Cross Society.
Brev. .
. Brevet.
Briff. .
. Brigade; Brigadier.
B.8. .
. Bachelor of Surgery.
. Bachelor of Scientilic Agri-
. Bengal Staff Corps.
B.Sc. .
. Bachelor of Science.
. Baronet; Brevet.
. British Troops in Egypt
B.Th. .
. Bachelor of Theology.
. Blessed Virgin Mary.
Bucks .
, Buckinghamshire.
. British West Indies.
(O.) .
. Conservative ; 100.
c. .
. Child - cousin.
. County Alderman ; Chartered
Accountant (Scotland).
C.A. .
Oal. .
. California (U.S.).
. Cambridgeshire.
. Of Cambridge University.
Capt. .
. Cavalry.
C.B. .
, Companion of the Bath.
. Commander Order of the British
C. B.S.A.
. Clay Bird Shooting Association.
C.C. .
. County Councillor ; Cricket Club ;
Cycling Club ; County Court.
. Corpus Christ! College.
C.C.S. .
. Ceylon Civil Service.
C.B. .
, Civil Engineer.
. Church of England Men’s Society.
. Church of England Temperance
C.F. .
. Chaplain to the Forces.
. Compare.
C.H. .
. Companion of Honour.
. Chief.
. Cliancellor; Chancery.
Chap. .
. Chaplain.
Cb.B, .
. Bachelor of Surgery.
. Christ Church.
. Christ's College.
Ch.M. .
. Master of Surgery.
Cbm. .
. Chairman.
C.I. .
. Imperial Order of the Crown of
Criminal Investigation Department.
C.I.E. .
. Companion of the Order of the
Indian Empire.
C.I. Meek
.E. Companion of the Institute of
Mechanical Engineers.
Olr. .
. Circus.
Circ. .
. Circa.
O.I.V. .
. City Imperial Volunteers.
O.J. .
. Chief Justice.
C.L. .
. Commander of Order of Leopold.
This Act) as enforced by successive Secretaries of State,
passed **to amend the law relating to cruelty to
animals has become ineffective and obsolete. There
are now 352 places in this country where experiments on
living animals are allowed by law to take place, there
are 1,982 licensed vivisectors of whom 263 are women,
but there are only 3 Government Inspectors.
Since the Act was passed, and some sort of record
had to be kept, the vivisectors admit to having per-
formed experiments on 7,824,880 living animals. What
has actually taken place none but the vivisectors and
their victims really know, but from the evidence of their
own publications the most atrocious cruelty takes place.
Is it not time that the Law was altered and this welter
of suffering and misery inflicted on helpless sentient
animals was stopped ?
The Society advocates the total abolition of scientific
experiments on living animals and seeks to attain this
object by every possible means.
The Society does not oppose, but, on the contrary,
supports any and every measure for the amelioration of
the present condition of vivisected animals, such as the
Dog’s Protection Bill.
Further particulars of cruel experiments on animals can be obtained from :
Telephone : VICTORIA 4705
WHO’S WHO, 1988
Cl. . Glass.
O.M. . . Congregation of the Mission
O.M. Master in Surgery.
O.M. . . Certificated Master.
O . M . G . . Companion of St. Michael and St
O . M . 8 . . Church Missionary Society.
0 . 0 . . Commanding Ofilcer.
0 . 0 . . Colonial Office.
Co. . County; Company.
0. ofE. . Church of England.
Co. If. or Coal. la. Coalition Liberal.
Col. . . Colony; Colonel.
Coll. . . College; Collegiate.
Colo. . . Colorado (U.S.).
Col.-Serfi;t. Colour-Sergeant.
Com. . Communist.
Comdi;. . Commanding.
Comdt. . Commandant.
Com.-in-Chf. Commander-in-Chief.
Comm. . Commander.
Comr. . . Commissioner.
Corny. -Gen. Commissary-General.
Conn. . . Connecticut (U.S.).
Corp. . . Corporal.
Corr. Mem. Corresponding Member or Fel
or Pell. low.
C.O.8. . Charity Organisation Society.
Co. U. or Coal. U. Coalition Unionist.
C.P. . . Cape ProMnce
C.P.R. Canadian Pacific Railway
C , R . . . Community of the Resurrection
Cr. Crown
cr. . . created.
C.R.A. Commander, Royal Artillery
C.R.E. . Commander, Royal Engineeia.
Crea. . . Orescent.
C.S. . . Civil Service.
C . 8 . C . . Conspicuous Service Cross.
C.S. I. . Companion of the Order of the
Star of India.
C.SS.R. Congregation of the Most Holy
Redeemer (Redemptorist Order).
C.T.C. . Cyclists’ Touring Olub.
C.U. . . Cambridge University.
C.U.A.C. . Cambridge University Athletic
C.U.B.C. . Cambridge University Boat
C.U.C.C. . Cambridge Univ. Cricket Club.
C.U.F.C. . Cambridge Univ. Football Club.
C.V.O. . Commander of the Royal Vic-
torian Order.
D. . . Duke; 600 (Roman numerals),
d. . . Pence ; died ; daughter.
jO.A. . . Diploma in Anaesthesia.
D.A.A.G. . Deputy- Assistant- Adjutant-Gen-
D.A.D.Q. . Deputy Assistant Director of
D.A.G. . Deputy- Adjutant-General.
D.A.Q.M.G. Deputy • Assistant • Quarter-
D.B.E. . Dame Commander Order of the
British Empire.
D.C. . . District of Columbia (U.S.).
D . C . If . . Doctor of Civil Law.
D.C.M. . Distinguished Conduct Medal.
B.C.S. . Doctor of Commercial Sciences.
D.C.T. . Doctor of Christian Theology.
D.D. . . Doctor of Divinity.
O.D.M.S. . Deputy Director of Medical
D . D . S . . Doctor of Dental Surgery.
de8* • Degree.
Del. . . Delaware (U.S.).
del. . (L delineavit), he drew.
Dele, or d. . Cancel.
D.Eng;. Doctor of Engineering.
Dep. . . Deputy.
Depart. Department.
D.F.C. Distinguished Flying Cross.
D.G. . Dragoon Guards.
D.G.M.W. Director-General of Military
D.H.Ii. . Doctor of Hebrew Literatuie.
D.I. . . Designer for Industry.
D . I . C . . . Diploma of the Imperial College.
Dioc. . . Diocese ; Diocesan.
Diplo. . Diplomatic.
Diat.R. . District Railway.
Ditto or do. (It.), the same.
DiT. . . Division ; Divorced.
D.L. . . Deputy- Lieutenant.
D . If . I . . . Durham Light Infantry.
D.Litt. or D.Lit. Doctor of Literature.
D.M. . . Doctor of Medicine.
D.O. . . Diploma in Ophthalmology
Do.or$ . Dollar.
D.O.C. . . District Officer Commanding.
Doc. Eng. . Doctor of Engineering.
D.O.M. Deo Optimo Maximo.
Dom. . . Dominus.
Dow. . . Dowager.
D.P.A. . Discharged Prisoners’ Aid.
D.P.H. . Diploma in Public Health.
Dr. . . Doctor ; Debtor,
dr. . . Drachm.
Dr. Univ. Par. Doctor of University of Pans.
D.S.C. . Distinguished Service Cross.
D.Sc. . Doctor of Science,
D.S.O. . Companion of the Dlstinguislied
Service Order.
d.s.p. . died without issue.
D.T.D. . Dekoratie voor Trouwe Dienst
(Decoration for Devoted bcr-
D.T.H. . . Diploma in Tiopical Hygiene.
D.Theol. . Doctor of Theology.
D.T.M, . Diploma ill Tropical Medicine.
D.V.H, . Diploma m Veterinary Hygiene.
D.V.S.M. Diploma in Veterinary State
B. . . . Bast; Earl,
e. . . . eldest.
Bbor. . . (Bboracensis) of York.
B.C. Central (postal district).
(Ltd. by Guarantee)
4TH JANUARY, 1 90s
T he Association has Branches and District
vSocieties in the principal towns of Great
Britain and Ireland, and also in South Africa
and Malaya.
The membership of the Association is approxi-
mately 3,650.
Members are not allowed to advertise or issue
circulars for business.
Admission can only be obtained by passing
the necessary examinations and satisfying the
Council as to practical experience and character.
The examinations ot the Association are held
twice yearly in the principal towns of Great
Britain and Ireland. Enquiries should be
addressed to the Secretary of the Association at :
Head Office :
WHO’S WHO. 1938
Bed. .
Ed. .
E.D. .
Bdin. .
Edue. .
Bdw. .
E.E. .
e.g. .
E.l. .
E.I.C.S. .
Bnej, Brit
Eng. .
er. .
eep. .
Ext. .
F.A. .
F.A.C.I. .
F.A.C.P. .
F.A.C.S. .
F.A.G.S. .
Fahr. . .
P.A.I. . .
F.A.N.Y. ,
F.A.S.B. .
F.B.O.U. .
F.B.S.M. .
F.O.G.I. .
F.C.I.I. .
F.C.I.S. .
F.C.O.G. .
Fcp. .
F.O.B. .
F.C.T.B. .
F.C.W.A. .
F.E.I.8. .
F.F.A.S. .
F.F.P.S. .
. English Church Union.
Efficiency Decoration
Early English
Egyptian Expeditionary Force
(L. exempli gratia), for example.
Bast Indian.
Bast India Company s Service.
Encyclopttpdia Britannica.
Football Association.
Fellow of the Australian Chemi
cal Institute
Fellow of Ameiican College of
Fellow of American College of
Fellow American Geographical
Fellow of Auctioneers’ Institute.
First Aid Nursing Yeomanry.
Fellow of Asiatic Soo of Bengal.
Fellow of the British Academy
Fellow British Ornithologists
Fellow i of the Birmingham
School of Music
Fellow of the Institute of Char
tered Accountants.
Fellow of City and Guilds of
London Institute.
Fellow of Coopers Hill College
Fellow of the Chartered Insur-
ance Institute.
Fellow of the Chartered Institute
of Secretaries.
Fellow of the College of Ob-
stetncs and Gynecology.
Fellow College of Preceptors.
Fellow of the Chemical Society
Federal Capital Territory.
Fellow of the College of Teachers
of the Blind.
Fellow of the Institute of Cost
and Works Accountants.
Fellow of the Educational Insti
tute of Scotland.
Fellow of Faculty of Actuaries.
Fellow of Faculty of Architects
and Surveyors, London.
Fellow of the Royal Faculty of
Physicians and Surgeons (Glas-
F.F.Sc. .
. Fellow of the Faculty of Sciences.
F.G.I. .
. Fellow of the Institute of Certifi-
cated Grocers.
. h ellow of the Geological Society.
. Fellow of Guildhall School of
F.I.A. .
. Fellow of Institute of Actuaries
. Fellow of Institute of Bankers.
, Fellow of the Institute of British
F.I.C. .
, Fellow of Institute of Chemistry
, Fellow of the International
Colonial Institute
Fellow of Institute of Directors.
. Fellow Incorporated Guildr of
Church Musicians.
. Fellow of the Imperial Institute
F.I.L. .
. Fellow of the Institute of
Fellow of Institute of Fuel.
t ellow of the Institute of
Fellow of the Institute of
Patentees (Incorporated)
F.I.O, .
Fellow of the Institute of
Ophthalmic Opticians.
Fellow of the Incorporated
Secretaries’ Association.
F.J.I. .
Fellow of Institute of Journalists.
Fellow of King’s College.
Fellow of the Library Association.
Fla. .
Florida (U.8 )
Fellow of the London Association
of Cei titled Accountants
Fellow of the Land Agents
Fellow of the Linnean Society.
F.M. .
Federated Malay States.
F.O. .
Foreign Office
P.O. .
Field Officer.
F.P.S. .
Fellow of Philosophical Society ;
also of Philharmonic Society ;
also of Pathological Society of
Great Britain
Fellow of the Royal Australasian
College of Surgeons
Fellow Royal Australian His-
torical Society.
F.R.A.I. .
Fellow of the Royal Anthropo-
logical Institute.
F.R.A.M. .
Fellow of the Royal Academy of
F.R.A.8. .
Fellow of the Royal Astronomical
Fellow of the Royal Aeronautical
F.R.B.8. .
Fellow of the Royal Botanic
F.R.O.M. .
Fellow of the Royal College of
F.R.O.O. .
Fellow of the Royal College of
F.R.C.P. .
Fellow of the Royal College of
Fellow of the Royal College of
Physicians of Edinburgh.
must still appeal for help
in the form of
Although it Is more than
since its foundation, it still looks after nearly
All information can be obtained from THE SECRETARY
Chairman : Headquarters :
Captain Sir Ian Fraser, C.B.E. Inner Circle,
Regent's Park,
Hon. Treasurer: London, N.W.I
Sir Neville Pearson, Bt. Tel. : Welbeck 7921
(St. Dunstan's is registered under the Blind Persons Act, 1920)
This Hospital treats patients from every County
in the Kingdom and is in urgent need of help.
Please assist it now and remember its splendid
work when making your Will.
Chairman— C. J. HAMBRO, M.C.
M Pt p 4 P$ p$ piS OB 00 00 00 09 00 00 hH
WHO'S WHO, 1938
F.R.O.S. . Fellow of the Royal College of
F.R.C.V.S. Fellow of the Royal College of
Vetennary Surgeons.
F.R.E.S. . Fellow of Royal Empire Society ;
Fellow of Royal Entomological
Society of London , Fellow of
Royal Economic Society
F.R.F.P.S. Fellow of Royal Faculty of Phy-
sicians and Surgeons.
F.R.O.S. . Fellow of the Royal Geographical
F.R. Hl»t. S. Fellow of Royal Historical Socy.
F.R. Hort.S. Fellow of the Royal Horticultural
F.R.I.B.A. Fellow of the Royal Institute of
British Architects.
F.R.M.S. . Fellow of th( Royal Microscopical
F.R. Met. S. Fellow of the Royal Meteoro
logical Society.
F.R.N.S. . Fellow of Royal Numismatic
F.R.N.8.A. Fellow Royal School Naval
F. R . P . S . . Fellow of the Royal Photographic
F.R.P.S.L. Fellow of the Royal Philatelic
Society, London.
.S. . Fellow of the Royal Sot lety.
.8. A. . Fellow of Royal Society of Arts
.S.A.I. Fellow of the Royal Society of
Antiquaries of Ireland.
S.C. . Fellow of the Royal Society of
.S.E. . Fellow of the Royal Society of
.S.G.S. Fellow of the Royal Scottish
Geographical Society. . Fellow of the Royal Society of
,S.M. Fellow of Royal Society of Mtdi
.S.N.Z. Fellow of Royal Society of New
,8.8. A, Fellow of Royal Society of South
Afi ica.
A. Fellow of the Society of Anti
A. A. . Fellow of the Society of In
corporated Accountants and
Arc. . Fellow of Society of Architects.
A.8cot. Fellow of the Society of Anti
quaries of Scotland.
E. . Fellow Society of Engineers.
I. . Fellow of Chartered Surveyors'
8. . Fellow of the Royal Statistical
C . 1> . . Fellow of Trinity College, Dublin
C.Ii. . Fellow of Trinity College ot
Music, London.
P.T.I. . . Fellow of the Textile Institute.
F . Z . 8 . . . Fellow of the Zoological Society
F. Z . 8 . 8cot . Fellow of the Zoological Society
of Scotland.
Ga. . . Georgia (U.S.).
G.B.E. . Knight or Dame Grand Gross
Order of the British Empire.
G.C.B. . Knight Grand Cross of the Bath.
G.C.H. . Knight Grand Gross of Hanover.
G.C.I.E. . Knight Grand Commander of the
Indian Empire.
G.C.M.G. . Knight Grand Cross of St. Michael
and St. George.
G.O.R. . Great Central Railway. See
G.C.S.I. . Knight Grand Commander of the
Star of India.
G.C.V.O. . Knight Grand Cross of Royal
Victorian Order
Gdna. . Gardens.
Gen. . . General.
G.E.R. . Great Eastern Railway. See
G.F.S.. . Girls Fi lendly Society.
Gib. . . Gibraltar.
G.L. . . Grand Lodge.
Glos. . . Gloucestershire
G.M.I.E. . Grand Master of Indian Empire,
G.M.S.I. . Grand Master of Star of India.
G.N.R. . Great Northern Railway. .Set,
G.O.C. General Officer Commanding.
G.O.C.-in-C. General Officer Commanding-
Goth. . Gothic.
Got. . . Governor.
GOTt. . . Government.
G.P.O. General Post Office.
Gr. . Greek.
Gram. Sch. Grammar School.
g. ». . . Grandson.
Q.S.O. . General Staff Officer.
G. W.R. . Great Western Railway.
H. A.C. . Honourable Artillery Company.
Hants . . Hampshire.
Harr. . . Harvard.
H.B.M. . His BrltanniL Majesty.
h. c. . honoris causa.
H.C.F. . Hon. Chaplain to the Forces.
H.E. . . His Excellency.
H .E . 1 . C . . Honourable Bast India Company .
H.E.I.C.8. Honourable East India Com-
pany’s Service.
Heir-app. . Heir-apparent.
Heir. pres. Heir-presumptive.
Herts . Hertfordshire.
H.F.A.R.A. Honorary Foreign Associate of
the Royal Academy.
H.F.R.A. . Honorary Foreign Member of the
Royal Academy.
H.H. . . His (or Her) Highness, His
H . 1 . H . . His (or Her) Imperial Highness.
H . I . M . . His (or Her) Imperial Majesty.
H.L.I. . Highland Light Infantry.
It is hoped that friends in all parts of the world will help In maintaining
St. Mary’s, with its great traditions of teaching, research and treatment,
second to none among the leading Hospitals of the Country.
General Sir Hubert Gough, G.C.M.G., G.C.B., K.C.V.O.
Chairman, Extension Appeal Fund, ST. MARY’S HOSPITAL, W.2
(Incorporated by Royal Charter)
35 Lincoln’s Inn Fields, London, W.C.2
Complete Courses of Preparation for the examinations of
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WHO’S WHO, 1938
H.M. .
. Hig (or Her) Majeety.
. Headmasters’ Conference.
. His Majesty’s Inspector.
. His Majesty’s Ship.
Hon. .
. Hononiable.
. Honorary.
h.-p. .
. Half-pay.
h.p. .
. Horse-power.
H.Q. .
. Headquarters.
. Home Ruler.
. Honorary Royal Cambrian
. His (or Her) Royal Highness.
. Honorary Member of Royal
Hibernian Academy.
H.R. I.
Hon. Member Royal Institute
of Painters m Water Colours.
Honorary Member of Royal
Scottish Academy.
His (or Her) Serene Highness.
Hum. .
Humanity, Latin.
Hunts .
la. .
I.A. .
Indian Army.
Incorporated Association of
Headmasters. ,
Ib. or Ibid.
Ibidem (in the same place).
i/c . . .
In charge.
l.C.A.A. .
Invalid Children’s Aid Society.
Icel. .
l.C.I. . .
Imperial Chemical Industries.
I.C.S. .
Indian Civil Service.
Id. . .
Idaho (U.S.).
idem (the same).
l.D.B. . .
illicit diamond buying.
i.d.c. . .
Completed a Course at, or served
for a year on the Staff of, the
Imperial Defence College.
id eat (that is).
I.E.S. .
Indian Educational Service.
I.P.S. .
Irish Free State.
I.H.S. . .
Jeans Hominum Salvator (Jesus
the Saviour of Men), more
correctly IHl, the first three
letters of the name of Jesus in
Illinois (U.8.).
I.Ii.P. .
Independent Labour Party.
Imp. .
Indian Medical Service.
Incoc* •
Incognito (in secret).
Ind. .
Indiana (U.S.).
Insp. .
Inst. .
Instant ; Institute.
I. ofM.
Isle of Man.
I.O.G.T. .
International Order of Good
I.O.O.P. .
Independent Order of Oddfellows.
I.O.P. .
Inst. Painters in Oil Colours.
I.P.S. .
Indian Police Service.
I.S.C. .
Indian Staff Corps.
I.S.R. .
Indian Service of Engineers.
1. 8.0. .
. Imperial Service Order.
I.T. .
. Indian Territory (U.8.).
Ital. or It.
. Italian.
ital. .
. Italics.
I.W. .
. Isle of Wight.
l.Z. .
. I Zmgari.
J.A. .
. Judge-Advocate.
. James.
. Jesus.
Job. Jno.
. John.
J.P. .
Justice of the Peace.
Jnn. Opt.
Junior Optime.
Kana. .
. Kansas (U.S.).
K.B. .
. Knight Bachelor.
Knight Commander Order of the
British Empire.
K.C. .
King’s Counsel.
Knight Commander of the Bath.
Commander of Order of Crown,
Belgian and Congo Free State.
Knight Commander of Hanover.
Knight Commander of the Indian
King's College, London.
Knight Commander of St. Michael
and St. George.
K.C. 8. 6.
Knight Commander of St. Gregory.
K.C. 8.1. .
Knight Commander of the Star of
K.C.V.O. .
Knight Commander of the Royal
Victorian Order.
King’s Dragoon Guards.
Keb. .
Keble College, Oxford.
King Edward’s Horse.
K.G. .
Knight of the Order of the Garter.
K.H. .
Knight of Hanover.
Hon. Chaplain to the King.
Hon. Physician to the King.
K.H. 8.
Hon. Surgeon to the King ;
Knight of the Holy Sepulchre.
K.-I.-H. .
K.O.S.B. .
King’s Own Scottish Borderers.
K.P. . .
Knight of the Order of St. Patrick .
King’s Royal Rifles.
K.8. .
King’s Scholar.
Knight of St. Gregory.
K.T. .
Knight of the Order, of the Thistle.
Kt. or Knt.
Ky. . .
Kentucky (U.S.).
(I-.) . .
Liberal. '
L. . .
50 (Roman numerals).
£ . . .
Pounds (sterling).
1. . . .
WHO’S WHO, 1988
L.A. .
Literate in Arts ; Liverpool
Louisiana (U.S.).
London Athletic Club.
L.-Oorp. or Lance-Oorp. Lance-Corporal.
Lancs .
Lat. .
lb. .
Pounds (weight).
London County Council.
Licentiate In Surgery.
Lord Chief Justice.
Licentiate of the College of
L. Div.
Licentiate in Divinity.
Licentiate of Dental Surgery.
(Liferorum Humaniorum Doctor)
Doctor of Literature.
Light Infantry.
Lie. M«d. .
Licentiate in Medicine.
Lieut. .
Line or Lines
Literature; Literary.
Lit. Hum. .
Doctor of Literature.
L.J. . .
Lord Justice.
Lady Literate in Arts.
LL.B. . .
Bachelor of Laws.
LL.D. .
Doctor of Laws.
Master of Laws.
L.M. .
Licentiate m Midwifery.
L.M.C.C. .
Licentiate of Medical Council
of Canada.
Ij.M.S. . London, Midland and Scottish
Ii.N.E.R. . London and North-Eastern
I«. ofC. . Lines of Communication.
lon-K. . . Longitude. •
loq. . Loquitur (speaks).
It.R.C.P. . Licentiate of the Royal College
of Physicians.
li.R.C.P.E. Licentiate Royal College of
Physicians, Edinburgh.
la.R.C.S. . Licentiate of the Royal College
of Surgeons.
la.R.C.S.E. Licentiate of the Royal College
of Surgeons, Edinburgh.
L.R.F.P.S. Licentiate of the Royal Faculty
of Physicians and burgeons.
la.R.I.B.A. Licentiate Royal Institute of
British Architects.
la.S.A. . . Licentiate of the Society of
i&.s.d. . . Pounds, shillings, and pence;
lit. . Light (e.g. Light Infantry).
Lt. or Lieut. Lieutenant.
L.T.C.L. . Licentiate of Trinity College of
Music, London.
Lt.-Col. . Lieutenant-GoloneL
Lt.-6en. . Lieutenant-General.
L.Th. . . Licentiate in Theology.
(L.U.) . . Liberal Unionist.
L . U . O . T . C . London Univ ersi ty Officers’ Tram •
ing Corps.
. Septuagint.
Great Marlborough Street, London, W.1.
Pat/ CHS :
Principal. — F. J. KARN, Mus Doc. Toronto, Mus. Bac. Cantab.
Vice-Principal.-LEONARD N. FOWLES, Mus Doc. Oxon
Director Of Examinations.— G. AUGUSTUS HOLMES.
in Elocution, are held at over 300 Local Centres m the United Kingdom
three times in each year, in April, July and December.
THE HIGHER EXAMINATIONS in Practical music and Elocution for
the Diplomas of Associate (A. L.C.M.) and Licentiate (L. L.C.M. ) are held in
London and certain Piovincial centres in the above months, and for the Diplomas
of Associate in Music (.V. Mus. L.C.M.), Licentiate in Music (L.Mus.L.C. M. ),
the Teachers’ Diploma and Fellowship, the Examinations are held in July and
SYLLABUS and all particulars can be obtained of the Secretary.
In the Educational Department Students are received and trained in
all musical subjects under the best Professors at moderate fees.
Tuition by correspondence in the Theory of Music.
Three-Manual Organ for lessons and practice.
Full particulars in either department on application to
WHO'S WHO, 1»38
Marquess ; Member ; Monsieur ;
M.A. .
Master of Arts.
Metropolitan Association for Be-
friending Young Servants.
Mas. .
Magnetism or Magazine.
Magdalen ; Magdalene.
Master of Engineering (Magister
in Arte Ingeniaria).
MaJ.-Gen. .
Man. .
Manitoba (Canada).
Master of Obstetric Art.
Marq. .
Mass. .
Massachusetts (U.S.).
Math. .
Mathematics ; Mathematical.
M.B. .
Bachelor of Medicine.
Member of the Order of the
British Empire.
M.B.O.U. .
Member British Ornithologists’
M.C. .
Military Cross.
Marylebone Cricket Club.
M.Ch. .
Master in Surgery.
, Member of Civil and Mech.
Engineers' Society.
M.C.O.G. .
Member of British College of
Obstetricians and Gynae-
Master of Commerce.
Madras Civil Service.
M.D. .
Doctor of Medicine; Military
Md. .
Maryland (U.S.).
Maine (U.S.).
M.B. .
Mining Engineer.
M.E.G. .
Member of Executive Council.
Mech. .
Med. .
MU. . . Military.
M.l.M.S. . Member of Institution of Mining
M.I.Mecli.B. Member Institution of Mechani-
cal Engineers.
Min. . . Minister.
M.I.N.A. . Member of Institution of Naval
Minn. . . Minnesota (U.S.)*
M.Inst.C.B. Member of Institution of Civil
M. Inst. Gas E. Member Institution of Gas
M . Inst . M . E . Member of Institution of Mining
M. Inst. Met. Member of the Institute of
M .Inst . M . M . Member Institution of Mining
and Metallurgy.
M.Inst.P.I. Member of the Institute of
Patentees (Inc.).
M.Inst.P.T. Member of the Institute of
Petroleum Technologists.
M.Inst.T. . Memberof the Institute of Trans-
M.Inst.W.E. Member of the Institution of
Water Engineers.
M.I.S.I. . Member of Iron and Steel
Miss. . . Mississippi (U.S.).
M.l. Struct. E. Member of the Institution of
Structural Engineers.
M.J.I.. . Member of Institute of Jour-
M.J.S. . Member of the Japan Society. . . Licentiate in Medicine.
M.Ia.A. . Member of Legislative Assembly.
M.Ia.C. . Member of Legislative Council.
Mils. . . MademoiselU (Miss).
M.L.S.B. . Member London School Board.
Mme. . Madame.
M.E.I.C. . Member Engineering Institute M.M.S.A. Master of Midwifery Society of
of Canada. Apothecaries.
Mem. . . Mcmoiandum.
M.Engr. Master of Engineering.
Met.R. . Metropolitan Railway.
M.F.G.B. . Miners’ Federation of Great
M.F.H. . Master of Foxhounds.
M.Q.I. . Member of the Institute of
Certificated Grocers.
Mirr. . . Monsignor.
M . H . A. . Member of House of Assembly.
M.H.R. Member House of Representa-
M.I.A.E. . Member of the Institute of Auto-
mobile Engineers.
M.I.Ae.E.. Member Inst, of Aeronautical
Mich. . . Michigan (U.S.).
M.l.Chem.E. Member of the Institution
of Chemical Engineers.
M.I.E.A. . Member Institution of Engineers,
M . I .B.E. . Member of Institute of Electrical
M.I.E.I. Member of Institution of
Engineering Inspection.
Mo. Missouri (U.IS.).
Mods. . Moderations (Oxford).
M.O.H. . MasterofOtter Hounds; Medical
Officer of Health.
Mon. . . Montana (U.S.).
Moot Rct. Most Reverend (of an Archbishop).
M.P. . . Member of Parliament.
M . P . P . . M ember of Provincial Parliament.
M.P.S. . Member of Pharmaceutical
M.R. . . Master of the Rolls; Midland
Railway ; Municipal Reform.
M . R . A. S . . Member of Royal Asiatic Society.
M.R.C. . Medical Research Council.
M.R.C.P. . Memberof the Royal College of
M.R.C.P.E. Member of the Royal College of
Physicians, Edinburgh.
M.R.C.S. . Member Royal College of Sur-
M.R.O.S.E. Memberof the Royal College of
Surgeons, Edinburgh.
M.R.C.V.S. Member of the Royal College of
Veterinary Surgeons.
WHO’S WHO, 1938
M.R.l.A. .
M.R.S.T. .
M.S. .
M8., MSS.
M.Sc. .
M.T.P.I. .
Mns.D. .
Mns.M. .
(N.) .
N. .
n. .
N.A. .
Member of the Royal Irish
Member of Royal Sanitary In-
Member of Royal Society of
Member of the Royal United
Service Institution.
Master of Surgery
Manuscript, Manuscripts.
Madras Stafl Ck>rps.
Master of Science.
Master of Stag-hounds.
Manchester, Sheffield, and Lin.
colnshire Railway.
Member Society of Radiographers.
Member of Town Planning In-
Bachelor of Music.
Doctor of Music.
Master of Music.
Member of the Royal Victorian
National Academician.
N.B. . .
New Brunswick ; (L. Noia Bene,
North British Academy.
North British Railway. See
L. A N.B.R.
N.C. . .
North Carolina (U.S.).
National Cyclists* Union.
N.D.A. .
National Diploma in Agriculture.
N. Dak. .
North Dakota (U.S.).
N.B. .
Neb. . .
Nebraska (U.B.).
, North-East Coast Institution of
Engineers and Shipbuilders.
nem. eon. .
Nemine contradicente (no one con-
tradicting ; unanimously.
North • Eastern Railway. See
L.& N.B.R.
New. .
Nevada (U.S.).
NewM. .
New Mexico (U.B.).
N.H. . .
New Hampshire (U.B.'.
N.I. .
Native Infiuitry.
Naval Intelligence Division.
N.J. . .
New Jersey (U.8.).
National Liberal Federation.
N orth -north-east.
N.N.W. .
N orth-north- west.
N orthamptonahlre.
Notts .
N.P. . .
Notary Public.
National Rifle Association.
N.S. . .
Nova Scotia; New Style in the
Calendar (in Great Britain
since 1752) ; National Society.
Founded 1845
Treats all Patients irrespective of
Nationality and Creed and is dependent entirely
In 1936 : Out-Patient attendances were 108,870
New In-Patients treated 2,669
A limited number of single rooms are available for private patients
are urgently needed and wi II be grateful ly acknowledged
The Hospital’s Loss (Excess of Expenditure
over Income) in 1936 was £4,879 : 5 : 1 1
Will YOU kindly help us to reduce it ?
Send your enquiries and remittances to the SECRETARY
29 WHO’S WHO. 1938
Graduate of Royal Naval Staff
College, Greenwich.
National Skating Aaaociation.
National Society for Prevention
of Cruelty to Children.
N.8.W. .
New South Wales.
N.T. .
New Testament ; Northern Terri-
tory of South Australia.
National University of Ireland.
National Union of Teachers.
N.U.T.N. .
National Union of Trained
National Union of Women
N.W. .
North-West Frontier Province.
N.W.P. .
North-Western Provinces.
N.W.T. .
North-Western Territories.
N.Y. .
New York — City or State.
New York City.
N.Z. . .
New Zealand.
O. .
Ohio (U.S.).
o. .
O. AO.
Oriental and Occidental (Steam-
ship Co.).
Officer Order of the British
only child.
0.0. . .
Officer Commanding.
O.D. .
Ordinary seaman.
Order of Friars Minor.
O.H.M.S. .
On His Majesty’s Service. . .
Officer of the Order of Leopold.
O.M. .
Order of Merit.
Oblate of Mary Immaculate,
O.P. .
OrdinU PrasdictUorvm « of the
Order of Preachers (Dominican
BccleHiastical Title).
0.8. .
Old Style in the Calendar (in
Great Britain before 1752).
only son.
Ontario Society of Artists.
Order of St. Benedict.
O.8.F.C. .
Franciscan (Capuchin) Order.
O.8.N.C. .
Orient Steam Navigation Co.
Ore. . .
Oregon (U.S.).
O.T. .
Old Testament.
O.U. .
Oxford University.
O.U.A.C. .
Oxford University Athletic Club.
O.U.B.C. .
Oxford University Boat Club.
O.U.C.C. .
Oxford University Cricket Club.
O.U.F.C. .
Oxford University Football Club
Oxon .
Oxfordshire; of Oxford.
F. . . .
Pennsylvania (U.S.).
p.a.c. .
passed the final examination of
the Advanced Class, The Mili-
tary College of Science.
Pari. Act. .
Parliamentary Agent.
P.A.8.I. .
Professional Associate Char-
tered Surveyors’ Institution.
P.C. .
Privy Councillor; Police Con-
stable ; Perpetual Curate ;
Peace Commissioner (Irish
Free State).
per centium (by the hundred);
post- card.
Principal Colonial Medical Officer.
P.F. .
Pb.D. .
Doctor of Philosophy
Pbil. .
Pbyx. .
pinx. .
(He) painted it.
Place; Plural.
Plan. .
Principal Medical Officer.
President Miniature Society.
P. O. Peninsular and Oriental Steamship Co.
P.O. .
Post Office ; Postal Order.
P.P. .
Parish Priest.
Pp. -
P.Q. .
Province of Quebec.
P.R. .
Prize ring (The).
President of the Royal Academy.
Preb. .
Pres. .
P.R. I. .
President of the Royal Institute
of Painters in Water Colours.
Prin. .
Proc. .
Proctor ; Pioceedinj^s.
Prof. .
Pro tern.
Pro tempore (for the lime beiiiK).
Prow. .
Proximo (next).
President of the Royal Society.
President Royal Society of
Painters in Water Colours.
P.S. .
Pastel Society.
passed School of Instruction (of
Graduate ofR.A.F. Staff College.
p.s.c. -
passed Staff ('ollege.
Pacific Steam Navigation Oo.
Pte. .
Pnvate (soldier).
Please turn over.
Pty. .
Public Works Department (roads,
buildings. Gov. railways, tele-
graphs, etc.).
Q. . . .
Q.A.R.N.N.S. Queen Alexandra’s Royal
Naval Nursing Service.
Q.C. . .
Queen's GounseL
Queen's Honorary Physician.
. Quarter.
Qto. .
Quarto (folded in four).
Queen’s University, Belfast.
Q.U.I. .
Queen’s University in Ireland.
q.w. .
quod vide (which see).
09> <d OB <
< < < < < ^ < < < M PQ « « d d d d d
pi iti A tipi pi pitititipi tipiti tititi
WHO’S WHO, 1938
(R.) . Radical.
R. . . Rector,
r. . . right.
R.A. . Royal Academician ; Royal
R.A.C. . Royal Automobile Club ; Royal
Agricultural College.
. Royal Air Force.
Royal Academy of Music.
,C. . Royal Army Medical Corps.
C. . Royal Army Ordnance Corps.
C. . Royal Army Pay Corps.
Royal Artillery.
Royal Astronomical or Asiatic
3. . Royal Army Service Corps.
C. . Royal Army Veterinary Corps.
Rifle Brigade.
. Royal Society of British Artists.
. Royal British Colonial Society
of Artists.
. Royal Society of British Sculptors.
. Roman Catholic.
. Member Royal Cambrian Acad-
emy ; Member Royal Canadian
. Royal College of Music.
. Royal College of Surgeons.
3. . Royal College of Veterinary Sur-
R.D. . . Rural Dean ; Royal Naval Reserve
Rd. . Road.
R.E. . . Royal Engineers; Fellow of Royal
Society of Painter Etchers.
Rear^Adm. Rear-AdmiraL
Rect. . Rector.
Regr. Prof. Regius Professor.
Reirt. . . Regiment.
Res. . Resigned ; Reserve.
Rer. Reverend.
R.F.A. . Royal Field Artillery.
R.O.A. . Royal Garrison Artillery.
R.G.S. . Royal Geographical Society.
R . H .A. . Royal Hibernian Academy; Royal
Horse Artillery.
R.H.G. Royal Horse Guards.
R.H.S. . Royal Humane Society.
R.I. . . Royal Institute of Painters in
Water Colours ; Rhode Island.
R.I.B.A. . Royal Institute of British
R.I.B. . Royal Indian Engineering (Coll.).
R.I.M. Royal Indian Marine.
R.I.N. . Royal Indian Navy.
R.I.P. . RtquxesccU in pace (May he or she
rest in peace).
R.M. . . Royal Marines; Resident Magis-
R.M.A. Royal Marine Artillery; Royal
Military Academy, Woolwich.
R.M.C. . Royal Military College, Sand-
R.M.Ii.I. . Royal Marine Light Infantry.
R.M.O. . Resident Modical Officer.
R.M.S. . Royal Microscopical Society ;
Royal Mail Steamer ; Royal
Society of Miniature Painters.
Chauffeur Driven or Self-Drive
A modem Service at rates which make the
r unning of youT own Car an extravagance
and Motor Cab Company of Great Britain Ltd.
WHO’S WHO, 1938
R.N. . .
R.K.R. .
R.N.V.R. .
R. Of O. .
Roj. .
R.P. . .
R.S.P.B. .
R.8.W. .
Rt. Hon. .
Rt. Rot. .
R.U. . .
R.U.S.I. .
R.V. .
R.W.A. .
R.W.S. .
Royal Navy.
Royal Naval Rasarva.
Royal Naval Volnnteer Reserve.
Reserve of OflBicers.
Royal Institute of Oil Painters.
Member Royal Society of Por-
trait Painters.
Royal Red Cross.
Royal Scottish Academy.
Royal Society of Edinburgh.
Royal Society of Literature.
lUilway Sub-Office.
Royal Society for Protection of
Royal Society for Prevention of
Cruelty to Animals.
Royal Scottish Water Colour
Right Honourable.
Right Reverend (of a BishopX
Religious Tract Society; Royal
Toxophilite Society.
Rugby Union.
Royal University of Ireland.
Royal United Service Institution.
Revised Version.
Member of Royal West of England
Royal Society of Painters in
Water Colours.
Royal Tacht Squadron.
(S.) . .
s. . . .
succeeded ; South ; Saint.
s. .
Son ; ahillinga.
S.A. . .
South Australia ; South Africa.
Salop .
S.C. . .
South Carolina (U.S.).
a. e.
Student at the Staff College.
Society for Checking the Abuses
of Public Advertising.
Sc.D. .
Doctor of Science.
Sch. .
Student in Civil Law.
iculpiU (he engraved).
S. Dak.
South Dakota (U.S.).
Social Democratic Federation.
S.E. .
Selw. .
Selwyn Coll. Cambridge.
South - Eastern Railway. See
Serjt. .
S.G. . .
S.J. .
Society of Jesus (Jesuits).
S.I.. .
School of Military Engineering.
(Ragged School Union 1844)
Patrons : HM. The King, The Queen, and Queen Mary
1 90 Associated Missions in Poorest London
7,200 Cripples registered and assisted
1 2,000 Fortnights’ Holidays provided
16 Children’s Homes and Camps, etc.
Barefoot Mission
Legacies Treasurer : Sir Charles J. O. Sanders, K.B.E.
Invited John Kirk House, 32 John Street, London, W.C.i
Annual Illustrated Report with Audited financial statement sent upon request
WHO’S WHO, 1938
Sots. . . Sovereigns.
s.p. . tins prote (without leaue).
8.P.O.K. . Society for Promoting OhristUn
S.P.G. . Society for the Propagation of
the Gospel.
S.P.R.C. . Society for Prevention and Relief
of Cancer.
Sq. . Square.
8.R. . . Special Reserve ; Southern Rail-
S.R.N. . State Registered Nurse.
88. . Steamship, Saints.
5.8. C. . . Solicitor before Supreme Court
8 . 8 . M . . Society of the Sacred Mission.
St. . Street ; Saint.
St. Alb. Hall. St. Alban Hall.
S.T.D. . Sacne Theologise Doctor (Doctor
of Sacred Theology).
St. Edm. Hall. St. Edmund Hall.
Stip. . Stipend ; Stipendiary.
S.T.L. . . Sa^'rre TheologicB Lector (Reader of
a l*rof«MMtjr of Sacrtnl Theology).
S.T.M. SacrsB Theologise Magister.
S.T.P. . . Sacrat Theologias Professor (Pro-
fessor of Divinity, old form of
Supp. Res. Supplemental y Reserve (of
Supt. . . Superintendent.
Surgr. . . Surgeon.
Stunr, . . Surviving.
S.W. . . South-west.
S3m. . Synonymous; synonym.
T. .
T.A. .
Telegraphic Address ; Territorial
Tasm. .
Trinity College, Dublin.
T.D. .
Territorial Decoration.
T.P. .
Territorial Forces.
T.P. .
Transvaal Province.
Their Royal Highnesses.
Temp. .
Temperature; Temporary.
Term. .
Tennessee (U.S.A.).
Ter. or Terr.
Tex. .
Texas (U.S.).
Thames Rowing Club ; Tithes
Rent Charge.
Trin. . .
Tertiary of St. Dominick.
Thames Yacht Club; Two-Year-
Old Course.
. Unionist.
u. .
. Uncle.
U.C. .
. University College.
. Urban District Council.
U.F. .
. United Free Church.
U.K. .
United Kingdom.
S the §
S Secretarial COLLEGE S
■ The Rt. Hon. and Rt. Rev. The Lord Bishop op London 9
U The Lady Valda Machell The Rt. Hon. Viscount Rothermerb U
■ The Lady Katharine Seymour Sir Woodman Burbidqe, Bart., C.B.E. ■
y The Dowager Lady Sysonby The Very Rev. The Dean op Durham, D.D. y
■ Miss Lilian C. Barker, C.B E. Sir Lyndbn Maoassey, K.C. ■
y Etc. y
For Women and Girls of Gentle Birth and Good Education y
Prospectus and Particulars from The Secretary ^ Q
□ ST. JAMES’S Secretarial COLLEGE B
g 34 & 35 GROSVENOR PLACE, S.W. I g
9 Telephone: Sloans 7798. ■
9 who is really efficient, intelligent, and of good 9
y birth and education, apply to the above College. y
33 * VSHO’S WHO, 1938
Ult. . . Uttimo (ladl).
XJniT. . . UniTarslty.
U.P. . . United Presbyterian.
U.S. . . United States.
U.S.A. . United States of America.
V. . . Five (Roman numerals); Versien;
Vicar; Visoonnt; Vice.
. . . Term (against).
▼. or ▼id. . Vidt (see).
V.A. . . Victoria and Albert.
Va. . . Virginia (U.S.).
V.C. . Victoria Oross.
V.D. . . Volunteer Ofllcers’ Decoration.
Ven. . . Venerable (of an Archdeacon).
Very Rer. Very Reverend (of a Dean).
Vet. , . Vetermary.
V.H.S. . Hon. Surgeon to Viceroy of
Vice-Adm. Vice-Admiral.
Vlct. . . Victoria.
Vise. . . Viscount.
▼is. Viddicet (namely).
V.L. . . Vice-Lieutenant.
V . M . H . . Victoria Medal Horticulture.
Vol. . . Volume; Volunteers.
V.P. . . Vice-President.
V.R. . . Victoria RegvM {(^neenYiGtoTiA).
V.R. et I. . Victoria Bogina et Imperatnx
(Victoria Queen and Empress)
Vt. . . Vermont (U.S.).
W. . West.
W.A. . . West Australia.
Wadh. . Wadham.
Waah. . Washington State (U.S.).
W.I. . . West Indies.
Wilts . . Wiltshire.
Wis. . . Wisconsin (U.B.).
W.Ii.F. . Women's Liberal Federation.
Wm. . . William.
W.O. . . War Office.
W.S. . Writer to the Signet.
W.S.P.U. . Women’s Social and Political
W. Va. . West Virginia (U.8.).
Wyo. . . Wyoming (U.S. ).
X. . . Ten (Roman numerals).
Xmas . . Ohristmas.
y. . . . youngest
yds. . Yards.
Yeo. . Teomaury.
Y. M.C.A. . Young Men’s ChriBiian xYssocia-
Yorks . . Yorkshire,
yr. . . younger.
yrs. . . Years.
Y.W.C.A. . Young Women’s Uhnstian Ahbo-
Abensur^ Isaac Aaron, 14 Feb. ’37.
Acklom, Capt. Cecil flyther, C.13., C.B.E., 12
June ’37.
Aclandj Col. Alfred Dyke, C.D.E , 22 March ’37
Adams, Hon. Alexander Samuel, 10 Sep. ’37.
Adams, Sir Arthur (Robert), K H.E., 3 Apr. ’37
Adams, Rev. Canon Samuel Trerice, 31 Dec ’30
Airnew,Col. Quentin(GraliamKinnaird),D.S.() ,
M.V.O., 3 Mar. ’37.
Aickin, Very Rev. George Ellis, 4 Aug. ’37.
Alrey, John Robinson, 10 Sep. '37.
Ajasa, Sir Kitoyi, O B.E., 29 May '37.
Alexander, Frederick William, O B E., 14
Mar '37.
Allcbin, Thomas, I.S.O , 17 Dec. ’36.
Allen, Sir Ernest King, 9 July ’37.
Allen, Raymond Cecil, C.M.G , 0 Sep. ’37
Alston, Sir Charles Ross, 28 Jan. ’37.
Alwar, Maharaj of, G.C.S.I., G.C.I.E., 19
May ’37.
Anderson, Admiral Sir(David) Murray, K.C.B.,
K.C.M.G., M.V.O , 30 Oct. ’3(5.
Anderson, Henry Aiken, C S.I., 21 Dec. ’30.
Andrews, Lewis Yelland, O B.E., 2(> Sep ’37.
Anstey, Eng.-Rear-Adm. William John, C.B.,
13 Dec. ’30.
Antlll, Maj.-Gen John Macciuane, C, B., (^♦^EG ,
1 Mar. ’37.
Apperson, George Latimer, l.S ()., 17 Jan. ’37.
Apthorp, Major Shirley East, D.S.O., 14
May ’37.
Armstrong:, Henry Edward, KR.S , 13
July ’37.
Arrowsmlth-Brown, Lt.-Col. James Arnold,
D 8.O., 15 June '37.
Ashby, Col. George Ashby, C.B., 10 June ’37.
Ashby, Very Rev. Paul Ogilvn*, 12 March ’37.
Ashley, Walter, 20 Jan. ’37.
Ashton, Algernon Bennet Langton, 10 Apr. ’37.
Ashton, Margaret, 15 Oct. ’37.
Aspinall, Sir John Audley Frederick, 19
Jan. ’37
Atkinson, Ven. Edward Dupre, 26 Apr ’.37
Attenborough, Charles Leete, 0 Mar. ’37.
Aubrey-Pletcher, Sir Lancelot, 5th Bt ,
5 Jan. ’37.
Austen, Brig. -Gen. Heibeit' Henry, C.B.,
C.M.Q., D.S.O., 27 Apr. ’37.
Aylmer, Gerald Percy Vivian, 20 Dee. ’36.
Baden-Powell, Major Baden Fletchei Smyth,
3 Oct. ’37.
Badgerow, Sir George W., C.M G., C.V.O.,
9 May ’37.
Bagshawe, Arthur Clement, C.M.G., 14
Aug. ’37.
Baldock, Major-Gen. Thomas Stanford, C.B.,
28 Aug. '37.
Balfour-Melville, Leslie Melville, 16 July
Barham, George Titus, 8 July ’87.
Bark, Sir Peter, Hon. G.C.V.O., 16 Jan. ’37.
Barker, Rev. Peter, 28 Mar. ’37.
Barnard, Joseph Terence Owen, C.I.E., C.B.B.,
17 Nov. ’.36
Barnes, Rt. Rev. Mgr. Arthur Stapylton, 13
Nov. ’36.
Barnett, Charles Pldward, 15 Feb. ’37.
Barr, Commander James, C.B., Mar. *37.
Barrie, Sir James Matthew, 1st Bt., O M., 19
J line ’37 (ext ).
Bartholomew, John, () B.E., 3 Sep. ’37.
Bartolo, Hon. Prof. Sii Augustus, 20 Feb.
Barton, Rt. Hon. Sir (Dunbar) Plunket, P.C.
(Ire ), 1st Bt., 11 Sep. ’37 (ext ).
Barton, Sir John George, C.B , 20 Mar. ’37.
Batchelor, Francis Malcolm, 21 Mar, ’37.
Bateman, Bng.-Gen. Bernaid Montague
C. M.G., 15 Mar. ’37.
Bavin, John Thomas, 20 June ’37.
Beckett, Hon. Sir (William) Gervase, Ist Bt.,
24 Aug. ’37.
Bedford, Duchess ot, D.B.E , on or since 22
Mar. ’37.
Begg, John, 23 Feb. ’37.
Bell, Col. Edward, C.M.G., 5 Feb. '37.
Bell, Harry Charles Purvis, 6 Sep ’37.
Belli Herbert Wnght, 29 Dec. '36.
Bell, Sir James, C.V.O., 1 Sep. ’37.
Belli Norris Garrett, C B.E., 12 Jan. ’37.
Bell, Robeit (of N Z ), 24 Aug. ’37.
Bennett, Rev. Frederick Geoige, 14 Feb. ’37.
Bennetti William Bxall Tempest, C.S.I., 12
Aug. ’37.
Benuarrat, 7tb Baron of, 20 June '35.
Benzinger, Immanuel G A.
Beresfordf Rev. Charles John, 20 Nov. ’36.
Berkeley, Lt.-Col. Arthur Mowbray, C.I.B.,
23 Mar. ’37.
Berkeley, Esse\ Digby, I.S O., 25 Oct. ’3(5.
Berry, Sir William John, K.CLB., 5 Apr. '37.
Bertram, Sir Anton, !(> Sep. ’37
Bickersteth, Rev Montagu Cynl, 19 Dec. '36.
Bickersteth, Rev. Samuel, 18 May ’37.
Binstead, Herbert Ernest, 21 Feb. ’37.
Birch, De Burgh, 18 Sep. ’37.
Birchenough, Sir Henry, 1st Bt., G.C.M.G.,
12 May ’37 (ext ).
Birtwistle, Bng.-Gen. Arthur, O.B., C.M.Q.,
D. S.O., 12 May ’37.
Black, Charles Ciofton, 20 Jan. ’37.
Blackden, Col. and Hon. Brig. -Gen. Leonard
Shadwell, C.B.E., 31 May ’37.
Blacket, Wilfred, K.C., 6 Feb. ’37.
Blakeway, Bng.-Gen. John Piestwich, C.M.G.,
20 Dec. ’3(5.
Bland, Rev. Edward Michael, 9 Aug. ’36.
Bland-Sutton, Sir Jolin, Ist Bt., 20 Dec. ’36
Blathwayt, Robert Wynter, 2 Nov. ’36.
Blenkinsop, Map -Gen. Sir Alfred Percy,
K C.B , C.M.G., 3 Nov. ’36.
Blindell, Sir James, M.P., 10 May ’37.
Blundell, F'rancis Nicholas, 28 Oct. ’36.
Blyth, Alfred Carleton, C.B.E., 2 Nov. ’36.
Blythswood, 5th Baron, 3 March ’37.
WHO’S WHO, 1938
Boileau^ Sir Maurice Colborne, 8rd Bt., 13
Sep. '37.
Bomanji^ Sir Dhunjlbhoy, 1 Apr. *37.
Bombay, R.C. Archbishop of, Most Rev. Mgr.
Joaquim Rodrigues Lima, July ’36.
Bond, Henry Coulson, 12 June ’37.
Booty Rev. Alfred, 7 Feb. ’37.
Boothby, Capt. Evelyn Leonard Beridge,
D.S.O., 14 Jan. ’37.
Borden, Rt. Hon. Sir Robert (Laird), P.C.,
G.C.M.G., K.C., 10 June ’37.
Boreely Sir Jacob William Qiistaaf, 10 July ’37.
Borland, John Ernest, 16 May ‘37.
Borthwicky Albert William, O B.E., 19
Apr. '37.
Borthwicky Henry, 27 May ’37.
Bong^hton, Sir William St. Andrew Rouse, 12th
Bt., 9 Sep. ’37.
Bourke, Maj.-Gen. Sir George Deane, K C.M G.,
C.B., 7 Dec. ’30.
Bowen, Lt.-Col. William Allan, D.S.O., 0 Sep.
37 .
Bowen, William Herbert, M.V.O., 17 Jan. ’87.
Bowers, Frederick Gatua, C.B., C.B.B., 15
July ’37.
Boyce, Maj.-Gen. Sir William George Bertram,
K.C.M.G., C.B., D.S.O., 18 July ’37.
Boyd, Mary Stuart, 28 July ’37.
Boyd Carpenter, Major Sir Archibald Boyd,
M.P., 27 May ’37.
Boyle, Harry, 0 April ’37.
Boynton, Sir Griffith Henry, 12th Bt., 19 Oct.
37 •
Brackenbury, Laura, 12 May '37.
Braithwaite, Brig.-Gen, William Garnett,
C. B., C.M.G., D.S.O., 15 Oct. ’37.
Brereton, Cloudesley, 11 July ’37.
Brereton, Bng.-Gen. Edward Fit/gerald, C B.,
D. S.O. , 6 Apr. ’37.
Brett, Francis William, C.M.G., 2 Dec. ’30.
Brewster, Adolph Biew.^ter, 13 Oct. ’37.
Bridges, Lt-Col. Lionel Forbes, C.M.G., 11
Sep. ’37.
Bright, Ernest Henry, C.B., M.V.O., 5 Jan. ’87.
Brinckman, Colonel Sir Theodore Piancis, 3rd
Bt., C.B., 8 Sep. ’37.
Brisbane, Arthur, 25 Dec. ’30.
Britten, Commander Sir Edgar (Theophilus),
28 Oct. ’30.
Broadus, Edmund Kemper, 17 Dec. ’36.
Brocklebank, Mrs. Thomas, 15 May ’87.
Brook- Jackson, Rev. Canon Edwin, 10 Nov.
Brooke, Sir John Reeve, C.B., 1 Apr. '37.
Brooke- Pechell I Sir (Augustus) Alexandei,
7th Bt., 0 Oct. ’37
Brooks, Francis, 0 Dec. ’3().
Bruhly Paul, ISO.
Brnnanlt, Rt. Rev. Joseph Simon-Hermanii,
21 Oct. '37.
Bronskill, Ven. Thomas Redmond, Sep. ’30.
Bryant, Cnarles David Jones, 22 Jan. ’37.
Bryden, Henry Anderson, 23 Sep. '37
Buckley, William, C.B B., 18 Apr. ’37.
Burdett, Osbert, 21 Nov. ’30.
Burford, George Henry, 3 Jan. ’37.
Burgess, Rt. Hon. Henry Givens, P.C.
(Ireland), 23 Apr. ’37.
Bnrt, Sir Henry Parsall, K.C.I.E., C.B.B., 31
Oct. '36.
Burton, John Frederick, 14 May '37.
Burton- Fanning, Fredeiick William, 23 Oct.
Bnswell, Col. Ferberd Richard, C.M.G., 13
Mar. '37.
Butler, Tliomas, 19 Feb. '37.
Butter wortb, Alan, C.S.I., 25 May '37.
Bsrme, James Patrick, C.B , I.S.O., 7 Apr. '35.
Campbell, Col. George Frederick Colin, C.M.G.,
3 March '.S7.
Campbell, Hon. James Lang, K C., 7 Dec. '30.
Campbell, Very Rei^ James Montgomery, 13
Feb. 37.
Campbell, Rev. Joseph William Robert, 17
June ’35.
Campbell, Lt.-Col. Spurgeon, C.M.G., 10 Feb.
Cantrell, Robert, I.S.O., 20 March ’30.
Cardew, Sir Alexander Gordon, K.C.H.I , 12
Jan. ’37.
Carew, Major George Albert Lade, D.S.O , 29
March '37.
Carey, Lt.-Col. Wilfrid Leathes de Mussenden,
D.S.O., 11 Apr. ’87.
Carleton, Bng.-Gen. Lancelot Richard, D.S.O.,
12 Feb. '37.
Carnegie, Lt.-Col. Hon. Douglas George, 27
Feb. ’37.
Carruthers, Sir William, 4 Nov. '36.
Carson, Lionel, 24 Jan. '37.
Cash, J. Theodore, F.R.S , 30 Nov. ’80.
Castlemaine, 5th Baron, u July '37.
Castletown, 2nd Baron, K.P., P.C. (Ire.),
C.M.G., 29 May '37 (ext.)
Cawley, 1st Baron, P.C., 30 March ’37.
Cbalmers, Sir Alfred John George, 24 June
Chamberlain, Rt. Hon. Sir (Joseph) Austen,
K.G., P.C., M.P., 16 Maich ’37.
Chancellor, Edwin Berestoid, 4 Feb. '37.
Chappell, Robert Kingsley, K.C., 11 Aug. '37.
Charlton, Adni. Sii Edwaid (Fiancis Benedict),
K.C.B., K.C.M.G , 23 Oct. ’37.
Childe, Rev Chiistopher Venn, 7 Jan. '37.
Choyce, Chailes Coley, C.M G , C.B.E., 2 Apr.
Christian, Rear-Admiral Charles Aibuthnot,
M.V.O., 24 Aug. '37.
Christie, Dugald, C.M.G., 2 Dec. ’36.
Christoftelsz, William Sperling, LS.O., 31
Jan. ’37.
Chunilal Bose, Rai Bahadur, .C.I.E., I.S.O.
Church, Arthui Hany, F.R S , 24 Apr. ’37.
Church, Vice-Adm. William Drummond, C.B. E.,
12 Aug. ’37.
Clark, Albert Curtis, 5 Feb. '37.
Clark, Sir William Ovens, 3 Api. '37.
Clarke, Ven. Fri'deriek James, 30 March '37.
Clay, Bng.-Gen. Bertie Gordon, C.B., C.M.G.,
1) S.O., 29 Apr. '37.
Clegg, Sir John Charles, 2<) June '37.
Clifton of Leighton Broniswold, Baroness, 5
July '37.
ClimO, Lt.-Gen Sir Skipton Hill, K.C.B.,
D S.O., 31 Mar. ’37.
Clode, Sir Walter Baker, K.C., 27 P’eb. '37.
Clough, William, 11 May '37
Clowes, Geoffrey Swinford Land, 19 July ’37.
Clowes, William Archibald, 14 Feb. ’37.
Cobbet^ Walter Willson, C.B E., 22 Jan. ’37.
Coke, ^ptain John Gilbeit de Odingsells,
C.B.B., 30 Apr. ’37.
Colmer, Joseph Grose, C.M G., 27 Feb. ’37.
Colquhoun, Maior Julian Campbell, D.S.O.,
4 Apr. ’37.
Compton, Joseph, M.P., 18 Jan. ’37.
Compton-RiCkett, Arthur, 8 Sep. '37.
Coningham, Capt. Herbert John, Nov. ’30.
Connell, Sir Robert Lowden, K.B.E., 27 Dec.
Connor, Col. John Colpoys, CM G., 16 Nov.
Constable, Frank Cliallice, 7 Oct. ’37.
Conway, 1st Baron, 19 Apr. ’37 (ext.).
Conybeare, Rear-Admiral Crawford James
Markland, 23 Sep. ’37
Cook, Col. Charles Chesney, D.S.O., 28 Aug.
Cabrol, Rt. Rev. Fernand, O.B.B , 4 June '37.
Calthorpe, Admiral of the Fleet Hon. Sir
Somerset Arthur Gough-, 27 July *37.
CalthroPi Dion Clayton, 7 March '37.
Corbett, Capt. Sir Vincent (Edwin Henry),
K.C V O. 22 Dec. ’36.
Corker, Maj.-Gen. Thomas Martin, C.B., 24
Feb. ’37.
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WHO’S WHO, 1938
Coubertin. Pieirr df* Frt'di, Baron d»‘, 2 Sfp.
Couper, 8ii John C , M.\.0 , O.B.E , 29 Ju
Courtney. Lt.-Col Frr'dmck Harold, D.S.O.,
14 Jnnc! ’37.
Coussmaker, Col. Launf)> .lohn, D.S.O. , 3
May ’37.
Cox^ Rt. R(‘V. Chatle^, Ft'b ’36.
Cox^ Bdninnd Cliarh's, ii March ’3.').
Cox^ Maj.-Gcn. Sir Bcrrv Zachart.ih, G (' M.G ,
G.C I.E., K.C.S.I., 20 Feb. ’37.
Craddock. Sn Reginald (HcMr\), G.C I E ,
K.C.S.I., M.P , 10 Feb ’37.
Cralermyle, 1st Baron, PC, K C., 28 Junt'
’ 37 ;
Crampton, Vice- Admiral Denis Burke, C B E ,
D 8.O., M V O , r. Dec '36
Crawford. Sn Homewood, CVO, 17 Nov.
Crawford, Col Robert Duiuan, D S O , 4 Dec
Crawford, Rev. Thomas, 28 Jnl> ’37
Crawshay, Lt.-Col. (Jodnngton Howard Rees,
DS.O,r>F.*b ’17
Crichton-Browne, Col Harrdd
Alexander Francis, 1 Oct '37.
Crick, Rt Re\ Philip Charles Thurlow, 12 Juh
Crockatt, James Land, 23 Dei ’.36
Crosbie, Sir William Edward Douglas, 8th Bt ,
30 Dee ^36 )
Cross, Rev. Hon. Cliai les Francis, 28 March ’37.
Crossley, Lt.-Col. Henry Joseph, C.I.B ,7 Jan
Crosier, Brig. -Gen Frank Perev, C B , C M.G.,
I) S O , 31 Ang. ’37
Cullinan, Pa>master-Rear-Adm. William
Fredeiick, C.M.G.\ 23 Ma\ ’37.
Ounninffbam, Lalln*, C.B.E., 2t> June '37
Cunningrham, Marta, C B.E., 2'> June ”17
Currie, Sir James, K.c M.G., K.B.E , 17 Mat.
CurtiSi EdA\at«l Herbert, 1') Oct. '37.
Curtis -Beuuett, Sn Henry (Hon>\\ood),
K.C., 2 Nov. ’36.
Cust, Aleen (Isabel), 29 Jan. ’37
Dalai, Sir Barjor Jamshedji, 14 Dec. Jn.
Daniels, Sidney Reginald, 18 Aug. ’37,
Danntesey, Lieut -Col. William,
C.B., C.B.E., 10 Jan. ’.37. -
Davies, Ven George Middlecott, 3 Jan. ’.37.
Davies, Sir Henry, C.B., 1.8.0 , 11 Dec. 36.
Davison, T. Raffles, 5 Ma> ’37.
Dawson, Sir Edward, 1st Bt., K C M.G., 6
Aug. '37.
Dawson, Canon William Rodgers, 19 Dec. ’3b.
De Horsey, Admiral Spencer, 19 March ’,37.
De la Bere, Henry D., C.B., 6 Mav ’37.
De Daney, Bng.-Gen. Matthew A,, Hon.
C.M G., 1 Nov. ’3().
Deller, Sir Edwin, .30 Nov '3b.
Delpraty Gnillanme Daniel, C B.E., I'r March
Dence, Ernest Martin, 24 Jan. ’37.
Denbolm, John, 31 Aug. ’37.
De Pass. Sir Eliot Arthur, K.B.E , 11 Jnl> '37.
Derry, John, 19 Feb. ’37.
De Sanmares, 4th Baron, 25 Apr. '37.
l>l$spard, Captain Herbert John, C.B.E., 4 Feb
Des “Voanx, Sir ’Frederick, 7th Bt., 4 Jan.
Devine, Rev. Mmos, 6 Aug. '37.
De Winton, Charles Henry, 16 Nov. '36.
Dewrance, Sir.Tohn, G.B.E., 7 Oct. ’37.
Dicken, Aclmiral Charles Gauntlett, 7 Sep. ’37.
Dickson, John Robert, K.C., 18 Oct. ’.37.
Dobbs, Col. Charles Fairlie, C.I.E., C.B.E ,
D.S.O., 27 Dec. ’36.
Dobrie. Alfred, C.B.E., 26 Jan. ’37.
Dodgson Major Heathtield Butler, D.S.O., 31
Aug. ’37.
Donald, Aichibald, 17 Apr. ”17.
Dorrien- Smith, Maioi Edward Pendarvi's,
D.S.O, 12 Oct ’37.
Doughty, Sir Arthm, K.B E , C.M G , I Dec
Douglas, 'Majoi James Wl^htmiln, D S ()., 2f.
Jan ’37.
Doull, Rt Rec , Alexandei John, 15 Feb. ’37
Doumergue, Gaston, 18 June ’37,
Dowden, Major Charles Henry, D S O , O.B.E ,
1 June ’37
DO’wney, Edmund (nom de plume F. M Allen),
11 Fc>b. ’37.
Doyle, Lt.-Col Eric Ed w a id, C 1 E , D 8 O ,
29 Sep ’37.
Drawbridge, Re\ . C\ pnan Leycestm , 23 Jan
Drinkwater, John, 25 Maic^h ’37
Drummond, Lad> Edith, 22 Jul> ’37
Dudley, 12th Baron, 5 Dec. ’:h)
Duerden, Professor J. K , 4 Sep. ’37
Dufferin and Ava, Har lot, Dow uei
Marchioness of, (.'.I , D B.E., 2') Oc-t ”16
Duncan, Capt. George, C.B.E., 27 M.ucJi '37.
Dunn, Albert Edwaid, 2 Ma,\ '37.
Dyer, His Honour Judye (/h.u h's Edwaid, K (' ,
19 Jan ’37
Basten, Sir Stephen, () B B , 29 0( t ’3t.
Bdge, Frederick, 17 Ma\ ’37
Bdge, Maj -G<*n .lohn Dallas, C.B., ’10 Apiil
Bdie, Rev. William, M \ O , 22 June ’3().
Bdwards, Most Re\ \Ifred George, 22 Jnl\
Bdwards, .Mrs. Bennett-, 22 Dec. 3().
Bdwards, Bng.-Gen John Buinard, CB,
D S.O., 11 June ”^7.
Bgbert, Hon. William, 1" Oc t ’lb.
Egerton, Sir Philip (Henry Brian) Gr»'y-, 12th
Bt., 4 Julj
Eliott, Lt.-Col. FranciN Augustus Heathheld,
D.S.O , 29 July 37.
Elliot, Bng.-Gen. GilbertSutherland McDowell,
C. B.E., 13 Jail. '37.
Elliot, Lt.-Col. Robert Heni\, 9 Nov. ”16
Elliott, Edwin Bailey, F.R.S., 21 July ’37.
Ellis, Sii Charh'S (Edwaid), O B.E.. K.C.B , 19
Feb. '37.
Ellis, David, 16 Jan 37
Ellis, Lt -Col Sheiman Gordon Venn, C.I.E ,
D. S.O., 19 Feb. ’37.
Ellison, Rev Canon William Frt'derick Arcb-
dall, 31 Dc‘c. '36.
Elphinstone, Archibald Howaid L., 31 Dec
Emery, George Edwin, C.M G., 18 Feb ’37.
Ernie, Ist Baron, PC., M.\.0., 1 July ’^7
Evans, Ven. Albert Owen, 22 Sep. ’.37.
Eve, Sli Herbert Trustiam, K.B.E , 11 Nov.
Evershed, Sir Sydney Herbert, 7 March ’.37.
Ewart, Alfied James, F.R.S , 12 Sep. ’37.
Ewen, Hon. Guy Sc'ymour, 18 Sep. ’36,
Eyre-Todd, George, lO July ’37.
Falle, Very Re\. Samuel, 23 July ’37.
Falls, Lt.-Col. Horac e Edward, C.B.E., 20 Jan.
Fantham, Harold Benjamin, 27 Oct. ’.37.
Farquharson, John Malcolm, 18 July ’3b.
Farrell, Frank Jarne.s, 17 May ’37.
Farren, William, 7 Sep. '37.
Fathers, Henry, C.B.E., I.S.O., 23 Aug. ’.37.
Faux, Col. Edward, C.M.G., 25 July ’37.
Fayrer, Sir Joseph, 2nd Bt., C.B.E., 13 April
Feilding, Viscount, C.M.G., D.S.O., 10 Jaii.
Fell-Smith, Charlotte, 7 May ’37.
Fenwick, Major Ernest Guy, 20 Jan.
Ferguson, William Bates, K.C., 7 Oct. ’37.
Ferrers, llth Eail, 2 Feb. ’37.
Fiddes, Sir George Vandeleut , G.C.M.G. , K.C. B.,
22 Dec. ’ 81 ).
Fielden, Cupt. Harold, D.S.O , O .July ’.37.
Fielding:, Col. Thomas Evelyn, D.b.O., 9 Aug.
Filene, Edward A., 2o Sep. ’.i7
Finlay, Sir (Campbell) Kirkman, 11 .Vpril ’37.
Firman, Lt.-Col. Robert Heitrarn, D.S.O. , 2>
Oct. *3(5.
Firth, Sir Alegernon Fre(*man, 2nd Bt., 1 Nov.
*36 (ext.),
Fisher, John Ilemy, 22 May *37.
Fisher, Admiial Sir William Wordsworth,
G.C.B., G.C.V.O., 24 June *37.
Fladgrate, Sii (William) Francis, M.\.0., 12
July *37.
Forbes, Mansheld Duval, 26 Jan. ’36.
Forbes, Col. Ronald Foster, D.S.O., O.B.E., 27
Oct. *36.
Forrest, Rev. Wm., C.M.G., 30 Sept. ’.36.
Fotherin^ham, John Knight, 12 Dec. '36.
Fowler, Sir Geors^e .leffoid, 19 Oct. ’.37.
Francis, Sir John, 11 .Jan. ’37.
Fraser. Harris, David Fraser, 3 Jan. ’37.
Freeman, John Joseph, C.B.E., 2 Aug. ’37.
Fremantle, John Morton, C.M.G., M.B.E., 21
Dec. ’36.
Frisby. Lt.-Col. Lionel Claud, D.S.O., 12 No\.
Frodsham, Rt. Rev. George Hoi stall, 6 March
Fulton, Frederick John, 2*) July '.36.
Fnrney, Brig. John l^eared, C.B., 21 Dec. ’36.
Gag:e, Col. Aella Molyneux Berkeley, 20 Aug.
Gailor, Rt. Rev. Thomas Frank, 3 0( t. ’80.
Gaims, James Mather, C.B.E., 15 March ’30.
Galbraith, Samuel, O.B.E., 10 Aptil ’36.
Gale, Lieut.-Col. Robeit, D.S.O., 14 March
Galway, R.(' Bishop ot (Rt. Rev. Thomas
O* Doherty), 1 0 Dec. .36.
Gamble, Bug. -Gen. Richaid Nairien, C'.B.,
D.S.O., 17 Match ’37.
Gandolfi, Duke, n Ma> ’.J7.
Gardiner, Sir Frederick Ciomhie, k.B.E., .7
Aug. ’37.
Gardner, Percy, 17 July ’37.
Garland, Sir Archibald, 24 May '37.
Garnett, Edward, 19 Feb. ’37.
Garrett, Rev. George Heniy St. Patiick, 27
Jan. ’37.
Garrod, Rev. ( anon George Watts, 30 Nov.
Garstin, Brig. -Gen. Allred Allan, C.M.G., 26
Feb. ’37.
Gascoigne) Col. Fredem Richard Thomas
Trent h, D.S.O., 2 June ’37.
Gates, Walter George, C.B., 8 Nov. 36.
Gauldl, David, 18 June 36.
Geddes, Rt. Hon. Sir Eric (Campbell), P.C.,
G.C B., G.B.E., 22 June ’J7.
Geddie, John, 20 Jan ’17
Georges Edward Claudius Scotney, C.I.E.
1 Nov. ’30.
German. Sir Edward, 11 Nov. ’3().
Gershwim George, 1 1 July ’37.
Gibbins, Frederick William, 30 Julj ’*’^7.
Gidhour, Maharaja Bahadur Chandra Maule-
shvar Prasail Singh, 25 March ’37.
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WHO’S WHO, 1938
Qifford| 4th Baion, JO .Jan 37.
Gilbert^ Bng.-Gen \rtlinr Uohert, C.B.B.,
D.S.O., 10 Apiil ’37.
Gilbert, Charles Edward Banj^ley, C.I.E., 8
Aug. ’37.
Gillatt, Lt.-Col Jolin Maxwell, D S O , OB.E ,
21 Jan. ’37.
GiUett, Frederak Hunting.; ton, 31 .July ’36.
Glllson, Brig -Gen. Godfrey, C M.G , D S.o.,
2 .Juno ’37.
Gilmour, Thomas lieniiox, C.B.E., 10 No\ .
Gilruth, Jolm Anderson, 4 M.ikIi ’37.
GisBins, Algornon, Fol) ’.37.
Gittins, Hoary, C.B.B., 2 lu'b. 37.
Glazebrook, Jlugli <lo t., «> May ’37.
Glenravel, Jst Baion, K B E , 13 June ’37
Golding, Capt.iin Tlionms, C B.E , 29 Jan.
Goldsmith, Col. Georgo Mills, C B.E , 13 Sep.
Goochi Chailos Edniuiid, 7 Maicli ’37.’
GOOdfellOW, Thomas .V-.liton, C.H.K., 24 Oct.
Hall, Rev. Alleyne Hall, 31 July '37.
Hall, Sir Henry, I.8.O., 6 Dec. 'Sa.
Hall, Joseph Compton, d Apr. ’37.
Halliday, Sir Frederick Loch, C.I.B., M.V.O.,
13 Jan. ’37.
Halstead, Major David, 10 July '37.
Hamilton, Rev. Fiancis Colo Lowry, Id
Dec. '36.
Hamlyn, Mrs., 12 Nov. ’3(*.
Hanbury, Sir Cecil, M.P., 10 June 37.
Hanlon, Rt. Rev. Henry, 18 Aug. ’37.
Hansell, Sir (Edward) William, K.C., 18
Apr. ’37.
Hanson, Rupert Willoughby, C.I.E., 17
May ’3d.
Hap^OOd, Norman, 29 April ’37.
Harconrt, Capt Guy Elliot, 30 Oct. ’36.
Hardie, George Downie Blyth Crookston,
M.P , 20 July ’37.
Harding, Francis Egorton, 13 May ’37.
Harford, Col. Henry Charles, C.B., 25 Mar.
Harford, Rev. John Battersby, d Jan. '37.
Harington, His Honour Judge Edward, 19
Jan. '37.
Goodman, (’ol. Alboit William, M.P , 22 Aug.
Gore-Liangton, Maioi (ioi.dd Wontwoith,
D.8.O., 22 May ’37.
Gorle, Robort Vaughan, V.C., 9 Jan. '37
Gonla, Geiald, 2 Nov. ’3().
Gonlding, Henry Raynoi, ISO, \ug. ’34.
Grace, Admiral Hemy Edgar, C.B., 19 Maich
Graham, Capt. Hany J. (! , 30 Oct ’3(..
Graham, Sii (John) Fre<lenclv Noble, 2nd Bt.,
26 Nov. '36.
Grant, Sir Alexandei, Ist Bt., 21 May ’37.
Grant, Sir (Alfred) Hamilton, 12tb Bt., K C S I.,
K.C.I.E , 23 Jan ’37
Grant-Duff, liady, C M.E., 30 May '37.
Graves, 6th Baion, J March ’37.
Gray, 8n Reginald, K.O , 10 Sep ’35
Greatorex, Admiral Clement, C B , M V O ,
21 March '37.
Greave% Sir William Herbeit, 18 Dec. ’*i<)
Greeu, Rev. Edmund Tyiiell-, 18 Fel). ’.37.
Green, Thomus Ernest, C.B.Fl , 24 Apiil 37.
Green, Brig Gen. Wilfnth Geiald Hev, C B ,
C M G., D 8 O , 29 May ’37.
Gresley, Sir Robert, 11th Bt., 27 Dec. '3n.
Greville, Sir Geoige, K.C. M.G., 20 (Xt. ’37.
Grey I Sir George Duncan, 14 Feb. ’37
Grey, Comdr. Spenser Douglas Adair, D.S () ,
8 Oct. '37.
Grieve, Rev. Canon Janies Gavin, 25 Aug. ’37.
Grieve, Walter Graham, 15 Mar. ’37.
Griffith, Lt.-Col. Edwaid Waldegrave, D.S.O.,
14 Apr. ’37.
Groener, Maria.
Grogan, William Edward, Id May ’37.
Groom, Hon. Sit Littleton (Ernest), K.C.M.G.,
K.C., d Nov. '30.
Grundy, Wilfred IValker, 11 Dec. ’3d».
Guest, Capt. Rt. Hon. Frederick Edwaid, I’.C.,
C.B B., D.S.O., M.P., 28 Apr. '37
Guilford, Rev. Edwai<l, C.I.E., O.B.E., 13
Aug, ’37.
Gunning, Col. George Hamilton, D S.O., ».
Dec ’36.
Gumer, John Augustus, K.C., 1 Jan. ’37.
Guthrie, Robert Lyall, OB B., 1.3 Apr. '37.
Harmsworth, Sir (Robert) Leicester, Ist
Bt., 19 Jan. ’37.
Harnett, Rev. William Lee, 29 Jan. ’37
Harrison, L. A., 17 March '87.
Harrowing, Sir John (H.), 20 Feb '37.
Hart, Sir George Sankey, K.B.E., C.l E., 16
Apr. '37.
Hartopp, Sir Frederick Cradock-, 7th Bt., 2(»
Feb. ’37.
Harvey, Major-General Robert Napier, C.B.,
C.M.G., D.S.O. , 15 Feb. '37.
Haskins, Prof. Charles Homer, 14 May 37.
Haslam, James, 8 Oct. '37.
Hasted, Col. Arthur Walter, C.M.G., 2 Aug.
Hastings, Rev. Frederick, 1(> Jan. '.17
Hayden, Most Rev. William, 2 Oct. ’ 16.
Heath, Arthur Douglas, 8 May '.^7
Heath, Major-General Sir Chailes Ernest,
K.C.B , C.V.O., 23 Oct. ’30.
Heath, Lt-Col. Francis William, C.M.G., 22
Hehir, Maj-Gen. Sir Patrick, K.C.I.E , C.B.,
C.M.G , 1 May ’37
Henderson, Rev. Alexander, 31 Aug. '37
Henderson, Joseph Morns, 28 Nov. ’36.
Henderson, William James, 5 June '37.
Hepburn, Thomas Nicoll (Gabriel Setoun),
July ’30
Herbert, Lieutenant-Colonel Claude, D 8.0 ,
2 May '37.
Herbert, Air Commodore Philip Lee William,
C.M.G., C B E., 20 Nov '36.
Hermon-Hodge, Major Hon. Robert Edward
Udny, D S.O , 2 May '37.
Herriotts, John, 27 June ’35.
Hewett, Capt. George Stuait, C B.E., 12
Jan. ’17.
Hewlett, Pavinastei C’.tptain Gr.diain, C.H., 28
Sept. '37.
Hicks, Hev Walter, 30 March ’37.
Higgins, His Hon. George Herbert, 3 Feb.
Higgins, Sir John Michael, G.C. M.G., Oct.
Higbton, John Elborn, C B , 26 March '37.
Hildebrand, Brig Gen. .tithur Blois Ross,
C B., C M.G., D S.O , lu Sep. '.17
Hildreth, Lt.-Col Harold Crossley, D S.O ,
O.B.E , 11 Sep. ’.17.
Hacking, Ven. Egbert, 15 Dec. ’.30. Hillard, Frederick Arthui, 9 April ’37.
Hadow, Sir (William) Henry, C.B.B., 9 Hippisley, Col. Richard Lionel, C. B., 7
Apr. ’37. Dec. ’30.
Haines, James, 1 Dec. ’3n. Hirtzel, Sir Arthur, K.C B., 2 Jan. '37
Hale, Brig.-Gen Thomas Wyatt, C.B., C.M G., Hobhouse, Rt. Hon. Henry, PC., 2j June
C B.B., 30 Sep. ’37. ’.37.
Hales, A. G., 29 Dec. '36 Hocken, Hon. Horatio Clarence, J8 Feb '37.
Halevy, Ehe, 21 Aug '37. Hocking, Joseph, 4 March ’37.
Halkett, John Gilbert Hay, 31 Muy ’.37. Hodge, Harold, n Jan. '17.
HodgrCf Rt. Hon. John, 10 Aug. '37.
Hogs I Hi 8 Hon. Adam Spencer, 19 S^‘p. *37.
Hogg, Jolin Diuininond, M.R.B., ‘Jn Oct. ’37.
Holden, 2nd Baron, 30 Jan ’37.
Holden, Sir George, 2nd Bt., 2(? Sep. *37.
Holden, Bng.-Gen. Sir (Henry) Capel Lottt,
K.C.B., F.R.S., 30 March *37.
Holmes, Sir Charles John, K.C.V.O , 7
Dec *36.
Holmes, Geoige John, 21 Oct. ’37.
Holmes, Canon George Edward Wilniot, 20
Jan. '37.
Hood, Hon. Sir Alexander Nelson, K.C.V.O.,
1 June ’37.
Hope, Robert, 10 May *3(5
Hopkin- James, Rev. Chancellor Lemuel
John, 11 April ’37.
Hopkinson, Sir Heniy L., K.C V.O., 9
Dec. ’36.
Horniman, Annie Elizabeth Fredericka, C.H.,
6 Aug. ’37.
Hornaday, William Temple, 6 Mar. ’37.
Hoskyns, Rev. Canon Sir Edwyn (Clement),
13th Bt., 28 June ’37.
Houston, Dame Fanny Lucy, IhB.E., 29
Dec. *3().
Howarth, Sir Alfred, 10 Jan. '37.
Howell, Hon. Clark, 14 Nov. *36.
Howell, Col. Harry Aithui Leonard, C.M.G.,
2(5 Feb. ’37.
Hughes, Ma].-Gen. Garnet Burk,C.B.,C.M.G.,
D.S.O., Apr. ’37.
Hughes • Stanton, Sir Herbert, R.A., 2
Aug ’37.
Hunt, Canon Mfred, 21 Jan. ’37.
Hunt, Joseph, I.S.O., O.B.E , 19 Dec. ’3«>.
Hunt, Commander Robert Gregory Maze
Durrant, D.S.O., 10 Mar. '37.
Hunter, Sir George Burton, K. B.E , 21 Jan.
Hunter, William, C.B., 13 Jan. *37.
Huntly, nth Marquess of, P.C., 20 Feb. '37.
Hyde, \dmiral Sir (George) Francis, K.C.B.,
C.V.O., C.B E., 28 July ’37.
Hyctt, John Edward, 18 Xov. ’36
Iggnlden, . Brig -Gen. Herbert Augustus,
C. T.E , 8 May ’37.
Inglis, Col. Russell Tracv-, C B.E., 7 Feb. ’37.
Inwards, Richard, 30 Sep. ’37.
Irwin, Henry Raikes Alexander, C I E.,1 March
Irwin, Robert Clinstopher, C.B E , 28 March
Isherwood, Sit Josepli William, 1st Ht., 24
Oct. ’37.
Islington, 1st Baion, r.C , (J.C M G , G.B.E.,
D. S.O., 6 Dec. ’30 (^/O n
Ismay, Joseph Biute, IT Oct. ’37. i
Jackson, Sir Henry, 1st Bt., M.P., 23 Feb. ’37
Jackson, Sir Herbeit, K.B.E., P.R.S., 10 Dec.
Jackson, Reginald Nevill, D.S.O., 26 Sep.
Jacoby Lt.-Col. Harold Fenton, C.S I , 23 Dec
ja'far el Askeri, General, (J.C.V.O., C.M.G.,
29 Oct. ’36.
Jagger, Rev. Jam^^s Edwin, 25 Feb. '37
James, Charles Ashworth, K.C., 12 March ’37.
James, Sir Gavin Fullarton, 4th Bt , 12 Oct.
Jameson, John Fianklm, Oct. '37.
Jamieson, Alexander, 2 May ’37.
Jarvis, Lieut. -Col. Aithur Murray, C.M.G.,
C.B.E., 5 April ’30.
Jarvis, Rev. Francis Amcotts, 17 Jan, '37.
Jeffcott, Henry Homan, 29 June ’37.
Jefferson* Capt. Henr>, C.B.E., 22 May *37.
Jekyll, Lady, D.B E , 28 Jan. '37.
Jellett, William Morgan, K.C., 27 Oct. ’36.
Jenner, Katherine Lee, 21 Oct. ’36.
Johns, Sir Aithur William, K.C.B., C.B.E., 13
Jan. ’37.
Johnson, Hon. Sii George H., 31 Oct. ’36).
Johnson, The Hon. George Macness.
Johnson, Lieut, -Col. Maurice Eustace Stanley,
D.S.O , 17 Sep. 37.
Johnson, Robeit Umlei wood, 14 Oct. '37.
Johnson, Stephen Ke>mei, on or since 3rd
Sep. '36.
Johnston, Frederick, 24 Oct. 37.
Johnston, Philip Mainwaiiiig, 17 Dec. ’36.
Johnston, Lt.-Col. William James, C.B.E., 28
Sep. '37.
Johnstone, Sir Robert Stewart, 31 Dec. ’3()
Joicey, 1st Baron, 21 Nov. '36.
Jones, Be\, John Hugh Watkins, 13 April
Jones, William Garmon, 28 May '37.
Jordan, Edwin Oakes, 2 Sep. ’36.
Jowers, Reginald Francis, 7 Aug. '37.
Keane, Sir Michael, KC.S.I., C.I.E., lO Aug.
Keary, Lieut. -Gim. Sir Henry D’Urban, K.C.B.,
KC.l.E., D.S.O., 12 Aug. '37.
Keating, Matthew, 25 May '37.
Xedamath Das. Sir, C.I.E., 13 March '36.
Kedward, Rev. Roderick Morns, 5 March '37
Keir, Lt.-Gen Sir John Linde.say, K.C.B., 3
May '37.
Keith, Sir William John, K.C.S.l., C. I E., 22
Jan. ’37.
Kelly, Major-Gen. Fiancis Henry, C.B., C.M.G. ,
18 March '37.
Kelly, Admiral of the Fleet Sir John Donald,
G.O.B , G C V.O., » Nov. '36,
Kelly, Sir Samuel, C.B.E., 9 Feb. '37.
Kemp, Sir Norman Wngbt, 18 Jan. '37.
Kennedy, Hon. Hugh, K.C., 12 Dec. ’30.
Kennedy, Sir Robert John, K. C.M.G., 11 Nov.
Kenyon, Major-General Edward Ranulph,
C.B., C.M.G., 17 May ’^7
Ker, James Inglis, 11 Sep. ’36.
Kettle. Edgar Hartley, F.R S., 1 Dec. ’36.
Kiddle, Col. Frederick, C.M.G., 11 July ’3o.
Kilmore, R. C. Bishop ot (Most Rev. Patrick
Finegan), 25 Jan. ’37.
King, Hugh Charles, 30 May ’37
Kirkpatrick, Sir Charles Sharpe, 9th Bt., 2
Jan. ’37.
Kirkpatrick, Col. Ivone, C.B.E , 20 No\ .
Kirkwood, Col. Carleton Hooper Morrison,
C.M.G., 1) S.O., 28 Jan. ’37.
Kirwan, Rev. Cecil, 15 Dec ’36.
Kitchener, 2nd Earl, 27-28 Maich ’37.
Kitson, Sir .Vlbert Ernest, C.M.G., C.B.E., 8
March ’37.
Kitson, Sydney Decimus, 1 July '37.
Knight, John Bioughton, C.B.E. , 12 March
Knox, Rt. Re\. Edmund Arbuthnott, 16 Jan.
Kylsant, 1st Baron, G.C.M.G., 5 June ’37
laamb, Lt.-Col. Roger Montague Radclilfe,
D S.O., 15 Aug. ’37.
laamont, Hon. John Henderson, 10 March
laandon, Mai. -Gen Fiedeihk' William
Bainbiulge, K.C.M.G , C B , 20 Oct. ’37.
laane, Mai .-Gen. Sir Ronald (Berliam), K.C.B.,
K.C.V.oi, 7 March ’37.
laane- Jackson, Nuholas, *23 Oct. ’37.
laang, Hon. Sir Frederic William, 5 March
WHO*S WHO, 1938
liangr, William, July ’37.
liangfdon^ Stephf*n Herbert, 19 May ’37.
liathiain. Sir William Francia, 30 Oct. ’3<).
liaurie^ Rev. Albert Ernest, 2^) April ’37.
liaurie, Sir Wilfrid Emilius, Uh Bt.. 15 Dhc.
Iiawson^ Sir Wilfrid, .^rd Bt., 28 Aug. ’37.
Iiawson, Rev. William Thomas, 28 May ’37.
Le Blanc, Rt. Rev. Edouard, 1*7 Feb. *35.
Iiechmere, Sir Edmund Arthur, 4th Bt., 21
May ’.37.
laee, Bremnei Patrick, 14 Sep. ”37
Beeae, Sir William (Haigi eaves), 2nd Bt., 17
Jan. ’37.
liesfouia, Ennlc, Oit. 37.
Ijeitfaii Rob* ‘rt Fiasci C.ilder, H D*‘c. ’3i)
IiCmieux, Hon Rodolpht^ K.C , 28 Sep. ’37.
IiCBlle, Wing Corrimandci Sn Noinian Ro<leiick
Alcxandei David, 8lh Bt , C.M.G., C.B E., In
JuiK* '37.
IfCvick, Sn Hugh Gwynne, K.B E , 19 June
l«eviSOn, Sn Leon, 2'* Aov. .36.
ItCvy, Sn Albeit, r. Sep. *‘37
Bevy, Hon. Sir Danu-l, 20 Mav ’37.
laewis, l> Moigan, 28 Jiil> ’37
Bewis, .Majoi Ernest Albert, !> S O , 14 Apiil
Bewia, Hugh, 8 Maicli ’37.
Bij^htbody, I’hdip Fiazer, 13 Sej*. ’3n.
Bindsayi M., 21 Feb. ’37.
Bingf, Aithm Robert, 14 May 37.
Bitbgrow, Samuel, C B.E., b Sep. ’37.
Bivinffston, Charles, 2 May *37.
Bloyd, Col. Thomas Edwanl John, C B., .31
J an . 37 .
Bloyd, Rt. Hon. Sii William Fi*'denck, P (^,
K.C.M.G., K.C., 13 June ’37. p
BOCke, Geoige Heibeit, 28 Jan. ’37.
Bockbart) Sn James Haldan** St**vvart,
K.C.M.O., 26 F*‘b ’.37.
BO|ran-Home, Ma]oi GeoigeJohn Nnnan, 30
Nov. *30.
BobarUf Hon. Sir Amu-nd-Din Alimed Kh.ui
Bahadur, K.C. I. E., Jan ’37.
Bondeaborougrb, 4t)i Eail ot, 17 Apnl ’37
{Earldom eit,).
Bong;, Basil Someiset, 5 Jan. ’37.
BoomiSi Ma)or-Gen. Sir Fredeiick Oscai
Waiien, K.C.B., C.M G., H.S O , 13 Pel* ’37.
Borimer, Geome Hoi at*-, 22 Oct. ’;37.
Borimer, John Ileniy, 4 Nov. ’3»».
Bow, David Allan, 24 Maich ’37.
Bowry, Thomas Mai tin, C B.E., F.R.S , 2 Nov.
Bowsley- Williams, G*-*)ig**, i Sep *37.
Bticas, William Hemy, C.S I , C.B E , 7 March
Bur^an, 3;d Banm, K.C.V.O , 9 tVb. ’37
Buscombe, Sir John H*‘niy, 3 Apnl ’37.
Busbinyton, Majoi Sir Aithui (Patrick
Douglas), 'jth Bt., 13 Apnl ’.37.
Macaulay, Francis S*)\veiby, F.R S., 9 Feb.
Macaulay, Williain H«*intk, 28 Nov. ’3n.
McBeau, <3ol Alexandei, K* F*‘b. ’.37.
McCarroll, James Josepli, 3 March ’37.
McCaw, Sir Vivian, O.B.E., 10 Dec. ’36.
McClintOCky Bt Col. John Knox, C.B.E., 24
Oct. ’30.
McCowan, Sir David 1st Bt., 1 May ’37.
MacDonald, Hon. Damel Ah-xamler, 28 Oct.
Macdonald, Capt. William Balfoui, D S.O.,
20 July ’37.
MaCfie, Brig. -6**11. Andrew l.auii*-, C.B., 23
Nov. ’36.
McKay, Sir Georg** Mills, 19 July ’37.
McKay, John William, I.8.O., 29 Oct. ’36.
McKercber, Sii William Gourley, 8 July
McKerron, Robeit Goulon, 21 March '37.
Mackinnon, Archibald Donald, C.M.G.,
j Sep. ’37.
Mackintosb, Sir Ashley Watson, K C.V.O., 14
Oct. ’37.
Maclean, Sn Fitzioy (Donahl), lOth Bt.,
K.C.B., 2*2 Nov. ’So,
Maclean, Magnus, 2 S**p, '37.
McMaster, Hon. Andrew R., K.C., 27 Apnl
3 1 .
McMaster, C*)l. John Maxwell, C M.G., 18
Feb ’.37.
Macmillan, Clnvstal, 2l Sep. ’37.
MacMonnies, Fred<*ritk (William), 22 Maich
Macnabb, Lt.-Col. D*)nald John Carnjib* II,
C. S I., 12 D*‘C. ’30.
MacnaughtOn, Allan Wight, 8 Ma\ ’.-57
McNeile, Lt.'C*)l. Cyril (pseudonym Sappei),
14 Aug. '37.
Macneill, Rev. John, 10 Fel>. ’37.
Macpbail, Rev. Earle M<3nteith,C.I.B.,C B.E.,
P> Jan. *37.
Ma^Rae-Gilstrap, Lt -Col John, 14 Jan
Macran, Henry Stew ait, n June ’.17.
M^Vean, Col Donald Aichibald Dugald, C.S. I ,
D. S O , 1 Sep. ’^7.
MacWilliam, J*)hn Al.*xander, F R S., 1.!
Jan. ’37.
Maddison, Fied, 12 March ’37.
Madoc,Lr.-CoJ. Hemy William, C.B.E.,M.V.O.,
9 Jan *37.
Maitland, Sir John Nisbet, .Hh Bt., 14 Dec.
Malcolm, Harc*mrt Gladstone C B.E , K.C ,
26 Dec. ’30.
Malcolm, John 1)., 20 March ’37.
Mallaby-Deeley, Sn Hairy Mallabv , 1st Bt ,
4 Feb. ’37.
Mann, Harnngton, 28 Feb. '37.
Marcil, Hon. Charles, 29 Jan. *37.
Marcon, Rev. Walt* r Hubei t, 1’7 Feb. ’37.
Marconi, March»*se, Hon. G.C.V.O., 20 July
Marlow, Fiedenck William, 22 Ang. ’30.
Marriott, Ca^it. Chailes JohnBmce, 25 Dec.
Marria, Rev. Ni-sbet ('*)lquh*)iin, 31 May '37.
Matshall, Maj*n Henrv S**ymour, D.S (3 , 2 >
Jan. ’37
Marshall, John Edwin, Oct. ’37.
Martin, Rt*v. Georg** Currie, 8 Sep. ’37.
Martin, James Hamilton, 1) S.O., 14 Feb.
Martin, H*)n. Maurice, C.R.E., 17 Mav '37.
Masaryk, Thomas Garngue, 14 Sep. ’37.
Masood, Sir Sved Tbiss, 30 July ’37.
Masson, Su Davnl Onn**, K.B.E , F.R.S. , 10
Aug. ’37.
Masson, Floia, l Oct ’37.
Mather. Thomas, F.R.S., 23 Juii** ’37.
Matbeson, Lt -Col. Aichibald, D.8.O., O.B.E.,
5 Doc
Maunsell, Lt.-C*)l. Kiamis Richard, C.M.G ,
C.B.E., 2 Dec. ’3n.
Maxwell, .Maxwell H>^lo]), C.B., C.B. PL, 2<)
Oct. ’37.
May, Bennett, C.B E., 3 May *37.
May, Col. William Allan, C.B., 18 May *37.
May, Major William S*)Uth.ill R**id, C.I.E., 22
March *37.
Mears, Lt.-Col. Trevoi Irvine Nevitt, C.M.G. ,
D S.O., 13 Jan. *37.
Mein, Major Desbnsay Blundell, D.S.O., 9 Feb.
Mellon, .Vndiew William, 20 Aug. *37.
Meredith, William Maxse, 1 Feb. ’37.
Middleton, Suffragan Bishop of (Rt. Rev.
Cecil Wilfred Wilson), 17 Aug. ’37.
Milles-Bade, Hon. Henry Augustus, 80 July
Mills, Col. James Edgar, D.S.O., 21 Jan. ’37.
Mills, Hon. Ogden L., 11 Oct. ’37.
Mitchell, Frank William Drew, I.S.O., 3 Dec.
Mitchell^ George, 4 July ’a?.
Mitchelli Wilham, K.C., 2J Feb. ’37.
Mitchisoui Rev, Richard Stovin, 28 Nov.
mitra; Sii Bhupendra Nath, K.C.S.I., K.C I.E.,
C li E , 25 Ff^b. ’37
Moberly, Charlotte Anne Elizabeth^ 5 May
Moles* Rt. Hon. Thomas, PC. (he.), i Feb
Molloy* Leonard ((Ireenham Star), D.S (J , 19
Feb. '37.
MoltenO; Percy Alpoit, lb Sep. ’37.
Moxxnixigtoni ‘Rev. Thomas Patesh.»ll,\19
March '37.
Montgromery^ William Rmr, C.B.E.,[20 Nov
Moorey Rev. Herbert Augustine, 11 June ’37.
Moore, Sir John (William), 12 Oct '37.
Moore, Mai. -Gen. Hon. Sir Newton Jam<‘8,
K.C.M.G., 28 Oct ’36.
Moore, Thomas Waiien, C.R K., 7 Vpnl ’37.
Moore, William Monro, 31 May ’3t)
More, Paul Elmer, 9 Maich ’37
More, Richard Edwaides, C.M.G , O.B.E , 24
Nov 31 1.
Moreau, Plmile Edouard, O’.B E , 20 Fel> ’37
More ton, Rev. Canon Aithei Cvprian, 14 Dec
Morg^an, Sir Benjamin Howell, lb July *37.
Morice, Beaumont, 2 May ’37.
Morris, Sir Ernest William, C.B.E., 27 May
Morris, Sir Samuel Meeson, 2 4 Mai. ’17.
Morris, Capt. Sir Tankei vill«‘ Robert Armine,
6th Bt., 29 Sep. 07.
Morris, William Bussell, C.M 0 , ISO, 27
Dec. ’8b.
Morton, Lieut.-Col David Simson, (NM G., 7
May ’37.
Mostyn, Capt. Sir Pyeis George Jo!,eph, 11th
Bt., 28 Feb. ’87
Mottram, Sir Thomas Harry, C.R E , 24 Mat< h
Mountmorres, bth Viscount, 2 Dec. ’IG.”
Mumtasud Dowlah Muhammad Fai-
yaz Ali Khan, K C.V ()., Maich ’2‘2.
Murray, John, C.M.G. , 15 Apr. ’37.
Murray, Lt.-Col. Walter Graham, D S.O , 20
June ’37
Myles, Sir Thomas, C li , 14 July ’37
Mynors, Rev. Aubrey Raskerville, 11 \pril ’.37. |
Nag'pur^ Bishop of ,(Ht. Rev, Alex Wood),
May ’37.
Narayan Kissen Sen, I.S.O.*
Nash, Captain Geoffrey Stewaitc Fleetwood,
D.S.O., 30 Nov. ’.3(;.
Nasmyth, Thomas Goodall, 16 Jan. ’37.
Neale, Rev. (Janon Edgai, 2 March ’37.
Neave, Sheflleld, 24 Oct ’36.
Needham, James Emest, C.IkK., 25 Marcli
Neill, Sir Thomas, 31 May ’37.
Nelson-'Ward, Admiral Philip, C.V.O,, 27
June *37.
NewhoUldy 'Sir (Babmgton) Bennett, 2 Fel>.
Newnaan, Robeit h\dston, 21 Oct. ’.tT.
Newland, Col. Edmund Walcott, C. B.E , 2
June ’37.
Newlands, John, C.l E., C.B.E., l March
Nicholson^ Doi (Percy), C B.E , 9 Sep. '37.
Nicolls, Ven. Gerald Edward, 28 Feb. ’37.
Nohle, Sir George (John William), 2nd Bt., 29
July *37.
Norman, Charles Kensit, 16 Jan. ’37.
Norris, Admiral David Thomas, C.B., C.M.G.,
19 July ’37.
Norris, Very Rev. William Foxley, K.i' V O ,
28 Sep. *.37.
Nourse, William John Chichele, O.B E., 23
March ’37.
O'Callairhan, Admiial Michael Pelham, C.B.,
C.V.O , 9 June '37.
OgilTie, Map-Gen. Sir Walter Holland, K B.E.,
C.B., C.M.G., 20 Nov. ’3b.
O'Gorman, Rt. Re\. John A., 13 \pi. ’ 3 ').
Oliphant, Mrs. I.aurence ( Rosamond Dale
Owen), 19 June ’37
Oliver, Sir Arthur Maule, O.B.E , b Aug. ’37.
Oliver, Col. William James, C.B E , 15 Sep.
Olivier, Rev. Henry Eden, 3 Dec, ’36.
Ollivant, (’ol. (lion. Bng.-Gen.) John Speiitei,
C B., (’ M.G., D S O , 27 Oit. ’ i7
Ormathwalte, 3rd Baron, G C V O , 13 March
Ormiston, Thomas, C.B.E., 15 Jan. ’.t7.
Orr, Thiunas, C.M.G., May ’37.
Otto, Rudolf, u Maich ’37.
Outram. Commander Edmund, D.S.O., 9 Jan.
Owen, Rev, Edward (;mililfe, 24 May ’37.
Owens, Col Robert Ceonce, C. B. E , 16 Feb.
Padfield, Rev William Heibert Gieeiiland,
C.I.B., 17 Dec. 3b.
Pagre, Hon Mr Justice Edwaid, 31 Aug. ’37.
Pagre, Thomas Walker, 13 Jau. '17.
Pagret, Lt -Col. Sir Cecil Walter, 2nd Bt.,
C.M.G., D.S.O., 9 Dec. '30 {ext.).
Paget, Rt Rev. Heniy Luke, 26 Apiil ’37
Palcenham, (.’ol. Hercules Arthur, C.M.G,, 28
March '37.
Palin, Maj.-Gen. Sii Philip Charles, K.C.M.G.,
C.B., 22 Jan. ’37.
Pardoe^Thomas, Beitie, 14 March ’37.
Parker, George, 2b April ’37.
Parker, Owen, C.B E., ’> Nov. ’36.
Parker, Robert, C.M.G , 20 Feb. ’37.
Parker- Jervis, Lt -Col William Swynfen
Whitehall, D.S ()., 18 Nov ’3b.
Parkin, Lt.-Col. Henry, C.I.E., 25 April ’37.
Parks, William Arthui, F. R.S., 3 Oct. ’3(1.
Parr, Thomas Henning, K.C., H March ’37.
Parsons, ling. Johnston Lindsey Rowlett,
C.M.(i., D.S ()., 3 Oct ’3->.
Parsons, J. W , 7 Jan 37.
Parsons, Rev. lion. Randal, 15 Nov ’lu
Partridge, Su Cecil, K B.E., 11 Feb. '37.
Paul, Paul. 23 Jan ’37.
Pauli, Richard J.imes, ]2 July '37.
Pearson, Burton, C.B.E., 2 Jan. '37.
Peckitt, Reginald Godfrey, C.B.E., 21 Se]).
Peebles, Bng.-Gen. Evelyn Chiappiiii, C.B.,
C.M G.. D S O., 8 Feb ’37.
Peel, Ist Earl, P.C., G.C.S.I., (J.B.E., 28 Sep.
Peel, (Gerald) Gi.iham, lb Oct. ’37.
Pegram, Fr^enck, 23 Aug. *37.
Pegram, Heniy, R.A., 26 March ’37.
Pennington, Sydney C B , 19 July *37
Pepper, Sir Francis Henry, 21 Nov. ’(6.
Perceval, Col. Charles C., C.B.E., 31 Jan *37.
Perkin, Aithur George, F.R.S., 30 May *37.
Perkins, Col. Sir Edwin King, C.B.E., 8 Jan.
Perring, Sir William, 24 Aug. '.37
Perth, 15th Karl of, 20 Aug. *37.
Phelps, Rev. Lancelot Ridley, 16 Dec. ’36.
Phillips, SirPercival, K.B.B.. 29 Jan. '37
Phipps, Col. John Hare, D.S.O., 27 Sep ’36.
Picot, Lt.-Col. Henry Philip, C.B.E., 29 Vug.
Pierre, Hon. Charles Henry, K.C , (9. B E., 9
May *37.
Pllley, Chailes, 31 March *37.
Pirandello, Luigi, lO Dec *36.
Pitts. Captain Percy, C.B.E , 2 Aug. ’37.
Plenderleath, Capt. Claude William Manners,
C B.E., 13 June ’37.
Plomer, Col. Wdliam Ilany Percnal, C.M.G.,
bOt 37.
WHO'S WHO, 1938
Pochkhanawala, 8ir Sorabji Nusserwanji,
4 July ’H7.
Poland, John, 22 May ’37.
Pollara, Sir George Herbert, 27 Aug. ’.47.
Pollard-Iiowsley, Col. Herbert de Lisle,
C.M.G., D.8.O., 20 Oct. ’36.
Pollen, Arthur Joseph Ifungerford, 28 Jan.
Pollock, Rt. Hon. Sir Frederick, P.C., 2rd
Ht., K.C., 18 Jan. ’27.
Pollock, Rt. Hon. Hugli McDowell, F.C
(Ire.), C.H , 15 April ’27.
Poole, Mai. -Gen. Frederick Cuthl)eit,
K.B.K., C.H., C.M.G., D.S.O., 20 Dec. ’26.
Poole, Lt.-Col. Sir Thomas G., 18 June ’27.
Pound, Sir (John) Lulham, 2nd Rt., 7 Sep.
Powley, Commissioner Mbert E., Feb. ’37.
Pownall, Mary (Mrs, A. Rromel), 26 Feb.
Pratt, Joseph, ’29.
Prender§^ast, Hon. George Michael, 28
\ug. ’27.
Pretyman, Wing-Commander George Fred-
erick, D.8.O., O.B.E., 4 June ’27.
Price, Col. Adolphus James, C.M.G., 5 Oct.
Prideaux-Brune, Col. Charles Robert, 11
Dec. ’36.
Prior, Rev. Alfred Hall, 12 April ’.17.
Pritchard, Alderman Sir Albert (Edward),
11 Feb ’.27.
Privett, Frank John, 29 March ’.17.
Profeit, Col. Charles William, C.S.I., C.M.G. ,
Ni D.S.O., 5 Feb. ’.^7.
Pullen-Burry, Bessie, 21 Sep. ’27.
Radford, Rt. Rev. Lewis Rostock, 2 Apr.
Radstock, 4th Baron, C.B B., 2 Apr. ’27.
Raj^arh, II. H. Rajah Bir Indra, of, K.C.I.E.,
Oct. *.26.
Ranson, (.'ol. Wilson, D.S.O., 1 \ug. ’.17,
Rapson, Edward James, 2 Oct. ’.17.
Rashleigh, Rev. William, 12 Feb J7
Rathdonnell, 3rd Baron, M.B.E., 28 Sep. ’ 17.
Rattray, Col. Paul Robert Burn Clerk, ('.B.E.,
2'. May '37.
Ray. Sir William, 30 Sep. M7.
Reade, Rev. George Edwin Pearsall, 2 June ’27.
Renny - Tailyour, Col. Thomas Francis
Bruce, C.B., (kS.I., 10 June ’27.
ReynelUPack, \itlinr Denis llem \ Hebei, 27
oa. '37.
Richards, Major Francis Howe, D.S O ,3*20
Ipr. ’27.
Richards, Penj Andrew Ellis, Jan. ’17.
Richardson, Arthur, 27 June ’16.
Richardson, Henry Marriott, 22 Dec. '3t..
Richter, Jean Paul, 25 \ug ’27.
Riddell, Cuthl)eit DaMd GiTaKl, li» 0( t *17.
Ridley, Bug -Gen. Chailes Paikei ,'C.B., n Indt.
Ridley, .Vicholas Charles, 8 June ’37.
Rinder, Frank, 8 Mar. ’.37.
Ripper, William, C. H , l.l Aug. ’37.
Ritchie, Sii James William, 1st Bt., M.B.E., 8
May ’27.
Ritchie, Col. William Buchanan, D.S.O., 12
Sep. ’r7.
Robb, Alfred Arthur, F.R S., 14 Dec. ’m.
Roberts, Angus, 14 Mar. ’27
Roberts, William Poulter, (kI.E., 4 Sep. ’27.
Robertson, Sir John, (.'.M.G., O B.E., 16
Dec. ’26.
Robertson, John, C.B E., \pr. ’27.
Robertson, Sir William Charles Fleming,
K C.M.G , 27 Juno '27.
Roblin, Hon. Sir Rodmond Palm, K.C.M.G.,
10 Feb. ’27.
Rockefeller, John Davison, 22 May 27.
Rolleston, Admiral John Philip, D.S.O , 12
Dec. ’36.
Rolling, Col. Bernard lsnia>, D.S.O. , O.ll.Fi.,
17 Oct. ’.17.
Rolt, Bernard, 29 Sep. ’27.
Romiti, Prof. Di. William, 2»i Feb. ’20.
Root, Hnn Elihu, 6 Feb. ’37.
Ropner, Leonaid, 4 Vug, ’27.
Rose, Hon. Lt.-Col. Sir (Hugh) Vithur, Ist
Bt., D.S.O., 14 Aug '37.
Ross, Brig. Alan Campbell, C.B., D.S.O., 27
Api il ’.17.
Ro»s, Rev. George Ale\ander Johnston, 22
Jan '37.
Rothschild, 2nd Jiaron, F.R.S., 27 Aug ’27.
Rothwell, Lt.-Col. William Edward, D.S.O.,
O.B.B., 12 Aug. ’27.
Rowntree, Ernest William, (\lf.E., ll Dec.
’ ( 6 .
Runciman, Ist B.iron, 12 Aug ’^7.
Rutherford, 1st Baion, O.M., F.H S., l‘> 0(t.
Rutter, Flank V. P , 18 Apiil ’27.
Ryan, Sir Geiald Hemmingtoii, 1st Bt., 27 May
Ryriei Maj.'Geii. Hon. Sir Gianville dc Lanrc,
K.C.M.O , C B., Oct. ’27.
Sadhu, Rai Tarak Nath, Bahadui, C.LK.,
14 Jan ’27.
St. George, nth Manjuis of.
St.John, Bng.-Qim. George Fiaiicis William,
C.B., r*0(t. ’27.
Sampson, (.’hailes Heniy, ') Xo\ . ’26.
Samuel, Harold, 1 '> .Ian. '27.
Samuelson, Sii Heni\ (Bernard), 2nd Bt., 14
March ’.27
San Giovanni, 12Ui Bainn, ’.H.
Sandys, Capt. Gcoigo John, 2 8cp '27.
Sarawak, Ranee Margaret of, 1 Dec. '26.
Sarup, Anand, 11.11. Sahabji Mahaiaj, Sir, 24
June *27
Saunders, Sir (Jbailes Edward, 25 July ’47.
Savile, Rw. B. S. Gordon, 2h Aug. '27.
Savile, Hon. George, 15 .July '27.
Sawantwadi, Major Raje Sir Khem
Savvant Bbonsle liahadur, Raja of, .Inly '27
Saye and Sele, I8th Baron, 2 Feb. ’27.
Schiller, Feidmand Canning Scott, n Aug. .47.
Schott, (ieoige Adolphus, F R S., l'> July '37
Scott, Col. Sii Buchanan, K (! l.E , 8 June ’37
Scott, Lient -Gmi Sir Thomas Edwin, K C.B.,
(’.I.K., D S.O., 7 Apr. .47
Scrimger, Lt.-(4ol. Fiancis \l(‘\.indei Carron,
V C., 12 Feb. '37.
Seale, Rpv. E (l., '> No\. ’26.
Searles-Wood, Herbert Duncan, 22 Dec ’.46
Seckham, bt.-Col Douglas Thome, D.S.O., 28
July ’27.
Semple, Lt.-Col. Sn Da\id, 7 Jan. ’.37
Seymour, Michael Richard, 24 Dec, ’2(>.
Shannon, Charles R \ , 18 March 37
Shapland, R<*v. Richard Henry Bowden, 20
Jul\ ’27.
Share, Sir Ilamnet Holditcb, K.B K , C.B.,
C.V.O , 26 June '37
Shaw, Sir Waltei Sidney, 24 Api. ’.37
Shearman, Aitbui T , Jan. '27.
Shedden, Sir George, 14 Feb ’27.
Shennan, Hay, 22 Jan. ’87.
Shentall, Sir Ernest, 27 Dec. ’.3(.
Shepherd, Eric Andres, 12 Jan ’37.
Shuttleworth, J4rigadier Betham Wilkms,
C B 27 Feb ’27
Simeon, Stephen (Louis), '27 Apr. ’27
Simpson, Capt. Henry Valentine, ( M.G., <>
Sep ’37.
Singer, Bne -Gen (Jbailes William, C.B.,
C M.G , n.S O , 10 Dec ’3<.
Sisnett, His Honour Sir Heibeit Koi bright
McDonnell, 2 June ’27.
Sivagnanam Pillai, Diwan Bahadur Sir
Tinnevelly N P.
Sloley, Sir Herbert (Cecil), K.(..M (.., 22 8ep.
Smart, Bng.-Geii. Charles Allun, C.M.G., 4 June
Smith, Hon. Bince, K C., Vi Aug. ’37.
Smith, Major K(h\ar(l Pelham, 17 Mar. ’37.
Smith, Edwin, 7 Aug. ’37.
Smith, Gerald Dudley, 29 Dec- ’So.
Smith, 13rig.-Gen. Gilbert Bons, C B , 27 June
Smith, Sii Grafton Elliot, F.K.S., 1 Jan '37.
Smith, John Obed, 14 Apr. ’37.
Smith, J. T , 15 March ’37.
Smith, Victor, 16 Aug. *31.
Smuts, Johannes, I.S.O , 11 Oct ’37.
Snaith, John Collis, 8 Dec. ’30
Snowden, 1st Viscount, P.C., 15 Ma.\ ’37 (» »/.).
Sobry, Henn, C.B.E., March ’37.
Somervell, Hir Arthur, 2 May ’37.
SommerviUe, David, 30 Jan ’37.
Soulsby, Sir William Jam.-smi, K.C.V.O., C B.,
C.I.E., 13 Feb. ’37.
Southwell, lU. Re\. Hpnr\ Kemble, C.M.G.,
9 Mar. '37.
Spanton, Re\. Canon Ernest Fiederick, 1 Nov.
Spencer, Sii Ernest, 29 June ’37.
Spender-Clay, Lt.-Col. Rt. Hon. Herbert
Heniy, P.C., C.M.G., M.P., 15 Feb. ’37.
Spenser, Harry Joseph, 1 Sep. ’37
Spiers, Victor Julian Taylor, 27 July '37.
Sprigrge, Sir Squire, 17 June '37.
Squire, Alice, 19 Dec ’3u.
Standinif, Com. Sir Guy, K.B.K., 24 Feb. '37.
Stanhope, Hon. Charles Hay Scudamore, 9
Feb. ’37.
Stanton, He\. IB-ibeit Udn> Weitbiecht, 30
May ’37
Stephen, Sii (John Campliell, 14 Sep. ’37.
Stephenson, Rev. Frank, 17 No\. ’3o
Stevens, Fiank, (J.M.G., 21 F('b. ’35.
Stevens, Geoige Bridges, C.B E., ‘J Oct. '37.
Stevenson, James Alexandei, 5 Oct ’37
Steward, Rt. Rev. John Manwanng, 13 Sep.
Stewart, Sii Halley, 26 Jan. ’37.
Stewart, Sir Hobart, 8 May '37.
Stocks, John Leofric, D.8.O., 13 June ’37.
Stone, Hev. Hpnr> Cecil Brough, C.B. E., 3 Dec.
Stott, Sir I’liilip Sidney, 1st Bt , 31 Mar. '37.
Stout, Percy Wyfold, DSC, G.B B , ‘»Oct. ’37.
Straker, John Coppin, 11 Apr. ’37.
Strathcarron, 1st Baron, P.C., K.(’., 14 Aug.
’37 {
Street, Georg*- Slythe, M V.O., 31 Oet. *36.
Streeter, Rev. Burnett Hillman, 10 8*‘p. '37.
Strudwick, J. M., 16 July ’37.
Stuart, Ma).-Gi*n. Sir Andrew MiUhell,
K C.M.G , C B , 28 Nov ’36.
Sturrock, Sir John (Christian Ramsay), C.M.G. ,
13 F.-b. ’37.
Sullivan, John William NaMii, 11 Aug. ’37.
Sullivan, Sir William, 3id Bt., 7 July ’37
Summers, Walter Co\ entry, 30 Mar. ’.37.
Sutherland, Sn (h-orge (Henry), 11 May ’.37.
Swift, Sir Rigliv Philij) Watson, P* Oet ’37.
Swinton, Captain Geoige Sitwell Camphell, 17
Jan. *37.
Symmers, W. St. Clair l Oct. ’.37.
Taft, Loiado, Oct. ’36.
Tanner, A i chi bald Geraid, D.S.O., u Apr. ’,37.
Tate, U)l. G*‘Trard William, C.M.G., D.S O.,
3 Oct. *37.
Taylor, John, O.B.E , lit Sep. '36.
Taylor, W., O.B.B., F.R.S., 28 F.-b. '37.
Teed, Frank Litheiland, 22 A])i. ’37.
Temple, Col. Frank Valiant, C.M.G., 3 Apr. ’37.
Tennant, Robert Hugh, 27 Nm. ’36.
Terry, Chailes Sanlord, 5 Nov. ’.36.
Teynham, 18th Baron, It* Dec. ’36.
Thomas, Richard Macaulay, M.V.O , 26 Aug.
Thompson, Arthur Hugh, 11 Jan. ’.37.
Rev. Arthur Wellington, 8 June
Thomson, Ehhu, 13 March ’37.
Thomson, Lt.-Col. John Ferguson, D.S.O., 17
Apr. ’37.
Thomson, John Gordon, 13 Aug. '37.
Thoms on- Walker, Sir John William, O.B.E. ,
5 Oct. *37.
Thorburn, Col. Harold Hay, C.I.E. , 27 Jan. ’37.
Thornton, Col. Leslie Hebei, C.M.G., D.S.O.,
5 Jan. ’37.
Thornton, Re\. Stephen Augustine Lawienc*-,
D.S.O., 18 No\. ’.36.
Thulrai, Taluqdar of, K.C.l.E.
Tibbits, Cliailes John, July ’35.
Tiddeman, Liz/ie Ellen, 28 May ’37.
Tidswell, Brig.-Gen. Edward Cecil, C B.,
D.S.O., 28 Jan. ’,37.
Tillyard, Robin John, F.R.S., 13 Jan. ’37.
Timpson, Sn John, K B.E., 19 Oct. ’37.
Todhunter, Col. Heibeil William, C.M.G.,
8 Nov. ’36.
Tollemache, Hon. Stratford, .30 Xug ’37
Tollinton, Henry Phillips, C.S.I., C.I.E., 11
Apr. ’37.
TOlmie, Hon. Simon Frasci , P.C. (Jaiuula, M.P.,
13 0( t. ’37.
Tom, Heniy, C.M.G., M.B.E., lt> Jum- ’37.
Tomkinson, Dng. H. A., D.S.O., 21 Jan. .37.
Tompson, Map-Ocn. Reginald Henry Dal-
ryniple, C.B., C.M.G., D.S O., 11 Oct ’37.
Tonkinson, Hariy, C.I.E., C.B.E., 25 Sep *37.
Tonks, Henr\,8Jan. 37.
Travers, Sir (Walter) Lancelot, C.I.E , O.B.E.,
30Juh ’37.
Tree, La<Iy, O B E., 7 Aug. ’37.
Trimlestown, 18tli Baron, 26 Jan. ’37.
Trollope, Lt.-Col. Sir Arthur Grant, 1.3th Bt.,
14 Fell. ’37.
Troughton, Rev. Arthur Perceval, 11 Sep.
Tucker, Ver\ Hex. William Fiedeiu, ’So.
Tuf^well) Ven. Lewen Greenwood, 1 Oct ’37.
Turnbull, Col. John, C.M.G., 16 May ’.37,
Turner, Rt. Hon. Sn William, P.C. (Ire.), 13
June ’37.
Tweedaley Violet, 10 Dec. ’.3i).
Tweeddalei Juba, Maichioness of, 17 May ’37
Umfrevillej Lt.-Col R.ilpb Bnmion, C.M G.,
DS.O., 29Jan ’37.
Upton, Sir (Thomas) Everaid (Tiohborm-), 9
Jan. ’37.
Urquharty Fit-deiic (.'harles.
Van BoeschoteUi Sir Johannes Gerard, 14
July '37.
Van den Bergrh, Heniy, 12 March ’.37.
Vanderlip, Frank Arthur, 29 June '37.
Vardon, Harry , 20 March ’.37.
Veleyi Lilian Jane, 27 Nov. ’36.
Venkatagiri, Maharajah of, K.C.I K., 17 June
Verity, Francis Thomas, 14 Aug. '37.
Vemer, Capt. Sn Edward Wingfield, 5th 13t.,
1 Nox . ’36.
Verschoyle, Arthin Robert, 15 Sep. ’37.
vibart, Bt Lt.-Col Noel Meredith, D S ().,
.3 Aug. ’.35.
Vivian, Capt. Anthony- Hamilton, 14 Feb. ’37,
Von Seeckt, Qem-ral, 27 Der . 30.
Vyvyan, Rt. Bex. Wilmot liiishington, 2*> Aug.
W'addy, 13ev. Pereival Staev, 8 Ft-b ’37.
’Wafn^er, Vi-ry R<'v William Wolfe, 2 Mauh
Wakefield, l.t.-Col. Thomas Montague, D S.O ,
11 Nov. ’.3u
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Walker^ Dame Eadith Campbell, D.B.E.,80ct.
Walker, Maj •(tch. Oor^e, C.B., C.B E.,
D.S.O., fj Dec. ’30.
Walton, 13riK.-Gen. William Cra\vfor<l, C.B.,
C.M.G., 9 May ’37.
Warburg, Sir Oscai Emanuel, O.B E., 1 Julv
Warde, Col. Sir Charles Edward, 1st Bt.,
O.B.E., 12 Apnl 37 (eif.).
WarloWi Ven. Edmund John, 17 Juim ’37.
Warrington ot Clytt.*, 1st Haron, P.(;., Oct.
’37 (exf.).
Wataoni John, 24 Aug. ’3d
Way. Rev. John Pearce, 28 Jan. ’37.
Weatherheadi Re\. Aithur Swinton, 23 July
Webbj Percy Henry, M.B.E., 4 March ’37.
Webb, Philip George Lancelot, C.B.,C.B.E., 5
May ’37.
Weekesi Paymaster Rear-Adm. Victoi Herbert
Thomas, C.B , C.M.G., 20 June ’37.
Weighton, Robeit Imnan, 19 Feb. ’37.
W’elby, Sir Allred Cholnieley Earle, K B.B.,
18 May ’37.
Welldon, Rt. Rev. James Edwaid Cowell, 17
June ’37.
Wemyasi nth Eail of, 12 July ’37.
Werner I Louis, 2 > No^. ’36.
Wbartonf Rev. Edgai, 4 Dee. ’3u.
Wharton, Edith, 11 Aug. ’37.
White} Hon. Albert Scott, 17 March 31.
White, Bng.-Gen. Hon. Robert, C.B , C.M.G.,
D S O., 19 Nov. ’30
Whorlow, Re\. Alfred, 18 Feb. ’37.
Whytehead. Re\. Henry Robert, 22 July ’37.
Wickremasinghe} N. Don Maitnio de Zilva,
4 June '37.
Widor, Charles-Marie, March '87.
WigaU} Charles, 21 June '37.
WiggiU} Lt.-Col. Walter William, 1 No\ '36.
Wigram, Raljih Follet, C.M G , 31 Dec.’3u.
Wijhe, J. W. ^an.
WilcockS} Hon. Carl Theodorus Muller, 14
Nov. ’3u
Wilkinson, (Henry) Spenser, 31 Jan. ’37.
Willett, John Eddowes, C B.E., 2 June ’37.
Williams, Rev. Hugh Cernyw, 3 May '37.
Williamson, Andiew, 23 Oct. 37.
Wills, Heibeit W., Feb. ’37.
Wills, Major William Arthur, 1 Apiil ’37.
Wilmot-Smith, Commandei \ndiew, D.S.O.,
2d July ’37.
Wilson, Maj.-Gen, Sir Alexander, K.C.B., 7
July ’37.
Wilson, Major Cecil William, D.S.O., 7 Apnl
Wilson, Chailes Henry, C.I.E , 14 May ’37.
Wilson, Sir Henry Fiancis (Hany), K.C.M.G.,
Wilson, Canon Reginald Francis, 10 Jan. ’37.
Wilson, Lt.-Col. Richaid Henry Francis
Wharton, D.S.O., 14 Dec. ’3d.
Wilson, Sir Samuel, 23 June ’37.
Wilson, Samuel Alexander Kmnier, 12 May ’37.
Wiltshire, Harold Water low, O.B.B., D.S.U.,
18 Jan. ’37.
Winckley, Rev, Canon Sidney Thorold, 8 May
Wingate, Sn Andrew, K.C.l.E., 1 Jan. ’37.
W^ingfield, Maui ice Ed^va^l, C.M.G., 21 Oct.
Wise, Thomas James, 13 May ’37.
Wolseley, Viscountess, 24 Dec. ’3(.(ea:<.).
Wood, Butler, 20 Dec. ’34.
Wood, Charles Frederick, 3 Jidy ’37.
Woodhonse, William John, 27 0( t. ’37.
Woodyatt, Major-Gen. Nigel Gre.sley, C.B.,
C LE., 17 Dec. ’36.
Workman, Maik, 1 Nov. ’3»).
Workman, William Hunter, 10 Oct. ’37.
Worley, Arthur, IstBt., C.B.E., 19 July
’37 (orf.).
Worsley, Sir William Henry Arthington, 3rd
Bt.. 27 Nov. ' 3 u.
Wright, Re\. Edwin Henry.
Wright, William, 21 Oct. '37.
Wrighton, Edward, D.S.O., 1 June ’37.
WyfOld, Ist Baron, 3 June ’37.
Wylie, Bng.-Gen. James Scott, D.S.O. , M.V.O.,
K.C., L) May ’37.
WyliCf John, <» Nov. ’36.
Wynyard, Ma^ior Edward George, D.8 0.,
O.B E., 30 Oct. '36.
Yapp, Sir Arthur (Keysall), K.B.E., '> Nov.
Yarr, Ma)or-General Sir Thomas, K.C M.G.,
C.B., 2-1 April '37.
Yates, Kev. Thomas, 12 Nov. '86.
Young, Lt -Col. Aithur (DaMdson), C.M G., 21
April ’37.
Young, Sydney, F.R.S., 8 April ’37.
Younger, Sir William, Ist Bt., 28 July ’37.
Zaharoff, Sir Basil, G.C.B., G B.E , 27 Nov.
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WHO’S WHO, 1938
• Palace ; Windsoi Castle , Ro>al Lodge, Windsor Gieat Park ;
Balmoial, Aberdeenshire; Sandringham Hall, Norfolk.
His Majesty Kins George VI 14 Dec. 1895
Succeeded his brothei, King Edward VIII , II Decembei ISHd.
Married 26 April 1923, Lady Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon, h. 4 Aug. 1900, d. of 14th Earl
of Strathmore, q.v., and has issue —
Princess Elizabeth Alexandra Marv , of York . . 21 Apr. 1926
Princess Maiujaket Hose, of Yoik . . . . 21 Aug. 1930
liesKk'fKt: Mailboiough House, S.W 1.
Her Majesty Queen Mary 2b Ma> 1807
Mamed 6 July 18b3(as Pi iiicess \ icroRiA Mary ot Tetk) Piiiae Geohof, Duke
of Yoik, who succeeded as KiN«. Gkorof V., b May I'dO.
Edward Albert Christian George Andrew Patrick David (Duke of
Windsor) . . . 23 June 1894
Succeeded his fathei, King Geoige V., 20 January 193 (:; abdicated 11 Decem]»er 1936.
Mamed 3 June 1907, Mis. Wallis Warfield.
Prince Henry William Frederick Albert (Duke of Gloucester) 31 Mar. 1900
Mamed b No\ Lady Alice Montagu-Douglas-Scott, }> ‘JO Dee, 11*01,
3id d. of 7tfi Dukefuf liuccleucli.
Residences. York House, St James’s l^alate, S W.l , Royal Payilion, Aldeishot.
Prince George Edward Alexander Edmimd (Duke of Kent) . . . 20 Dec. 1902
Married 29 Nov. 1934, Princess Marina, h. 30 Nov. 1906, y. d. of Prince Nicolas
of Greece, and has issue —
Pi nice Edward Georoe Nicholas Pairkk . . 9 Oct. 1035
Princess Ai EWNDRA Hei IN Ki i/AHEiii Oiov Chkisi AHFL . . 25 Dec. 19.Io
Risidena-'^ * 3 Belgra^e Sciuare, S W 1 ; Copiniis, lyei, Buek'>
Princess Royal (Victoria Alexandra Alice) Mary .... 25 Apr. 1897
Married 28 Feb. 1922, Viscount Lascelles (now Earl of Harew’ood, q v ), and has issue —
George Henry Hubert (Viscount Lascelles, q.v.) . . .7 Feb. 1923
Gerald David 22 Aug. 1924
H.M. THE Queen o^ Norway (Maud Charlotte Mary Victoria). . 26 Nov. l8oy
Married 22 July 1896, King Haakon VII. of Norway, 2nd son of late King
Frederick VIII. of Denmark, and has issue —
Crown Prince, Olav (Alexander Edward CuRisriAN Krkdkkick) . 2 July 1903
Married 1929, Piincess Marthe, of Sweden, and has Essue
WHO^S WHO, 1938
(Brother of King Edward VII.)
H.R.H. Prince Arthur William Patrick Albert, Duke of Connaught 1 May 1860
Mamed 13 March 1879, Princess Louise Maroarbt Alexandra Victoria Aonks,
daughter of Prince Frederick Charles of Prussia ; she died 14 March 1917,
and left issue now living —
Prince Arthur Frederick Patrick Albert, of Connaught, q.v.
Married 16 Oct. 1913, the Duchess of Fife, g.«., and has issue.
Princess Victoria Patricia Helena Elizabeth (Lady Patricia Ramsay) 17 Mar 188(>
Married 1919, Vice-Adm Hon. Sir A. R. M. Ramsay, q v., and has issue.
Residences: Bagshot Park, Surrey; Clarence House, St. James’s, 8.W.
(Sisters of King Edward VII.)
H.R H Princess Louise Caroline Alberta . 18 Mar. 1848
Mamed 21 March 1871, Marquess of Lome, later 9th Duke of Argyll, who died
May 2. 1914.
ResuUnces: Kensington Palace, W. ; Roseneath, Dumbartonshire
H.R.H. Princess Beatrice Marie Victoria Feodora 14 Apr 1857
Mamed 23 July 1885, Prince Henrt Maurice of Battenberg, who died 20 Jan
1896, and has issue —
Marquess of Carisbrooke, q.v.
Ex-Queen of Spain (Victoria Eugenie Julia Ena) .... 24 Oct 1887
Married 31 May 1906, Bx-King Alphonso XIII. of Spam, and has issue.
Residences: Carisbrooke Castle, Isle of Wight ; Kensington Palace, W.
Who’s Who among the Blind
At the National Institute for the Blind there is a Blind
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Bankers: WESTMINSTER BANK, ai Lombard Street, E.C.3.
A. A.; see Willis, Capt. A. A.
AARON, Richard Ithamar^ M.A., D.PliiI. ;
Professor ot Philosophy, Utnveisity College ot
Wales, Abeiystwyth, since 1P32 ; b. 6 Nov. 1001 ;
s. of William and Margaret Aaron, Ynystawe,
Swansea ; in. Rhlannon Morgan. Educ. : Carditt
University College, Onel College, i Oxford.
Fellow of the Univ. of Wales, 1928 ; Lecturer at
Swansea, 1926. Publications . The Nature of
Knowing, 1930 ; Hanes Athroniaeth, 1932 ; An
Early J3ratt of Locke’s Essay (with .locel>n
Gibb), 1936; John Locke, 1937; contributor to
Mind, Pioc. Arist. Hoc., Hibbert Journal,
Lienor, etc Address University College of
Wales, Aberystwyth.
ABADYj Jacques, K.C 1935 ; b. Manchester;
m.\ ones Educ. : Manchester Grammar School ;
Birkbcck Tnst Apprenticed as engineer; foi-
merly M. Inst. Mech, E. ; invented several
scientilic instruments; gold and silver medallist,
Institution of Gas Engineers ; called to Bar,
1905; Member Westminster City Council;
Mayor, 1927*28 ; J. P. for County oi London. Pub-
lications: Clauses and Precedents in Private Bill
Legislation ; Gas Analyst’s Manual and many
papers and articles on scientific subjects.
Recreations: goll, billiards, music. Address'
Goldsmith Building, Temple, B.C.4. T. .‘Central
3403 ; 15 Bryanston Court, W.l. T. : Padding-
ton 7655. Clubs : St. Steplien’s, Constitutional;
Printon Golf.
abbas. KuJH Khan (Nawab), O.M.G.
1903 ; b. 1864 ; 5. of Jafer Kuli Khan (Nawab)
Educ.: England Inteipreter to H.M.’s Lega-
tion at 'Tehran, 1885 ; Assistant Oriental
Secretary, with the local rank of 3id Secre-
tary in the Diplomatic Ser\'ice, 1901 ; was
in attendance on the Special Envoy from
Persia at King Ed waul ’a Coronation (Corona-
tion Medal), and on the Shah duniig H.M.’s
visit to England, 1902; lent by H.M.’s Lega-
tion to Viscount Downe's special mission to
invest the Shah of Persia with the Order of
the Garter, 1903; Second Secretary m H.M.
Diplomatic Service, 1922 ; Head of the Oriental
Chancery of H.M.’s Legation at Tehran, 1908-
1929 ; retired on pension, 1929. Address :
Khiaban Ferdos, Tehran, Persia.
ABBAYi Captain Ambrose Thomas
Norman, D.8.O. 1920; R.N. (retd.); b. 10
Nov. 1886 ; 8rd s. of late Canon Richard Abbay
and Janet Norman Abbay of Earl Soham, Suffolk;
m. 1927, Beatrix Yvonne Alice, e, d. of late
P. 0. Tennant of Hatfield Priory, Hatfield
Peverell, Essex ; two d. Educ.: Framlingham
College, Sufiblk ; Eastman’s, Winchester. Com-
mander, 1922; served European War, 1914-18
(despatches, D.S.O.); retired list, 1982. Ad-
dress; 18 Plaghead Road, Can ford Cliffs,
Bournemouth. Club: Army and Navy.
ABBAY; Colonel Bryan Norman; O.B.
1931 ; retired to East Aiiica ; b. 6 June 1881 ; s.
oi Canon Richard Abbay ot Karl Soham and
Janet, d oi Canon Norman, Mistley ; one s. two
d. Edw. ; Feistead; Saiidhiiist. Joined Pompa-
dours, 2nd Essex Regt. ; served 8. Airman War
(medal and four clasps); Exploration Upper
Irrawaddy 19U8-12 (King’s Police Medal and
Macgregor Medal and thanks ot Burma Govt.);
served in France, 1914-16, Sialkot Cavaliy Bde.
and Public Scliool Bn. ; 20lh Royal Fusiliers
(Victory Medal and G.S Medal); Commanded
27th Light Cavalry, Afghan War, commanded
column that destioyod Urazmda; operations
against Mahsuds, operations against Wazirs
(Brevet Lt.-Colonel, despatches thrice, medal,
4 clasp.s); commanded 18th K. E.O. Cavalry.
Publications • Pamphlets and articles on Machine
Gunnery, and Natuial History. Recreations:
Big game .sliooting, pig sticking, polo. Ad-
dress : Nanyiiki, Kenya.
ABBEY, Lieut. -Col. Walter Bulmer
Tate, C B.B. 1919; Indian Army; retired;
b 8 Aug. 1872 ; surv. s. of late Walter Abbey of
Wellingborough Giange, Northants, Educ. :
Monkt^n Combe ; Sandhurst. Joined 2nd Dur-
ham Light Infantry, 1892; 7th Bombay Lancers,
1893 ; 32nd Lancers, 1896 ; Burma Commission,
1902 ; Deputy Commissioner, 1915 ; operations
against Kara rebels, 1898 ; Kachin Hills, 1914-
1915 (despatches, 11U4-15 star). Commandant
Chin Hills Battalion, 1917-19 ; Commanding
Haka Expedition, 1917-18 (despatches, C.B.E.)
Publications • Echoes of the East, 1899 ; Manual
of the Manx Language, 1901. Recreations : travel,
gardening. Address: Le Pr6, St. Clement,
Jersey ; Villa Mirainoiite, Tangier. Clubs : Naval
and Military, Sports ; Royal Cornwall Yacht.
ABBEY, William Henry; b. 1864; s. of
H. Abbey, Brighton ; m. 1888, Florence, d. of
H. Belcher, Hove ; two s. (one s.i killed in war).
High Sheriff of Sussex, 1935. Addiess: Sedgwick
Paik, Horsham, Sussex. T,: Lower Beeding
4. Clubs: Marlborough, Carlton, Boodle’s.
ABBOT, Lieut. -Col. Frederick
William, C.B.E. 1934; M.I.C.E., F.R.G.S.,
M.Am.Soc.O.E. ; Chevalier Legion d’flonneur ;
Coramandeur Couronne de la Roumanie, Cora-
mandeur Croix de Polonia Restituta, iCom-
mandeur de I’Aigle Blanc de Yugoslavia
Oommandeur de I’ordre Militaire St. Benoit
D’Aviz Portugal ; Chevalier de la Couronne de
ITtalie ; Chairman, British Legion, Pans
Branch; Hon. President Federation Interalli^e
des anciens combattants; Member of Com-
mittee, British Charity Board, Paris; Hertford
British Hospital, Pans; 5. 23 Dec. 1862; s. of
Rev. Frederick James Abbot, M.A., Chaplain
to the Guards, and Harriet, d. of William
Rothery, Head of Doctors Commons; m.
Minnie, d. of Dr. D. C. Gamble. Educ. :
Wellington College. Civil and Executive
Engineer with large experience in U.S.A.,
Canada, Mexico and Spain ; constructed about
500, (JOO Hydro Electric Horse Power and about
WHO’S WHO, 1938
1000 miles of High Tension Electric Trans- Language and Literature in the University of
mission Lines ; when war was declared was Durham and Censor of University College since
engaged in Hydro Electric work in Spain for 1932 ; h. 17 April 1889 ; er. s, of George Henry
the electrification of Barcelona ; joined Old Abbott and Mary Matilda Colleer ; unmarried.
Boys Corps, Sept. 1914; 2nd Lieut., 1916; Educ.: King Edward VI Sfchool, Chelmsford;
member Anglo- Russian Sub-Committee, U.S.A., Gonville and Cams College, Cambridge. Assist-
1916; Lieut. -Colonel, 1917; Deputy Director ant Master at the Grammar School, Sudbury,
of Inspection in the U 8. A. for the Ministry Suflfolk and the High School, Middlesbrough;
of Munitions, 1917 ; retired, 1919 ; received the B.A. (Lond.) 1913; M.A. (Lond ) 1915 ; Artists*
thanks of the Russian Ambassador m the Rifles O.T.C., 1918; Household Brigade O.C.B.;
U.S.A. and of the Minister of Munitions for 2nd Lieut. lush Guards (Special Reserve);
services rendered, itecrcaiiona : tennis, squash, B.A. (Cantab.) 1921; Ph.I). (Cantab.), 1926;
swimming. Address: Villa St Vallier, Boulevard Lecturer in English Language and Literature m
Franck Pilatte, Nice, France. T.A. : Fredabbo, the Univeisity of Aberdeen, 1921-32. PubJica-
Nice. T. : Nice 63-37. Clubs: Junior United turns: Youth and Age, 1918; Nine Songs from
Service, Boodle’s, St. James’s, Royal Thames the Old French, 1920; Poems, 1921; Miss
Yacht, Royal Automobile ; Travellers’, Pans. Bedell and Other Poems, 1924; Life and Letters
ABBOTT, family name of Baron Ten- of George Parley, 1928 , Ploughed Earth, Poems,
terden. 19i0, Early Medneval French Lyrics, 1932;
ABBOTTj AlbertjC.B E. 1926 ; 6. Adlington Letters of Gerard Mauley Hopkins to Robert
Chorley, 7 March 1872; m. Nancy, d. of EJdwin Bridges, 1935 ; Correspondence of Gerard Maii-
Hargreaves ; oue s. one d H. M. Inspector of Icy Hopkins and Richard Watson Dixon, 1935 ;
Schools, 1902-18; Secretary Provisional Com- A Catalogue of Papers relating to Boswell,
mittees on Reseaich for the Cotton Industry Johnson and Sir William Forbes, 1936. Becrea-
and for the Woollen and Worsted Industries, Hons: cricket, walking, golf. Address: The
1916-18 ; Assistant Secretary Dept, of Scientific Castle, University College, Durham. T. : Dur-
and Industrial Research, 1918-21 ; Chief In- ham 104. Clubs : Oxford and Cambridge
spector Technological Branch, Board of Edu- Musical, Athenaeum.
cation, 1921 32 ; reported to Government of ABBOTT, Edwin, C B.E. 1933 ; Comptroller
India on vocational education in India, 1937 ; General of Customs, Australia ; 5. 21 Nov. 1878 ;
Hon. Associate Manchester College of Tech- s of Edwin Abbott and Barbara McKay ; w.
nology ; Medallist and Hon Life Member 1904, Sara Jane Walker; five d. Edvc.: Fort
Textile Institute; Vice-President Bureau Inter- Street School, Sydney. Entered Customs
national de I’Enseignement Technique. Puhl%> Dept , 1893 , Secretary and Adviser to Australian
cations: Education for Industry and Com- Delegation to Imperial Conference, London,
merce in England; Day Continuation Schools 1930 ; Adviser to Australian Delegation, Ottawa,
(Joint author), 1935. Address: 6 Templars 1932. Recreations- motonng, swimming, golf.
Avenue, Oolders Green, N.W.ll. T. : Speed- Address: Dominion Circuit, Forrest, Canberra,
well 4292. F.C.T. T. : Canberra 813.
ABBOTT, Arthur, C.B E. 1933; Consul- ABBOTTi Rev. Eric SymeSf M.A. ;
General, Sao Paulo, since 1928 ; K 19 June 1879 , Waiden of the Scholae Cancellani, Lincoln, since
s. of late Robert Lamb Abbott, M.A. ; m. 1906, 1936; b 26 May, 1906 ; s. of Willidin Henry and
Cecile, d. of late Abraham Auret. Educ.: St. Mary Abbott, Nottingham. Kduc • Nottmg-
Ed ward’s, Oxford ; privately. Vice- and Acting ham High School; Jhsus College, Cambridge.
Consul at Munich, 1911; Consul at Sao Paulo, Cuiate, St. John's, Smith Squaie. Westminster,
Brazil, 1919. Recreations * golf, motoring, and 1930-32 ; Chaplain, King’s College, London,
mountaineering. Ad iress - Pritish Consulate 1932-36 ; Chaplain to Lincoln’s Inn, 1935-36 ;
General, SSo Paulo, Brazil. Clubs - St. James’s ; Examining Chaplain to Bishops of Lincoln and
Half-way House, Rio; Anglo-American, Sao Ripon. Retreations' walking, tennis, travel.
Paulo. Bishop's Hostel, Lincoln. T.; Lincoln
ABBOTTi Charles; President, District 879. (tub. L(‘ander.
Court, Cyprus, formerly Crown Counsel and ABBOTT^ Evelyn RohinS| C.I.B. 1921 ;
Resident Magistrate, Kenya Colony and Pro- I.C.S., retired ; h 9 May 1873; s, of late Sam
tectorate ; o. «. of late John Theodore Abbott, Abbott, M. I.C.E. ; m. 1909, Lillian, d. of
F.R.GS. and Mrs. W. E. Reynolds; step. s. late Sir William Ovens Clark, twos, three d.
of Dr. William Edward Reynolds, M.D., Tun- Educ.: Bath College; Balliol College, Oxford,
bndge Wells ; m. 1921, Constance Mary, Entered I C.S. as Assistant Commissioner,
0 . d. of late W. W. Sraithett, F.Q.S ; one s. Punjab, 1893; Deputy Commissioner, 1903;
Educ. : Portora Royal School, Enniskillen, Senior Secretary to Financial Commissioner,
Able Seaman, Royal Navy, 1914-15; Lieut., Pun]ab, 1907; Commissioner Multan Division,
The Middlesex Regiment, 1915-19; India, 1919; Financial Commissioner, Punjab, 1921;
Mesopotamia, Salonika; called to Bar, Gray’s Chief Commissioner, Delhi, 1924; retired, 1928.
Inn, 1921; member of the Central Criminal Address: The Old Vicarage, Moulsford, Berks.
Court, and South Eastern Circuit ; Labour T. : Cholsey 43.
Party, 1921; one of the founders of the Haldane ABBOTT, Francis Charles. C.B. E. 1920 ;
Club, 1929. Recreation: drawing. Address: M.S., B.Sc. Lond., F.R.C.S. ; Ofncier de I’ordre
c/o Judicial Department, Nicosia, Cyprus. Royale du Sauveur; Consulting Surgeon to
ABBOTT, Hon. Charles Lydiard Evelina Hospital for Sick Children; Medical
Auhrey; Administrator of Northern Tern- Superintendent to the Hermitage and Red
tory of Australia since 1937; h Sydney, Gables ; 6. 1867 ; 2nd «. of late Rev. A. R. Abbott;
4 May 1886; s of Thomas Kingsmill Abbot, m. 1901, Pauline, 3rd d. of late Colonel L’ Estrange
Chief Stipendiary Magistrate at Sydney ; m. of Moystown, King’s County ; two d. Educ. :
Hilda, d. of John Harnett, Monaro, N.S.W. ; Bruce Castle ; St. Thomas’s Hospital. B.Sc.
two d Educ. : The King’s School, Parramatta. London, 1886 ; M.B. (Gold Medal in Obst. Med.)
Pastoralist; owns Echo Hills, Kootingal, and B 8. 1890; M.S. (qual. for Gold Medal),
N.S.W. ; served with A. I. F., Aug. 1914-Oct. 1919 1898; F.R.C.S. Eng. (exam.) 1892, M. 1888;
(wounded); promoted to commissioned rank, L.R.C.P. Lond , 18^; Bxhib. and Gold Medal
and returned to Australia with rank of captain; in Anatomy and Organic Chemistry, Uiflv.
Member House of Representatives for Gwydir, Lond., 1887 ; Cheselden Medal and Treasurer’s
N.S.W., 192.5-29 and 1931-87; Minister for Gold Medal, St. Thomas’s, 1888 ; late Assist.
Home Affairs, Commonwealth of Australia, Surgeon, Aural Surgeon and Lect. on Practical
1928-29. Address : Government House, Darwin, and Operative Surgery, St. Thomas’s Hospital ;
*» Northern Territory of Australia. Consulting Surgeon Evelina Hospital for Sick
ABBOTT, Claude Colleer, M.A. (Lond.), Children; late Chief Medical Officer National
B.A., Ph.D. (Cantab); Professor of English Fund Greek Wounded, 1897: Commandant and
WHO’S WHO, 1938
Snrgeon-in-charge,Bed Gables Hospital, 1914-19*
PubliccUions : St. Thomas’s Hospital Reports,
1892-98 ; Surgery m the Greeco-Turkish War
(Lancet), 1899 ; Mactoglossia Neurofibromatosa
(Annals of Surgery), etc. Addre$s: The Her-
mitage, White Hill, Bletchingley, Surrey. T . .
Caterham 674. T.A. : Hermit, Bletchingley.
ABBOTT, Lt.-Col. Frank Berkeley,
D.S 0.1915; Indian Army; b 1886; 5 . of late
Colonel F. Abbott, Indian Army; m. 1934,
Helen, d. of Mrs. (5olver, Vellow Wood, Wey-
bridge. Educ. • Westward Ho ' Entered Indian
Army, 1906; served European War, 1914-19
(wounded thrice, despatches twice, DS.O.);
commanded 2nd Batt. 10th Gurkha Rifles 1930
1934. Club : Army and Navy.
ABBOTT, Georf^e Frederick, writer ,
Knight Commander of the Order of the Saviour
in Greece. Educ. : Emmanuel Coll., Camb. ,
Exhibitioner : Prizeman ip Greek ; Ist division,
2nd class. Classical Tripos, 1899; B.A. 1899
Sent by the University of Cambridge to Mace
donia fbr investigation into the folklore of
that country, 1900-1 ; Correspondent of the
Daily Nows, 1901 ; Special Correspondent for
the Daily Chronicle In South-Eastern Europe,
1903 ; Special Correspondent of the Calcutta
Statesman during the Prince of Wales' tour in
India, 1905-6 ; joined the Turco-Arab forces in
the Tripolitan hinterland, 1911-12. Pubhcahons
Songs of Modern Greece, 1900 , Macedonian
Folklore, 1908 , The Tale of a Tour in Mace
donia, 1908 ; Through India with the Prince,
1906 ; Israel in Europe, 1907 ; Greece in Evolu
tion (ed.), 1909 ; Turkey in Transition, 1909
The Philosophy of a Don, 1911 ; The Am
bassador of Loss, 1911 ; The Holy War in
Tripoli, 1912 ; Turkey, Greece and the Great
Powers, 1916 ; Under the Turk in Constant!
noplo, 1920 ; Greece and the Allies, 1922 ; Thucy
dides, 1925
ABBOTT, Harold Henry. M.A., Head
master. The Grammar School, Beaminster,
Dorset since 1936 ; h 20 June 1891; s of George
Heniy and Mary Matilda Abbott, m 1929,
one s one d. Educ ' King Edward VI School,
Chelmsford B A. (Lond ) Hons. English and
French , Diploma m Teaching, with distinction
(Lond ) ; Assistant Master, King’s School, ]
Gloucester ; Falmouth Grammai School , Royal
Grammar School, Worcester ; Second Master
Hymers College, Hull, 1919-85; Extra-Mural
Tutor and Lecturer, University College, Hull,
1929-84 Publications; Black and White, 1921 ,
An Essex Harvest, 1925. Recreations: walking,
ciicket, acting and play-readmg ; a country life
Address: The Grammai School, Beaminster,
Dorset. T.A, • Beaminster, Dorset. T • Bea
minster 69.
ABBOTT, Rev. and Major Herbert
Alldridgre j Headmaster, Palmer's School,
Giays, Essex, since 1918 ; h 16 March 1881 ; s.
of B. C. Abbott , m. 1910, Gabrielle van der
Weogen ; one $. one d. Educ. ' King’s College,
London; Queens’ College, Cambridge. Tutor
and Lecturer, The College, Chester, 1906-08 ,
Assistant Master, Queen Elizabeth Grammar
School, Black burn, 1908-11 , Headmaster, Eggars
Grammar School Alton, Hants, 1911-18 ; Deacon
1909 ; Priest, 1910 ; Executive Officer, National
Reserves, 1914; Captain Ist Hampshire V Regt. ;
commanded Essex Cadet Camp, 1920-2G ; Assist-
ant District Commissioner Boy Scouts Associa-
tion, 1919-34; Cadet Lt.-Col. and O. C Palmer’s
School Cadet Bn. since 1919; Maior T A.
(retired) ; O C. No 2 Companv National Defence
Companies 6th Bn The Essex Regt , (Life)
Fellow of Royal Historical Society, 1907 ;
Jubilee Medal. Recreation: winter sports
Address: Palmer’s School, Grays, Essex
T. A. : Abbott Grays Essex. T. : Tilbury
175. Clubs : Hellenic Travellers, Oxford and
Cambridge Travel.
ABBOTT, Ool. Herbert Bdward Stacy,
C.B.E. 1919; D.S.O. 1896, late R.B., retired;
h. Calcutta, 6 April 1866 ; s. of late General
H. E. 8. Abbott, Bengal Infantry ; m. 1881,
Mary, d of Thomas Aveling, Rochester, Kent ;
one d Educ. : Elizabeth College, Guernsey ;
R.M.A., Woolwich. Commissioned in Royal
Engineers, 1874 , went to India, 1877; served
Afghan War, 1878 1879-80 (medal); employed
m Public Works Dept., Punjab; served Ha 2 »ra
Expedition, 1888 (medal and clasp, despatches);
Hazara Expedition, 1892 (clasp, despatches);
served with Chitral relief force, 1896 (despatches,
medal, clasp, and D.S.O ), invalided to England,
1897 ; returned to India, 1898 ; officiating Chief
Engineer, Punjab, P.W.D., 1908-4 ; returned to
England, 1904 , retired, 1906 ; re-employed, 1909,
as War Office Inspector of Territorial Buildings ;
and in charge of building operations Duke of
York’s Headquarters, Chelsea ; Special Duty
Horse Guards, London Dist., 1915-19 (de-
spatches, C.B.E). Address: 80 King’s Road
Richmond, Surrey. T, : Richmond 1137.
Club. Junior United Service.
ABBOTT, Rt. Rev. H. P. Almon,
M.A., D D. ; Bishop of Lexington, Kentucky,
since 1929 ; b. 11 July 1881 , s. of Rev. John
Abbott, M A., Rector St. Luke’s Cathedral,
Halifax, N.S., and Ella, d. of Hon. M. B.
Almon, Halifax, N.S. ; m. 1907, Rachel, d. of
Lieut. -Col. Gwyn, Dundas, Ontario ; two 5.
three d. Educ . . Rothesay Collegiate School,
Rothesay, New Brunswick , University of King’s
College, Windsor, Nova Scotia ; St. Stephen’s
House, Oxford. On lamed, 1904 , Curate St.
Luke’s Cathedral, Halifax, N.S., 1904-6 , Assist-
ant Rector St. James the Apostle, Montreal,
P.Q , 1906 ; Rector of Chi ist Church Cathedral,
and Dean of Niagara, Hamilton, Ontario,
Canada, 1906 - 14 ; Dean of Trinity Cathedral,
Cleveland, Ohio, 1914-19; Rector of Grace and
St Peter’s Church, Baltimore, 1919 28 ; Rector
of St Chrysostom’s Church, Chicago, 111.,
1928-29 ; Delegate to General Convention, 1922,
1925, and 1928. Publications : The Man Out-
side the Church, and other volumes of ser-
mons. Recreations motoring, yachting. Ad-
dress • Lexingt-on, Kv., U 8. A.
ABBOTT, Brigadier- General Leonard
Henry, C.M.G 1916, JP East Suffolk;
Indian Army, retired ; Honorary Colonel 4/7th
Raiput Regiment, b. 10 Sep. 1875 ; 8. of
L. C Abbott, I C S . m 1809, Elsie Graham
Peddle ; one d. Educ. • Dulwich College ;
R M C., Sandhurst ; Staff College, Quetta 2nd
Lieut. Norfolk Regt , 1896 , Lieut, 11th ^jputs,
1898, Capt 1905; Major, 1914; Lt.-Col 1918,
8th Raiputs ; Colonel, 1920. Served European
War, 1914-18 ; Afghanistan, 1919 , Arab Rising,
Iraq, 1920 (despatches six times, C.M G , Offlcier
Legion of Honour, Croix de Guerre avec palmes,
Bt. Lt -Col., Bt. Col ). Address St. Margaret,
Harleston, Norfolk Club M C C.
ABBOTT, Percival Wm. Hy., B.A.
(Lond); b 7 June 1869; 5. of J S. Abbott;
m Isobel M. Lucy ; one d Educ. : privately;
London University. Mathematical master. The
Polytechnic, and Head of the Mathematical
Dept, 1895-1919; Headmaster, Polytechnic
School, Regent Street W 1, 1919-34; Member
I.A.H.M. ; formerly Hon Secretary and Presi-
dent, Association of Teachers m Technical
Institutions; Member Consultative Committee,
Board of Education, 1920-26; Member Secondary
Schools Examination Council, 1916-28; Member
Teachers’ Registration Council and Chairman
of Technical Section, 1912-26; Leader of the
Technical Panel, Burnham Committee, 1919-22 ;
formerly Hon Secretary of the Teaching Com-
mittee, Mathematical Association. Puhlica-
Hons Mathematical Tables and Formulae,
1918 ; Numerical Trigonometry, 1918; Exercises
in Arithmetic and Mensuration, 1918; Editor,
Longman Modern Mathematical Senes; Editor,
Cambridge Technical Series; formerly Ed tor.
The Technical Journal; contributor to various
educational and other periodicals. Recreations :
WHO’S WHO. 1938
music, travel, athletics. Address : 50 Highgate
Hill, N.19. T, : Archway 3388. Club : National
ABBOTT, lit.>Col. Percy Phipps,
O.M.G., 1917 : V.D. ; b. Hobart, Tasmania, 1869 ;
s. of John William Abbott; m. 1901, Elizabeth
Matilda, d, of B. B. Gidley-King; fourc. Educ.:
Hutchins School, Hobart; Sydney University
Solicitor; Member Commonwealth House of
Representatives lor New England, N.S.W.,
1913-19 ; Senator for New South Wales, 1925-28 :
served Kuiopean War with Australian Impeiial
Force, 1914-17 (despatches, C.M.G.). Address,:
Goorioo Goonoo, Tamworth, New South Wales.
ABBOTT, Brig. Reginald Stuart, C.l.E.
1937 ; M.C. ; Indian Ainiy ; Commander Kohat
Brigade since 1935 ; A.D.C. to the King since
1936; h, 12 Nov. 1882; 8rd surv.s, of late Sam
Abbott, Buenos Aiies; w. 1933, Magorie Mac-
Leod, y. d. of late John Macdonald, Portree,
Isle of Skye; two d, Educ. Tonbridge;
Balliol College, Oxford. 2nd Lieut. R. A. 1904;
Lieut. Indian Army, 1909; Capt. 1913; Bb.
Major, 1917; Major, 1919; Bt. Lt.-Col 1923 ;
Lt.-Col. 1930; Col. 1931; p s.c. Address - cfo
Lloyds Bank, Ltd., 6 Pall Mall, S.W.l. Club
Army and Navy.
ABDOOIi RAOOF, Sir Muhammad, Kt.,
cr. 1926 ; Khan Bahadur ; Judge Punjab High
Court, 1920-25. Address: 34 Canning Road,
ABDUIi AZIZ, Miau, Khan Baha-
dar, C B B. 1930; Revenue Member Council of
State, Jaipur, Rgjputana; b. Lahore, 1881.
Educ. : Government College, Lahore. Entered
Punjab Civil Service by competition; specially
promoted to hold listed post, 1919 ; official
representative of the Punjab Government in
the Legislative Assembly ot India, 1927-31 and
1938-35 ; was secretary to the Indian Round
Table (jonferonce in London. Publications .
Settlement and Assessment Reports of Jhang,
Rivaj-i-Amof Jhang, Mazarnin-i-Falakpaima
Recreation: 'tennis. Club' Jaipur, Jaipur
ABDUL HAMID, Khan Bahadur
Sir, Kt., cr. 1938; C.I.B. 1923; O.B.B. 1918;
Member 'Indian Legislative Assembly, b.
16 Oct. 1881 ; s of late Diwan Aziz Bakhsh and
Mutwala Begiun; m. 1908, Iqbal Begum, d. of
Khan Sahib Sheikh Amirud-Din ; threes. Educ.'
Lahore Government College. Called to Bar,
Lincoln’s Inn; Judge, 1910; Revenue and
Home Minister of Kapurthala State, l'>n-14 ;
Chief Minister, Kapurthala State, 1915-35 ;
Delhi Coronation Durbar Medal, 1911; title of
Khan Bahadur, 1916; Fellow of the Punj'ah
University, and Memlser of Punjab Legislative
Council, 1921-23 ; Chairman Central Areas
Banking Enquiry Committee, 1929-81 ; one of
the Indian delegates to the League of Nations
Assembly at Geneva, 1931. Address. 3 Sikandia
Road, New Delhi, India. Clubs ■ Imperial Delhi
Gymkhana, Calcutta, New Delhi ; Willingdon,
Bombay ; (Dhelinsford, Simla and Delhi.
ABDUL QAIYUM, Nawab Sir Sahib,
zada, K.C.l.E. cr 1917; C IE. 1908; Hon.
Secretary, Islamia College, Peshawar ; MinKster,
N.W. Frontier Province since 1932; M.L.A.
since 1923; b. 1866. Served Black Mountain
Expedition, 1888 (despatches); Samana Expedi-
tion, 1891; Tirah, 1897-8 (despatches); Zakka-
Khel Expeditions, 1908 (C T.B.); European War,
1914-19 (despatches) ; on Indo- Afghan Boundary
Commissions, 1894-5; Nawab, 1925; Kaisar-i-
Hind Gold Medal, 1929. Address: Topi,
Peshawar, India.
ABDUR RAHMAN. Khan Bahadur
Sir Muhammad, Kt. cr. 1934; LL.D.;
Puisne Judge, High Court of Judicature, Mad-
ras since 1937 ; b 6 Oct. 1888. Advocate ; Vice-
Chancellor University of Delhi. Address: High
Court, Madras, India.
zada Sir, Kt. cr. 1934; C I E 19i5; b. 27
Sep. 1874 ; s. of Sahibzada Abdussalan Khan ;
m. ; three s. three d. Educ. : In India. Re-
tired from the post of Chief Minister Kampur
State after serving in that capacity for 34 years;
Attended Round Table Conference in London
1931, Ottawa Conference in Canada 1932, and
League of Nations, Geneva 1933. Address: Ram-
pur State, U.P.,|India. Club : Royal Automobile.
See also Euler of Ravipur.
AB O Y| Richard Combe ; High Steward of
Harwich ; President, Land Bank of Egypt and
other companies m Egypt ; s. of late John
Thomas Abdy and Marion Hollway ; unmarried.
Educ. : Charterhouse ; Vevey and Bonn .
Entered finance in the City under Baring
Brothers & Co., whence he went to help the
foundation of the National Bank of Egypt ; was
President of the British Chamber of (Commerce
in Egypt twice; received the 2nd Class Order
of the Nile and was made honorary member of
Les Anciens Combattants de la Grande Guerre
by the French Colony of Alexandria ; officer of
the Legion of Honour Recreations: Alpine
climbing, sailing and gardening. Address:
Villa Clairmont, La Tour de Peilz, Vevey,
Vaud, Switzerland ; Clairmont House, Halte
Gianaclis, Alexandiia, Egypt. Clubs: Bt.
James’s, Savile, Garrick, Royal Automobile;
Automobile de Prance, Paris.
ABDY, Sir Robert Heury Edward, 6th
Bt , cr 18.50 ; late 15th Hussars ; b. 11 Sep. 1896;
*. of 4th Bt. and Anna Adele Coronna ; S. father,
1921 ; w. 1st, 1923, lya Jongeyans (who obtained
a divorce, 1928) ; 2nd, 1980, Lady Diana Bridge-
man, e.d. of 5th Earl of Bradford, q v. Educ. •
Sandhurst. Heir: none.
See also Maj. P. C. Anderson, Earl of Lanes-
a BECKETT, Mrs. T. A., C.B.E. 1935;
M.Sc. (Ada Mary d Beckett), Senior Lectin er in
Biology at Scotch College, Melbourne ; Presi-
dent of Free Kindeigarten Union of Victoria
since 1918; b. 18 May 1872 ; d. of Rev. Henry
John Lambert, Presbyterian Minister, Vic. and
Helen, d. of Rev. James Garrett, M.A.,
Tasmania; m 1903, Thomas Archibald A Beckett,
B.A , I<L B (d 1930); three s. Educ.: Ad-
vanced School for Girls, Adelaide; University
of Meibom ne (Annie Grice Scholar, University
Exhibitioner and Prizeman, Wyselaskie Scholar).
B.Sc. 1895; M.Sc. 1897 ; First Woman lecturer
m University of Meibom rve, 1901; Visiting
Science Mistress in seven Girls’ Secondary
School.M, 189.3-1900; Evening lecturer in Botany
at Working Men’s College, 1898-9; Demon-
strator in Biology, Scotch College, Melbourne,
1917 , Hon. Sec. ot Ftee Kindergarten Union of
Victoria, 1912-16; Chairman of Kindergarten
Training College Council since 1926. Publica-
tion The Land Leecliesof Australia (Biological
Research). Address: Penleigh, 14 Lansdowne
Road, Bast St. Kilda, Melbourne, S.2., Aus-
tralia. T.: Windsor 1382 Clubs: English
Speaking Union; Lycemii, Professional and
Business Women’s, Melbourne.
ABEL, Henry George, b. 22 Aug. 1876;
m. B. M., d, of Rev. Richard England Long,
Liverpool. Educ. * St. Olave’s; Christ’s College,
Cambridge. First Class Classical Tripos, 1897 ;
M. A. 1909; Senior Classical Master, Wakefield
Grammar School, 1899-1 910 ; Headmaster, Barns-
taple Grammar School, 1910-17 , Central Founda-
tion Boys’ School, 1918-22, 8t. Olave’s School,
Tower Bridge, S.E 1, 1922-37. Recreations:
walking, music. Address: 87 Calton Avenue,
S.E.21. T. : Hop. 6398.
ABEL SMITH, Col. B. ; see Smith.
ABEL SMITH, Major Henry, Royal
Horse Guards; b. 8 March 1900; er. s. of late
Francis Abel Smith and Madeline St Maur, d.
of late Rev. Henry Seymour; m. 1981, Lady
May Cambridge, o. c of 1st Earl of Athlon e, q v. ;
ones. tuod. Educ.'R.M.C Sandhurst. Entered
Royal Horse Guards, 1919 ; Capt. 1930 ; Major,
1934; A.D.C. to Earl of Athlone, Governor-
General of S. Africa, 1928-81. Recre^ations :
WHO’S WHO, 1938
hunting, shooting, lishing, polo. Address:
Barton Lodge, Winkfteld, Windsor. Clubs:
Turf, Princes.
ABEli-SMlTH, Brisradier General
Eione^ D 8.0. 1918; b. Nov. 1870; s. of Rev. A.
Smith, Wendover, Bucks ; tn. 1928, Genevieve,
d. of Robert Walsh, Armagh ; two s Educ. .
Haileybury; R.M.A. Joined Royal Artilleiy,
1890 ; retired, 1926 ; served European War,
1914-18 (despatches, D.S.O.). Address: 24
Kensington Court Gardens, W.8. T. : Western
8255. Club : Naval and Military.
ABElali, George Foster; Chief General
Manager Lloyds Bank, Ltd. ; Director IJoyds
and National Provincial Foreign Bank, Ltd. ;
Member of Council, Charing Cross Hospital
and Cheltenham College ; s. of late George
Edmund Abell of Grafton Manor, Bromsgrove ;
TO. Jessie Elizabeth, d. of Rev. E. B. Bracken-
bury; twos, two d. Educ : Repton. Address:
Couit Lodge, Fawkham, Kent
ABEIjL, Major Robert Lloyd, D.S O
1919 ; M.C. ; b. 1889 ; 8. of late G. B. Abell,
J.P. of Grafton Manor, Bromsgrove, Worcester-
shire. Educ. • Repton. Formerly Major Royal
Field Artillery ; served European War, 1914-19
(thrice wounded, despatches, M.C., D.8.O.,
Italian Croix de Guerre). Recreations: hunting,
shooting. Addrs'^s: Foxcote Manor, Andovers
ford, Glos. T. : Andoversfoid 10.
ABELL, Thomas Bertrand, O.6.E.
1920, M. Eng. (Liv.); R.C.N.C., retired;
M. Inst. N A , M. Inst. M.B. ; Professor of
Naval Architecture, University of Liverpool,
since 1914 ; h. Marcli 1880 ; 2nd s. of Thomas
Abell, J.P. ; to Gertrude, d. of late Edwin F
Brook. Educ. . West Buckland School ; Royal
Naval Engineei mg College, Devonport; Royal
Naval College, Greenwich. Appointed to Royal
Corps of Naval Constructors, 1903 ; Admiialty
Experiment Tank, 1904-8; Instructor in Naval
Architecture, Royal Naval College, 1910-14 ;
Lecturer at Royal Naval War College, Ports
mouth Temporary Constructor, Admiralty,
1916 ; Assistant Director of Designs, Admiralty,
and Ministry of Shipping, 1917-19 Publica-
tions: Stability and Seaworthiness of Ships,
papers on subjects relating to Naval Aichi-
tecture. Address: 36 Brancote Road, Birken-
head. T. : Birkenhead 1054. Club: Um
versity, Liveipool.
ABELL, Sir Westcott Stile^ K.B.E., cr.
1920; R.C.N.O., ret. ; M.Bng, ; Vice-Pres. Inst
N.A.; M.lnst C.B.; Prof, of Naval Architecture,
Armstrong College, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, since
1928 ; Chief Ship Surveyor, Lloyd s Register
of Shipping, 1914-28, s. of Thomas Abell,
b 16 Jan, 1877; m. 1902, Beatrice, d. of late
Joseph Wyld Davenport ; one s three d, Educ.
West Buckland School ; Royal Naval Engineer-
ing College, Devonport ; Royal Naval Col
lege, Greenwich. Appointed to Royal Corps
of Naval Constructors, 1900 ; Professional
Secretary to Director of Naval Construction,
1904-7 ; Instructor in Naval Architecture, Royal
Naval College, 1907-10; Professor of Naval
Architecture, University of Liverpool, 1910-14 ,
delivered the James Watt Anniversary Lecture
before the Greenock Philosophical Society,
1916 ; Member of Board of Trade Committee on
the Internationalisation of the Load Line of
Ships, 1913; Member of Board of Trade Com-
mittee on Shipping and Shipbuilding, 1916 ;
Member of iMerchant Shipbuilding Advisory
Committee appointed by Ministry of Shipping,
1916 ; Technical Adviser to the Controller of
Shipping, 1917 (by arrangement with Lloyd’s
Register) ; Member of Admiralty Shipbuilding
Council, 1917 ; President of Institute of Marine
Engineers, 1924 25 ; Member of Board of Trade
Load Line Committee, 1927 ; British Delegate
International Conference on the Safety of Life at
Sea, London, 1929 ; Master of the Worshipful
Company of Shipwrights, 1981 ; President of
Devonshire Association, 1988. Pubhcations :
The Safe Sea, 1932 ; The Ship and her Work ;
contributions to Transactions of Institution of
Naval Architects and other societies. Address :
12 Westtteld Drive, Gosforth, Newcastle-upon-
Tyne. 2.: Newcastle 62301. Club: Royal
ABERCON WAY, of Bodnant in the county
of Denbigh, 2nd Baron, cr. 1911 ; Henry
Duncan McLaren, Bt., cr 1902;
O.B.B. 1918; J.P. Denbighshire; Chairman
of John Brown Ltd , of Thos. Firth and John
Brown Ltd., of the Tredegar Iron and Coal
Co , Ltd., and of Yorksliire Amalgamated
Collieries ; a director of The National Pro-
vincial Bank, The British Overseas Bank
(Deputy Chairman, 1936-87), the London
Assurance, Doncaster Amalgamated Collieries,
and of the Sheepbndge Coal and Iron Co.
Ltd. ; 6. 16 April 1879 ; e. s of Ist Baron
and Laura, Lady of Grace of Order of St.
John of Jerusah m, C.I3.E. (d. 1933), o. d.
of late Henry Pochin, M P., Bodnant, Den-
bighshire; s. father 1934; to 1910, Chnstabel,
y. d. of late Sir Melville Macuaghten, C.B. ;
three s two d Educ.: Eton (Captain of the
Oppidans, 1897-98); Balliol College, Oxford.
Barrister of Lincoln’s Inn; M.P (L ) West
Staffordshire 1906-10 ; (C.L.) Bos worth Division,
Leicesters, 1910-22 ; Parliamentary Private
Secretary to the Chancellor of the Exchequer,
1908-10; Pie&ident of the Royal Hoiti-
cultuial Society since 1931. Recreations :
shooting, gardening, motoring. Jleir: s. Hon.
Charles Melville McLaren, h. 16 April 1913].
Address: 38 South Street, Mayfair, W 1. 7’ *
Qrosvenor 1202 ; Bodnant, Tal-y-cafn, North
Wales. Club : Brooks’s.
See also Sir IS. A. J. Johnson-Ferguson, Rt.
Hon. Sir Henry Not man.
ABERCORN, Srd Duke of (cr. 1868), James
Albert Edward Hamilton; K.G. 1928 ;
K.P. 1923; Baion of Paisley, 1687; Baron Aber-
corn, 1603 ; Baron Hamilton and Earl of Aber-
corn, 1606 , Baron of Strabane, 1617 ; Viscount of
Strabaiie, 1701 ; Viscount Hamilton, 1786, Mar-
quess of Abercorn, 1790 , jMarquess of Hamilton,
1868 ; Governor of Northern Ireland .since 1922 ;
b SO Nov. 1869 ; 8. of 2nd Duke and Lady Mary
Anna Oiirzon, d, ot 1st Karl Howe ; father,
1913 , TO. 1894, Lady Rosalind Cecilia Caroline
Bingham, D.B E , cr. 1936, o. d of 4th Earl of
Lucan ; two 5 three d. Educ. : Eton. 'J'reasurer
to H.M ’8 Household, 1908 5 ; M.P. (C.) City
Londondeiry, 1900 13, enteied army, 1st Life
Guards, 1892 ; resigned, 1903 , late Major North
Irish Horse ; Loid-Lieut of Tyrone since 1917;
a Senator of Noithern Ireland, 1921. Heir: s.
Marquess of Hamilton, q.v. Address. Govern-
ment House, Hillsborough, Co. Down; 68
Mount Street, Wi; T. : Giosvenor 1014;
Barons Court, Co Tyrone, Ireland; Duddmg-
ston House, Edinburgh Club: Carlton.
See also Lord Ernest Hamilton, Capt. R. 0. R.
Kenyon- Slaney, Lt.-Col. Sir R. 11. Seymour,
Earl Spencer, Earl of Wicklow, Earl Winterton.
ABERCROMBIE, Sir John Robertson,
Kt. cr. 1935 ; M.C. ; Director, Wilson Latham
and Co Ltd. ; b. 11 June 1888 ; s of Alexander
and Emily Constance de Laurensart Aber-
crombie ; TO. 1915 Elsie Maude, d. of B. W.
Collin, I.C.S ; one s. Educ. : Cheltenham
College. Served with 18th. K.G.O. Lancers in
France and Palestine (despatches, M.C.) ; Presi-
dent Bombay Chamber of Commerce, 1930 and
1935 ; Chairman Bombay Branch European
Association, 1931-32, 1934 ; Member Bombay
Legislative Council, 1925 26, 1930-31. Recrea-
tions: golf and lishing. Address: Warden Road,
Bombay, India. Clubs * Royal Bombay Yacht;
Royal Liverpool Golf ; Royal North Devon Golf.
ABERCROMBIE, Lsscelles, F.B.A.;
M.A. (Liverpool and Oxford); Hon. Litt.D.
(Camb. and Manchester) ; Hon, D.Lit. (Belfast);
Goldsmiths’ Reader in English, Oxford Uni-
versity, since 1935 ; b. 9 Jan. 1881 ; 6th $.
WHO’S WHO, 1938
of William Abercrombie, Ashton -on -Mersey,
Cheshire ; w. Catherine, 2nd d. of Owen
Gwatkm, Grange over-Sands ; three «. one d
Educ.: Malvern College; Victoria University,
Manchester (education chiefly scientific).
Lecturer in Poetiy, University of Liverpool, ‘
1919-22; Professor of English Literature,
University of Leeds, 1922 29 ; Hildied Carlile
Professor of English Literature, University
of Loudon (Bedford College), 1929 35 ; Clark
Lecturer, Trinity College, Cambridge, 1923 ,
Ballard Matthews Lecturer, University College,
Bangor, 1924 , Leslie Stephen Lecturer, Cam-
bridge. 1929 , Lecturer in Fine Arts (Poetry),
Queen^s University of Belfast, 1931-32,
Turnbull Lecturer Johns Hopkins, Baltimore.
Publicattons • Interludes and Poems, 1908 ,
Emblems of Love, 1912 , Deborah, 1912 , Thomas
Hardy, a Critical Study, 1912; Speculative
Dialogues, 1913 ; The Epic, 1914 ; Theory of Art,
1922 ; Four Short Plays, 1922 ; Principles ol
English Prosody, 1923 , Phoenix, 1923 , Theory
of Poetry, 1924 ; Idea of Great Poetry, 1925 ,
Romanticism, 1926 ; Twelve Idylls, 1928 ;
Piogress in Liteiature, 1999; Collected Poems
^in Oxford Poets, 1930) , Liberty of Interpreting
(British Academy Shakespeare Lecture), 1930 ,
The Sale of St. Thomas, 1931 , Poeti y — its M iisic
and Meaning, 1932. Address' Merton College,
ABERCROMBIE^ Eeslie Patrick^
M.A , F.R.I B A. ; Protessor ot Town Planning,
Bartlett School of Ai chitecture. University
College, London, since 1935 ; consultant archi-
tect to Dept, of Health for Scotland since
1936; 6 1879; s. of late William Abercrombie
of Brooklands, Cheshire ;*m Emilia Maud,
d of late Robert Gordon ; one s. one d
Educ. : Lockers Park, Hemel Hempstead ,
Uppingham. Won first premium (in partner
ship) m international competition foi replan-
ning Dublin ; Professor of Civic Design, Uni
versity of Liverpool, 1915 35 Puhhcations
(with John Archibald) East Kent Regional
Planning Scheme , Dublin of the Future ,
Sheffield Civic Survey, Doncaster Regional
Planning Scheme ; The Preservation of Ruial
England , (with B F. Brueton) Bristol and
Bath Regional Planning Scheme, 1930; Shef-
field Regional Planning Scheme, 1931 ; (with
S. A. Kelly) Cumbrian Regional Planning
Scheme, 1932; Town and Country Planning,
1933. Address: Bartlett School of Architec-
ture, University College, Gower Street, W.C ,
18 Village Road, Oxton, Birkenhead , Borth
Arian, Rhoscolyn, Anglesey. T. ; Birkenhead
2806. ClvA)s: Union; University, Sandon,
ABERCROMBIE. Peter Hendereoxa,
MB, CM, 1890 ; M D , 1895, Glasgow
Univ ; retir^ from practice, consulting Sur-
geon Central London Throat, Nose, and Bar
Hospital ; late Hon Aural Suigeon, Royal Cale-
donian Schools ; Hon Consulting Physician
(throat, nose, and ear) Royal Infant Asylum,
Wanstead ; Fellow of the Royal Society
of Medicine (member of Laryngological and
Otological Sections) ; Member of British Medical
Association, and of the Highland Society of
London ; h. Paisley, 2 Aug. 1867 ; s. of late
William Abercrombie, banker, Paisley ; m. 1895,
Jessie Deans (d. 1933), d of late Cuiiison Deans
Rankin, Glasgow. Educ .'John Neilson Institu-
tion, Paisley ; Glasgow University ; London and
Vienna. I.Ate Resident Medical Assistant to
late Professor Sir Win. Gairdner, and Resident
Surgical Assistant to late Professor Sir George
Macleod, Western Infirmary, Glasgow ; Hon.
Secretary British Laryngological Association ,
Assistant Surgeon, Registrar, Clinical Assistant
and AneestheUst, CJentral London Throat Nose,
and Bar Hospital. Publications: M.D. Thesis
Turbinotomy in Nasal Stenosis ; various con-
tributions on Throat, Nose, and Ear Affections
in Journal of Laryngology, Transactions of
British Laryngological Association, Reports,
Central London Throat, Nose, and Bar Hospital,
etc. Recreations: golf, motoring, travel. Ad-
dress : 24 Balliol House, Manor Fields, Putney
Hill, 8.W.15. T.: Putney 4230. Club: Royal
George William, 8th Bt.; or. 1636; D.S.O.
1917 ; Gordon Highlanders ; b. 18 Mar. 1886 ;
5. of 7th Bt. and Florence Anita Byre, C.B.E.,
o d. of Eyre Coote (she m. 2nd, 1899, 2nd Earl of
Northbrook (d. 1929)) ; S. father, 1896 ; m.
1935, Eleanor, o.d of late Sir Arthur Anderson,
C I.E., Rottey Place, Horsham. Served m
Scots Guards, 1905-14 ; A.D.C to G.O C.
Forces in Ireland, 1910-12 ; served European War
in 8th Black Watch, 1916-18 (D SO.), Com-
manded 6th (T ) Gordon Highlanders, 1920-27,
now Hon. Col. Owns about 12,000 acres.
Heir: b Robert Alexander, M.C [6 15 Aug.
1895 ; m. 1st, 1923, Hon. Diamond Hardinge
(d 1927) 0 . d, of Ist Baron Hardinge, q.v ; 2nd,
1929, Pamela, o. d of late John Lomax. Educ. :
Sandhill at]. Address. 36 St. James’s Street,
S.W.l ; T. ' Regent 4868; Forglen House, and
Birkenbog, Banttshire Club: Arthur’s.
See also Capt. H. L. Kemble.
ABERDARE of Duffryu, Srd Baron (cr.
1873), Clarence Napier Bruce } b. 2 Aug.
1885; e. surv. s. of 2nd Baron and Constance
Mary (d. 1932), d. of Hamilton Beckett and
Hon Mrs. Beckett, 2nd d. of Lord Lyndhurst ;
S father, 1929 , m. 1912, Margaret Bethune
(Betty), 0 . d. of Adam Black, Danescross,
Hook Heath, Woking; two s. two d. Educ.:
Winchester* New College, Oxford. Called to
Bar, Inner Temple, 1911 ; Capt. 2/1 Glamorgan
Yeomanry ; Lieut (temp.) 2nd Life Guards ;
later 2nd Batt. Guards Machine Gun Regt. ;
demobilised with rank of Capt. ; Chairman
Advisory Council for physical training and
recreation, 1937, Hon Col 82nd (Welsh)
Field Brigade R A. (T ) , Hon Secretary
Queen's Institute of District Nuising, Hon.
Treasurer National Assocjation ot Boys’
Clubs , Member of Miners Welfare Com-
mittee and of Executive of International
Olympic Committee. Publication First Steps
to Rackets (with B B Noel), 1926 ; (Editor)
Rackets, Squash- Rackets, Tennis, Fives and
Badminton, 1933. Recreations cricket, rackets
(Amateur Champion, 1922 and 1931 ; 9 times
Doubles Champion, and Champion of U.8 A
Doubles, 1928, 1930; Singles Champion of
Canada, 1928, 1930, and Doubles Champion of
Canada, 1930 ; Open Champion, British Isles
1931 ; Pres, of Professionals Rackets Associa-
tion), tennis (Amateur Champion, U.8.A.,
1930, British Isles, 1932 ; 4 times winner ot
M.C C. Gold Prize, and 9 times winner of
M.C.C, Silver Prize ; 16 times representative of
Great Britain in the Bathurst Cup, 6 times
winner of Coupe de Pans), golf, shooting, and
lawn tennis. Heir. s. Hon. Morys George Lynd-
hurst Bruce, b. 16 June 1919. Address: 1
Lowndes Square, 8 W.l. T. .* Sloane 4841.
Clubs • British Empire, Hampton Court Royal
Tennis, Lansdowne (Chm. of Directors),
M.C.C., Princes’, Queen’s (Chm. of Directors).
See also Lord Helper, Earl of Bradford, Brig.-
Gen. Hon. C, G. Bruce, Lord Digby, P. E.
Matheson, Earl of Rosebery.
ABERDEEN. R.C. Bishop of, since 1918 ;
Rt. Rev. Qeorgre Henry Bennett,
D.D.; b. Antigua, West Indies, 24 June
1876 ; 8. of G. W. Bennett, civil engineer.
Educ.: Edinburgh Academy; Abbey School,
Port Augustus ; Scots College, Rome. Took
Degree of Doctor in Philosophy, Theology and
Canon Law. Priest, 1898 ; returned to Scot-
land, 1901 ; Curate at St. Patrick’s Church,
Edinburgh ; afterwards for 2 years at North
Berwick and 5J years at Hawick ; Hon. LL.D.
Aberdeen University, 1981. Address : 19
Golden Square, Aberdeen. T. : 766.
WHO’S *WHO, 1938
otj since 1917 ; Riifht Rcy. Frederic
Elewelyn Deane^ D.D hon., Glasgow and
Aberdeen ; 6 19 Sep. 1868 , s. of Francis Hugh
Deane, B.D., Jate Fellow of Magdalen College,
Oxford ; m. Ist, 1897, Caroline (d, 1928), d. of late
Rev. Canon Lindsay of Kettering; 2nd, 1930,
Hon. Mrs. Alexander Brskine. Educ. : Keble
College, OxfoitJ (M.A.) Ordained, 1891 ; Curate
of Kettering, 1891-1900 ; Vicar of St. Andrew,
Leicester, 1900-4 ; Select Preacher in University
of Cambridge, 1915 ; Rector of St. Mary the
Virgin, Glasgow, 1904-17 ; Provost of St. Mary’s
Cathedral, Glasgow, 1908. Address: Bishop’s
Court, Aberdeen. T. : 1545.
quess of (cr. 1916), Georgre Gordon :
O.B.B., J.P. ; Viscount Formartme, Lora
Haddo, Methlick, Tarves and Kellie, Bari
of Aberdeen, 1682, Peerage of Scotland ;
Viscount Gordon of Aberdeen, 1814 ; and
Bari of Haddo, 1915, Peerage of the United
Kingdom, Baronet of Nova Scotia, 1642 ; Lord-
Lieutenant and Piesident of Teintoiial Army
Association of Aberdeenshire since 1934;
Deputy Lieutenant tor County of City of Aber-
deen ; L.C.C. (P ) Peckham, 1910-25 ; (M.R )
West Fulham, 1931-34; Alderman (M.R.), 1925-
1931; Deputy Chairman of the Council, 1923-24 ,
Chairman of the Parks and Open Spaces Com-
mittee, 1927-29 ; Chairman of Town Planning
Committee, 1929-34 ; co-opted Member of Hous-
ing Committee, 1934-37 ', one of the L.C.C. Re-
presentatives on, and Vice-Chairman of, the
Greater London Regional Planning Committee,
1929-33, and Chairman of the reconstituted
Committee, 1933-34, co-opted, 1934-86; one of
the L.C.C. Representatnes on the Metropolitan
Water Board since 1913 (Vice-Chairman of the
Board’s Finance Committee, 1919 22, and Chair-
man of Finance Committee, 1922-25; Vice-
Chairman of General Purposes Committee,
1925-28) ; a Governor (L C C.) of the Poly-
technic, Regent Street, since 1920; Trustee
(L.C.C.) for the Crystal Palace, 1914-24, and
since 1926 ; a Vice-President of the National
Council of Y.M C A,s, and late Chairman of its
Metropolitan Committee: Vice-President of
Metropolitan Union of Young Men’s Chris-
tian Assoc ; Chairman of Council of Charity
Organisation Society, 1934-37 ; 6. 20 Jan. 1879 ,
e. I. of Ist Marquess ; S father 1934 ; nu 1906,
Mary Florence (d. 1937), widow of late E. 8.
Cockayne, Sheffield. Educ, : Harrow ; 8t.
Andrews University ; Balliol College, Oxford.
Contested (L.) East Berkshire, 1906. Hetr : h.
Lt.-Col. Lord Dudley Gordon, q.v. Address:
16 Westbourne Stieet, W.2 ; Haddo House,
Aberdeen. T. * Paddington 6217, Tarves 16.
Clubs • Constitutional ; New, Edinburgh ; Royal
Northern, Aberdeen.
See also Baron Balfour of Burleigh, E. A.
Cockayne, Baron Pentland, Baron Polwarth.
ABERDEEN and TEMAII^ lalibel
Maria, Marchioness of, G B.B., cr
1931; J.P. ; b.l857; d. of 1st Baron Tweed-
mouth; m. 1877, 1st Marquess of Aberdeen
id. 1934) ; two s, one d. President International
Council of Women, 1898-99 and 1904-36; now
Hon. President ; President Canning Town
Women’s Settlement since its formation in 1890;
President Women’s National Health Associa-
tion of Ireland : Founder of Victorian Order
of Nurses in Canada ; Chairman Scottish
Committee for Women’s Training and Employ-
ment ; President of Women's Council of Scottish
Liberal Federation ; Member Executive Scot-
tish Branch British Red Cross Society and of
Council Scottish Branch Queen’s Institute of
District Nursing; Hon. Member British Medi-
cal Association ; President Deeside Field Club ;
Pres. League of Nations Union for North and
North-East of Scotland ; LL.D. Queen’s Uni-
versity, Canada and Aberdeen, 1929 ; Freedom
of City of Limerick, 1894 ; Freedom of City of
Edinburgh conferred, 1928. PubUcaUons :
Through Canada with a Kodak; (editor)
Transactions International Council of Women,
1900, 1909, 1914, 1920, 1925 and 1930 ; Ireland’s
Crusade against Tuberculosis, 3 vols., 1908;
(with Lord Aberdeen), We Twa, 1925; More
Cracks with We Twa, 1929 ; The Musings oi a
Scottish Granny, 1936. Address: Gordon House,
Rubislaw Den North, Aberdeen ; T.: Aberdeen
5042; 9 Ely Place, Dublin. Gl/ults: Ladies’
Empire ; Aberdeen Town and County, Northern
Arts, Aberdeen.
ABERGAVENNY, 8rd Marquess of (cr
1876); Henry Gilbert Ralph Nevill;
Baron Abergavenny, 1460 ; Earl of Abergavenny
and Viscoimt Nevill, 1784 ; Earl of Lewes,
1876; b. 2 Sep. 1854; 2nd s. of Ist Marquess
and Caroline, d. of Sir John Vanden-Bempde-
Johnstone, 2Dd Bt. ; 6*. brother, 1927 ; m. Ist,
1876, Violet id. 1880), e. d. of late Col. H. D.
Streatfeild of Chiddingstone Castle, Kent;
one d.; 2nd, 1886, Maud Augusta (d 1927),
Sister of 2nd Baron Gnmthorpe ; one d , ; 8rd,
1928, Mary, Viscountess Hardmge. Hon.
Lt.-Col. and late Major, Sussex Imperial Yeo-
manry, and Lt -Col. West Kent Q.O. Yeomanry ;
late M. F.H Endge. Owns about 50,000 acres.
Hetr * n. Maior Guy Temple Montacute Lamach-
Nevill, q.v. Address. 30 Belgrave Square,
S.W.l; r : Sloane 6316; Bridge Castle, Tun-
bridge Wells Clubs • Carlton, Conservative,
Pratt’s, Boodle’s ; Jockey, Newmarket.
See also Marquess Camden, Earl of Cottenham,
Viscount Hardinge, Baron Hastings, Bu E.
ABERHART, Hon. William, B.A. ;
Premier of Alberta since 1935 ; Minister of Edu-
cation for tlie Province ; b. 30 Dec. 1878 ; s of
William Aberhart and Louise Pepper ; m. 1902,
Jessie M. Flatt ; two d. Educ,: Queen’s Uni-
versity. Principal of Crescent Heights High
School, Calgary, Alberta, 1915-35; Organized
Calgary Prophetic Bible Institute after many
years of public broadcasting ; De^in of the
Institute ; Leader of Social Credit Party ;
Elected to Legislativ e Assembly by acclamation,
l‘>35. Publications Social Credit Manual and
other pamphlets. Address Macdonald Hotel,
Edmonton, Alheita. T. 916203.
ABINGDON^ 8th Earl of (cr. 1682),
Montagrn Henry Edmund Cecil
Bertie; Baron, 1572, FZS ; late Captain,
Grenadier Guards ; b. 2 Nov. 1887 ; g s. of 7th Earl
and o. s. of late Lord Norreys and Hon. Rose
Riversdale Qlyn, sister of 4th Lord Wolverton ,
S grandfather, 1928 ; m 1928, Blirabeth Valetta,
d. of late Major-Geneial Hon. Edward Stuart-
Wortley, C.B , C.M G. Captain Grenadier
Guards (8.R ) ; formerly Capt, Royal Anglesey
RE. ; temp. Flight Sub. -Lt R.N.A.S ; has been
employed under the Egyptian Government ;
served European War (wounded) ; Trustee,
British Museum : Lord High Steward of Abing-
don ; heir to Earl of Lindsey. Hetr: u. Major
Hon. Arthur M Bertie, q v. Address : 3 Seymour
Street, Portman Square, W.l ; T. ; Wei beck
4882; Oaken Holt, Oxford. Clubs: Carlton,
St. James’s.
See also John Churchill, Viscount PitzAlan,
Earl of Lindsey, S. W. Traford
ABINGER, 7th Baron (cr. 1836), Hush
Richard Scarlett, D.S.0. 1916 ; late R.A. ;
D.L Inverness; b. 25 Nov. 1878; s. of late
Lieut. -Col L. J. Y. C. Scarlett, gs of 1st
Baron Abmger, and Bessie Florence, d. of
Edward Gibson of Spring Vale, Isle of Wiglit,
niece and adopted d. of Sir Percy F. Shelley,
3rd Bart., and Lady Shelley; S. brother,
1927; m. 1913, Marjorie, 2nd d. of John
McPhillamy, Blair Athol, Bathurst, N.S.W. ;
three a. Served 8. African War (Queen’s and
Ring’s medals 5 clasps) ; European War, 1914-18
(despatches, D.S.O., Bt. Lieut. -Col., Jan. 1919) ;
Lt.-Col. 1927; retired pay, 1927; J.P. Inver-
ness-shire. Hetr: s. Hon. James Richard
Scarlett, 2nd Lieut., R.A., h. 28 Sept. 1914.
Address: Inverlochy Castle, Inverness-shire.
Clubs: Carlton, Arts, Royal Automobile.
ABla£TT, Thomas Robert, 11 R.I. ;
P.R.G.8., FZ.S., F.G.8. ; Founder and Art
Director of the Royal l)i awing Society and
editor of its publications ; artist and school
master; exhibitor at the R.A., R.I.. R.O.I.,
R. B.A., and Walker Ait Gallery, Liverpool,
painter in oil, water-colour and pastel ; nomin-
ated by the Foreign Office as delegate to the
Conference of Artists at the Beaux Arts, Pans,
1900 ; Hon. Member of the Royal ‘Institute of
Paintei s in Water, Colours ; Kx-President of the
Old Bradfordians Club ; Member of the Court
(Master, 1936-37) of the Needlemakeis Com
pany ; Vice-President of the Froebel Society ;
Headquarters Commissioner in the Boy Scoute
Association ; originator of a method of enabling
the Blind to draw. Address: 12 Cromwell
Place, 8.W.7. T.A.: Roydrasoc, London
r. ; Kensington 2667 ; Pembroke Lodge, Out
ram Road, Addiscombe. Cluhs: Arts, City
Livery, Savage.
AB1.EWHITR, Rt. Rev. Hayward 8.,
D.D., Bishop of Marquette since 19*29 ; 6. Cleve-
land, Ohio, 11 Sep. 1887 ; s. of James B. and
Annie Seller Ablewhite ; m. 1916, Inez Fillmore
Gambler, Ohio; one d. Educ. : University
School and Western Reserve Unnersit>, Cleve
land ; Bexley Hall, the Divinity School of
Kenyon College. Curate, Chuich of the Ad-
vent, Cincinnati, 1915 ; Rector, Church of the
Good Shepherd, Columbus, Ohio, 1917-19 ,
Saint James Church, Piqua, Ohio, 1919-26 ;
Church of Saint Philip the Apostle, St. Louis,
Missouri, 1926-28 ; Dean of Saint Paul’s Cathe-
dral, Marquette, Michigan, 1928-30 , D.D.
Kenyon College, 1930. Adilre<<s • 501 East Arcli
Street, Marquette, Michigan, U.S. A. T.: 1773.
Clidis : Delta Upsilon B'raternity, Thirty-Second
ABNEY - HASTINGS, family name of
Countess of lioudonn.
ABRAHA1.I., B. H. j see Hoskyns-Abrahall
ABRAHAM. Ashley Perry, photographic
artist, journalist and lecturer ; b. Keswick,
20 Feb. 1876 ; m. 1902 ; three 5, one d. Educ
Blackman’s School. Pioneer of mountaineering
photography ; discoverer of many new rock
and snow climbs m English Lakeland, Wales,
Scotland and Switzerland ; authority on rock
climbing and mountaineering ; First President 1
B’eH and Rock-climbing Club; Lecturer to all
pnncipal Lecture and Literary Societies and
Public Schools since 1900 ; Ex-Chairman Kes-
wick Urban Distnct Council Pnbhcattons
Rock-climbing in Skye; Rock -climbing in
North Wales; Beautiful Lakeland; Beautiful
North Wales; The Lake Poets, various
magazine and Press articles. Recreations
mountaineering, golf, swimming, billiards and
chess. Address : The Screes, Keswick, Clubs
Derwent, Keswick ; Fell and Rock ; English
Climbers ; several golf.
ABRAHAM, Rt. Rev. C. T.; h. IS
April 1857 ; s. of Rt. Rev. Charles John
Abraham and Caroline Harriet, d. of Sir C. T.
Palmer of Wanlip Hall, Leicester; m 1883, Mary
Theresa, d. of Ven. C. W. Furse, Archdeacon
of Westminster, of Halsdon House, North
Devon; four s. five d. Educ., Eton; Keble
College, Oxford. Vicar of All Saints, Shrews-
bury, 1885 89; ChristChurch,Lichfleld, 1889-97 ,
Vicar of Bakewell, Derbyshire, 1897-1918;
Prebendary of Southwell Minster, 1906 ;
Bishop Suffragan of Derby, 1909-27 ; Rector of
Astbury, Cheshire, 1927-80. Address: The
Manor, Upton Noble, Bvercreech, Somerset.
Club : Oxford and Cambridge.
See also Reo. A. R. Browne- Wilkinson^ Very
Rev. Alfred Swann, Jtev. S. E. Swann.
ABRAHAM, Ed^ar, C.B. ; Indian Civil
Service, retired; b. 1880; m. 1911, Ruth, d. of
Rev. Gerald Davies, late the Master of the
Charterhouse, London ; one s. Ed'oo. : St.
Paul’s School ; Corpus Ohristi College, Oxfoid.
Entered I.C.S. (Punjab Commission), 1904 ;
served European War in F’rance, R.G A. ; As-
sistant Secy. War Cabinet, Jan. 1918 ; Supreme
War Council, Versailles, May 1918 ; and
Supreme Council Peace Conference, Jan. 1919-
1920. Address: Kents wood, West Tytberley,
Salisbury. T. : Broughton, Hants 18. Club :
East India United Seivice.
ABRAHAM, 6eorg;e Dixon, Chau man
and Managing Director of G. P. Abraham, Ltd ,
photogiaphlc publishers, specialists in Alpine
and mountain photography ; b, Keswick, 7 Oct.
1872 ; m. 1901, Winifred B Davies, B Sc.Lond. ;
two d. Educ. : Manchester Grammar School :
Manchester School of Art. Entered business
of his father, Q. P. Abraham, Keswick ; com-
menced mountain photography, and along with
youngei brother, A, P. Abraham, q v., was first
to obtain and publish detail photographs of
routes up various climbs in England, Scotland,
Wales, and the Alps of Austria, Italy, France,
and Switzerland ; leader of fust ascents up
numerous new climbs, especially m England,
Scotland, and Wales. Publications . The Com-
plete Mountaineer; Mountain Adventures at
Home and Abroad ; On Alpine Heights and
British Crags ; British Mountain Climb-. , Swiss
Mountain Climbs ; B'lrst Steps to Climbing ;
Motorways in Lakeland; Motoivvays at Home
and Abroad ; Modem Mountaineering, 1933 ;
and regular contributor to Stiand, Sphere, and
leading magazines. Reci cations: mountaineer-
ing, cricket, golf, and inotoiing, at home and
abroad ; made 101st ascent of Pillar Rock a
unique record, April 1926. Address: Idwal,
Chestnut Hill, Keswick. Cluhs: Royal Auto-
mobile , Climbers’; Swiss Alpine ; Fell and Rock
ABRAHAM, James Johnston, C.B.E.
1919;1).S 0. 1918; M A., M.D (Dub.), B'.R.C.S.
(Eng.); Senior Surgeon, Princess Beatrice
Hospital ; Surgeon, London Lock Hospital ;
Lt -Col. late R.A M.C. ; Officer Order of St.
John of Jerusalem , Order of St. Sava, 4th
Class ; Fellow Royal Societ> of Medicine, and
Medical Society of London ; F.Z.S ; b.
Coleraine, Co. Derry, 1876 ; e.s. of Wm. Abraham,
J.P., Coleraine; m. 1920, Lilian Angela,
e. d. of Dr. Alexander Francis, London, W. ;
one d Educ. : Coleraine Academy ; Trinity
College, Dublin (Senior Moderator, B.A., Gold
Medallist in Natural Science); London Hosp.
During European War was Surgeon 4th Reserve
Hospital, Uskub, Serbia, 1914-16; Surgeon
I Millbank Military Hospital, London, 1915-16,
Surgeon 24tb Stationary Hosp., Egypt, 1916 17;
A.D.M.S. Lines of Communication Egyptian
Expeditionary B’orce, 1917-19; served Mace-
donia, Egypt, Palestine (D.SO.), Syria (des-
patches thrice) Publications • The Surgeon’s
Log, 1911 , The Night Nurse (a novel), 1913 (Film
versions: Norah O Neale, m America; Irish
Hearts, in Europe, 1935) , The Golden Age of
Henry the Navigator (tianslated, with W. E.
Reynolds, from the Portuguese of Oliveira
Martins), 1914 ; My Balkan Log, 1921 ; Lettsom,
his Life and Tunes, 1933; Ninety-Nme Wim-
pole St., 1937 ; several technical works ;
scientific papers in Lancet, British Medical
Journal, etc. Recreations: photography,
gardening. Address: 22 Queen Anne Street,
W.l ; Glenhurst, Fnnton-on-Sea. 1\ : Lang-
ham 1848. Clubs: Alhenspum, Savage.
ABRAHAM j John Bradley, C.B., 1933;
Principal Assistant Secretary, Air Ministry,
since 1986; Chairman of the Miscellaneous
Trades Joint Council for Government Depart-
ments since 19‘26 ; b. 5 Sep. 1881 ; s. of John
Abraham; m. 1914, Gladys Bli/abeth Gnndy
Kirk; two d. F^duc.: King Edward VI School,
Maccleslield. Admiralty Second Division Clerk,
1900, Clerk, Class 1, 1912: Acting Assistant
Principal Clerk, 1912 ; Acting Principal Clerk.
WHO’S WHO, 1938
1917 ; Air Ministry Assistant Principal, 1918 ;
Principal, 1919; Assistant Secretary, 1020;
Secretary, South Wales Divisional Committee,
Coalfields Distress Funds, 1929. Addresf> St
Michael’s, Loom J>ane, Radlett
ABRAHAMt John Conradi C M.G. 1937;
M.D.E. 1918, Senior Provincial Cominissioru r
Nyasaland Protectorate since 1983; b 1889
Ad/tr. Keswick; Wadham College, Oxford, M. A
Abrahams, Adolphe, o.b.e.; b.a ,
M.D., B.Ch (Camb.), P R C.P.(Lond ), Consult-
ing Physician ; Physician to out-patients,
Westminster Hospital ; Dean, Joint Lecturer,
Tutor and Demonstrator of Medicine in the
Medical School ; Senior Physician to the Hamp
stead General Hospital ; Consulting Physician,
L C 0. Hospitals ; Consulting Physician to
Chislehurst, Oipington and Cray Valley Hos-
pital , Assistant Examiner in Medicine, Univ
of London; Member ot the Association of Physi-
cians of Great Britain and Ireland , t ellow Royal
Society of Medicine and of the Royal Photo-
graphic Society , lion Medical Adviser, Inter
national Athletic Board, and Hon. Medical
Oilicer, British Olympic Athletic Team ; b
Cape Town , s of late Isaac Abrahams ; m. 1922,
Adrienne Walsh ; one s one d Kduc : Bedford
Modern School (Exhibitioner); Emmanuel Col-
lege, Cambridge (Foundation Scholar and Prize-
man) , St. Bartholomew s Hospital ; Vienna Fii st
Class Honours Natural Sciences Tripoe, 190(5 ,
House Surgeon and House Surgeon Ear, Nose
and Throat Department, St. Bartholomew’s
Hospital ; late Physician Royal Chest Hospital ;
Arris and Gale Lecturer, Royal College of
Surgeons, 1928, War service, 1915-20, Ma)oi
U A M C. , in charge Medical Division, Con
naught Hospital, Aldershot, and Distnct
Consulting Physician Aldershot Command
(despatches) ; late editor St. Bartholomew’s
Hospital Journal, and Post-Graduate Medical
Journal; edited (with S S Abrahams) Stndion
edition of Dagens Nylieter,iStockholni, during
Olympic Games 1912 ; acted as Medical Officer
in charge British Olympic Athletic Team, Stock
holm, 1912; Amsterdam, 1928 , Berlin, 193b
PuhhcaUon<i 8 he Photography of Moving Ob-
jects and Advanced Hand camera Work, 1910 ,
Chronic Colitis (with late Dr G. Herschell),
1918; Indigestion, 1920; A Manual of Urinary
Diseases (with A. C. Morson), 1921 ; Tiaming
for Athletes (with 11 M. Abrahams), 1928
Exercise, 1980 ; Diseases and Disorders of
Digestion, 1931 ; Training foi Health and
Athletics (with H. M. Abrahams), 193b,
articles on medical, athletic, and photographic
subjects Recreations : jihotography, athletics,
motoring, journalism. iddiess: 86 Brook
Street, W.l ; 100 North Gate, Regents Park,
NWS 7 : Mayfair 6001; Primrose Hill 2387
I tub Sa^ age.
ABRAHAMS, Major Arthur Cecil,
C.B.E. 1920; O B.E. 1018; Member ot Stock
Exchange ; b. 1878 ; 5. of Louis Abrahams, 47
liryanston Square, W 1 ; m. 1904, Evaline, d, of
late Sir Joseph Din'^een. Educ : University
College School ; abroad. Was Deputy-Director
of Stores, Boulogne, and British Red Cros««
Commissioner in France during European War
(despatches twice) ; Order of St. John of
Jerusalem. Address : The Firs, Whitchurch,
ABRAHAMS, Harold Maurice, M.A.
LL.B ; Barnater-at-law ; b 15 Dec. 1809; s of
late Isaac Abrahams ; m. 1986, Sa bil Marjorie,
er. tf. of 0. P. Evers. Ednc. : Rejdon ,
Gonville and Caius College, Cambndge Hons
Law Tripos, Cambridge, 1023; called to Bar,
1924 ; President Cambridge University Athletic
Club, 1922-23 ; represented Great Rritain in the
Olympic Games, 1920 and 1924, Cai)tajn British
Athletic Team Olympic Games, 1928. Publvca-
tions * Sprinting, 1925 ; Athletics, 1926 ; Train-
ing for Athletes (with Dr. A. Abrahams and
others), 1928; Oxford v. Cambridge (with J. Bruce
r a
Kerr), 1981 ; Training for Health and Athletics
(with Dr. A. Abrahams), 1936; Oflficial Re-
cord of 1986 Olympic Games, 1987. Uecrea-
Uons : running, jumping, lawn tennis, golf, and
most games. Address 4 Elm Court, lemple,
B C.4 ; 9 Queen’s Mansions, Brook Green,
W.b. T . . Central 1850 , Riverside 4470. Clubs :
National Liberal ; Cambridge University Pitt
ABRAHAMS, Sir Sidney Solomon,
Kt. cr. 1936 ; Chief Justice of Ceylon since 1936;
b. Binninghara, 11 Feb. 1885: s. of Isaac
Abrahams; m 1914, Ruth, d. of L. G. Bowman,
M.A., late Headmaster, Jews’ Free School ;
one«. onerf. Educ.: Bedford Modern School;
Emmanuel College, Cambridge, B.A., LL.B.,
1906 Barnster-at-law, Middle Temple, 1909;
Town Magistrate, Zanzibar, 1915; seconded to
Mesopotamia Civil Administration, 1920;
Advocate-General, Baghdad, 1920; President,
Civil Courts, Basrah, 1921; Attorney-General,
Zanzibar, 1922 ; Uganda, 1926 ; Gold Coast, 1928 ;
Chief Justice of Uganda Piotectorate, 1933 34 ;
Vice President, H M.CoiirtofAppeal for Eastern
Africa; Chief Justice, Tanganyika, 1934-36;
Order of Brilliant Star of Zanzibar, Second
Class, 1924 ; K.C for the Gold Coast, 1980
Publications . edited (with A. Abrahams) Dagens
Nyheter Stadion Edition, 1912; various contri-
butions to journalism on track Athletics. Re-
creations * Represented Cambridge against Ox-
ford iri long jump, 1904, 5, and 6, and in 100 yds ,
1906; lepresented Great Britain in Olympic
Games, Athens, 1906, in 100 metres and long
jump, and at Stockholm 1912 in long jump;
Amateur Long Jump Champion, 1913. Address .
Chief Justice’s House, Tomngton Square,
Colombo, Ceylon. Clubs: Sports, London
Athletic, Achilles.
ABRAHAM SON^ Sir Martin Arnold,
K B.E., cr. 1920; electrical engineer, Copen-
hagen; b. 12 Sep. 1870; s of late Arnold
Abiaham«on, of London and Copenhagen; m
1903, Emma, d. of late Bernhard Hirschsprung
of Copenliagen , one s one d. Educ • London ,
Copenhagen Address: 160 Gothersgade, Copen-
hagen Clubs: Overseas, Constitutional ,
British, Copenhagen
ABRAMSON, Major Albert, C.B.E.
1927 ; O B B 1919 ; b 1 May 1876 ; m.
Mabel Jessie Harrison ; one s one d. Educ. •
privately. E E.F Intelligence Officer; Capt ,
1918; Ma^jor, 1918 (despatches twice); Military
Governor, Hebron, 1918, Chief British Repre-
sentative Trans- Jordan, 1921 ; District Com-
missioner Southern District, Palestine, 1922;
District Commissioner Northern District,
Palestine, 1925 ; Commissioner of Lands, Pales-
tine, 1927; Riiial Propeity Tax Commissioner,
1935 , Member of Palestine Ad\ isory Council ;
retired 1935. Address : 133 Worple Road,
Wimbledon, S W 20. I’.: Wimbledon 4640.
ABYSSINIA, Emperor of ; see Ethiopia
ACCRA, Bisbop of, since 1924; Rt. Rev,
J obn Orfeur Afrlionby, D D , M G. ; b. 16
I Mar 1884; s. of Canon F. K. Aglionby, q.v
! hjduc : Westminster School : Queen’s College,
Oxford, M A. ; Bishops Hostel, Auckland.
Cni'atc of Holy Trinity, South Shields, 1911-15 ,
Private, R A M.C , 1915 ; C F , 1915-18; Vicar
Ven Bede, Monkwearmouth, 1917-24 ; Chaplain
I 7th D L.I , 1921-4. Recreations: walking,
I cycling. Address: Bishop’s House, Accra,
I W AfnoA. T A : Accra Hub .-Reform.
IaCHARYA, Sir V^aya Ragrbava,
K B B., rr. 1926, Diwan Bahadur; Member,
Public Service Commission, India, since 1926 ;
Member Indian Legislative Assembly, Delhi,
since 1925; b Karur, Southern India, 1875; w.
Janaki Ammal of Kodavasal ; one s, three d.
Educ. : Presidency College, Maditts. Entered
Hie Madras Civil Service, 1898 • served as
District Officer till 1912 : on the Madras City
Gorpoiation, 1912-17; Secretary to Board of
Revenue and Deputy Director of Industries,
1917-19 ; organised the Madras Exhibitions of
WHO’S WHO. 1938
1915 and 1917 ; Diwan (Prime Minister) of
Cochin State, 1919-22 ; Comr for India at
Wembley, 1922 25; Director of Induatnes,
Madras, 1926; Vice-President of Agricultural
Research Council of India 1929 35 , opened
Canadian National Exhibition, Toronto, 1926
Recreations: conversation and travel Ad
dress: Imperial Secretariat, Delhi, India
Clubs : National Liberal, British Empire,
Overseas ; London and Cosmopolitan, Madras
ACHBSON, family name of Earl of
ACHESON, Viscount, Archibald Alex-
ander J ohn Stanley Acheson ; Flight
, Lieutenant R.A F. , b, Jan 14 1911 , er < of
6th Bari of Gosford, q.v.; m 1935, Francesca
Augusta, er d 'of Francesco Cagiati, Dover,
Mass and New York Edvc Harrow , Tiinity
College, Cambridge Address • Falmouth House,
Clireiidon Place, Hyde Park, W 2
ACHESON, Captain Albert Edward
C B E 1919 , O B E 1918 , Royal Navy (retired) ,
6 May 2, 1862 ; s of William Acheson, Dublin ,
m. 1883 , four s. one d hdue : Exeter ,
Taunton. Cadet H M 8. Conway, 1877-79 ,
apprentice and officer in sailing ships and
steamers, 1879 96 , Lieutenant, R N R , 1893 ,
Lieut , Royal Navy, 1895 , Lieut -Commander
1903 , Commander (retired), 1907 ; Transport
Service, 1914-19 Recreations motoring,
gardening, walking, carpentering Address
c/o Midland Bank, Stretford, Lancs
ACHESON, Annie Crawford, C B E.,
A.R B.S , A R C A ; sculptor , b Ireland , un
married Educ • Royal College ol Art, South
Kensington Diploma (Sculpture) ; Exhibitor at
Royal Academy, Salon, etc. ; Degree in Modern
Literature in Royal University of Ireland ,
war work at the Surgical Requisites Associa
tion, Mulberry Walk Clielsea (C.B E ) Ad
dress 9 Avenue Studios, Fulham Road, S W 3
T Kensington 3522 Hub Forum
ACHESON, James Glasg:ow, C I E. 1929 ,
Resident in Waziristan since 1915 s of John
Acheson, J P., Portadown, Co Armagh ; m
1917, Violet Catharine Fiench, d of Lt -Col
C W Field, I A ; two a. two d. Educ St
Andrews College, Dublin, Trinity College,
Dublin Entered Indian Civil Service, 1913;
posted to United Provinces, whence in 1917
transferred to Political Service in Baluchistan ;
on special duty with Anglo-Afghan Conference
at Mussoone, 1920, Member of British Mission
to Kabul, 1921 ; Deputy Commissioner, Dera
Ismail Khan (N W F P ), 1923 24; Political
Agent, North Waziristan, 1924-26; Deputy
Secretary to Government of India in the
Foreign Department, 1927-29 (officiated as
Foreign Secretary, 1928, 1931, and 1935), on
Deputation to Imperial Defence College, 1929
1930 Deputy Commissioner, Peshawar, 1932 .34
Recreations: shooting, Ashing, tennis Club.
United Service, Simla.
ACHESON, Hon. Patrick (Georgre
Edward Carendiab.), D S O 1916 ; M.V.O
1904 ; Captain late R N , with Arm of
Bourke, Schiff & Co , stockbrokers, 10 and 11
Austin Friars, B C ; 2nd s of 4th Earl of Gos
ford ; b 80 June 1883 ; m 1915. Norah, d of
Alfred Jones, Halifax, Canada; two s one d
Served European War, 1914-18 (D S O. for
distinguished conduct on H.M.8. InAexible
when struck by a mine at the Dardanelles) ,
retired list, 1922. Club • United Service.
ACHONRY, Biahop Of, since 1911 ; Rt.
Rot. Patrick Morriaroe, D.D ;6 Charles-
town, Co. Mayo, 1869. Educ. * Ballaghadereen ;
Maynooih A Dean of Maynooth, 1902 11
Address • The Abbey, Ballaghadereen Ireland
ACKERIiEY, Ven. Frederick Georire;
Vicar of Mitton, nr Whalley, 1925-29, and since
1986 ; Archdeacon of Bradford, 1982; Arch-
deacon of Craven, 1934 , b. Mitton, Yorks ,
12 Nov. 1871 ; s of Rev. George Biglands
Ackerley, vicar of Mitton, and Patty Eliza
beth, d. of Frederick Oxley, Liverpool; m
1902, Vera Mary, d. of Charles James Hill,
n B M Vice-Consul, Libau, Russia ; no c
Educ.: Rossall School; Jesus College, Oxford,
M A. Deacon, 1897 ; Priest, 1898 ; Curate
of Keighley, 1897 ; of Eccles, nr. Manchester,
1898 , of Washington, Durham, 1899 ; Chaplain
to British Seamen at Libau, 1901 ; Vicar
of Qnndleton, near Clitheroe, 1905-25 ; Rector
of Carleton-in Craven, 1929 36 ; a Surrogate in
the Diocese of Bradford, Rural Dean of Bolland,
1920-29; and holds an Honorary Canonry in
Bradford Cathedral, 1921. Editor, Journal of
Gypsy Lore Societj, 1985 ; Prolocutor ot Lower
House, York Convocation, 1936 ; F R S A 1986.
Publications : A Rumanian Manual, 1916;
The Dialect of the Nomad Gypsy Coppersmiths ,
Memoir of R A Scott MacAe, 1936 , Catalonian
Romani; A Lovari Vocabulary, the Polish
Romani Vocabulary of Izydor Kopernicki ;
(all in Journal of Gypsy Lore Society, with
other articles on linguistics) Recreation
learning languages. Address. Mitton Vicarage,
Whalley, Blackburn Clubs Authois , Church
ACKERMANN, Geraldf R I , water-colour
painter , member of the Royal Institute of
Painters in Water colours , b Blackheath, 1876 ,
$ of Arthur Ackerman Educ New College,
Eastbourne Studied at Heatherley’s and
Royal Academy Schools , while there won the
Creswick prize and Landseer scholarship ,
exhibited at the Royal Academy and held ex
hibitions at the Leicester Galleries and the
Fine Art Society , enlisted in the Artists RiAes
O T C and held commission in the Royal Air
Force Recreation walking Address 42
Redcliffe Gardens, 8 W. 10 Club Chelsea
ACKERS} G. H. S. ; see Shakei ley- Ackers
ACK1«AND| Rodney; Playwright; s ot
Edward Ackland and Emily Diana Lock Lduc.
privately First play, Improper People, Arts
I Theatre, 1929; Manonella, Players Theatre.
1930 , Dance With No Music, Arts Theatre ana
Emliassy Theatre, 1931 ; Strange Oichestra,
Embassy Theatre and St Mai tin's Theatre,! 982 ,
Ballerina, adapted irom Lady Eleanor Smith’s
novel, Gaiety Theatre, 1933; Biithday, Cam-
bridge Theatre, 1934 , '1 he Old I adies, adapted
from Hugh Walpole’s novel, New Theatre and
St Martin’s Theatre, 1935 , Alter October,
Criterion Theatre and Aldwych Theatre, 1936.
Publications • Improper People ; Dance W ith No
Music; Strange Orchestra, The Old Ladies;
Birthday , After October. Address 18 Knights-
bndge, S W. 1. T. . Sloane 4889.
ACKI.AND, William Alfred:
lournalist ; b Plymouth, 1876 ; s of Edward
Andrew Ackland , m Mabel !^ederica, d of
John F. Lethbridge, Plymouth , two d
Educ. : Plymouth Junior Reporter and Sub-
Ed i tor, Western Daily Mercury, Plymouth,
1890-96; Sub-Editor, Manchester Courier, to
1900 ; Daily Dispatch, Manchester, to 1905, as
Chief Sub-Editor and Acting Editor ; London
Office, Birmingham Daily Mail, to 1906 , Night
Editor, The Tribune, to 1907 ; Managing Editor,
The Daily Graphic, 1907-12, Director and
Editor, The Manchester Courier, 1913; Manag-
ing Editor, The Tunes Weekly Edition, 1914-22 ;
Art Editor The Times and subsidiary publica-
tions , Night Manager, The Times, 1928 ; Corre-
spondent of The Times with the Allied Fleets
during European War (Hon Lieut. B.N.V.B.),
1918 ; contributor to The Times History of the
War, etc. ; Director of Publicity Safety First
(N S F A ), 1924-29 , Persian Art Exhibition,
Royal Academy, 1931 ; French Art Exhibition,
Royal Academy, 1932 , the Royal Academy of
Arts, Burlington House, W 1, 1983 , travelled
Europe, The East, United States of Ameiica,
Canada and British Columbia
ACKI.AND} Major William Robert}
M D S , M.R.C 8 , L.D S , R A.M C (T.); Con
WHO’S WHO, 1938
suiting Dental Surgeon, Bnstol Royal Infirmary
and Mmehead and West Somerset Hospital ;
late Member of Dental Board of United
Kingdom and General Medical Council ; s. of
late Robert Ackland, Exeter ; m. Georgina,
widow of late H. Buckle, Burma Commission.
Educ. : Torquay ; Charing Cross Hospital ,
Royal Dental Hospital (Saunders Scholai)
Demonstrator of Physiology, Charing Cross
Hospital, 1895 ; Demonstrator Royal Dental
Hospital, 1896 ; late Lecturer and Examiner in
Dental Surgery, University of Bristol; Pres.
Bath and Bristol Branch British Medical As-
sociation, 1914-15 and 1933-84; Pres. Odonto-
logical Society (Royal Society of Medicine),
1922 ; Dental Board Examiner (1921 Act) ; served
European War as Major with the 2nd Southern
General Hospital. PublicaHons : Various
papers contributed to Medical and Dental
journals; The Relationship of Dental Sepsis to
Diseases of the Eye (Oxford Ophthalmological
Congress) 1928 ; Oral Sepsis as a Source of
Systemic Affections ; Rheumatoid Arthritis
(contribution irom a dental jiomt ot view to
the discussion at the Bath B.M. Association
Meeting, 1925). Recreations hunting, swimming,
motoring. Address • 6 Rodney Place, Clifton,
Bristol, r. • Bristol 35685; Dnnagh, Tenby,
Pembrokeshire. Tenby 267. Club
ACKNER, Conrad A. ; Commander of
Order of St. Olav (Norway) ; Commander of the
Crown of Rumania; Mag Pharm , Vienna, 1902 ,
Ph D. (Pharmocol), Bern, 1904; L D 8., R C S ,
England (Guy’s), 1912; Dental Surgeon to the
Queen of Norway and to the Princess Louise,
Duchess of Argyll ; naturalised British subject ;
w. ; four s. J<duc, : Vienna. Late Dental
Radiographer, Guy’s Hospital; Post-Graduate
Bacteriology, Zurich; Post-Graduate of Berlin
University Hospital in Radiology and Surgery
of the Jaws ; Member of British Dental As-
sociation ; Fellow of Royal Society of Medicine ,
Member of the Federation Dentaiie Inter
nationals Publications : X - Ray Observa-
tions on Abscesses, Cysts, and Root Resections,
6th International Dental Congress, 1914; A
Maxillary Splint, Lancet and Dental Record,
1915 Recreations • golf, motoring, photography,
and collection of old ivories Address 47b
W elbeck Street, W 1 T. : Welbeck 5163 , 12
Oak Hill Avenue, N W.l. Clubs. Ranelagh,
Royal Automobile ; Wentworth.
ACKROYD, Thomas Raven, J.P.j M.A.
(Hon ) Manchester University ; Member of
Manchester City Council, retired bank manager,
b. Aug. 1861 ; s of William and Elizabeth
Ackroyd , wi. 1898 Educ. • Chancery Lane
Wesleyan ; Manchester Mechanics Institution ;
Evening Student, Manchester Utiiv Entered
the service as junior clerk of the Union Bank
of Man< hester. Ltd., 1878 ; M.P. (L.)Mo88 Side
Divisionof Manchester, 1923 24, has takena very
active part in the religious and social life of the
city ; on many of the Committees dealing with
the welfare of the community, especially the
young , Chairman of the Manchester and Salford
Ragged School Union and Chairman (for 1924)
of the Shaftesbury Society and London Ragged
School Umon ; a prominent member of the
Weslevan Methodist Church and local preacher
Recreations * walking and golfing. Address
17 Berkley Avenue, Levenshulme, Manchester
Club • Reform. Manchester.
ACKTE-JALANDER, Aino; h. Helsing
fors, 1876 ; d. of Emmy 8toemer-Ackt6 (singer)
and L N. Ackt^, Director of the Musical Con
servatoire at Helsingfors ; m. G6n6ral Bruno
Jalander. Educ. * Pans Conservatoire, 1st prize
for opera 1897. Made debut there and performed
regularly there until 1903 ; Metropolitan Opera
House, New York, 1903-4 and 1904-5 ; returned
to Pans and Grand Opera and Opera Comique ,
has performed at the Grand Opera Royal,
Berlin, Dresden, Munich, and all the principal
German scenarios ; also at opera and eoncerts
in Vienna, Budapest, St. Petersburg, Bucharest,
Monte Carlo, Copenhagen, Stockholm, Amster-
dam, Haag, etc. , engaged several times at
Covent Qaiden; toured in England, U.S.A.
and on the Continent of Europe , Principal
rdles : Margueiite in Faust, Juliette in Romeo
and Juliette, Thais, Tosca, Traviata, Paghacci,
Elsa m Lohengrin, Elizabeth in Tannhauser,
created the Salome of Richard Strauss, at
Covent Garden opera, London, 1910, etc ;
Founded the Finnish Opera in Helsingfors and
open air opera perionnances in the rums of
the castle of Nyslott m Finland. Publications :
several books, memoirs, and novels in Finnish
and Swedish. Address. Helsinki, Finland
I. A,: Ackte Jalander Helsinki. £.: 35686.
Clubs: p.B.N. , La Presse ^Itrang^re, Pans et
ACltAND, Arthur N. F. ; see
ACliAND, Ens;.>Rear-Adm. Edward
lieopold Dyke, C.B 1937 , M.V.O 1913 , on
staff of Commander m-Chief at Chatham since
1935 , h. 7 Dec 1878; e s of late Rev. Henry
Dyke Acland and Adelaide, d. of late Richard
Vaughan Davis; m. 19J0, Phyllis Mary, d. of
late Connell Whipple , one d. Served European
War; commanded R N. Engineering College at
Keyham, 1930-33. Address. Hill House,
Shoine, Kent. T. : Shoine 10.
ACIaAND, F. A. ; b Brulgwater, England,
1861 , w 1888, Elizabeth Adair, Toronto , one s.
one d. Educ Bridgwater Engaged m journal-
ism, vaiious cities England, United States.
Canada 1880 90 , Assistant Editor Globe,
Toronto, Out , 1890 1902 , vaiious literary work,
London, Philadelphia, and Western Canada,
1902-7 , Secretary Dept of Labour, 1907 ; Deputy
Minister of Laliour for Canada, 1908-23 ; King s
Printer, 1921, retired 1933, was also charged
as registrar with administration of Industrial
Disputes Investigation Act 1907, commonly
known as Lemieiix Act; represented Govern-
ment of Canada at meetings in Pans and
London, 1920, Copenhagen and Stockholm,
1921, and Genft\a, 1924, of Governing Body of
International Labour Office. Address ' c/o
Bank of Montreal, Ottawa, Canada.
ACLAND, Rt. Hon. Sir Francis
Dyke, P C 1915 ; 14th Bt , cr. 1644 ;
M.P. (L.) North CJornwall Division since
1932 , 6.7 March 1874, S father, 1926; s of
ISth Bt ; m. 1905, Eleanor Maigaret(d. 1933),
e d. of late C. J Cropper, Ellergreen, Kendal ;
three s Educ. Rugby ; Balliol Coll , Oxford.
Junior Examiner in the Education Department
(South Kensington), 1900-8 ; Assistant Director
for Secondary Education to the Went Riding
of Yorks C C , 1903 ; M.P. Richmond Division
of Yorkshire, 1906-10; N. W. Cornwall 1910-
1922 ; Tiverton Division of Devon, 1923 24 ;
Parliamentary Private Secretary to Rt. Hon.
R B. Haldane, 1906-8; Financial Secretary,
War Office, 1908-10; Under-Secretary of State
for Foreign Affairs, 1911-15 , Financial Secre-
tary to Treasury, Feb -June 1915 • Secretary to
the Board of Agriculture, 1915 16 , a Forestry
Commissioner ; Chairman of the Dental Board
of the United Kingdom since 1921 ; Chairman
Education Committee of Devon C.C. ; President
National Allotment Society ; Hon. D. Hygiene,
Durham. Recreation - fishing, //etr; s. Richard
Thomas Dyke, q.v. Address Killerton,
Exeter. Club Brooks’s.
ACLAND, Captain Frank E. Dyke,
late R A ; 6 12 May 1857 ; 6th s of Sir Henry
W. Acland, 1st Bart. K C B., F R 8.. m Marion
(d. 1937), e d of Right Rev William Kenneth
Macrone, D.D., 1st Bishop of Mantzburg,
Natal ; two s. two d Educ. : Harrow. Lieut.
Royal Artillery and R H A. 1877 ; retired, 1889 ;
Member of Institution Civil and Mechanical
Engineers ; F.R.S.A. , Naval Institute, U.S.A. ;
Military Institute, U 8. A, Address: Walwood,
WHOS WHO, 1938
BanRtead 2 Burgh Heath 115. Clubs
Junior United Service, Royal Automobile
AGXaAND^ Henry Dyke^ Banister and
Solicitor , partner Wilding and Aciand, Solici
tors , b 1867 , s of Hon J B A Aciand,
M.L C , and B Weddell, e. d, of Most Rev
H J C Harper , tn 1906, Elizabeth Grace
d of Hon James Watson, M LC, Sydney,
two d Educ Christ s College, Christchurch,
N Z , Christ Church, Oxford (BA) Called
to Bar, Inner Temple, 1891 , Chairman Board
of Governors of Canteibury University College
1918 28, Member Senate University of New
Zealand since 1928 , Dominion President,
Workers Education Association , Member New
Zealand Meat Producers Board since 1926 ,
President New Zealand Sheepowners Federa
tion since 1910 , Consul for Denmark for South
Island of N Z Address 42 Park Terrace,
Christchurch, C 1, N Z Clubs Christchurch ,
AOLAND, Captain Hubert Guy Dyke,
DSO 1920, lent to Royal AuHtralian Navy
since 1937, y s o\ Sir William Alison Dyke
Aciand, 2nd Bt , b 1890 , m 1916, Lalage Mary
Kathleen,® d of Captain John Edward Aciand
two s Lieut 1910 , Lieut Commander, 1918 ,
Commander, 1925 ; Capt 1932 , served European
War, 1914 19 (despatches, DSO), Commanded
1st Minesweeping Flotilla, 1934 35 and Fishery
Protection and Mmesweepmg Flotilla 1985 36
Address Culver Lodge, Plympton Devon
Cluh United Service
AOLAND, Sir Hugrh Thomas
Dyke, Kt, cr 1933 , OMG 1917, CBE
1919 ,PRCS TRACS, Hon Consulting
Surgeon to Chnstchurcli Hospital a member
of Christchurch City Council since 1986 , s of
late Hon John Barton Arundel Aciand and
Bmily Weddell, d of Most Rev H J C
Harper, D D , Primate of New Zealand and
Bishop of Christchurch, N Z , b 10 Sep 1874
m 1903, Evelyn Mary, d of late J I Ovans
East Sheen , three s one d Fduc Christ s
College, Christchurch, N Z , Otago University
St Thomas s Hospital, London Served South
African War 1900-1 , European War 1914 18
Consulting Surgeon N Z B h , 1916 19 (de
spatches, CM G), Colonel, retired list, New
Zealand Medical Corps , Hon Surgeon to
Governor General, 1930 36 Address 61
Brown’s Road Christchurch, N 1, New Zealand
AOLAND, Rt. Rew. Richard D j see
Bombay Bishop of
AOLAND, Richard Thomas Dyke ;
M P. (L ) Barnstaple Div Devon since 1935 5
26 Nov 1906, es of Rt Hon. Sir Francis
Aciand, g v , m 1936, Anne Stella Alford
Educ Rugby , Balliol College Oxford Con-
tested Torquay Division, 1929, Barnstaple
1931 Rerreatton sailing Address Killerton
Exeter TA Budlake T Hele 9 Club
Royal Automobile
AOLAND, Theodore William Gull,
M A A I C , Headmaster of King Edward VI
School, Norwich since 1930 , b London 7 Nov
1890 , o 8 of late Theodore Dyke Aciand
M D Oxon , F R C P and Caroline Cameron
d of Sir William Gull, Bt , M D , F R S ,
unmarried Fduc Gresham s School Holt
King s College, Cambridge University of Berlin
Commission, London Electrical Engineers
1914 , seconded for technical duties with
DBS and subsequently with MID, 1915 ,
on technical staff of Brunner Mond & Co ,
1920 22 , Assistant Master, Stowe School
Buckingham, 1923 30 , House Master 1924 80
Recreations scouting walking travelling
Address School House The Close Norwich
T Norwich 1427 Clubs Athenseum , Norfolk
AOLAND, Sir William Henry DTke,
3rd Bt or 1890, Director of W H Smith &
Son, Ltd , h 16 May 1888 , e n of 2nd
Bt and Bmily Anna (author of several nov els),
d of late Viscountess Harableden and late Rt
Hon W H Smith , S father, 1924 , m 1916,
Margaret, d of late Theodore Barclay, of
fianshaws, Hertford, four d Educ Eton,
Christ Church, Oxford Royal Scots Greys
late Col Royal Devon Yeomanry Artillery and
Major R A.F , served Biiropean War (Military
Cross, Air Force Cross, 4th Class Order of St
George despatches) Heir b Capt Hubert
Guy Dyke, q v Address Barnes WooQ,
Welwyn, Sea View House, Isle of Wight
Clubs Atheuftium, Bath , Royal Yacht
Squadron Cowes
ACLAND-HOOD : family name of Baron
St. Audries.
AOLAND-TROYTEf Lieut. -Ool. Gil-
bert John, CMG 1917, DSO 1916,
Liout - Colonel King’s Royal Rifle Corps ,
J P Devon , M P (C ) Tiverton since 1924 ,
b 1876 , m 1909, Gwladys Eleanor Quicke
Educ, Eton , Trinity Hall, Cambridge
Served m South African War (wounded)
Somaliland Campaign, 1903 4 , European War
(despak hes C M G , D 8 O , Bt Lt Col , Croix
de Guerre) , Member of Devon County Council ,
contested (C ) Tiverton Division at bye-electioii,
June 1923, and at General Election, Dec 1923
Recreations hunting, shooting Address
Huntsham Court, Bainpton, Devonshire Club
Army and Navy.
AOOMB, Henry Waldo, M A , University
Librarian, Durham , h 28 July 1891 s of Rev
W J Acomb and Emma Rebecca, e d of Allan
Charles Brown, Redditch Educ Privately ,
Fitzwilham Hall, Cambridge Assistant, Trinity
College Library, Cambridge, 1924 26 , County
Librarian, Cornwall and Shiopshire, 1926-28,
Bookseller, 1928 20 I ibrarian, G1 idstone
Library, National Liberal Club, 1929 34 , Lec-
turer on Cataloguing, School of Librarianship,
University College, London, 1929 34 ; Warden,
Univeisity College Hall, W 5, 1932 33 Publi-
cations (with J H Quinn) A Manual of
Cataloguing, 1 >33 , miscellaneous reviews and
articles, chiefly bibliogriphical Recreations
music, walking and conversation Address
University Library, Durham T Durham 654
Club National Liberal
A'OOURT J see Holmes A Court
AOTON, 3rd Baron (cr. 1869), John
Emerich Henry Lyon- Dalber^ .
Acton, Bt, cr 1648, b 15 Dec 1907, s of
2nd Baron and Dorothy (d 1923) d of late
1 H Lyon of Appleton Hall, Cheshire , S
father, 1924 m 1931, Hon Daphne Strutt
o d of 4th Baron Rayleigh, q v , one d Heir
h Hon Richard William Henbert Peter, b 21
Feb 1909
Sfee also J D IVoodruff
AOTON : see Lyon Dalberg Acton
AOTON, Sir Edward, Kt , cr 1930,
Bencher, Inner Temple , Hon Fellow Wadham
College, Oxford s of Henry Morell Acton,
B A , 5 6 Nov 1865 , m 1903 Edith Nina d of
Conrad Tulloch, London Educ Uppingham
(Exhibitioner) , Wadham College, Oxford
(Classical Scholar and Hody Greek Exhibition)
I Ist Class m Classical Moderations, 1886 , Second
lit Hum 1888 Toundation Scholar in Common
j Law, Inner Temple 1890 , called to Bar, 1891 ,
Northern Circuit, Lecturer m Law to Uni
versity of Manchester , Judge of County Courts
(Circuit 18), Nottingham, 1918 20, Judge of
Kings Bench Division, High Court of Justice,
1920 34 ; retired Address 1 he Hatch Churt
Surrey T Hindhead343 Clubs Athenieum,
AOTON, Ellen Marion, C B K. 1920,
O B E 1918 , Assistant Sen etary. Incorporated
Soldiers and Sailors Help Society Address
T adies Park Club 82 Knight abridge, S W
AOTON, Murray A. , see Adams Acton
AOTON, Lt.-Ool. William Maxwell,
DSO 1916, late Royal Irish h 15 July 1878 ,
m 1914, Lorna Bell,d of late High Sheriff for
WHO’S WHO, 1938
Wiltshire ; one *. one d. Educ. : Oxford Military
College. Entered army, 1899 ; Adjutant, il903 6 ,
Oapt. 1906 ; Maj. 1915 ; served S. African War,
1900*2 (Queen’s medal 3 clasps. King’s medal
2 clasps) ; European War, 1914 16 (despatches,
D.S.O.); retired pay, 1922. Mecreations: hunt-
ing, fishing, shooting. Clvb: United Service.
ACWORTH, Oapt. Bernard, D.S 0. 1917;
R.N., retired, Chairman ot the Liberty Re-
storation League ; Pounder and Chairman of
the Evolution Protest Movement ; b. 1885 ; 2nd
s, of late Rev. Herbert Sumner Acworth and
Rose Charlotte, d, of late Col, Roney-Dougal of
Ratho; w. Phyllis Doreen Boiisfield, 2nd d. of
George Samuel Long, The Chipping, Wootton-
under-Edge; three s, two d. Educ,: II.M.S
Britannia ; Royal Naval College, Greenwich
Served for 20 years in submarines and com-
manded the Anti Submarine Flotilla , four
ears in the Torpedo Division of the Naval
tail of the Admiralty; late Naval Corie-
spondent of the Morning Post, Observer and
Yorkshire Post, the leading advocate of the
restoration of coal as the motive power of the
Navy and Merchant Marine ; has written and
spoken extensi\ely on the migration of birds
and IS a member of the British and Amencan
Ornithological Unions , an Associate member
of the Institute of Naval Architects ; Fellow
of the Royal Anthropological Institute ; Follow
of the International Faculty of Science , con
tested (L ) Pontypridd, 1931. PuhlicoLtions .
This Bondage, 1929 ; The Navies of To-day and
To-morrow, 1931 ; Back to the Coal Standard,
1932 ; The Navy and the Next War— A Vindi
cation of Sea Power, 1934; This Progress—
The Tragedy of Evolution, 1934 ; The Restora-
tion of England’s Sea Power, 1936 ; Our New
Navy, 1937, RecreaHon: hshing Address 24
Essex Street, W C 2. 2\ : Central 7914. Club :
United Service.
ADAIR, Bdward Robert, M A ; Professor
of History, McGill University, Montreal, since
1925 ; b. 26 April 1888 ; o. s of Colonel Edward
Adair; m Margaret Wilson; no c. Educ.
University of London ; Peterhouse, Cambridge
(Scholar). Gladstone Prizeman, Hugo de Bal-
sham Student Army VI Master, Felsted School,
Essex; Senior Assistant in History, University
College, London, 1919-25; Member of the Board
of Studies in History and of Board of Examineis
in History, University of London, 1920-25 ;
representative of the University of London on
the Board of Governors of the Coopers’ Com-
pany Schools ; Special Lecturer for the English
Association in Holland, 1922 and 1925 ; Member
of the Council of the Historical Association,
1920-25 ; President of the History Association of
Montreal, 1930 and 1931, Hon. Pres, since 1936 ;
Member of the Council of the Canadian Histori-
cal Association since 1931, President, 1935 3o,
Member of the Editorial Boaid ot the Canadian
Historical Review, 1932-34 and since 1935
Publxtotions ' Sources for the Uistoiy of the
King’s Council in the 16th and 17th Centuries,
William Thomas : A Biography (in Tudor
Studies); The Extern tonality of Ambassadors
in the 16th and 17th Centuries ; French
Canadian Art: articles in the English His
torical Review on the History of the 16th
and I7th Centuries. Recreatioiis : travelling,
tramping, church architecture. Address
McGill University, Montreal. Canada.
ADAIR, Iit.-Col. Henry Shafto« D.S.O.
1918; Cheshire Regiment; Secretary, Ofticeis’
Club, Aldershot ; b. 1878 ; y. s, of late
Major H. A. Adair, 62nd Light Infantry; w.
1908, Olive Edith Forbes Hutchinson; one s,
two d, Educ,: St, Edward’s School, Oxford;
Oriel College, Oxfonl. Repreflented Oxford
versus Cambridge at high jumping in 1897, 1898,
and 1899, and was first string for Oxford and
Cambridge versus Yale and Harvard at high
jumping in 1899. Served South African War,
1900-2 (Queen’s medal 3 clasps. King’s medal 2
clasps), European War, 1914-18 (despatches four
times, D.S.O., 1915 Star, British Wai Medal,
Victoiy medal); retired pay, 1928 Recreation
golf. Address. Heatlierton, Aldershot.
ADAIR| Brig. -Gen. Hugh. Robert,
C B.E., retued list R.A. ; y. s. ot late General
Sir C. W. Adair, K.C.B ; b. 8 Sep. 1868 ; m.
Sibyl, y. d. of late T. Cay/er, Aigburth. Educ. :
Cheltenham College, U.M.A., Woolwich.
Entered Royal Artilleiy, 1882, retired, 1920,
C.RA., Humber Garrison, 1914-16; Thames
and Medway Garrison, 1916-20 (C.B.E.). Recrea-
tion leading. Club. National.
ADAIR, Sir (R.) Shafto, 5th Bt., or.
1888; D.L. Co. Antrim; J.P. Norfolk and
Suffolk ; Barrister-at-law ; a director ot Royal
Academy of Music , b. 18 Aug. 1862 ; S.
biother, 1915 , s of 3id Bt and Han let Camilla,
d of Alexander Adair ; m 1890, Mary, d, ot
Henry Anstey Bosanquet , one s. one d. Educ. :
abroad; Christ Church, Oxford, B.A. Heir:
5 Allan Henry Shafto, M C., Major, Grenadier
Guards [b. 1897 ; m. 1919, Enid, y. d. of late
W. H. Dudley Ward] Address: 12 York House,
Kensington, W.8 , '1.: Western 2264; Flixton
Hall, Bungay, Sutfolk ; T.A. : Flixton, Bungay ;
7. • Flixton, Bungay, o7X ; The Castle, Bally-
mena , Clanville, Minohead, Somerset. Club :
Oxfoid and Cambridge
ADAM, Colin Gurdon Forbes. C.S. I.
1924 ; District Commissioner for Special Area of
Durham and Tyneside since 1934 , y. s. of Sir
Frank horbes Adam, 1st Bt. ; b. 18 Dec. 1889 ;
w 1920, Hou. Irene Constance Lawley, o. c.
of 8rd Baron Wenlock; three 5. one d. Educ. .
Eton; King's College Cambridge, B.A. En-
tered Indian Civil Service, 1912; Assist.
Collector and Magistrate, Poona, 1913-18;
Under-Sec. to Government, Bombay, 1919 ;
Private Secretary to Governor of Bombay,
1920; Deputy Secretary to Government, 1925 ;
retired, 1927 , served European War, 1914-18.
Addicss Skipwith Hall, Selby, Yorks. Club.
ADAM, Frederick Edward Fox;
H M. Minister to Panama and Costa Rica since
1934, and Consul General for the Panama Canal
Zone ; b. 1887 ; s of Charles Fox Frederick
Adam, Counsellor in H M. Diplomatic Service,
and Juliet, d. of James Croxall Palmer, Surgeon
General of the U S. Navy ; unmarried. Educ.
Rugby; Balliol College, Oxford. Entered the
Foreign Office, 1910 , acting 3rd Secretary,
H.M. Legation at Athens, 1917-18; returned to
Foreign Office, 1918; 1st Secretary, 1920,
Counsellor of H.M Embassy, 1 isbon, 1929-34.
Address * British Legation, Panama ; 51 Elm
Park Gardens, Chelsea, S.W. Club. Travellers’.
ADAM, Mrs. George (H. Pearl); b. 25
Apr. 1882 ; d. of late J. A. Humphry and
late Mrs. Humphry, Madge of Truth ;
w. 1909, George Jeffery s Adam (d. 1930).
Educ, : privately. Started journalism at age
of seven teen; contributor to Truth, Fortnightly
Review, Observer, Farmers’ Weekly, Textile
trade papers, Home and Country, etc Publica-
tions International Cartoons of the War.
1916, Pans Sees it Through, 1919; (with G. J.
Adam) A Book kbout Pans 1927; Kitchen
Ranging, 1929 Address: 104 Wigniore Street,
W.l. r. • Wei Deck 1596.
ADAM. Sir James, Kt., cr. 1922; C.B.E
1918 ; K C. Scot. ; King’s and Lord Treasurer's
Remembrancer, 1921; retired, 1926; b. 6 Jan
1870: o. s. of late Hon. Lord Adam, one of the
Senators, College of Justice, Scotland; m. 1896,
Edith, d. of Right Hon. George Young, P.C. ;
one s. three d. Educ. . Eton ; Oxford. Address *
Colne Park, Earls Colne, Essex. T,: Earls
Colne 84. Club ‘ New, Edinburgh.
ADAM, John Hunter, C.l E. 1938; O.B.E
1918 ; b. 1 June 1882 , s. of William Adam and
Jane Blaue , m. 1910, Mary Dorothy Burman ;
one 5. one d. Educ. . Glasgow High School.
Joined Indian Police, 1902 ; Supt., Police 1912 .
WHO’S WHO, 1938
Deputy Inspector General, 1925 ; Inspector
General of Police, North West Frontier Pro-
vince, 1930-36. Recreations: tennis, {^olf. Ad-
dress: c/o Gnndlay & Co , 54 Parliament Street,
5. W.l. Cluh East India United Service.
ADAM, J. Mlllenj Fellow Royal Society of
Arts , sole partner of the firm J. M. Adam &
Co., engineers; h. Glasgow, 1853; s. of John
Adam, bleacher ; m. 1st, 1885, Isabel, d, of
William Angue, Fellow of the Educational
Institute of Scotland, and sometime Secretary
of the Institute ; no c. ; 2nd, 1913, Annie, d. of
John Kelso, merchant; two s. one d. Educ..
Glasgow, by private tuition. A shipbuilding
manager m 1881 ; specialised in engineering
costings ; subsequently engaged in boiler
making , started steel pipe making in 1888 ,
patentee in that year of Adam’s Patent Air
Pipes of Prismatic Section ; since 1893 special
ised m scientific ventilation in factories and
industrial dust controls ; patentee in 1895 of
vanes of a conic surface approximating to the
wings of birds — the geometric basis of which
he studied for air impulsion, ship propulsion,
etc., and a year or two later a vortex air
purifier known as Adam’s Patent Dust Baffle ,
practises as consultant in all matteis relating
to the utilization and puiification of an and
other gaseous fluids at all temperatures. Pub-
lications: Sundry papers in the transactions
of the Institute of Engineers and Shipbuilders
in Scotland, and of the Institute of Nava
Architects on Tubular Bends and Junctions
on Geometrical Analysis of Ship Propeller re
actions, etc. Address: Highbury, Kiiklee
Place, Glasgow, W.2 T. : Western 1427.
AD AM J Karl : Dr theol. ; o o. Professor
an der Universitat Tubingen fUr katholische
Dogmatik u. Dograengesclnchte since 1919,
6. 22 Okt. 1876 ; s. of Clemens Adam and
Babette Sturm Ednc : Gymnasium Amberg,
Phil. Theol. Hochschule in Regensberg , Univ.
Muuchen. Habilitation z. Privatdozenten an
d. kath. -theol. Fakultat in Munchen, 1908,
Titel u.Rang ernes a.o Professors daselbst,
1916, ordentl Professor d Moraltheologie in
Strassburg, 1917. Publications Der Kirchen-
begrifif Tertulhans 1907 , Die Euchanstielehre
des hi. Augustin, 1908, Die kirchliche Sunden-
vergebung iiach dem hi. Augustin, 1917 , Das
sog Bussftdikt des Papstes Kallistus, 1917 ,
Die geheime Kirchenbusse uach dem hi.
Augustin, 1921 , Glaube u. Glaubenswissen
schaftiiii Kaiholizismus, 2. Aufl 1923 ; Pfingst-
gedanken, 2. Aufl. 1933 , Glaube und liiebe,
8. Aufl. 1937 ; Das Wesen des Katholizismus,
8 Aufl. 1930 (engl. Ausg. 1932, etc ) , Christus
unser Bruder, 3. Aufl. 1933 (engl. Ausg 1931,
etc ) ; Christus u der Geist d Abendlandes,
2. Aufl 1Q32 , Die sakramentale Wpihe der Ehe,
3. Aufl, 1937 ; Die geistige Entwicklung d. hi
Augustinus, 1931 (engl Ausg 1932), Jesus
Christus, 4 Aufl. 1935, Jesus Christus und
der Geist unserer Zeit, 2. Aufl 1935 ; Karl
Adam, Gesammelte Aufsatze zur Dogmen-
geschichte und Theologie der Gegenwart,
herausgegeben von Fritz Hofmann, 193b
Address' Tubingen, Herman Lonstr. 6, Wurt*
teniberg, Germany. T.. 2906.
ADAM, Neil Kensingrton, F.R S. 1935,
F.I.C.; M.A., 8c,D. (Cantab); Professor of
Chemistry, University College, Southampton,
since 1937 ; formerly Lecturer and Hon. Re-
search Associate, University College, London ,
s. of James Adam, M.A , Litt.D. and Adela
Marion Adam, M.A * m. 1916, Winifred Wiight ,
one s. one d. Educ : Winchester ; Tnnitv College,
Cambridge (Fellow, 1915-23). Royal Society
Sorby Research Fellow at Sheffield University,
1921-29 Puhltcations • The Physics and Chemis-
try of Surfaces ; numerous papers in several
scientific periodicals. Recreations: walking,
motoring, camping, sailing, lawn tennis.
Address • 95 High field Lane, Southampton.
ADAM, Col. (temp. Brig:.) Sir Ronald
Forbes, 2nd Bt., cr. 1917, D.S.O 1918;
O.B.B. ; R.A.; Commander Royal Artilleiy,
Ist Division, since 1936 ; 6. SO Oct. 1885 ;
e, s. of Sir B’rank Forbes Adam, 1st Bt.,
and Rose Frances, d. of C. G. Kemball,
late Judge, High Court, Bombay; S. father,
1926; m. 1916, Anna Dorothy, d. of F. I.
Pitman, q.v.\ four d. Educ.: Eton; B.M.A.,
Woolwich. Served European War (France
and Flanders, Italy), 1914-18 (despatches,
D.S.O., O.B E.); G.S.O.I. Staff College, Cam-
berley, 1932-35 ; G S.O I War Office, 1935-86 ;
Deputy Director of Military Operations, War
Office, 1986. Heir: n. Christopher Eric Forbes
Adam, 5. 1920 Address : c/o Lloyds Bank
Ltd , Cox and King’s Branch, 6 Pall Mall,
S. W.l. Club: United Seivice.
See also G G. F. Adam.
ADAM, Major William Augustus, 5th
(Royal Irish) Lancers ; 6. Dublin, 27 May 1866 ;
e s of Rev. B. W Adams, D.D. [resumed old
family name of Adam, 1907] , m. Ist, 1912, Lady
Antonia Lillian Maude (d. 1927), y. d. of 1st Earl
de Moiitalt ; 2nd, 1928, Queenie, o. surv. c. of
late Sir Stephen Penfold. Educ : Harrow ,
Dublin University ; Sandhurst. First honours
m Classics ; First honouis m Modern History ;
M A ; Senior Moderator and Gold Medallist in
Modem Languages and Literature ; graduate of
the Staff College ; Interpreter, Russian, French,
Hindostam, etc.; Bainster, Inner Temple,
2ud Lieut 188-7 , Lieut 1889 , Capt. 1898 ;
Mai or, 1905 ; served in South African campaign,
1899 1902 ; defence of Ladysmith (two medals
SIX clasps), special service in Japan, 1908-6 ;
contested Woolwich, 1906 , General Staff
Officer, War Office, 1907-10 , placed on half-
pay on election to House of Commons, 1910;
M.P (U.) Woolwich, Jan. 1910 to Dec. 1910,
oil active service, 1914 17 , retired, l9l7.
Publications : Rus Divinum, 1900 ; Horse
Pugaces, 1902 ; The Lonely Way, 1908 ; How
the Loafer’s Bred, 1903 , J^>anese Conversation
in Six Months. 1906 : 250 Ilioughts, 1906 , Rus
Divinum and Other Poems (2nd edition), 1910 ,
Whither? or The British Dreyfus Case, 1920
Recreations: rowing, polo, travelling, tennis,
literature, etc. Cl^ : Carlton.
ADAM 1 1 Sir Deonard Christian, Kt., cr.
1929 ; ludian Civil Service, retired ; h. 15 Mar
1874, s of late John George Adami and Mrs.
S. A. E. Adami, of Ashton - on - Mersey,
Cheshire ; m. 1899, Elisabeth Shaw, d. of late
Graham Hardie Thomson, of Glasgow ; one s.
Educ. ' St. Edmund’s School, Hunstanton ;
Cheltenham College (Scholar), Jesus College,
Cambridge (Scholar); Second Class Classical
Tripos, 1896, B.A , passed into the Indian
Civil Service 1896 , Assistant Magistrate at
Dacca and Bhagalpur in the Province of Ben-
gal ; Secretary to the Bengal Council and
Assistant Secretary in the liegislative Depart-
ment, Government of Bengal, 1904-8 ; District
Judge, Cuttack, 1909; Superintendent and Re
meiiibrancer of Legal Affairs to the Goveinnient
of Bihar and Orissa, 1918-17 ; a Puisne Judge
of the High Court at Patna, Bihar and
Onssa, India, 1919-31; retired, 1931. Recrea-
tions : social work in Southwark and Camber-
we.l for the Chanty Organisation Society.
Address . Devonshire House, Shortlands, Kent.
Clubs: Royal Empire ; United Service, Calcutta.
ADAMS, Alexander Annan, C.B.E.,
1935 ; Commercial Counsellor, British Legation,
Bucharest, Roumania, since 1935; b. 29 Jan.
1884 , s of Alexander Annan Adams and Mar-
garet Lamb ; m 1910, Berenice, d. of William de
Schrader, Sheboygan, Wisconsin, U.S.A. ; no c.
Educ . Vienna; London. Entered Consular
Service in 1908 ; served in U S A., South Amer-
ica, Roumania and France ; Assistant Director
(in charge of Latin Section) Department of
Overseas Trade, 1919; Commercial Secretary,
with rank of First Secretary in the Diplomatic
WHO’S WHO, 1938
Service, and posted to the British Legation in
Bucharest, 1919; Prague, 1924 ; Madrid, 1927 ,
local rank of Commercial Counsellor, 1933;
personal rank of Commercial Counsellor, 1935
Recreations: motoring in Europe, golf. Ad-
dress' Biitish Legation, Bucharest, Houmania
Clubs: Royal Societies, Jockey Houmania.
ADAMS, Hon. Alexander Samuel: ^
Taieu Mouth, Otago, N Z ,4 Aug. 1861 ; m. 1887,
Margaret, d. of John Boyd, Tapanui, Otago,
N Z. ; two 8. two d. Admitted a Barrister and
Solicitor, New Zealand, 1883; Crown Solicitor,
Dunedin, 1920-21 ; Judge of Supreme Court,
New Zealand, 1921-33; letired, 1933 Address
29 Wairarapa Terrace, Pendalton, Christchurch,
N.W 1, New Zealand. 2.: 22-012.
ADAMS| Beale j a West Countryman ; ni
1919, Harriet Avery, widow Rev. Fred
Harpley, late Vicar of Foxton, Market Har
borough, y d of Rev. T Allen Clarke, North
cote, Ilfracombe Educ. . private tutor ; Oxfor d
University. Is a marine and landscape painter,
devoting himself particulaily to the painting
of the shore seas of our own islands. Reorea
Hons: fishing and golf Address: Lyonesse,
St. Ives, Cornwall. T A. Lyonesse, St Ives
Club: West Cornwall Golf, St Ives.
ADAMS^ Bernard ; R.P.; R.O.I., F.R S.A ,
N.S. ; portrait and landsca|>e painter; Hon.
Secretary, National Society Painters, Sculptors,
Engravers and Potters; h. London; y. s
of Robert Henry Adams, artist, and Louisa
Fanny, e d, of John William Chandler, Bungay,
Suffolk ; g s. of Thomas Adams, artist and
designer ; m. 1912, Men Olga Johanna, o d of
Lieut Col BerndtStandertskjold, Helsingfors,
Finland ; two s, two d. Educ. . Chapel Royal,
Savoy. Studied Westminster School of Art,
Antwerp Academy, Silver Medallist Kenmng-
ton and Allan Fraser Scholarship ; Student of
George TTarcourt, R A , and Philip do Las/lo ,
Exhibits London and Provinces. Recreations
billiards, conjuring and ventriloquism. Ad-
dress 5 Garden Studios, Manresa Road, Chelsea,
S.W 8; 276 King’s Road, Chelsea, S W 3; Buck-
land Common, nr. Tnng, Herts. T . . Flax-
man 1272. Club Chelsea Arts.
A D A M Sj Capt. Bryan Fullertoui
D 8.0. 1919; Royal Navy, retired ; Naval
Secretary, Permanent Advisory Commission
of League of Nations since 1928; b. 22
July 1887; s. of late G. II, Adams ol
Portglenone, Co. Down, and Melbourne,
Australia; m 1st, 1921, Audrey (d 1929), d of
C B Marshall of Thurlestoue, Devon ; one d ,
2nd, 1937, Pamela Jocelyne, o d of Vice Adm
Sidney Drury Lowe, <].i, Educ.: Sherborne;
H. M S. Britannia. Naval Cadet, 1902; Lieut ,
1909; Commander, 1918; served at sea, 1914-
1918 (despatches, D.S O ) ; retired list, 1933.
Recreations: golf, tennis, rackets. Club
United Service.
ADAMS, Charles Bdward, D Sc. N.Z ,
F R A.8 ; Hon Director, Wellington Citv
Observatory ; Hon Fellow N Z. Institute of
Architects , b. Lawrence, N Z , 1 Oct 1870 ; s. of
late C W. Adams, Chief Surveyor anH Comuiis
sioner of Crown Lands, N.Z ; w 1896, Kleancr
Robina d of late Howard Charles Jacobson
Journalist, Akaroa, N Z. ; three s three d
Educ Wellington College ; Otago Boys’ High
Sch lol ; Canterbury University College (Uni
versity of New Zealand) Engineering Scholsr
and Engineering Exhibitioner, Canterbury Uni
versity College ; Senior University Scholar
m Physical Science ; Honours in Mathematics
and Mathematical Physics, Optics and Astro-
nomy, University of New Zealand ; Martin
Kellogg Fellow in Astronomy, Lick Obseiva-
tory, Mount Hamllt >n, Univeisity of California;
Government Astronomei and Seismologist for
the Dominion of Now Zealand ; retired, 1936
Past Pres and Hon. Sec N Z. Astronomical
Society ; Associate In Astronomy of the Yale
University Observatory. Publications * mathe-
matical, geophysical, and astronomical publica-
tions in Transactions of the New Zealand In-
stitute ; Monthly Notices of the Royal Astro-
nomical Society, London ; Journal of the
British Astronomical Association, London ;
Astronomical Society of the Pacific ; Astro-
nomische Nachnchten ; New Zealand Journal
of Science and Technology; Dominion Observa-
tory Publications ; The New Zealand Surveyor;
Harmonic Analysis of Tidal Observations and
Prediction of Tides of New Zealand Ports, m
Government Reports, Trans. N.Z. Institute
and Australian and New Zealand Association
for the Advancement of Science Recreations :
walking, tennis, golf. Address. 7 Telford
Terrace, Oriental Bay, Wellington, B.l. T.A. :
Astronomer, Wellington. £. : 60527. Club :
New Zealand, Wellington.
See also A rthur Fair,
ADAMS, David, J.P.; M P (Lab ) Consett
division of Durham since 1935; member of D.
Adams & Co , Ltd , shipowners, Newcastle, and
Anglo-Scottish Trading Co., Ltd , Newcastle-
upon Tyne , b 27 June 1871; s. of John Adams,
Newcastle upon -Tyne, m 1897, Elizabeth
Havelock, d. of Captain John Patterson,
two s. one d. Educ. • Science and Art
School and Aimstrong College, Newcastle-
upon-Tyne. Sherift of Newcastle, 1922-23,
M.P (Labour) West Newcastle, 1922-28; Lord
Mayor of Newcastle, 19 iO 31; engineering
member of N.B Coast Institution of Engineers
and Shipbuilders Address' Jesmond Cottage,
Newcastle. J. Jesmond 428. T A. . Canute,
Newcastlo-upon Tyne.
ADAMS, David M or gran ; M.P. (Lab)
South Poplar since 1981 ; b. 23 Feb. 1876 ; s. of
late David Morgan Adams, Llwynbrian,
Ystradowm, Glamorgan and late Bessie Dent,
Poplar ; m. 1900 ; four s one d. Educ. :
Ystradowen, nr. Cowbndge, South Wales.
Worked in coal mines as a boy ; seafaring as
A B , served in The Welch Regt., 69th Bn ,
3 years 130 days m India ; seaman m the Light
Ships, Trinity House Sei vice (London) ; docker,
Port of London Authority , Tiade Union Official,
Transport and General Workers Union since
1920 ; Poplar Board of Guardians, 1913-30 ;
Borough Council since 1919 ; Mayor of the
Borough, 1934-35, London County Council, 1930-
1917, Metropolitan Asylums Board, 1928-30
Address ' 8 Southill Street, Poplar, E 14. 2\ •
East 7018.
ADAMS, Miss E. Proby : portrait and
animal painter; does mural decoration and
book illustrations, and exhibits flower-paintings,
landscapes and interiors ; b. St. Luke s Day,
Sudbuiy, Suftolk, of Irish extraction Educ. :
Bedford. Trained at Slade School ; gamed
there, Slade Scholarship, British Institution
Scholarship of £100, and highest award paint-
ing; Exhibitor at Royal Academy, R.I., N PS,
New English Art Club, International, Walker
Art Gallery, Liverpool, Leeds, Los Angeles,
Hull, Brighton, etc. ; Lecturer on Crafts.
Publications : Art Critic and Reviewer
to Home and Abroad. Recreations, singing,
gardening. Address Carysfort, Vine Avenue,
Sevenoaks. T A • Carysfort, Sevenoaks.
ADAMS, Col. Francis, D.S.0. 1918, Indian
Army ; retired , b. 17 April 1874 , o s. of late
Francis Adams, Clifton; m. 1909, Helen Maude,
er. d. of late J. G. Howes of King’s Clitfe and
48 Porchester Terrace, W.2 ; no c. Educ •
Cheltenham College Joined 3rd Bait. Rojal
West Kent Regiment, 1891 ; Indian Army 1894 ,
Captain 8rd Madras Lancers, 1903 ; Maior,
1912; Lt. -Colonel, 1916; Colonel, 1920; In-
specting Officer Imperial Service Troops,
1906-10; served European War, France, 1914 18
(D.S.O., despatches, Officier de I’ordre de la
Couronne, 1914 Star); B.K.F. Palestine and
Syria, 1918-20 (despatches. War Medal, Victory
Medal, Belgian Croix de Guerre, Officier de
rOrdre du i!lf6rite Agricole) ; commanded 20th
WHO’S WHO, 1938
Royal Deccan Horso,191 6-20. Recreations' hunt-
ing and sailing. Address : The Grange, Marn
hull, Dorset. T Maruhull56. Ciiibs . Cavaliy,
Royal Automobile ; Royal Dorset Yacht.
ADAMSi Frank Dawaon^ F.R.S., Ixindon
and Canada; Ph.D., D.Sc., LL.D., F.G.8. ,
Emeritus Dean of tlie Faculty of Applied
Science, Vice-Principal and Logan Professor
of Geology, McGill Dniversity, Montreal ; b.
Montreal, 17 Sep. 1859; w 1892, Mane Stuart
(d. 1937), e. d. of Samuel Finley. Edur. :
Montreal High School ; McGill University ;
Yale University; Heidelberg University. On
Stalf of Geological Survey of Canada, 1880 ,
Lecturer m Geology at McGill University, 1889 ;
President, Canadian Institute of Mining and
Metallurgy, 1910-11 ; President, International
Congress of Geologists (Canada), 1913; Presi-
dent, Royal Society of Canada, 1913 ; Piesident,
Geological Society of America, 1918; Hon.
Member, Institution of Mining and Metolhirgy
of Great Britain ; Hon. Member, American
Institute of Mining and Metallurgical En-
gineers; Hon. Member, Engineenng Institute
of Canada; Foreign Associate, National Academy
of Sciences, U.S.A.; Member, American Philo-
sophical Society of Philadelphia; Cor. Member,
Geological Society of Stockholm ; Hon, Mem-
ber, Royal Swedish Academy of Science;
Hon. Member, Geological Society of Edinbmgh;
Member of the Honorary Advisory Council for
Scientific and Industnal Research m Canada.
Piihlieaitons : Many papers dealing more espoci-
allv with problems of inetainorphism and the
older crystalline rocks of the earth’s crust,
which have appeared m various scientific publi-
cations m Canada, England, and United States ;
Researches on Experimental Geology ; also
papers on the National Domain in Canada
and its Conservation. Recreations canoeing,
camping, and exploration. Address : 11’73
Mountain Street, Montreal, Canada T. •
Marquette 8572. Chibs: Mount Royal, Uni-
versity, Montreal.
ADAMS, Harry William, R B A. 1912;
Member of Royal British Colonial Society
of Artists ; Member Royal Cambrian Academy ;
Member of Royal Birmingham Society ol
Artists: President, Mahern Art Club; b. Wor-
cester, 8 Nov. 1868 ; i. of William Henry Adams ,
m . ; no c. Ednc. : private school ; School of Ait,
Worcester, Was for 8 years at the Worcester
Royal Porcelain Works ; after leaving there
studied out of doors, and in 1895-96 went to
Pans; first picture at the RA on the line
December’s Royal Robe, 1896 ; 1900, Winter s
Sleep, purchased under the Chan trey bequest;
other pictures — Malvern's Lonely Height ,
Mountain Maiosty ; Valley Sentinels Winter
on the Malvern Hills (Art Gallery, Worcester) ;
Winter Morning, Halifax ; Haunt of the
Grayling, Blackpool . President oi Birmingham
Art Circle, 1935-30. Publications : Pictures
reproduced, Winter’s Sleep ; The Valley of the
Teme, engraved by Fred Sedcole. Recreations
fishing, canoeing Address: The Cottage, Kings-
wood, Hartley, Worcester ; The Studio, Pierpomt
Street. Worcester.
ADAMS, Henry Charles, Consulting En-
gineer, M.Inst.CB., M.I.Mech.B.,"F.R.San.I.,
M.Inst W B , F.I.S.E., practising as Henry
Adams and Son principally water supply, sewei-
age, and structural work ; b. 31 Oct 1873; e s.
of late Prof. Henry Adams ; m. 1899, Madeline
Alice, d. of Edmund Green, Moseley, Bir
mingham ; one d. Ed'tic. : (jranleigh ; City
Lond. Coll. ; Crystal Palace School of Engineer-
ing; served articles with father; passed technical
examinations of Surv. Inst., Rov. San Inst ,
Inst. M. and Cy. Eng. etc , Miller Prizeman
Inst. C.B., 6 years Hon Sec. B’ham. \ 880 cn. of
Inst.G.B., Hon. Sec. B’bara. and Mid Inst.
Scientific Soc. ; Acting Prof of Engineering
Hoilesley Bay Colonial Coll. 1893 ; Assist.
Surveyor Kings Norton and Northfleld U.D.C ,
1894 ; Resident Engineer sewerage and water-
works schemes, 1895 ; Public Works Dept.
Birmingham Corporation, 1898 ; Chief Engineer
and Manager of Birmingham Office of Pritchard,
Green and Co., Consulting Engineers, 1900; in
partnership with Prof. Henry Adams, 1909-28 ;
Engineer and Manager Holyhead Water Works
Co., 1937 ; Member of both Panels of Civil
Engineers appointed by Home Secietary under
Reservoirs (Safety Provisions) Act, 1930; Presi-
dent Institution Sanitary Engineers, 1932 and
1938; Chau man Exam. Bd.,1934; Pres., Society
Engineers, 1917; President Inst Miin. B., 1915;
Member Council Royal Sanitary Institute, J93b:
Hon. Member Junior Inst. Eng. ; Hon. Member
Inst. Eng. in Cbaige; Sanitary Science Lecturer
Northern Polytechnic; Active Craft and R.A.
Freemason Publications. Sewerage of Sea
Coast Towns; Water-works for Urban and
Rural Districts ; Domestic Sanitation, etc.
Address; 60 Queen Victoria Street, E.O 4 ;
Mona, Princes Avenue, Petts Wood, Kent. T. :
City 2400 ; Orpington 1426.
ADAMS, Capt. Henry George Homer,
C.B E. 19)9 ; late R.N. ; h. 10 Apr. 1879 ; yr i.
of Rev. C. E. Adams ; m 1907, Emma Florence
Craig; three s Educ. ‘ Oxford Prepaiatory
School Served in war as Commander (N ) in
II.M.S. Russell, flagship of the 6th Battle
Squadion, until July 1915, and as Commander
(N ) and Captain (N ) in H M.S. Barham, flag-
ship of the 5th Battle Squadron, under Vice
Admiral Sir Hugh Evan Thomas (Order of St.
Stanislas, C.BB.); promoted Captain, June
1918 ; retired list, 1922. Address : Pen-y Maes,
Hay, Heiefoid.
ADAMS, Ven. Henry Josepli. M.A. ;
Canon Residentiary and Rector of St. Paul’s
Cathedral, Bunbury, West Austiaha, since
1910; Archdeacon of Bunbury since 1926,
b. Manchester, 1 Apr. 1870 ; s. of Rev. Richard
Adams, M A., then Rector of St. Stephen’s,
Hulme, Manchester, and Frances L. H Adams,
d. of Captain H. E. W. Lane, sometime Governor
of Manchester City Gaol ; m 1902, Anne Wright
(d 1926), d. of late Dr. Thomas Shaw, of Kirkham ,
Lancs , no c. Educ, : Manchester and Bolton
Grammar Schools ; Selwyn Coll., Camh Assist.
Master Bolton Grammar School, 1891-98 , Assist
Curate St. Michael’s, Kirkham, 1893 98; Vicar of
Lever Bridge, Bolton, 1898-1910, Rural Dean of
Bunbury, 1910-18 lion Chajilain to Bishop
of Bunbury, 1918-27; frequent writer tor news-
papers and magazines on pastoral and missionary
subiects. decreaftous .* croquet, philately Ad
dress. The Rectory, Bunbury, W. Austiaha.
Club : South West, Bunbury.
ADAMS, Commander Henry William
Allen, R N. (retd.) , o. s. of Col A N Adams,
King’s Own Scottish Borderers ; h. 1884 ; m.
1920, Hon. Chailotte M. L , er, d. of 1st Baron
Glentanai and widow of Hon. Lionel Walrond,
M P., o. s. of 1st Baron Waleran. Educ.:
Aysgarth ; H.M.S. Britannia. Younger Biothei
Trinity House, and Master Mariner. Recrea-
tion' yachting. Address: Bradfield, Willand,
Devon. T.: Cullompton 2. Clubs: United
Service ; Royal Yacht Squadron, Cowes.
A D A M S| Herbert, sculptor; Trnsfee,
National Academy of Arts and Letteis;
Trustee, American Academy in Rome ; Trustee,
Hispanic Society of America; b. Concord,
Vt , 1858 ; 8. of Samuel M. Adams and Nancy
Powers ; m. 1889, Adeline Valentine Pond, of
Aubumdale, Mass. Educ.: Fitchburg, Mass.;
Inst, of Technology, Worcester, Mass. : Mass
Normal Art School ; Pans, under Mercie.
Awards at Chicago, Paris, St. Louis and other
Expositions; Member and former President
National Sculpture Society and Nat. Academy
Design ; Member Am Federation of Arts, Nat.
Academy Arts and Letters. letc Address: 131
W. 11th St., New York. Club; Century, New
WHO’S WHO, 1938
ADAMS. Herbert; b. 1874; s. of William
Adams, L.C.C., and Clara Simkin; m. 1900,
Jessie Louise Cooper ; three s. Educ, : City of
London School Member of Siiiveyois Insti-
tute and practised for some years ; then turned
to literature. Pubhcations : The Secret of
Bogey House; By Order of the Five; The
Sloaiie Square Mystery ; The Crooked Lip ;
Comrade Jill; The Perfect Round ; The Queens
Gate Mystery; The Empty Bed; Rogues Fall
Out ; Caroline Ormesby*s Crime ; Oddways ;
The Golden Ape ; Queens Mate ; The Crime in
the Dutch Garden ; The Paulton Plot; A Lady
so Innocent; The Woman in Black; John
Brand’s Will ; The Knife ; Mysteiy and Minette ;
The Body in the Bunker; Fate Laughs; A
Word of Six Letters; The Old Jew Mystery,
Death off the Fairway , A Single Hair, liecrea-
< 10 as • golf, travel. Address: Nairn Cottage,
Canford Cliffs, Bournemouth. 3\; Canfoid
Cliffs 312.
ADAMS, Hervey Cadwallader, R.B A
1932; landscape painter; Art Master Beik
hamsted Sdiool; Principal of Chohsbury
School of Landscape Painting ; Member of
National Society of Painters, Sculptors, En-
gravers and Potters; b Kensington, 1903 ; o s of
Cadwallader Edmund Adams and Doiothy Jane,
y. d of Rev. J. W. Knight; m. 1928, Ins
Gabrielle, y. d. of late F. V. Bruce, St. Fagans,
Glamorgan ; two s. Educ . . Charterhouse
Studied languages and singing in France and
Spain, 1922 26 , studied painting under Bernard
Adams, 1Q29 Address • The Windmill, Choles-
bury, nr. Chesham, Bucks T. : Cholesbury 264
Club : Chelsea Arts.
ADAMS, James Elwin Cokayne;
Secretaiy, Chanty Commission, since 1932, 5.
8 Dec 1876 ; <? of Boilase Hill Adams, Barrister
at- law, and Mary Anne Staveley ; m. 1919,
Susan Mercer, d. of late Janies Archer Porter,
Belfast , three s. one d. Educ. : Winchester ,
New College, Oxford. Barrister-at-law, 1900 ,
Assistant Commissioner, Charity Commission,
1919-32. Addre'^s ' 26 Montague Road, Rich
mond, Surrey. T.: Richmond 0917. Club
United University.
ADAMS. James Truslow, M.A ,
LL.D., Litt.D , LH.D., F.R.S.L. ; editoi-
in-chief of The Dictionary of Aineiican His-
tory, to appeal about 1941 ; h. 18 Oct. 1878 ,
s. of William Newton Adams and Elizabeth
Harper Truslow ; m. 1927, Kathryn M. Seely ,
no c. Educ. : Brooklyn Polytechnic ; Yale Uni-
versity. Banker until 1912 ; served European
War as Captain, U.S, Army, Intelligence
Division, Gen. Staff; attached to American
Commission to negotiate peace, Pans, 1918-19 ;
Pulitzer Pri/e 1922 for best book on American
History that year ; member American Academy
of Arts and Letters ; Fellow Royal Society of
Literature, etc. ; writer and journalist since
war. Puhhcatwns: Memorials of Old Bridge-
hampton , History of Town of Southampton
f'N.Y.); Founding of New England; New
England in the Revolution ; New England in the
Republic ; Provincial Society, 1690-1763 ; Hamil-
tonian Principles , Jellersonian Principles ; The
Adams Family ; The Epic of America ; The
Tempo of Modern Life ; A Searchlight on
America; A History of the American People;
Henry Adams ; America’s Tiagedy ; The Record
of Aineiica ; The Living Jefferson ; contributor
to leading American magazines and reviews,
The Encyclopaedia Bntannica, The Dictionary
of American Biography, etc. ; works translated
into French, German, Swedish, Hungarian
and Danish. Recreations: books and travel.
Address: Soiithpoit, Conn., U.S. A. Clubs
Authors’ ; Century, New York ; Cosmos,
Washington ; Pequot Yacht, etc.
ADAMS. Comdr. Jameson Boyd,
C.B.E. 1928; D.S.O. 1918; Controller North-
Eastern Division Ministry of Labour ; released
temporarily as Secretary of King Georges
Jubilee Trust since lOS'i ; b. 1880 ; s. of George
Norris Adams, M.D. ; m. 1914, Phoebe Cariiac
Thompson, d. of late Bishop Fisher. 2nd in
command Antarctic Expedition, 1907-9; entered
Civil Service, 1909; served European War,
1914-18 (despatches, D S.O., Croix de Guerre).
Clubs: White’s, Marlborough.
ADAMS, John, M.A. ; Assistant Dominion
Botanist, Canada ; 6. near Ballymena, Co.
Antrim, 20 Jan 1872 ; #. of Thomas H. Adams,
linen manufacturer ; m Augusta Eveleen, d.
of Alexander M‘Gatfin. Belfast: one *. one d.
Educ. : Royal Academical Institution, Belfast ;
Queen s College, Belfast ; St. John’s College,
Cambridge. Formerly Lecturer m Botany in
City of Dublin Municipal Technical Schools ;
Assist Prof, of Botany in Royal College of
Science for Ireland ; late Professor of Botany
m Royal Veterinary College of Ireland. Publi-
cations: Guide to the Principal Families of
Plowenrig Plants ; Studies in Plant Life ;
A Survey of Canadian Plants in Relation to
their Environment ; A short Guide to Canadian
Geneia of Seed Plants ; A Student s Illustrated
Irish Flora ; A Bibliography of Canadian Plant
Geography. Address : 68 Fairmont Avenue,
Ottawa, Canada.
ADAMS, Katharine ; see Webb, K.
ADAMS, Ii^onie (Fuller); b Brooklyn,
New York, 9 Dec. 1899; d. of Henrietta Rozier
and Charles Fiederic Adams; m. 1933, William
Troy. Educ Columbia Univ. (Barnard Coll.),
B. A. Editor, The Measuie, 1924-26; Guggenheim
Fellow, Creative Writing, 1928-29. Publications:
Those not Elect, and other Poems, 1925 ; High
Falcon and other Poems, 1929 , The Lyrics of
Frangois Villon, translated by various poets (ed )
1933 Recreation: gardening Address: Hill-
burn, New York. T. : Cragmere 8754 R.
ADAMS, Colonel Noel Percy, C.M.G.
1917 ; s. of Percy Bolland Adams of Inner
Temple and Nelson, New Zealand ; b. 1882 ,
m. 1910, Eileen Srd d. of George Henry Raw of
Snnningdale, Berks Educ. : Nelson College,
N.Z. ; Trinity Hall, Cambridge, M.A. Com-
manded Cambridge Mounted Infantry, 1902-4;
Banister Inner Temple, 1904 ; membei North-
eastern Circuit and N.Z. Bar ; King Edward’s
Horse, 1904-10; N.Z. Field Artillery, 1910;
Headquarters Staff N Z Military Forces, 1914-
1918 (despatches) ; Commandant N.Z Tiaining
Camp, 1916-18. Address: Wharekawa Station,
Private Bag, Cleiedon, New Zealand dubs.
Wellington, Wellington, N.Z. ; Northern,
ADAMS, Philip Edward Homer, M.A.,
M.B., D.O. Oxon ; F R.C.S. ; Hon. Surgeon to
Oxford Eye Hospital and Margaret Ogilvie
Reader m Ophthalmology, Oxford University,
since 1913 ; Consulting Ophthalmic Surgeon to
Radclifle Infirmary since 1912 ; 6 20 Apr 1879 ,
s. of late G E D’Arcy Adams, M.D. ; w. Ist,
1908. Marjorie (d. 1924), d. of late Rev. A. C.
Smith, Vicar of St. Michael’s, Oxford; one s.
two d. ; 2nd 1929, Helen Stewart, o. c. of late
Frederick W. Weller-Poley. E'duc. : Lancing
College ; Exeter College, Oxford ; London Hos-
pital. Worked at the Eye Hospital as Clinical
Assistant, Assistant to Surgical Staff, and
tempoiary Assistant Surgeon ; Master Oxford
Ophthalmological Congress, 1926-28; Deputy
Master since 1929. Publications : various
papers in ophthalmic journals. Recreations :
fencing, motoimg Address: The Cardinal’s
Hat, 6 Holywell, Oxford ; T. : 2442 Oxford ;
150 Harley Street, W.l ; T. : Welbeck 1440.
Clubs : Oxford and Cambridge ; Oxford City
and Countv
ADAMS, Rev. Reginald Arthur, M.A. ;
b 10 Aug. 1864 ; s. of Rev. A C. Adams,
Vicar of Toft, Cheshire ; m. 1897, Anne
Jane, d. of John Ford, Yorke's Peninsula, S.
Australia ; three s. two d. Educ. : Private tui-
tion ; Pocklington Grammar School ; Pembroke
College, Cambridge. Ordained to Assistant
Curacy of Bainton (health breaking down) ;
spent five years m Perth Diocese, including
Hector of Dongarra, m the Diocese of Adelaide ;
Rector of Mount Pleasant 8 years; 17 years
Rector of Jamestown ; formeily Rural Dean of
Gavvler ; Rural Dean of Petei borough ; Vicar
General, 19‘25 27 ; Administrator of Diocese
of Willochra, 192f)-27, on two occasions ;
Archdeacon of Willochra, 1926-27. Address
Wayville, S. Australia. Club: Commercial
Travellers’, Adelaide.
ADAMS. Samuel VyvyanTrerlce ; M.P.
(National Unionist) West Leeds since 1931 ; h.
22 April 1900; s. of late Rev. Canon Samuel
Trerice Adams, Hon. Canon of Ely and Rural
Dean ot Cambridge; m. 1925, Mary Grace,
d. of late Edward Bloxham Campin; one d
Educ. : Kings School, Cambridge; Hailey-
bury (Senior Scholai), King’s College, Cam-
bridge (Senior Exhibitioner). M.A , Winchester
Prizeman, President of the Union ; Classical
Tripos, Parts I and II; called to Bar (Innei
Temple), 1927; President Hardwicke Society,
1932 ; Chairman British Commonwealth Peace
Federation, 1933-35 ; Member of Executive,
League of Nations Union since 1933. Eicb-
hcatiou'^ ‘ Articles and leviews in periodicals,
etc. Address: 3 Gloucester Gate, Regent’s
Park, N.W.l. T. : Welbeck 6.337. Clubs:
Athemeum ; Cambridge Union Society.
ADAMS, Theodore Samuel, C.M G. 1937 ;
Chief Commissioner Northern Provinces,
Nigeria, since 1937 , b, 1885 ; <?. of Rev. George
Adams ; m. 1923, Isabel Grace Portman ; no (
Educ, : King’s School Canterbury ; All Souls
College, Oxtord. Malayan Civil Service, 1908;
Acting Under Secretary, 1930-31 ; British
Resident, Selangor, 1932. Recreations ’ cricket,
squash, tennis. Clubs: United University,
ADAMS, Thomas, D.Eng., F.R.I.B.A,
F.8.I., ftf.T.P.I , Hon. M.A.I.A , Archi-
tect and Town Planning Consultant, London
h 10 Sep. 1871; s. of James Adams and
Margaret Johnstone ; m. 1897, Caroline Bertha
Weiei ter ; four s. one d. Educ. : Daniel Stewai t->
College, Edinburgh; privately. Secretary
Garden City Association and First Garden
City Company, 1900-06 ; pi ivate practice as Town
Planning Consultant, 1906*09; Town Planning
Inspector, Local Government Board, 1909-14 ,
Founder and First President of Town Planning
Institute, 1914-16 , Town Planning Adviser,
Canadian Government, 1914-21 ; President
Canadian Town Planning Institute, 1916 ;
Director, Regional Plan of New York, 1923-80 ,
Associate Professor of City Planning, Harvard
University, 1930 36; Lecturer on Civic De-
sign, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
1921-36 , Vice-President Institute of Laiidscapi
Architects, 1934-37 ; External Examiner Liver-
pool University 1912, and London University,
1935 ; Consultant N. and W. Middlesex and
Thames Valley Joint Town Planning Comni’ttces,
City ot Dundee, Boroughs of Bexhill, Hastings,
W'althamstow, etc., since 1916, Publications .
Garden Cities and Agriculture, 1905 ; Rural
Planning and Development, 1917 ; Recent Ad-
vances in Town Planning, 1931 ; Design of Resi-
dential Areas, 1933 ; Outline of Town and City
Planning, 1935; The Building of the City, etc
(Regional Plan of New York), 1928-31 ; numerous
reports on town and country planning schemes,
and articles in Encyclopaedia Bntannica, etc.
Recreation : gardening. Address: Bush House,
Aldwych, W.C 2. T. : Temple Bar 9470 ; Hen-
leys Down, Battle, Sussex. T A.: Catsfield,
Battle. T. : Crowhurst 3
ADAMS, Rt. Rev. Walter R. | see
Kootenay, Bishop of
ADAMS. Walter Sydney, A.M., D.Sc.,
LL. D. ; Director of Mount Wilson Observatory
since 1923 ; h. Antioch, North Syria, 20 Dec.
1876; ».of Lucien H. Adams; m. 1st, 1910, Lillian
M. Wickham (d, 1920); 2nd, 1922, Adeline L.
Miller; two s. Educ.: Dartmouth College;
University of Chicago. Assistant, Yerkes Ob-
servatory, 1901-3 ; Instructor, 1903-4 ; Assist-
ant Astronomer Mount Wilson Observatory,
1904-9; Acting Director, 1910-11; Assistant
Director, 1913-23; Member Astronomical Society
of Ameiica (Piesident 1931-34); Member As-
tronomical Society of the Pacitic (Piesidtnt,
1923); Member AA.A.S.; Member American
Academy of Sciences, Fellow and Associate Royal
Astronomical Society ; Member Society Astro-
nomique de France , Member Royal Society of
Sciences, Upsala ; Member Ameiican Philo-
sophical Society ; Member National Academy of
Sciences, Foreign Associate Pans Academy
of Sciences, Vice-Piesideiit International
Astronomical Union ; awarded gold medal of
Royal Astronomical Society, 1917; Draper Medal
of National Academy of Sciences, 1918 ; Piix
Janssen of tlie Soci6t6 Astronomiqiie de FTance,
1926 ; Bruce Medal of the Astronomical Society
of the Pacific, 1928; Janssen Medal of the
Academie des Sciences, 1935. Publications :
numerous papers on stellai spectroscopy, radial
velocities and stellar parallaxes. Recreations .
golf and tennis. Address: Pasadena, Califoinia.
r. : Niagara 1097. Clubs: University, Twilight,
Athen£»um, Pasadena.
ADAMS, Wm. Dacres, Artist , Associate
Society Nationale de Beaux Arts , h 1864 ; s
of Rev. William Fulford and Catherine M.
Adams ; ni. Regina B. Houghton, New York ,
one s one d. Educ. : Radley College ; Exeter
College, Oxford. Studied at Bushey under Prof.
Sir Hubert von Herkonier, and at Munich. Ad-
diess. 9 Russell Road, W 14. T. : Western 2260
See aho Katharine Webb.
A D A M Prof. William Oeorge
Stewart, C H 1936 ; Warden of All Souls
College since 1933 , Fellow of All Souls College
since 1910 ; m. Muriel, d. of late Wm. Lane,
Stonehurst, Kilhney, Co Dublin ; ones. Educ.:
The University of Glasgow ; Balliol College,
Oxford (Snell Exhibitioner). Lecturer and
Tutor, Borough Road Training College, 1901-2 ,
Lecturer m Economics m the Graduate School,
The University of Chicago, 1902 ; Lecturer in
Economics and Secretary of University Exten-
sion, The University of Manchester, 1903-4;
Superintendert of Statistics and InUdligente.
Department of Agriculture and Technical In-
struction for Ireland, 1906-10; Reader in
Political Theory and Institutions, Oxford
University, 1910-12 ; Gladstone Professor of
Political Theory and Institutions, Oxford,
1912-33; and Member of the Hebdomadal
Council, Oxford Unnersity, 1912 24; Member
of the Committee to advise the Cabinet
on Irish Finance, 1911 ; Founder and Editoi
of The Political Quarteily, 1914; Ministry
of Munitions, 1915 ; Secretary to the
Prime Minister, 1916-19 ; Editor of the War
Cabinet Repoits, 1917 and 1918; Member of
the Oommittee on the Examination for the
Civil SerMce, 1918; Member of the Royal Com-
mission on Oxford and Cambinige Universities,
1919 22 ; Member of the Agricultuial Tribunal
of Investigation, 1923-24 ; Chairman of the
National Council of Social Service since 1920 ;
Member of the Development Commission since
1924 , Member of the Council of Agriculture for
England and Wales ; Stevenson Lecturer in
Citizenship, The University of Glasgow, 1923-
1924 ; Lowell Lecturer, Boston, USA, 1924 ,
Graduates Society Lecturer, McGill University,
Canada, 1981 ; Member of Delegation to China
from the Universities China Committee. 1931-
1932; Memberot the OverseaSettlement Board.
Address. The Warden’s Lodgings, All Souls
College, Oxford. T: Oxford, 2606.
ADAMS, Rev. William J. T. P, P.; see
Phythian- Adams.
ADAMS. ACTON, Murray, F R.S.A ,
F.I B. D. ; partner m firm, Acton Surgey ; b.
WHO’S WHO, 1938
1886 ; godion of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Gladstone ;
9. of John AdamS'Acton, sculptor, and Marion
Hamilton, authoress ; m. Ailsa Stevenson ; one
d. Educ. : London, abroad. Authority on art
and architecture ; exhibited at R.A. ; medal at
Salon, 1926 ; Member of Aichitectural Com-
mittee, Koyal Society of Arts ; Chairman
of Institute of British Decorators; Member
of Committee, The Society tor the Preservation
of Ancient Cottages ; Vice-Chairman St. John’s
Wood Arts Club ; donor of works of ait to
English and Canadian Museums, etc. ; held
commission in Scots Guards during war. Pu5-
l%caHons . Domestic Architecture and Old
Furnituie ; Portals and Doorways of Prance ;
contiibutor to all leading art journals, England
and America, daily Press, etc. Recreations .
hoiticulture, Ashing, shooting. Address.
Alderbourne Manor, Bucks , 3 Bruton Street,
W.l. T.A.: Actgey Wesdo, London. T,
Fulmer 57, Mayfair 3919 Clubs : Roj al London
Yacht, Pilgrims’, St. John’s Wood Aits.
Adams-CONNOR. Capt. Harry
Georg^e. C.V O. 1935; M.V.O. 1909; D.L.
Isle of Wight and Hampshire ; b. 1869 ; s. of
Very Re\. G. H. Connor, Dean of Windsor
and Domestic Chaplain bo Queen Victoria ; m
1898, Valerie Klliuor, d. of Maj.-Gen Sir Peter
Scratchley, tt.C.M.G., R E , High Commissioner
of New Guinea; one d. Educ : Marlborough.
Served in Boer War, 1881 ; Captain Connaught
Rangers, 1885-99; Chief Constable, Isle of
Wight, 1899 1935 ; Commander of royal orders
of St. Stanislas, Russia, Charles III., Spain,
and Isabella de Catolica, Spam. AdUiress
Beech wood, Cansbiooke, I. W T ' 39 Newpoi t
Wight. Club : Naval and Militaiy.
See also Sir Lionel smith-Goi don
Adamson, sir Harvey, K.C.S.I., CT
1910; Kt.,t>r. 1906, C.8.I 1908; M.A., LL.D. ;
b. 7 Oct. 1864 ; t. of Rer Alexander Adamson
of Kmnermit; m. 1802, Jane Charlotte, d. of
John Leslie, Corsie, Nairn ; one «. one d. Educ.
Gymnasium, Old Aberdeen ; Aberdeen Unner-
sity. M.A., 1878; Fullerton Scholar in Mathe
matics, 1878 ; Ferguson Scholar in Mathematics
1874; passed competitive examination for Indian
Civil Service, 1876 ; |omed Burma Commission,
1877 ; Assistant Commissioner, 1877 79 ; Settle-
ment Officer, 1880 86, Deputy CommiKmonei,
1886-98; Commissioner, 1894-99, chiefly of Man-
dalay Division ; Judicial Commissioner, Upper
Burma, 1900-5 ; Lieut. • Colonel commanding
Upper Burma Volunteer Rifles, 1897-1 900 (Burma
medal) ; additional Member of the Council of
Governor-General of India, 1908-5 ; Chief Judge,
Chief Court of Lower Bunna, 1905-6; Ueut •
Governor of Burma, 1910 15 , Ordinary Member
of Council of Governor-General of India, 1 »06
1910. Recreation: golf. Address: 36 Palace
Gardens Terrace, W.8. T. : Bays water 0552.
Club : Bast India United Service.
ADAMSON, Col. Henry Mackenzie,
O.B. 1916; M.B., C.M. ; b. 26 Nov. 1801,
8. of late James Adamson, Morphie, Kincar
dmesliire ; m, 1893, Charlotte Elizabeth (d
1925), d of Capt. R. W. Duff, Madras Staff Corps.
Served Burmese Expedition, 1887-9 (medal with
clasp) ; Nile Expedition, 1898, battles of Atbarn
and Khartoum (despatches twice, Egyptian
medal 2 clasps ; medal) ; European War, 1914-
1918 (despatches twice, C.B., 1914-16 Star, War
Medal and Victory Medal); retired, 1918. Ad
dress: Raveuswood, Hillside, Montrose.
ADAMSON, HoratloGeori:e,M.D Lend ,
F.RO.P. Lond ; Consulting Physician foi
Diseases of the Skin at St Bartholomew’s Hos
pital, B.C. ; h, 1866; m. Mabel, y. d. of Henry
Valentine Draper. Fellow Royal Society
of Medicine; Past President Dermatological
Section ; President British Association of Der-
matology and Sypliilology (1924); Membre
Corresp. Stranger de la Soc Fran^. de Dermat
et do Syphilis ; Corresponding Member
Danish Dermatological Association ; Hon
Member, New York Dermatological Society ;
American Dermatological Association ; cor-
responding member of Dermatological Absocia
tiou of Hungary , Goulstoniau Lecturer, Royal
College of Physicians, 1912 Address: The
Abbey, Bourne End, Bucks. 1. : Bourne
End 58.
ADAMSON, Hon. Mr /uitice ( J. E.) ;
Judge of Court of King’s Bench, Manitoba; b.
9 Sep. 1884 ; s. of Alan Joseph Adamson and
Julia Tuiiitt; w. 1912, Maiy Tuiriff; four d.
Educ.. St John’s College and Manitoba Univer-
sity. Called Manitoba Bar, 1910; Saskatchewan
Bar, 1915. Recreations : golf, she oting. Address .
Court House, Winnipeg, Canada T. • 840 307.
Clubs St. Chailes Country, Manitoba, Winnipeg.
ADAMSON^ Sir Jokn Emezt, Kt., cr
1924; OM.G. 1923 ; M.A. and D.Lit. London
University ; Master of Rhodes University Coll.,
Grahamstown, 1925 30; Diiector of Educa-
tion for Transvaal, 1905 24 ; Vk e Chancellor of
the Univ. of S. Africa, 1922-26; b. Wakefield
Yorkshire, 1867 ; rn. Gwendolyn Mary, y. d.
of late John Howell Thomas o' Starling Park,
Carmai then shire. Educ.: London. On the
staff of the Piactising School attached to
the St. Mark s Tiaimng College, Chelsea, 1889-
1890 ; Tutor and Lecturer in the Theory and
Practice of Teaching and Education at the
South Wales Training College, Carmarthen,
1891-1902 ; Principal of the Normal College,
Pretoria, 1902-6. Publications : The Theory of
Education m Plato’s Republic ; The Teacher’s
Logic ; Songs from the South, 1915; The Indi-
vidual and the Environment, 1920; Externals
and Essentials, 1933 ; various Educational
papers. ./Jscreafwms .* golf and tennis Address:
The Nook, Kowie West, Port Alfred, S.A.
i lubs : Authors’ ; Country, Pretoria ; Albany,
A DAM SON, Jokn William j D.Lit ; Fellow
King’s College, London ; Emeritus Professor of
Education, University of L^indon, 1924; Lec-
turer on the History of Education to the
Teachers’ Training Syndicate, University of
Cambridge, 1919 35 ; Chaiinian (1907 9, 1921-4),
Secretary (1901-6), Board ol Studies in Pedagogy;
Chairman, Military Education Committee,
University of London, 1936 37 , President
of Teacheis’ Training Association, 1909-10;
formerly Examiner in Education, Umveisities
of Cambridge, London, Durham, Wales, Liver-
pool, and Leeds. Educ. : Cheltenham lYaming
College; King’s College, London; University,
Loudon. Head of the Training Dejiartment and
Master of Method, King’s Coll. London, 1890 ;
Lecturer in Education, 1901 ; Professor, 1903
Publications : Our Defective System of Training
Teachers, 1904; Pioneers of Modern Education,
1600-1700, 1905 ; The Practice of Instruction
(editor and chief contributor), 1907 ; The
Educational Writings of John Locke, 1912 *
Education in Cambridge History of English
Literature, vols ix. and xiv , m Mediaeval Con-
tiibutions to Modern Civilisation (1921), and in
The Legacy of the Middle Ages (1920) ; A Short
History of Education, 1919 ; A Guide to the
History of Education, 1920 ; English Educa-
tion, 1789-1902,1930; Education, in Cambridge
Bibliography of English Literature; Education,
1714-1789, m Bibliography of Modern British
Hlstoiy (R Hist, Soc.). Address: 44 White-
hall Park, N 19.
ADAMSON, Robert Stepheni M.A.,
D Sc, Edinburgh; M A. Cambridge- F.R.S..S.
Af. ; Harry Bolus Professor of Botany, Univer-
sity of Cape Town, S. Africa ; b, Manchester,
Mar. 1886 ; e. s of late Professor Robert Adam-
son ; m 1928, Margaiet Heron, yr. d. of late
Patrick Spence Mudie, Dundee. Educ, * Kel-
vinside Academy, Glasgow ; University of
Edinburgh, M.A., 1906, B Sc. (distinction in
Bot. ana Zool ), 1907; Emmanuel College,
Cambridge. Lecturer, Botany, University of
Manchester, 1912-23. Puhlvatton : Articles in
Botanical and Bacteriological journals. Ad-
dress: The Umversiiy of Cape Town, S. Africa
ADAMSONi William Murdocb;
M.P. (Lab.) Cannock Division of Staffs., 1922-
1931, and since 1935 ; National Officer of the
Transport and , General Workeis’ Union; h
12 Apr. 1881. Address * 20 Woodcombe Cres-
cent, Forest Hill, S.K. 23.
ADAREi Viscount j Richard South-
well Windham Robert Wyndham-
Quin, C.B. 1923; O.B.B. 1921; M.C. ;
Captain, late 12th Royal Lancers; er. s. of 5th
Earl of Dunraven, q v , b. 18 May 1887 ; m. Ist,
1915, Helen (who obtained a divorce, 1932), d
of John Swire, Hillingdon House, Harlow ; 2nd,
1934, Nancy, d. of Thomas B. Yuille, 14 East
69th Street, New York City ; oned. Educ : Win-
chester; R.M C., Sandhill st. Served European
War, 1914 (wounded, M.C.), Master of the Horse
and Military Secretary to Lord-Lieutenant of
Ireland, 1918-21 ; contested (C.) Newcastle-
upon-Tyne Central Division, 1929. Clubs:
Turf, Whites, Cavalry, Bucks ; KikUie Street,
Dublin , Royal Yacht Sq uadi on, Cowes.
ADCOCK, Frank Ezra, O.B.B. ; F.B.A
1936; M.A , Hon. D.Litt. (Durham); Pro-
fessor of Ancient History and Fellow of
Kings College, in University of Cambridge;
b. 15 Apr. 1886 ; s. of late T. D. Adcock,
Leicester. Educ . . Wyggeston School, Leicester;
King’s College, Cambridge ; Berlin and Munich,
Craven Scholar, 1908 ; Chancellor’s Medallist,
1909 ; Craven Student, 1910 ; Fellow (since 1911).
Dean (1918-19), Classical Lecturer (1911-25),
King’s College, Cambridge Employed m
Admiralty Intelligence Division, 1915-19 ,
Lt.-Oornm. R.N.V.R., 1917-19; President of
Society for Promotion of Roman Studies,
1929-81; Member of German Archaeological Insti-
tute ; Joint-editor of the Cambridge Ancient
History. Puhlicatxons ' Papers on Ancient
History ; Chapters m Cambridge Ancient
History. Recreations: golf, tennis, lawn
tennis, chess. Address: King’s College, Cam-
bridge. T. : Cambridge 4411. Club • Savile.
ADCOCK, William Robert Colquhoun,
M.A., LL.B., M.R.S.T. ; Bamster-at-law ; Ad-
vocate, Lahore High Court ; 6. 1883, of late
Edmund Adcock, H B I C.S ; unmarried. Educ •
Christ’s Hospital ; Peterhouse, Cambridge
(Scholar); Squire Scholar in Law, Cambridge
Univ ; Abingdon School, 1906 ; Ceylon 1909 ;
Nigeria Education Dept., 1910-19 (Inspector,
1914); Principal of La Martini^re College,
Calcutta, 1920-23; Ataliq, Bhopal, 1923-24;
Ataliq Nawabzadagan, Maler Kotla State,
1924 - 26, 1927-28 ; Principal Maler Kotla Coll ,
1926-27 ; called to Bar, 1918 , seconded R.B and
Nigeria Regt., 1914-19; served Cameroons,
France, Nigeria ; Freeman of London, 1917 ,
Pres. As-sociation of Headmasters of European
Schools m India, 1922; Vice-President, 1928.
Address: Ludhiana, Punjab, India Clubs:
British Empire ; Bengal, Calcutta.
C. I.B. 1916; b. 2 Apr. 1877. Joined P.W.D.
1897 ; Executive Engineer, 1907 ; Supei intend-
ing Engineer, 1914; Chief Engineer, Irrigation
Bengal, 1920; retired 1932. Address: Llys
brechfa, Llanfrechta, Mon. T. : Cwmbran,
ADDERDEY, family name of Baron
ADDERLEY, Hon. (Henry) Arden,
D. L., J.P., County Council, Warwickshire; late
Capt. Warwickshire Yeomanry Cavalry • Member
of Territonal Force Association, Co. Warwick;
rejoined Yeomanry Apr. 1915 as Capt. ; h. 26
Sept. 1854 ; 2nd $. of Ist Lord Norton , wi. 1881,
Grace Stopford Sackville, y. d. of William
Bruce Stopford Sackville of Drayton, Northants ;
one $. four d Educ. : Eton ; Christ Church,
Oxford ; B.A. 1879 Called to Bar, Inner
Temple, 1880 ; County Alderman Warwick-
shire . J P. Co. Warwick, 1879. Publications
History of Warwickshire Yeomanry Cavalry,
1896 ; Warwickshire Yeomanry in the Great
War, 1922. Address: Fiilongley Ball, Coventry,
r. ; Fiilongley 3. Club: Windham.
See also Maj.-Gen. Sir A, J, Hunter,
ADDERDEY, Hon. and Rev. James
(Granville), M.A., Prebendary of St. Paul’s
since 1935; h. 1 July 1861; 5th s. of
Ist Baron Norton. Educ. : Eton ; Christ
Church, Oxford. Head of Oxford House,
Bethnal Green, 1886-86 ; Deacon, 1887 ; Priest,
1888 ; Head of Chnst Church Oxford Mission,
1887 - 1898 ; Curate of Allhallows’ Barking,
1898-94 ; St. Andrew’s, Plaistow B., 1894-97 ;
Minister of Berkeley Chapel, Mayfeir, 1897-
1901 ; Vicar of St. Mark’s, Marylebone, 1901-4 ;
of Saltley, Birmingham, 1904-11 ; of St.
Gabriel’s, Birmingham, 1911-18 ; Rector of St.
Paul’s, (jovent Garden, 1918-28; Vicar of St.
Anne’s Highgate, 1923-29 ; Hector of St Ed-
mund’s, B.C., 1929-87; Hon. Canon, Bir-
mingham, 1914 ; Hon. Chaplain to Bishop of
Birmingham, 1918 ; Select Preacher, Oxford
University, 1917-19; Carnbtidge University,
1919. Publications . Stephen Remarx, 1898 ;
Francis of Assisi, 1901 ; In Slums and Society,
Reminiscences of Old Friends, 1916 ; Old Seed
on New Ground, 1920. Address: 20 Victoiia
Paik Square, E.2. Club: National Liberal.
ADDINGTON^ family name of Viscount
ADDINGTON, Srd Baron (cr. 1887), Jobn
Gellibrand Hubbard j Member of Bucks
County Council since 1929 ; formerly Cap-
tain, Bucks Bait. Oxon Light Infantry ;
late Major T.F. Reserve, T.D. ; formerly
partner m Egerton Hubbard & Co., Petro-
grad; 6. 7 June 1888; s. of 2nd Baron and
Mary Adelaide (d. 1938), d. of Sir Wynd-
ham 8. Portal, 1st Bt. ; S. father, 1916. Educ. :
Eton ; Christ Church, Oxford, B.A. Served
European War, 1914-18 (O B.E., despatches);
British Custodian oi Enemy Property in China,
1923-28 ; Mayor of Buckingham, 1932-33 and
1933-34 Recreation: gardening. Heir: h.
Hon. Raymond Egerton Hubbard, q.v. Ad-
dress. Addington, Winslow, Bucks. Club:
See also Capt. B. C. W Williams.
ADDINGTON^ Major Hon. Raymond
Anthonyi late 8th(K.G.O.) Light Cavalry ; b.
and heir-pres. of 6th Viscount Sidmouth, q.v.; b.
24 Jan. 1887 ; m. 1918, Gladys Mary Dover, d. of
late Thomas Hughes, Commissioner of Chinese
Customs ; six s. three d. Educ. : Cheltenham ;
R.M C , Sandhurst. Served France, 1914-16(3
medals); 8. Persia, 1918-19 (medal and bai),
Wazinstan, N W. Frontier, India, 1920-21
(medal and bar) ; retired, 1928. Address: Pen-
doggett House, Timsbury, nr. Bath.
ADDISi Sir Charles (Ste wart). K.C.M.G.,
cr. 1921 ; Kt., cr. 1913 ; LL.D. (Hon ) Edinburgh,
Hongkong and Kingston (Ont.) ; Lieutenant of
the City of London ; Crown Member Court of
University of London ; Director Peninsular
and Oriental Steam Navigation Co.; British
India Steam Navigation Co. ; British and
Chinese Corporation; Chinese Central Rail-
ways, Ltd. ; British Censor, Banque d’Etat
dll Maroc ; 5. Edinburgh, 23 Nov. 1861 ; «. of
Rev. Thomas Addis, D D., of Morningside,
Edinburgh ; m. 1894, Eba, d. of James
Mclsaac of Parkend, Saltcoats ; five s. seven
d. Educ. : Edinburgh Academy. Peter Dowie
& Oo. Leith, 1876-80 ; Hongkong and Shanghai
Bank, London, India, Burma, China and Straits
Settlements, 1880 - 1904 ; Manager, London,
1906-21 ; Chairman, London Committee, 1922-
1933 ; Director, Bank of England, 1918-82 ;
President of the Institute of Bankers, 1921-28 ;
Vice-Chairman, Bank for International Settle-
ments, 1929*32 ; Ounliffe Currency Committee,
1918-19 ; Indian Currency Committee, 1920 ;
British Alternate Genoa Conference, 1922 ;
Chairman, Exchange Committee, Imperial
WHO’S WHO, 1938
Economic Conference, 1923 ; Brazilian Finan-
cial Commission, 1923-24 ; National Debt
Committee, 1924-26; British Bepresentati\e
on General Council of Reichsbank, 1924-30 ,
China Advisory Committee Boxer Indemnity,
1926 ; British Delegate on Committee of Ex-
perts for Reparations, Fans, 1929 ; Royal Com-
mission on Canadian Banking, 1938 ; Order of
Sacred Treasure of Japan, 2nd Class ; Order
of Chiao IIo of China, 2nd Class Address
9 Gracechurch Street, B.C.3; T. : Mansion
House 8641; Woodside, Frant, Sussex;
T : Frant 2. Clubs: Athenseum, Albemarle
See also D. G. M. Bernard, Sir Walter Lawrence,
ADUlSiON; family name of Baron
ADO I SON, 1st Baron, cr. 1937, of Stalling
borough; Christopher Addison, F.C
1916; M.D., B.S. Bond., F.R.O.S. Eng-
land ; s of Robert and Susan Addison ;
6. Hogsthorpe, Lincolnshire, 19 June 1869,
m. 1902, Isobel (d. 1934), d. of late Archibald
Gray , two s. two d. Educ. : Tiimty College,
Harrogate ; St- Bartholomew’s Hospital.
Hunterian Professor (1901) and Examiner
in Anatomy, Universities of Cambridge and
London ; Member of Faculty of Medicine ,
Chairman of Board of Intermediate Medical
Studies ; and Member of Board of Human
Anatomy and Morphology, University of Lou-
don ; late Sec. Anatoimcal Society of Great
Britain and Ii eland, etc ; late Professor of
Anatomy, University College, Sheffield; for-
merly Lecturer on Anatomy, St. Bartholomew s
Hospital ; late editor of the Quarterly Medical
Journal, etc. ; M P. (L.) Hoxton Division, Shore-
ditch, 1910-22 ; M.P. (Lab.) Swindon Division
of Wilts, 1929-31 and 1934 35 , Pailiarnentary
Secretary to the Boaid of Education, 1914-15 ,
to the Office of Munitions, 1915-16 , Minister
of Munitions, 1916-17 ; Minister in Chaige of
Reconstruction, 1917 , President of the Local
Government Board, 1919; First Minister of
Health, 1919-21; Minister without Portfolio,
1921 ; Parliamentary Secretary Ministry of
Agriculture, 1929-30; Minister of Agriculture
and Fisheries, 1930 -31. Publications : The
Betrayal of the Slums, 1922 ; Politics from
Within, 2 vols , 1924 ; Practical Socialism,
2 vols , 1926; Foiii and a Half Years, Vols I
and II, 1934, Editor of Ellis’s Demonstiationsof
Anatomy, 12th ed. ; Joint Author (with Major
J. W. Jennings), With the Abyssinians in Somali-
land ; On the Topographical Anatomy of the
Pancreas and Adjoining Viscera — memoir pub-
lished by University College, Sheffield ; On
the Topographical Anatomy of the Abdominal
Viscera m Man, etc., Proceedings of the Royal
Society, 1898, vol. Ixiv. (abstract) ; detailed
work on the same subject; The Journal of
Anatomy and Physiology, in four parte, vols
xxxili. XXXI v. XXXV. ; and various papers in
Med. Journals. Address : Peterley Farm, nr.
Great Missenden, Bucks.
ADDISON. Admiral Sir (Albert)
Percy, K.B.B. cr. 1931 ; C B 1924 ; C.M G
1917; 6. Nov. 1875 ; i. of Albert Addi-
son, Solicitor, Portsmouth; m« 1908, Mary
Harriet, d. of W. Kellett, Southport ; one s
one d. Served European War, 1914 - 19
(C.M.G., Legion of Honour, Croix de
Guerre, Order of Savoy, Italy ; Order of Rising
Sun, Japan : Bronze and Silver Humane
Society Medals); Rear-Admiral, 1928; Com-
modore and Rear-Admiral commanding Aus-
tralian Fleet, 1922-24; Rear-Admiral Com - 1
mandlng Destroyer F’lotillas, Mediterranean
Fleet, 1924-26 ; Director of Dockyards, Ad- 1
miralty, 1928-.37 ; Vice-Adm., 1929 ; retired list,
1929; Adm., retired, 1933. Club: United Service.
ADDISON, D’Arcy Wentworth, C.M.G.
1928; M.V O. 4th class, 1927, 6th class, 1920;
I S.O 1920 ; J.P. ; b. Hobart, 10 Doc. 1872 ; s. of
late Captain J. B. Addison, 6th Royal Irish
Lancers ; m. 1919, Una Stella, widow of Sii
John Downer, K.C M.G., K.C , South Australia.
Educ. : Scotch College, Hobart. Secretary
to Premier, Tasmania, 1902-26 ; Clerk, Execu-
tive Council, 1908-80 ; Secretary to the
Agent - General, 1908-9 ; Under - Sec. for
Tasmania, 1914 - 30 ; Chief Electoral Officer,
1914 80 ; Agent-General for Tasmania, 1930-
1931; Administrator of Charitable Grants,
1914 - 19 ; Secretary, Neglected Children,
1914-19; State Organiser Royal Visit, 1920;
Hon. Private Secretary to the Admmistratoi
of the Government, 1922 23 ; Chairman Tas-
manian State Executive. British Empire
Exhibition ; Organising Secretary, State De-
velopment Board, 1924-25; Hon Corresponding
Secretary Royal Empire Society, 1900-1930,
State Director, Royal visit, 1927 Recreations :
golf, yachting, motoring Address. Hobart,
Tasmania. Clubs ’Jasmanian, Athenapum, Royal
Yacht, Hobart
ADDISON^ Rev. Canon Fred^ M.A. ,
Vicar of Holy Tiimty, Horwich, since 19.3b;
Hon. Canon of Manchester Cathedral, 1934,
Diocesan Warden, Readers’ Board for Man-
chester; b. 23 July 1880, s of James William
and Kathenne Addison; m. 1911, Kathleen Ann
Wood; ones. Educ.: Victoria University of
Manchester; Ordeall Hall Theological College,
Salford Curate St Mark, Manchester, 1907-10 ,
Christ Churdi, West Didsbuiy, 1910-11 ; Curate
in Charge, Mosley Common, 1911-15 ; Rector St.
Tolm, Old Trafford, 1915 28 ; St. Edmund’s,
Whalley Range, 1923 36 ; Rural Dean of Hulme,
1933. Recreation golf. Address' Vicarage,
Horwich, Lancs. Club Old Rectory, Man-
ADDISON. Maj.-Gen. Georg^e Henry.
CB 1933; CM.G 1918; DSC. 1915, RE,
Addition il Financial Adviser Army Head-
quarters, India, since 1930 , b 13 May 1876 ; s. of
Lt.-Col. G. W. Addison, late RE., m. 1905,
Margaret, d. of 11 Henderson : one s. one d.
Educ. : Wellington , R M. Academy, Woolwich ;
Fellow-Commoner, Kings College, Cambiidgo,
1920-23, B A (Honours Mech.Sc ), 1922; M.A.
1927 Entered army, 1895 , Lieut. 1898; Capt ,
1904 ; Adjutant, 1914; Major, 1914, Lt.-Col.
1922; Col. 192b; Maj -Gen. 1931, A.A.G. at
War Office, 1927-30 ; Chief Engineer, Aldershot,
1930-31 ; Engineer in-Chief, India, 1932 86; re-
tired pay, 19 30 , served South Africa, 1899-1902
(Queen’s medal 3 clasps, King’s medal 2
clasps) ; European War, 1914-18 (D.8.O., Bt
Lt -Col. , C.M.G.) , awarded 3rd class Order of
St. Anne of Russia (with swords), Sep. 1916 ;
L6gion d’Honneur (Chevalier), 1919; Ordre de
Leopold (Officier), and Belgian Croix de Guerre,
1919; M.I Mech B 1924. Clubs: Army and
Navy, M.C.C.
ADDISON^ Sir James, Kt cr 1935; Hon.
Mr. Justice Addison: Senior Puisne
Judge, High Court, Lahore, India ; b. 18 Nov.
1879 ; s of James Addison, J P , Whitehills,
Boyndie, Banif ; m 1908, Vera Mary Delphine,
d. of James Alfred Cones ; one 5. one d
Educ. ' Banff Academy ; Aberdeen Uni-
versity (M.A., B Sc.) ; Simpson Prizeman
in Mathematics ; Greig Prizeman in Physics ;
David Rennet Gold Medallist, and Fullar-
ton Mathematical Scholar : passed into Indian
Civil Service, 1902 ; passed year of probation at
University College, London; District Judge,
Delhi, 1909 ; Special Land Acquisition Officer,
New Delhi 1912; Judge, Small Cause Court,
Simla, 1917; District and Sessions Judge, Rawal-
pindi, 1920; Additional Judge High Court,
Lahore, 1925; Acting Chief Justice, High
Comt, Lahore, 1935. Address' High Court,
Lahore, India. Club * East India United Service.
ADDISON, Rev. Canon James
Salmon, M.A ; Canon Emeritus of Chester;
s of Rev George Augustus Addison, Rector of
Mandeville, Jamaica ; m. Georgina (d. 1936),
WHO’S WHO, 1938
d. of G. F. Harrison, Rudd Hall, Catterick ; ,
two t. one d. Educ. : Watson’s College, Bdm- i
burgh; Edinburgh University; Durham Uni-
versity. Vicar of Holy Trinity, Bradford; St.
Martin’s, Leeds ; Rector of Newchurch in
Rossendale; Vicar of Carrington; Rural Dean
of Bowdon, 1927-35. Address : Onibury Rectory,
ADDISON, Sir Joseph, K.C.M.G., cr. 1933;
C.M.G. 1924; b. 1879. Entered Foreign Office,
1903 ; Second Secretary at Peking, 1908 ;
Private Secretary, to Mr. McKinnon Wood,
Under Sec. of State for Foreign Affairs, 1911 ;
and later to Mr. F. D Acland ; resigneo Foreign
Office, 1918 ; temporary Secretary to Am-
bassador in Pans, 1916; Commercial Counsellor,
1918; Counsellor of Embassy in Berlin, 1920;
Charge d’Atfaires on several occasions ; Envoy
Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary at
Riga, Reval and Kovno, 1927 - 3U , at Prague
1930-36 ; retired 1936.
ADDISON, Margraret E.T., C.B.B. 1984 ;
LL.l),, Dean of Women Emerita (Victoria Col-
lege) , b. 21 Oct. 1868 ; d. ol Peter and Mary
Ann Campbell Addison. Edvc Victoria Uni-
versity. Teacher Ontario Jjadies’ College 188 ')-
1891 , Collegiate Institute Stratford, 1892-1900 ;
Collegiate Institute Lindsay 1901-03 ; Dean of
Women, Victoria College 1903 31 , Member or
O^cer of; University Women’s Club (Pres,
one year), Women's Canadian Club, Local Coun-
cil of Women, Victoria Womens Association,
National Council Y.W.C.A., Ontario Educa-
tional Association Association Deans of
Women, Woman s Missionary Society United
Church of Canada, Board of Christian Educa-
tion and others. Recreation : Detective Stones
Addreji9. 431 Broadview Avenue, Toronto,
Canada. Chib: University Women’s, Toronto.
ADDISON, Oswald Lacy ; Emeritus
Surgeon, West London Hospital ; Consulting i
Surgeon, Hospital for Sick Children, Great
Ormoud Street, Infanta’ Hospital and Princess
Ijouise Kensington Hospital for Children . h
1874; s. of Joseph Addison. Educ.: Marl-
borough ; University College Hospital. Pvh
Itcations • medical papers. Address: 125
Harley Street, W.l. T.: Welbeck 1514.
ADDISON, Sir Percy; see Addison Sir
A. P.
ADDISON, Rev. William Robert
Fountaine, V.C. 1916 ; Senior Chaplain to
Forces, Boidon since 1934 ; s. of late W. G.
Addison and Mrs. Addison, Cran brook, Kent ;
m. 1917, Marjorie, d. of late W. E. Wallis,
A.R.I.B.A., Caterham , two s. Educ.: Sarum
College. Ordained, 1913 ; curate of St. Edmund,
Salisbury, 1913 , served European War, 1915-18
(V.O., Order of St. George); Permanent Chap-
laincy, 1919; SC.F, Bulford Camp, 1920-23,
Aldershot, 1923-25; Malta, 1925 and 1926-27;
Khartoum, 1926 ; Shanghai, 1927 ; 8.C.F., C. of
E., Shornclilfe Camp, 1929-80 ; C F., Shoebiiry-
ness Garrison, 1930 31; Tidworth, 1931-32,
promoted to 2n(l class, 1932 ; C F, Bulford,
1932-34. Address: Modder House, Bordon,
Hants. T. . Bordon 213.
ADDISON-SMITH, Chilton Lind,
C.B.E. 1928;O.B.B. 1919; Commander of the
Order of Wen-Hu (Striped Tiger), China,
Commander of Saxe Coburg ; b. 27 April
1875; 3rd s. of late Robert Addison-Smith,
C.V.O., Edinburgh, and late Isabella Mary, y. d.
of David Lind ; m. 1927, Katharine Lnshington,
0 . d. of John Ewart, W S., and Catherine Helen,
d. of Colonel Charles May Allan Morant. Educ. :
Craigraount House School ; Edinburgh Univ
Writer to His Majesty's Signet, 1899; senior
partner of the firm of R. Addison-Smith & Co.,
W.8., Edinburgh ; one of H.M. Commissioners
of Queen Victoria School, Dunblane ; joined 8rd
Battn. The Seaforth Highlanders (Ross-shire
Buffs, The Duke of Albany's) 1896 ; served 8.
African War, 1899-1901 (Queen's medal) ; one
of the founders and now Chairman of Scottish
Naval and Military Veterans’ Residences,
Edinburgh and Broughty Ferry ; raised the
Veteran Reserve in Edinburgh and organised a
parade of 4500 veterans which was inspected by
! the King, July 1911 ; Member of the Advisoiy
Committee of the Army Council of the National
Reserve, 1911 ; Member of the War Office Con-
sultative Committee on Employment of Soldiers,
etc., 1913; served European War; piomoted
temp. Lieutenant-Colonel, 1 Dec. 1914 ; raised
and commanded 10th Batt. The Seaforth High-
landers ; (despatches, medals, O.B.B ) ; promoted
Lieut. -Colonel and appointed to command 3rd
Batt. Tlie Seaforth Highlanders, 1921; Hon.
Secretary and Treasurer The Seaforth High-
landers Association. Address: 17 Clarendon
Crescent, Edinburgh. Club: United Service.
ADDLBSHAW, Rev. Canon Stanley,
Rector of All Saints, Huntingdon since 1935 ;
Rural Dean of Huntingdon since 1987 ;
s. of John William and Rachel Hayes
Addleshaw; m 1906, Rose El good Punchard ;
one s. one d. Educ. : Pembroke College, Ox-
ford; Leeds Clergy School 3rd Class Hon.
Hist., 1894; B.A., 1896; M A., 1905; B.D.,
1909; Curate of Downharn, 1896-1906; Diocesan
Missioner, Ely, 1901 5; Vicar ol Gorefleld,
1905-15 ; Vicar of Ely St. Mary, 1915-29 ; Hon.
Canon of Ely, 1926; Surrogate and Rural Dean
of Ely, 1923-29 ; Rector of Runcton Holme,
King’s Lynn, 1929-35 ; Rural Dean of Fincham,
1982-35. Publications : contributed articles to
Church Quarterly Review, Commonwealth, etc.
Recreations: travel, reading. Address: All
Saints Rectory, Huntingdon.
ADE^ Geor|;e ; h. Kentland, Indiana, 9 Feb.
1866; 5. of John Ade of Lewes, England, and
Adeline Bush of Cheviot, Ohio, U.8.A. Educ. :
Purdue Univeraity, (Hon L.H D. 1926), La
Fayette, Indiana. Newspapei work, 1890-1900;
Indiana State Council of Defence, 1917 ; Member
National Institute of Arts and Letters;
Hon. LL.D. Indiana University, 1928 Publi-
cations : Artie, 1896; Pink Mai sh, 1897; Doc
Horne, 1898 ; Fables in Slang, 1899 ; More Fables,
1900; Forty Modern Fables, 1901 ; Breaking into
Society, 1902 ; People You Know, 1908 ; In
Babel, 1908 ; True BRls, 1904 ; In Pastures New,
1906 ; The Slim Princess, 1907 ; Ade’s Fables,
1914 ; Hand-made Fables, 1920 ; Single Blessed-
ness and other Observations, 1922 ; Bang !
Bang' 1928 ; The Old Time Saloon, 1931.
Plays: The Sultan of Sulu, 1902, Peggy from
Pans and Tlie County Chairman, 1903 ; The
College Widow, 1904 ; Just Out of College,
1906 ; Marge Covington, 1906 ; Father and the
Boys, 1907; The Fair Co-Ed., 190b; The
Old Town, 1909; Nettie, 1916; Our Lead-
ing Citizen (picture play), 1922 ; Back Home
and Broke (picture play), 1922; Woman-Proof
(picture play), 1928 ; Making the Grade (picture
play), 1928. Address: Hazelden Farm, Brook, In-
diana. Clubs: Chicago, Chicago Athletic, Chicago;
Jjambs, Authors’, New York.
ADEANBj Charles Robert Whorwood,
C.B. 1917 ; J.P., Lord -Lieut, of Cambridgeshire,
Hon. LL D. Cambridge ; o. s. of late Henry John
Adeane, M.P., and Lady Elizabeth Philippa,
e. d. of 4th Earl of Hardwicke (she m. 2nd, 1877,
Michael Biddulph, M.P.); b. 1868 ; m. 1888,
Madeline Pamela Constance Blanche, C.B.E.
1937, d. of late Hon. Percy Scawen Wyndham ;
ones. five d. Educ.: Eton; ChngtOhurch, Oxford.
Patron of one living; late Lieut. 4th Batt. Suffolk
Regt. Add/ress: Babraham Hall, Cambridge.
Clubs: Bachelors’, Brooks’, Travellers’.
See also J. Cator, Hon. G. W. Lyttelton^ Earl
of Radnor^ Col. G. P. Wyndham.
ADELAIDE. R.C. Archbishop of; see
Killian, Most Rev. Andrew.
ADELAIDE, Bishop of, since 1906 ; Rt.
Rev. Arthur Nutter Thomas ; h. Hack-
ney, 11 Dec. 1869 ; s. of Charles James Thomas,
merchant, member of the Common Council of
City of Ixindon, and Mary Matilda, d. of John
WHO’S WHO, 1938
Nucter ; m. 1904, Mary Theodora, 4th d of Rev.
W. A. H. Lewis, Vicar of Upper Gornal; one«. two
d. Kduc. : 8t. John -at Hackney Gram School
Sutherland House School, Folkestone ; Oundle
School; Pembroke College, Cambridge (Scholar),
B.A. (Ist class Classical Trip.), 1891 ; Jeremie
Septuagmt Prize, 1892 ; Carus Greek Testament
Pnze and 2nd cl. Theol. Trip. Pt. ii. 1898 ; M.A
1895 ; D.D. 1906 ; Wells’ Theological College,
1898-94 ; Deacon, 1894 ; Priest, 1896 ; Curate
of Wakefield Cathedral, 1894-96 ; Domestic
Chaplain to Archbishop of York, 1895-99 ;
Curate of Leeds, 1899-1901 ; Rector of Guis-
borough, 1901-6; Chaplain to Archbishop of
York, 1905-6. BMTtaHoru : music, gardening.
Addrm : Bishop’s Court, N. Adelaide
See also Bishop of Melanesia.
ADE]:«AID£I| Dean of: see Jose, Very
Rev G H '
ADBY, William James, C.M G 1935;
Director of Kducation, South Australia since
1929 ; h 27 May 1874 , s. of Chai les George
Adey and Ann Donaldson Ritchie , m. 1st 1910,
late Mabel Edith Dyer; 2nd 1021, Constance
Margaret Weston ; two s one d Educ :
I’eacheis Training College and Univoisity of
Adelaide. Principal Adelaide High School,
1908-20, Superintendent Secondary Education,
1920- 29. Fublications : various educational
articles. Recreations: cricket, tennis, golf.
Address: Education Office, Adelaide, S I
Australia T.: C. 6720, F. 2332 Clubs Com- 1
monwealth, Royal Adelaide Golf, Adelaide.
ADKIN, Very Rev. Walter K. K. 5 see
Knight- Ad km.
ADIaAM, George Henry Josepli, O B.E.
1934 , M.A , B Sc. Oxon ; Senior Science Master,
City of London School, since 1912 ; Editor
School Science Review since 1919 ; b. 19 Jan
1876 , s of George and Mary Ann Emily Adlam,
Wells, Somerset; m. Alice Smith, Bristol
Edue. : Wells Cathedral Grammar School ,
Wadham College, Oxford Ist Class Nat
Science (Chem ), 1905 ; Senior Science Master
at City of Oxford School, Macclesfield Grammar
School, Leeds Grammar School Publication:
Textbooks of Chemistry. Recreation: golf
Address ‘ 39 Manor Road, Ashford, Middlesex
Chib • Ashford Manor Golf.
ADLAM, Tom Bdwin, V.C. 1916; Head
Master Blackmoor G of E, School , s of John
Adlam, Salisbury ; b. 21 Oct. 1893 ; m. 1916, Ivy
Annette, y d. of late W H. Mace, South Farn
boiough, Hants , twos, two d Served European
War, 1914-18 (V C.), awarded the Italian Sliver
Medal for Military Valour, June 1917 (de-
mobilised 16 Nov. 1919, with lion, rank of
Capt.) ; Army Education Corps • retired March
1923 with hon rank of Captain, Address
School House, Blackmoor, Liss, Hants.
ADI.BR,OyrTUB,A.M.,Ph.D., L.H D ,Litt.D ;
President, Dropsie College for Hebrew and
Cognate Learning, Philadelphia ; President,
Jewish Theological Seminary of America ; b
Van Bnren, Arkansas, 13 Sept 1863 ; ». of
Samuel Adler and Sarah Sulzbeiger; m. Racie
Fried enwald ; one d.; BA, M A., Univ. of
Pennsylvania, Ph.D., Scholar, Fellow, Instnic
tor, and Associate, Semitic Languages, Johns
Hopkins Univ , 1884-98 ; Librarian Smithsonian
InstiWtion, 1892 - 1905 ; Assistant - Secretary,
1906-8 ; Assistant Curator and Curator Histone
ArchseolofiQT and Historic Religions, U 8
National Museum, 1888-1908 : representative of
the Chicago Exposition to Oriental countries,
1890-92 ; represented United States at Confer
ence on an International Catalogue of Scientific
Literature, London, 1898, and now member of
Its International Council ; Pres. Board of Trus-
tees, Free Library of Philadelphia , Member,
Executive Board, Boy Scouts of America,
Member Board of Public Education, Phila.,
1921- 25 ; President American Jewish Commit-
tee ; Member, Council, Jewish Agency for
Palestine ; Member American Jewish Histori-
cal Society (ex-Pres.); Chairman Jewish
7 Classics Committee and Member Publication
Committee of Jewish Publication Society of
America ; Member of the American Philo-
sophical Society, Washington Academy of
Sciences, etc.; sometimo President American
Oriental Society. D.H.L. Hebrew Union Col-
lege, 1925, Litt.D Univ of Pennsylvania, 1930 ;
Phi Beta Kappa, 1933. Publications . papers on
Oriental, philological, and archceological sub-
jects and American Jewish History ; one of the
editors of the Jewish Encyclopaedia; editor of
the American Jewish Year-Book from 1900-6;
editor of the Jefferson Bible ; Chairman, Board
of Editors of the Bible Translation of Jewish
Publication Society of America ; Jews m the
Diplomatic Correspondence of the United
Statss, 1906 ; The Voice of America on Kishineff,
1904 , Jacob H. Schiff, his Life and Letters (2
vols.), 1925 ; Memorandum on the Western Wall,
prepared for the Special Commission of the
League of Nations on behalf of the Jewisli
Agency for Palestine, 1930 ; Lectures, Selected
Papers, Addresses, 1933. Rcereation. leading.
Address: 2041 N. Broad Stseet, Philadelphia
Clubs: Cosmos, Washington, University,
Philobiblon, Philadelphia
ADLER; Elkan Nathan^ M.A., D.H L.,
International Lawyer, Traveller, Book Collector,
Hebraist and Historian ; Senior Partner in Adler
and Perowne, Solicitors, London and Pans; h.
London, 24 July 1861 , 3rd s. of \ery Rev Dr.
Nathan Marcus Adler, Chief Ilabbi. Educ. :
City of London School, University College,
London Vice-President of International J ewish
Conferences at Berlin m 1891 and 1908, and was
delegated to Turkey and the Balkans by that of
The Union des Associations Israelites at
Brussels in 1912 ; took part in the Propaganda
Committee of the Chambre des D^putds at Pans
during the War, and was a delegate from fifty-
one organisations representing four million
American Jews at the League of Nations Cal-
endar Conference at Geneva m 1931 ; personally
advocated the Jewish Cause with King George of
Greece and King Ferdinand of Bulgaria in 1913,
the Sadr a Asam of Persia 111 189o, and Count
Witte, the Russian Prime Minister, in 1905 ; in
1917, as a member of the( onjoint Committeeof
the Anglo-J ewish Association and Board of
Deputies, publicly protested against its anti-
Zionist Manifesto , lias travelled extensively
over Africa, North and South America and Asia
(Teheran in 189b; Bokara, 1897; Aleppo, 1898
and 1928; India in 190b; Bagdad in 1925),
and round the world in 1934 35, and was
eight times in Palestine ; has an extensive
collection of English and Hebrew incunables
and early editions, Shakespeare and Inquisition
Documents, etc ; is a Corresponding Member of
the Royal Academy of History of Spam and the
Amencan Jewish Historical Society, and was
President of the Jewish Historical Society of
England and the Union of Jewish Liteiary
Societies. Publications : Hebrew Elegies on
English Monarchs, 1895 , An Eleventh Centuiy
Introduction to the Hebrew Bible, 1897 , The
Persian Jews : Their Books and Ritual, 1898 ;
Uno Nouvelle Chroniqiie Samantaine, 1903;
The Inquisition in Peru, 1904; Jews in Many
Lands, 1905 (translated into Hebrew, Hungarian,
and German, the last under the title of Von
Ghetto zu Ghetto) , About Hebrew Manusenpts,
1905 ; Auto-da-f6 and Jew, 1908 ; A Gazetteer of
Hebrew Printing, 1917 ; Catalogue of Hebrew
Manuscripts in the Collection of E N. Adler,
1921 ; A History of Jews m liOndon, 1930 ;
Jewish Travellers, 1930 ; The Adler Papyri,
1987 ; articles to many magazines and news
papers, to the Encyclopaedia of Religion and
Ethics, the Jewish Encyclopaedia, to Aspects
of the Hebrew Genius, 1910, Judaism and the
Beginnings of Christianity, 1923, to various
Jubilee and Memorial Volumes and to the
Transactions of the Jewish Historical Society
WHO’S WHO, 1938
and the American Jewish Hlstoncal Society.
AddrMs: 20 Porchester Square, W 2. T.A.:
Tutissimus London. T. : Bays water 1002. Rev. Michael^ D.S.O. 1917;
B. A. ; Member of the St. Marylebone
Borough Council and Chairman of the Public
Libraries Committee: Chairman of Managers
of New Cavendish St. L.C.C. School; b.
London, 27 July 1868 ; w. ; one s. two d,
Educ. : Jews’ College and University College,
London. Minister, Hammersmith Syna
gogue, 1890'1903 ; Senior Hebrew Master,
Jews Free School, B., 1893 1903 ; Minister ol
the Central Synagogue, W., 1903-34 ; retired
1934 ; Bmeritu'i Minister since 1934 ; Com-
mission as Chaplain, Fourth Class, T.F.,
1909 ; served as Senior Jewish Chaplain in
France, 1915-18 (D S O., despatches twice),
Vice-President of Jewish Historical Society of
England Publications: First Steps in Hebrew
Grammar ; Students’ Hebrew Grammar ,
History of the Jews of Canteibury, Exeter
and Bristol in 12th and 13th Centuries and
otherstudies m Anglo-Jewish history ; Histoiy
of Domus Coiiversorum, London , The Jews of
the Empire and the Great War , Experiences
of a Jewish Chaplain on the Western Front,
Soldiers Prayer Book , British Jewry Book of
Honour. Address: 4 Devonshire Mansions,
208 Great Poitland Street, W.l. T. : Eustori
8729. tlub . Maccabeans.
ADDER, Miss N., CBE 1934; J.P.
attached to Juvenile Courts; d. of late Chief
Rabbi, Dr H. Adler. Educ . . pnvate school and
classes. Began social work as a school manager
under the London School Board ; co-opted
member of the London Education Committee,
1905-10 , Member L C 0. for Central Hackney,
1910-25, and 1928 31 ; Deputy Chairman, 1922-
1023 ; Co^ipted member of L C.O. Public
Health Committee, 1931-31, Vice-Chairman
Hackney Juvenile Employment Committee ;
joint Hon. Secretary of the Committee on
Wage Earning Children ; Chairman of Governors
of the County Secondary School, Dalston ,
Chairman of the Stormont House School
for Tuberculous Children , Member of the
Governing Bodies of the Hackney Downs
School and the Hai kney Technical Institute ,
Member of the Departmental Committee on
Chanty Collections, 1925-27; Member of the
Jewish Religious Education Board ; Member of
Counci 1 of the Anglo- J ewish Association. Pubh
cations : articles on Children as Wage Earners,
on Women's Work during and after the War,
The Early Treatment of Young Offenders, and
Boy and Girl Labour since the War, in the
Contemporary Review, chapter on Jewish Life
and Labour in Bast London in New Survey of
London Life and Labour, vol. vi , and has
written for other journals ; article on Juvenile
Courts in Encyclopaedia Bntannica. Recrea-
tions: week ends, etc., in the country, read-
ing. Address • 121a Sinclair Road Addison
Gardens, W. T. : Shepherd s Busli 2479. Club :
ADDERCRON. Bri(g. - Gen. Rodolph
Dadeweze^ C.m.G. 1918; D.S.O. 1916; late
Queen’s Own Cameron Highlanders ; b. 1878 ; «.
of George Rothe Ladeveze Adlercron, of Moy-
glare; m. 1910, Hester Bancroft, Boston, Mass ,
U.S.A.; three d. Educ. : Eton. Entered Army,
1894; Captain, 1899; Major, 1913; Lieut. -Col.
Comd. attached 6th West Riding Regiment,
1915; commanded 148th and 124th Infantry
Brigades ; Brigade Major, Lincoln and Leicester
Brigade, 1911-15 ; served Nile Expedition, 1898
(despatches, 2 medals 2 clasps) ; S. African War,
1899-1901, with Mounted Infantry (despatches,
Queen’s medal with 4 clasps) , European War,
1914-18 (despatches 7 times, D.S.O. and bar,
C. M.G., Bt. Lt.-Col., French Croix de Guerre,
Belgian Croix de Guerre); retired pay, 1920; Col.
Reserve of Officers, 1920; Hon. Col. 6tli Bn.
Duke of Wellington's Regt. (T.F); J P., D L
Lines. Recreations: hunting, fishing, ski-mg,
I golf. Address: Culverthorpe Hall, Grantham,
Lines. 2\ : Rauceby 8. T.A. . Oasby. Club:
United Service.
ADNAN, Mrfc. : sge Edib, H.
ADRIAN, Edgar Douglas, F.R.S. 1923 ;
M A , M D. Cantab. ; Hon. D Sc (Pa., Oxon,
Harvard), LL D (McGill), F.R 0 P. , Pro-
fessor of Physiology, Cambridge University,
since 1987 ; Fellow of Trinity College, Cam-
bridge ; b 30 Nov. 1889 , s. of late Alfred
Douglas Adrian, C.B., K Q., of the Local
Government Board ; m 1923, Hester, d. ot late
Hume Pinsent, Birmingham ; one s two d.
Educ. : Westminster ; Trinity Coll , Cambridge;
St. Bartholomew s Hospital ; Fellow of Trinity,
1913 , Oliver Sharpey Lecturer, Royal College
of Physicians, 192'> , Foulerton Research
Professor of the Royal Society, 1929-87;
Baly Medal, 1929 ; Nobel Laureate (Medi-
cine), 1932 ; Royal Medal of Royal Society,
1934 , associate membei Soci^ie de Biologie ;
Hon. Fellow Soc Ital. di Biol Publications .
The Basis of Sensation, 1928 , The Mechanism
of Nervous Action, 1932 ; Papers on the
Physiology of the Nervous System in the
Journal of Physiology, Brain, etc. Address
Trinity College, and St Chad s, Grange Road,
Cambridge Club : Athonseurn.
ADSHEADi Mary ( Mrs. Stephen
Bone) ; h 15 Feb 1904 ; d. of Professor S D
Adshead, q.v. ; m. 1929, Stephen Bone, q v ;
two 8. Educ,. Lycee Victor Duiuy, Pans,
Slade School of Art (under Professor Henry
Tonks) Began career as docoiative painter in
1923 with mural paintings at The Highways
Club, Shad well, and in the Basilica at Wembley
Exhibition; Subseiiuently executed vaiious
mural paintings in pi ivate houses, restaurants
and exhibitions , East wall of St. Christopher
Withmgton completed, 1930 , M ember of Design
and Industry Association and Now English Art
Club ; Exhibitor Royal Academy. Publica-
tions: ’rhe Little Boy and His House (with
Stephen Bone) 193b ; illustrations to Souls of
the Soulless, by Jules Supervielle Reirmtions :
motoring, swimming. Address' 43 Haveistotk
Hill, N W 3 ; (Studio) 94 Regents Park Road,
N W.l 7. Ptinirose 2704 and 3084.
ADSHEAD, Professor Stanley
Davenport, M A , M Arch , P R I B A ,
Architect, London; b. 1868 Professor of Town-
Planning in Liverpool University, 1909-14,
Professor of Town - Planning, London Uni-
versity, 1914 S'}, Emeritus Professor since
1935 ; late Member Fine Art Commission ;
executed works, Ramsgate Pavilion, Carnegie
Library, Ramsgate ; Repertory Theatre, Liver-
pool ; rebuilding of the Duchy of (^omwall
Estate, Kennington ; Worthing Pavilion and
Band Enclosure. Publications : 'Town-Planning
and Town Development, 1923 ; Regional Plan
Chesterfield Area ; The South Essex Regional
Planning Scheme, 1931, 1932 ; West Essex
Regional Planning Scheme,ll933, etc. Addrees
46 Great Russell Street, W.C. T. ; Museum 2769
See nhn Maiy Adshead.
ADYE, Frederick James, O.B.E. 1928 ;
Secretary, Pacific Cable Board, since 1913; b.
17 Feb 1874 ; 4th s. of late Edward Adye ; m.
1906, Mary Amelia Fraser (d. 1914); no c
Educ. : privately. Entered the firm of Deloltte,
Dever, Griffiths & Co., chartered accountants,
1889 ; remained with them until 1902 ; joined
the Pacific Cable Board as Accountant, 1902.
Re/yreatnons ' interested in all si>ort. Address:
Cona, Teignmouth Road, Torquay, S Devon
ADYE-CURRAN, Lieutenant- Colonel
William Jokn Patrick, O.B.E. 1923 ;
retired , b. 24 Mar 1877 ; s. of late Lieut -
Colonel F. G Adye-Curran, F.R.C 8 1, of
Esker House, Upper Rathmines, Dublin ; un-
married. Educ. ' Carmelite College, Terenure,
j Co. Dublin ; 8t. Mary’s College, Rathmines,
I Dublin. Matriculated at R U I. when 16
WHO’S WHO. 1938
years of age, and started Medicine the same
year at the Catholic University School of
Medicine, Cecilia Street, Dublin; L.R.C.8. and
P. 1. 1898. Passed examination into Army ; Lieu-
tenant, R.A.M.C., 1900; served 8. African War,
1900-2 (King’s medal 2 clasps, Queen’s medals
2 clasps); afterwards in India, and Southern
Command in England as Surgical Specialist;
France, duiing European War, Aug. 1914-19 ;
commanded several hospitals (including No. 6
General and No. 12 Stationary), also Surgical
Specialist (despatches twice, O.B.E.); Egypt
as Acting Consultant in Surgery to B.B F. ;
Acting Assistant Examiner in Surgery, Cairo
University ; retired, 1922. Address: Shanavaun,
Mount Auneville, Dundrum, Co. Dublin. 2\ :
Dundrum 70.
AFFlaECK, Sir Frederick Danby
James, 8th Bt., or. 1782; fiuit-grower; h. 3
Feb 1866 ; $. of late Rev. James Danby Affleck,
.3rd 8. of 4th Bt. ; S. cousin, 1919; 7n 1904,
Lily, d. of Alfred Quarm Ross ; two s Heir : s
Frederick James Siddartha, h. 29 Mar. 1905
Address : Eli/a Street, Claylield, Bnsbanc,
Queensland, Australia.
AFFLECK, John Barr, C B.E. 1929 ;
H B M. Consul General Tientsin since 1935 ,
1). 26 Oct. 1878 ; s. of late John Affleck, M.A ,
D.Sc. ; m. 1928, Anne Bell (formerly Pioctor) ;
one s. Student Interpreter, China, 1902 ; 1st
Assistant, 1915 ; served with China Labour
Corps, 1917 ; oneof H.M. Vice Consuls m China,
1919; one of H M. Consuls, 1925 , H.BM
Consul, Tsingtao, China, l't30 34 , one of
H.M Consuls General in China, 1934; SiBer
Jubilee Medal, 1915 Address: British Consulate
General, Tientsin, China. Club : Constitutional.
AFRICA, North, Bishop of; sie Noith
AQA KHAN, Rt. Hon. A^a Sultan Sir
Mahomed Shah, P.C. 1934 ; G.C.S.I., cr.
1911; G.C.I.B., or. 1902; G C V O., cr 1923;
K.C.I.B., cr. 1898; LL D. hon. Oanib. ; 5. 1877,
m. Ist, 1908 , one s. (Aly S. Khan, </ v); 2nd,
1929, Andrce Carron , one s. (Sadruddin)
Brilliant Star of Zanzibar, 1900, 1st class ; 1st
class Prussian Older of Royal Crown, 1901 ;
has travelled a great deal ; has many leligious
followers in Bast Africa, Cential Asia, and
India ; head of Ismaili Mahomedans ; attended
Coronation, 1902, as gudst of nation ; attended
Coronation, 1937, as British India’s first repre-
sentative ; granted rank and status of hrst-class
chief with salute of 11 guns in recognition of
loyal sei vices during European War , Chairman
of British Indian Delegation to the Round Table
Conference, London, 1930 and 1031 , Repre-
sented India at World Disarmament Conference,
Geneva, 1932; Led Indian Delegation to League
of Nations Assembly, 1932, 1934, 1035, 1936 and
1937 , also to special meetings for Paraguay-
Boliviaand Manchurian disputes, and meeting,
1037, when Egypt became member of League
of Nations ; Won the Derby with Blenheim,
1930 ; Won the Two Thousand Guineas, Derby
and St. Leger (Triple Ciown) with Bahrain,
1935, and the Derby with Mahmoud, 193().
Publication: India in Transition, 1018. Recrea-
tioris: golf, racing, motoring, travel. Address '
Villa Jane-Andr6e, Antibes, France ; Aga Hall,
Bombay. Club : Marlborough.
AGAR , family name of Earl of N ormanton .
AGAR, Arthur Kirwan; Chief Justice,
British Honduras since 1986 ; b .31 Ang. 1877 ,
8. of late Edward Larpent Agar, Milfoid House,
Mil ford-on -Sea, Hants. ; m 1st, 1905, Winifred
Milbourne, d. of late John George Raynes ; two
d. ; 2nd, 1930, Josephine, d. of Hugh Houston
Hutchings Edicc : Brighton College. Bar
rister-at-Law, Gray’s Inn ; served European
War, 1915-19 ; entered Colonial Legal Service,
1920. JRr( rmf Km s; tennis, golf. Adciress; Be-
lize, British Honduras. Club: Royal Empire
AGAR, Captain Au^stus Will*
inirton Shelton, V.C., D.S.O.. 1919>; R.N. .
commanding H.M.8. Emerald since 1937;
s. of late John Shelton Agar, of Ceylon and
Woodmount, Co. Kerry ; b. 4 Jan. 1890 ; w.
Ist, 1920, Baroness Furnivall, q,v. ; 2nd, 1932,
Ina Margaret Hirst, d. of Kobeit Lindner, and
f/.’d. of late Francis Logie-Pine of Totting worth
Park, Heathiiold, Sussex. Educ.: H M.S.
Britannia. Served European War, 1914-18 ;
The Baltic, 1919-20 (despatches, V.C., D.S.O.).
Address: 29 Sloaiie Avenue, 8.W.8. T. :
Kensington 6119. Chits: United Service;
Royal Yacht Squadron, Cowes.
AGAR, I*t.-Col, John Arnold Shelton,
D S O , 1918 ; m. 1923, Kathleen Douglas, o. d.
of H. Douglas Robertson, Indian Police, retired ;
two s. Served European War, 1914-18 (de-
spatches, D S O , Bt. Lt.-Col.). Address:
Tangakelle, Lindula, Ceylon.
agar, Wilfred Bade, F.R.S. 1921 ; Pro-
fessor of Zoology, University of Melbourne,
Australia ; b. 27 Apr. 1882 ; s. of Edward
Larpent Agar, of Milford House, near Lyming-
ton, Hants ; m. 1908, Elizabeth, y. d. of David
MacDonald, Glasgow ; two s. three d. Educ. :
Sedbergh ; King’s College, Cambridge (Fellow,
1907-13). Lecturer m Zoology, University of
Glasgow; Captain, 6th Batt. Highland Light
Infantry, Oct. 1914-Apr. 1918. Publications :
contributions to various scientific lournals on
biological subiects Address: The University,
Melbourne, Australia.
AGAR - ROBARTES, family name of
Viscount Clifden.
AGATE, James Evershcd ; author
and dramatic critic ; dramatic critic to
the Sunday Times since 1923; also film critic
to The Tatler; b. Manchester 9 Sep. 1877 ;
e s. of late Charles James Agate, Horsham
and Manchester ; vt. 1918, Sidonie Josephine
Bdm6e Mourret Castillon. Ediu: . Giggleswick
Grammar School Dramatic critic to the
Daily Dispatch, 1905-6; to the Manchester
Guardian, 1907-14 ; to Saturday Review, 1921-
1923; to B B.C , 1925-32 ; an exhibitor of
show harness ponies ; accepted commission
in R A 8 C., 1915 ; served France, 1916-18.
Publications: L. of 0. (Lines of Communica-
tion), 1917 ; Buzz, Buzz I (Essays of the
Theatre), 1918 ; Responsibility, a novel,
1919, At Half past Eight; Essays of the Theatre,
1921-22 : The Contemporary Theatre for 1923,
1924, 1925, and 1926; Blessed are the Rich,
1924 ; White Horse and Red Lion, 1924 ; The
Common Touch, 1926 ; Rachel * a Biography,
1928 ; Gemel in London, 1928 : Their Hour upon
the Stage, 1930; The English Dramatic
Critics : an Anthology, 1932 ; My Theatre
Talks, 1932 ; First Nights, 1934 , Ego ’ An
Autobiograpliy, 19.35; Ego 2, 1936. Address:
22 Anti im Mansions, N W 3
AGG, Lieut. -Colonel Frederick John
Gardner, D S 0. 1916 ; late King’s Own Yorks
Light Infantry , h. 1879 ; *. of late Colonel
William Agg, The Hewletts, nr. Cheltenham ;
m. 1919, Mabel Beatrice, e. d. of late Alex.
Cumiiiing of Singapore; one s. one d. Educ.:
Dean Close School, Olieltenham. Joined 4th
Worcester Militia, 1898 ; Ist K.O Y.L.L, 1899,
and served in Gibraltar, South Africa, Hong-
Kong, and Singapore), and returned to England
with regiment, 1905-14 ; went to France in com-
mands of Divisional Cyclist Company, 1915 ;
Staff Captain; Brig.-Major; A. A. and Q M.G. ;
present at the battles of Ypres and Hohenzollern
Redoubt ; went to Salonika, Nov. 1916 (Chevalier
of Legion of Honour, despatches five times,
D.8.O.). Address: Hilders Court, Chiddingly,
Sussex. Cittb : United Service.
AGIUS, Thomas, M.A., M.D.; F.R Met.Soc.;
late Rector of Malta Govt. University ;
Director of the Meteorological and Seismo-
logical Observatories ; b. 1871 ; s. of Michael
and J osephine Borg ; m. Sophie VadaI4 ; one s.
WHO’S WHO, 1938
two d. iSdtu;. ; Malta University. M.A. 1891 ;
M.D. 1895; Assistant Medical Officer in the
Malta Central Hospital, 1896-99; Curator ol
the University Laboratories, 1900-1 ; Assistant
Analytical Chemist in the Public Health
Laboratory, 1901 - 2 ; Professor of Physics,
1902-26; Member of the Royal Meteorological
Society ; Member of the Society Meteorologies
Italiaua of Turin , Member of the SocietA
Seismologies Italians at Rome. Recreation:
photography and wireless. Address : Glan-y
Dorn, Point Street, Sliema, Malta. Club
Casino Maltese, Malta.
AGI.IONBY, Commander Charles
Sdward, D.S.O. 1919; R.N.; Civil Servant
in the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries ,
5. 1882; s. of Canon Aglionby, q.v., and d. of
late Bishop Bickersteth of Exeter ; m. 1918,
Christina Campbell, d. of the 19th Hereditaiy
Captain of Dunstaffnage ; one s one d. Educ.
H.M.S. Bntannia. Served Boxer Canipaigit,
China, 1900 ; World War, 1914-18 (despatches,
D.S.O.). Address: H aul fry n, Conway, N. Wales
AGIiIONBY, Rev. Canon Francis
Keyes^ D.D., Public Preacher, Diocese of
Rochester, since 1926; Hon. Canon of
Coventry, 1921-37; Canon Emeritus since 1937 ,
b. 22 Nov. 1848 ; 8rd s. of Charles Aglionby of
Mt. Pleasant, Charles Town, W. Va., U.S A., and
Nunnery, Cumberland, and Fanny Walker ; m.
1876, Amy, d. of Rt. Rev E. H. Bickersteth,
D.D., Lord Bishop of Exeter; four s. two d
Editc. • Queen’s College, Oxford; M.A., Denyer
and Johnson Theolo^cal Scholar, Second class
Law and Modern History, First-class Honour
School of Theology ; Examiner Final Theological
University of Durham, 1906 8; Deacon, 1873,
Priest, 1874 ; Curate St. Paul, Holloway, 1873 ,
Christ Church, Hamp.stead, 1875 ; Vicar of
Plungar, 1878 ; Hampton Poyle, Oxon 1879 ,
Christ Church, Westminster, 1882 1917 ; Vicai of
Newbold Pacey, Warwick, 1917-26 ; Examining
Chaplain to the Bishop of Exeter, 1885-1900 ,
Vice-President Society for the Propagation of
the Gospel, 1917. Publications: The Bettei
Choice and Other Sermons, 1906 ; The Life of
the Rt. Rev. Edward Henry Bickersteth, D.D ,
Bishop of Exeter, 1907, Private Judgement,
1907. Recreation: walking Address Hilden
Grange, Tonbridge, Kent. T. : Tonbridge 437
Club: Church Imperial.
AG];.IONBY^ Rt. Rev. J. O. ; see Accra,
Bishop of.
AGNBW, Andrew, C.B.E. 1918; Managing
Director, The Shell Tiansport and Tiading Co.,
Ltd., London ; 6. 28 B’eb. 1882 ; s. of Andrew
Agnew, Greenock ; m Belle, d. of James
McClymont, Girvan ; two s. Ex-M.L.C. Straits
Settlements. Address : 3 Sussex Place, Regent’s
Park, N.W.l. T .* Paddington 3S62 Cale-
donian, Royal Thames Yacht ; New, Edinburgh
AGNEW, Sir Fulke Melville Gerald
Noel, loth Bt., cr. 1629, 6. 1900; s. of late
Major Charles Hamlyn Agnew, 3id s. of 8th
Baronet, and Lilian Ann, d. of late Lt. -Gen. Sir
J. Wolfe Murray, K.C.B ; -8. uncle, 1928. fieir
rousin, Capt. David Quentin Hope Agnew,
Indian Armv [5. 1900; m. 1928, Janet May
Dilkes, d. of late Rev. Cliarles Herbert Malden ,
two 5. 1 Address . Lochnaw Castle, Stranraer,
See also Sir J. H. Williaim- Drummond, Lord
AGNEW, Sir Georgre (WllllaiA), 2nd
Bt., or. 1895; J.P cos. Lancaster and Suffolk;
5. 19 Jan. 1852 ; e. «. of 1st Bt. and Mary, d, of
G. P. Kenworthy, Peel Hall, Astley ; m. 1878,
Pannv(d. 1937), v- of late John Stuart Bolton
of Oulton Hall, Aylsham, Norfolk ; two a. fived.,
S. father, 1910. Educ ; Rugby; St. John’s
College, Cambridge. B.A. 1874 ; M.A. 1878.
Was partner in firm of Thomas Agnew A Sons,
art publishers, of London, Manchester, and
Liverpool ; formerly President of Printsellers’
Association ; member of Court of Governors
of Victoria University, Manchester ; Pres, of
Manchester Children’s Hospital; M.P. (L.)
West Salford, 1906-18 ; High Sheriff of Suffolk,
1922. Heir : s. John Stuart [b. 16 Sep. 1879 ; m.
1910, Kathleen, 8rd d. of late T. W. White of
Mean wood, Leeds; three «.l. Address: Rougham
Hall, Bury St. Edmunds. Club • Reform.
See also Lt.-Col. J. T. Wentworth Reeve.
AGNEW, Major Kenneth Morland,
D.S.O. 1919; M.C. ; late Royal Artillery; b. 25
May 1886 ; 2nd s. of late C Moiland Agnew, g. s.
of Sir William Agnew, Ist Bt. ; m. 1921, Ijouise
Harris. Educ. * Rugby School , Royal Military
Academy, Woolwich. Commissioned in Royal
Artillery, 1906 ; Captain, 1914 ; Major, 1917 ;
served European War, 1914 18, France, Belgium,
and Italy (D.S.O. , M C., 1914 Star, British War
Medal, Victory Medal, Italian Croce di Guerra,
despatches twice); retired pay, 1934 Recrea-
tions : golf, gardening. Address: 68 The Drive,
Hove, Sussex. T. ; Hove 14b2. Club: Army
and Navy.
AGNEW, Iit.-Comdr. Peter Garnett;
M.P. (C) Camborne Division ol Cornwall since
1931; Pailiamentary Private Secietary to Rt
Hon Walter Runciman, President of Board of
Trade, 1935 ; ft. 1900 ; s. of late C. L Agnew ;
m. 1928, Enid Frances, d. of Heniy Boan, Perth,
W. Austialia; one*. Educ.: Repton. Entered
Royal Navy, 1918; A.D.C. to Governor of
Jamaica, 1927-28 ; served in H.M.S. Queen
Elizabeth, fleet flagship, Meditenanean, 1928-29,
and in H.M. Yacht Victoria and Albert, 1980;
Lt.-Comdr., 1931; retired, 1931; Member of
House of Laity, Church Assembly, 1935. Recita-
tion : travelling. Addiess: 9 The Gateways,
Chelsea, 8 W 3 ; T. : Kensington 5270 ; The
White Cottage, Camborne, Cornwall; T.:
Camborne 208. Club • Carlton.
AGNEW, Philip Leslie, M A. (Oxon.);
J P. ; Chairman and Managing Director of
Bradbury, Agnew & Co , Ltd. (Piopiietors of
Punch); Chairman of Committee of Management
and Hon. Fellow of the Royal Academy of
Music ; 6. .30 June 1863 ; y. s of late Sir William
Agnew, 1st Bt ; m. Alexandra Georgette, d. of
Ewan Christian, Alexandria ; no c. Educ :
Rugby School ; New College, Oxford. 2nd
Class in Classical Moderations ; 2nd Class m
Modern History; Barrister -at -law; High
Sheriff for County of Northants, 1924-25 Re-
creations: music, riding, hunting. Address:
Littlecourt, Farthingstone, Towcester, North-
ants. Clubs' United University, Garrick, Bath.
AGRONSKY, Gershon ; Founder and
Editor, The Palestine Post, Jerusalem; ft
Ukraine, 1893 ; m. 1921, Ethel Lipschutz ; one
s two d. Immigrated U.S.A , 1906. Educ. :
Mishkan Israel Talmudic School, Brown Pre-
paratory School, Temple University, Phila-
delphia; began journalism on Jewish World,
1915; editor Das Juedische Volk, 1917 ; joined
Jewish Unit of Egyptian Expeditionary Force,
known as 38th, 39th and 40th Royal (Jewish)
Fusiliers for service m Palestine, 1918 ; headed
Press Bureau of first Zionist Commission to
Palestine, 1921 ; editor Jewish Telegraphic
Agency, New York, 1921-24; Director Press
Bureau, Zionist Executive, Jerusalem, 1924-27 ;
Jerusalem Correspondent for Christian Science
Monitor since 1924 ; Correspondent Daily Ex-
press, United Press, International News Service
and New York World, 1925-29 ; special com-
missions for The Times and Manchester
Guardian ; represented Zionist Organisation at
International Reclamation Conference, Hono-
lulu, 1927 ; special commissions for investigating
conditions in relation to Palestine, m Salonica,
Aden, India and Iraq ; edited Palestine Bulletin,
1931-32 ; Delegate International Zionist Con-
gresses, 1925, 1927, 1929. Address: P.O.B. 625,
Jerusalem. Palestine. T. A. ; Agronews. T. :740.
Club : Rotary, Jerusalem.
AHERN, Colonel David, D.S.O. 1916;
late R.A.M C. ; b. 2 Jan. 1878; m. 1916, Eileen
WHO’S WHO, 1938
M., d. of Nicholas Maher, of Ballymore House,
Co, Tipperary. Educ, : Clongowes. Served Euro-
pean War, 1914-18 (wounded twice, despatches
twice, D.S.O. and bar) ; retired pay, 1035. Ad-
dress: c/o Qlyn, Mills & Co., Kirkland House,
Whitehall, S.W.l.
AHERNE, Rer. David, G SS.K., D.S.O.
1917 ; C.F. ; Redemptonst Missioner ; b. 1871 ;
8. of Daniel Aherne, Ballyhooly, Co. Cork.
Educ.: Pans and Rome. Ordained a priest
of the Catholic Church, 1896 ; became a member
of the Missionary Order in that Church, called
Redemptorists, 1900; served as C.F. in France,
1914-19 (despatches twice). Address: St
Mary’s, Kinnoull, Perth.
ben Ferdinand, G.O V.O. ; SK.D.; h. 27 Oct.
1872; s. of Count C. Ahleteldt-Laurvig and
Johanne, Baroness Wedell-Wedellsborg, Mis-
tress of the Robes to late Queen Louise of Den-
maik; m, 1899, Baroness Mane (Mary) Einilie
de Gohr ; one s one d. Entered Foreign Office
service in 1901 ; held various consular posts m
Hull, New York and London ; Secretary of
Legation in Peking, 1908 ; Envoy Extraordinary
and Minister Plenipotentiary to Peking and
Tokio in 1912, Warsaw, 1920 ; London, 1921-37.
Recreations: tennis, swimming and mountain-
eering. Clubs : Beefsteak, Travellers, Naval
and Military.
AHMAD, Maulvi Sir Nizam-ud-Din-
Nawab Nizamat Jung; Bahadur, Kt ,
cr. 1929; C.I.E. 1924; O.B E. 1919; late of
Political Dept., H B.H. the Nizam’s Govern-
ment ; retired 1980 ; h. 1871. Educ : Hydera-
bad; Trinity College, Cambridge. B.A., LL.B.
1891 ; M.A. 1896. Called to Bar, Inner Temple,
1895. Address: Hyderabad, Deccan, India.
AHMAD, Maulvi Sir Rafiuddin, Kt.,
cr. 1932 , late Minister for Education, Bombay ;
Barnstor-at'-law. Address: Bombay,
AHMED, Kabaerud-Din, M.L A. ; Bar-
at-Law and Advocate, Calcutta High Court ;
Member High Court Bar, Calcutta ; b. 1886 ;
s. of late Muhammad Sabkat-Ullah, landholder ;
unmarried, hduc. : Malda Government High
English School ; Magdalene College, Cam-
bridge. Called to Bar, 1910 ; Member ot
Bengal Legislative Council, 1919-20 ; Member
Indian Legislative Assembly, 1921-23, 1924-2(),
1927-30, 1931-35, and since 1936 ; Member Demo- >
cratic Party in the Indian Legislature, 1921 24 ,
Founder of the Parliamentary Muslim -party
in the Indian Legislative Assembly and its
Chief Whip, 1924 26 ; Member Royal Commission
on Labour, 1929-31 ; Member Cential National
Mahomedan Association, Calcutta; Member
University Court, Dacca ; Founder of the Bengal
Joatedars and Raiyat’s Association ; takes great
interest in Agriculture and was President,
Bengal Agricultural Conference, 1917; Organ-
iser, Founder and President, Indian Seamen’s
Union, Calcutta, 1921-27. Publicatious : Hand-
book of Equity, Roman Law, etc. Recreations :
tennis, riding, etc. Address: 10 Hastings
Street, Calcutta, India. T. : Calcutta 1532 ,
Biswanathpur, Kansat P.O. Malda, Bengal.
Clubs: India, Calcutta; Chelmsford, Simla,
and New Delhi.
AHMED, Sir Sultan, Kt., cr. 1927; b. 24
Dec. 1880; s. of Khan Bahadur S Khairat Ahmed
of Gaya (India) ; m. 1900. Called to the Bar in
1905 ; Deputy Legal Remembrancer to the
Government of Bihar and Orissa, 1918 ; Govern-
ment Advocate, 1916-37 ; acted as Judge,
Patna High Court, 1919-20 ; Vice-Chancellor
Patna University, 1928-30; Member Hartog
Education Committee, 1928-29 ; Delegate to the
Round Table Conferences, 1930-31 ; Degiee of
Doctor of Laws conferred by the Patna Uni-
versity, 1931. Address: Patna, India. Clubs.
Athemeum; Calcutta; New Patna
AICKIN, Very Rev. George Ellis; m.
1909, Rachel Millicent Butler Educ.: St. John’s
College Cambridge, M.A. Curate Wargrave,
1894-98 ; Ravenhead, 1898-1900 ; Holy Trinity,
Darwen, 1900-6; Lecturer S. Aldan's College,
Birkenhead, 1906-9; Principal Ridley College,
Melbourne, 1910-18; Canon of Bendigo, 1911-
18; Rector St. Paul, Bendigo, 1918-19; A.ich-
deacon of Bendigo, 1918-19; Archdeacon of
Dandenong, 1919-32 ; Incumbent of Morn-
ington, 1919-27 ; Dean of Melbourne, 1927-
1932 ; Vicar- General, 1928-32 , Administrator in
vacancy of See, 1929. Address: 7 Ardoyne
Street, Black Rock, S. 9, Victoria, Australia.
AIKEN, Conrad Potter: b. Savannah,
Georgia, 6 Aug. 1889 ; s. of William Ford Aiken
and Anna Potter Aiken ; m, 1st, 1912. Jessie
McDonald; divorced, 1929 ; one s. two a . ; 2iid,
1980, Clarice Mary Lorenz; divoiced, 1937;
did, Mary Augusta Iloovei. Educ: Middlesex
School, Concord, Mass. ; Harvard College
(A.B.). Contributing Editor of the Dial, 1917-
1919. Publications : Poems : Barth Triumphant,
1914; Turns and Movies 1916; The Jig of Fors-
Iin,l9l6; Nocturne of Remembered Spring,
1917 ; The Charnel Rose, 1918 ; The House of
Dust, 1920 ; Punch, the Immortal Liar, 1921 ;
Pnapus and the Pool, 1922 ; Modern American
Poets (ed.), 1922; The Pilgrimage of Festus,
1923; Selected Poems of Emily Dickinson (ed.)
1924 , Senlin : A Biography, 1925. Prose :
Scepticisms; Notes on Contemporary Poetry,
1919; Bring! Bring' and other Stones, 1925;
Blue Voyage, a novel, 1927 ; Costumes by Eros
(short stones), 1928 ; American Poetry, 1671-
1928 • A Comprehensive Anthology (ed.), 1929 ;
Selected Poems, 1929 ; John Deth and Other
Poems, 1930 ; The Coming Forth by Day of
Osins Jones, 1931 ; Preludes for Meninon, 1931 ;
Groat Circle, a novel, 1933 , Among the Lost
People (short stories), 1934 ; Landscape West
of Eden (poem), 1934 ; King Coffin (novel),
1935 ; Time in the Rock (poems) 1936. Recrea-
tions gardening, tennis, travel, chess. Ad-
dress Jeake’s House, Rye, Sussex.
AIKEN, Frank; Minister for Defence,
Saorstat Eiieann since 1932, and Minister
for Lands since 1986; b. 13 Feb. 1898;
s. of James and Mary Aiken ; m 1934, Maud
Davin. Educ. : Chi istian Brothers’ Schools,
Newry. Active in the Volunteers and Gaelic
League since 1914; commanded operations
against the British m South Armagh, South
Down and Noith Louth during Black and Tan
War; O.C. 4th Noithern Division I.R.A., 1921 ;
took part in iipgotiations which lesulted m
Collins de- Valera Pact; Chief of Staff, I.R.A.,
1023 , Member Dail for County Louth since
1923. Address: Sandyford, Co. Dublin.
AIRMAN, Alec, C.I.E., 1936; Director
Andrew Yule & Co. Ltd., Calcutta; Member
Legislative Assembly, Indian Central Legisla-
ture ; b. 7 May 1886 ; s. of Matthew Aikman
and Agnes McKean; m. 1921, Beatrice Baggs;
nor. Educ.: Stewart’s College; Edinburgh
University. Chartered Accountant, Edin-
burgh; served European War, France 1916-18.
Address: 8 Clive Row, Calcutta. T.A, : o/o
Yuletide, Calcutta. T. ; Calcutta 5280. Clubs:
Oriental ; Bengal, Calcutta.
AIKMAN, Colonel Tkornaz S. G. H.
Robertson- of Ross and Broomhilton,
Lanarkshire, and of Grandborough, Warwick-
shire ; C.B. 1923; J.P., D.L. Co. Lanark ; late
commanding 4th Highland Light Infantry
(Special Reserve) ; h. 25 Feb. 1860 ; e. s. of late
Hugh Henry Robertson-Aikman of Ross and
Broomhilton and Mary Joyce Stokes of New
Parks, Leicestershire ; tn. 1899, Constance
Henrietta (d. 1932), o. d. of late Capt. J. A
Middleton, late Royal Dragoons ; two s. one d.
Educ : Eton ; B.N.O. Oxford. Joined Ist Royal
Lanark Militia, 1880 ; commanded (4th H.L.I.),
1900-12 ; commanded Royal Defence Corps
No. 1 District, 1915-16; Hon. Lieut. -Colonel in
the Army since 1900 ; Master of the Lanark-
I shire and Renfrewshire foxhounds, 1896-1901;
I Master of his own harriers 1888-1901 m Lanark-
WHO'S WHO, 1938
shire, 1901-10 in Derbyshire, 1910-12 in Stafford-
shire ; other favourite pursuits : coaching,
cricket, curling, etc. ; Captain of the Scottisli
Curling Teams that visited Canada and the
United States 1912 and 1923, and of the winning
British team Olympic Games at Chamonix, 1924
Address : The Ross, Hamilton. T. : Hamilton
55. Clubs: Boodle’s; New, Edinburgh.
See also S^r Derrick Watson.
AILESBURY. 6th Marquess of (w. 1821),
George William James CliandoB
Brudenell - Bruce j D.S.O. ; Bt 1611,
Baron Brudenell, 1628 ; Bail of Cardigan, 1661
Baron Bruce, 1746 ; Earl of Allesbiiry, 1776 ;
Viscount Savemake, 1821 ; 6 21 May 1873 ; e. s.
of 6th Marquess of Ailesbury and Georgians
Sophia Maria, d. of G. H. Pinckney ; m. 1903,
Sydney, o. d. of late John Madden of Hilton
Park, Co. Monagh ; one s. tvyro d. ; S. father
1911. Muc. : Westminster. Late 8rd Batt
Argyll and Sutherland Highlfuiders, Royal
Wilts Yeomanry, Middlesex Yeomanry, Wilts
Regt (S.B ), R A S.C. and R.F A. (T.) ; served
South Africa, 1899-1900 (despatches); served
France, Belgium and Germany, 1915-19 (de
spatches); Knight of Giace Order ot St. John
of Jerusalem. Heir s. Earl of Cardigan, q.v.
Address • Savernake Forest, Wilts. Clubs
Badminton, Ranelagh.
AlIiSA, Srd Marquess of (cr. 1831), Arcbi-
bald Kennedy. Baron Kennedy, 1452
Earl of Cassillis, 1509 ; Baron Ailsa(U.K.), 1806 ,
b. 1 Sept. 1847; S. father, 1870, m 1st, 1871,
Evelyn Stuart (d. 1888), d. of 12th Lord Blan
tyre , three s. ohe d. ; 2nd, 1891, Isabella, d of
Hugh MacMaster, N.W. Provinces, India; one
s. one d. Educ. : Eton. Lord-Lieutenant ol
Ayrshire, Owns about 76,000 acres. Heir s
Bari of Cassillis, q v. Address Culzean Castle,
Maybole, Ayrshire. Clubs: Guards’; Royal
Yacht Squadron, Cowes.
Ste cdso I Old Angus and Loid < harks
Kennedy , Lord Kilmaine, Earl of Portarlington,
Capt. bir A. H. Young.
AILWYN, 3rd Karon, ci. 1921, of Honingham,
Norfolk ; Eric William Edward Pel-
lowes; Captain R.N. retd ; h 24 Nov. 1887;
2nd s. of 1st Baron, P.C., K.C.V O., K B.B ,
and Hon. Agatha Eleanor Augusta Jollifte, d
of 2nd Lord Hylton ; S. brother, 1936 ; m. los',,
Cecil Lorna, d. of late Hugh G. Barclay, Colney
Hall, Norwich, and widow of Colonel Malise
Graham, D.S.O. Educ.: Stubbington , H M.S.
Britannia. Entered R N., 1902, Sub -Lieut
Royal Yacht Victoria and Albert, 1009 ; served
European War, 1014-10; Lieut, and Lient.-{^om-
mandor H. M. S Dreadnought and Princess
Royal in North Sea; Battle of Jutland, loie ;
Comdr., 1923 ; executive officer Submarine
n.Q. Fort Blockhouse, 1024-25 ; H M S. Danae,
Mediterranean, 1025-26; Shotley Training
Establishment, 1027 20; ILM.S Cumberland,
China, 1920 ; drafting comdr R.N. Barracks,
Portsmouth, 1031-31 ; retired 1934 with rank
of Captain. Recreation: shooting Heir: b.
Hon. Carol Arthur Fellowes, b. 23 Nov. 1896.
Address: Stone Lodge, Ipswich T.A. and T.
Ipswich 3252. Club • United Service.
AIN LEY, Henry Hinchliffe ; Actor
manager; b. Leeds, 21 Aug. 1879; s of Richard
Ainley ; m. Ist, 1903, Suzanne (d. 1924), d. of late
Charles H. Sheldon, New York ; 2nd, Elaine
Fearon ; one s one d First appeared in London
at Lyceum, 1900; Lt R.G A 1916-19. Address’
30 Cambridge Terrace, W.2. Club: Garrick.
AINSCOUGH, Sir Thomas Mart-
land| Kt. rr. 1932; C B.B , M.Com ;
FRG.S.; H.M.’s Senior Trade Commissioner
in India and Ceylon since 1918; b 12 Ang
1886; e. s. of late James M. Ainscoiigh, J.P.,
of Lindley Mount, Parbold, Lancashire ; m.
1918, Mabel, Srd d. of late Wm. Lincolne of Ely,
Cambs. ; two s. one d. Educ. : Manchester
Grammar School ; Switzerland ; Manchester
University. In business in Manchester and
China, 1906-12; travelled widely in Western
China, 1913 ; Special Commissioner to the
Board of Trade in China, 1913 ; Secretary to
the Board of Trade Textile Committee, 1916-17 ;
Secretary to the Empire Cotton Growing
Committee, 1917; O.B.B 1918; attached as
Expert Assistant to the Persian Tariff Revision
Commission, 1920 ; attached to the United
Kingdom Delegation at the Impeiial Economic
Conference, Ottawa, 1932. Publication: Notes
from a Frontier, 1915. Recreation: travel.
Address: Fairlie House, Fairlie Place, Calcutta.
T.A.: Tradcom. T. : Cal. 1042. Clubs: Ori-
ental, Royal Societies ; Bengal, Calcutta ; Royal
Bombay Yacht ; United Services, Simla.
AINSLIE, Lt.-Col. Charles Marshall,
D.S.O. 1917; late R A.S.C. ; b. Dromore, Co.
Down, 8 Oct. 1878; s. of late Capt. B C. Ainslie,
60th Rifles; m. Sophie Margaret, d. of Rev. F. W.
Hogan, M.A., Hillsborough, Co. Down ; threes,
one d. Educ. ; Campbell College, Ireland.
Enlisted as a trooper m the Irish Yeomanry
(Ulster); served S. African War, 1899-1900
(Queen’s medal and three clasps) ; taken prisoner
at Lindley and released after three months ;
was on release given a commission as 2nd
Lieut, in the Connaught Rangers (94th Regi-
ment), served in India fc» several years and
transferred to the R.A.S.C. ; Capt., 1910;
Major, 1914; employed in South Alrica train-
ing South African officers for South African
Service Corps ; embarked for France m com-
mand of a Divisional Tram, being promoted
Temp. Col Ang. 1915 (D S O., despatches,
Belgian Croix de Guerre) ; retired pay, 192().
Recreations’ Rugby football, keen fisherman and
shot. Address Rose Cottage, Methwold,
Brandon, Suffolk.
AINSLIE. Charlotte, QBE. 1929; B.A
(Lond ); Hon. LL D Edin. ; b. Edinburgh, 16
Feb 1863 ; 2nd d of late William Ainslie, Edin-
burgh. Educ. : George Watson s Ladies’ Coll ,
Edinburgh ; Geimany ; Switzerland ; read for
Arts degree of the University of London, at
Bedford Coll. (Reid Scholar, Gilchrist Scholar),
Assistant Misti ese at Skinners’ School for Girls,
Stamford Hill, London, 1896-1900; lecturer m
Psychology and Education at Cain bridge Train-
ing College, 1901-2 ; Headmistiess of George
Watson’s I^adies' College, Edinburgh, 1902 26 ,
i lectured on Methods of Teaching Modem
! Languages, at Cambridge University Ex-
tension Summer Meeting, 1902 ; President of
the Secondary Education Association of Scot-
land, 1912-13. Publications : essays and reports
on eclucational subiects. Recreation : travelling
Address: 12 Mayfield Teiiace, Edinburgh.
Club ’ Ladies’ Caledonian, Edinburgh
AINSLIE, Doufrlas; b. Biitish Embassy,
Pans, 1866 ; family name originally Grant
Duff, changed by lather. Educ. : Eton ;
Balliol and Exeter Colleges, Oxford. B A.
1887. Attach^ to H.M. Legation at Athens,
1891 ; transferred to the Hague, 1892 ; to Pans,
1893 Publications: Bscarlamonde and other
Poems, 1898 ; John of Damascus, an Epic of the
Meeting of the Creeds, 1901 ; Moments, lyrical
poems, 1905 ; the Song of the Stewarts, Prelude,
1009 ; Mirage, Poems, 1911 ; Chosen Poems,
1926 ; Philosophy of the Spirit (complete m four
volumes); Esthetic as Science of Expression,
Philosophy of the Practical, Economic and
Ethic, Logic as Science of the Pure Concept,
Historiography, Ariosto, Shakespeare, and Cor-
neille— aU translated from the Italian of B.
Croce, with Introductions by translator ; What
18 Living and What is Dead of the Philosophy
of Hegel, translated from the Italian of B.
Croce, with Introduction, 1914; Adventures
Social and Literary, 1922 ; Chosen Poems, 1928.
Recreation : conversation. Address c/o W’est-
ininster Bank, 249 Regent Street, W.l. Clubs:
Atheneeiim, Marlborough.
AINSLIE, Lieut.. Col. Henry Saudys,
C.M.G. 1916 ; late Northumberland Fusiliers ;
WHO'S WHO, 1938
b. 1 Aug. 1869 ; m. 1899, Lilian Elizabeth, d, of
late James Lyall ; no c. Entered army, 1890 ;
Captain, 1896 ; Major, 1903 ; Lt.-Col. 1912 ;
A.D.C. to Governor Straits Settlements, 1897-
1898 ; employed with Malay States Guides, 1898-
1902; served European War, 1914-15 (C.M.G.,
despatches, temp. Bng.-Gen. May-Nov. 1915);
retired pay, 1919. Address : 59 Abingdon
Villas, W.8 Club: Golfers’.
AINSWORTH, Alfred Richard, C.B.
1934; Principal Assistant Secretary, Board of
Education. Address; Board of Education, S W.l.
AINSWORTH, Bt. Col. Charles, Chair-
man and Managing Director, Charles Ainsworth
and Co. Ltd. ; 6. Ingol, nr. Preston, 25 Feb. 1874 ;
s. of late Hargreaves Ainsworth, Windermere ;
m. 1902, Clara H., d. of late H. K. Middlemost,
HuddersWeld ; two s. one d. Educ. : privately.
Served with Lancs. Fnsilieis, 1914-18; Egypt,
1914; Turkey, 1915; Lt.-Col. Commanding
5th Bn. Lancs. Fusiliers, 1928-33 ; Bt.-Col.,
1932 ; Member of the National Assembly,
Church of England, 1919-29 ; interested in
farming and horse-breeding; Master Holcombe
Hunt, 1926*31 ; M.P (C.) Bury, Lancs. Dec. |
1918-35. Address: Redisher, Holcombe Brook,
Lancashire. T. ; Ramsbottom 219. Chib :
AINSWORTH, Harry; Editor of The
People; h. Darwen, Lancashire; m. 1914,
Isabella Davidina Graham ; two d. Educ
Darwen Secondary School ; piivately. Began
as a reporter on local press and migrated to
London via Dundee and Manchester. Recrea-
tion' divoteeing. Address: Leatherhead.
AINSWORTH, John, O.M.G. 1900; C.B.E.
1919; D.S 0.1918; F.R.G.S. ; 5. Manchester,
16 June 1864; m. 1897, Ina Cameron, M.B E., d
of late John Scott, Brooklyn, U. 8. A. Educ.: pnv-
ately Employed on West Coast, Africa, 1884-89 ;
in Imperial Brit. Bast Africa Company’s service,
1889-95 ; organised Company’s transport to
Uganda, etc., 1890-91 ; H.M.’s Sub-Commissioner
in charge Ukamba Province, East Africa Pro-
tectorate, under Sir Arthur Hardinge, 1896 ;
Vice-Consul, H.E A., 1896-1907 ; Acting Deputy-
Commissioner, East Africa Protectorate, 1904-5 ;
Member of Executive and Legislative Councils,
East Africa Protectorate , Provincial Commis-
sioner ; Local Colonel, 1917 (T).S.O.) ; seconded
as Military Commissioner for Labour East Africa
Expeditionary Force, March 1917- June 1918,
with local rank of Colonel (despatches) ; Chief
Native Commissioner, E.A.P., 1918; retired,
1921; during 1924 on special service in Man-
dated Territory of New Guinea on behalf of the
Government of the Commonwealth of Austialia;
Mayor of Somerset West, 1928-30. Address:
Nyanza, Lourensiord Road, Somerset West,
O.P , South Africa.
AINSWORTH, MaJ.-Gen. Ralph
Bigrnell, CB 1935 ; D.S.O. 1916; O.B.E.
1923 ; Oihcei Order of St. John of Jerusalem,
late R A.M.C. ; late Commandant Ro>al Army
Medical Coll, and Hon. Physican to the King ;
D D.M S. Scottish Command, Prof of Hygiene,
Royal Army Medical Coll and Assistant Di-
rector-General Medical Services, WarOftlce; b.
26 Sep 1875 ; 2nds. of late Capt. W. Ainsworth,
Spotlands, Lancashire ; w. 1908, Florence, o. d.
of late Imre Kiralfy, Washington Square, New
York ; two d. Educ. : St. Paul’s School. En
tered St. George’s Hospital, 1893 ; M.B C.S.
Eng., L.R.C.P. London, 1899 ; joined Royal
Navy as Surgeon, 1900 ; retired, 1902; Lieut.
R.A.M.C., 1902; Captain, 1906; Major, 1914; Lt.-
Col. 1924; Colonel, 1930; Major-General, 1932;
retired pay, 1935 ; Special Sanitary Officer, 6th
Division (Poona), 1908; Salisbury Plain, 1910-
1914 ; with Bxped. Force to France, Ang. 1914,
and N. Russia B.^F., 1919 (despatches thrice,
D.S.O.) ; Bt. Lt.-Col., medaille des Bpidemies
(in vermeil) from French Government. Pwb-
lications : The House Fly as a Disease Carrier,
1908 ; Sanitation in War, 1916. Address: The
Ivy House, Hampton Court. Clubs: Junior
United Service, Royal Automobile.
AINSWORTHj Mrs. Robert;
Brunskill, Muriel.
AINSWORTH, Sir Thomas, 2ud Bt., cr.
1916 ; late Lt. 11th Hussars ; 6. 8 Feb. 1886 ; s.
of Ist Bt. and Margaret Catherine (d. 1918), d.
of Robert Reid Macredie ; m. 1st, 1911, Lady
Edina Dorothy Hope (who obtained a divorce,
1925), 4th d. of 4th Marquess Conyngham ; one
s. oned. ; 2nd, 1925, May Hope Johnstone, 14
Grove Court, Drayton Gardens, S. W. ; one s. S
father, 1923. Heir: s. John Fiancis, b. 1912.
Address : Ardanaiseig, Loch Awe, Argyllshire ;
Brook Cottage, Langham, Rutland. T. :
Langham, Rutland 41. Clubs: Marlborough;
New, Edinburgh; Kildare Street, Dublin.
See also Viscount Massereene and Ferrard.
AINSWORTH, Iit.-Gol. William John,
C. B.E. 1919; D.S.O. 1900; late Durham Light In-
fantry ; Secretary, Jockey Club of Egypt since
1923; b. Jhansi, India, 11 Aug. .1878; e s. of late
Captain Ainsworth, late 106^ Light Infantry,
of Spotland, Rochdale, Lancashire, and Trent-
ham House, Twickenliam Park, 8.W. Educ, :
St. Paul’s School Entered BvM.C., Sandhurst,
1892 ; 2nd Lieut. Durham Light Infantry, 1898 ;
Lieut. 1896; Ad^jutant, 2nd Batt., 1901 ; Staff-
Cajitain No. 5 District 1911 ; served 8. African
War, 1899-1900 (D.S.O. medal with four clasps) ;
D. A A.G., 1914-15; A A.G. 1915. Decorated
for conspicuous gallantry in the affair at
Sanna s Post, 81 March 1901 ; European War,
1914-17 (Bt. Lt.-Col., C.B.E, despatches); re
tired pay, 1923. Address : 78 Buckingham
Gate, S W. Clubs: Army and Navy, Junior
United Seivice.
ton, M.A., M D, B.Ch. (Cantab.); F.R C S.
(Edin); F.R.C.8. (Eng.); L.R C.P. (Lond);
Consulting Urological Snigeon; Hon. Urologi-
cal Surgeon, Royal Wateiloo Hospital, Hon.
Urological Registiar, St Pauls Hospital for
Genito-Uiinary Diseases; Member of inter-
national Society of Uiology, Fellow of the Royal
Society of Medicine, Medical Society of London,
and Institute of Hygiene (Member, Executive
Council) ; b. 23 April 1895 ; s. of late Prof. J. R.
Ainsworth-Davis, m. 1st, Marguerite Constance
Whariy , 2nd, Phyllis Cureton-Taylor (nee
Dunconibe) ; one s two d. Edu(. * Westminster
School ; Christ’s College, Cambridge (Closed and
Open Exhibition) Served European War 1914-19
as Captain in the Rifle Brigade and Royal Flying
Corps, France, Salonica, Palestine, jBg> pt, quali-
fied at St. Bartholomew’s Hospital in 1923, and
subsequently held the following appointments :
Junior and Senior House-Surgeon, Surgical
Registrar and Hon. Assistant Surgeon to All
Saints’ Hospital for Genito-Unnary Diseases ;
Clinical Assistant and Hon. Surgical Registrar
to the Royal Waterloo Hospital for Women and
Children ; Clinical Assistant to St. Paul’s
Hospital for Genito-Uimary Diseases. Publica-
fio 9 js • Anuiia due to Bilateral Ureterocele, M.B.
thesis, 1925 , Blood Transfusion m Infants,
Myers’ Pract. Handbook Dis Children, 1930;
(with Sir Thomas P. Durihill) Renal calculus
associated with a solitary cyst of left kidney,
British Medical Journal, 1930 ; Painless Haema-
tuna, plea for early investigation, with report
of case, Ib. ; Ureterocele ; observations based on
the investigation and treatment of four cases,
British Journal of Surgery, vol. xix., 1982 ;
The Prevention and Treatment of Urethral
Stricture of Inflarnmatoi y Origin, M D. thesis,
1983, and British Journal of Urology, vol. i.,
1933; Early Prostalic obstruction: Its
Symptoms, Investigation and Treatment,
British Journal of Physical iMedicine, 1934 ;
The use of Diathermy in Suigery, lb. 1935:
Chronic Cervicitis ; Its Influence on the
urinary Tract and its treatment by the
Diathermy cutting current Curette, Biitish
Medical Journal November 1984 ; Urinary
WHO’S WHO, 1938
system and male genital organs, Maingot’s
Post-graduate Surgery, Vol. II 1936. Recrta-
tions: athletics (Olympic Games, 1920), shoot-
ing. Address: 69 Hailey Street, W.l. T. :
Welbeck 8825. Club: R.A.F.
AIRI^ Sir JohUy Kt., cr. 1917; President
The Canadian Bank of Commerce since 1924 ;
b. Longueuil, Quebec, 16 Nov. 1865 ; s. of
William and Margaret Aird ; w. 1887, Eleanor
Lawlor Johnston ; two s. two d. ' Edw. : Normal
Model School, Toronto. Engaged m railway
work for eight years ; entered the service of the
Canadian Bank of Commerce, 1878 ; General
Manager's Secretary, 1880-88; Manager, Sea-
forth, 1888 ; Assistant Manager, Toronto, 1890 ;
Manager, Winnipeg, 1899 ; Superintendent of
Central Western Branches, Winnipeg, 1908;
As-sistant General Manager, 1911 ; General
Manager, 1915-26 ; a Director of National
Trust Co. litd , Impeiial Life Assurance Co.,
Western Assurance Co , British America Assur-
ance Co., Western Canada Flour Mills Co. Ltd.;
Brazilian Traction Light and Power Co. Ltd.,
Canadian Western Lumber Co. Ltd. Address:
89 Madison Avenue, Toronto, Canada.
aird. Major Sir John Renton, 3ri Bt.
cr. 1901; M. V.0. 1936 ; M C. ; Grenadier Guards ,
Extra Equerry to the King since 19.37 , b. 7
Aug. 1898 ; e. s. of Sir John Aird, 2nd Bt.
Educ : Eton; Sandhurst. Served European
War, 1917*18 ; Staff of the Governor of Bombay,
1921-23 ; Staff of High Comr. for Egypt, 1926-
1927 ; Equerry to tha Prince of Wales, 1929-36.
Heir: b. Joseph Maurice [6. 3 Nov. 1904;
m. 1934, Mrs. Gwenyth Sheila Dominguez]
Address : 12 Grafton Street, Mayfair, W. ;
Forest Lodge, The Great Park, Windsor.
AIREDADXS, 2nd Baron, of Gledhow, cr.
1907; Albert Ernest Kitson, Bt.. cr.
1886; Iron and Steel Manufacturer; Director
Midland Bank ; b. 7 Oct. 1868 ; e. s. of let |
Baron and Emily, d. of Joseph Clift, Wortley,
Leeds; m. 1890, Florence, e. d of late
Edward Schunck of Gledhow Wood, Leeds ;
seven d. Educ. : Trinity College, Cambridge
(B.A.). Recreations: shooting, golf, garden
ing. Heir: b Hon. James Clifford Kitson, q.v
Address : 3 Cadogan Square, 8. W.l. T. : Sloane
2802 ; Ounearn, Sandwich Clubs: Reform,
Bath, Garrick.
See also Col. Harold Kingsley.
A I R £ Y; Sir Edwin; Kt., cr. 1922 ;
Governing Director of W. Airey & Son (IjPeds),
Ltd., building contractors, engineers, and
tile manufacturers, London, Leeds, Barton-on-
Humber, Soissons (Aisne) ; b. 7 Feb.
1878; 5. of late William Airey; m. 1904,
Edith, d. of late Wra Greaves; one s.,
four d. Educ. : Central High School and
University, Leeds. Lord Mayor of Leeds,
1928-24 ; Pres. United Kingdom Commercial
Travellers’ Association, 1923-24 ; Governor of
the Leeds Grammar School ; Chairman of Board,
Leeds Public Dispensary, 1922-29; Chairman
of Directors, Leeds Cricket, Football, and
Athletic Co., Ltd. ; President of the National
F^eration of BuildingTrade Employers, 1930-31 ;
Fellow of the Institute of Builders. Recrea-
tions: music, chess, travel, motoring. Address'
Oakwood Grange, Leeds, T.A. : Duo, Leeds.
T. .' Leeds 21573 ; Victoria 3221 ; Roundhay
AIREY; John Robinson, M.A., .Sc.D
(Cantab.), D.Sc. (Lond.) ; b. Leeds. Educ. :
Blenheim Council School ; Borough Road
Training College; St. John’s College, Cam-
bridge (Foundation Scholar and Prizeman);
Double First Natural Science Tripos ; Member
of Mathematical Tables Committee, British
Association since 1911 ; Secretary of the Tables
Committee, 1916 29 ; Fellow of the Royal
Astronomical Society, Physical Society of
London ; Member of Leeds Philosophical and
Literary Society ; has held teaching appoint-
ments Central High School, Leeds; Forth
County School ; Morley Secondary School ;
Principal of West Ham Technical Institute,
1912- 18 ; Principal of City of Leeds Training
College, 1918 33; Retired, 1938 ; Co-opted
Member of Montgomeryshire Education (3om-
mittee, Elementary Education Sub-Committee,
County Library Committee, Reorganization
Committee and County Representative on the
Extra-Mural Committee of the Aberystwyth
College ; Co-editor of Philosophical Magazine
and Journal of Science, Red Lion Court, Fleet
Street, B.C.4. Publications : Papers on Bessel
and other Functions, Asymptotic Series, etc.,
m Proceedings of the Royal Society, Archiv
1 der Math und Physik, Proceedings of the
Physical Society of London, Philosophical
Magazine and Reports of the Mathematical
Tables Committee of the British Association,
1913- 29. Address: Llwynon, Newtown, Mont.
T. : 217 Newtown.
AIREY, Hon. Peter; b. Barrow-in-Furness,
Lancashire, 1865. Educ. : Queensland State
I School. Commenced as State School teacher ;
entered political life, 1901 ; Leader of Queens-
land liRbour Party, 1903 ; Minister for Works and
Mines, 1904 ; Home Secretary, 1905-7 ; Treasurer,
1908 , defeated at elections of 1909 ; writer of
verse, sketches, storiettes ; at present engaged
m literary pursuits ; advocate of the abolition
of the party system m Australian public life.
Address * Birkdale, Queensland.
AIRIiIE, 11th Earl of (cr. 1689), David
Dyulph Qore Wolseley Ogrllvy,
K.C.V.O. cr. 1929; M 0. ; D.L., J.P ; Baron
Ogilvy of Airlie. 1491 ; Lord Chamberlain to
the Queen since 1937; Representative Peer for
Scotland; H M. Lieutenant for Countj of 4ngus
since 1936; Lt.-Col on the Reserve ot the 10th
Royal Hussars; Brevet Col on the Reserve of
the Territorial Army ; late Captain 10th Royal
Hussars; b. 18 July 1893; s of 10th Earl and
Lady Mabell Prances Elizabeth Gore (see Mabell
Countess of Airlio) ; 5. father, 1900 ; m. 1917,
Lady Alexandra Mane Bridget Coke, d of^rd
Earl of Leicester, q.v.; three s. three d. Educ. :
Eton. A Lord in-Waiting. 1926-29; served Euro-
pean War, 1914-19 (M.C.). Owns about 69,000
acres Heir s Lord Ogllry, q.v. Address:
Cortachy Castle, Kirriemuir, Forfarshire
See also J. Ouape, Rt. Hon. Winston Churchill^
Lord RsdeedaUf Lady Kitty Ritson, Brig.'Cen.
Sir B. Vincent,
AIRDIE, Mabell, Conntesa of, G.B.E.,
cr. 1920; Hon. LL.D., St. Andrews; J.P. ;
Lady of the Bedchamber to H.M. Queen Mary ;
b 10 Mar 1866 ; e. d of 6th Earl of Arran ,
m. 1886, David William Stanley, 10th Earl
of Alrlie, who was killed in action at Diamond
Hill, Pretona, 11 June 1900 ; three s. three
d. Publications : In Whig Society, 1775-
1818, 1921; Lady Palmerston and her Times,
1922; With the Guards We Shall Go, 1933.
Address : 6 Cumberland Mansions, W 1 ; T. :
Paddington 3720; Airlie Castle, Kiiriemuir,
Angus, Scotland ; T. : Craigton 6.
AIRY, Anna, R I., 1918 ; R.O I., 1909 ; R B.,
1914; A.R.E., 1908; painter, portraits and
figure, etcher, pastelllst ; b. 6 June 1882; o. d
of Wilfrid Airy, M.In8t.C.B., and Anna, d. of
Professor Listing of Grtttingen University,
Germany; gd of Sir George Riddell Airy,
K.C. B. , Astronomer-Royal. Educ. : Slade School
of Art, London. Slade Scholarship, 1902 ; Mel-
ville Nettleship Prize at the Slade School of Art,
1900, 1901, 1902; all Slade first prizes for por-
trait, figure, and other subiects ; exhibited
Royal Academy and elsewhere in 1906, and each
subsequent year ; Pranco-British Exhibition,
1908; International Exhibition, Rome, 1911;
and Venice; International Exhibition, New
Zealand, 1926; British Empire Trade Exhibi-
tion, Buenos Aires, 1931 ; Represented in : —
British Museum; S Kensington (Victoria and
Albert); Imperial War Museum, five large
works ; National Gallery of New South Wales
WHO’S WHO, 1938
(twice) ; Walker Art Gallery, Liverpool (twice) ;
Canadian National Exhibition, Toronto (twice) ;
Leeds City Art Gallery; Huddei afield Corpora*
tion Art Gallery ; Bournemouth Art Gallei y ;
Harrogate Art Gallery ; Vancouver Art Gallery ;
Ipswich Corporation (twice); Doncaster Art
Gallery ; Dmcoln Corporation Art Gallery ;
Rochdale Corporation Art Gallery; Leicester
Art Gallery ; The Mackelvie Ait Gallery, Auck-
land, New Zealand ; elected member of the
Pastel Society, 1907, Royal Society Portrait
Painters, 1913 ; commissioned by Canadian War
Memorials Fund, 1917 ; commissioned by Min-
istry of Munitions for Impenal War Museum,
1918. Publication : The Art of Pastel. Ad-
dress : The Cottage, PJayford, near Ipswich.
AITCHISONylfOrd: Rt. Hon. Graigie
Mason Aitcliisonf P.C. 1929; R.C. 1923;
M.A.,LL.B ; Lord Justice Clerk since 1933 ; b.
26 Jan. 1882; s of Rev. James Aitchison, Falkirk,
and Elizabeth Craigie ; wi. 1919, Charlotte, d. of
James Jones of Torwoodhall, Larbert, Stirling-
shire ; two s. Educ, : Falkirk High School ;
University of Edinburgh. Vans Dunlop Scholai
Mental Philosophy ; Muirhead Prizeman, Civil
Law ; called to Scottish Bar, 1907 ; Commissioner
of Northern Lights ; one of the Lords of the
Committee of Privy Council on Scottish Educa-
tion ; Lord Advocate for Scotland, 1Q20 33 ,
M.P. (Labour) Kilmarnock bye election, 1029
1931 (National Jjabour) 1931-33 ; contested
(Lab.) Central Glasgow, 1029. Address: 12
India Street, Edinburgh. T, . 22978
AITCHISON, George, Editoi Brighton
and Hove Herald; b. 6 June 1877 ; s of John
Aitchison and Clara Maynard; m. 1907; no c
Educ. : Brighton Grammar School. Apprenticed
to Brighton Herald, 1893; actively engaged on
that paper all his life; now Director and
Editor. Publications • Unknown Brighton i
Sussex ; minor historical or topographical
papers, etc.; many columns m newspapers
every week. Recreations: travel, gardening.
Address: Bhickdown, Church Lane West, {South-
wick, Sussex. T.A.: Herald, Brighton, T. .
Brighton 6001.
AITCHISON, Patrick Edward, C I E.
1934 ; b. 17 March 1881 ; w. 1008, Margaret
Duncan Blair, d. of late Major John Lyons
Eduo. . Malvern , Cooper s Hill. Joined Indian
Forest Service, 1903, Chief Conservator of
Forests, Bombay, 1933 35; Retired, 1935
AITCHISON. Sir Stephen, Rt, cr. 1928;
landowner in Northumberland ; Joint Govern-
j ing Director of Walter Willson, Ltd. ; J P. City
and Co. of Newcastle-upon-Tyne; J.P. Co.
Northumberland ; Joint Chairman of Con-
servative Association of Newcastle-upon-Tyne ,
President of Central Division of Newcastle-
upon-Tyne, etc. , Chairman of Alnwick Life
Boat Institution ; b. Devizes, 1863 ; m. Alice
Mary (jd. 1932), d. of Walter de Lancey Willson,
J.P., of Gateshead and Rirklmton Park,
Cumberland ; four s. one d. Educ : privately.
Recreations: gaidening, arboncultui e, public
work (hospitals and philanthropic), collect-
ing Chinese art, foreign travel, motoring.
Address : Lemmington Hall, Alnwick, Nor-
thumberland. 2\A.: Aitchison, Lemmington,
Alnwick. T. : Alnwick 81. Clubs: Union,
Conservative, Newcastle-upon-Tyne.
AITKEN, family name of Baron Beaver-
AITKEN, Alexander Craigr, F.R.S. 1936 ;
F.R.S.B.; M.A. (New Zealand); D.Sc. (Edin);
Lecturer in Statistics and Actuarial Mathema-
tics, University of Edinburgh since 1925 ; b. 1
April 1895; s. of William Aitkeii, Dunedin, New
Zealand; m. 1920, Mary Winifred, d. of Alfred
Betts, Nelson, N.Z. ; one s. one d, Educ.:
Otago Boys’ High School; Otago University;
Edinburgh University. M.A. (N.Z.), 1920;
D.Sc. (Earn.) 1925. Publications : Various mem-
oirs on statistical and practical mathematics,
algebra and other topics. Recreation: music.
Address: 64 Braid Road, Edinburgh 10.
AITKEN, George (Benjamin John-
ston), D.Mus., Cantuar, 1931; A.R.A.M. ;
A R.C O. ; Member, Royal Society of Teachers ;
Fellow^ Professor of pianoforte, and Lecturer,
Guildhall School of Music ; pianist, organist,
composer, and criUc ; 6. London ; e. s. of
George Ailken and Cecilia Jane Dnnkwater.
Educ. : Choir School, St. Andrew’s, Wells
Street, W ; Royal A cademy of Music. Organist
and Choirmaster Hampstead Parish Church
since 1895 ; lias appeared as pianist and com-
poser at principal concert halls in London
and the provinces. Publications : Church
services. Communion service, and anthems ;
violin and organ music ; numerous pianoforte
pieces, solo and duet ; and many songs ;
author of Tobias Matthay and his Teachings
Address" 34 Dunstan Road, N.W.ll.
AITKEN, Georf^e Lewis, C.B.E. 1985; b.
4 Feb. 1864 ; <? of James Aitken and Jane Lewis ;
m. Alice Burt ; one s. two d. Educ. : Scotch
College, Melbourne. Chairman British &
Foreign Marine Insurance Co., Melbourne;
President, National Council of Wool-Selling
Brokers of Australia ; President, Australian
Pastoral Researcli Trust Ltd. ; Manager Dal-
gety A Co., Ltd., Melbourne. Recreations:
cricket, football, tennis, rowing. Address. Elli-
matta, 44 Westbiiry Street East, St Rilda,
Melbourne, S. 2, Australia. T..4.* Aitken, Mel-
bourne. T. ; Windsor 679. Club'^ Melboiirue,
Australian, Melbourne
AITKEN, James Hume; journalist; 6
17 Nov. 1890; s of James Hume Aitken and
Mary Hogg; m 1913, Mary Wilson ; one s. one
d. Educ," Harris Academy, Dundee. Piesi-
dent National Union of Journalists, 1933 34 ;
President of Glasgow Press Club 1928-35.
Recreation: golf Address" 14 Fir wood Drive,
Cathcart, Glasgow, S 4. T: Merr>lee 1568.
Clubs Piccadilly, Locarno, Press, Glasgow.
AITKEN, John E., R S.W. ; R C.A.
A.R W.A ; 'A.RiB.C. ; Artist, s. of James
Aitken, marine painter and Mary Aitken.
Studied art at the studio of his father, also at
the Schools of Ait of Liverpool, Manchester
and Wallasey ; pictures exhibited in Royal
Academy, Royal Scottish Academy, Royal
Institute, Glasgow Institute, Walker Art
Gallery, Liverpool, Manchester and many other
gallei les ; pictures in permanent Collections of
Birkenhead and Wakefield ; has painted in
Holland, France, Belgium, Switzerland and
Italy. Pvbluafion^ Several colour prints.
Address • Gullane, Port St Mary, Isle of Man.
AITKEN, Col. John James, C.M.G. 1919 ;
DS.O. 1916; O B.E. 1924 ; late R.A.V.C. ;
b. 7 July 1878 ; m 1927, Constance Marion, d.
of Brig -Gen B F. Drake, q v. ; one d. Served
5 African War, 1900-2 (Queen’s medal three
clasps. Ring’s medal two clasps) ; Sikkim and
Tibet Mission Force, 1^03-1904 (medal and
clasp) ; European War, 1914-18 (D.S O., C.M.G. ,
despatches) ; Wazinstan, 1922-23 (O B.E.) ;
Commandant Royal Army Veterinary School,
1925-28; A.D.V.S Southern Command, 1928;
retired pay, 1933 Club : Caledonian.
AITKEN, Hon. John William
Maxwell ; see Aitken, Hon. Max.
AITKEN, Hon. Max; Director, Sir Henry
Lunn Ltd. and Alpine Sports Ltd ; Flying
Officer 601 Fighter Squadron, Auxiliary Air
Force; b. Montreal, 15 Feb. 1910: s. and heir
of Ist Baron Beaverbrook, q.iK Educ. : West-
minster ; Pembroke College, Cambridge. Re-
creations ’ Cambridge Association Football
Blue 1930, 1931; golf. Address: 15 Portman
S«iuare, W.l. T. ; Welbeck 15.32. Club; Marl-
AITKEN, MaJ. Nigel Woodford. D.S.O.
1917 ; M.C. ; «. of late Edward Aitken of Mayen,
Banffshire and Florence, d. of James Wheler
Woodford Birch; m. 1911, Enid, y.d. of Sir
WHO’S WHO, 1938
Henry Pipon-Scboles ; two d. Edue.: Harrow;
R.M. Academy, Woolwich, Commissioned,
1902, served European War, 191 4-18 (despatches
four times, M.C., D.S.O.); sick list, 1919 and
1920; retired, 1921. Recreations: fishing,
shooting. Address: House of Glennie, Mayen,
Bridge of Marnoch, Banffshire. T.A. : Bridge
of Marnoch. T. : Bridge of Marnoch 11.
Clubs: Bath, United Service.
AITKEN, Rev. Canon Robert Aubrey ;
Vicar of Great Yarmouth since 1920 , Rural Dean
of Flegg since 1921; Hon. Canon of Norwich
Cathedral ; Proctor m Convocation for Nor-
wich Diocese since 1981; ft. 15 Aug. 1870;
s. of Canon W. Hay M. H. Aitken, and g.s.
of Rev. Robert Aitken of Pendeen ; m. Evelyn
Reine, 4th d. ot late Reuben T. Preston of
Hayes Court, Kent; three s. one d. Educr
Bedford School ; Merton College, Oxford. Hons
in Mod. Hist. 1893; B.A. 189S; M.A. 1896,
ordained, 1894 ; Curate of the Parish Church,
Gateshead, 1894-98 ; Diocesan Missioner, Here-
ford, 1898-1903 ; Vicarof Holy Trinity, Hereford,
1903-9; North Walsham, 1909-20; Rural Dean
pf Tunstead, 1911-20. Rect eatxons : fishing,
motoring, travelling. Address: The Vicarage,
Great Yarmouth. T. ; Great Yarmouth 2334.
dubs: Leander, Oxerseas League.
AITKEN, Robert Grant, 5. Jackson,
Amador Co., California, U S A., 31 Dee. 1864;
5. of Robert Aitken and Wilhelmina Depinau ;
fit. 1888, Jessie, d. of Capt. W. R Thomas and
Nellie Wells; three s. one d. Educ. :
Elementary schools, Jackson, the Oakland
High School, and Williams College, Mass.
Studied astronomy under Tiuman H. Safford,
A.B. degree, 1887; M A., 1892; Hon. Sc.D.,
1917; Hon Sc.D., College of the Pacific, 1903;
University of Arizona, 1923 ; Hon. LLJ). Uni-
versity of California, 1935. Professor Mathe-
matics and Astronomy, College of the Pacific,
1891-95 ; Assistant Astronomer, Lick Observa-
tory, 1895-1907; Astronomer 1907-30 ; Associate
Director, 1928 80 ; Director 1930-35 ; Emeritus
Director and Astionornei, 1935; Member
National Academy of Sciences (Chairman,
Section of Astronomy, 1929 32), American
Astronomical Society (Vice President, 1928-30),
American Philosophical Society, Astronomical
Society of the Pacific, Fellow of the American
Association for the Advancement of Science
(Vice-President Section D , 1926-27; President,
Pacific Division, 1925-26); Associate Royal
Astronomical Society ; awarded Laland Gold
Medal, Pans Academy of Sciences, 1906, for
double star discoveries; Bruce Gold Medal,
Astronomical Society of the Pacific, for dis-
tinguished services to Astronomy, 1926; Gold
Medal, Royal Astronomical Society, 1932,
for work on double stars; appointed George
Darwin Lecturer before the Society for 1932.
Publications: Observations of Double Stars,
Lick Observatory Publications, vol. mi., 1917;
The Binary Stars, 1918 ; 2nd edition, 1935 ; New
General Catalogue of Double Stars within 120*
of the North Pole, 1932; numerous papers in
various astronomical and other scientific jour-
nals. Has discovered 3108 double stars, com-
puted many orbits of double stars and of
comets. Is continuing researches on double
stars. Address: 1109 Spruce Street, Berkeley,
California, U.8.A.
AIT ON, Sir (John) Arthur, Kt., er
1937 ; C.B.B. 1918 ; J.P. Derbyshire ; Governing
Director of Alton & Co„ Ltd., Derby, and
of other companies ; b. India, 1864 ; s. of John
Alton, Civil Engineer; w. 1895, Mina, d. of A,
W. Stoop, Dordrecht, Holland ; one s. two d.
Address : Duffield Park, Derbyshire T. :
Duffield, Derby, 93. Clubs : St. Stephen’s ;
Derbyshire, Derby.
AIYAR, Rao Bahadur Annu Chldam-
bara Pranatartihara, B.A., I.S.O. ; 5.
Mullavasal, Tanjore District, 20 Feb. 1857 ; of a
Brahman family of landholders ; four s. three d.
Educ. : Government College, Kumbakonam.
Entered Educational Service, 1879; Headmaster,
first of the Taylor High School, Narsapur, and
next ot the Municipal High School, Bellary,
1879 - 90; Assistant - Inspector of Schools in
different parts of the Madras Presidency, 1890-
1900 ; Chief Lecturer, Government College,
Raijahmundry, 1900-5 ; Inspector of Schools,
1905-6 ; Personal Assistant to the Director
of Public Instruction, 1906-7 ; Inspector of
Schools, 1907-8 ; acting Deputy-Director of
Public Instruction, in the Indian Educational
Service, 1908-10; Inspector of Schools, 1910-16 ;
Registrar of Books, Madias, 1917-34; letired.
Address : Rukmmi vilas, Sundaresvar Street,
Mylapore, Madras.
AIYAR, Hon. dir C. P. R. ; see
Ram as warn! Aiyar.
A I Y E R, Sir Pazhamarneri Sun-
daram Sivaawamy. K.C.S.I., cr. 1915;
C.S.l. 1912, C.I.E. 1908, B.A., B.L. ; 5. 7 Feb.
1864, native of the Tanjore Dt. ; s. of P. Sun-
daram Aiyer, a pleader of the District Court of
Tanjore ; m. Kalyani Animal ; no c. Educ. :
S.P.G.Coll., Tanjore; Goveinment Coll., Kurnb-
bakonam. Presidency Coll., Madras. Enrolled as
a Vakil of the High Court, 1886 ; Assist. Prof, of
Law, Madras Law College, 1893-99 ; Examiner in
Sanskrit and Law to the University of Madras ;
a Joint-Editor of the Madras Law Journal, 1898-
1907 ; Fellow of the University of Madras, 1898 ;
represented the University in the Madras
Legislative Council, 1904-7; served on the
Syndicate of the University for several years ;
Acting Advocate - General, 1907; Advocate-
General, 1908-12; Member of the Executive
Council, Madras, 1912-17; Vice-Chancellor of
the University of Madras, 1916-18 ; oiganised the
Indian Defence Force in the Madias Presidency
as President ot the Recruitment Committee in
1917 ; Vice-Chancellor of the Hindu University,
Benaies, 1918-19; President of the 2nd session
of the National Liberal PVderation ot Calcutta
in December 1919; President of the 9th session
of the N L Federation of Akola, Dec. 1920 ;
Member of the Indian Legislative Assembly for
Districts of Tanjore and Tnchinopoly, 1920 23 ;
Membei of the Indian Military^Requirements
Committee, 1921 ; Indian delegate in the
third session of the Assembly of the League
of Nations at Geneva, 1922 ; nominated non-
official Membei of the Indian Legislative
Assembly, 1924-26 ; Member of the Indian Terri-
torial and Auxiliary Forces Committee, 1924,
and of the Indian Constitutional Reforms
Committee, 1924 ; author of Indian Constitu-
tional Problems, 1928 ; Member of Indian Mili-
tary College Committee, 1931; LL D. (Hon )
Madras Univenty, 1932, and Benares Hindu
University, 1933. Publication : Evolution of
Hindu Moral Ideals (Kamala Lectures). Recrea-
tions : tennis and golf. Address : Sudharma,
Edward Elliot Road, Mylapore, Madras.
AJAIGARH, Bundelkband, H.H.
Sawai Mabaraja Bbopal Sinjgh
Sahib Bahadur; h, 18 Nov. 1866; s of
Sawai Maharaja Sir Ranjore Singh Bahadur,
K.C.I E. * w. , one s. ; S. 1919. Educ: Raj-
kumar College, Nowgong ; Bundelkhand. The
State is 807 square miles in extent and has a
population of 85,895. Salute, eleven guns.
Recreations : agriculture and sporting. Ad-
dress • Ajaigarh, Central India.
AJMER, R.C. Bishop of: see Le Ruyet,
Rt. Rev. P.
AKBAR, Hon. M. T. : K.C. 1925; Puisne
Judge of Supreme Court of Ceylon since 1929; b.
15 June 1880 ; s. of late M. S. J Akbar,
merchant and planter ; m. 1917 ; no c. Educ. :
Royal College, Colombo ; Emmanuel College,
Cambridge (Scholar). Barnster-at-Law, 1904 ;
Crown Counsel, 1909; Solicitor-General and
member Legislative Council, 1924-29 ; acting
Puisne Judge Supreme Court, 1926 ; Acting At-
torney-General, 1927 ; Member Executive Coun-
WHO^S WHO, 1938
cil, Ceylon, 1927-19*^9 ; Chairman and Pounder
of the Prevention ot Crime Association of
Ceylon. Publications : Assistant Editor in
Roman-Dutch Law Burges’ Colonial Laws,
Vol. TV. Address • Colombo, Ceylon.
AKED, Charles Frederic j D.D., LL.D. ;
D.Lit. ; preacher; author; lecturer; Minister of
All Souls’ Church; b. Nottingham, 27 Aug. 1864 ,
s. of Charles Aked, Nottingham; m. 1886, Anne,
d. of James Hithersay, Ilkeston, Derbyshire.
Educ. * Mr. J. Lee’s Commercial School, Midland
Baptist College, and University College, Not-
tingham. Articled to firm of auctioneers in
Nottingham ; afterward auctioneer to the Sheriff
of Derbyshire; then to Midland College as above;
first pastorate, Syston, Leicestershire, 1886 ; St.
Helens and Earlestown, 1888 ; made annual trips
preachit\ff and lectunng in the United States
since 1893 ; Vice-President of United Kingdom
Alliance ; one of the founders of the Passive
Resistance League ; Warden Elect of Midland
Baptist College ; Minister of Pembroke Chapel,
Liverpool, 1890-1907 ; Minister of Plfth Avenue
Baptist Church, New Vork, 1907 11; D. D.,
Temple University, U.8 A, 1901 ; Minister
of First Congregational Church, San Francisco,
1911-15; Minister of First Congregational
Church, Kansas City, Missouri, 1919-24 ;
visited Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Holland,
and Germany, on Peace Mission, 1915 and
1916; D D. Brown University, U.S A., 1907,
LL.D., Nevada, 1914; Hon. Member Students’
Association of Norway, 1915 ; LL.D. Drury
College, 1923; D.Lit., University of Southern
California, 1929, Puhlicnttojis : The Lord’s
Prayer : Its Meaning and Message for To-
day ; Changing Creeds and Social Struggles ; The
Courage of the Coward ; Wells and Palm-trees ,
Old Events and Modern Meanings ; A Ministry
of Reconciliation ; Mercies New Every Morning ;
The Divine Drama of Job ; numerous pamphlets.
Recreations : fishing (gold medallist of the Tuna
Club, for Yellowtail, 1914), cycling; made
many tours on the wheel, France, Germany,
Italy, Austria, etc. ; horse - riding. Address :
88)5 Wilshire Boulevard, Los Angeles, Cali
forma, U S A.
AK EH UR ST, Ven. H. S., Archdeacon of
Kamloops 1935; Canon of Can ooo, 1927 ; Vicar
of St. George's North Kamloops, B C. ;
Organizing Mi-sionary of Thompson River Mis-
sion, 1915 3o ; b 30 Nov. 1865 , a. of Charles
and M^ry M. F Akehurst ; m. 1891 Mary N.
Scarlett ; two a. Educ. : Leeds ; St. John’s
College, Qu’Appelle. Deacon, 18t>0; Priest,
1891; Vicar, St Peter’s Pi o-Cathedral 1801 {)3;
Rector, St. Saiioui’s, Nelson, B.C. 1893, St
Paul’s, Kamloops B 0. 1901 ; Sec. of the Dlooese
of Cariboo, 1914 Jbcreation: gardening. Ad
dress ‘ Kauiloops, B C., Canada T. ;H7.
AKERMAN, John Camille, Managing
Director United Newspapers Ltd., and Pro-
vincial Newspapers Ltd. ; Director Daily
Chronicle Investment Corporation* VMce Chair-
man and Tnistee News Chiomcle Ltd.; Vice
Chairman Illustrated Newspapers Ltd. ; h.
London 1880; m. 1909, Rhoda, y d. of late
G. Learvey. Edne : privately. Address
Througham Place, Beaulieu, Hants. T.: Kasteiid
89. Clubs: Devonshire, Ranelagh.
AKER MAN, Col. William Philip
Jopp, D.S.O 1918* M.C.: late R A ; Assistant
Master-General of Ordnance, War Office, since
1936 ; h. 16 Jan. 1888; s. ofW, S. Akerm tn ol the
Mount, Burham,Sora ; m. 1st, 1920, Olga Phyllis
(d.l922), 0 d of late Maior-Gen. Sir John
Steevens, K.C.B.; one d. ; 2nd, 1925, Annie, er. d.
of late Ma^j -Gen. B. W. Alexander, V.O., C. B ,
C.M.G. ; one s. twod. Edttc. : OundleSchool ;
R.M.A., Woolwich. Served India, 1908-14 ;
Mesopotamia. 1914-16 (M.C.) ; France and
Belgium 1917-18 f D.S.O and bar): Staff
College, Camberley, 1922-23 ; Imperial Defence
College, 1938 ; Assistant Director of Artillery,
War Office, 1984-36. Club : Army and Navy.
, AKBR8.D0UO1.AS; family name of
I Viftcotint Chilston.
AKRII 1 I..JONES, Rev. Canon David,
Vicar of Llandaff; Treasuier of Llandan
Cathedtal ; Canon of Llandaff and late Chief
Diocesan Missioner ; b, 1868; s. of Rector of
Glyntaff Glam. ; m. Ellen May, d of R.W.Tolfree;
one d. Educ. : Christ College, Brecon , Merton
College, Oxford. Curate of St. John’s, Cardiff ;
Senior Curate of St. Mark’s, New^rt, and
St. Philip’s, Kensington ; Rector of Prendergast,
Pemb. ; Vicar of Sketty, Glam. ; Vicar of
Bolsover, Chesterfield ; Rural Dean of B ilsover.
Publications • Articles on Church and Labour.
Address: The Vicarage, Llandaff, Glam. T.:
Llandaff 2 k0.
All AB ASTER, Chaloner Grenvillei
O. BE. 1918; K.C. 1922; Attorney-General of
Hong Kong since 1930 ; e. surv. s. of late Sir
Chaloner Alabaster, R. C.M.G. ; m 1909, Mabel
Winifred Mary, M. B.E., d. of late Col. K. P.
Matnwaring, Indian Army; one d. Educ.:
Tonbridge. Called to Bar, Inner Temple, 1904;
Western Circuit; Acting Attorney- General,
Hong Kong, 1911, 1912, 1928; unotficial member
Legislative Council, 1919, 1924, 1925. Publica-
tion : Editor of Laws of Hong K mg. 1844-1912.
Address: Attorney-General’S' Chambers, Hong
Kong Clubs: Thatched House; Hong Kong
AIiAM, Hon. Anthony Alexander,
M. L C. ; Managing Director Australian Export-
ing Fnr Co ; Director, A lam’s, Ltd., Dunedoo,
N S.W., and Delegate, NSW; member Upper
House, N.S W., Australia, since 1925 ; 5 Walls-
end, N.S.W., 1896; parents born Republic
Lebanon ; m. ; no c. Educ. • De La Salle College,
Armidale N S.W. King George V Silver
Jubilee Medal , Merit of Lebanon , Commander
Niehan Iftikar. Recreations' breeding trotters,
tennis, motoring, horse-racing Address :
Parliament House, Sydney, Australia. T.A.:
Alam Parliament, Sydney. Club: Commercial
Travellers’, Sydney
ALBA; see Berwick, Duke of. I
ALBEMARLE. 8th Earl of (or. 1696), Arnold
Allan Cecil Keppel, GC.VO., cr. 1981;
K C V.O. cr. 1909 ; C.B. 1900 ; M.V.O. 1901 ;
T.D.; Baron Ashford, 1696- Viscount Bury, 1696;
a Lord-in-Waiting to the King, 1922-24. Served
with C.I.V South Africa, as Lieut. -Colonel
in command of Infantry Battalion, 1900 (de-
spatches, medal and 4 clasps) ; was Col Com.
5th Batt. K R. Rifles (Civil Service); is Hon.
Lt.-Col. in the army ; was Hon Col 4th Batt.
Norfolk Regt. (Mil ) and of 2nd Vol. Batt.
Norfolk Regt. ; Hon Ool. 5th BatUlion Norfolk
Regiment; was Brig -Gen commanding Norfolk
Vol. Brigade; h. London, 1 June 1858; e. s of 7th
Earl and Sophia Mary, 2nd d. of Hon. Sir Alan
Napiet M‘Nab, Island last Bt , Premier of Upper
Canada ; S, father, 1894; m Lady Gertrude Lucia
Egerton, 0 c. of Ist Earl Egerton of Tatton, 1881 ;
three s. one d. Conservative and Churchman ;
late Dorset Militia; late Scots Guards; M.P.
Birkenhead, 1892-94 ; has the Grand Cross of the
White Lion of Czechoslovakia ; Grand Cross of
Orange- Nassau. Ednic : Eton. Recreations:
yachting, painting, shooting. Heir : s. Viscount
Wry, q.v iddvess • 7 Cadogan Square, S. W 1 ;
T. : Sloane 5674 ; Quidenham, Norfolk ; Bccles
Hall, Norfolk Cliihs • Brooks’, Carlton, Turf ;
Royal Yacht Squadron, Cowes.
See also C. K» Davidson, Hon. Sir Derek and
Hon. G. Keppel, Gen. Sir T. G. Matheson, Sir
W. B. Toionlty,
ALBERT1NI> LuiiTii Italian Senator
since 1914; Managing Director of the Comere
della Sera, 1900-25 ; b Ancona, 19 Oct. 1871.
LL D., Turin, 1893; studied Economical and
PoUticjil Sciences m London ; joined the Corri-
ere della Sera, 1896 ; made it the most imporUnt
Italian paper ; was one of the chief promoters
of Italy’s intervention in the great war;
neutralist senators fiercely contested his
nomination, but their opposition was defeated ;
was also one of the chief promoters of the
Congress held in Home of the nationalities
oppressed by the Hapsbui^ Monarchy, and
after the victory, of a compromise between the
Italian and the Tougoslavs^ aspirations on the
Adriatic ; was one of the Italian Delegates at
Washington Conference; was a strenous de-
fender of law, order and property when Com-
munists seized the factories, 1920 ; was opposed
from the beginning to excesses and abuses of
Fascist rulers and followers, and is considered
one of the leaders of the movement for the
restoring of normal conditions of government,
of full political freedom, and the empire of
common law m Italy ; on account of his oppo-
sition to Fascism was obliged to leave Corriere
della Sera in 1926. Addrtss: via xxlv Maggio
14, Rome 3.
AlaBBRTSi Col. Johannes Joachim,
O.M.G. 1918; D.T.D. ; farmer; h. 8 June
1872 ; w. C. S. G Wessels ; one s. two d.
Educ, : Standerton. Commandant, Standerton
Command, Anglo-Boer War ; Delegate at Ver-
eniging when peace was declared ; member
of first Union Parliament for Standerton ;
served European War, 1914-18 ; O.C. Stander-
ton, Bethal, and Heidelberg Commandos dur-
ing 1914 rebellion ; O.C. of the 2nd Mounted
Brigade with the German West Campaigns ;
thereafter Inspector of Remounts and Trans-
port for the Union ; Senior Sheep Inspector
for Eastern Transvaal until 1924. Address
Uooitgedacht, P.O. Davel, District Ermelo,
8. A.
AIiBERYf Bronson; theatre direetoi ; b.
6 March 1881 ; s of James Albery and Mary
Moore afterwards Lady Wyndham; m. 1912,
Una 6. Rolleston; two s. two d. Educ.:
Uppingham ; Balliol Colle^^e, Oxford. Joint
Managing Director the Wyndham Theatres Ltd. ;
Vice-President Society of West End Theatre
Managers , Trustee and Director West End
Theatre Managers Ltd. ; Trustee and Vice-
President the Actors Benevolent Fund ; A
Govenior of The Old V ic , Bamster-at-law ;
Chevalier of the Legion of Honour. Recrea'
iions; bridge, tennis Address The Qrov e, Har-
penden. T.; Harponden 571. Club Garrick.
AlaBERY, Sir Irwing; JameSfKt., cr. 1936,
M.O. ; Major retired Yeomanry ; Member of the
Stock Exchange since 1902 ; partner in 1. Albery
& Co • M P (U.) Gravesend since 1924 ;
b. Ixmdon, 12 May 1879; 5. of James Albery,
dramatic author, and late Mary Moore,
afterwards Lady Wyndham; w Jill Mary,
d. of late Henry Arthur Jones; two s. one
d Educ : Uppingham School ; Freiburg
University Contested Bow and Bromley, 1923
Election ; served South Afnoa, 1900 ; European
War, 1914 to Armistice (M.C., despatches). Re-
creations: sailing, tennis, and golf Address
The Manor House, Farningham, Kent; North
Court, Wood Street, S.W 1. Clubs: St
Stephen’s, Carlton, Gresham.
See also Col. Hon. Angus McDonnell,
AltBRIGHT. George Stacey, C.B^E.,
M.A., J.P. ; b. 15 June 1865 ; m. Isabella
Margaret (d. 1927), d. of Smith Harrison ofSouth
Woodford, Essex. Educ • Tottenham; Trinity
College, Cambridge. Address • Bromsberrow
Place, Ledbury. Club: New University.
AlaBXT, Sir Georire Werner, 2nd Bt., cr.
1912 , Chairmen and Managing Director, General
Mining and Finance Corporation, Ltd., Van
Ryn Gold Mines Estate, Ltd., and West Rand
Consolidated Mines, Ltd ; h. 8 Sep. 1905 ; o.
surv. 8. of Sir George Albu, 1st Bt. ; S. father
1936 ; m. 1928, Betty, d, of E. C. Dicey ; three d.
Educ, : Rugby ; Trinity Hall, Cambridge. Heir :
none. Address: P.O. Box 1242, Johannesburg.
Clubs • Rand, Johannesburg ; Kimberley.
See also Bishop of Pretoria,
A It B U, Leopold, Managing Director,
General Mining and finance Corporation, Ltd.,
in London ; Chairman of the Phoenix Oil and
Transport Co., and Phoenix Oil Products,
Ltd. Addrees: 4 Hamilton Place, W.l. T.:
Orosvenor 2088.
ALCOOK, Henry I M.A.; McOaughey Pro-
fessor of History and Economics, University of
Queensland, Brisbane, since 1922 ; b, 14 Oct.
1886 ; 0 . 8. of late Henry Alcock, of Tunstall,
Staffs., and Lucilla, y. a. of James Davis, late
of Bitton, Gloucestershire ; m. 1918, Olga Mane
Th6r6se, y. d. of Emile de Tuetey, late of Farn-
ham ; three d. Educ. : King Edward VI. School,
Bath ; Magdalen College, Oxford (Open History
Exhibition). B.A., 1st Class Modern History,
1908; M.A., 1911. Assistant Master, Tetten-
hall College, Staffs., 1910-11; Kendal Grammar
School, 1911-13; Lectuier in History and Eco-
nomics, University of Queensland, Brisbane,
19X4-22 ; Chairman of the Joint Board of Com-
mercial Studies, 1921-22; Dean of the Faculty
of Arts, 1922-28 ; Dean of the Faculty of Com-
merce 1928 - 82 ; an elected Member of the
Senate of the University of Queensland 1929-
1938 ; President of the Professorial Board, 193-2-
1938 ; President, History SecUon, Australian
and New Zealand Assoc, for the Advancement
of Science, Sydney, 1932 ; Member of the An-
thropological Research Committee, Australian
National Research Council since 1927 ; Member
of the Queensland State Committee of the Com-
monwealth Council for Scientific and Industrial
Research since 1927; Chaiiman, Queensland
Educational Broadcasting Committee since
1932. Publications : pamphlets and articles,
chiefly economic, published in Australia. Re-
creations. motoring, boating, photography.
Address: Kmcraig, Sefton Road, Clayfleld,
Brisbane, Queensland T. : M 1641
ALCOCK^ Rev. Canon Jobn Mark,
Canon Residentiary of Wells Cathedral since
1915 ; Chaplain to the Bishop of Bath and
Wells since 1908 ; s. of late Rev. J. P. Alcock,
Rector of Soiithfleet, Kent ; m. 1898, Marion, d
of Oswald Rufus Milne of Werneth, Lancashire
Educ. : King’s School, Canterbury ; Oriel Col-
lege, Oxford, M.A. 1891. Ordained, 1889 , Curate
of West Wickham, 1889-91 ; Bversbot, 1891-1896 ;
Tolpuddle, 1896-1900, Vicar of Godney, 1900-
1915; Rural Dean of Glastonbury, 1912-15 ; Pre-
bendary of Warminster in Wells Cathedral, 1913
Address: The North Liberty, Wells, Somerset
ALCOOK, Milcpitha L., C.B.B., 1936;
Secretary to the King's Private Secretary; d.
of late Rev. J. P. Alcock. Educ Privately.
Address : Buckingham Palace, S.W.l.
ALCOCK, Reerinald, C.B B. 1919,
F.R.C.S.B , J.P. ; Honorary Surgeon to the
North Staffordshire Infirmary, Stoke-on-
Trent; b. 1868; s. of John Alcock, J.P.,
of Portland House, Burslem ; m. 1916,
Elizabeth Colebrooke, d of Rev. James
Cowan, Crawfordjohn ; one s. one d. Educ. :
Victoria University, Manchester. Late Surgeon
to the Stoke on-Trent War Hospital. Recrea
tion : golf. Address : Chatterley House, Hanley,
Staffs. T.: 145.
ALCOCK, Sir Walter Galpin, Kt., cr.
1933 ; M.V.O.; Mus.Doc., Dunelm; Kr.C.M.,
F.R.C.O. ; Organist of Salisbury Cathedral
since 1916 ; b. 29 Dec. 1861 ; s. of W. W.
Alcock ; m. 1898, Naomi Blanche, d. of late
Rev. Charles Halford Lucas, Rector of Edith
Western, Stamford ; one *, six d. Educ. :
privately. Society of Arts Scholar at late
National Training School for Music, 1876-
1881 ; Organist, Parish Church, Twickenham,
1881-87 ; Quebec Chapel, 1887-96 ; Holy Trinity,
Sloane Street, 1896-1902; Organist to H.M.’s
Chapels Royal, 1902-16 ; Assistant Organist of
Westminster Abbey, 1896-1916; Professor of
Organ R.C.M. since 1893; Examiner to the Asso-
ciated Board R.A.M. and R.C.M., to the B.C.
Org. and R.C.M. ; Examiner in Music, Durham
University, 1914, 1916, 1916, 1930, and 1931;
Organist at the Coronation of King Edward and
Queen Alexandra, and that of King George and
WHO*S WHO, 1038
Queen Mary ; also assisted at Coronation of
King George VI. and Queen Elizabeth ; com-
posed the music to the “ Sanctus ” at the Coro-
nation service of 1911; President Royal College
of Organists, 1927*28. Publications : Treatise on
Organ Playing; Artidee m Musical Times,
Lectures, Church and Organ Music, etc. Ite-
oreations: engineering, motoring, astronomy,
photography. Addre<i8 • The Close, Salisbury.
T,: 474. Club: Athenceum.
See also Sir Fenton George Ilort, R. A. Poivell,
t. S. bimpson.
AlflCORIST, Georffe Oscar, K C. ; 6 Lennox-
ville, Quebec, 8 May 1850 ; a. of Thomas Coke
Alcorn, M.D., and Martha A. Bartlett; m.
1872, Sara J. Leavens, Belleville, Ontario ;
two 5. one d. Educ, : Toronto Grammar
School and Osgoode Hall. Called to Bar of
Ontario, 1871 ; Q C. 1890 , practised at Belle-
ville, Ontario, 1871-78 ; and at Picton, Ontario,
1878-1910 , Master-in Ordinary of Supreme
Court of Judicature for Ontario, 1910-25;
M.P. Prince Edward County, Ontario, 1900-1008.
Address : 102 Tyndall Avenue, Toronto, 8,
Ontario, Canada T. : 66, 37.
AXiDAM, Col. W. St. A.: see Warde-Aldam.
AliDENi John H., M.A., D Mus
(Oxon), P.RCO., A R C.M ; Organist and
Master of the Music, St. Martin -in-the-
Fields, Trafalgar Square, W.C.2 since 1935*
b. 22 Feb 1900 , s of Herbert B Alden. hduc. :
New and Magdalen College Schools, Oxford ;
New College, Oxford. Director of Music,
Diocesan College, Capetown, 1923-26; Assistant
Director of Music, Harrow School, 1927-30;
Director of Music, Bradfield College, Berks,
1931-34 Address * c/o St Maitin in the hields,
Tiafalgar Square, W.C 2.
AlaDEN, Sir Percy. Kt. ci'. 1983 ; M A ;
Chairman of British Institute of Social Service ,
Bursar of the Sir Richard Stapley Educational
Trust ; Chairman of Sir Halley Stewart Tiust ,
b Oxford, 6 June 1865 , m. 1899, Dr. Margaret
Pearse ; four d. Educ. : Balliol College,
Oxford Councillor of Borough of West Ham,
1892-1901 ; Deputy- Major, 1898 ; co-opted
Member of the London School Board, 1908.
Warden of Mansfield House University Settle-
ment, 1891-1901 ; Hon. Warden, 1901 ; Vice
President, 1902 ; Editor of the Echo, 1901-2 ,
M.P. (R ) Tottenham Division of Middlesex,
1906-18 ; (Lab.) South Tottenham, 1923 24 ,
was Commissioner to Board of Agriculture for
Cultivation of Lands ; lectured in the United
States, New Zealand, and Australia on social
and labour problems. Publications * The
Unemployed — A National Question ; The Un-
employable; Housing; Democratic England;
Hungary of To-Day, etc. Recreations : yaimtinp,
golf. Address : Lane End, Sandy Lodge Road,
Moor Park, Rickmans worth. 2. Rickmans
worth 622. Club Reform.
ALDEN HAM, 3rd Baron (or. 1896), Gerald
Henry Beresford, Gihba, partner m
Antony Gibbs and Sons, London , b. 9 Jan.
1879; 8. of 2nd Baron and Bridget, d. of Right
Hon. A. J. Beresford Hope, M P. 5 father,
1936 , m. 1906, Lillie Caroline, d. of Rev. W. T.
Houlds worth. Educ.: Eton ; Christ Church,
Oxford, B.A. 1901. Hei/r: Baron nunsdon,
q.v. Address: 41 Connaught Square, W.2. T. •
Paddington 2354 ; Clifton Hampden, Abingdon.
Clubs: Carlton, Bachelors’.
ALDER, WllfVed, C.I.E. 1923: O.B.B. 1919.
Educ. : Trinity College, Cambridge, M.A
Entered Indian Civil Service, 1900 , Accountant-
General, Bihar and Onssa, 1912; Puniab, 1913 ;
Bombay, 1917; United Provinces, 1917 ; offlcia-
tiiig Controller of Currency, Calcutta, 1919 ,
retired, 1926
ALDERSEY, Captain Ralph; Landowner,
Chester ; land agent to Col. E Royds, Stubton,
Lines., since 1919 ; 2nd s. of Hugh Aldersey of
Aldersey ; m. 1927, Rachel, d. of Com. Gauasen,
Brookman's Park, Herts ; two s. two d. Educ.:
Radley College. Business, 1908-14; Army,
1914-19 (twice wounded, despatches). Recrea-
tions : hunting, shooting, etc. Address :
Aldersey, Chester. T.A. : Glutton. T. :
Broxton 8.
ALDERSON, Major Edmund. D.S.O.
1918 ; T.D.; M.D., late R A.M C., ; &. 1883 ; w.
1908, Ellen Harley. Educ. : Clitheroe Royal
Grammar School, Liverpool University. Served
European War, 1914-18 (despatches, D.S.O )
Address . 185 Wadhain Gardens, Greenford,
ALDERSON, Sir Edward Hall, K.C.B ,
cr. 1981 , K.B E , cr. 1925 ; C B 1919 ; J.P. ; b.
1864 ; 8. of late Francis J. Alderson, and g.s. of
late Sir Edward Hall Alderson, a Baron of the
Exchequer ; m 1900, Mary Emily (d. 1935), d, of
Sir H. Cosmo Bonsor, 1st Bt. ; two s. one d.
Educ. privately , Biasenose College, Oxford
(B A ). Called to Bar, Inner Temple, 1890 ; S B.
Circuit and C.C C. , Private Secretary to Lord
Chancellor (E. Halsbury), and Secretary of Com-
missions, 1895-1900 , Reading Clerk and Clerk
of Outdoor Coininittees, House of Lords, 1900-
1917 ; Clerk Assistant of the Parliaments, 1917-
1980 ; Clerk of tiie Parliaments, 1930 34. Recrea-
tions: riding, tennis, golt, play-acting. Address.
The Hall, Tunstall, Wood bridge, Suffolk.
Clubs ' Travellers’, Beefsteak
ALDERSON. Vice-Adm. William
John Standly, C.B. 1922. Served Egyptian
War, 1882 (Egyptian medal, Khedives Bronze
Star), Dongola Expedition, 1896 (Khedive’s
medal); Flag Captain to Vice-Adm, command-
ing 4th Battle Squadron, 1914 (British War
medal, Victory medal, 1914-16 Star); Com-
manded Pitot (Bug) at King Edward’s Corona-
tion Review (Coronation medal); commanded
Isis at King George’s Coronation Review
(Coronation medal); Officier de la L6gion
d’honneur, 1918 , command^l Reserve Fleet at
Nore, 1921-22 , retired list, 1928 ; Vice-Adm
1925 Address Ovingliam House, Cardigan
ALDINGTON, Richard; b 1892 ; m. 1913,
“ H D. ” Educ. : Dovei College ; London
University. Served European War, 1916-18.
Publications • Images, Old and New, 1915; War
and Love, 1918 ; Images of Desire, 1919 ; Exile,
and other Poems, 1923; Literary studies, 1924 ;
A Fool i’ the Forest, 1925 ; French studies,
1925; Voltaire, 1926; Collected Poems, 1928;
Death of a Hero, 1929; A Dream in the
Luxembourg, 1930 ; Roads to Glory, 1930 ;
The Colonel’s Daughter, 1931 ; Last Straws,
1931 ; The Eaten Heart, 1931 , Soft Answers,
1932; All Men are Enemies, 1933, Women
Must Work, 1934 ; The Spirit of Place, com-
piled from prose of D. H Lawrence, 1935;
Life Quest, 193t), Artifex, 1936, Very Heaven,
1937; also translations Address: c/o William
Heinemann, 9u Great Russell Street, W C.
ALDRED- BROWN, Georgre Ronald
Pym. B A , B.M., B Cn. (Oxon); physician ,
specialist m rheumatism ; Pliysician to the
Royal Mineral Water Hospital, (The National
Hospital lor Rheumatic Disorders), Bath ; late
Physician, Pathologist and Bacteriologist to
the Dorset County Hospital; 6 1896; o. s. o*
late Richard Aldred-Brown, Controller General
of Education, Egyptian Cnil Service; wi. 1925,
Doreen Mary, o. d of Col. P. B Crowe ; one d.
Educ.' Harrow; Oxford University; London
Hospital. Fellow of the Royal Society of
Medicine and a Member of the International
Society of Hydrology ; served European Wai
in France, 1915-18, Capt. R P.A. Publications •
numerous contributions to vaiious medical
journals chiefly in connection with rheumatism.
Recreation‘s . golf and tennis. Address 24 The
Circus, Bath. T. : Bath 3565. Clubs Sports ;
Bath and County, Bath.
ALDRIDGE, Lt-Col. Arthur Russell,
C.B. 1918; C.S.l. 1911; C.M.G. 1917; M.B.,
C.M. Bdin , D.P.H. ; b. 8 Sept. 1864 ; s. of late
J. H. Aldridge, M.D., J.P. of Southampton;
8 $
WHO’S WHO, 1938
unmarried. K.A.M.O. (retired); served with
Tibet Expedition, 1904 (despatches, medal);
A.D.M.S. Gallipoli Force, 1915; Egypt and
Salonika, 1916-17 ; Comdr. Order of Redeemer,
Greece ; Medaille d’or des 6pid6mies, France.
Address : Penne, Tekel’s Avenue, Camberley
AliEKHINE, (AljecMn) Alexander^
Chess Champion ot the World, 1927-3'> , writer,
Doctor of Law of Paris University; 6. Moscow, 1
Nov 1892; s. of A. Alekhine, Marechal de Nob-
lesse of Vorone] s Government Nobility, and
Member of the Douma, and A. Prokhoroff, d, of
the Moscow Industrial Magnate ; m. Grace
Wishaar, widow of Captain Archibald Fieeman.
FAuc : the Imperial High Law School for
Noblemen, the Pravovedenie, Petrograd. After
taking bis law degree in 1914, entered the
Foreign Office; his career was interrupted by
the Revolution, when he emigrated to France ,
•■erved voluntarily in the Great War as Red
Cross representative at the front (Sign of the
Red Cross, the Military Cross of St. Stanislas,
and the St. George’s Cross) ; as chess player he
got the title of Master at the age of sixteen,
1909, and the title of Great Master in 1914; has
to his credit more than twenty international
Tournaments, and holds the world’s record for
Blindfold Chess fNew York 1924, Pans 1925, and
Chicago 1933); Defended his title successfully
1929 and 1934 , produced a World s record score
in San Remo Tournament, 1930 ; on visiting
Iceland, made Knight of the Order of Falcon , i
on visiting Fiench Africa was made Com-
mandeur of the Nichum Iftikar and Knight ot
the Ouissan Alaouit Publications . Chess in
Soviet Russia, 1921; New York Tournament
Book, 1924 ; Hastings Tournament Book, 1922 ,
My Best Hundred Games, 1908-23 ; N.Y.
Tournament Book, 1927 , My Best Games of
Chess, 1927 ; On the Way to the World
Championship, 1932 , Zurich Tournament Book,
1934; Nottingham Tournament Book, 19 3b,
Deux Onts Parties d’lilchecs, 1937 ; publica-
tions in Freneh and foreign periodicals
Recreations: bridge, riding, canoeing, tennis,
pmg pong. Address. Le Chateau, St Aubm
le-Cauf, Seine Inferieure, France. T. : 7
ALEXANDER, family name of Earl of
OaledOQ and Baron Cobhaxn.
ALEXANDER, Rt. Hon. Albert V.,
P C 1929 ; M P (Co-op.) Hillsborough Division
of Sheffield, 1922-31 and since 1935, Secretary
of the Parliamentary Committee of the Co
operative Congress, s of Albert Alexander,
artisan engineer ; 6 Weston-super Mare, 1 May
1885 , m. 1908, Esther Ellen, y. d of late George
Chappie of Tiverton. Educ : Barton Hill
Elementary School, Bristol ; St. George
Technical Classes. Parliamentary Secretary to
the Board of Trade, 1924 ; First Lord of the
Admiralty, 1929-31 ; formerly on the staff of
the Education Committee of the Somerset
County Council : for many years Baptist lay
preacher; served in the army ; gazetted out
with hon. lank of Captain Publications
articles on co-operative and political subjects.
Address. 1 Victoria Street, S W.l T. :
Abbey 4111.
ALEXANDER, Rev. Archibald.
D D (Edin ) ; Minister of St. John’s Wood
Presbyterian Church, London, since 1921 ; 6.
West Linton, Peeblesshire, 8 March 1874 ; e. s.
of late Archibald Alexander, meichant. West
Linton ; unmarried. Edvc. : George Henot’s,
Edinburgh ; Edinburgh University. Ordained
at Wat^rbeck, 1900; Minister cf Avr Trinity
U.F. Churcli, 1907-21 ; serv^ed as Chaplain in
France, 1915-17 ; Moderator of the General
Assembly of Presbyterian Church of England,
1934. Publications The Glorv in the
Grey; A Day at a Time; The Stuff of Life,
By Sun and Candle-light; Turn But a Stone ;
Feathers on the Moor ; Sparrows in the Organ.
Recreation : golf. Address : 40 St. John’s Wood
Park, N.W.8. T. : Primrose Hill 3144.
ALEXANDER, Brig.-Gen. Charles
Henry, O.B.B. 1919; R.A. retired: 6. 2 June
1866 ; s, of John Alexander, Milford, Carlow ;
m. 1891, Isabel Annie, d. of late Sir Campbell
Ross, K.C.B. ; ones. Educ,: Uppingham,
R.M. Academy, Woolwich. Served in Royal
Artillery, 1876-1908; Colonel, 1908; rejoined
from retired list in European War, 10 Oct. 1914 ;
foimed I9th Divisional Artillery, 1914 ; formed
2Jst Divisional Artillery and commanded it
with rank of Brigadier-General until after the
battle of Loos. 1915 ; subsequently commanded
69th Divisional Artillery, No. 6 Reserve Brigade,
R F A. (T ) and No. 6-C. Reserve Brigade,
R.F. A. ; mentioned for valuable Services during
the War; Bug -General, 1918. Address: 242
Cooden Drive, Bexhill T. : Cooden 409.
ALEXANDER, Sir Claud, 2nd Bt., cr.
1886 ; b. 24 Feb. 1867 ; *. of 1st Bart, and Eliza,
d. of Alexander Speirs of Elderslie; S father
1899; m 1st, 1889, Lady Diana Montgomerie, d. of
14th Earl of Eghnton and Winton ; 2nd, 1896,
Rachel, d. of late Rev. Henry Holden, D D. ; two
5. one d. Educ : Eton ; New Coll. Oxon Late
Lieut. 3rd Batt. Royal Scots Fusiliers Heir .
g 8 Claud, h. 6 Jan 1927. Address: Fay Gate
Wood, Sussex ; Ballochmyle, Mauchline, Ayr-
ALEXANDER, Csrril Wilson, C M.G.
1928 ; h. 12 Oct. 1879 , s. of late William
Alexander, formerly Local Director Barclays
Bank, Ltd., Ipswich. Educ : Shrewsbury
School ; Trinity College, Cambridge Ap-
pointed to Colonial Service as Administrative
Officer m Nigeria, 190b, Commissioner of
Lands, 1908 ; Resident of Piovince, 1919 ;
Lieutenant Governor of Southern Provinces,
1929 30 ; Lieutenant-Governor of the Northern
Provinces of Nigeria, 1930-32 ; retired, 1932.
Recreations lawn tennis, golf, and fishing.
Address * Moon’s Cottage, Ninfield, near Battle
T. Ninfield 40 Club Oxford and Cambridge.
ALEXANDER, David, C M G. 1923;
L R C S and L R 0 P. Ed. ; D.P.H : D T M.
and H ; late Director of Medical and Sanitary
Services, Nigeria; m 1913 Educ Glasgow
University , Anderson s College of Medicine,
Glasgow Joined West African Medical Staff,
1903. Club Royal Societies
ALEXANDER, Sir Douglas, 1st Bt.,
cr 1921, b Halifax, Yorks, 4 July 1864, s. of
Andrew Alexander, formerly of Errol, Perth-
shire, afterwards Hamilton, Ont , Canaiia ; w.
1892, Helen Hamilton (d 1923), d. of George
Hamilton Gillespie, Hamilton , tw7 s. two d.
Edw.' Collegiate Institute, Hamilton; Law
So lety of Upper Canada Went to Canada at
an early age and settled in the City of Hamilton,
Ontario ; called to the oar and admitted as a
Solicitor, 1886 , after a short practice entered
the service of the Singer Manufactuiing Co.,
became a Director in 1896, made Vice-President
the same year ; President, 1905 37. Recreations:
ruling, tennis, golf, photography, music. Heir •
s Douglas Hamilton Alexander, B. A., 6 6 June
1900 Address 1 W. 72nd Street, New York ;
Edgfthill, Stamford, Conn. T.A • Azzecco, New
York. Clubs • Riding, Automobile, New York.
ALEXANDER^ Edward Bruce, C.M.G.
1925 ; V D ; late Ceylon Civil Service , h. 8
March 1872 ; s. of R. Dundas Alexander,
I.C S. ; m. 1899, Mabel Eleanor, d. of W. D.
Bosanquet, Ripsley House, Liphook, Hants ;
two s. one d. Educ * Forest School ; Trinity
College, Oxford. Retired as Controller of
Revenue, Ceylon, 1927 ; acted as Colonial
Secretary, 1925 27, and as Governor, Oit.-Nov.
1925 ; represented Ceylon at the Colonial Office
Conference, 1927 ; represents Ceylon on the
International Tea Committee, and on the
International Rubber Regulation Committee ;
served European War, 1914-18; Hon. Lt.-Col.
late Ceylon Mounted Rifles; Grand Officer,
Order of the Crown of Belgium. Recreations :
Association football blue at Oxford, Corin-
WHO*S WHO, 1988
thians, Authentics ; played cricket for Ceylon,
etc. Address: Forest Lodge, Liss, Hants.
Clubs : Oxford and Cambridge, Queen’s.
AI.£XANDER, Maj.-Gen. Edward
Currie, C.B. 1928 ; C.I.E. 1919; D.a.O. 1902;
Indian Army, retiied ; b. 16 Sep. 1876 , s. of N. 8
Alexander, late I.C.S. ; m. 1914, Isabella (Sybil
Katherine, d. of late Major G. O. Stoney ; one
d. Entered army, 1895; served N.W. Frontier,
India, 1897 (medal with two clasps) ; Mahsud
Wazin operations, 1902 (D.S.O., despatches,
clasp) ; Mohmand Expedition, 1908 (medal and
clasp); European War, 1914-18 (despatches 4
times, Bt. of Lt.-Col., C I.E.); Kurdistan, 1919
(despatches) ; Irak, 1920 (despatches) ; retired,
1934 Club: East India United Service.
ALEXANDER. Eleanor Jane. A R.U.C ,
M. B.E., J.P., Lady of Grace St. John of Jeru-
salem ; d. of William Alexander, G.C.V.O., etc.,
lately Archbishop of Aimagh and Primate of all
Ireland, and Mrs. Alexander (C.B’.A ), hymn-
wnter. Publications: Lady Anne’s Walk; The
Rambling Rector ; The Lady of the Well ;
Primate Alexander; occasional poems In The
Times, the Spectator, etc. Address : Hampton
Court Palace, Middlesex. T. : Molesey 373.
Club • V.A.D.
ALEXANDEI^ Ernest Edward;
Alderman Essex County Council; Mirabei
Metiopolitan Water Board and Lee Conserv-
ancy Catchment Board; 6. 28 June 1872;
e. s. of late Edward Reuben Alexandei
of Leytonstone ; m 1896, Emmeline Marian,
y. d. of late Joseph Conquest, of Bow;
one s. two d, Educ. : The Siationers Com-
pany’s Foundation School. Has always taken
a keen interest in Local and Imiierial
Government; was a Member of the Leyton
Urban District Council and its Education
Committee ; contested East Leyton, 19D-
1923, and 1929 ; M P. (U.) East l^eyton, 1922
1923, and 1924-29; many yeaib Chairman of
tlie Conservative Party in the district; vas
• actively associated with his father in the
furtherance of technical education for printers
at the Polytechnic, Regent Street ; keenly
interested in Freemasonry. Address: The
Rock, Frinton-on-Sea ; Essex House, 2n Fins
Square, E.C 2. T. ' BYinton 17, National 0519.
ALEXANDER, Lt..Col. Francis
David, C.M G. 1925 ; Inspector of Remounts
b. 2 June 1879 ; «. of D. T. Alexander, Dinas
Powis, Cardiff , m. Dorothy, d of A. J. Robarts,
Tite House, Buckingham ; two d Educ . .
Haileybury College; Trinity College, Cam-
bridge. Joined 19th Hussars, 1900; seived
S. African War and European War with 19th
Hussars ; joined Remount Service, 1918.
Address Whissendine, Oakham. Club Cavalry
ALEXANDER. Frederick Matthias;
Director of the F. Matthias Alexander Trust
B\md School at Penhill, near Bexley, Kent;
also engaged m teaching his technique to
piivate pupils and in carrying on a Training
Course for teachers of the technique; h. 20
Jan. 1869 ; s. of John and Betsy Alexander.
Educ.: privately; more or less self-educated.
At an early age accepted position m mining
company in Tasmania; resigned this to become
secretary to an uncle, a member of a firm of
contractors in Melbourne ; took up violin play-
ng and reciting as bobbies ; success with the
latter led to a professional career as reciter ;
trouble developed m voice and throat which
called for the experiments set down in The Use
of the Self, and led to the discovery of a primary
control of the use of the self and the evolution
of a technique; relinquished the career of a
reciter to teach this technique, first in Mel-
bourne and then in Sydney with the support of
many medical men; came to London in 1904
with letters of introduction fi*om medical sup-
porters in Australia to their colleagues in Lon-
don where the work has become estoblished ; it
is now being carried on also in U.8.A. and
8. Africa by teachers trained in London. Pub"
licatiom: Man’s Supreme Inheritance; Conscious
Control; Constructive Conscious Control of
tlie Individual; The Use of the Self ; Treatise .
Respiratory Re-Education. Recreations • riding,
shooting, theatre. Address : 16 Ashley Place,
S. W.l. T. : Victoria 1863 ; Penhill, near Bexley,
ALEXANDER, Gilchrist Gibb, M.A. ; b.
6 Oct. 1871 ; in. Jenny, e. d. of late John White,
J.P., 1 Prince s Gardens, Glasgow, W. ; two d,
Educ.: Glasgow Academy and Glasgow Uni-
versity. M.A, with first-class honours in
Mental Philosophy, 1893 ; awarded Thomas
Logan Memorial Gold Medal as most distin-
guisiied graduate in Arts of that year, Gartmore
Gold Medal for University Essay and Eglinton
Fellowship. Called to Bar, Middle Temple, 1896,
practised m London until 1907 ; from 1907-20
(with interval of two years for service with
Imperial Army) acted in Fiji and Western
Pacific as Chief Police Magistrate, Attorney-
General, Chief Justice, and Chief Judicial
Commissioner, m the New Hebrides as British
Judge in the Joint Court of the Condominium,
and in the Solomon Islands as Lauds Commis-
sioner to deal with land disputes ; Chairman
of Commission to investigate shipping condi-
tions, Fiji; Senior Puisne Judge, High Court,
Tanganyika, East Afnca, and Member Court of
Appeal for Eastern Alrica, 1920-25 ; acting Chief
Justice, 1921-22, 1923-24 ; retired, 1925. Publi-
cations From the Middle Temple to the South
Seas, 1927 , Tanganyika Mernones ; A Judge in
the Red Kanzu, 1U36. Recreation : golf. Ad
dress. 25 Platt’s Lane, Hampstead, N.W.3 ,
T. * Hampstead 0220 Fountain Court, Temple,
A L £ X A N D £ R, Col. (temp. Brigr.)
Hon. Harold Rupert Leofric Georgre,
C S. 1. 1936 ; D.S O 1916 M.C. ; Irish Guards ,
Commander Nowsheia Brigade, Northern Com-
mand, India, since 1934 , A D C. to the King
since 1936; b 10 Dec 1891; 3rd s. of 4th Earl
of Caledon and Lady Elizabeth Graham Toler, d.
of 3rd Earl of Norbury ; ni. 1931, Lady Margaret
Diana Bingham, yr. d of 5tb Earl of Lucan, Q.r. ;
one s. one d Educ. . Harrow , Sandhurst. Served
European War (Franco), 1914-17 (despatches five
times, D.S.O., M.C., Legion of Honour, Order of
St. Anne, 2nd Class, with swords, Russia),
Loe-Agra Operations, N W. ITrontier, 1935
(despatche‘<, C.S I.); Mohmand Operations,
1935 (de^^patebes); Commandiiig Regiment and
Regimental District of Iiish Guards, 1928-30;
General Staff Officer 1st Grade, Northern
Command, 1932 34 Address Castle Caledon,
Tyrone. Hvb'i Guards’, White’s
ALEXANDER, Lt..Col. Heber Mait-
land, D.S.O. 1915; O.B.E. 1919, Indian Army
retired ; b 1 Feb. 1881 ; 2nd s. of Major C. A.
Alexamier, The Spinney, Cooden Beaeh ; m. 1st,
1909, Mary Brenda (d. 1914), d. of late J. H B.
Walch of Hobart, Tasmania ; no c ; 2nd, 1920,
Violet Lilian, d. of Lt.-Col S. L. Aplin, C S I.,
q.v., and widow of Major H. M. Hogg, 32nd
Laiiceis; one d. Educ.: Clifton; Sandbuist.
Joined Somerset Light Infantrj, 1900; trans
ferred to Indian Army, 1911 ; I>t Col. 1Q26 ;
served European War m command of 9th Mule
Corps, Indian Army, BYance, Sept. 1914-April
1915, with Lahore Division, and Gallipoli, April
to Nov. 1915, with Australian and New Zealand
Army Corps; piesentat first landing in Gallipoli
and at battle of Suvla Bay (despatches twice,
D.S O., OB.E.); Army Headquarters India,
1917-18; Indian Mnrutiona Board, 1918-20;
Deputy Secretary Government of India, 1921 ;
Diiector of Purchases, Government of India,
1922-31 ; retired 1981. Publication: On Two
Fronts, 1917. Address: Summerfleld, Alver-
stoke, Hants.
ALEXANDER, Henry; Lord Provost of
Aberdeen, 1982-35 ; editor Aberdeen >>66 Press,
1914-22 ; 5. 1875 ; e. s. of Henry Alexander (d.
1914), editor Aberdeen Free Press, and Annie
(rf. 1906), d. of late William M'Combie, one of
the founders and first editor of the Free Press ;
m. 1920, Margaret Skelton, 3rd d. of John
Clarke, LL. D., Chanonry House, Old Aber-
deen ; one s. one d. hduc, : Aberdeen Gram-
mar School and University of Aberdeen ; M.A.
1895. Member of Aberdeen Town Council, 1925-
1935; D L. and J.P. of the County of the City
of Aberdeen ; Chairman, Aberdeen and District
Joint Town Planning Committee, 1928-33;
Chairman of Scottish Housing Advisory Com-
mittee, 1936 ; Member of Argyllshire National
Forest Park Advisory Committee, 1936 ;
Member of Scottisli Committee ol the Council
lor Art and Industry, 1036; Member of Con-
sumers’ Committee for Scotland, of Food
Council and of Consumers’ Committee for
Great Britain 1034; Hon. LL.D., University
of Aberdeen, 1035 ; Rector’s Assessor in Univei-
sity Court ot University ol Aberdeen, 1036.
Publication: The Cairngoims (Scottish Moun-
taineering Club Guide). Recreations: walk-
ing and climbing. Address : 31 Queen’s Road,
Aberdeen. T. ; Aberdeen 244
ALEXANDER, MaJ.-Gen. Henry
Lethbridge, C.B. 1919 ; C.M.G. 1919; D.S O
1915 ; (retired pay) ; late Dorsetshire Regt. ;
h 9 March 1878 ; m. 1933, Lina, d of Hamon Le
Strange, Hunstanton Hall, Norfolk, and wxdou
of Major Charles Harcourt Wood, 15th Hussars,
Entered army, 1897 ; Captain, 1904 ; Major,
1914 ; D.A and Q.M G. (temporary Maj.-Gen.,
G.H Q Italy, 1918; Director ot Quaitering
War Office (tempy. Maj -Gen.), 1919-20; Colonel
on Staff in charge Administration, Northern
Command ; Brigade Commander. 160th (Yoik
and Durham) Infantry Biigade, 1924-27 ; served
South Africa, 1901-2 (Queen’s medal 5 clasps);
European ,War, 1914-18 (despatches, D.S O.,
Bt. Lt.-Col. and Col., O.B., C M.G , Order of St
Maui ice and Lazarus, Italy, Croix de Guerre,
France, Croce di Guerra, Italy); retired pay,
1927. Ad(Press • Aldermooi, Beaulieu, Hants.
T. : Beaulieu 79. Club : United Service.
ALEXANDER, Herbert, RB.C ,
R. W.S. ; F.R.GS. ; b. London, 8 Dec. 1874 ;
3rd 8. of late Lt.-Col. Boyd Francis Alexander ;
m. 1911, Edith Julia, d, of late Charles Eugene
Gunther; one d. Enlisted in the 5th Buffs.
Aug. 1914 ; served in India and Mesopotamia ;
came home Feb. 1919. Publication : Boyd
Alexander’s Last Journey. Address : Old
Wilsley, Cranbrook. T. ; Cranbrook 2. Clubs.
Arts, Chelsea Arts, Bath,
ALEXANDER. Major Hon. Herbrand
(Charles), D.S.O. 1914; late 5th Lancers;
b. and hsir-pres. of 5th Earl of Caledon, q.v. ;
6. 28 Nov. 1888 ; m. 1st, 1919, Millicent Valla
(whom he divorced, 1927), o. d. of Sir Hemy
Meredyth, 6th Bart.; one s.; 2nd, 1937, Hon.
Mrs. Domvile, Loiighlinstown, Co. Dublin.
Educ. : Harrow; R.M.C., Sandhurst. 2nd
Lieut. 5th lancers, 1909 ; Captain, 1914 ; served
European War, 1914-19 (despatches, D.S.O.) ;
Maior, 1921. Club * Cavalry.
ALEXANDER, James Browning, M.D.,
M.R.C.P (Lond.); Physician, City of London
Hospital for Diseases of the Heart and Lungs ,
Physician St. Mark’s Hospital ; Senior Phy-
sician Prince of Wales’s General Hospital ;
Dean and Lecturer in Clinical Medicine,
North-East London Post-Graduate College;
Member British Medical Association ; Fellow
Royal Society of Medicine; Member Execu-
tive Council of Institute of Hygiene ; b.
Langbank, 1888 ; «. of late Rev. Dr. A, B.
D. Alexander ; w. Mary Beatrice, d. of late
Lewis Bull, Suffolk ; one d. Edue. : Uni-
versities of Glasgow, Edinburgh, Caen.
Diploma with Honours m French Language
and Literature, 1905 ; M B , Ch.B. 1911 ; M D.
(Glasgow), 1915; M.R.C P., 1921. During
War served in the R.A.M.C. with the rank
of Major; Officer in Charge of Medical
Division of No, 10 General Hospital, and some-
time Deputy Consulting Physician to Rouen
Base. Publications: Medical Aspects of Gun-
shot Wounds ot the Chest, Quarterly Journal of
Medicine, 1917 ; Encephalitis Lethargica,
B. M J , 1919; Pragillitas Ossium occurring in
Four Generations, B M.J. 1922; Medical Aspects
ot Enlarged Thyroids, Clinical Journal, 1923,
edited Pneumonia, by tbs late R. M. Leslie,
M.D. Recreation: golf. Address: 42 Harley
Street, W.l. T. : Langham 3700.
ALEXANDER, Sir James Ulick F. C. ;
see Alexander, Major Sir Ulick.
ALEXANDER, Hon. John, C.M.G. 1927;
M.L.C., New Zealand, since 1934 ; Barrister
and Solicitor of the Supreme Court of New
Zealand, and Notary Public; senior partner in
the firm of Alexander, Bennett, Sutherland A
Warnock ; s. of Robert Alexander, Belfast ;
b. 19 April 1876; m, 1905, Amy Constance
Evelyn, d. of late John Watson Walker; one
s Educ : Methodist College, Belfast ; Prince
Albert College, Auckland Admitted a Solicitor
of the Supreme Court of New Zealand, 1899 ;
Barrister of same Coprt, 1901 ; President,
Auckland Law Society, 1923-24 and 1924-25;
appointed Notary Public, 1921 ; has been
Official Visitor to* Mental Hospital, Auckland,
since 1920 ; Member of New Zealand Prisons
Board since 1926 ; Past President, and now a
trustee, of the Auckland Club ; Past President
and now Patron of the Auckland Branch of
Navy League ; Fust President, now Vice-Presi-
dent of the Ulster Society of Auckland, New
Zealand; President Auckland Branch Overseas
League ; President of the Auckland Savings
Bank, 1929-30 and 1930 31; Diiector at Auck-
land of the Insurance Office of Australia Ltd.;
Director of the Wilton Furnace and Collieries
Co. Ltd.; a Member of Te Awamutu Masonic
Lodge; Member of Auckland Automobile
Association. Recreations: yachting for many
yeais ; football, cricket, now motoring and
tennis Address: Box 427, Auckland, New
Zealand. T. A. : Ale bensu, Auckland. Clubs:
Northern, Auckland, Auckland.
ALEXANDER, Captain Leslie
William^ C.B.E. 1927 ; late command-
ing Iraq Levy DepOb : 5. 18 Aug. 1882 ; s. of
William Alexander, of Milford, Co. Carlow ;
unmarried. Educ. : Charterhouse. Entered
Army, King’s Dragoon Guards, 1904; served
European War, 1914-18 , Mesopotamia, 1920-23,
with Iraq* Levies ; commanded 1st Cavalry Regt.
Iraq Levies, 1922-26 ; lst/2nd Cavalry Regt.
Iraq Levies, 1920-27. Recreations' pig-sticking,
polo, cncket. Club : Naval and Military.
ALEXANDER, Sir Lionel Cecil
William. 6th Bt , cr. 1809 ; D.S.O. 1916 ; late
Major 28rd Batt. London Regiment ; late Lieut.
Grenadier Guards ; 6. 28 Sep. 1886 ; S. father,
1896 ; m. Ist, 1908, Noorouz Weston (who
obtained a divorce, 1923), e. d. of 1st Baron
Cable ; one s . ; 2nd, 1924, Hope, yr. d. of
late Capt. Hurrell, Aberdeen; one s. Served
European War, 1914-18 (D.S O., Croix de
Guerre with Palmes) ; High Sheriff of Cam-
bridgeshire and Huntingdonshire, 1929. Heir:
8. Desmond William Lionel Cable- Alexander
[5. 4 Oct. 1910; m. Paddy; one 8. (5. 19 April
1936)]. Address: Grange Cottage, Hemingford
Abbots, St. Ives, Hunts. Club: Prince’s.
ALEXANDER. Lieut.-Col. Maurice,
C. M.G. 1917; K.C. 1922; B.A., B.C.L. ; b. 24
Dec. 1889; s. of L. G. Alexander, J.P. Educ.
McGill University (Gold Medallist, Literary
Society). Called to Quebec Bar, 1910 ; member
of the firm of Davidson, Wamwright, Alexander
& Elder, Barristers, Montreal; commission,
Lieutenant, 1st Regiment Grenadier Guards,
Canada, 1911 ; Capt. 1918 ; Major, 1914 ; Lt.-Col.
1916 ; served European War, 1914-17, with Ex-
peditionary Force; Deputy -Judge Advocate-
General, 1916; Judge Advocate-General, 1917
(despatches, C.M.G.) ; entered the service of
WHO’S WHO, 1938
Overseas Department, Foreign Office, 1918 , i
Secretary, British Btnlmssy, Washington, 1910-
1920; called to English Bar. Middle Temple, j
1920 ; appointed to N.*B. Circuit ; M P. (N.L.)
Southwark South-East, 1922-23 ; Diiector,
Elkington Company, Ltd., of Birmingham and
London. Address' 22 Park Lane, W.l; 'l\ .
Qrosvenor 20(56 ; 4 Plowden Buildings, Temple,
E.C.4 ; r. : Central 2324. T.A. : Maurafex
AIjBXANDER, Peter, M.A, ; Regms Pro-
fessor ot English Language and Literature,
Glasgow University, since 1935. Address: The
Uni\ ersity, Glasgow.
AIiEXANDER, Richard Charles, Pro-
fessor of Surgery, University of St. Andrews
since 1930; Senior Surgeon, Royal Infirmary
Dundee ; Consulting Surgeon, Perth Royal In-
firmary and Memorial College Hospital, St.
Andrews; 6. 18 Sep. 1884; s. of Richard
Alexander, Edinburgh, and Martha Wallace ; m.
1917, Marjorie Linda, d. of late W. A. Morgan,
Cardiff ; two s. one d. Educ. * George Watson s
College, Edinburgh; University of Edinburgh
(Crichton and Thomson Bursar, Vans Dunlop
Scholar); Paris. M.A. (Bdin.) 1904; M.B.,Ch.B.
(Hons.) Edin. 1908; House Surgeon Royal In-
firmary, Edinburgh, 1909-10; R.S.O. Chalmers
Hospital, Edinburgh, 1910-11; F.R.C.S. Edin-
burgh, 1911 ; Assistant, Department of Surgery,
Uhiversity of Edinburgh, 1911-21; Tutor in
Clinical Surgery, Royal Infirmary, Edinburgh,
1912-19; Crichton Research Scholar (jointly)
1913, Major R.A.M.C., Surgical Specialist, B.B.F.
France 1016-18 (despatches twice); Assistant
Surgeon, Chalmers Hospital, Edinburgh 1919-21.
PublicatKms ' Articles on Surgical Subjects, in
Lancet, British Journal of Surgery, British
Journal of Urology, Edinburgh Medical Journal.
Recreation: golf. Address: 4 Clarendon Terrace,
Perth Road, Dundee. T.: 67463. tlnh: Royal
and Ancient Golf, St. Andrews.
ALEXANDER. £it.-Ool. Robert
Donald Thain. D.S O. 1917 ; O B.E. 1919 ,
T.D. 1919; The London Scottish (letired);
Deputy Chief Engineer Indian State Railways
and Chief Engineer and Acting Agent, Bengal
Nagpur Railway (retired 1933) ; h. 29 Sep 1878 ;
«. 8 of late Thomas Alexander, Acting In-
spector-General of Constabulary, Jamaica, and
of Aberdeen ; ni. 1914, Lilian Margaret Beatrice,
e. d. of late A. J. W. Stone, advocate, Aberdeen ;
twos. Educ : Dulwich College ; King’s College,
London University. Train^ in Engineering
Works m America and England ; enteied Indian
Public Works Dept. (Railway Branch), 1904;
engaged on construction of the Nagda-Muttra
State Railway, Frontier Surveys and the Lower
Ganges Bridge, Bengal; served throughout
European war in India, Mesopotamia, Egypt,
and the War Office, disembodied on conclusion
of operations in Kurdistan, 1919 (despatches
foui times, DS.O., O.B.E , T.D.) ; Lieut.-Col.
Apr. 1917, and appointed Assistant Director
of Inland Water Transport, Mesopotamian
Expeditionary Force; served in Mahsud Cam-
paign (Wasiristan). 1920 ; Assistant Secre-
tary Railway Board (India), 1920-21 ; Services
lent by Government as Chief Engineer, Bengal
Nagpur Railway, 1921 : President the Institu-
tion of Engineers (Inaia), 1928-29; Member of
Council (for India), the Institution of Civil
Engineers, 1927-80. Publications : (with Lieut.-
Ool. Martln-Leake, V.C., V.D.) Some Signposts
to Shikar, 1932. Recreations : riding, golf,
shooting, tennis. Address • c/o Gnndlay and
Co , 64 Parliament Street, 8 W.l, Clubs: (Cale-
donian , Bengal, Royal Calcutta Turf, Calcutta.
A1<EXANDER. Robert Edward.
C.M.G. 1934; h, April 1874: of Joseph Alex-
ander and Frances Mary O’Donel Long; wi. 1906,
Alice McOrea McKinley, Co. Donegal ; two s.
two d, Bduc.: Royal Academical institution,
Belfkst; Royal College of Science, Dublin.
Farming 6 yetrs; Agricultural Instructor, Co
Londonderry 1908-6; Lecturer in Agriculture,
Albert Agricultural College, Dublin, 1905-9;
Professor of Agriculture N.Z. University, 1928-
1936; Director of Canterbury Agricultural
College, Lincoln, New Zealand, 1909-86. Ad-
dress. Holmbank, Macmillan Avenue, Cash-
mere Hills, Christchurch, 8.2, N.Z.
AIiEXANDER, Brig;adier Ronald
Okedeui D.S.O 1917 ; b. Kandy, Ceylon, 7
Aug. 1888 ; e. s. of late J. A. Alexander, Ceylon
Civil Service , m. 1917, Gertrude, y. d. of Right
Rev. Lennox Williams, D.l)., q.v. , two s. one d.
Edw.. Bedford. P.8 C 1919 ; entered Canadian
Militia, 1908 , the Royal Canadian Regt. 1910 ;
served European War, France and Belgium,
1915-18, 24th Canadian Infantry Battalion and
General Staff (D.S O., despatches three times,
Brevet Lieut.-CoL). Address * H Q Military
District, Montreal, Canada
ALEXANDER, Samuel, O.M. 1930 ; M.A.,
Litt.D. ; Hon. LL.D (St Andrews, Birming-
ham); Hon. D Litt (Durham, Oxford) ; Hon.
Litt D. (Cambridge, Liverijool), Fellow of the
British Academy, 1913 , Hon Fellow of Lincoln
Coll., Oxford, 1918; Hon Fellow of Balliol Coll.,
1925; Hon Professor of Philosophy, Manchester,
6. Sydney, New South Wales, 6 Jan. 1859.
Educ. . Wesley College, Melbourne ; University
of Melbourne ; Balliol College, Oxford Ist
class Classical Moderations and 1st class Mathe-
matical Moderations, 1879 ; Ist class Lit. Hum.
1881 ; Green Moral Philosophy Pnze, 1888.
Exhibitioner at Melbourne University ; Scholar
of Balliol College, Oxford, 1878 ; Fellow of Lin-
coln College, 1882-93 ; President Aristotelian
Society, 1908-11, 1930 37; Gifford Lecturer at
Univ oi Glasgow, 1910 18 ; Professor of Philo-
sophy at the Victoria University of Manchester,
1893-1924 ; Herbert Spencer Lecturer, Oxford,
1927. Publications : Moral Order and Progress,
1889 ; Locke, 1908 ; Space, Time, and Deity
(Gifford Lectures), 1920, 2nd imp. 1927 ,
Spinoza and Time, 1921 ; Art and the Material,
1926 ; Beauty and Other Forms of Value,
1933. Recreatian: cycling. Address: 24 Bruns-
wick Road, Withmgton, Manchester, 20
ALEXANDER. Rev. Sidney Arthur,
C M G. 1984; C V.O. 1930; Hon. A R 1 B A ;
M.A. ; Canon and Treasurer of bt. Paul s
Cathedral since 1909 ; Chapter Treasurer since
1911 ; 6. 1866 Educ. : St Paul’s School , Trinity
Coll., Oxford (Scholar). Ist class in Classical
Moderations, 1887 ; 1st class in Lit. Hum. 1889 ;
Newdigate Prize for English Verse, 1887 ; Hall
Houghton Septuagint Prizes (Junior) 1886, and
(Senior) 1891 ; Hall Houghton Greek Testament
Prizes (Junior) 1888, and (Senior) 1891 ,
Denyer and Johnson University Scholarship for
Theology, 1890 ; Curate of St. Michael’s, Oxford,
1889-92 ; Lecturer at Keble College, 1890-92 ,
Tutor of Keble, 1892-93 ; Reader of the Temple,
1898-1902; Canon-Missioner of Gloucester, 1902-
1909 ; Select Preacher at Oxford, 1901-3 ; Select
Preacher at Cambridge, 1904 and 1909; Ex-
araming Chaplain to Bishop of Hereford, 1896-
1918 ; Member of the Central (Unemployed'^
Body for London, 1914 ; Member of the Mansion
House War Relief Committee, 1914 ; President
of St Paul’s Lecture Society since 1930 , com
pleted in June 1Q.S0 the scheme for the preserve
tion of St. Paul’s Cathedral which he started in
1918, and for which he raised in three public
appeals a total sum of £400,000; from 1930
to 1985 engaged on his plan (which ultimately
formed the tiasis of a Bill introduced into
Parliament by the Corporation of London, and
passed m June 1935) for protecting tfce Cathedral
foundations by a sacred area drawn round the
building. Publicahons: Buddha (Newdigate
Poem), 1887 ; Christ and Scepticism, 1894 ; The
Christtanlty of St. Paul, 1899 ; The Mind of
Christ, 1908; Progressive Revelation (Lectures to
Clergy at St. Asaph), 1910 ; The Saints’ Appeal,
1912 ; The Safety of St. Paul’s, 1927, 2iid ed. 1980;
The Cross and the Dome, 1980 ; A Cathedral
WHO'S WHO, 1938
Calendar (daily quotations from his writings), ll>18 (D.S.O. and bar) ; 3rd Afghan War, 1919
1932. Address: 2 Amen Court, St. Paul’s, (medal and clasp) ; retired pay, 1923. Address:
B.O 4. T. : City 3747.
ALEXANDER, Thomas Hood
Wilson, M.B., Ch 13., P.R.C.S. ; J.P. Moray-
shire. Surgeon hlgin Hospital ; chairman Gale
donian Associated i inema companies ; Diiector
Century Insurance Ltd and other companies;
6. 21 Man h, lb78; s. of late Thomas Alexander
and Elizabeth Hood Wilson ; w. 1901, Agnes
Grainger Siewart Kilpatrick; one s. two d.
Edtic . . Perth Academy; Edinburgh University.
House Suigeon, B. SuOolk Hospital, 1900*1;
Clinical Assistant Chants Hospital, Berlin, 1901 ,
medical and surgical jiractice, Elgin since 1901 ;
County Director, Red Cross, Morayshire, 1913-
1916; Capt. R.A.M.C. (T.) 1st Scottish General
Hospital ; Vlajoi in charge surgiciil division,
Salonica; late chairman Banff, Moray and
Nairn Bi ti'h Medical Association and chairman
Northern Counties of Scotland British Me'lical
Assocntion; late chairman Moray B mcation
Authority; president Moray and Nairn l>ibe al
Association. Ueci&ttions : hshing, shooting, golf,
Adiress. Woodpark, Lhanbryrl, Elgin; 28 In-
stitution Road, Elgin. T. . Lhaiibryd 22, Elgin
600. Clubs Caledonian ; Royal Scottish Auto-
mobile, (ilasgow.
ALEXANDER, Major Sir Ullck,
KCV.o, cr. 1W37 ; C.M G 1934 ; C.V.O.
1032 ; M.V.O. 1926 , O B E. 1019 , Keeper
of the Privy Purse ^ince 1936; Extra Equerry
to the King since r»37 ; 6. 10 Feb. 188** ,
e. s. of James Dalison and The Lady
Emily Alexander, e. <i. of 9th Earl of Cork
Ehic.: Eton; SHiidhurst. Joined Coldstream
Guards, 1000 ; 8er^ed European War in France
(1914 stall, Egypt and Palestine, and on ex-
pedition to Darfur, 1916 (medal and clasp),
seried in Egyptian Army, 1915 21 (Order of the
Nile, 4th. cl ts«, despatches); Military Becretaiy,
Egyptian Army, 1<»20-2I ; Political Secretary to
the Governoi-Qeiieral of the Union of South
Alnca (Lord Atlilone), 1923 26; Comptroller of
the Hous hold of the Duke and Duchess of
Kent, 192S-3b ; Financial Secretaiy to the
King, 103t) 37 ; Chief ot istaff to Pniice George
duiing olflcial visit to South Afiica, 1934
Direc tor, Scottish Union and National Insuiance
Co. Address St. James's Palace, S.W.l. Club,
William, K.B.B., cr. 1920; O.B. 1919.
C.M G. 1918, D.aO. 1916; T.D 1919; 6th
Black Watch (T.F.R); M.P. (U ) Central
Glasgow since 1928 ; Managing Director,
Charles Tennant & Co. Ltd., Glasgow and
branches; 6. Glasgow, 4 May 1874 ; s. of late
Thomas Alexander of Brentham Park, Stirling ;
w. Ist, 1911, Beatrice Evelyn (d. 1928), y. d, of
late John Ritchie of Bingham, Paramatta,
N.S W. ; four 5.; 2nd, 19:i0, Ruby Mary
widow of Comdr. Patrick Spencer, R N., and
e. d. of late John Ritchie Bingham, Paramatta,
N S.W. Kduc : Kelvjiiside Academy , Glasgow
University ; Gottingen. Lieut. T.P., 1899 ; Capt,
1906 ; Major, 1915 ; Brig.-Geii. 1917 ; served
European War, 1914-18 (D.S O., despatches,
Bt. Lt.-Gol., Temp. Brig. -Gen., Legion of
Honour, Officer of St. Maurice and St Lazarus) ;
Director of Administration National Explosives
Factories, Ministry of Munitions. 1916-17; Con-
troller of Aircraft Supply and Production,
1917-19; Director-General of Purchases, 1919.20
Address Marist'm House, near Newburv Berks.
T.' Hermitage 93. Clubf Carlton, Royal Air
Force Western, Conservative, Glasgow
ALEXANDER, Lieutenant - Colonel
William Nathaniel Stuart, D.8.()
1915; late the Connaught Rangers; b. 8 May
1874 ; m. 1914, Kathleen Marguerite, d. ofLt -Col.
H N, Hilliard, Indian Army. Edue : Rugby.
Entered anny, 1894; Captain, 1902; Major,
1914 ; Lt.-Col 1921 ; served S. Africa, 1902
(Queen’s medal 8 clasps) ; European War, 1914-
Finch iirst, Sandhurst Road,tro\vthorne. Berks.
ALEXANDERi Major Hon. William
Siifiamund Patrick, D.S U. 1917 ; Irish
Guards , y. s. ot 4th Bari of Caledon ; h. 1895 ;
m. 1934, Jane Hormione, 0 . d. of late Comdr.
Bernard Buxton, R.N. ; ones. Educ. : IlaiTow;
Roy. Military Coll., Sandhurst Served Euro-
pean War, 1914-17 (wounded, despatches,
D 8.O.). Clubs: Guards’, White’s.
Sir Edwyn Sinclair, G.C.I3. cr. 1980;
K.C.B., cr. 1919, C.B. 1916; M.V.O. 1908 ;
J. P., D.L. ; 2nd s. of Capt. John Hobhouse
Iiighs Alexander, Royal Navy, C.B. (d. 1876),
and Isabella Barbara (d. 1884), 0 . d. of
late T. C. Hume , 6. 1865 ; m. Ist, 1892, Julia
Margaret (d 1930), 8rd d. of late Colonel Charles
Vereker Hamilton Campbell of Nitherplace,
Ayrshire ; two «. one d. ; 2nd, 1933, Maud
Kathleen, yr. d. of late Capi. S. Y. H. Daven-
port, and widow of Major W. R. Campbell,
D .S.O., 14th Hussars [Assumed additional
surname of Sinclair, 1894 J Entered Navy,
1879; in command of Osborne Naval Col-
lege, 1905-8 , of Thud Light Cruiser Squadron,
1917-20; Artia. -Superintendent Poitsmouth
Dockyard, 1920 22 ; commanded First Battle
Squadron Atlantic Fleet, 1922 24 ; Com.-in-
Chief, China Station, 1925 26 ; The Nore,
1927- 1930; served European War, battle
ot Jutland Bank, 1916 (despatches twice,
K. C. B., C.B , Croix de Guerre, 3rd Class
Order of St. Vladimir, with swords, Russia) :
Vice-Adm., 1922, Adin., 1926: Fust and Prin-
cipal Naval A D C. to the King, 1930 ; retd, list,
1930. Address: Dunbeath Castle, Caithness.
Clubs • Naval and Military, New, Edinburgh.
ALFORD^ Edward J ohn Greg:ory ;
Professor of Fine Art, Unnersity of Toronto , b.
3 A pill 1890, s. of late Sir Eduard l^leet Alford,
and Jane Eliza Helen Nathalie Shand ; m.
1917, Marghenta Gabriella, d. of Carlo Ascanio
Tealdi of Cesanello, Pisa; two s. two d.
Educ. : Tonbi idge School ; King’s College,
Cambridge Assistant Editor to Haiold Moiiio
on Poetry and Drama; wai service with
British Red Cross Society and B.E.F in Italy,
191 )*19 ; much abroad, pr nci pally in Italy
and France studying art; resident Toynbee
Hall, 1921-22; manager to Christophers (pub-
lishers), 1922-24 and some expenemo of fur-
nishing tiade; lecturer at tlie Institute of
Education and the Courtauld Institute of Art,
University of London ; first holder of Professor -
ship of Fine Art, Univeisity of Toronto. Publi-
cations: some poetry, represented in various
anth< logies ; occasional articles in e<lucali« rial
and technical lournals; responsible with J C.
Dale for English version of Meres]kowbkv’s
Paul I produced at Court Theatre, London, 1927.
Address • University of Toronto, Canada
ALFORD, Lieut. - Colonel Henry;
Member of the King’s Bodyguard for Scotland
(Royal Company of Archers); tiaveller; b. 18
Jan. ; •. of late Lewis Alford and Florence,
e. d. of late Colonel Henry Stamford, Bombay
Horse Artillery. Ednic. • Harrow. Travelled
extensively in Africa, 1896-1901 ; served under
Lord Kitchener as Lieut, on Transport Stalf,
Soudan, 1^96 (Queen’s and Khedive’s medals
with clasp) ; as Lieut. Royal Scots Fusiliers and
on Staff 111 S. African War, 1899-1901 (medal with
five clasps) ; retired with rank of Captain, 1902,
and joined Re^-erve of Officers ; travelled in
India, Far East, and Canada, 1902-4; visited
every country in Europe and every State in
USA., 1905-10; was »n Mexican Revolution,
1910 , Co'onation Medsl, 1911 , was in Morocco
rising, 1912; raised at d commanded llih Batt.
Gordon Highlanders in European War, 1914-17;
mentioned for valuable services (medal); on
demobilisation in 1920 was granted rank of
Lieut.-Col. ; Jubilee Medal, 1985; Coronation
WHO'S WHO, 1988
Medal, 1937 ; has journeyed in nearly every
country m the world ; F.G.S., F.R G.8 , F.Z S
Publication . The Egyptian Sudan, its Loss and
Recovery, 1898 Recreations: foreign travel,
interest tn art exhibitions, especially, for the
furtherance of British art. Clubs : Travellers’,
AlaGOMA, Bishop of, since 1926 , Rt.
Rev. Rocksboroutrh Reminf^ton
Smith, M. A (Cantab.) ; B.A. (Lond ) , D D.
King 8 College, Halifax, Nova Scotia, 192*) ;
b. Brighton, 30 Nov. 1872 ; s. of Rocksborough
Smith, Elm Grove, Brighton ; m. 1909, Marione,
d. of E. Lipscombe, Teddmgton : two « Kduc. :
St. Mark’s College, Chelsea; Selwyn College,
Cambridge (Scholar) ; Salisbury Theological
College ; B.A. 1899, ist Class Theological
Tripos; Ist Class Part IT 1900; 1st Jeremie
Septuagint Prize, 1897 ; Cams Greek Testa-
ment Prize, 1898 ; Steel University Student,
1899; University Hebrew Prize, 1900. Deacon,
1900 , Priest, 1901 ; Lecturer at Ordsall Hall,
Manchester 1900; Vice - Principal Salisbury
Theological College, 1901 , M.A. 1902 ; Principal
Clergy House, Wimbledon, 1903 ; Principal
Diocesan High School for Europeans, Rangoon,
1909 , Representative of Burma, Government ot
India Education Conference, Simla, 1912; Delhi
Durbar Medal, 1912; Captain Rangoon Volun
teer Rifles, 1910 ; Vicar of Broadstone, Dorset,
1914 , Harrold Professor, Dean of Divinity,
and Vice Principal, University of LennoxMlle,
P. Quebec, 1921 , Examining Chaplain, Bishop
of Quebec, 1924, Silver Jubilee Medal, 1936
Publications , Ihe Epistle of St Paul’s First
Trial, 1899; Christianity in the Home, 1933
Address Bishophurst, Saiilt Ste. Mane,
On taiio, Canada. T. ;118.
A I- I, Abdullah Yuauf, C B E. 1917 ;
M A., LL.M (Cantab.); Fellow of the Royal
Society of Literature , Fellow of the Royal
Empire Soc ; Member of the Royal Institute
of International Affairs; Member of the Royal
Asiatic Society , Barnster-at-law, of Lincoln s
Inn , b. 4 Apr 1872 ; s of late Khan Bahadur
Yusuf All Educ ’ Wilson College, Bombay ,
Bombay University ; St. John’s College, Cam
bridge. Joined Indian Civil Service, 1895 ,
Assistant Magistrate and Collector, Saharanpur,
1896 ; Joint Magistrate in charge Karwi sub
division, 1899 ; Assistant Sessions Judge and
additional Sessions Judge, Saharanpur, 1902,
acted as Sessions Judge, Aligarh, 1908 , subse-
quently Deputy Commissioner and District
Magistrate, Gonda, Sultanpur, and Fatehpur ,
Under - Secretary to Government of India,
Finance Department, 1907 , on special duty
with Government of India, and acted as Deputy
Secretary, 1911-12; retired ftrom Indian Civil
Service, 1914; President, U P. Industrial Con-
feience, Agra, 1909; President, All -India
Muhammadan Educational Conference Nagpur,
Dec. 1910 ; Lecturer on Hindustani, Hindi, and
Indian Religions, Manners, and Customs, School
of Oriental Studies, London University, 1917-19,
Chairman of special committees on shellac,
and on gums, resins, and essential oils, and
Member of the Committee on India, Impel lal
Institute, 1916-19 , President of Indian Students
Prisoners of War Fund, 1916; Lecture Tour in
Denmark, Sweden, and Norway, Apr.-May 1918,
and in Holland, Oct -Nov. 1920 Sarf i-Khas
Counsel, Hyderabad, Deccan, 1919-20; Revenue
Minister, Hyderabad, Deccan, 1921 22, Lucknow
Bar, 1922-24; Principal, IslamiaCollege, Lahore,
1925 - 27 ; Fellow and Syndic, Piiniab Uni-
versity ; Member of Court, Aligarh University ,
Educational tour through the Near East; one
of India’s repiesentatives to the 9th Assembly
of the League of Nations, 1928; world tour,
through America, Hawamn Islands, Japan,
China, Philippines, Sti aits Settlements, Ceylon
and India, 1929-.30 ; through Canada from
Halifax to Victoria as guest of National Council
of Education, 1932 ; Executive Committee of
2 a
World Conference for International Peace
through Religion ; Presidt*iit Sind Azad
Conference, 1932; President All India Muslim
Conference, Calcutta, 19 2 ; Member Punjab
University Enquiry Committee, 1932 33 , Prin-
cipal, Islamia College, Lahore, and Fellow of
the Paqiab University, 1936. Publications :
Silk Fabrics in the North-Western Pro-
vinces and Oudh, 1900 ; Life and Labour
in India, 1907 ; The Indian Muhammadans,
1907; Mestrovic and Serbian Sculpture, 1916;
Indian Section m Expansion of the Anglo-
Saxon Nations, 1920; 6th ed. Wilson’s
Anglo-Muhammadan Law, 1980; Muslim
Educational Ideals, 1923 ; Making of India,
1926 ; Islam as a World Force, 1926 ; India
and Europe, 1926 ; Three Travellers to India,
1927 ; Social and Economic Conditions in
Mediaeval India (in Urdu), 1928 , B'unda-
mentals of Islam, 1929; Personality of
Muhammad the Prophet, 1929 , Moral Educa-
tion: Aims and Methods, 1980; Personality of
Man in Islam, 1981 , Imam Husam and his
Martyrdom, 1931 ; Medieval Inrlia, 1932 ;
Religious Polity of Islam, 1933 ; English Trans-
lation and Commentary on the Quran, 1*134-37 ;
Life and Literature, 1936 Religion and Social
Equality, 1910 ; Islamic History, its scop© and
content, 1930 , articles m Indian and English
magazines and papers Recreations: walking,
riding, travel, tennis, chess. Address * 8 Man-
sel Road, Wimbledon, S.W.19. T. . Wimble-
don 4689
ALI-RAJPUR, Chief. H.H. Raja
Sir Pratap Sin«;hji, Raja of: K C I.E
cr. 1933, C.I.E. 1915; b 1881; 5. 1891;
State covers 836 square miles and has a
population of 89,364 Son and Heir- Apparent :
Maharajkumar Fatehsmhji. The Raja receives
a hereditary salute of eleven guns. Address:
Ali-rajpur (via Dohad, B.B and C I.), Southern
States, Central India.
AIiINGTON, 3rd Baron (cr. 1876), Napier
Georg^e Henry Sturt; b. 4 Nov. 1896 ; o. s.
of 2nd Baron Alington and Lady Feodorowna
Yorke(d 1934), d. of 5th Earl of Hardwicke ; 5.
father, 1919, m 1928, Lady Mary Sibell Ashley-
Cooper (d, J936), e. d. ot 9th Earl of Sliaites-
buiy, gv ; oned Owns about 18,000 acres
Heir none. Address • Crichel, Wiinborne ; 18
Biuton Street, W 1. T : Mayfair 4026
See also Baron Brougham^ Rev, F, W, Cooper^
Baron Hardinge, Viscount Iredegar,
Al<INGTON, Very Rev. Cyril Argen-
tine | D.T)., lion. D C L Durham , Dean of
Duiharn since 1933; Hon Fellow of Trinity
College, Oxford, 1926 ; b 1872 ; s. of late Rev.
H G. Almgton of Candlesby, Lincolnshire ;
m 1904, Hon. Hester Margaret, y. d. of 4th
Baron Lyttelton ; two s four d Educ. :
Marlborough, Tnnity College, Oxford. Ist
Class Classical Moilerations, 1893 , 1st Class
Litcne Humamores, 1896. Fellow of All Souls ;
Assistant Master at Marlborough and Eton ;
Headmaster, Shrewsbury School, 1908-16 ,
Headmastei of Fton College, 1916-33 ; Chaplain
to the King 1921-33 ; Select Preacher to
Univ of Oxford, 1909-10, and 1928-29, sometime
Examining Chaplain to the Bishop of Lichfield ;
Chairman Headmasters’ Confeience, 1924-25.
Publications' A Schoolmasters Apology, 1914;
Shrewsbury Fables, 1917 ; Twenty \ fars, 1921 ;
Eton Fables, 1921 ; Strained Relations, 1922 ;
Mr. Evans ; a Cncketo Detective Story 1922 ;
Why we Read the Old Testament, 1928 ; King
Harrison and Others, 1923 ; An Eton Poetry
Book, 1926; The Count in Kensington 1926;
Tommy’s Uncle, 1927 ; Elementary Christianity,
1927; More Eton Fables, 1927, Doubts and
Difficulties, 1929 , The Abbot’s Cup 1930; The
Task of Happiness, 1931; Christian Outlines,
1931 ; The Fool Hath Said, 1933 , Final Eton
Fables, 1933 ; Eton Faces— Old and New 1983 ;
liionel Ford, 1984 ; Things Ancient and Modern,
WHO*S WHO, 1938
1936 ; A New Approach to the Old Testament, ^
1937. Address : The Deanery Durham.
6e« also Lord Dunglass.
ALISON. Comdr. Sir Archibald. 4th
Bt., cr. 1862; O B.B. 1930; R.N. retd.; &.5Nov.
1888 ; 8. of 3rd Bt. and Georgina, y. d. of late
J Bond Cabbell of Cromer Hall, Norfolk ; S
father, 1921 ; to. 1919, Isa Margery, d. of Sir
Charles Tyrrell Giles, q.v. Educ. : H.M.8.
Britannia Served Persian Gulf, 1913; Euro-
pean War, 1914-18 ; Baltic, 1919 ; chaige of tow
of Admiralty Crane Lighter, Devon port to
Singapore, 1928 (received thanks of Lords of
the Admiralty) , a Naval Assistant to Hydio-
grapher. Admiralty, 1929 31 , retired list 1932,
He'>r . h Frederick Black [b. 5 Aug 1893 ; m
1919, Lilian Phoebe, d of L. C. Phillips South
Africa]. Address: 4 Ridgwaj Gardens, Wimble-
don, 8 W 19 Club: United Service.
ALISON. Davidi R.8 A. 1922, B.P.; 5.
Dysart, Fife, 18 Feb. 1881 , m. Mary Bearsley ;
one s. one d. Edur : Kirkcaldy High School ,
Glasgow School of Art Gained Haldane Travel-
ling Scholarship, Glasgow ; also Carnegie
Travelling Scholarship of Royal Scottish Aca-
demy. Has exhibited in Royal Academy,
Royal Scottish Academy, Glasgow Institute,
Society of Seottisli Artists, Society of National
Portrait Painters ; Member of Royal Society of
Portrait Painters; enlisted in 5th Royal Scots
on outbreak of war, 1914 ; served Gallipoli ,
A R S A. 1916 Address 78 Queen Street,
Edinburgh 7. ; Bdin. 234^8.
ALISON^ John. M A., LL.D , F.R.S.E. ;
h Kiikcaldy, Fife, 28 Feb 1861 , s of late
Peter Alison, schoolmaster, Gallatown ; to.
1888, Margaret, e d ofS. K Orr, Edinburgh,
three d. jBdwc. . Edinburgh University. Pupil
Teacher ; Queen s Scholar and Teacher in Moray
House Training College ; Mathematical Master
in Edinburgh Academy, 1884-86; in George
Watson’s College till 1902 ; Principal of Glasgow
U.F C Training College till 1904 , Headmaster,
George Watson's College, Edinburgh, till 1926,
i\hen he retired Puhh<ation' (Joint) Arith-
metic for Schools and Colleges. Address * 126
Craiglea Drive Edinburgh. Club: Scottish
Liberal, Edinburgh.
ALISON, Capt. Ro^er Vincent, D.S.O.
1916 ; R N. retired. Served Battle of Jutland,
1916 (despatches, D.S.O.); captain, retired, 1980.
ALLAHABAD. R. C. Bishop of ; see
Poll, Rt. Rev. A.
ALLAN, Archibald Rnssell Watson.
RSA. 1937. A.R.S.A. 1931; Artist in Oil,
Watercolour, and Pastel ; &, Glasgow, 6 March
1878 , «. of A. R. Allan, J P and Margaret
Hunter; m 1913, Alice, y.d of William Young
Lduc ’ Collegiate School, Glasgow , Greenock
Academy First studies in art under John
Spiers, portrait painter, Glasgow , thereafter at
Glasgow Athenaeum School of Art, Julian’s
Colarossis, Glasgow School of Art (Diploma) ;
principal wo»-ks . The Aeroplane, The Top of the
Hill (Glasgow Corporation); Noon (Paisley
Corporation! , The Rebel (Smith Institute,
Stirling). Recreations gardening, reading and
the study of Scottish Gaelic. Address: Kil-
micha^'l, Randolph Road, Stirling. T.. Stirling
649 Club • Glasgow Art, Glasgow.
ALLAN, Dot ; h. Headswood House, Stirling-
shire ; 0 c. of late Alexander Allan, iron
merchant, Glasgow, and Jean Weir, d. of John
Luke, Headswood House, Stirlmgshire ; un-
married. Educ.: privately: Glasgow Uni-
versity. First novel, The Syrens ; later novels :
Makeshift, The Deans, Deepening River, 1932;
Hungei March, 1934; Virgin Fire, 1936, one
act plays pi educed : Snowdrifts, Yellow Fever;
contributes to contemporary press Address •
6 Hamilton Drive, Glasgow, W 2.T. : Western
ALLANf Dongrlas Alexander! D.Sc. ;
Ph.D. ; Director of the City of Liverpool
Public Museums since 1929; b. 28 January
1896 ; 2nd s. of late James Allan, Falkland, Fife,
and Agnes Annie Logan ; to. 1982, Gwendoline
Hesketh, B.A., er. d. of Rev. R. H. Hesketh,
B. A., vicar of Beckermet, Cumberland Educ, :
George Watson's Coll, and Boroughmuir Student
Centre, Edinburgh ; Edinburgh University.
Served Department of Explosives Supply,
Ministry of Munitions, and R.F. Artillery ,
served as geologist on three Scottish Expedi-
tions to Spitz bei gen under the late Dr. W S.
Bruce of the Scotia, 1919 21 ; Falconer Memorial
Fellow of the University of Edinburgh, 1928-25 ;
Hon Gen. Sec. University of Duiham Pliil.
Soc., 1927-29 , Swiney Lecturer in Geology,
British Museum, 1929-80 ; President of the
Lancashire and Cheshire Federation of Museums
and Art Galleries, 1931 ; Editor Proved. Liver-
pool Geological Society, 1930 ; General Com-
mittee* British Association ; Hon Treasurer
Museums Association, 1936, F.R.S.G.S ;
F.R.S.E , F.Z.S. ; Committee Liverpool Uni-
versity Institute of Archppology; Assistant
to the Regius Professor of Geology, Univer-
sity of Edinburgh, 1921 24; Lecturer in Geology,
Armstrong College, University of Durham,
Newcastle upon Tyne, 1926-29. Publications
Geographical articles on Denmark, Norway,
and Spitzbergen ; General and detailed articles
on Adult Education; The Igneous Geology ot
the Burntisland District, Trans. Roy Soc
Edin., vol. Iiii , 1924; The Physiographical
Evolution of the Midlothian Area, Scot. Geog
Mag., vol. xli., 1025 , The Volcanic History of
Southern Fife, Proc. Phil. Soc Univ. Durham,
vol. vii., 1926 ; The Stratigraphy of the British
Carboniferous, Compte Rendu du Congres Inter-
national, Pays Bas, 1927 ; The Geology of the
Highland Bolder from Tayside to Moranside,
Trans. Roy. Soc. Bdin., vol. 1 v., 1928 ; The Glacial
and Recent Drainage of the Lintiathen Area ; A
Preliminary Account of some Lower Old Red
Sandstone Conglomerates of Perthsliire and
Forfarshire, British Association, 1928 , A
Nepheline Basanite Sill at Fordell, Fife,
Proc. Liverpool Geol Soc., vol. xv., 1931
Address Dacre I odge, Daore Hill, Rock Ferry,
Cheshire 7. • Rock Ferry 1652. Club Uni
versity, Liverpool.
ALLAN. F.L.j M.C., M.A. ; Headmaster of
Wallasey Grammar School since 1934; b 2 Sep.
1893; s of Rev. T. P Allan and Agnes Willis ,
TO. 1923, Kathleen Elsie, d of J. H Bodger;
two 5. Educ. • Newcastle Royal Grammar
School ; Emmanuel College, Cambridge ; War
Degiee, awarded on reading done for Classiial
Tripos. Active service with Northumberland
Fusiliers, France, Belgium, Italy, North Russia
(wounded, despatches, M.C.), 1914-19; Tutor
at Ordination Test School, Knutsford, 1920-22 ;
Assistant Master, Worcester Royal Grammar
School, 1922-28; Headmaster, Ileanor County
Secondary School, Derbyshire, 1928-34; played
Rugby football for Northumberland and North
Midlands and captain Worcestershire and
Herefordshire Recreations' most physical
games except golf. Address : Wallasey Grammar
School. T. ' Wallasey 141.
ALLAN, George William,^K.C , lateM P.;
e. s. of late Hon. G. W. Allan, D.C.L., Senator,
and Adelaide Harriet Schreiber; b. Toronto,
13 Aug. 1860 ; to. 1896, Muriel Hester, 3rd d. of
Edmund Wragge, Toronto. Educ, : tJ.C. Coll,
and Trinity Univ , Toronto. Barrister; Anglican.
Address: Roslyn Place, Fort Rouge, Winnipeg,
Manitoba, Canada. Club : Manitoba, Winnipeg.
ALLAN, Sir Henry S. M. H. : see Have-
ALLAN, Hng'b A., Retired Chairman, Allan
Bros. & Co., U.K., Ltd. ; Director Royal Trust
Company, Montreal ; h. Montreal, 22 Sep. 1867 ;
s. of late Andrew Allan, Montreal ; to. 1884,
Margaret Elizabeth (d. 1926), d. of late William
Rae, Quebec ; one d. Educ.: Merchiston Castle
WHO^S WHO, 1938
School, Edinburgh ; Darnells, Hilmorton ;
Rugby School. CluU: Royal Automobile;
Mount Royal, Montreal.
Al«liANj Colonel Sir Hugrh Montacrni
Kt , cr. 1904 , C. V.O. 1907 , Order of Rising Sun
of Japan (3rd class), 1907 ; E D. 1932 ; retired ,
Hon. Colonel Black Watch (Royal Highlandeis)
of Canada ; Lt. Col. Canadian Expeditionary
Forces ; 6. Montreal, 18 Oct. 1800 ; 2nd «. of
late Sir Hugh Allan of Ravenscrag, Montreal,
Canada, and Matilda Caroline, d, of late John
Smith, Montreal ; m. 1898, Marguerite Ethel, d.
of late Hector Mackenzie of Montreal ; one d.
Educ, . Bishop’s College School, Lennoxville,
Province of Quebec ; Pans Address : Ravens-
crag, Montreal ; Montrose, Cacouna, P Q.
Clubs' Junior Carlton, Canada, Bath; St
James’s, Mount Royal, Montreal , Knicker-
bocker, New York.
AIjIiAN, John, M A., F S A. ; Keeper of the
Department of Coins and Medals, British
Museum, since 1931 ; e. s. of late J. G Allan,
Longniddry; m. Ida, y d of late J. C. Law,
Dundee; one ? one d. Educ : Royal High
School, Edinburgh; Uriivs of Edinburgh and
Leipzig Entered British Museum, 1907; As-
sistant Keeper, 1921 , Deputy Keeper, 1924-31 ,
Lecturer in Sanskrit, University College,
1900 17, and at the School of Oriental Studies,
1020 22, in Military Intelligence Depaitment
of War Office, 1015-18, Secretary of the Royal
Numismatic Society since 1909 ; an Editor of
the Numismatic Chronicle since 1921 ; Secretary
of the Royal High School Club in London
since 1020 and President, 1082 , Medallist of the
Nuinisniatic Society of India, 1928, of the
Royal Numismatic Society, 1030, and of the
American Numismatic Society, 103() , Hon.
Member of the Soci6t6 Franqaise de Numis-
matique and of the Vienna, American, Czecho
Slovak and Zagreb Numismatic Societies
Publications ' two volumes of British Museum
Catalogue of Indian Coins , edited Catalogue
of Coins in the Indian Museum, %ol. iv.; joint
author of the Cambridge Shorter History of
India ; contributions to Encyclopaedia Britan-
nica, Kncyc lopa?dia of Religions, Encyclopaedia
of Islam, Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society,
Numismatic Chronicle, and other Oriental and
archaeological periodicals. Recreations golf
and fishing Address British Museum, W C.l
Club : Athenaeum.
ALiIaAN. Maud| dancer, actress, pianist,
writer, o Toronto, d of Dr William Allan and
Dr IsabellM Allan, nee Hutchinson; unmarried.
Educ ' San Francisco ; Vienna ; Royal Academy
of Music, Berlin. Originally intended to be a
pianist, studied under Busoni in his master class,
graduated with honours at the Royal Academy
of Music, Berlin ; decided, after studying classic ai
sculpture and painting in Italy, to revive the
lost art of the classic dance ; made d6but as
a dancer in Vienna, 1908, and subsequently ap-
peared in the leading Contmential cities , per
formed at the Palace Theatre, London, in 1908,
with classical dances and the Vision of Salome ,
appeared at that theatre without a break until
Nov. 1908 ; reappeared there Feb to May 1909,
after touring provinces ; returned to perform
there throughout the summer, 1909; in Dec.,
same year, appeared in Petrograd and Moscow ;
Jan. 1910, proceeded to America and made first
appearance in the Carnegie Hall, New York ,
returned to Palace Theatre, London, 1911 ,
toured South Africa, India, Malay Straits,
Burma, China, Manilla, Austnalia, New Zealand,
Tasmania, and United States of America ; after
several reappearances and provincial tours in
England, proceeded again to America, and
subsequently toured Argentine, Cluli, and
Brazil ; returned, and performed at London
Palladium, Coliseum, and Alhambra; in 1928
toured Egypt, Malta, and Gibraltar; was in
London, Pans, and United States, 1924-26 ;
returned to England 1928 since when has de-
voted much time to teaching very poor children
and in preparing material for new work on her
life; pJa>ed the Abbess in the Miracle at
Lyceum, 1932 ; has appeared by command be-
fore reigning King and Queen. Publication:
My Life and Dancing, 1908 ; miscellaneous
articles in the Press. Recreations: sculpture
and architectural design, and wood-carving.
Address: West Wing, Outer Circle, Regent’s
Park, N.W.8. T.: Paddington 0788.
ALLANi Iiieut.-Col. Percy Stnarti
D 8 O. 1918 ; late Gordon Highlanders . b. 11
Dec 1874 ; s. of T. H Allan, 4 Hillside Cres-
cent, Edinburgh; m. 1914, Evelyn, d. of Charles
D. Rudd, of Ardnamurchan, Argyllshire, and
widow of Sir (John) Eldon Gorst, G C.M.G.,
K C.B. Entered Gordon Highlanders, 1896 ;
Captain, 1900 ; Major, 1913 , Bt Lt -Col , 1916 ,
Staff College, 1907-8 , Staff Employment, 1910-
1914; served lirah, 1897 98 (medal 2 clasps);
South Afiica, 1900-2 (wounded, despatches,
Queen's medal 4 clasps, Kings medal 2 clasps) ,
European War, Mons (wounded) in command
4th Batt Gordon Highlandeis, G S O 1, 74th
(Yeo ) Divi) ; Bng -Comnidr 155th Infantry
Brigade (despatches, D8.0); retired, 1919
Club United Service
ALLAN^ Peter Harvey. M.V O , O B E
1936, J P. , Magistrate of the City of Edinburgh;
b. 1880 s. of Rev William Allan, M A , Minister
of the U.F Church, Edinburgh ; m. 1906 ; ones
two d. Educ. George Henot’s College, Edin-
burgh . Member of theEdinburgh Town Council
since 1919 , Member of the Edinburgh Education
Authority since 1918, and now Chairman ; in
business in the city. Recreations : golf, bowling
Address : 21 Leopold Place, Edinburgh. Club
Liberal Edinburgh.
AliltAN, Robert George, C.T.E. 1936; M.A.
Cantab.; late Indian Agricultural Service;
Commissionei of Agricultuie, Baioda State,
India , b. 7 Nov. 1879 , s. of Alexander Allan
and Jemma Dalinahoy, Glenrnore Estate,
Coonoor, S. India, and 7 Hillside Crescent,
Edinburgh, in. 1911, Mabel Isabel Anderson;
thiee d Educ : Loretto School, Musselburgh,
Scotland, Pembroke College, Cambridge.
Principal Agnciiltuial College, Nagpur, C P ,
1907; ofificiating Director of A gnculture, (Central
Provinces, 1620-30; Director of Agriculture,
1931; retired 1935, Publications : numerous
agricultural bulletins and papeis. Address'
Dilgusha, Baroda. 1 .A : Agriculture Baroda.
Club . Caledonian United Service, Edinburgh.
Alai. AN, Robert W., R.W.8, R.8.W.,
R B C. ; Marine and Landscape Painter ; b.
Glasgow ; y. s. of late David Allan. Educ.
Glasgow ; Pans Exhibited at R A., R S.A.,
and Pans Salon since age of 23 ; represented
m the Permanent Galleries of Glasgow,
Aberdeen, Birmingham, Manchester, Liver-
pool, Leeds, Hull, Venice, Sydney, Auckland,
Dunedin, and Santiago, Chile ; received silver
medal in 1889 and bronze medal in I^OO at
International Exposition, Pans , HorsConconrs
of the Pans Salon; European Juror to Inter
national Exhibition, Carnegie Institute, Pitts-
burg, 1900; sketching tour around the world,
1907 ; published life and works in Studio
Magazines of Sep. 1901 and Mar. 1909. Recrea-
tions his professional work and golf. Address '
62 Buckingham Gate, 8 W 1 T. : Victoria
4058. Club English-Speaking Union.
AliLANj Lt.-Col. William David^ O.B.E
1918; b 4 Nov. 1879; s. of late James Allan, High-
field, Elgin ; m Eve, d of late Maj. B. R. Cro/ier,
Royal Scots Fusiliers ; three ». Educ. : Elgin
Academy ; Blundells, Tiverton. Served South
African War, 1900-2 with Seaforth High-
landers ; 2nd Lieut. Black Watch, 1902 ;
served European War, 1914-19 with the Black
Watch; Maior, 1917; Lt.-CoL, 1928; Chief
Constable of Bootle, Liverpool, 1919 20 ; Argyll,
1920-27 ; H.M. Inspector of Constabulary for
Scotland, 1927-80; H.M. Inspector of Con-
WHO’S WHO, 1988
stabulary for England and Wales, 1930; As
sistant Commissioner of Police of the Metro-
polis, 1931 ; H.M. Inspector of Constabulary
lor England and Wales since 1931. Address:
Normanleigh, Tilehuist, Reading. T. : Tilo-
hurst 6757b. Caledonian.
Al«IaANSON, Col. Cecil John Lyons,
C.M.G. 1919; C.I.B. 1916; D.S O. 1915;
Croix de Guerre, 1918 ; late 6th Gurkha Rifles,
Indian Army ; b. 2 April 1877 ; s. of late J. B.
Allanson of Talskiddy, Cornwall , m. 1925, Mar-
quesa de Mos, d. of Beresford Whyte, Newton
Manor, Co. Sligo. Educ. : Bedford ; Woolwich.
Joined R A., 1897 ; p.s.c., 1907 ; Private
Secretary to Lt -Governor of Bengal, 1909 ;
Military Secretary to Governor of Madras, 1912 ;
commanding 6th Gurkhas, Gallipoli, 1915 (three
times wounded) ; General Staff, Prance, and War
Office, 1916-20 ; Indian Frontier Force, 1921-22;
Commanding 6th Gurkhas (wounded) and 9th
Infantry Brigade, Waziristan operations ; re-
tired, 1922. Address: Palacio de Castrelos,
Vigo, Spam. Club : United Service.
ALLAN SON, Harry Llewelim Lyons,
C.I.B 1926; Indian Civil Service (retired),
s. of late J. B. Allanhon ; b, 16 Apr. 1876 ; m.
1913, Helen, d. of Colonel J R Wilmer; one s.
Educ.: Bedford School; Exeter College,
Oxford, B.A. Entered Indian Civil Service,
1900 ; retired 1932. Address: Dinas, Bath-
ampton, Bath. T. ; Batheaston 8298.
ALLANSON-WI N N; family name of
Baron Headley.
ALLARD, Sir Oeorg;e Mason, Kt., cr.
1926 ; 6. London, 28 Dec. 1866 ; s. of George
Allard ; m. 1895, Emma Victoria Oliver. Educ :
United Westminster Schools. Representative
of Government of Commonwealth of Australia
on and Chairman of the Amalgamated Wireless
Co. Ltd., 1922-31. Address: Bundarra, Woo-
nona Avenue, Wahroonga, Sydney, N.S.W.
ALLARD. Hon. Jules, Advocate ; Protho-
notary of the Superior Court of Montreal since
August 1919 ; 6. St. Frangois du Lac, County of
Yamaska, 21 Jan, 1859 ; m. 1885, Berthe, d. of
Adolphe Toupin, Montreal ; three 5. seven d
Educ. : Nicolet (College. Mayor, School Con>i
of the parish of St. Francois du Ijac during six
years ; Registrar of the county during seven
years; Member Legislative Assembly, County
of Yamaska, 1897-1905 ; of Drummond, 1910 ;
Minister of Agriculture, 1905-9 ; Minister of
Lands and Forests Province of Quebec, 1909-19 ;
a Legislative Councillor, 1905-10, and 1916-19
Address: 8t. Francois du Lac, Canada, 7’..
Pierreville 1. Club: Montreal Reform.
ALLARDYCEj Brig*. John Grahame
Buchanan, C.M.G. 1919 ; D.S.O. 1917 ;
h. 27 June 1878 ; 3rd s. of late Col. James
Allardyceof Culquoich, Aberdeenshiie ; m. 1923,
Flora McNeill, 3rd d. of late A. P Cameron of
Ardsheal, Argyll. Educ : R.M. Academy,
Woolwich 2nd Lieut R.A., 1897 ; Lieut., 1900; |
Capt., 1905; Major, 1914; Lt.-Col., 1918; Col.,
1922 ; served S A. War, 1899-1902; European I
War, 1914-18 (C.M G , D.S.O. and bar; bievet
Lt.-Col.) ; retired, 1932 Club : Army and Navy
ALLARDYCB, Robert Moir, QBE.
1936, MC., J.P, ; M.A., LL B. ; Director of
Education, Glasgow, since 1929 ; b Rothiemay,
Banffshire, 22 May 1882 ; er. s. of Rev. William
Allardyce, M.A. ; m. 1912, Clementina, y, d.
of Peter Hendry, Hillockhead, Huntly ; one
a. one d. Educ. : Gordon’s College, Aber-
deen ; Aberdeen University. Classical MasW
in Elgin Academy, 1902-5 ; in the High
School of Glasgow, 1905-12 ; Organising Secre-
tary and later Clerk and Treasurer to the
Renfrew County Committee on Secondary
Education, 1912-19 ; Director of Education
Clackmannan County Education Authority,
1919-26, with Kinross additional ; Depute
Director of Education Authority of Glasgow,
1925-29 Publications: New L^tin Course,
1910 ; Something about EJducation (Army
Lectures), 1919 ; Latin for Beginners, 1929.
Address: 129 Bath Street, Glasgow, O.2. ; 228
Queen Victoria Drive, Glasgow, W.8. T. :
Glasgow, Scotstoun 2643,
ALLASON ; see Bannatine-Allason.
ALLASON, Brig. Gen. Walter^ D.S.O.
1915 ; Retired Pay ; late the Bedfordshire and
Hertfordshire Regiment ; h. 18 March 1875 ;
m. 1908, Katharine Hamilton, d. of late Vice-
Admiral James A. Poland ; one s. one d
Entered army, 1896 ; Capt. 1902 ; Major, 1918 ;
Lieut. -Colonel, 1921 ; Colonel, 1928 ; served S
Africa, 1899-1900 (Queen’s medal 2 clasps);
European War, 1914-19; commanded 52nd In-
fantry Brigade, April 19i8-April 1919, then 61st
Bedf. Regt. on the Rhine (wounded four times,
despatches five times, D.S.O. and bar, Bt. Lt.-
Col.); commanded Ist Bedfordshire and Hert-
fordshire Regt., 1922-26; 156th (West Scottihh)
Inf. Bde. T.A., 1927-31; retired pay, 1981.
Address: Chacoinbe Priory, Banbury. Club:
United Service.
ALLBERRY, Albert Spenser: Fice
Lance Journalist; Manager the Art News
Agency; Press Liaison Ollicei, Sea Power,
Empire Art and other important Art Exhibi-
tions ; Ed I tor-in-Chief Holiday Travel; Editor
of This Homeland of Ours ; Editor ot Picca-
dilly, 1929-30; late Editor-in-Chief of the
Bystander; Acting Editor, 1916; Assistant
Editor and Art Editor, 1909; b. 1880; m. 1902,
Agnes May, d. of late Thomas B. Rendell, of
Chiswick ; one s. Educ. : United Westminster
Schools. Art Editor of The Car and The Car
Magazine, 1902-9 ; commanded a company in 5th
Vol. Batt. Essex Regt. during the war ; Free-
dom of the City of London, 1018 Publi-
cations: Travel Articles, gardening articles
and photogiaphs, Editorials and light articles
and skit.s in the Bystander, Graphic motor-
ing papers, etc., topogiaphical and other
illustrations to Best Ways Out of London, War
in the Air, The High Roads of the Alps, The
Car Road Book, etc. Recreations: amateur
theatricals, golf, motoring, alpine climbing,
fives, lawn-tennis, painting, photography, and
gardening. Address: Chandos Cottage, Court
Hoad, Ickeiiham, Mx. T. : Ruislip 2586.
ALLCOTT, Walter Herbert^ R.W.A ,
R.B S.A. 1921 ; landscape pamtei in water
colours ; b. Birmingham, 21 Jan. 1880 ; s. of
Henry Allcott and Emily .Jane Herbert ; m.
1913, Maud, d. of Major Herbert H. Bird of
Erdington ; no c. Educ. : privately ; Birming-
ham Municipal School of Art. formerly a
painter of portraits and subject pictures in
oils ; exhibited first m 1898 ; obliged by ill-
health to give up living m towns ; settled in
Chipping Campden, Glos., 1919, where he
painted landscapes m water-colours ; elected
member of the Royal West of England
Academy, 1920 ; visited and painted all the
principal Italian cities, 1922-28 ; Venice and
Verona, etc., 1924-26; began an extended tour
of Spain and Mallorca, 1926 ; regular exhibitor
R.A., R.I., and most provincial galleries. Prin-
cipal works * Sta Tnnita, Florence, water-colour
in the collection of the Birmingham Municipal
Art Gallery ; IGrand Bridge, Blenheim, water-
colour In the collection of Sir John B Herman,
Bt. ; Sta Chiara, Assisi, water-colour in the
collection of Sir George Noble, Bt. ; Blenheim
Park, water-colour in the collection of Sir
J. Shelley-Rolls ; engaged in making a aeries of
portrait studies of local celebrities for the
Haslernere Museum permanent collection.
Address: The Angel Studio, Haslernere, Surrey.
ALLDEN, John Eric, O.B.E.. 1923 ; e. s. of
late John Horatio Allden, Nortngate House,
Be(*cles ; b. 1886. Educ. * Charterhouse; Trinity
College, Cambridge. Member of War Refugees
Comm)ttee,1914-] 5 ; European War (Intelligence
Officer), 1916-17 ; Private Secretary to Bight
Hon. Sir Laming Worthlngton-Bvans, Bart.,
M.P., when Minister without Portfolio, 1920-21,
WHO'S WHO. 1988
and when Secretary of State for War, 1921-22 ;
attended International Conferences of Paris,
Cannes, and Genoa; Hon. Attach^ Diplomatic
Service and Private Secretary to Sir Ronald
Macleay, K.C.M.G,, H.M. Minister m Peking,
1923. Address: 73 Bgerton Gardens, 8.W.8.
Clubs: Carlton, Japan Society.
AliliDBRl DGE. Charles Donald^
D 8.0.1917; T.D.; F.R.I.B.A., A.M.I.Struct.E.
Bt. Col., R A. (T.); late Officer commanding
Bast Riding Heavy Brigade R.A. ; architect
surveyor and valuer ; President Hull Guild
of Building, 1934, Vice-President of Yoik and
B. Yoikshiie Aichitectiiial Society ; b. Ripley,
Derbyshire, 25 Nov. 1889 ; s. of Rector of Routh,
B. Yorks ; m. Dorothy Gravill, L.R.A M ; one
s. one d. Educ. : Hymers College, Hull (Gover-
nor). Architect-pupil Brodrick, Lowther &
Walker, P R.I B.A., 1908-11 ; Assistant Valuer
Land Valuation Dept. Inland Revenue, 1912-14 ;
served European War in R.G.A., 1914-19; in
Prance, 1916-19, and rose to command of a
Brigade of Artillery ; joined Territorial Force
1909; Adiutant, East Riding Heavy Brigade
R.A. (T.A ), 1923-26; Member of Hull City
Council (Botanic Ward), 1927-33; Deputy
Chairman Hull Watch and Licensing Commit-
tee; Deputy Chairman Housing and Town
Planning Committee ; Mditary Member of the
Bast Riding Territorial Aimy Association ; late
Arcliitectural Assistant to Hull Corporation ;
large hospital, schools, and large housing
schemes, etc., since 1920-23; houses, Hull,
Grimsby, Howden, and B. Yorks generally ;
Roman Catholic Church Hall, several Parish
Halls ; dilapidation surveys and large alteration
schemes. Recreations: golf, badminton. Ad-
diess: Brian Chambers, 101 Alfred Gelder
Street, Hull. T.A.: Alldendge Alfred Gelder
Street, Hull. T. : Cent, Hull 16449 and 7588.
Clubs: Constitutional; Masonic, Hull
ALLiEN : family name of Baron Allen.
Baron, cr. 1932, of Hurtwood ; Rei^inald
Cliff or d Allen j Chairman of Executive of
Home and School Council ; Chairman of New
Schools Association ; Member of Executive
League of Nations Union ; Chairman ot Execu-
tive of the Next Fi\ e Years Group; b, Newport,
Mon. , 9 May 1889 ; s, of Walter Allen and Frances
Baker; m. 1921, Marjory Gill {see Lady Allen of
Hurtwood); onod. Educ.: Berkhamsted School ,
University College, Bristol , Peterliouse, Cam-
bridge Uiiiv. Secretary and General Manager
firstoffipial Labour daily, DailvCiti/en, 1911-15;
Chairman University Socialist Federation,
1912 15 ; Member Executive Fabian Society,
1912 ; Chairman No-Conscription Fellowship,
1914-18 ; three times imprisoned Conscientious
Obiector, 1916-17 ; Treasurer and Chairman
Independent Labour Party, 1922-26 ; Chairman
The New Leader, 1922-26 ; Labour Delegate
to Russia, 1920 ; Member Executive Labour
and Socialist International, 1924-26 ; Director
of the Daily Herald, 1925-30. Publications *
Labour’s Future At Stake ; Conscription and
Conscience ; Socialism and the next Labour
Government ; Putting Socialism into Practice ;
Britain’s Political Future, 1934. Recreations:
walking and gardening. Heir: none. Ad-
dress : Hurtwood House, Albury, near Guild-
ford. T. : Bwhurst 74. Club. : Reform.
AI«XaBN of Hurtwood, Bady. F.I.L.A.;
(Marjory) ; b. lO May 1897 ; d. of George and
Sarah Shorey Gill ; w. 1921, Lord Allen of Hurt-
wood, q.v. ; one d. Educ. : Bedalea School ;
Reading University. Garden Architect ; Fellow
Institute Landscape Architects ; Governor,
Bedales School. Recreations: gardening, riding.
Address: Hurtwood House, Albury, Guildford.
T : Bwhurst 74.
AliLEN, Albert Georgre, D.S.0. 1919, M.C. ;
solicitor ; b. 1888 ; 2nd«. of Alfied Allen; m. 1917,
Florence, d. of Thomas Walton Tain ; one a Educ.:
North Malvern School. Served European War
in France as Captain, 8th South Staffordshire
Regiment, and Brigade Major, 61st Infantry
Brigade (D.8.O., M.C., despatches twice). Ad-
dress. 11 Chesteiheld House, South Audiey
Street, W.l. Clubs: Windham, City of London.
A1«1jBN| Rev. Alfired, BD.;w. Mary
Longcroft (d 1932), d. of late Rev. Charles
Frederick Rich. Deacon, 1884 ; priest, 1885 ;
Canon and Prebendary of Chichester, 1909-15 ;
Vicar of Rotherham and Rural Dean of Rother-
ham, 1920-29 ; Hon. Canon of Sheffield, 1020-29.
Address: 8 Redcliffo Road, Nottingham.
ALLEN, Brie. -Gen. Alfred James
Whitacre, 0 B. 1908 ; retired list ; *. of
Major John Whitacre Allen and Eliza White-
side ; b. 7 Nov. 1867 ; w. 1st, 1889, Mary Emily
(d. 1913), d. of Lt.-Gen. &r John Hudson,
K.C.B ; two 8. ; 2nd, 1915, Violet Mary Stella,
d.of late Thomas Aid worth. The Grange, Horton
Kilby ; one s. one d. Educ. : Winchester College.
Entered Army, 1876, The Buffs , Captain, 1886 ;
M^or, 1895; Lt.-Col. 1901; Brev. Col. 1904;
Substantive Col. 1907 ; A.D.C. to G.O.C. China,
1882 ; Staff Capt. Nile Expedition, 1884-85 ;
passed Staff College, 1886; A.D.C. to Maj.-
General, Bengal, 1888-90 ; Station Staff Officer,
lat Class, 1890-92; D.A.Q.M.G. Intelligence,
Army Headquarters, India, 1892-96 ; D.A.A.
and Q M.G. Tirah Expedition Force, 1897-98 ;
Station Staff Officer, Lst Class, Punjab, 1898-99 ;
D.A.A.G. Punjab, 1809-1900; A.A.G. 1900-3;
Commandant Deolali Depot, 1903-5 ; A.Q.M.G.
Western Command, Poona, 1905-6 ; commanded
troops Ceylon, 1909-18 ; retired, 1913 ; Zulu
War, 1879 (medal with clasp) ; Nile Expedition,
1884-85 (medal with clasp, bronze star); N.W.
Frontier, 1897-98 (despatches, medal, two
clasps); European War, 1914-16 (Star 1914-16,
War Medal, Victory Medal). Address. The Firs,
Charing. T. : Chaiing 40.
ALLEN; Arthur Aclaud ; b. Prestwich,
Manchester, August 1868 ; «. of Peter Allen,
Manager of the Manchester Guardian, and
Sophia Russell, d. of J. K. Taylor, the founder
of that paper; m. 1900, Gladys, d. of J.
Douglas Walker, K.C ; three d. Educ.:
Rugby; University College, Oxford (Classical
Scholar). Called to Bar, 1893; Member L.C.C.,
1899-1913 ; Alderman, 1920-25 ; was Chairman
of various Committees ; Deputy - Chairman of
the Council, 1908-9 ; contested South Gloucester-
shire and East Dorset; M.P. (L.) Christchurch,
1906-10; Dumbartonshire, 1911-18. Address:
Whitehall Court, 8. W.l. Clubs: Athenseum,
Burlington Fine Arts.
ALLEN. Colonel Atwell Hayes, C.B.E,
1920 ; O.B.E 1919 ; R.A.O.C. ; Assistant
Direttor of Oidnance Services, War Office,
since 1936; b. 29 Oct. 1882; s. of Lt -Col.
William Henry Allen, late R.A.M.C., Paignton.
Served European War, 1914-18 (Bt. Lt -Col.
O.B B ); Instructor R.A O.C. School of In-
.struction, 1934-36.
ALLEN, Rev. Barteu Wilcocksoui 'ate
Hon. Canon of Worcester, Canon Emeritus
since 1936; Hon. C.F. , s. of Barten Fletcher
Allen; m. Alys Mary Beaumont (d. 1930); one
s. Educ.: Tutor: Jesus College, Cambridge.
Curate of Amblecote, Southport and Learning-
ton ; Vicar Folesbill and Kempsey ; Chaplain
to the Forces. Publication : A Steppmg-Stone
to Reconstruction. Recreations : bird watching
and gardening. Address: The Abbey Lcxige,
Tewkesbury, Glos. T. : 57.
ALLEN; Paymaster Rear-Admiral
Sir Bertram Cowles, K.C.B., cr. 1929 ;
C B 1919; M.V O. 1912; b. 29 Nov. 1875; s. of
late Staff Commander G. H. Allen, R.N. ; w.
1908, Edith Mary, 8rd d. of Sir R. W. Perks,
1st Bt. ; two d. Educ.: Christ’s Hospital.
Entered Navy, 1898 ; served Naval Brigade,
S.A. War, 1899-1900 (clasps for Belmont,
Modder River, Dnefontein, and Paardeberg),
specially promoted to paymaster, 1900; fleet
paymaster of H.M.S. Medina during voyage of
WHO*S WHO, 1988
King to India; Paymaster Captain, 1921;
Secretary to Fourth Sea Lord ; Paymaster
Direcoor-General, 1926-29 ; retired list, 1929.
Address • 67 Grove Hall Court, N.W.8.
AIiXiBNi Carleton Kempj M.C., D.C.L. ,
Oxford Secretary to Rhodes Trustees and
Warden of Rhodes House, Oxford, since 1931 ,
of Lincoln’s Inn, Barnster-at-Lav/ ; b. 7 Sep.
1887 ; y. s. of late Rev. William Allen, Sydney,
Australia, and Martha Jane Holdsworth ; m
Dorothy Frances, y d. of B. Halford and Jane
Spurway Williams , ones oned. Edvc.: Newing-
ton College, Sydney ; University of Sydney ; New
College, Oxford. First Class, Honour School of
Jurisprudence, 1912 ; Eldon Law Scholar, 1918 ,
European War, Western Front, Infantry, 1914 19,
Stowell Civil Law Fellow, University College,
Oxford, 1920; Tagore Professor, University of
Calcutta, 1926 ; Professor of Jurisprudence
University of Oxford, 1929-81. Puhlicattons
Legal : Law in the Making, 1927 (2nd edn ,
1930) ; Bureaucracy Triumphant, 1931 ; Legal
Duties, 1931 ; part of 19th ed. Stephen’s
Commentaries, 1928 ; articles, legal and other
periodicals Non-legoil : The Judgement of Pans
(novel), 1924 ; Oh, Mr Leacock • 1923 ; short
stones and articles in various periodicals.
Recreations • golf, lawn tennis, motoring.
Address: Rhodes House, Oxfoid PA.
Augury, Oxford. T. : Oxford 2170. Clubs:
Savile ; Oxford and County , Oxford Univer-
sity Dramatic, Oxford
AIiIaBNi lat.-Col. Carleton Woodford,
D S.O. 1918; President Ottawa Valley Powei
Co. ; Vice-President Montreal Engineering Co ,
b. 1878; m. 1916, Bernice D’Evelyn ; tvio d
Educ. : Toronto University. Served S Africa,
1899-1900 (Queen’s medal with four clasps);
European War, 1915-18 (despatches, D.S.O.)
Address 244 St James Street, Montreal,
Canada. Clubs: St. James’s, Monti eal ; Royal
Canadian Yacht.
AlaliEN, Commander Charles Henry,
D. S.O. 1919 ; R.N. ; Assistant King’s Harboui
Master at Chatham, since 1935 ; b, 1890, s. of
late Rev. A. H. Allen, Stomdge Vicarage, near
Malvern; unmarried Educ. * Osborne , Dart
mouth. Entered R.N. 1908 ; Comdr 1926
Served European War in submarines. North Sea
and subsequently until 1933 Clubs Junior Army
and Navy ; Royal Naval, Portsmouth , Royal
Western Yacht Club of England, Plymouth.
AbIiEN, Charles John, F.R.B S. ; b.
Greenford, Middlesex, 2 Sep 1862 , s. of Wm
E. Allen and Anne Sweatman ; m. 1899, Ethel
Margaret (d. 1927), d. of late Capt. Alfred
Baton, R N. ; two s. one d. hduc. Private
Boarding School, Enfield ; Lambeth School
of Art ; Royal Academy Schools. Pupil of
Hamo Thomycroft, R.A. ; exhibitor at R.A.,
Pans Salon, etc., also International Exhibition,
Pans, 1900 (gold medal), St. Louis, Rome,
Ghent, Pans Arts and Crafts, 1914, etc Works
purchased by Queen Alexandra ; Liverpool
Corporation Permanent Collection ; City of
Glasgow Permanent Collection. Principal
wori^: Liverpool Queen Victoria Memorial, and
Florence Nightingale Memorial , Eastham
(Cheshire) War Memorial ; Univ. of Liverpool
War Memorial. Recreations, walking, rowing
Address: Yew Tiee Cottage, Farley Green,
Albury, Suriey. Club • University, Liverpool
AIjIiEN, Charles Tumei\ O.I E 1920,
Newspaper Pioprietor and Manufacturer in
India; b. 1877 ; s. of late Sir George Allen,
K C I.B. ; m. 1905, Gladys Mabel, d of late Col
St. George Corbet Gore, C.S I. ; two s. two ci
Educ. : Eton r Magdalen College, Oxford. i2e-
creations: athletics of every kind and sport.
Address • Lake House, Cawnpore, India T.A.
Allen, Cawn pore. GZub: White’s.
AIiIaEN, Clarence Edgar 3 Editor of
Machinery ; Chartered Mechanical Engineci ,
Chartered Electrical Engineer; e. s. of late
David Allen of Long Buckby, Northants.
Publications : The Modern Locomotive ; Screw
Threads, etc. Recreation: idling. Address.
Sedgehurst, Church Road, Watford, Herts
T A : Machtool. London. Club : Press
AXiIjBN, Ed^ar Johnson, O.B.E 1935;
F.RS. 1914; D.Sc. (Lond.), Hon. LL.D.
(Edin.); Foieign Member, Royal Academy of
Denmark , b. 1866 ; s. of late Rev. Richard
Allen. Educ. : Kmgswood School ; Yorkshire
College, Leeds ; University of Berlin ; Univer-
sity College, London. Sherbrooke Scholarship,
1900 , Secretary Marine Biological Associa-
tion of the United Kingdom and Director
Plymouth Laboratory 1895-1030, President,
Devonshire Association, 1916 , Hansen Mem-
orial Medal and Prize, Copenhagen, 1923 ,
Linnean Gold Medal, 1926, Darwin Medal
Royal Society, 1936 Publications : various
memoirs on marine biology in Proceedings
Royal Society, Quarterly Journal Microscopical
Science, and Journal Marine Biological Associa
tion, of which he was editor, 1896 - 1936.
Address : Reservoir House, Skardon Place,
AliIaEN, Edward Heron-: see Heron Allen
AIiEEN, Col. Edward Watts, C.B.E.
1919 , Chairman and Managing Director, Civil
Service Supply Association , b. 1883 , m. 1909,
Edith Jane, d. of Charles Denyer, Upham,
Sidcup ; five d. hduc. Eltham. Addiess
South Park Lodge, Sevenoaks, Kent. Club •
ALiIjEN, Edwin Hopkins, Editor of The
Teachers World since 1919 , Bditor-in-Chief
Evans Brothers Publications; Director of
Evans Brothers, Lmiitnl , h. Newbury,
Berks, 21 May 1878 ; m. Lucy, d. of late
D. Dillingham Edu^. * The British School,
Newbury ; Westminster Training College
Taught in piimary schools, 1899 1913. Joined
staff of Teachers World as regulai contributor,
1911 ; assistant editor, 1913 , acting editor, 1915.
Recreations' gardening, books, and newspapers.
Address: Oaklea, Moor Park Road, North wood,
Middlesex, Montague House, Russell Squaie,
W.C I T A . c/o Byromtic, Westcent, London
T. : Northwood 824 , Museum 7745. Clubs
Devonshire, Arts Theatre.
AlaliEN. Ernest Joshua, C.B E. 1918,
M I Meeh B. ; b 1871 , m 1899 Maud Lilian
(d 19-56), d of late J. E. Randell, Hereford
Late Director Railway Materials, Ministry of
Munitions. Address The Red House, Box
Ridge Avenue, Pm ley, Surrey T. : Parley
4048 Club National.
AlaliEN, Sir Ernest King:, Kt , cr. 1924 ,
C. B E 1918, 6. 22 Sep. 1864 , 4th 5. of late
Robin Allen, foimerly Secretary to the Trinity
House ; m. Florence Mary, 2nd d. of late Peter
Gellatly, J.P , D L., Loughton, Essex ; one s.
one d. Called to the Bar, Inner Temple, 1894 ,
entered the Public Trustee Office as Principal
Clerk, 1907 ; Assistant Public Trustee, 1915-23 ;
retired 1 Jan. 1924 , financial advisei to the
Ormond Investment Co ; Director, Rojal
Exchange Assurance Corporation (Law Courts
Branch); and another company. Publications :
The Stamp Duties on Sea Insurances, 1890,
1903; The Law of Corporate Executors and
Trustees, 1906. Address: The Old White House,
Byfleet Road, Woking. [Died 9 July 1937.
AlaliEN, Sir Francis Raymond, 2nd
Bt , cr. 1933; 6. 11 Jan. 1910 : s of Sir Fredeiick
Charles Allen, Ist Bt. an<l Mary Harriet Come
Nash, d of late Rev. William Henry Parker,
D. D., LL.D. ; S. father 1934 , m. 1935, Althea
Joan Black, er d. of Owen Leonard Hanks,
Wallasev Bay, Essex Heir' none. Address:
Flint House, Ibstone, Bucks. Club: Bad-
AIiLEN, Frank, F R S.C. ; Professor of
Physics, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg,
since 1904; b. Mcductic, N.B., 6 Feb 1874; s.
of late Rev. John 8. Allen and Chailotte M.
Tuttle ; m. 1903, Sarah Estelle (d. 1915), d. of
WHO’a WHO, 1988
latd D. S. Harper, of New Brunswick ; two s. one
d. Educ. : public schools of N B. ; University
of New Brunswick, Fredericton (B. A. Ib95, with
highest honours in Physics and Chemistry ,
Alumni gold medallist in Latin; M,A. 1897);
Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y. (University
Scholar m Physics, 1899 ; M.A. 1900 ; President
White Fellow in Physics, 1900 ; Ph.D.
1902); Hon. LL.D. Manitoba, 1924; Principal,
High School, N.B., 1895-99; Instructor in
Physics, Cornell, 1902-4 ; Fellow, Royal
Society of Canada ; Member of Council, and
Chairman of University Faculty, 1910-14,
University of Manitoba; Membei, National
Research Council of Canada, 1932 Publica-
tions : The Universe : from Crystal Spheres to
Relativity ; papers on Physiological Optics and
Acoustics, and on the senses of Touch, Taste,
Temperature, Pain, Muscle, Glands, etc., in
various scientific journals and Transactions.
Address : University ot Manitoba, Winnipeg,
AIiliEN. Frederick Martin Brice.
M.D., M.R.C P. (Lond.); Lectuier in Infant
Hygiene and Diseases of Children, Queens
University, Belfast , Assistant Physician Bel-
fast Hospital for Sick Children ; Physician in
charge of Infants to Royal Maternity Hospital,
Belfast; Fellow of Ulster Medical Society;
Member of British Paediatric Association and
of Association of Physicians of Great Britain
and Ireland; Secretary, Biitish Medical
Association , Surgeon Lieutenant-Commander
R.N. V.R, letired. Publications • Diseases of
Children , Aids to Disease of Children. Recrea-
tion golf. Address. 73 University Road,
Belfast T. : Belfast 23480
ALXaSN, F. M.; see Downey, Edmund.
ALLEN, Rew. Geoffrey Francis, M A
(Oxon ); Union Theological College, Canton
since 1935 ; b. 25 Aug. 1902 ; 2nd s. of late
John Edwaid Taylor Allen, Holt House,
Mobberley, Cheshire, and Mabel Saunders; m.
1932, Madeline, d. of Rev. R J. S. Gill,
Tad worth, Surrey. Educ.' Rugby (Scholar);
University College, Oxford (Scholar); Ripon
Hall, Oxford (1st Class Philosophy, Politics,
and Economics, 1924; 2nd Class Theology,
1926) Liverpool Intercollegiate Secretary of
the Student Christian Movement, 192b ; Curate
of St. Saviour’s, Liverpool, 1927 ; Chaplain of
Ripon Hall, Oxford, 1^28 ; Fellow and Chaplain
of Lincoln College, Oxfoid, 1930-35 Publica
Uons: Tell John, 1932 (part author); He that
Cometh, 1932; Christ the Victonous, 1935.
Addiess: Union Theological College, Canton
Club: Authors’.
ALLEN, Geori;e, author and lecturer ; b. 18
Juno 1867 ; m. ; three s. two d. Holds recoid
for walk, Land’s End to John o' Groats, 1904 ,
dietetic and general health reformer and land
reformer. Writer in various health publications.
Address: Pontshill, nr. Ross-on-Wye, Hereford-
shire. T.A. : Pontshill, Lea, fleiefordshire.
ALLEN, George Cyril, M.Com. Ph.D ,
Brunner Professor of Economic Science, Uni-
versity of Liverpool, since 1933 ; 5. Kenilworth,
Warwickshire, 28 June 1900 ; m. 1929, Eleanora,
d. of late David Shanks, J.P., Moseley, Birming-
ham. Educ. : King Henry VIII. School, Coven-
try ; University of Birmingham. Lecturer in
Economics at the Higher Commercial Col-
lege Nagoya, Japan, 1922 -25 ; Research
Fellow and Special Lecturer in the Faculty
of Commerce, University of Birmingham,
1925 *28 ; Lecturer in Industrial Organisation,
University of Birmingham, 1928-29; Professor
of Economics and Commerce, University
College, Hull, 1929-83. Publications * Modern
Japan and iits Problems ; The British Motor
Industry ; The Industrial Development of
Birmingham and the Black Country, 1860-1927;
British Industries and their Organization, 1938;
revised edition, 1985; occasional papers in
Economic Journal, etc. Recreations: walking
tours, riding, tennis. Address: 11 Monks Way,
West Kirby, Wirral, Cheshire ; T. : Hoylake
1331. Club: University, Liverj^ol.
ALLEN, Rew. Georgre Kendall, M.A.,
b. 15 Feb. 1883 ; s, of Rev. Dr. Allen, Head-
master, Cranleigh School, Suirey ; m. 1910,
Mary Ellen Blake. Educ. : Wellington College ;
Trinity College, Cambridge. Assistant Master,
Christ’s Hospital, 1906-24 ; Chaplain to the
Forces, 1916-18 ; Headmaster The London
Orphan School, Watford, 1924-30 ; Rector of
Hampton Lovett and Blmley Lovett 1930-86.
Publication: Selections from Tennyson. Re-
creations: gardening, motoring. Address:
Cuckfield, Sussex.
ALLEN, Georse Tkomas, C.M.G. 1913;
I S.O. 1M4 ; 6. 28 Aug. 1862, Ednic. : Flinders
School, Geelong ; Melbourne University Ap-
pointed to Tieasury Department, Victoria,
1871 ; Accountant to the Treasury, 1895 ;
Secretary to Treasury, Commonwealth of
Australia, 1901-16; Commissioner of Pensions,
1909-16 ; Commissioner of Maternity Allow-
ances, 1912-16. Address: Harrold, Sel borne
Road, Kew, Melbourne, E 4, Australia.
ALLEN, Rt. Rew. Gerald Burton;
D.D., Assistant Bisliop and Archdeacon of
Oxford since 1936 ; 6. Cheltenham, 9 Jan 18S5 ;
e. 8. of late Rev. T. K. Allen, Rector of Weyhill,
Hants. Educ. : Cheltenham College ; Wadliam
College, Oxford (Scholar); 1st Class Hon.
Theol. 1908; Wells Theological College, 1908,
Deacon, 1908 ; Chaplain of Wadham College,
1908 ; Priest, 1909 ; Denyer and Johnson Theo-
logical Scholar, 1910 ; Ellerton Prize Essay,
1910 ; Fellow, Dean and Chaplain of Pembroke
College, 1910 20; Theological Lecturer, 1911;
lutor, 1912 , T.C.F , 1917 18 , Chaplain, R A F.,
1918-19 ; Senior Proctor, 1920-21 ; Principal of
St. Edmund Hall, 1920 28 ; Suffragan Bishop
of Sherborne, 1928-36, Prebendary of Foid-
ington in Salisbury Cathedral, 1927-36 ; Select
Preacher at Oxford, 1920-23 ; Cambiidge, 1926
and 1932 , Examining Chaplain to the Bishop
of Salisbury, 1911 81 ; to the Bishop of Carlisle,
1921-28 ; Member of Hebdcmodal Council, 1923-
1928; Life Governor of Cheltenham College
and of Marlborough College , Member of
Council of St David’s College, Lampeter ; Hon.
Fellow of Pembroke College, 1934 Addre->s
Chi ist Church, Oxfoid. Club' Bath.
ALLEN, Lt.-Col. Harold, D 8.0 1917; late
R A. ; 6 1881 ; s of late Walter Griffith Allen ,
m. 1925, Nancy, d. of J. Harbison, Co. Antrim ,
I one <} one d. Served European War, 1914-18
(despatches, D.S O ); retired pay, 1933 ; Mayor
of Fenbj (Pembs ), 1937. Address: Red House,
Heywood Lane, Tenby.
ALLEN, Harold Tuckwell, C.M.G. , 1936;
h. 6 Jan. 1879; s. of late Joshua Allen and late
Elizabeth Tuckwell ; m. 1905, Annie, d. of late
Nicholas Fairley. Educ.: Cavendish School,
Matlock. Entered Colonial Office, 1898 ; Assist-
ant Secretary, 1931 ; retired 1936. Address
124 Bishop's Mansions, S.W.6. T.: Putney
4921. Club ' National.
ALLEN, Harry Epworth, R.B.A 1934; h.
27 Nov. 1894 ; s. of Henry Allen and Elizabeth,
d. of Samuel Blacktin ; m. 1925, Lucy, d. of
T. O. Hodder, Southampton. Educ.: King
Edward VII School, Sheffield ; Sheffield College
of Art. Exhibitor: Royal Academy, Leeds
City Gallery, Walker Art Gallery, Lnerpool,
Laing Art Galleiy, Newcastle-on-Tjne, Brad-
ford, Derby, Huddersfield, etc. Official Pur-
chases: Leeds City Art Gallery, Laing Art
Gallery, Newcastle on-Tyne, Fereus Art Gallery,
Hull, Stoke Art Gallery, Stoke-on-Trent, Wake-
field Art Gallery, National Gallery of South
Austi alia, Adelaide; Member of Royal Society
of British Artists and of Council of Yorkshire
Group of Artists. Address. 67 Banner Cross
Road, SheflBeld.
ALLEN, Lt.-Ool. Henry Adair, D S O.,
1919 ; commanding Ist Bn. The Royal Innis* .
WHO’S WHO, 1988
killing Fusiliers since 1937 ; b. 18 July 1893 ;
8. of late Samuel Allen, D.L., J P., and
Florence Mary Adair; m. 1985, Sheila Gei-
trude Young. Educ : Aldenharn School ; Brad*
field College. Joined the Royal Inni^kdling
Fusiliers, 1912; served in Fiance with B.E.F.
Aug. 1914 until the Armistice (despatches
three times, brevet majority, D.S.O.); has
served on the Rhine, and in India, Iraq,
Chiria and Malaya since the war, and is still
serving with the Royal Inmskilling Fusiliers.
Clu^: United Service.
AlfliGN, Colonel Henry Isherwood.
D.S.O., 1917; p.s.c. ; General Staff Oiticer, Ist
Graiie, War Office, since 193e ; b. 18 Nov. 1887 ,
s. of late Rev. Dr. George Cantrell Allen;
m. 1921, Rachel Alice Houssemayne, d, of late
Col. Woodford George Du Boulay of Chelten-
ham and widow of Captain William Haire
Forster, Royal Irish Fusiliers; twos. Educ :
Wellington College Gazetted North Stattord-
shire Hegt., 1908; served Buiopean War,
France, 1916; Mesopotamia, 191(J.19 (D.S.O.,
Bt. Ma^jonty, despatches five times); General
Staff, War Office, 1921 ; transferred to Royal
Corps of Signals; Student Staflf Coll., Camber-
ley, 1922-23 ; D.A.A. and Q.M.G. 48th Div.,
1924-2'i; Q.S0 2 A H.Q., India, 1926-27;
Brigade Maior 3rd (Jheltim) Infantry Brigade,
1927 - 29 ; Commandant School of Signals,
Caitenok, 1930-32 , Inspector of Stafl School,
Iraq Army, 1934-35. Recreations: such as
military life provides. Club : Army and
ALiLGNj Herbert Stanley: F.R S. 1930;
Professor of Natural Philosophy, 1923, and
Director of Physics Research Laboratory,
Unner&ity of St. Andrews; b. Bodmin,
Cornwall, 29 Dec 1873; s. of late Rev.
R. Allen; m. 1907, Jessie, d. of late Rev.
A. Macturk ; one s. one d. Educ. : Kings-
wood School, Bath; Trinity College, Cam-
bridge (Foundation Sizar). Tenth Wrangler
in Mathematical Tripos, 1896; First Class in
Part II., Natural Sciences Tripos, 1897 ;
M.A. Cambridge; D.So. London; Superinten-
dent of Blyths wood Laboratory, Kenfiew, 1900,
Lecturer in Physics, King’s College, London,
1905 ; Reader in Physics, Univeisity of Loudon
and afterwards in University of Edinburgh ;
F. R.SB. ; F.Inst.P. Publications: Photo-
electricity ; the Liberation of Electrons by
Light ; Text-book of Practical Physics (with
H. Moore) ; The Quantum and its Inter-
pretation; Electrons and Waves; Scientific
Papers in Pxoceedings of Royal Societies of
London and Edinburgh. Address: The Uni-
versity, St Andrews.
AIiLiBNi Herbert Wameri C.B.B.,1920,
Journalist and Author; b, 8 March 1881 ;
«, 5. of Captain George Woronzow Allen,
R.N. ; m. Ethel, d. of Warwick Pemberton ; one
8, Educ,: Charterhouse; University College
Oxford (Scholar), Ist Class Hon. Mods., 1902 ;
Taylorian Scholar in Spanish. Pans Corre-
spondent of the Morning Post, 1908-14; Official
Representative of the British Press on the
French Front, 1915-16; accredited to French
G. H.Q. for Morning Post and other London
papers, 1916-17; with British Expeditionary
Force in Italy and Italian Armies, 1917-18 ;
with American Expeditionary Force in France
and Germany, Aug. 1918-March 1919; Foreign
Editor of the Moining Post, 1925-28; London
Editor of the Yorkshire Post, 1928-30; Chevalier
of the Legion of Honour; C.B.B. Publica-
tions : Celestina, Edition of Mabbe’s translation ;
The Unbroken Line; Our Italian Front (with
Captain Martin Hardie), 1920; The Wines of
France, 1924 ; The Devil that Slumbers, 1925;
Italy from End to End, 1927 ; Tlie Nymph
and the Satyr, 1927; Gentlemen, I give you
Wine, 1930; The Romance of Wine, 1931;
Sherry; Mr. Clerihew, Wine Merchant, 1933;
Trent’s Own Case (with B. C. Bentley), 1936 ;
The Uncounted Hour, 1936; articles in Corn-
hill Magazme, etc. Recreations: squash rac-
quets, iencing. Address; 11 Prince of Wales
Terrace, W.8. T. : Western 8914. Clubs:
Savage, Royal Automobile, Saints bury.
AlilaBN, Rev. Canon Herbert
William I Vicar of Alderbury since 1936 ;
Canon of Winterbourne Earls in Salisbury
Cathedral since 1925 ; s. of J. Allen, Plymouth ;
m. Amy, d. of Capt. T. Gordon, Inniskilling
Dragoons, of Cluden Bank, Northam, N. Devon ;
one d. Educ. : The Old Plymouth Grammar
School ; Trinity College, Dublin. Associate of
fhe Royal College of Organists, 1891; B.A. ;
T. C. D., 1894 ; Student of Wychtte Hall, Oxfoid,
1894-95 ; Deacon, 1895 ; Priest, 1896 ; Curate of
Northam, N. Devon, 1896-98 ; St. James’s
Poole, Dorset, 1898-1901 ; Curate-iu-Charge, of
Broadstone, Dorset, 1901-4; Rector of 8. Perrott-
cum-Moeterton, 1904-17 ; Rector of St. Paul s,
Salisbury, 1917-30; Rector of Breamore, Hants,
1030-36, Diocesan Inspector of Schools, 1917;
officiating Chaplain to the Forces, Salisbury,
1918 ; Rural Dean of Wilton, 1929 80. Recrea-
tions : music and photogiaphy. Address :
Alderbury Vicaiage, Salisiniry.
AI«LiENj Hervey; author; 6. Pittsburgh,
Pennsylvania, U.S A., 8 Dec. 1889; s. of
William H. Allen and Helen Eby Myers Allen ;
m. 1927, Ann Hyde Andrews, Syracuse, N.Y.,
U. S. A ; two d. Educ . United States Naval
Academy ; University of Pittsbmgh ; Harvaid
Univeisity. Midshipman, United States Navy ;
First Lieut , United States Army (Euiopean
War). Publications: Piose: Israfel; The Life
and Times of Edgar Allan Poe, 1926; Poe’s
biothei (with Thomas Ollive Mabbott), 1920 ;
Toward the Flame, A War Diary, 1920 ; Anthony
Ad vei se, 1933. Poetry : Wampun and Old Gold ;
Carolina Chansons (with Du Bose Heywaid);
The Bride of Huitzil, an Aztec Legend; The
Blindman; Earth Moods and other Poems;
Songs foi Annette; Sarah Simon ; New Legends.
Recreation: yachting. Address: Boniiold
Manor, Oxford, Talbot County, Maryland,
U.S. A. Club: Players, New York.
AIjIiBN, Sir Huirh Percy, G.C.V.O., cr.
1935, K.C.V.O., cr. 1928; Kt., cr. 1920; C.V O
1926; M.A, Mus. Doc. Oxon. ; Hon. D Mus
1 Camb. ; Hon. D.Litt , Sheffield ; Hon. R.A.M. ;
Hon. Fellow Christ’s Coll., Cambridge; Director
of Royal Coll, of Music ; Fellow of New Coll ,
Oxford ; Prof, of Music in University of Oxfoid
since 1918 ; President Royal Coll, of Organists;
Chairman Mus Advisoiy Cominiltee ot B B.C ,
President I.S M. 1930; Conducted at Leeds
Festival, 1913, 1922, 1925-28 ; late Conductor of
Iiondon Bach Choir and Oxford Bach Choir ;
h. 1869 ; m. 1902, Wmilred, d. of Oliver Hall of
Dedham ; one s. one d. Educ. : Kendrick
School, Reading ; Christ’s College, Cambridge.
Organist, St. Asaph Cathedral, 1897; Ely
Cathedral, 1898; Organist of New College,
Oxford, 1901-18; Director of Music, University
College, Reading, 1908 ; Subwarden of Now
College, 1916; Junior Proctor, 1917; Master
Worshipful Co. of Musicians, 1937. Address:
Royal College of Music, S W.7. T.: Kensing-
ton 3643; New College, Oxford; 9 Warwick
Gardena, W.14. Club : Athenaeum.
AI«1.EN, InflTlls, B.A. ; Writer ; b. London,
1879; 2nd s. of Philip F. Allen and Amy
M^yhew ; m. 1907 ; one s. one d. Educ. :
Merchant Taylors’ School ; Oriel College,
Oxford. Wrote senes of Varsity Stories in ITie
Idler, 1899-1900 ; series Highways and Byways
in Punch, and similar sketches in The West-
minster Gazette, 1902-1904 ; sketches in the
Bystander, Punch, Westminster Gazette, Pall
Mall Magazine Tjondnn Magazine, etc ; 2n(l
Lieut. Royal Plying Corps* 1910 ; Capt. R.A F.
1919 ; demobilised Sep. 1919 ; series of sketches
In the Passing Show, 1919; Sketches in Punch,
1919-28; Verse in Punch, 1931-82. Publica-
tions: A 'Varsity Man, IMl; A Graduate in
WHO’S WHO, 1938
Love, 1902 ; Highways and By-ways, 1908 ; Sir
’Arry, 1913; The Dear Unfair Sex (Comedy)
1906; Stryver’s Nerves (Comedy), 1909; If
We Had Only Known (Comedy), 1912 ; A Wife
in the House (one act Comedy), 1927 ; The
Colonel’s Manoeuvre (one act Comedy), 1927 ;
Stones in The 20 Story Magazine, 1929 ;
Occasional Verse and Piose in Punch, 1930-37.
Address : Northgate House, Rottingdean,
AliliHN, Col. Hon. Sir James, G.C.M.G.,
cr. 1926 ; K.C.B , cr. 1917, T.D. ; Member of
Legislative Council, N. Zealand, since 1927; h.
S. Australia, 10 Feb. 1855 ; m. 1877, Mary Hill,
d. of John Richards, Alford, Somerset; one s
three d. Educ. : Clifton ; St John’s College,
Cambridge (M.A.); Royal School of Mines
M P. Dunedin Bast, 1887-90 ; Bruce, 1891-1920 ;
Minister of Defence, New Zealand, 1912-20;
Minister of Finance and Education, 1912-15 ,
Min. of External Aflairs and Finance, 1919-20;
High Commissionei in London for N Z., 1920-
1926; Legion of Honour; Order of the Crown
(Belgium) Address : Arana, 110 Clyde Street,
Dunedin, N.l, N.Z.
See also W. H. Mon tgomery.
ALLEN, Vice-Admiral John Derwent,
C.B 1914; b. 28 Mar. 1875 ; m. 1909, Ruth,
e. d. of late Admiral Sir George Atkinson
Willos, K C B Served Somaliland, 1002 4
(clasp) ; commanded H M.S. Kent, battle o(
Falklands, 1914 (C B.); retired list, 1024. Ad-
dress Red Cottage, Townsend Avenue, St
ALLEN, John Edsall, A.RCA. (Loud);
h London, 9 Deo 1861 ; s. of David Davis
Allen and Elizabeth Allen ; m. 1893, Sara
Abrahams ; no c Educ : private school
Studied at Charterhouse School of Art; gained
Scholarship at Royal College of Art; Assistant
Master, Charterhouse School of Art, and As-
sistant Master, Camden School of Art, 1887-90 ,
Birkbeck School of Art, 1891 ; Visiting Art
Master, St. Mai tin’s Middle School for Girls,
Charing Cross Road, 1887 92; Principal of
St Martin’s School of Art, 1892-1927 ; Visiting
Art Master, Archbishop Tenison’s Grammar
School, Leicester Square, 1888-1914 ; Exlnbitor,
R.A., etc. Address: 18 Clarence Squaie,
ALLEN, John Ernest; b. 1872 ; o. c of late
John Allen of Highfield, Shepton Mallet; m
1918, Helen Garnett, 2nd d. of late Alfred
Hirst. Educ. : Clifton ; Wadham, Oxford, Lit
Hum. (2nd Class). Banister at-law, Inner
Temple; contested (L.) 8.W Sussex in 1905
and 1906 ; Member of Balkan Committee ; lion
Secretary of British Association Committee on
the Ellect of the War on Ciedit, Currency, and
Finance, 1915-22. Publications. County Elec-
tions, 1906; The War Debt, 1919; Biitish War
Budgets (with F. W Hirst), 1926. Recreation
lawn tennis. Address • 2 St. Peter’s Ter., Cam-
bridge. T. : Cambridge 2019. CZuhs; National
Liberal, Eighty, All England Lawn Tennis.
See also Francis W. Hirst. W. A Hirst
ALLEN^ Col. John Sandeman, M.C ,
T. D., M.P. (C.) Birkenhead West since 1931 ; b.
80 May 1892 ; s. of late Sir John Sandeman Allen
and 1st wife, Amy Spencer ; w. 1916, Eudora
Marv, d. of late A. H. Heal, Birkenhead ; one s.
two d. Educ. Birkenhead School ; Germany ,
France. With Booth S.S. (’o., Ltd. ; Under
writing Member of Lloyd’s ; formerly Consul <br
Belgium in Liverpool; commanding lOGth (Lan
cashiie Yeomanry) Field Bde. R A., T. A., since
1981; Brevet Colonel, 19.37; serA^ed 1914-19,
France and Belgium (M.C., T.D ) ; late member
Walton on-Thames U.D C • member Liverpool
Chamber of Commerce; Birkenhead Chambei
of Commerce; Chairman Pailiamentary Road
Group and British Group Inter-Parhamentary
Union; member West Lancs. Territorial Associa-
tion. Recreafmnf rugby football, golf. Address:
Lissant Mount, Fairview Road, Oxton, Birken-
head. T. : Birkenhead 3676. Clvhs : Con-
stitutional ; Constitutional, Exchange, Liver-
pool ; Constitutional, Birkenhead.
ALLEN I Colonel John Woolleji C.M.G.
1916 ; late 4th Batt. The King’s (S.R.) , b 6 Mar.
1865 ; 8. of late Sir Wigrain Allen, K C.M.G. ; m.
1893, Elfrida Margaret Frances (d. 1936), o. d. of
late G. G. Hayward, Needham Market, Suffolk ;
two d. Educ. : Tiinity Hall, Cambridge Uni-
versity (B.A. Hons. 1886). C ailed to Bar, Inner
Temple, 1890; served S. Africa, 1901-2 (Queen’s
medal 3 clasps); European War, 1914-18 (de-
spatches, CM.G.); Army of Occupation, 1919,
and with Rhineland High Commission as Kreis
officer, Cologne, 1920-21. Clubs. Conservative,
Royal Automobile, M.C.C.
ALLEN, Leslie Holdsworth, M.A. (Syd.);
Ph.D. (Lpzg.); Lecturer m English and Classics,
Canberra University College .since 1981 ; b. 1879;
s. of Rev. William Allen and Martha Jane Holds-
woith ; m. 1915, Dora, d. of Rev. Rainsford Bavin
and Emma Buddie ; one d. Educ. : Newington
College, Stanmore, Sydney. First Class
Honours, Classics and English, University of
Sydney, 1904 ; James King of Iriawang Travel-
ling Scliolarship, 1904 ; graduated Ph D.,
Leipzig, 1907 ; Lecturer in English and Classics
Teachers’ College, Sydney, 1911 ; Professor of
English, Royal Military College, Duntroon,
Federal Territory, Australia, 1918 80. Publica-
tions' Go<i8 and Wood Things, 1913; Verse
Tianslation of Hebbel’s Herod and Manamne,
and Gy ges and his Ring, 1 914 ; Phaedra, and other
Poems, 1921 ; Araby, and other Poems, 1924 ;
Billy Bubbles, Child Songs, 1924 ; William Blake
(BUke Centenary Lecture before Australian
English Association, privately x>nnted, 1927).
Address • Balmain Crescent, Acton, Canberra,
Federal Territory, Australia T. : Canberra
B 459 Club: University, Sydney.
A L L E N| Oswald Colemani C.B.E. 1920 ;
Assistant Secretary, Ministry of Labour; Bar-
rister at-law. Middle Temple ; b. 13 April 1887.
Appointed Board of Trade, 1912; Officer Crown
of Italv ; Chevalier Legion of Honour ;
Jubilee Medal. Clubs: Retoim, Beefsteak.
ALLEN, Rasrxnond Cecil| C.M.G. 1917 ;
F.R.G.S. ; b. 1872; s. of late Capt. Charles
Frederick Allen, Kinsale ; m. 1917, Florette
Arundell, d. of late Rev. A. Leakey ; two s.
Educ. : Royal University of Ireland ; Queen’s
College, Coik. Assistant engineer London
County Council Water Supply and Main Drain-
age, 1895-1900; Chief Surveyor, Uganda, 1900;
Land Officer, Director of Surveys, Commissioner
of Mines, Uganda, 1905-20 ; in charge of Crown
Forests, 1906-7 ; Registrar of Titles, 1908-20 ;
Director of Surveys, Land Officer, and Con-
troller of Mines, Tanganyika Territory, 1920-24,
when retired. Address: c/o Lloyds Bank, 6
Pall Mall, 8 W.l.
ALLEN, Colonel Refrinald Seymonri
D.S 0. 1919 ; h 1879 ; s. of Col. Francis Seymour
Allen, late Worcestershire Regt., and g.s. of late
Admiral of the Fleet Sir Thomas Symonds,
of Sunny Hill, Torquay, also of late Seymour
Phillips Allen and Lady Catherine Allen of
Cresselly, Pembrokeshire ; m 1917, Mary
Florence Eileen, d. of Edward Walsh ; one d.
Educ. : Oxford. Served S Africa, 1899-1902
(Queen’s medal with clasp. King’s medal with
two clasps) ; European Wai, 1914-19 (despatches
four tunes, D.S.O.) ; commanded 1st Batt.
Hampshire Regiment ; 163rd (Norfolk and
Suffolk) Infantrv Brigade, T.A., 1928-81 ;
181st (Surrey) Infantry Brigade, T.A., 1981 -.32 ,
retired pay, 1933 Clubs: Naval and Military ;
Norfolk County.
ALLEN, Richard William, C.B.E. 1918 ;
D L. and J.P. County of Bedford ; Chairman
of W. H. Allen, Sons & Co., Ltd., Bedford ; m.
Geraldine Agnew, d. of William Joseph Fedden,
Cliflon, Bristol ; two d. Member of the Insti-
tution of Civil Engineers ; Past President of the
Institution of Mechanical Engineers ; Member
WHO’S WHO, 1938
of the Institution of Naval Architects, of Marine
Engineers, and of Iron and Steel ; Associate
Fellow of the Royal Aeronautical Society;
Fellow of the Royal Horticultural Society ;
Fellow of the Royal Empire Society ; African
Society ; Governor of the Royal Agi icultural
Society ; Member of the Japanese Relations
Committee ; Member of Council Japan Society ;
Member the Pilgrims ; High Shenlf for the
County of Bedford, 1921 ; Order of the Sacred
Treasure, Japan, 1929. Publxcatxon: The Air
Supply to Boiler Rooms for Modern Ships
of War (3rd edition). Address : Hurst Grove,
Bedford ; 5 Victoria Street, Westminster,
S.W. ; 91 Redington Road, Hampstead,
N.W.3. Clubs Carlton, St. Stephen’s, Royal
AI.1.BN, Lieut. -Col. Robert Caudlish,
D.S.O. 1917 ; New Zealand Reserve of Officers ,
b. 1881 ; s. of late William Shepherd Allen,
Woodhead Hall Cheadle, Staffs. ; m. 1911, Ida
Tyrrell (d. 1929), d. of Herbert Laidlaw Thomp-
son. Served European War, 1915-19 (de-
spatches thrice, D S.O. with bar) ; Hoc A.D C
to Governor General of New Zealand, 1920-24.
ALLENj Col. Sir Stephen Shepherd.
K.B.B. cr. 1933 ; C.M.G. 1919 ; D.S.O.
1918; J.P. , Commander Ist (N.Z.) Infantry
Brigade ; b. 1882 ; y. surv. s. of late Wm. S. Allen,
M.P. ; in. 1918, Mary Isobel Hay, d. of A. L.
Foster, Auckland, N.Z. ; one s, one d. Educ..
privately ; Pembi'oke College, Cambridge (M. A.,
LL.B.). Served European War, 1915-18 (D.S.O.
and bar, C.M.G.) ; Hon. A.D.O. to Governor-
General, 1925-28 ; Mayor of Mornnsville, 1927-
1928 ; Administrator of Western Samoa, 1928-
1931 ; member of Central Transport Licensing
Authority, New Zealand, 1932-34; Chairman
Transport Co-ordmatiou Board, 1935 37. Ad-
dress ; La Signy Farm, Mornnsville, New
Zealand. Club : Northern, Auckland.
ALLEN, Sir Thomas, Kt., cr. 1919;
Chairman Anglo - Baltic Produce Co. Ltd.,
Chairman New Zealand Produce Association
Ltd. ; formerly Vice Chairman Co - operative
Wholesale Society and International Co-
operative Alliance; Chairman, Co-operative
Insurance Society ; President Co operative Con-
gress ; b. Abertillery, Monmouth, 6 Feb. 1864.
Served as Member Macmillan Committee on
Finance and Industry and Rojal Commission
on Trading in Anns. Recreation : golf. Address .
Edward VII. Avenue, Newport, Mon. T. :
3594. Club : National Liberal.
ALLEN, Walter Godfrey, F.RI.BA.,
Architect to the Dean and Chapter of St. Paul's
Cathedral ; Consulting Architect to Southwark
Cathedral ; 6. 21 Oct. 1891 ; s. of Walter Allen
and Fiancis Baker; w. 1931 Phyllis Seyler
Gill. Edur. : Berkhamsted School ; Slade
School ; King's College, London. Articled,
and later Assistant to Sir Mervyn Macartney ,
Secretary to the commission of architects and
engineers, appointed in 1921 to investigate and
report on the condition of St. Paul's Cathedral ;
Assistant Architect to Dean and Chapter of St.
Paul’s, 1925-31. Publications The Preservation
of St. Paul’s Cathedral, R I B.A. Journal; A
Survey of Views of St. Paul’s Cathedral. Re-
creation: walking. Address: 20 Ebury Stieet,
S.W.I. r. ; Sloane 2098.
ALLEN, Sir Walter Macarthur, K.B.E.,
cr. 1926; C.B.E. 1920; Commandant-in-Chief
Metropolitan Special Constabulary 1925 ;
b. 1870 ; 8. of late Sir Wigram Allen,
K.C.M.G. ; m. 1896, Pearl, d. of Edward Lamb,
formerly Minister for Lands, Queensland ; two
s. one d. Educ.: Trinity Hall, Carabiidge,
(B.A.). Bar, Inner Temple, 1896; Assistant
Staff* Officer Metropolitan Special Constabulary,
1914; Director of Supplies, 1915-17; Staff-
Officer, 1918*24; O B.E. 1918; Commander of
Order of St. John of Jerusalem. Recreations.
cricket, tennis, and golf. Address: 6 Sussex
Mansions, Sussex Placei, S.W. 7. T.: Kensing-
ton 2743. Club : Conservative.
See also IVinq Commander JV. F. Dickson.
ALLEN, William, K C. 1930; J.P. SUtts. ;
Chanty Commissioner since 1935 ; Barrister-
at-law, Oxford Circuit ; Recorder of New-
castle-under-Lyme since 1932; b. 1870;
m. 1st, 1893, Jeannette, d. of John Hall ;
one 8 . ; 2nd, 1929, Mrs. Oliver Riley. Educ. .
Emmanuel College, Cambridge; M.P. (R.)
N e wcastle - under - Lyme, 1892 - 1900 ; Member
of Royal Commission on Licensing ; served
in South Africa, Mar. 1900 to Sept. 1901, as
Captain with South Australian Mounted Rifles ;
Military Representative Islington, Jan. 1916-
Mar. 1917 ; Food Campaign, first National War
Savings Committee, March 1917-Aug. 1918; Head
of Agricultural Branch Ministry of National
Service, Nov. 1917 -Jan. 1919; Recorder of
Ludlow, 1928 32 ; M.P (U) Burslem Division,
Stoke-on-Trent, 1931-35. Address • Woodhead
Hall, near Cheadle ; 68 Berkeley Court, Baker
Street, W.l ; 5 Crown Office Row, Temple,
B.G.4. T • Wei beck 1240, Central 4487. Clubs
Sports, Refoim.
ALLEN, William Edward David)
Chairman of David Allen & Sons, Ltd., and a
Director ol associated companies ; b 6 Jan.
1901 ; e s. of late William Edward Allen and
Sarah Collett Grahame, of Commonwood House,
near Chippeiheld, Herts, and g.s. of late David
Allen, J P , Belfast; m. Ist, 1922, Lady Phyllis
Edith King (who divorced him 1938), 2nd d. of
3rd Eail of Lovelace; one d; 2nd, Paula,
d. of W. Clarke Gellibiand. Educ : Eton.
Has travelled extensively, paiticularly in the
Middle Bust; contested Tyrone-Fermanagh,
1922 ; (U ) M.P West Belfast, 1929 31 ; acted as
Special coi respondent of the Morning Post in
Anatolia, 1921, and Spanish Morocco, 1925 ;
Fellow of the Royal Asiatic Society and a Mem-
ber of the Soci6t6 Asiatique de Pans. Publica-
tions. TheTurks in Europe, 1919 ; the Caucasus,
in Nations of To - day, 1923 ; Beled - es • Siba :
Sketches and Essays of Travel and History,
1925; A History of the Georgian People,
1932. At/dm*; 23 Buckingham Gate, S W.l. T.:
Victoria 8482 ; Mullagh Cottage, near Killyleagh,
Co, Down. Clubs: Bucks ; Royal Ulster Yacht,
ALLEN, Lt.-Col. Sir William
(James), K.B.E., cr, 1921; D.S O. 1918;
16th Royal Irish Rifles; M.P. (U.) Noith
Armagh, 1917-22, Co. Armagh since 1922 ; b.
Oct. 1806; s. ot Joseph and Catherine Allen;
m. 1892, Maria, e. d of late John Ross ; one d.
Educ. : Lurgan College. J.P Co. Armagh ;
D.L. ; D G.M. Grand Orange Lodge, Ireland ;
joined army, 14 Nov. 1914; Major, Sep. 1916;
served in France, 1 Oct. 1915 (despatches four
times, Chevalier Legion of Honour, D.S.O.),
Address: 61 Adelaide Park, Belfast.
ALLEN, Rev. WillouiThby Charles,
late Chap lain -Fellow, Lect. in Theology and m
Hebrew at Exeter College, Oxford ; b. 7 Oct.
1867 ; m. Catherine Ellen, d. of W. F. Green, of
Wroxham ; three s. Educ. : Exeter College,
Oxford (Hasker Scholar); 1st class Hon. Theol.
1890 ; Ist class Oriental Studies, 1892 ; Pusey
and Ellerton Scholar 1890 ; Houghton Syriac
Prize, 1892 ; Junior Kennicott Scholar, 1892 ,
Prm. of Egertoii Hall, Manchester, 1908-16 ;
Archdeacon of Manchester, 1909-16; Arch-
deacon of Blackburn, 1916-20 ; Rector of
Chorley, 1916-22; Rector of Saham Toney,
Norfolk, 1922-32 ; Public Examiner m Hon.
Theol. 1898-1900, 1904-1906; in Oriental Studies,
1902 ; Examining Chaplain to the Bishop of
Lichffeld, 1905-8 ; Junior Proctor, Oxford,
1907-8 ; Exam. Cliaplain to Bishop of Man-
chester, 1908. Publications : St. Matthew in
International Critical Commentary ; St. Mark
m Oxford Church Biblical Commentary ; The
Christian Hope ; (with L. W. Grensted) Intro-
WHO'S WHO, 1938
duction to Books of New Testament ; Con-
tributor to Dictionary of Bible, Bncyclppsedia
Biblica, and to Contentio Ventatis, 1902. Ad-
dress : Oak Street, Lechlade, Glos.
AIii:<EN.WII.]:.lAMS« Bri^.-Gen. Sir
Arthur John. K.B E., cr. 1920; C.M.G.
1918 ; M.I.C.B. ; J.P. ; b. 1869 ; m. 1913, Ursula
Mary, d. of late Francis Allen, J.P., of Cockley
Cley Hall, S waff ham, Norfolk ; one s. two d
Educ. Haverfordwest Grammar School ; Boyal
Indian Engineering College, Coopers Hill.
Offieier de la Legion d’Honneur, 1920. Address :
Beach Lodge, Littlehampton, Club : Reform.
AIjIjISNBY^ 2nd Vi.scount, cr. 1919,of Megiddo
and of Felixstowe, Dudley Jaffray Hyn-
man Allenby ; Captain 11th Hussars ;
Adjutant Dnviugand Maintenance Wing, Aimy
Armoured Fighting Vehicles School .since 1937 ,
b. 8 Jan. 1903; er. s. of late Capt Frederick
Claude Hynrnan Allenby, R.N., O B.E. ;
undo 1936 ; w. 1930, Gertrude Mary Loth-
bridge, d. of Edward Champiieys, Otter ix)ol
Manor, Kent ; one s. Educ. : Eton ; Royal
Military College, Sandhurst. Joined 11th
Hussars, 1923; Captain, 1936. Heir: 5. Hon
Michael Jatfia> Hynrnan Allenby, 6. 1931T
Club : Naval and Military.
ADDENDADB^ 2nd Viscount, cr. 1911,
Wentworth Henry Canning;
Beaumont; Baron (cr. 1906); M.C ; Cap-
tain, late 2nd Life Guards, 1915-22 ; Bt.
Colonel, late Northumberland (Hussais) Yeo-
manry ; e. s. of Ist Viscount and Lady Alex-
andnna Louisa Maud (Aline) Vane-Tempest,
d. of 5th Marquess of Londonderry ; b. 6 Aug.
1890 ; S father, 1923 ; m. 1921, Violet, d. of Sir
Chailes Seely, 2nd Bt. ; fours, one d. Educ. :
Eton ; Trinity College, Cambridge Entered
Army, 1911 ; a Lord-in-Waiting, 1931-32 and
since 1917. Heir: s Hon, Wentworth Hubert
Charles Beaumont, h. 12 Sep. 1922. Address
144 Piccadilly, W.l ; T. Grosvenor 2234 ,
Bretton Park, Wakefield, CVubs: Brooks’s,
See also Hon. R. E. B. Beaumont, Earl Forte’i-
cue, Baron Eoltimore.
AliliERTON, 3rd Baron, of Chapel Allerion,
cr. 1002, Georire William Dawies Jach-
son, Lieut. Coldstream G uards (resen e) ; b. 23
July 1908 ; s. of 2nd Baron and Katherine
Louisa, y. d. of W. W. Wickham, J.P., of Chest-
nut Grove, Boston Spa ; S. father, 1925 ; m. 1st,
1926, Joyce (who obtained a dnorco, 1934), o,c
of late J. R. Hatfeild, Thorp Arch Hall, Yorks;
one s. ; 2nd, 1934, Mrs. Hope Aline Whitelaw.
Educ.: Eton; R.M.C., Sandhurst. Hexr :
Hon. Edward Lawies Jackson, 5. 23 March 1928.
Address: Loddington Hall, Leicestershire. T.:
Belton 20. Clnbs : Guards’, Bucks, White’s.
Sec also A. I\ Beddard, Sir T. A. L. Brockle-
AIjIiERTON, Mark ; see Cameron, W. E.
AIjIiEYNE, Captain Sir John (Mey-
nell), 4th Bt., cr. 1769 ; D.S.0. 1918 ; D.S.C.;
R. N. retired ; 5. 11 Aug. 1889 ; s. of Reynold
Alleyne, e. s. of 3rd Bt. and Susanna, d. of late
John Meynell of Meynell Langley, Derby.shire ;
S. grandfather, 1912; m, 1920, Alice Violet, d.
of late James Campbell, and Mrs. Campbell, 12
Cornwall Gardens, S.W. ; one s. two d. Served
European War; was navigator of H.M.S.
Vindictive when sunk to block Ostend Harbour,
May 1918 (severely wounded); retired list,
1936. Heir : s. John Olpherts Campbell, b. 18
Jan. 1928. Address: South Lynch, Hursley,
near Winchester. T. : Hursley 89. Club:
United Service.
ADD FREY, Bt. Dt. -Col. Charles
Walter, D 8 O. 1933 ; M.C ; Royal Artillery ;
h. Oct. 24 1895; s of Henry Allfrey and Kathleen
Hankoy; m. Geraldine Clare, er. d of
late Col. Lucas-Scudamoio Educ • Royal Naval
College Dartmouth. Joined Royal Artillery
Aug. 19U; Capt. 1917; Bt. Major 1931; Major
1-933; Bt. Lt.-Col. 1935 ; served in France 1914-
1918 (wounded twice, M.C. and Bar); Operations
m N. Kurdistan 1932 (D.S O ). Address:
Hemingford, Stratford - on - A\ on. T.A. :
Alveston Club: Cavalry.
ADDFREY, Major Edward Mortimer.
D.8 0. 1917: b. 1886: yr. s. of late Walter
Mortimer Allfrey, Farley Castle, Swallowfield,
Reading; m. 1925, Ellen Kathleen, y. d. of late
A. B. Huggins, Hare Hatch House, Twyford,
Berks; one d. Formerly Major Royal Berk-
shire Rpgt. Served European War, 1914-17 (de-
spatches twice, D.S. O.). Club: Junior Carlton.
ADDFREY, Dt.-Col. Henry Irxrini;
Rodney, D.S.O.; M.C. ; s. of late Colonel
Irving Allfrey ; m. Frances Elizabeth, d. of
late Arthur Chamberlayne Chichester, of Gipsy
Hill, Devon, and widow of Captain F. A. C.
Liebert; no c. Educ.: Wellington College.
Entered Army from the Militia, 1899 ; served
S African War, 1899-1900 (Queen’s medal 3
clasps); European War, Aug 1914-Nov 1019
(D S.O . M.C.) , commanded 2nd Bn. Somerset
Light Infantry (P. A.) ; retired pay, 1029. Club :
United Service.
ADD GOOD, A. M., Land Agent ; b. 1866 ; 5 th
surv. s. of late Rev. J. Allgood ; ra. 1910, Marga-
retta, e. d. of W. Murray, M.D. Educ. : Eton ;
Cambridge ; abroad. Address : Walwlck Grange,
Hum.shaiigh - on - Tyne, Northumberland. T. :
Humshaugh 18.
ADDGOOD, Brig;. -Gen. William Henry
Doraine, C.B. 1925 ; C.M.G. 1918; D.S.0. 1917 ;
lat-e K.R.R.C. ; b. 1868 ; s of Rev. J. Allgood,
of Nunwick, Humshaugh, Northumberland ;
m. 1914, Sophia Beryl Sheila, d, of late Col.
J. H. G. Holroyd Smyth, C.M.G., and Lady
Harriette Holroyd Smyth of Ballynatray,
Youghal, CO. Waterford. fidw..Eton Served
Burma Expedition, 1891-92 ; South African
War, 1899-1900 (Queen’s medal three clasps);
European War, 1914-18 (despatches four times,
C M.G , D.S.O., Legion of Honour); retired
pay, 1925. Add) ess: Charlcot, Ripon, York-
ADDHUSEN, Dieut.-Col. Frederick
Henry, C.M.G. 1918; D.S.O. 1916; retired
pay, 9th Lancers ; Lovat Scouts ; b, 24 Jan.
1872 ; s. of late Henry Christian Allhusen,
of Stoke Court, Bucks ; m. 1908, Enid, d. of late
Comdr. Harold W. S within bank ; three s.
Educ.: Cheltenham College. Served South
Africa, 1899-1900 (despatches. Queen’s medal
4 clasps) ; European War (Gallipoli, Egypt
and France), 1914-19 (despatches twice, C.M G.,
DS.O.); J.P. Dorset; County Councillor,
Bucks. ; High Sheriff of Buckinghamshire,
1932. Address : Fulmer House, Fulmer, Bucks.
Clubs: Carlton, Boodle’s, Bath.
ADDINGHAM, Margery Douiae; b.
1904, er.d. of Herbert John Allingham and
Emily Jane Hughes ; m. 1927, Philip Yonngman
Carter. Edui.: Perse High School for Girls, Cam-
bridge. Wrote first published book at the age of
sixteen and has been writing books ever since.
PnhUcatwns: Blackkerchief Dick; The White
Cottage of Mystery ; The Cnmo at Black
Dudley; Mysteiy Mile; Look to the Lady;
Police at the Funeral; Sweet Danger; Death
of a Ghost; Flowers for the Judge; The Case
of the Late Pig ; Dancers in Mourning. Eecrea-
twiui: dogs, needlework and begonias. Address:
d’Arcy House, Tolleshunt d’Arcy, Essex.
ADDINSON, Adrian Paul, R.O 1. ;
artist (painter and sculptor); h. 9 Jan. 1890; s.
of Thomas Richard Allinson, L.R.G.P. ; w.
Clarke Buckland; one s*. Educ.: Wycliffe;
Wrekin; Slade. Slade Scholarship; scenic
designer to Beocham (^era Co. ; teacher of
drawing and painting, Westminster School of
Art; Member of London Group, National
Society; exhibitor R. A., N.B., Zurich, Munich,
Toronto, etc. Recreations: skiing, climbing,
awimming and music. Address * Studio, 87 A.,
Clifton Hill, N.W. 8. T. : Maida Vale 1246.
AlalalSONf Rev. Davidi Hon. Canon of
Ilipon. Educ, • Trinity College, Dublin.
Formerly Vicar of St. James’, Leeds, and St.
Jude’s, Wolverhampton; Chaplain at Christ
Church, Mentone, 10-33.
ALLISON, Jame^ C.B.E. 1920; M.A. (St.
Andrews), LL.B. (Edinburgh); Solicitor in
Dundee, Lecturer in Scots Law, University
of St, Andrews, since 1899, and one of the
Board of Examiners under the Law Agents
(Scotland) Acts, 1912-33, and now an Ex
aniiner under the Solicitors (Scotland)
Act, 1933; 6. 27 April 1865; s. of Matthew
Allison, Dundee; m. 1897, Kate Constable, d,
of Peter Young. Dundee; two d. Educ,: St.
Andrews and Edinburgh Universities, Gradu-
ated in Arts at St. Andrews (M.A.), 1^84, and in
Law at Edinburgh (LL.B. with distinction),
1888; qualitled as Law Agent, 1888; com
itienced practice of profession of solicitor at
Dundee, 1888 ; Searcher of the Bui^h Register
of Sasines, Dundee, 1893 to close of register in
1929 , Burgh Prosecutor of Newport since 1890 ,
Chan man of the Court of Referees for the Dun-
dee District of Scotland under the Unemploy-
ment Insurance Acts, 1913 37 ; Dean of the
Faculty of Procurators and Solicitors in Dun-
dee, 1925-27 , Hon Sheri ft -Substitute of Forfar
shire since 1926 ; acted as Chairman of the Local
Munitions Tribunal for the Dundee District of
Scotland during the wai. Recreations, walk-
ing and gardening. Address • Craiglea, East
Newport, Fife. T. .* Dundee 3932; Newport,
Fife, 189.
ALLISON. Sir RicLard (JoLn), Kt ,
cr 1927; CVO 1031, CBE 1920, QBE
1918; F.R.I B A 1019 ; h 8 Jan 1869, 2nd s
of Joseph Charles Allison ; unmarried. Educ.
Private Choir School. Entered H M Office of
Works, 1889 ; employed on temporary Archi-
tectural staff for 12 years ; Assistant Architect,
1901 ; Architect, 1911 ; Principal Architect,
1914 (Art and Science Buildings, Diplomatic
and Consular Buildings, etc ) , Chief Architect
H M Office of Works, 1020 34 Works : New
Science Museum, South Kensington ; H M
New Stationery Office ; British Legations,
Stockholm, etc. Address 63 Hornsey Lane,
Highgate, N.6. T : Mountview 2614. Cluh
ALLMANDi Arthur John. M C ; F R S
1929 , F.I.C., Fellow of King s College ; Professor
of Chemistry, King s College, since 1919 ; b.
Wrexham, 1885 , s. of Frank Allmand, Wrexham ;
TO. Marguerite, d, of Leonor Malicorne, St. Lo
and St. Mand6, France ; two s, one d. Educ.
University of Liverpool; Technical High Schools
of Karlsruhe and Diesden. D.Sc. (Liverpool)
1910; studied in Germany, 1910-12; Assistant
Lectuierand Demonstrator, Univ. of Liverpool,
1913; served European War, 1915-19; finally
Major and Chemical Adviser successively to
Fourth and Second Army H.Q. (M.C.). Publu a
Hons: Principles of Applied Electro-Chemistry,
1912, revised edition, 1925 ; Papers in scientific
journals. Address: King’s College, W.C.
ALLOM^ Sir Charles Carrick^ Kt., cr.
1913; Founder of White, Allom & Co., London,
Montreal, New York, decorative contractors,
contractors to Admiralty and War Office for
High Explosive Sliells ; architectural con-
tractors, London and New York; Past President
Faculty Architects and Surveyors; Registered
Architect; Fellow Incorpoiatod Asstxiation
Architects ; Architects Registration Council ;
Partner in Gosport Air -craft Company,
Member of Board of Education’s Advisory
Committee on Art Education ; Local Govern-
ment Board Buildings Committee and Re-
construction Council ; Council Empire Exhibi-
tion, 1923 , Council Yacht Racing Association ;
Ex-Commodore Royal London Yacht Club ;
h. 16 June 1865 ; s. of Arthur Allom,
architect ; g.s. of two painters, Thomas Allom
and Thomas Carrick ; to. Laura, d. of Albert
Tatham, Warwick; two d. Educ.: Isle worth ;
Royal College of Art ; France; Italy; President
Boat-racing Association ; Fellow Royal Society
of Arts ; Member of Royal Agricultural Society
of England ; Member oi Shorthorn Society of
Great Britain and Ireland; Chairman Execu-
tive Council Industrial Peace Union of
British Enipiie ; Chairman Faculty of Arts ;
Vice-President Middlesex Rugby Union;
Chairman Board of Control World’s Sculling
Championship; owner of yacht. Becreattons:
yachting, golf, shooting, chess. Address .
Westbury Court, Westbury-on Severn. Clubs:
Royal London Yacht, Royal Thames Yacht,
international Sportsmen’s ; Royal Dorset
Yacht; Royal Victoria Yacht; British Sports
man s; Royal Mid-Surrey Golf, Walton Heath
Golf ; Stinchcombe Hill Golf ; Gloucester Golf.
ALL PORT, Alfred, M.RC.S.Eng.,
L R.C.P Lond ; Hon. Surgeon to St Paul’s
Hospital for Skin and Genito-unnary Diseases ,
Major RAM C.V. ; h. Bnxton, 1867, 3rd s. of
late Franklin Thomas Allport , m. Ist, Edith
Blanche Eicke, d. of late R. H. Fry ; one d. ;
2nd, Madeline Annie, d. of late Charles Price ,
one 8. two d. Educ. • London International
College, Isleworth , Guy’s Hospital. Attached
R A M C. Military Hospital, Rochester Row
during War PubhcaHons • articles to the
medical journals. RecreatioTis ’ rowing, boxing,
football (Rugby International, 1891-2-S) Ad-
dress. 8 Arlington Street, S.W.l. T. : Regent
1660. Gluh * Royal Automobile
ALLSEBROOK, His Honour Jud^e
George Clarence ; J udge of County Coui ts,
circuit No. 3 (Cumberland, Westmoiland, and
parts of Lancashire and Northumberland) since
1934; b. 12 Aug 1877; 5th s of late William
Pole Jones Allsebrook, J P , Wollaton,
Notts. ; TO. 1917 Dorotliy Allnutt, 3rd d. of late
Major Vicessimus Knox, Spring Hill, Moreton-
ni Marsh, Glos. ; two s. two d. Educ. Notting-
liam High School; Trinity College, Oxford,
M A. Mining Engineer, 1896-1909; agent
and manager of collieries m Derbyshire and
Notts., 1903-9; Trinity College, Oxford, 1910-14
(Honour Law School); called to Bar, Inner
Temple, 1913 and joined Midland Circuit;
embodied with Derbyshire Yeomanry 6 Aug.
1914; served in Egypt and Greece; Cap
tain, 1915; wounded; afterwards seconded to
Ministry of Munitions of War; became Di
lector of the Labour Regulation Dept. ; disem-
bodied, 1919 and returned to practice at the bar;
was lunior counsel for the Mining Association of
Great Britain before Mr. Justice Sankey’s Com-
mission on Coal Mines, 1919; British Arbitrator
in La Commission Arbitrale des Litiges Miniers
an Maroc, 1919-21; practised at Nottingham and
in London; also Chairman of Courts of Referees
under Unemployment Acts from 1928 and the
Independent Chairman of Derbyshire District
Wages Board (exclusive of 8. Deibyshire) since
1930 ; member of Royal Commission on Safety
in Coal Mines since 1936 Address: Holly
Lodge, Blidworth, Nottinghamshire. 2.;
Blidworth 44.
ALLSOP, Lt.-Col. William Gillian,
CM.G. 1919; D.8 O 1917; V D. ; b. 31 Jan.
1874 ; 5 of William Allsop, Chiton, England ;
unmarried Educ. : People's College, Warring-
ton, Served European War, 1915-18 (despatches,
D S O , C.M G.). Address: Hillcroft, Dornoch
Terrace, Highgate Hill, South Brisbane,
Queensland. Club: United Service, Brisbane.
ALLSOPP. family name of Baron Hindlip.
ALLUM, Frederick Warner, C B.E.
1919; retired; b. 25 June 1869; s. of Major B.
W. Allum, Royal Bengal Artilltry ; to. 1894, e. d.
of Captain J H. Fairley ; two $. three d. Educ. :
Mussoorie School. Entered Indian Public
Works Department through Thomason College,
Roorkee, 1891 ; served as an engineer of Indian
Railways in India and Burma ; in charge of the
railway extension from Nushki to Duzdap, 1916-
WHO'S WHO, 1988
1920 (despatches); in charge of survey for railway
connection between Assam and Upper Burma,
1920-22; Chief Engineer, Railway Board, 1922-
1924. Recreations: shooting and ftshing. Jd-
dress: c/o Lloyds Bank, Delhi, India. Club:
United Service, Calcutta.
AlfliUM, Horace Benjamin, M.V.O. liKic ,
O.B E. 1929 ; Controller ot Supplies H.M. Office
ol Woiks; h. 23 Oct 1884; w. 1<)23, Mary
Josejihine Frances Dinean ; three s. Recreation :
golf Address: lb Green Lane, Chislehurst,
Kent. ; Chislehurst 800.
ALiI. WORTHY, Rev. Tl&omas Bateson,
M.A., B. D ; Vicar of St. Andrew the Great,
Cambridge, since 1934 ; 6. 18 Sep. 1879 ; s. of
Edward and Anna Allworthy of Belfast; m.
1912, Agnes, d. of James Medland and Priscilla
Taylor of Manchester ; three d. Educ.: Belfast
Royal Academy ; Christ’s College, Cambridge
Ordained, 1902 ; Curate of St. Helen, Auck-
land, 1902-6 ; Holy Trinity, Hurdsfleld, 1906-7 ;
Licensed preacher. Diocese Manchester, 1907-8 ;
Pounder and First Warden of St. An.selm’s
Hostel, Manchester, 1908-14 ; Vicar of Martin,
Lincoln, 1914-15 ; Director Religious Education
m Diocese of Ely, 1915-24 ; Chaplain, Girton
College, Cambridge, 1917-24 ; Rector of St.
Mary-at-Stoke, Ipswich, 1924-34. Publtca-
tion . Women in the Apostolic Church, 1917.
Address: 1 Park Terrace, Cambridge.
AIiMA-TADEMA, Miss Anna; artist ;d
of late Sir Lawrence Alma-Tadema, O.M., R.A.,
and d. ofG. Napoleon Epps, M. R.C.S., 2nd medal
Pans Exhibition, 1889. Address : c/o Barclay's
Bank, St. John’s Wood Branch, N.W.
AliMA - TADEMAf Misa LaurencCi
C.B.B. 1918 ; d. of late Sir I a Alma-Tadema,
O.M., R A. Publications ♦ Love’s Martyr, The
Wings ot Icarus (novels) ; The CruciBx (tales);
Realms of Unknown Kings (poems); The Fate
Spinner (novel), 1900 , The Herb o’ Grace, 1901-2
(essays) ; Songs of Womanhood (poems), 1903 ,
Four Plays, 1905 ; Tales from My Garden, 1906 ,
Readings in the United States on the Meaning
of Happiness, etc., 1907-8; The Meaning of
Happiness, and A Pew Lyrics, 1909 ; A Gleaner s
Sheaf (poems), 1927 ; The Divine Orbit, Sonnets,
privately printed, 1983 ; translations; Pelleas
and M^lisande, 'Hie Sightless (Maeterlinck);
Chopin (Paderewski); Joint- Founder with I. J.
Paderewski of Polish Victims Relief Fund, 1915.
Address: St. Luke’s Cottage, Wittersham, Kent
AIiMONDi Hon. Col. Ven. Jobn
Macphersoni C.M.G. 1916; C.B.E. 1919;
M.A., D.C.L., Archdeacon of Montreal, 1932;
Rector of Holy Trinity Memorial Church, Mon-
treal, 1904 ; Director of Chaplain Services,
Canadian Local Forces ; h. 1872 ; to. 1901, Nellie
Estella Beomer. Educ.: Bishop's University,
Lennoxville. Ordained, 1896; S.P.G Missionary,
Labrador, 1896 -98; Tra^'eHing Missionary,
Quebec, 1898-99; Chaplain with 1st Canadian
Contingent to S. Africa, 1899-1901 (Queen’s
medal 3 clasps) ; Curate of Quebec Cathedral,
1901-2; Missionary at Grande M6re, 1901-4;
with Canadian Contingent in France during
European War, 1914-18 (C.M.G. ); I^ong Service
Medal, V.l)., 1935; King's Silver Jubilee Medal,
1935. Address. 3826 Marlowe Avenue, Mon-
AI«NESS, Ist Baron, cr. 1934; Rt. Hon.
Robert Munro, P.C. 1918; K.C. ; Director
of General Accident Fire and Life Insurance
Corporation, Ltd., and of English Insurance
Company, Ltd. ; Chairman of Chinese Bond-
holders’ Committee appointed by Governor of
Bank of England ; Chairman of the Home Office
Night Baking Committee; Chief of the St.
Andrews Societv (London) ; Chairman of the
Executive Committee of the Child Guidance
Council ; Chairman of Scottish Office Com-
mittee on Grants to the Scottish Universities ;
Trustee ol the Scottish Amicable Building
Society , President of the Grotius Society ;
Vico-PresidentoftheBuildingSocieties’ Associa-
tion ; Vice-President of the Royal Scottish
Corporation ; Gov ernor of the Royal Cale-
donian Schools , b. 28 May 1868 ; of a
Ross-shire Free Church minister ; M.A., LL.B.,
LL.D 1919 ; P.E.I.S. 1919 , Edinburgh Uni-
versity ; TO. Ist, 1898, Edith Gwladys (d. 1920),
d. oi Rev. Lieweilyn Evans, The Parsonage,
Peebles ; 2nd, 1921, Olga Mane, o. d. of
J. G. Grumler, Woodgarth, Kent Avenue,
Harrogate. Counsel to Inland Revenue,
Advocate - Depute, and Lord Advocate in
succession, 1918 ; Secretary for Scotland 1916-
1922; M.P. (L.) Wick Burghs, Jan. 1910-Dec.
1918, and (Go.L.) Roxburgh and Selkirk, Dec.
1918-22 ; Lord Justice-Clerk 1922-33; and took
his seat on the Bench with the judicial title
of Lord Alness ; Hon, Bencher of Lincoln’s Inn ;
Freeman of the City of Edinburgh ; Chairman
of Joint Exchequer Board ; D.L. Edinburgh.
Publication: Looking Back ; Fugitive Writings
and Sayings, 1930. Address: 31 Egeiton
Crescent, S.W.8. 2’. ; Kensington .3331. Club.
AIiOISI, Baron Pompeo ; Italian Am-
bassador ; b. b Nov 1875 , s. of Paolo Aloisi and
Iiene de Bclloy ; w. 1899, Federica de Larderel ;
one s. Educ, • Ro>al Nav^al Academy. Minister
to Denmark, 1920-22 , to Rumania, 1923-25 ; and
to Albania, 1926-27 , Ambassador to Japan,
1928-29; and to Turkey, 1930-32, Chief ot
Cabinet at Ministry ot Foreign Affairs, 1932-86 ,
member of Leamie of Nations Council, 1932-36.
Publnation: Ais Nipponioa. Heir: Baron
Folco Aloisi de Ijarderel. ^Iddress; Villa Aloisi,
Via Flaininia, Home. 2\ • 390 129.
AIiPASS, Jofteph Herbert; Auctioneer,
Estate and Business Transfer Agent ; pnncipal
of firm ot Alpass and Co , Bristol ; Alderman
Gloucestershire C.C ; h Bristol, 1873 ; s. of
Thomas Alpass, Berkeley ; m. L A T , d. of
John Neale, Berkeley ; ones Educ. : Merchant
Venturers’ College, Bristol. Contested
Cirencester and Tewkesbury Division, 1918,
1924 ; Thornbiiry Division, 1928 ; M P (Lab.)
Bristol Central, 1929-31 ; member Thornbury
R D. C and Board of Guardians seven years ;
Gloucestershire War Agricultural Executive
Committee , Chairman Gloucestershire Farmers’
Union, 1917-18, and member of Gloucestershire
C. C. since 1907; member Labour Party’s
Agricultural Advisory Committee. Address:
Elberton, Ormeiod Road, Stoke Bisliop,
Bristol 9.
A.liSOPP, J. J.; R. B.A. Art education m
Glasgow and Pans ; winner of the Haldane
travelling scholarship; pictures exhibited at
the Royal Academy, Pans Salon, and many
other exhibitions. Address: Rock Villa,
Chepstow, Mon.
AIjSTBAD. Robert, J.P.; b. Wigan, 1878;
m. 1896 ; eix s one d. Educ. : Wigan Elemen-
tary School and Wigan Mining Technical
College. Founder of Robert Alstead, Ltd.,
woollen manufacturers and clothing manu-
facturers, Wigan; Member Wigan Town
Council, 1913-29 ; Mayor of Wigan, 1926-
1927; Governor, Wigan Grammar School, 1913-
1930; Governor, Wigan Mining Technical Col-
lege, 1913*32; contested (L.) ’Wigan, 1918;
Altrincham, 1922, 1928, 1924, and 1929; M.P. (L.)
Altrincham. 1923 - 24 ; on list of prospective
Liberal parliamentary candidates. Recreation:
reading Address: Greenhill, Gathurst, Wigan.
AIjSTON, Alexander Rowland, b. 2 July
1863 ; e. s of late Sir Francis B. Alston,
K.O.M.G., and Emily, e d. of late Bridges
Taylor, of H.M.’s Diplomatic Service; g.s. of
Rowland Alston of Piahobury, Herts, M.P. for
Herts, 1885 ; to. Muriel, e. d of Rev. Canon
Blundell, Rector of Halsall, Lancs, and
Adelaide, d. ot late Sir Francis Astley, Bart. ;
one 8. three d. Editc. ; Eton ; abroad. Has
travelled extensively ; J. P. Bedfordshire,
1908 ; High Sheriff of Bedfordshire, 1917-18 ;
Red Cross, 1917-18 ; member of the Bedford-
shire Standing Joint Committee; on the
Licensing Committee tor the County of Bed-
fordshire since 1905; member of H.M.’s Prison
Visiting Committee, Bedford; member ot
County Probation Committee, Bedfordshire ,
Visitor of Licensed Houses under Lunacy Act
1890, and Institutions under Mental Deficiency
Act 1913; F.R.G.8. ; Past Master No. 6 Lodge
of Friendship ; a Past Grand Steward of Eng-
land ; Donor of Colours to 6th Batt. Bedford-
shire Regiment, 1912. Reoreations hunting,
shooting, fishing and farming. Heir : Edward
Rowland Mi lies Alston, late Lieut. Scots
Guards, Reserve of Officers, b. 1902. Address
The Tofte, Sharnbrook, Beds. T. A. : Sharn-
brook. T. : Sharnbrook 2. Clubs: Travellers’,
Marlborough, M.C.G. ; County, Bedford
ALSTON. Capt. Alfred Gilmore, C.M.G.
1917 ; R.N. (ret.) ; b. 1868. Lieut. 1895 ; served
China, 1901 (despatches. Order of the Nile)
ALSTON, Ven. Arthur Fawssett, M.A ,
Archdeacon of Hastings since 1928 ; b. Hand-
gate, Kent, 80 Dec. 1872 ; s. of late Surgeon-
Major W. E Alston, M D , J.P., and late Mrs
E. R. Alston, Sydney, N.S W. ; w 1900; thiee
8. two d. hduc.: Clare College, Cambridge,
Ridley Hall, Cambridge. Ordain e<i, 1890 ,
Curate of St. Katherine, Northampton, 1896-98 ;
Faringdon, 1898-1905 ; St. Simon, Southsea,
1905 7 ; Vicar of St. Matthew, Hull, 1907-15 ,
St. George’s, Leeds, 1916-18 ; All Saints, Biad-
ford, 1918-20 ; Rector of St Leonards-on-Sea,
1920-29; Rural Dean of Hastings, 1926-29
Recreation: golf. Addre^fs: Wood borough, St.
Leonards-on Sea. T. : Hastings 1459 Club
ALSTON, Brig:.. General Francis
(George), C.M.G. 1919; D.S.O. 1916; b. 19
July 1878 ; *. of late Sir Francis Alston,
K.C.M.G., of the Foreign Office ; m. Antoinette
Tarn ; one #. two d Educ. : Eton ; abroad. 2nd
Lieut. Scots Guards, 1900 ; Capt. 1906 ; Major,
1916 ; Lt.-Col. 1921 ;Col. 1922 ; served S. Africa,
1900-2 (Queen’s medal 3 clasps, King’s medal
clasps); European War, 1914-18 (despatches,
C.M.G., D S.O., Bt. Lt.-Col., Croix de Guerre,
Order of Leopold) ; on London District Staff,
1911-14 and Dec. 1918 -June 1920; Instructor
Senior Officers School, 1925-27 ; Assistant
Adjutant-General, War Office, 1927 ; Colonel
commanding Scots Guards, 1927-31 ; A Q.M G.
Western Command, 1932-35 ; retiieil pay, 193'*
Clubs: Guards’, Travellers’.
ALSTON, Lady, C.B E. 1920 ; Hilda, d. of
late Maj.-Gen. Robert Gream ; m, 1900, Rt.
Hon. Sir Beilby Francis Alston (d. 1929); one
8. oned. Address: 25 Eaton Mansions, S.W.l
T. : Sloane 5766.
ALSTON, Captain Hubert Georg;e,
C.B. 1918; R.N. ; b. 15 July 1806; s. of
Rev. George Alston, Stud land, Dorset; m.
1894, Mabel, e. d. of William Crabbe, Hove ;
one d. Educ.: St. Edwards, Oxford; H M.S
Worcester, Lieutenant Royal Navy, 1895 ;
served European War (despatches, C B.) ,
Captain, 1919 (retired). Recreation ' gardening
Address : Broome Cottage, West Town, Somerset.
T.A. : West Town, Somerset.
ALSTON^ Leonard: Dmversity Lectuiei
m Economics, Cambnage; b. Australia, 1875.
Tlirice Univ. prizeman, Camb. ; Deputy Prof, of
History and Political Economy, Elphinstone
ColL, Bombay, 1904-6 ; Litt.D., Melbourne, 1908
Publications : Modern Constitutions in Outline,
1905 ; The Obligation of Obedience to the Law
of the State, 1905 ; Stoic and Christian in the
Second Century, 1906 ; Sir Thomas Smith’s
De Repubhca Anglorum, 1906 ; The White
Man’s Work in Asia and Africa, 1907 ; Education
and Citizenship in India, 1910; Elements of
Indian Taxation, 1910 ; The Functions of
Money, 1932. Address • 6 Pemberton Teirace,
ALSTON, Lt.-Col. Llewellyn, D.S.O.
1919, M.C.; Commanding 1st Bn. Royal Welch
Fusiliers since 1937 ; b. 1890 ; o. s. of Arthur
Alston ; w. 1926, Ivetta, o. d. of Dr. Saunders,
Pembroke Dock. Served European War, 1914-19
(despatches, D.S.O., M C ) ; Wazinstan, 1922.
Club: Junior Naval aiyl Military.
ALTHAM, Captain Bdward, C.B. 1919 ;
R.N. retir^ list, 1922 ; Secretary, Editor and
Chief Executive Officer, Royal United Ser-
vice Institution ; b. 7 Jan. 1882 ; e. s. of Lt -
Gen. Sir B. A. Altham, q.v. ; m. 1922, Joyce
E. M., 0 . d. of Louis H. M. and Edith A. Dick.
Served European War; commanded H.M.S.
General Craufurd at Zeebrugge-Ostend opera-
tions ; commanded H.M.S. Attentive at bom-
bardment and capture of forts on Modyuski
Island, North Russia ; Senior Naval Officer
Archangel River Expeditions, 1918-19 (naval
despatches seven times, military despatches
three times, C B., Officier of Legion d’honneur,
Order of St Vladimir of Russia). Fublu ations :
Numerous articles on Imperial Defence, Naval
Strategy and Tactics. Address: 61 Hariington
Gardens, S.W.7. T : Kensington 3170. Clubs:
United Service ; Royal Yacht Squadron (bon ).
ALTHAM, Lt.-Gen. Sir Bdward
Altham, K.C.B , cr. 1910 ; K.C I.B , cr. 1919 ;
C.B 1904; C.M.G 1901 ; Colonel, The Royal Scots,
1918 84 ; retd, pay , Member ot Winchester Dio-
cesan Boaid of Finance, Chairman of Winchester
Branch of C U. , b. Wilton, Someiset, 18 April
1856 ; 2nd a. of Maj. W. S. Altham, late 88rd Foot,
of Timbercombe, Bndgwatei, and Henrietta,
d. of Ml. Moulton-Barrett of Hope End, Here-
fordshire; m. 1880, Georgina Emily, d. of W.
Macpherson Nicol of Inverness; tiivo s. one d.
Educ : Winchestet ; Clirist Cluirch, Oxford.
Entered Army, 1876 (The Royal Scots) ; passed
Staff College, 1900 ; Intelligence Division,
War Office, 1897-99 and 1900-04; General
Staff, South Africa, 1906 8 ; seived Bechuana-
land Expedition, 1884-85 ; 8 Africa, 1899
1900, as A A.G. for Intelligence (despatches
twice, medal with four clasps, promoted Lieut.-
Col.) ; European War in charge Administration
Southern Command, 1914 ; I G C Daidanelles,
1915 ; I G.C Egyptian Expeditionary Force,
1916; Q.M G. in India, 1917-19 (despatches
seven times, K.C.B., K C.I B., prom. Lt.-Gen.,
Grand Cross, White Eagle, Serbia, Giand Cross,
Sacred Treasure, Japan). Puhluation : The
Principles of W^ar, 1914. Address: 7 Kingsgate
Street, Winchester. Club Caledonian.
ALTHAM, Harry Surtees, D 8.O. 1918 ;
M.C.; Assistant Master, Winchenter College ; b
80 Nov. 1888 ; s of Lt -Gen Sir Edward Altham,
q.v.;m. Alision Livingstone-Leaimonth, of Cad -
hngton, Horndean, Hants ; one s two d. Educ. :
Repton School ; Trinity College, Oxon. Win
Chester Coll. May 1913-Aug. 1914; 60th Rifles,
Aug. 1914 ; served European War m France,
1915-19 (M.C., D.S.O , despatches thrice) Pub-
lication: A History of Cricket, 1926. Recrea-
tions: cricket, golf. Address: The College,
Winchester. T. * Winchester 611. Club :
ALTHORP, Viscount; Bdward John
Spencer; o. s. of 7th Eatl Spencer, q.v.,
b. 24 Jan. 1924.
ALTY, Thomas, D.Sc. (Liv.); Ph.D. (Can-
tab.) ; F.Inst.P. ; F.R.S.C., F.R.b.E. ; Cargill
Professor of Applied Physics, Glasgow Univer-
sity, since 1935 ; b 30 Sep. 1899 of James Alty,
Rufford, Lancs.; m. 1925, Stella West, d. of W.
Hams, solicitor, Liverpool , no c. Educ. : Uni-
versity of Liverpool (Oliver Lodge Fellow, 1921);
University of Cambridge. Lecturer in Phy-
sics, University of Durham, 1924-25; Professor
of Physics, University of Saskatchewan, 1925-
1929; Research Physicist, Imperial Chemical
Industries, Noithwich, Cheshire, 1929-80 ; Pro-
fessor of Physics, University of Saskatchewan,
1930-32 ; Research Professor of Physics, Uni-
versity of Saskatchewan, 1932-35. Publications :
Scientific Paper*. Address: The University,
Glasgow. T.: Maryhill 1113.
WHO’S WHO, 1938
AliVES, Duncan Elliott; J.P., Borough
of Caernarvon; h, Dunedin, New Zealand,
1870 ; *. of John Alves, civil engineer, of
Dunedin, N.Z., and Melbourne, Australia ,
m. 1911, Hazel Olive, y, d. of James Wilson,
Montreal, Canada. Educ. : privately. Founder
of Imperial Scheme tor securing and building
up oil position and reserves of oil for British
naval and national purposes ; deeply interested
m assisting m creating entente between Great
Britain and Latin America ; assisted in founda-
tion of a Chair of Oil Technology at Birming-
ham University ; presented Gnbble’s Royal
Academy Picture Our Golden Argosies to the
Federal Council Chamberof the Australian Com-
monwealth Government; presented Gribble’s
Royal Academy Picture of Nelson’s First Piize
to the Royal Na\al Hospital. Greenwich,
created by the President of Venezuela member
of the 3rd and 4th classes of the Order of
Bolivar ; Mayor of Carnarvon, 1926 32 ; re-
ceived Freedom of Borough, 1931 , High
Sheriff of Carnarvonshire, 1931 32. RecreaUons
travelling, yachting, and cattle bleeding ,
keenly interested in agncultural matters and
questions of reciprocity between landlord and
tenant; President and Patron numeious As-
sociations in Carnarvonshire, Sussex, and
Kent. Address Devonshire House, Piccadilly,
W.l ; Bryn Bras Castle, Carnarvonshire, 2\
Llanbeiis 5.
ALVESi Ijleut.-Col. Henry Malcolm
Jerome, 1).8.0. 1916; late RA ; b. Wool-
wich, 1 Apr. 1883 ; s. of late Colonel J. M
Alves, R.A., and Mrs. Alves, Hurstpierpoint ;
m. 1st, 1917, Beatrice Maud, widow of late
Major H. N. Kelly, 33rd Pun,]abis, and d.
of late Sir Htanley Ismay, KC.S. I., and
Lady Ismay, Ootacamund ; one s. : 2nd, 1934,
Diana, o. d. of C. Graham Tilby, Oxton,
Birkenhead. Educ.: Edinburgh Academy
First commission from Militia to R F.A. 1902 ,
Lieut. 1906 ; Capt. 1914 , Major, 1916 ; in India,
1907-14 ; served European War, 1914-18 as
follows : France, Oct. 1914, with Indian
Expeditionary Force ; Adjutant, ISth Bn
gade R.F A., 1915; Staff Captain, RA,
14th Division, 1915 ; commanded a battery,
1916 (D.S.O.); Brigade Major, R.A., 14th Divi-
sion, 1916-18, G.SO., R A., 19th Corps, July
1918 (Belgian Croix de Guerre, 1919; Bt. Lt.-
Col. 1919) ; retired pay, 1931. Address: Lloyd s
Bank, Ltd., Coxa Branch, 6 Pall Mall, S.W.l.
Club: United Service.
ALVIN, Madame Juliette; violoncellist ;
2nd d of Jeanne and Henri Alvin, Pans; m
William A. Robson, q.v : one s. oned. Educ. :
Lycee de Veisailles; Conse^^ atone National dc
Miisique, Pans (First pnx d'Exccllerjcc) ; later
studied with Pablo Casals; has played in prin-
cipal musical centres of Europe, including
London, Pans, Berlin, Vienna, Brussels, Prague,
Buda Pestb, Belgrade, Bucarest, The Hague,
Warsaw, Stockholm, etc. ; often with the Phil-
harmonic Orchesti as ; toured U.S A 1932 and
1933. Publication : The Logic of Casals’ Tech-
nique. Recreations ‘ tennis and swimming
Address: 6 Westbourne Paik Road, W 2. 7..
Bayswater 1831.
ALVINGHAM, of Woodfold Jist Baron,
er. 1929; Maj. Robert Daniel Thwaites
Yerburgrh; b. lO Dec. 1889 ; e. s. of late
Robert Armstrong Yer burgh, D.L., 27 years
M.P. for Chester, of Caythorpe Court, luncs,
and of Blma Amy, of Woodfold Park, Lanes,
0 . d. of late D, Thwaites, D.L., for some
years M.P. for Blackburn; m. Ibt, Doiothea
Gertrude (d. 1927), d. of late J. Eardley
Yerburgh; one a. two d ; 2nd, 1936, Mis
M. L G. Bright. Educ. : Harrow ; University
College, Oxford. In Army, European War,
1915-19 (Bt. Major); M P. (U.) South Dorset,
1922-29. Heir: ». Hon. Robert Guy Eaidley
Yerburgh, b. 16 Dec. 1926. Address : Shotters-
ley, Haslemere, Surrey. Club : Carlton.
ALY KHAN, Tbe Prince Aly Shah j
h. 13 June 1911; e. s. and Heir Apparent of
H.H. the Aga Khan, q.v. as Imam of the Shiah
Ismailia sect of Muhammadans ; was a secretary
to the British Indian Delegation at the Second
Round Table Conference. Publication. The
Life of Aga Khan. Recreations: racing, flying, i
riding, shooting, hunting, motoring. Ad-
dress : Yerowda Palace, Poona, India. Clubs :
Athenaeum, Mailborough.
AM AN, family name of Baron Marley.
AMARJIT SINGH, Major Mabaraj.
kumar,C.I.E., 1935; M.A.(Oxon); Indian Army;
Commandant Kapiirthala State Forces : 6. 5 Aug.
J893; &. of Col. His Highness Manaraja of
Kapiirthala, q.v.; m. 1922, Sophie Adjemoft.
Educ.: Military Tlieresianum Academy, Vienna ;
Christ Church, Oxford. Served in France
during European War as 2nd Lieutenant in
Indian Army; Recruiting Officer, Kapiirthala
State, 1017-18; (Hony. Captain m Indian Army,
1014-15 Star, British War Medal, Allied Victory
Medal); King’s Indian Recruiting Medal;
Iloiiy. A.D.C. to Commaiider-iii-Lhiet in Inoia,
1926 30; British Stafl Officer to General Gout and,
Military Governor, Pans, during his tour in
India, 1928-29; Hony. M^yor m Indian Army
1930; King’s Silver Jubilee Medal, having
attended SilverJiibih e, 1935. Recreations Hiding
and swimming. Address Kapurthala State,
India. T.A. igforkap, Kapurthala. Clubs.
Western IndiaTurf, Willingdon Sports, Bombay;
Calcutta, Calcutta; Cercle Interallie, Pans.
AMBERLBY, Viscount; Jobn Con-
rad Russell; b. lb Nov. 1921; ei.s.of 3id
Earl Russell, q.v.
AMBROSE; Robert; F.R.G.S. ; b 1855 , m.
Mary Josephine, d. of Riggs Miller-Ryan, Castle-
connell, Limeiick; three s.oned. Educ. Queen’s
University, Ireland. B.A. ; L.R.C.P. ; L.R.C.8
Bdin. 1888. Practising doctor; promoter of
The All-Red or All-Bntish Route from London
to Australia via British territory and on British
ships ; member of a deputation to Sir Wilfrjd
Laurier in Canada on All -Red Route, 1907;
organiser of a deputation to Mr. Churchill, M.P. ,
President of Board of Trade, in 1908 on same
subject ; originator of the idea, author and
introducer of first bill for compulsory land pur-
chase in Ireland, 1897 ; originator and intro-
ducer of a bill giving compulsory purchase
powers to County Councils in h eland to acquire
waste land with a view to reclamation and re-
sale to the landless sons of small farmers,
and m order that such County Councils may
become the possessors of the mineral rights
and royalties, etc. ; M.P. (N.) Wesl Mayo, 1898-
1910; contested Whitechapel (Lab.), 1918;
advocates and has wiitten contributions on (1)
Peasant Proprietorship for England, Scotland,
and Wales ; (2) National Co-operative Farmer
to Consumer Society consisting of Farmers,
Consumers and Woikers; (3) Provision of an
acre of land and a cottage for the agricultural
labourer at a rental of ten shillings per week for
i twenty years, after which it becomes the pro-
peity of the labourer, he having by that time
paid £520. Publications : A Plea for the Indus-
trial Regeneration of Iieland, 1909; Anglo-
South American Trade Directory.
AMCOTTS, Lieut. Comdr. J. C. ; see
Cracroft- Amcotts.
AMERY, Rt. Hon. Leopold Stennett;
P.C. 1922; M.P. (U.) Sparkbrook Division
of Birmingham since 1918; b. 22 Nov. 1873,
Gorakhpur, N.W.P., India; e. s. of late
Charles F. Amery, of Middle Coombe, Lust-
leigh, S. Devon, and of the Indian Forest
Department, and Elizabeth Leitner; m. 1910,
Florence, d. of late John Hamar Greenwood, of
Whitby, Ont., and ^«is. of 1st Viscount Green-
I wood, q.v.; two Educ.: Harrow ; Balliol
College, Oxford (exhibitioner). Ist class in
i Mods. 1894; 1st in Lit. Hum. 1896; private
I secretary to Right Hon. L. H. Courtney,
M.P., 1896 -f>7; elected Fellow of All Souls
College, Oxford, 1897 ; on The Times editorial
staff, 1699-1909; organisea The Times war
correspondence in South Africa, 1899-1900;
Barrister, Inner Temple, 1902; contested Wolver-
hampton (East), as U monust and Tariff Reformer,
1906, 1908, and January 1910; Bow and Bromley,
December 1910 ; M.P., S. Birmingham, 1911-18 ;
served in Flanders and the Near East
1914-16 ; Assistant Secretary War Cabinet and
Imperial War Cabinet, 1917 ; on the staff of the
War Council, Versailles, and on personal staff
of Secretary of State for War, 1917-18 ; temp.
Lt.-Col. on General Staff; Parliamentary Under-
Sec for the Colonies, 1919-21 ; Parliamentary
and Financial Secretary to the Admiralty,
1921- 22 ; First Lord of the Admiralty, Oct.
1922 - Feb. 1924; Secretary of State tor the
Colonies, Nov. 1924-Jurie 1929 ; Secretary of
State for Dominion Affairs, July 1925-June 1929 ;
has travelled extensively in the Near East and
in all the British Dominions. Publications:
Times History of the 8. African War, 7 vols.
completed 1909; The Problem of the Army,
1903 , Fundamental Fallacies of Free Trade,
1906 ; The Great Question, 1909 ; Union and
Strength, 1912 ; The Empire in the New Era,
1928 : Empire and Prosperity, 1930 ; A Plan of
Action, 1932 ; The Stranger of the Ulysses, 1934 ;
Tlie Fonvarii View, 1935. Recreations ; travel-
ling, mountaineering, ski-ing, sailing Address:
112 Eaton Square, S.W 1. T. • Sloane 1543.
Clubs • Alpine, Athenaeum, Bath, Carlton.
AMERYs William Bankes. C.B B. 1920 ;
Principal, Dominions Office, S.VV 1 ; b. 26 Oct
1883; e s. of Tliomas Arthur Amery of Nor-
well, Newark, Notts, Ednc,: Christ’s Hospital.
Assist. -Sec., War Trade Dept., 1916-19 ; Estab-
lishment Officer, Ministry of Transport, 1919-22 :
Finance Officer, Oversea Settlement Dept, of
the Dominions Office, 1922-25 ; Representative
of the United Kingdom Government in Australia
under the Empire Settlement Act. 1925-28
Recreations: tennis, skating and ski-ing. Ad-
dress ; 18 Greystoke Court, W 5
AMES, Sir Herbert Brown, Kt, cr. 1915 ;
b. Montreal, 27 June 1868; m. 1890, Louise
Marion, d. of late Sir John Kennedy, Educ. .
Public Schools, Montreal ; Amherst Coll., Mass
(LL.D.), President of the Volunteer Electoral
League ; Alderman, 1898-1906 ; Chairman Muni-
cipal Board of Health, 1900-4 ; Member House
of Commons, Montreal, 1904-21 ; Chairman
Select Standing Committee on Banking and
Commerce, 1911 ; Hon. Secretary Canadian
Patriotic Fund, 1914-19; Chairman Special
Committee of the House of Commons in re
care and treatment of returned soldiers, 1917 ,
Financial Director-of League of Nations Secret-
ariat, 1919-26; LL.D. Amherst College , Lec-
turer for the Carnegie Endowment for Inter-
national Peace, 1929-35. Address: 90 Ivy
Street, Brookline, Mass., U.S A. Club: Har-
vard, Boston.
AMES, John Richard Woodland;
F S M. A. , General Wfirks Manager and Hales
Manager and Business Organiser; b Roehestei,
Kent , e s. of Richard Ames. Educ. : privately.
Engaged m factory organisation (fatigue and
scientific research), 1901-8; special edueational
extension work, 1908-18 ; Founder Industrial
League and Council, 1915, Hon. Sec., 1915-18 ,
Secretary and General Manager, 1918-24;
Founder and Managing Director, W.M. Publicity
Service, 1924-26, Secretaryand General Manager
Red Triangle Cement Organisation, 1927-31 ;
Business Consultant and Organiser, 1932-37 ;
Trustee King’s Fund, 1918 to close of fund,
1928; Fellow and Past Chairman Incorporated
Sales Managers' Association ; Member Executive
British Peace Award, 1924 ; Member Ministry
of Labour Appointments CoTnmitt»*p, 1919-28 ;
Member Executive International Chamber of
Commerce, 1931-33 ; Member Council (British)
International Scientific Management Conirresa.
Publications : Editor Current Opinion, 1918-24 ;
Editor Modern Building Construction, 1927-81 ;
also economic and industrial articles, various
magazines and journals. Recreations: goll,
bowls, reading and conversation. Address : 31
Palace Street, S.W. 1. Club: Constitutional.
AMHERST, family name of Earl Am-
AMHERST, 5th Earl (cr. 1826), Jeffrey
John Archer Amherst. Baron Amherst
of Montreal, 1788 ; Viscount Holmesdale, 1826 ,
late Capt. Coldstream Guards; 5. 13 Dec. 1896;
e. 3. of 4th Earl and Hon. Eleanor Clementina
St. Aubyn, d. ot 1st Baron St. Levan. »b'.
father, 1927. Educ. : Eton. Served European
War (M.C.). Heir: b. Hon. Humphrey
William Amherst, b. 25 July 1903. Address: 1
Wilton Crescent, S. W.l. T.' Sloane 3817.
See also Sir C. A. Middleton.
AMHERST of Hackney, 3rd Baron (cr.
1892), William Alexander Everin^
Cecil ; Lieut. Royal Horse Guards ; s. of
late Captain Hon. William Amherst Cecil,
Grenadier Guards, and Gladys, o. c. of Col.
H. C. Baggalay, of Heatherhurst Grange,
Frimley ; b. 31 May 1912 ; S. grandmother, 1919 ;
owns about 10,000 acres. Jleir : b. lion. Henry
Kerr Auchmuty, b. 1914. Address: Stowdang-
toft Hall, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk.
See also Baroness Rorkley.
AMHERST, Hon. Alicia; see Rockley,
AMIGO, Right Rev. P. E. : see South-
wark, R 0. Bishop of.
AMMON, Charles George, J.P. ; M.P
(Lab.) North Camberwell, 1922-81 and since
1935 , Alderman CaraberwoU Borough Council
since 1934; s of Charle.s George and Mary
Ammon ; m. Ada Ellen, d. ol David May,
Walworth, Lotnion ; two d. Educ. : Public
Elementary Schools and private study. In
Post Office Service for twenty-four years ;
London County Councillor for North Camber-
well, 1919-25 and since 1934 ; contested North
Camberwell for Parliament, 1918 and 1931 ,
Labour Party Whip, 1923’; Parliamentary Secre-
taiy to the Admiralty, 1924 and 1929-31 , Na-
tional Picsident Brotlicihood Movement, 1929
Publications' Christ and Laliour; numerous
pamphlets and articles in reviews, periodicals,
etc. i^ecreaGoiw: reading, walking, golf Ad-
dress: 76 Ferndene Hoad, S.E 24. T. . Buxton
4828. Club.s: Authors’, National Labour.
AMORY, Capt. Sir John Heathcoat-,
3rd Bt. cr, 1874 ; b. 2 May 1894 ; e,s of Sir Ian
Murray Heathcoat Amory, 2nd Bt., C.B B., and
Alexandra Georgina, O.B.B., e.d. of late Vice-
Admiral G. H. Seymour, C B.; S father 1931 ;
m 1937, Joyce, o d of Newton WeUicred, Brook,
Sill rev Educ." Eton; Christ Chureh, Ox-
ford Served European War, 1914-19, with 4th
Devon Regt, in India and Mesopotamia and in
Persia and the Caucasus with the Dun.ster
Force (despatches, two medals); Chairman of
John Heathcoat & Co ; J.P. Devon, 1922 Re-
creations: cricket, shooting, tennis, ski-ing, golf.
Heir: h. Derick Heathcoat-, h. 26 Dec. 1899
Address • Knightshayes Court, Tiveiton, Devon.
T.: Tiverton lt38; Glenfernate Lodge, Enochdhu,
Blairgowrie, Perthshire. Club: Brooks’s.
See also Brig.-Gen. Hon. L. J. P. Butler, C. R.
S. Carew.
AMOS. Sir Maurice Sheldon, K.B.E., cr.
1922; K.C 1932 , Chief British Delegate to Inter-
national Committee of Experts on Piivate Aerial
Law since 19.33 ; ft. 15 June 1872 ; o. 3. of late Pro-
fessor Sheldon Amos ; m. 1906, Lucy, e. d. of late
Sir Colin Scott Moneneff ; two s. three d Educ. :
privately ; Trinity College, Cambridge (Scholar)
FirstClass Moral Sciences Tripos, 1898 and 1895;
Cobden Prizeman, 1895; Barrister -at- Law,
Inner Temple, 1897 ; LicenciA en droit, Pans
University, 1899 ; Inspector of Native Courts
under Egyptian Ministry of Justice, 1898 ;
Tnrlcrft of P-airo Native Court of First Instance,
WHO’S WHO, 1938
1908; Judge of Native Court of Appeal, 1906;
seconded as Director of Khedivial Law School,
1913-15; served under Ministry of Munitions,
1915- 17 ; Chairman of Priority Committee,
1916- 16 ; Senior British Delegate on Bureau
Interallie des Munitions, 1916-17 ; Member of
Lord Balfour s Mission to America, 1917 ; Acting
Judicial Adviser, 1917-19; Judicial Adviser to
the Government of Egypt, 1919-25, Quain Pro-
fessor of Coiuparatlve Law, University College,
London, 1932-37 , Hon. LL.D. Lausanne ; holds
Grand Cordon Order of the Nile. Publica-
tions: Articles in Contemporary Review, Law
Quarterly, Empire Review, New Statesman,
etc. ; (joint) Problems and Exercises in the
Law of Egypt, Cairo, 1904 , The English Con-
stitution, 1980; Introduction to French Law
(with P. P. Walton), 1935. Address: 21 Cranmer
Road, Cambridge; T. • 3350; Ulpha, nr.
Broughton - in - Furness, Lancs.; Goldsmith
Building, Temple, B C. Club. Athenaeum.
AMPTHIlilj^ 3rd Baron (rr 1881), John
HugrO Russell. Lieut -Command»r, retired,
R N ; b 4 Oct 1896 ; r s of 2nd Baron and
Lady Margaret Lygon, C L, G B E., d of 6th
Earl Beauchamp; S father, 1935; m 1st 1918,
Christab'-l Hulme Hart (who obtained a divoice
1937)- 2nd, 1937, Sibell Fiithfull, yr d ofTh< mas
Wilkinson Lumley. Heir’s Hon Geoffrey Denis
Erskine Russell, 6. 16 Oct. 1921. Address.
The Lodge, Dunmnrry, Co Antrim T. : Dun-
mnrry 3266
AMPTHIlfL, The Dowasrer Itady:
Margraret CM, 1899; G.B E. cr.
1918 ; Lady-in Waiting to Queen Mary ; h. 8
Oct 1874, d. of 6th Bail Beauchami'; m. 1894
2nd Baron Ampthill, G C S i , G C I E (d. 1935),
four 5 one d. Address • 108 Eaton Place, S.W.l.
r. Sloane 4927. Club V A D I.adies
AMR. Fattah Bey, Egyptian Order of Merit
Ist class 1935; Law and Banking; h. 14 Feb.
1909; s. of late Al Saved Ahmed Anir and
Na7ima ILindm El Soucey. Kdur.: Khedive
College, Cairo; London. Landowner in Upper
Egypt; studied constitutional law and banking*
Amateur Squash Rackets Champion of South of
England 1929 and 1930, of the British Fsles 1931-
1932-33 1935 and 1936 (did not compete in 19341 ;
Open Champion (Squash Rackets) 1982-33-34-35
and 1930; Captain of British Squash Rackets
Toctm against U.S A., 1935; Egyptian Squash
Rackets Champion-hip, 1936, Arnatour Cham
pionship 193b; Open Championship, 1986,
Technical Adviser to the Squash Rackets Associ-
ation, 1937-38. PutRra'ious The Art of
Squash Rackets, 1934 ; The Psychology of Match
Playing (Squash Annual), 1936. Recrfatums
mountaineering, golf. Address 46 Stratton
Street, W.l. Clubs’ Roehamptori, Princes,
Royal Automobile, International Sportsmen’s;
Solieman Pacha’s, Cairo.
AMSHEWITZ, J. H., R.B.A. 1914; mem-
ber of the London Society of Portrait Painters ,
portrait paintei and mural decorator; b Rams-
gate, 19 Dec 1882; s. of Rev. A, Amshewitz,
Ramsgate; m. 1918, Sarah Briaiia Judes,
Johannesburg; one s. Educ. : Central Founda
tion School; Royal Academy Schools (prize-
winner, Mural Decoration), Awarded first and
second places and commission in Liverpool
Pageant Memorial Competition, 1908, whereby
executed senes of mural paintings in Liverpool
Town Hall; executed Historical Panel, Royal
Exchange, London, 1910 ; worked in 8. Africa,
1916-22; three Historical panels, South Africa
House, Trafalgar Square, 1034 ; Cartoonist
on Rand Daily Mail and Sunday Times ;
painted many portraits of South African
notabilities, and executed a series of wall
smtinFS as a war memorial in Church of
t. Michael and All Angels, Boksburg, Trans-
vaal ; paintings placed permanently in principal
galleries in South Africa, m South Kensington
Museum and the Ferens Gallery, Hull ;
Leighton House and Metropolitan Museum,
New York ; mention Honorable Paris Salon,
1929 ; Exhibitor in R.A. since 1905 ; in private
collections of Prince George, Princess Alice,
Countess of Athlone, Gaikwar oi Barcda ; and at
the R.B A., Royal Oil Institute, New English Art
Club, the International Society of Painters, and
at the Royal Portrait Painters Society at their
Royal Academy Winter Exhibitions. Publica-
twfis: Illustrations to Ever>nian; Myths and
Legends of Ancient Israel ; The Hagadah ;
and to Zangwill's Ghetto Tragedies and Ghetto
Comedies. Address: 80 Warwick Gardens,
Kensington, W.14. T. : Western 1642.
AMUIiREE, 1st Baron (cr. 1929); William
Warrender Mackenxie. P.C. 1980 ;
G.B.E.. cr. 1926; K.B.E., cr. 1918; C B.E
1917; K.C. 1914; Hon LLD. (Edin), b.
1860 ; m. 1897, Lilian (d. 1916), «. d. of late
W. ja. Bradbury ; one s* one d. Educ. :
Perth Academy , Edinburgh University (Lord
Rector’s Prizeman, 1883, M.A. 1885); Uni-
versity College, London : called to Bar,
Lincoln’s Inn, 1886 , Northern Circuit ; Secre-
tary of State for Air and President ol Air
Council, 1930-81 ; Chairman of Commission
to Enquire into Manchester Engineering Piece
Rates, 1917; Chairman of Commission of En-
quiry into Industrial Unrest, South West
District, 1917 ; Member of Lord Atkin’s War
Cabinet Committee of Inquiry on Women in
Industry, 1918-19; Chan man of Government
Inqniiy on Night Baking, 1919 ; sole member
of Court of Inquiry concerning Engineering
Trades Disputes, 1922 ; Chairman of Com-
mittee to enquire into claims of men dis-
missed from police and yirison services on
account of 1919 strike, 1924 ; one of the Chair-
men of the Committee on Production, 1917 18 ,
Chairman of Special Arbitration Tribunal under
Munitions of War Act, 1917 ; a Chairman of
Interim Court of Arbitration under The Wages
(Tenipoiary Regulation) Acts 1918-19; Presi-
dent of Industrial Court, 1919-26 , Chairman of
the Railway National Wages Board, 1920 26 ;
Government referee under Eletncity (Supply)
Act 1919 ; Chairman of Tramway Tnbunal for
Great Britain since 1924 * Chairman of British
Government Industrial Delegation to Canada
and United States of America, 1926 27 ; Chair-
man of Departmental Committee on Shops
Hours Acts, 1927 ; President of Building In-
dustry Council of Review, 1928-33 , Chainiian
of Royal Comimssion on Licensing Laws,
1929 31 , Chairman of Committee of Inquiry
into London Motor Coach Services 1932 , Chair
man of Royal Commission on Newfoundland,
1933 ; Chairman of Joint Committee of botli
Houses on Consolidation of Bills, 1934-37 ;
Chairman of Court of Inquiry into Panel
Doctors’ Fees, 1937 ; Chairman of Committee
on Holidays with Pay, 1937; Vice-Piesident
of Association of Municipal Corporations,
Works Management Association, and Royal
Hotiety of Arts (Chairman of Examinations
Committee) , Commissioner under Trade Board
Acts , Chairman of Tribunal of tlie Retail
Standards Association, 1935 ; has acted as
Arbitrator and Conciliator in industrial
dififerenccB for the Board of Trade and Minister
of Labour ; Royal Society of Arts Medal,
1923; Chairman of National Building Council,
1934 - 35 and National Housing Committee ;
Member of Council of Royal Empire Society,
1934. Publications . Pratt and Mackenzie’s
Law of Highways (16 editions) ; 10th to 21st
editions of Paterson’s Licensing Acts ; one of
the Editors of Lord Halabury’s Laws of
England ; Elementary Education Acts; Arnold’s
Municipal Corporations (4th and 6th editions),
with Hir S. G. Johnson, G. R. Hill ; Over-
seers’ Handbook (8 editions). Pool Law Guard-
ian (4 eds), Model Byelaws under Public
Health and other Acts, with Mr. P. Handford;
Practice of the Industrial Court; Industrial
Arbitration in Great Britain, 1980 ; articles in
WHO’S WHO, 1988
various magazines, etc. jRecreaiions : golf, fish-
ing. Addrtss: 42 Queen Anne’s Gate, S.W.l. ;
r. .* Whitehall 7578; Northfleld House, St.
Abbs, Berwickshire. T. * Coldmgham 20
Club Reform.
AM YOT, Itt.-Col. Hon. George Elie ;
Vice - President of La Banque Oanadienne
Nationale; President of Dominion Corset Co.,
Quebec Paper Box Co., and Canada Corset
Steel and Wire Co. ; Vice-President Caisse
d’Economie ; h, Quebec, 28 Jan. 1856 ; s. of
Dominique Amyot de Larpini6re and Louise
Nolin ; m. 1881, Mane Josephine 7’anguay,
Quebec ; two s. three d. Founder Dominion
Corset Co., 1886, and Fox Head Brewery
Co., 1896 ; Director Quebec Technical School ;
Governor Laval University Funds ; Bx-Presi-
dent Quebec Board of Trade; Candidate to
House of Commons for Quebec County, 1906 ,
presented to the Province of Quebec a monu-
ment to the French-Canadian histonan Gameau,
1912 ; appointed to Legislative Council for De
La Durantaye, 1911 ; Hon. Lieut. -Colonel eist
Regiment; presented to King Edward VII. and
Queen Alexandra, 1906 ; had a private audience
with Pope Pius X , 1911 ; received officially
in Quebec Duke of Connaught, 1914; Knight of
Grace of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem in
England, 1914 ; Knight Commander of the Order
of St Gregory the Great, 1916 ; Liberal ; Roman
Catholic. JtecrmtioiiB : driving, riding, golfing,
motor touring. Address: Villa de Larpini6re,
Ste-Foy Road, Quebec. Clubs: Garrison,
Quebec ; National, Toronto.
AMYOT, Lt.-Col. John Andrew, C.M.G
1918 ; late Deputy Minister of Pensions and
National Health, Canada; b. Toronto, 26 July
1867 ; s. of John F, Amyot and Sophie F^re ,
m. 1895, Mary Keller ; five s. two d. Kduc
Assumption College, Ontario ; University of
Toronto. M.B. 1891; House Surgeon, Toronto
General Hospital, 1891-92 ; Demonstrator, Patho
logy, University, Toronto 1892-1900; Assist
Surgeon, St. Michael’s Hospital, Toronto, 1894-
1898 ; Surgeon, 1898-1900 ; Lecturer, Compare
tive Physiology, Ontario Veterinary College,
1898-1908 ; Director, Provincial Board of Health
Laboratory, Ontario, 1900-18; Associate Pro-
fessor, Pathology, University of Toronto, 1900-9,
Professor, I^giene, 1909-18; D.A.D M.S. Sam
tation, 2nd Canadian Divl Area, Canada, 1918
1915 ; O C. Sanitary Section, 2nd Canadian Div
England, 1915 ; 1st Canadian Div. France, 1915-
1916 ; Adviser in Sanitation, Canadian Corps,
France, 1916; D.A.D.M8. Sanitation, 2nd
Bntish Army, France, 1916 , Consultant in Sam
tation, Canadian Overseas Forces, England, 1916-
1919. Publications : various papers on public
health questions, Canada and United States ,
collaboration on Technical Com ’s American and
Canadian Public Health Associatione, Ontario
and Canadian Medical Associations; Co-Director,
International Waterways’ Com., Canada and
United States ; Investigation on Pollution of
Great Lakes. Address: 203 Fourth Avenue,
Ottawa, Canada.
Bahadur Sir-Chlttoor Valthiliusa,
Kt cr 1934 ; B.A , BL; 6. 1874 Educ
Madras Christian College and Madras Law
College. Pi*actising as a Vakil of the Madras
High Court since 1898 ; Election Commissioner,
1921-23 ; Member Law College Council ; Govern-
ment Pleader of Madras, 1923-27; acted as
a Judge of the High Court of Judicature
at Madras, July-December 1927; Advocate-
General, Madras, 1928; a Judge of the High
Court, Madras, 1928-34; Member of the Legisla-
tive Council of the Governor of Madras, 1928 ,
Fellow of the Madras University. Address
Anantha Sadan, The Luz, Mylapore, Madras,
8 India, Club' Cosmopolitan, Madras.
ANAMTAM, Rew. Dhaxmawdda, B.A.
^adras University), Hon. Chyilain to the
Bishop of Madras, and Hon. Canon of St.
George’s Cathedral, Madras ; Missionary of the
Church Missionary Society ; 6. 1850 of Brahmin
parents, father a Government official ; embraced
Christianity and was baptized 1866. Married
twice , two s. Educ, : Noble College, Masuli-
patam. Master in Noble College, 1871-87 ,
P repared for Holy Orders in the C.M.S. Divinity
chool, Madras, 1888 ; ordained, 1889 ; Itinerat-
ing missionary in the Telugu Country, 1889-93 ;
engaged in the revision of the Telugu Bible,
1897-1900 ; Principal of the C.M.S. High School,
Bezvada, 1894-96, and 1901-11; visited Britain
twice 1912 and 1926 ; retired, 1921. Publications :
worked on the committees for the revision of the
Telugu Bible and the Common Prayer Book ,
edited a Telugu Lexicon for the Madras School
Book Society ; edited two monthly magazines
(m Telugu) for over 40 years ; prepared several
standaid theological works and minor publica-
tions. Address. Basavangudi, Bangalore City,
AN CASTER, 2nd Earl of (cr. 1892),
Gilbert Heathcote-Drummond-Wil-
lOUiTbby, G.C.V O. cr. 1937 , Baron Wil-
loughby de Eresby, 1818 , Baron Aveland, 1866.
Ijord Great Chamberlain of England ; Lord
Lieutenant, County Rutland, since 1921 ,
Chairman of Rutland County Council since
1922; 6. 29 July 1867; e. s. of Ist Earl of
Ancaster and Evelyn, d. of 10th Marquess
of Huntly ; S. father, 1910 , m. 1905, Eloise,
e. d. of late W. L. Bree&e of New York ,
two s. two d. Educ. Eton ; Trinity College,
Cambridge (M.A.). Lt.-Col. O.C. Lincolnshire
Yeomanry, 1911-15, M.P. (C.) Horncastle
Division of Lincolnshire, 1894-1910; Par
liamentary Secretary to the Ministry of
Agriculture, 1921-23. Recreations: hunting
shooting Heir * s. Lord Willoughby do Eresby,
q V. Address Grimsthorpe, .Bourne, Lines ,
Drummond Castle, Crieff. Clubs: Cailton,
See also Earl of Dalhousie, T. C E. Goff,
Sir John Bainsden, Rt. Hon. G. C. Try on.
ANDERSONi family name of laord St.
ANDERSON, Sir Alan Garrett, G B E ,
cr. 1934; K.B. B., cr 1917; Commander Order
of Crown of Italy ; Officer Legion of Honour ;
Comrnandei Order of White Rose of Finland ;
Captain (Hon ) R.N R ; M P. (C.) City of
Ijondon since 1935 ; b 9 Mar. 1877 ; «. of
J. G. S. and Elizabeth Garrett Anderson,
M.D. ; m. 1903, Munel Ivy Duncan ; two s.
two d. Educ. : Elstree ; Eton (King’s Scholar) ,
Trinity College, Oxon. Andei son Green & Co ,
Ltd., Managers Orient Line ; Director L. M.
and 8. Railway ; Director, Bank of England ,
Director, Suez Canal Company ; Hon. Presi-
dent, International Chamber of Commerce ;
Deputy-Lieutenant of City of London; High
Sheriff of County of London, 1922 ; President
of the Chamber of Shipping of the United
Kingdom, 1924-25 ; President Institute of
Marine Engineers, 1928 ; President Association
of Chambers of Commerce, 1933-34; Chairman of
Hospital Saving Association ; Chairman,
Depai tmental Committee on Fixed Trusts,
1936. Address: 7 Pelace Green, W.8; T. :
Western 4277 ; Notgrove Manor, Glos. Clubs :
Brooks’s, City of London, City Carlton ;
Royal Yacht Squadron, Cowes.
ANDERSON, Alan Orr, M.A., LL.D.
(Edin.); 6, 1879; s. of Rev. John Anderson,
B.D. and Ann, d. of Rev. John Masson; m.
1932, Marjorie Ogilvie, d. of James Cunningham,
LL D. Educ. : Royal High School and Univei-
sity, Edinburgh. Publications: Scottish Annals
from English Chroniclers, 1909 ; Early Sources
of Scottish History, 1922 ; Prophecy of Berchan,
1 929 ; (with his wife) Introduct ion to the
Chronicle of Melrose, facsimile edition, 1936;
contributions to his wife’s edition of the
Chronicle of Holyrood, 1937. Address; 24 Bruce
Road, Downfleld, Dundee. T, : Downfleld 100.
WHO’S WHO, 1938
ANDERSON, Major Alexander Alder>
son. D.S.O. 1918; civil engineer; y. s. of late
Col W. P. Anderson, O.M.G. ; h. 1889 ; w. 1928,
Helen Gertrude, o. d. of 0. W. Jarvis, Fort
William. Ednc ; B.M C , Kingston ; McGill
University, B Sc. Served European War,
1914 18 (desxmtches thrice, D 8 O.) Address *
P. W. Dept., London, Ont., Canada. Cluhs
Royal Ottawa Golf, Ottawa; London Hunt,
London, Ont.
ANDERSON I Sir Alexander James,
Kt , cr. 1924 . C.S.I. 1918; V D. 1921;
Fellow Royal Society of Arts, 1921 , h. 24
March 1879 ; s of late Alexander Gavin
Anderson ; m. 1925, Vera Latimer, d of Rev.
C. P. Eden, hduc : Marlborough Manager,
Bombay Burmah Trading Corporation, Ltd ,
1909 26 ; Member, liOgislative Council, Burma,
1923-25 ; Member, Burma Retrenchment Com-
mittee, 1923 , Chairman, Burma Chamber of
Commerce, 1923 25 ; Vice Chairman, Commis
sioners for the Port of Rangoon, 1924-25 ;
served European War (Mesopotamia, Major
Volunteer Artillery Battery; Kut , prisoner
Turkey), 1914-18 (despatches, C.S.I.^ Ad-
dress* Fairhaven, Haslernere, Suiiey. Club:
ANDERSON, Alexander Knox, M.A.,
F.R. Hist. Hoc. , Print Ip il, The Scots College,
Bellevue Hill, Sydney, N.S.W , Aiistialia, suite
1935 , b. 12 .Ian. 1892 , s. ot Jami s Robert and
Margaret Anderson , m. 1917, May Synnitt
It vine , one d. Ad?/(. • Poit Chalmers District
High School; Duni'dm Teachers' Tiainmg
College, Obigo Unnersity, Canterbury Uni-
versity College, N.Z. B.A., 1914. M A. 1915
(First Class Honours m Histoiy), AssisLint
Master, Waitaki Boys’ High School, 1912-1(> ,
Assistant Master Otago Boys* High School,
1918 20, Lecturer on A(h meed and Honours
Ilistoiy, Otigo University, 1918-20, Head
Master, St Andn w s College, Christchurch,
1920 34 , External E\ iminer in B A. Ilistorv to
Uiiiveisity t)f New Zoahnd, 1921 25, President
of Associ itioii of Pimcipals of Regigteie<l
Set oiidary Schools of New Zealand, 1933 34 ,
touted Australia, Palestine, Syria, Egypt,
France, British Isles, U.S.A., 1934 , member ot
II(‘ad masters’ Conference since 1935 ; Corona-
tion Medal, 1917. Recreations rifle shooting
(tied Southland Cliarnpionship, N.Z., 1916,
second Otago Championship, 1916), cricket,
hockey, tennis, golf. Address : The Scots
College, Bellevue Hill, Sydney, N.S.W. T. .
F.M 1059 Sydney.
ANDERSON, Andrew Newton, O.B.E.
1934 ; Permanent Secretary to the Supreme
Court ot Judicature of Nortliern Iieland since
1921 , Clerk of the Crown for Northern Ireland
since 1923 ; h. 6 Sep. 1880 ; s. of John Anderson,
Land Agent of Lurgan and Belfast and Sarah
Darley Newton; m. 1918, Lilian Dunloj), o. c of
John Dunlop Costine, Liverpool and Loudon,
Civil Se^^ant ; one 8 Edw. : Drogheda Grammar
School; Campbell College, Belfast. Admitteda
solicitor, 1902 , Assistant Secretary, Ulster
Unionist Council and Unionst Associations of
Ireland, 1906-14; Seciebiry to Lieul-Colonel
James'Craig (now Viscount Craigavon), A. A. and
Q. M.G , 3Gth (Ulster) Division, 1914-15; Royal
Irish Rifles, 1915 19; Secretary, Ulster Volunteer
Force Patriotic Fund and Secretary of the Mid-
Down Unionist Association, 1919-21; Siher
Jubilee Medal," 1936; Coronation Modal, 1937.
Recreations: gardening, amateur theatricals,
stamp collecting. Address: Ge/ina, Downshire
Road, Cregagh, Belfast. T . : Belfast 41288.
AN D E R S O N I Archibald Stirling
Kennedy, D S.0 1918 ; M.C. ; M.A., M.B ,
Ch. B., D.P.II ; medical practice; b, 1887 ; «. ol
late Alex. Anderson, Aberdeen ; m. 1926, Joyce,
e. d. of W. S. Wharton, South town, Great
Yai mouth. Educ,: Aberdeen Grammar School ;
Aberdeen University. Studied at Dublin,
Manchester, and London. Served European
War, 1914-19 (D.S.O., M.C. with bar, de-
spatches, Hon. Lt.-Col, R,A.M.O.). Recreations:
fishing, sailing. Address: Seacroft, Marine
Parade, Gorleston. T, : Gorleston 96,
ANDERSON, Dieut.-Col. Arthur
Emilius David, D S.O. 1918; M.C. ;
R. of O. ; late K O Scottish Borderers ;
Partner in Rowe and Pitman, Stock-
brokers, 48 Bishopsgate, B.C.2; Director
the Anglo-Dutch Plantations of Java Ltd.,
Anglo -Dutch Utilities Company Ltd., Rubber
Estates of Malaya Ltd , Constructive Finance
and Investment Company Ltd., Romney Trust
Ltd., Raeburn Trust Ltd. ; Grange Trust,
Ltd. , b. 1886 ; s. of late Rev. Prebendary
David Anderson, Rector of St George's,
Hanover Square; w 1916, Jean Douglas,
d. of James Patrick McIntyre; four d.
Ediic.. Eton; Trinity College, Cambridge.
Served European War, 1914-18 (despatches,
M C , D H O ) Address 14 Hyde Park Square,
W2 7.: Paddington 4304; Fairways, Little-
stone-on-Sea. Club Bath.
ANDERSON. Atbol Lancelot, C.B. 1986 ;
Civil Engmeer-in Chief, Admiralty since 1934 ,h.
17 Jan. 1875; s of William Curling Anderson
and Sophia Griffiths ; m. 1901, Alice Mabel Ann
Emmott ; no c. Educ. * Cheltenham College.
Articled to Sir James Lemon, M.Inst C.B.,
Southampton and Westminster; served iindei
Civil Engineer in Chief, Adimi-alty at Ports-
mouth, Malta, Rosyth, Hong Kong, Simonstown,
Jamaica, Heligoland and at Singapore ; also
various periods of service at the Admiralty; a
member of the Commission des Travaux of the
International Commission of the Canal Maritime
de Suez. Address 15 Shelley Court, Tite
Street, Chelsea, 8.W. T.: Flaxman 9779.
ANDERSON, Brig. - Gen. Austin
Thomas, C.M.G. 1918 ; late Royal ArtiLery ,
Private Secretaiy to Governor - General ot
Australii since 19 In , s. of late W. M. Anderson
(Managing Director of the Oriental Bank, some-
time Member of the Legislative Council, and
acting Governor of Mauritius) and lateM A., d
of Capt W Neilly, 40th Regt , m. 1904, Ethel
Louise, d. of late C C Mason, Rangamatty, New
South Wales ; one d, Educ, : Summer Fields ;
Eton College ; R.M.A., Woolwich, Commis-
sioned Royal Artillery, 1888; served Tochi Field
Force, 1897; Tiiah Expeditionary Force, 1897-
1898 (medal with two clasps) ; European War,
France, 1914-18, Brig. -General C.R.A, 62nd
Division, 1916 (once wounded, despatches six
times. Brevet of Colonel, C.M.G. , Offlcier Legion
d Honneur, French Croix de Guerre); retired
pay, 1924; Pnvate Secretary to the Governor,
New South Wales ; Silver Medal R A Institu-
tion, 1912 Publications . Field Gunners’
Catechism , A Short History of Lucknow ; Wai
Services 62nd Divisional Artillery. Address .
Ball Green, Tuirainurra, N.S W., Australia.
ANDERSON, Lieut.-Col. Cecil Ford,
D.S O. 1918 ; 6. 23 Dec. 1872 ; s. of late Dr.
J. Ford Andeison; m 1910, Maud Alice, d,
of late Major Sydney Edwin Bellingham;
two s, Educ. ' Winchester; R.M.A., Wool-
wich, Entered R.E , 1892; Brevet Lieut. Col.,
1916; Lieut.-Col , 1920; retired, 1923. Seived
Dongola Expedition, 1896 (medal, Khedives
medal); European War, 1914-18 (despatches
thrice, Brevet Lieut. -Col., D.S.O.). Address.
St. Anthony’s, Morcombelake, Bridport, Dorset
T.A and T. ; Chideock 243
ANDERSON, Major Charles, D.S O.
191b; M C. ; J P. , Hon. Sherift Substitute for
County of Roxburgh; Writer to the Signet;
Partner Charles and R. B. Anderson, W.S., Jed-
burgh ; Clerk to Commissioners of Income Tax
for Roxburghshire; b. 80 July 1886 : e. s. of late
R.B. Anderson of Glenburn Hall, Jedburgh, Rox-
burghshire ; m. 1921, Maimie, y.d. of Dr. G. Gunn
Bannorman, Hawick ; two s. one d. Educ. :
Edinburgh Academy ; Edinburgh University.
Writer to the Signet, 1910; served Prance,
WHO’S WHO, 1938
1916-19 (M.C , D.S.O., despatches twice, G.S. and
Victory medals) ; demobilised 1919. Recreations
golf, shooting. Address: Bellevue, Jedburgh,
Scotland T.A. ' Andersons, Jedburgh T. :
Jedburgh 15. Club Conservative, Edmbutgh.
ANDHRSON, Charles, M.A., D.Sc.,
Director, Australian Museum, Sydney, since
1921, b, Stenness, Orkney, Scotland, 1876; s.
of John Andeisou, crofter, and Margaret Smith ;
m. 1902, Elsie Robertson ; one s. two d. Educ. :
Stenness Public School ; Kirkwall Burgh School ;
Edinburgh University. Graduated M.A., 1898 ;
B.Sc., 1900 ; Hope Prize Scholar in Chemistry ;
D.Sc., 1908; Observer at Ben Nevis Observa-
tory, 1900-1 ; Mineralogist to the Australian
Museum, 1901. Publications : Papers on Crystal-
lography and Chemistry of Australian Minerals,
and on Australian fossil vertebrates. Re-
creations: shooting, fishing, swimming. Ad-
dress: Australian Museum, College Street,
Sydney, N.S. Wales.
ANDERSON, Dt.-Col. Charles Abbot,
D.S.O. 1918; 6. 1875 ; s of late Maj -Gen E.
Abbot Anderson ; m. Elaine Craston ; thiee J.
Served South Afnca, 1899-1902 (Queen’s medal
with three clasps. King’s medal with two
clasps); European War, 1914-18 (despatches,
D S.O.). Address: .59 Enys Road, Eastbourne.
ANDERSON, Lt.-Gen. Sir Charles
Alexander, K C.B , cr. 1915 ; K.C I.E , cr.
1919 ; C B. 1904 ; late R.H.A. ; b. 10 Feb 1867 :
s. of late Surg -Ma,i. R. C. Anderson ; m. 1898,
Ellen Katherine, t/r. d. of George Bevan Russell,
M.D. ; two s Entered army, 1876 ; Captain,
1884 ; Major, 1893 ; Lieut. -Col., 1901 ; served with
Jowaki-Afridi EKpeditiou, 1877-78 (medal with
clasp); Afghan War, 187S- 80 (despatches, medal
with two clasps) ; Bunnah Expedition, 1886-86 ,
North-West Frontier, India, 1897-1898 (de- !
apatches thiice, brevet Lt.-Col., medal with
clasp) ; commanded Ist Brigade Bazaar Valley
Expedition, 1908 (despatches) ; 1st Brigade
Mohmand Field Force, 1908 (despatches, medal
2 clasps, promoted Ma^j.-Gen. for distinguished
service in field) General Officer Commanding,
8outh China, 1910-18; European War, 1914-17
(despatches twice, K.C.B); Commanded
Southern Armv, India, 1917-19; retired pay,
1920. Address: Moor Cross House, Corn wood,
Ivybndge, S. Devon.
ANDERSON, David Pyfe, MI), Oh B ,
F.R. P. P.S , M C. O G. ; Visiting Obstetric Sur-
geon, Royal Maternity and Women’s Hospital,
Glasgow; Senior Assistant to the Muirhead
Chair of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University
of Glasgow; Assistant Surgeon, Royal Samari-
tan Hospital for Women, Glasgow ; b. 8 June,
1904 ; 0 4> of David Fyfe Anderson and Mary
Ann Mackay, Viewfield, Stniihaven, Lanark-
shire. Educ. * Strathaven Academy (Dux); High
School of Glasgow (Dux, Modern Side) ;
University of Glasgow (Gardiner Bursary) ;
Johns Hopkins University. M.B , Ch.B.,
(Commendation) University of Glasgow, 1926;
McCunn Research S -holar 1929-31; M.C O.G.
1932 ; F.R F. P S. (Glas.) 1935 ; M.D (Honours)
1935 ; Rockefeller Travelling Fellowship 1935-
1936; F.R.S.M. ; Fellow of Glasgow Obstetrical
and Gymecological Society and of Edinburgh
Obstetrical Society ; Examiner to Central Mid-
wives Board for Scotland ; lately Professor of
Midwifery and Diseases of Women at Andemori
College of Medicine, Glasgow ; formerly Assist-
ant to Regius Professor of Midwifery, Uni-
versity of Glasgow. Publtrations . Medical
papers. Addres'* : 20 Royal Terrace, Glasgow,
C.3 7’.; Douglas 6012.
ANDERSON, David Martin, C.B.E.
1920: Knight of the Crown of Italy; Director
R D. Ntcol and Co., Ltd., Sheffield; b
1880, 2nd «. of late James Anderson and
Mrs. Anderson, Glasgow ; m. 1927, Isabella, d.
of late Alexander Pearson and Mrs. Pearson, 8
Craigholm Crescent, Burntisland. Controller,
Forgings, Castings, and Stamping Department,
Ministry of Munitions. Overdale, Dore,
near Sheffield. Clubs Junior Carlton; Sheffield
ANDERSON^ Colonel (temp. Brig;.)
Desmond Francis, C.MG. 1919; D.S.O.
1915; Deputy Diiector of Military Operations
and Intelligence, War Office, 1934-86 ; Deputy
Director of Military Intelligence since 1936 ; b.
5 July 1886 ; o. 5. of late Frank H. Anderson ;
m. 1916, Mary Hope Prisca, 2nd d. of Rev. S. W.
Wentworth Wilkin, C.F., York ; one s. one d.
Educ. : Rugby School ; R.M.C. Sandhurst.
Entered army, Devon Regt., 1905 ; Captain E.
Yorks. Regt , 1910 ; Adjutant, 1912-15 ; General
Staff, 1915 1920 ; Bt Lt.-Col., 1921 ; Lt.-Col.,
1927; Bt.-Col. and Col., 1981; Staff College,
1921; served European War, 1914-18 (C.M.G.,
D S.O., Bt.-Major, Chevalier Legion of Honour,
Russian Order of St. Stanislas (2nd Class)) ;
Commanded 1st Batt. The East Yorkshire
Regt., 1927-31 ; A.Q.M.G. Aldershot Command,
1932-33 ; General Stall Officer, 1st Grade,^ 5th
Division, 1933-34. Address: Newnhams, Farn-
borough, Hants. T. : Farn borough 563. Club :
United Service.
ANDERSON, Lady, D.B.E. tr. 1937;Editb
Muriel ; d ol late William H. Tescheniaker ;
m. 1908, Admiral Sir (l)avid) Muiray Anderson,
K C.B.,K.C.M.G , M.V.O., late Go\ernoi of New-
foundland and of New South Wales (cf. 1930). Ad-
dress: Wynkcoombe Hill, Fittleworth, Sussex.
ANDERSON, Rev. Edward Erskine,
I M.A. (Aber ), D.D. (Aber.) ; Principal of St.
Andrew’s College, University of Sydney, since
1920; Hunter-Baillie Professor of Oriental and
Polynesian Languages in St. Andrew’s College
since 1924 ; b. 28 Dec. 1872 ; 6th s. of late Rev.
Alexander Anderson, M A., D D., Minister of
the U.F. Church, Bdenkillie, Morayshiie; m
1918 ; no c. Educ. University of Aberdeen
(First-class Honours in Classics, the Town
Council Gold Medal for the most distinguished
graduate of the year, the Seafield Gold Medal
for Latin, was biacketed equal for the Post-
graduate Fullerton Scholarship in Classics) ;
Queen’s College, Cambridge, Edinburgh and
Berlin ; New College, Edinbuigh. Ordained to
the Ministry of the United Free Church of
Scotland, and called to pastorate at East Kil-
bride, 1899; called to New ton-on -Ayr, 1911.
Publications : Commentary on the Gospel of St
Matthew ; magazine articles Recreations : golf,
tennis. Address: The Residence, St. Andrew’s
College, Sydney, NSW. T. : L 2348
ANDERSON, Lt.-Col. Eric Litchfield
Brooke, D.8 O. 1914; O B.E. 1936; late
R.F.A. ; b. 10 Sep. 1889; s. of Col. B. B.
Anderson, late Indian Army ; m. 1926, Betty,
d of Mrs. A. H. Ethenngtoii, Seal Chart ;
thiee d Educ. * Clifton College; R M.A Wool
wich. Entered army, 1909 ; Capt., 1915 ; served
European War, 1914-17 (despatches, D.S.O ,
order of Danilo); retiied 1920, with hon. rank
of Lieutenant-Colonel ; District Commis'^ioner,
Kenya Colony. Address: c/o Secretariat,
Nairobi. Clubs : Sports, Royal Automobile.
ANDERSON, Rt. Rev. Ernest A^uffus-
tns, D.D. ; b. Milton Damerel Rectory,
Devons, 24 March 1859 ; m. 1883, Amelia Con-
stance Isabel, 2nd d. of Col. W. A. Ross, R A.;
ones fourd. Educ. ‘ Bedford, Grammar School;
Queen’s Coll., Camb. (M A.). Ordained 1882;
Rector of Mackay, Queensland, 1888-86 ;
Hughenden, 1886-90 ; Hon. Canon of Towns-
ville and Rector of St. Paul’s, W^est Maitland,
N.S. W., 1890-95 ; Bishop of Riverina, 1895-1925 ;
FAf’IFA/’) 1
ANDERSON, Sir Francis, Kt cr. 1986 ;
M.A. ; LL.D. (Glas); Emeritus Professor of
Philosophy, University of Sydney ; b. Glasgow,
8 Sep. 1868 ; s. of Francis Anderson, Glasgow ;
m. Ist, 1899, Maybanke Selfe Wolstenholine,
Sydney (author of Australian Songs for
Children and Mother Lore); 2rid, 1928, Jose-
phine Wight, Sydney. Educ. : Glasgow Uni-
versity. (Clark) Fellow and Assistant to
WHO'S WHO, 1988
the Professor of Moral Philosophy, Glasgow
University, 1884-1886; Assistant Minister of
the Australian Church, Melbourne, 1886-88;
Lecturer in Philojophy at Sydney University,
1888-90 ; Professor of Logic and Mental
Philosophy, 1890-1922 ; President of the Mental
Science Section of the Australasian Association
for the Advancement of Science, Brisbane,
1897 ; President of the Social Science Section,
Adelaide, 1907 ; Editor of the Australasian
Journal of Psychology and Philosophy, 1923-27 ;
President of League of Nations Union (N.S. W.),
1931-36. Publications: various Articles, Lec-
tures and Reports on Philosophy and Education.
Jddress: The Haven, Hunter’s Hill, Sydney,
N.S.W. Club: University, Sydney.
ANDERSON^ Prank, M.P. (Lab.) White-
haven Div. of Cumberland since loo's; 6. 21
Nov. 1889; s. of Thomas and Nancy Andersoni;
m. 1919, Mary Elizabeth Thompson ; noc. Educ. :
Greenmount Elementary School. Railway
Clerk until elected to House of Commons. Re-
creations : golf, motoring. Addrei>8 : 3 Cromwell
Road, Whitelield, Manchester. T. : Whitedeld
ANDERSON, Frederick, O S I. 1937;
G I E. 1925 , R Sc. ; Chief Engineer, United
Provinces; h. 19 June 1884. Educ.: Edinburgh
University, B Sc. Joined Indian Service of
Engineers, 1905.
ANDERSON, Rev. Frederick Ingrall,
C.M.G. 1916; M.A. ; Chaplain to the King,
late Chaplain to the Forces, 1st class, and
Assistant Chaplain-General ; Vicar of St.
Michael’s, Sutton Court, Chiswick, since 1932 ;
m. 1903, Annie Ethel Dora, e d. of Gen. G. N.
Channer, V.C , C B. ; four s. Educ. : Bradfield
College ; Jesus College, Cambiidge (Rustat and
Kay Scholar) ; Senior Optime, 1896 ; Srd Class
Theological Tripos, 1898. Ordained, 1898 ,
Curate of St. Sepulchre, Cambridge, 1898-1901 ;
Northam and Westward Ho’ 1901-3; Cairo,
1904-9; Shorncliffe, 1909 14; Caterhain, 1914;
served European War, 1914-19 (C M.G., de-
spatches five times); retired pay, 1926; Vicar
of Boldre, Hants, 1926 32. Recreations : Cam-
bridge Univ. and Corinthians Association F.C.,
1895-96. Address: St. Michael’s Vicarage,
Sutton Court, Chiswick, W.4
ANDERSON, Sir George, Kt., cr. 1924,
CS.r. 1932 ; C.I E., 1920; b. 15 May 1876; s
of late Edward John Anderson ; wi, Gladys
Alice Morony ; one d. Educ. : Winchester
College ; University College, Oxford. Trans-
vaal Education Department ; Professor of
History, Elphinstone College, Bombay ; Assist.
Secretory, Education Department, Government
of India ; Secretary to the Calcutta Univ. Com-
mission ; member of the Auxiliary Committee
of the Indian Statutory Commission ; Director
of Public Instruction, Punjab, 1920; Educa-
tional Commissioner with the Government of
India; retired, 1937. Publications : Expansion
of India; British Administration in India;
Christian Education in India. Address: Spy-
ways, Haitfiild, Sussex
ANDERSON, Dr. George Cranston;
Medical Secretary, British Medical Association,
since 1932; b. 14 November 1879; s. of Rev.
K. 0. Anderson and Robina Fisher; m. Elizabeth
Alexa Gray; noc. Educ.: Edinburgh Univer-
sity; M.B., Ch.B., 1904; M.D., 1909. Engaged
in general practice m Denbeath, Methil, Fife,
1906-19; War service in Egypt and Palestine
during 1917, 1918, and 1919; Deputy Medical
Secretary of the British Medical Association,
1919 Publications: several publications in
medical lournals on medico-political and medico-
sociological subjects. Recreation : golf. .Ad-
dress; B.M.A. House, Tavistock Square, W.C.l
T.A.: Medisecra, Westcent, London. 2’.;
Buston 2111. Club • Sandy Lodge Golf.
ANDERSON, Major George Denis;
High Sheriff of Noithumberland, 1935; b. 15
Nov. 1885 ; a. of George and Alice Anderson ; m.
1926, Mary Myddleton-Evans ; one d. Educ. :
Eton ; Christ Church, Oxford. Address: Iiittle
Harle Tower, Harle, Northumberland, 2\ :
Kirkwhelpmgton 29. Clubs: Junior Carlton,
Northern Counties, Newcastle-upon-Tyne.
ANDERSON, George Henry Garstin,
D.8.O. 1918; M.C. ; Principal, Services and
General Department, India Office, since 1930 ;
h. 22 April 1896 ; 5. of late J. D. Anderson,
Litt.D., I.O.S. ; m. 1924, Dons Constance,
d. of late B. J, Gross, M.A., President of
Qonville and Cams College, Cambridge ; three d.
Educ. : Perse School, Cambridge ; Cams College,
Cambridge. Joined Rifle Brigade, 1916 ; served
European War ; operations m France and Bel-
gium, 1915-18 (despatches, D.S.O., M.C. and bar);
Adjutant, 2nd Battalion Rifle Biigade, 1918 21 ;
enteiod Indian Civil Service, 1921 ; served as
Personal Assistant to Chief Commissioner,
Delhi; entered India Office, 1925. Address:
Horsley, Oxted, Surrey, P. . Oxted 503.
ANDERSON^ George Knox; J.P., D.L.,
Kent ; h, 1854 ; m. 1883, Mary Ada, d. of John
T. Prall, Rochester ; one <?. one d. M.P,
(U.) Canterbury in 1918 ; member of Church
Assembly, Diocese of Canterbury, and member
of Central Board Church Finance, 1920-30;
Hon Treasurer Canterbury Diocesan Board
of Finance from formation. Address: Bridge
Hill House, near Canterbury. T. : Bridge 6.
Club : Junior Cailton,
ANDERSON I Professor George R.^
M.A., b. Shetland Islands; went to Canada at
ten years of age ; m. 1901, Margaret, d. of
I) D. Wilson, Seaforth. Educ. : Sea forth High
School ; University of Toronto ; Harvard Uni-
versity. Taught in various High Schools m
Ontario before joining University staff ; He^
of Dept, of Engineering Physics, University of
Toronto, 1904-34 ; for past five years acting as
Consulting Engineer specialising m Architec-
tural Acoustics and Lighting; Fellow of
Acoustical Society of America and Member of
Illuminating Engineering Society ; Consultant
for Gypsum, Lime and Alabastine, Canada,
Ltd., and Puce Bros, Ltd. Pubhcatians :
contributions to technical press mainly on
Acoustics of Buildings, Noise Reduction, etc.
i Recreations * boating and fishing. Address:
7 Rose Park Crescent, Toronto, Canada. Club •
Madawaska Toronto.
ANDERSON, Iit.-Col. Guy Willough-
by, C.I.E. 193i>; Vice-Pre<'ident, State Council,
Tonk State, Rajputana, India; b. 3 Apr. 1885.
Entered Indian Army, 1905; Capt. 1913 ; 'Major,
Pao; Lt.-Col. 1930 ; retired, 1936. Club:
Naval and Military.
ANDERSON, Lieut. - Oolonel Henry
Stewart, C.M.G. 1918 ; late R.A M.C. ;
F R.G S, ; 6. 15 April 1872 ; s. of Rev. Samuel
Anderson, Dunmurry, Ireland ; m. 1910, Cicely
Mary, d. of Rev. Otho W. Steele, Lichfield,
Staffs. ; one s Educ : St. Coluraba’s (College,
Dublin; Queen’s College, Belfast. Served
South African War, 1899-1902 ; European War,
1914-19 (C.M.G ); retired pay, 1924.
ANDERSON, Col. James, C.M.G. 1918;
D.S.O 1916; D.L., J P. ; late Highland L.I.;
b. 1872; m. 1914, Elsie Mary, d. of J. E. Corby,
Rowley Bank, Aikley. Served European War,
1914-18 (wounded, despatches five times, D.S.O.
and 2 bars, C.MG.); Honorary Colonel 6th
Batt H. L I. Address' The Elms, Milliken
Park, Renfiewshire. C’tob.* New, Glasgow.
ANDERSON, James B., R S A. 1937;
A.R.S.A. 1932; artist; h. Edinburgh, 14 July
1886; s, of Charles Anderson and Kale Muir;
m. 1914 ; one s. Educ. : Bo’ness Academy.
Studied at Edinburgh Art School ; Allan Fraser
Art College, Arbroath, and Julian’s, Pans. Re^
creations: tennis, golf, fishing. Address: 5
Rosebery Terrace, Kelvinbridge, Glasgow, N.W.
T. : Westein 3793. Club. ; Glasgow Art.
ANDERSON, Lt.-Col. James Dal-
gleish, O.B.B. 1919; D.S.O. 1916; formerly
WHO'S WHO. 1988
Major Cape Auxiliary Horse Transport and
temp. Lt -Col attached R.A.S C. Served
German South-West Africa, 1914-15 (despatches,
ANDERSONi James Edward, C B.E
1920 ; M I Mech E ; retired Superintendent of
Motive Power London, Midland & Scottish
Railway, b 1871, m. 1902, Agnes Meikle, d.
of Andrew Davidson, Glasgow. Past President
Institution of Locomotive Engineers. Address
DunstafFnage, Ayr Road, Prestwick, Ayrsliue.
ANDERSON, James S., M.A., M.B.,
Ch B , M D , D.P.H. ; Medical Superintendent,
Grove Hospital since 1985; h. 3 Dec 1891 ; « of
Win. Anderson and Annie Carrie; m. 1928, Mary
Stirk, M. R.C.S , L.R C.P. ; one s. one d. Edui.
Robert Gordon’s College, Aberdeen , University
of Aberdeen. House Physician and House
Surgeon, Aberdeen Royal Infirmary ; Resident
Physician, Cit> Hospital, Aberdeen ; Assistant
Medical Officer of Health, Aberdeen , Deputy
Medical Supeimtendeut, Monsall Hospital,
Manchester ; Medical Superintendent, Cit>
Hospitals, Leeds ; Lecturer in Infectious
Diseases, University of Leeds ; war service 4tl)
Bn. Gordon Highlanders, 1914-10 ; editor Aber
deen University Magazine Pubhcation^
articles in British Medical Journal, Lancet,
Journal of Pathology and Bacteriology, Archu es
of Disease in Childhood, Public Health and
Clinical Journal Recieations: golf, fishing
Address ‘ Grove Hospital, Tooting Gravene>,
S.W.17. T.. Wimbledon 4271.
ANDERSON, Hon. James TRomas
Milton ; Manager, Crown Life Insurance Co ,
Saskatchewan; b. Pairbank, Ontario, 22 July
1878 ; 5. of James and Mary Anderson ; ?n. 1911,
Edith Redgwick, Grenfell, Saskatchewan , one
s. one d. Educ. Fairbank, Ontario, Public
School ; Humberside Collegiate, West Toronto,
Ont. B.A (1911, Silver Medallist Classics,
Manitoba Uriiv.); M.A. (Man.), LL D. (Man.),
D.Psed. (Toronto). Taught public schools in
Ontario and Manitoba , Principal, Grenfell
(Sask ) continuation school, 1910 11 , school
inspector, Saskatchewan, 191 1 ; superintendent
education among non-Eiiglish in Sask., 1918-24 ;
resigned and was leader Conservative party,
1924-30; elected to Legislature, 1925 and 1929,
Premier of Saskatchewan, Minister of Ediica
tion and Minister of Natural Resources, 1929-34
Fublications : Canadian Immigration and its
Problems ; The Education of the New Canadian ,
also educational and political treatises. Recrea
twn • golf. Clubs • Kiwams, Masonic, Orange
man, Regina.
A N D E R S O N| Sir John, 1st Bt ,
cr. 1920 ; J.P.; b. Glasgow, 8 May 1878; s. of late
Peter Anderson, J.P. , m. Janet Barr, o. d. of
late Alexander Bilsland, J P Educ. : Allan
Glen’s School and University, Glasgow. Dur
mg European War organised many important
works for the Government. Address St.
James’ Court, Buckingham Gate, S W 1. Clubs:
Caledonian, Royal Automobile.
ANDERSON. Eieut.-Col. John;
D.8.O. 1902; b. 17 Oct. 1852 ; s. of J. Anderson,
Forres, N.B. ; m. 1878, Philippa, d. of Henry
Taylor ; one s. one d. Edur. : Public School,
Rafford, Forres. Served in ranks, Royal Scots
Greys, 18^ years ; exchanged to Army Service
Corps; served 20 years; served in Matabele
war, 1898, medal ; Assistant-Controller, B.8.A.
Company, 1896-1900; D.A.A.G. General Car-
rington’s Rhodesia Field Force, May to Oct.
1900 ; joined South African Constabulary, 1900,
as Controller, with rank of Lieut. -Col. in
8.A.C. ; served South African war (Queen s
medal and 4 clasps, King’s medal and 2 clasps) ;
retired from army, 1906 , late Controller, South
African Constabulary, Johannesburg ; retired,
1906. Address Clare, Trichard, Transvaal.
ANDERSON, Rt. Hon. Sir John, P.C.
Ire. 1920; G C.B^ rr. 1923 ; G C.I.B., cr. 1932 ;
K.C.B., cr. 1919 ; C.B. 1918 ; Governor of Bengal,
1932-37 ; b. 8 July 1882 ; o. s. of D. A. P
Anderson of Westland House, Bskbank, Mid-
lothian; m. 1907, Christina (d. 1920), 8rd d. of
late Andrew Mackenzie, Edinburgh ; one s. one
d. Educ. • George Watson’s College, Edinburgh,
Edinburgh and Leipzig Universities (M.A.,
B. Sc.); Hon. LL.D. (Aberdeen). Entered
Colonial Office, 1905 , Secretary Noithern
Nigeria Lands Committee, 1909 ; Secretary
West African Currency Committee, 1911 ; Prin-
cipal Clerk in office of Insurance Commis-
sioners, 1912 ; Secretary to Insurance Com-
missioners, 1913 ; Secretary, Ministry of Ship-
ping, 1917-19; additional Secretary to Local
Government Board, April 1919 ; Second Secre-
tary, Ministry of Health, 1919; Chairman of
Board of Inland Revenue, 1919-22 , joint Under
See to Lord Lieut, of Ireland, 1920 , Permanent
Under-Secretary of State, Home Office, 1922 32,
Commander of the Legion of Honour; Order
of St. Anne; Commander of the Crown of
Italy. Clubs: Reform, Brooks’s.
ANDERSON, John, C.I.E. 1917; M.B.,
C. M., Edinburgh University; Lieut. -Colon el
late Indian Medical Service , 5. Inch, Co
Donegal, 4 Aug. 1855 ; m. 1st Mary Mabel (d
1924), d. of late J. B. N. Hennessey, F R.S.,
C.I.E ; 2nd, 1931, Tryphena Esther (Nina),
widow of Surg -Gen. J. Cleghorn, C.S.I. and
d of late Maj -Gen de S Barrow Educ
Edinburgh University. Enteied Indian Medical
Service, 1878 ; served through the 2nd Afghan
Campaign (medal) , transferred to civil employ-
ment in 'Which held numerous posts, including
the Civil Snigooncies of Simla and Tnicknow ;
was Principal of the Agra Medical School for
some yeaib. Address: 25 Hyde Park Gate,
S.W.7. r. . Western 6877. Club, Royal Auto-
ANDERSON, Rt. Rev. John G. ; see
Moosonee, Bishop of.
ANDERSON, John George Clark,
M A., Hon. LL D. (Aberdeen), Honorary
Fellow of Lnu olri College, Oxford ; Vico Presi-
dent, Society for Piomotion of Roman Studies;
b. 6 Dec 1870, s. of Rev. Alexander Ander-
son, D D , Kdinkillie, Morayshiie Educ, .
Aberdeen University , Christ Church, Oxford
Craven Fellow, 1896 , Fellow of Lincoln Col-
lege, Oxford, 1897-1900; travelled widely in
Asia Minor for archseological pui poses, 1896-
1900, 1912 , Senior Student and Tutor of Christ
Church, 1900-27; Junior Censoi, 1907-8 ; Senior
Censor, 1908 11 , Comngton Pri/e, 1903 , Univer-
sity Lecturer m Roman Epigraphy (appointed
1914), 1919 27 ; Reader in Roman Epigraphy,
1927 , Camden Professor of Ancient History in
the University of Oxford and Fellow of Brase-
noseCollege, 1927 36. PvMioations Numerous
papers in Journal of Hellenic Studies, Journal
of Roman Studies, other learned periodicals ;
contnbutions to Studies in the Eastern Roman
Provinces, 1906, and Anatolian Studies, 1923;
Map of Ancient Asia Minor, 1903 ; The Students’
Gibbon, Pt. II (AD. 565-1481), 1901 and 1911 ;
Studia Pontica, jointly with F. Cumont, since
1908; The Agncola of Tacitus, 1922 (2nd
impression, with corrections, 1929) ; con-
tributions to Cambr. Anc. Hist. Vol. X, 1934.
Recreations: golfing, gardening, motoring.
Address : 25 Charlbury Road, Oxford. T. .
Summertown 5609
ANDERSON, John Hubback, G.M.G.
1919; C.B.B. 1918, M.D ; late Lt.-Col. and
A. D.M S , A.A.M.C.; Physician, Ruthin Castle,
b. Urana, N S Wales, 20 Aug. 1888, s of late Dr
J P Anderson, Maloa, Woodend, Victoria ; m.
1919, Ruby Claie (J. 1937), 2nd d. of H. C.
Moffat, of Goodrich Court, Ross, and Hampt-
worth Lodge, Salisbury ; one s one d Educ :
Longford Grammar School, Tasmania ; Or-
mond College, University of Melbourne M.B ,
B. 8., 1908; M.D. 1910, Senior Demonstrator
in Anatomy, University of Melbourne, 1909-11 ;
Hon. Out-Patient Physician, St. Vincent’s
WHO’S WHO, 1938
Hospital, Melbourne, 1911 ; in private practice
Benoila, Victoria, 1914 ; enlistkl A.l.F. Sep.
1914 ; served Gallipoli, Bgypt, France, in
various positions (despatches tivicel. Pitblica- j
tions: various papers to sci entitle Journals. |
lUcreatxons. rowing, golf. Address; Bryncelyn, *
Ruthin, North Wales. T.: Ruthin 77. Club
Junior Naval and Military. i
ANDERSON, Captain Joseph
Ring land. M.O. 1919; Hon. Ophthalmic
Surgeon, Alfred Hospital, Melbourne, Australia;
6. Lilydale, Victoria, 29 Oct. 1894 ; s. of Rev.
J. K. Anderson, M.A., Mont Albert, Victoria;
w. 1919 Mary, e. d. of R. 13. McConias, 29 Mary
Street, Hawthorn, and Commonwealth Bank
Board ; two d. Educ, : Scotch College, Mel-
bourne; University of Melbourne, M.B., B.S
1916 Enlisted A I.F Jan 1917 ; served France
R.M O. 45th Rn ; post-graduate study, Edin-
burgh and London, 1919-21; F.RC8. Bdin
burgh, 1919; D O.M.S. London, 1921 ; F.R.a8.
Australasia, 1929; M.D. Melbourne, 1934.
Publications * Detachment of Retina, 1931 ;
Anterior Dialysis of the Retina; various
papers in scientific journals. Recreation: golf.
Address: 108 Collins Street, Melbourne, Vic-
toria Australia. T. : Central 2699. Clubs
Melbourne. Naval and Military, Melbourne ;
Royal Melbourne Golf, Sandringham; Penin-
sula Counti y Golf, Frankston
ANDERSON, Rev. Joshua Alex-
ander, M A., Rector of Arbortteld since lb98 ,
Rural Dean of Sonning since 191:5 ; Hon
Canon of Christ Church„ Oxford , Proctor in
Convocation since 1922 ; h 1867 ; s ot late
William Anderson and Elizabeth Paul Anderson,
m 1896, Edith Constance Hainwoith ; no c
Fduc. ; Clifton College ; Pembroke College,
Cambridge ; Ridley Hall, Cambridge. Deacon,
1890 . Priest, 1891 ; Curate of Christ Church,
Clifton, 1890 93 , St. John s, Blacklieaih 1893-
1898. Recreation' motoring Address. Aibor
Held Rectory, Reading. 'J.A. • Arborfield Cross
T. : Arborfield Cross 18. Club : Church House
ANDERSON, Sir Kenneth (Skelton),
1st Bt., cr. 1919: K.C M.G , or. 1909, a
Manager of Orient Steam Navigation Comimiiy ,
Director of Anderson, Green & Co , shipowners ,
b. 21 Dec. 1866 ; $ of late James Anderson,
Hilton, Aberdeen ; m. 1894, Louisa Mary,
d. of late J. C. Stevenson, Eltham Couit,
Kent. Educ. : Harrow; New Coll., Oxford.
Was a representative of British Shipowners
at Imperial Navigation Conference, 1907
member of Departmental Committee on Royal
College of Art, 1910, of Advisory Committee foi
Education in Art, and of Departmental Com-
mittee on Inshore Fisheries, 1918 ; Chairman
General Shipowners Society, 1913 , President
Chamber of Shipping of the United Kingdom,
1915 ; member of Committee on Detention of
Neutral Ships, 1916, of Committee on National
Scheme of Training for Sea Service, 1918, of
Food Investigation Board, 1918, of Shipping
Control Committee during the War, and of
Imperial Shipping Committee. Heir: none
Address: The Yair, by Galashiels, Selkirkshire
T. : Clovenfords 12. Clubs: Union, City of
London; New, Edinburgh.
ANDERSON, Major Lewis, D.S.0. 1017 ;
M.B., R.A.M.a ; D C.M.S. Ministry of Pen-
sions ; b, 1879 ; s. of Lewis Anderson, Jamaica ;
m. Mabel Alice (d. 1984), d. of John Measures
Cookes, Warwick ; one s. one d. Educ. : Elgin
Academy; Edinburgh Uni v. ; King's Coll., Lon-
don. M.B , Oh.B. Bdm., 1902; D.P.H. London,
1920; Hon. Surgeon St. John Ambulance
Association ; joined up as Temp. Lieut.
RA.M.C. Oct. 1914; attached 10th King's
Royal Rifles till 1916 ; wounded on Somme,
Sep. 1916 ; returned to Prance, May 1917 ;
attached llth Bordei Regt. ; won D.S.O. at
Nieueport, July 1917; promoted as Captain to
be D.A.D.M.S. 82nd Division, as Maior to be
D.A.D.M.S., V. Army Corps (M.O., Croix de
Guerre). Recreation : golf. Address : Mytholme,
Waterfoot, Lancs. T : Rossendale 462.
ANDERSON, Mkjor-Gen«ral Louis
Edward, C.B. 1918 ; retired ; e. s. of late
Louis John Anderson, D.I., Royal Irish Con-
stabulary, and g. s. of late Louis Anderson,
O.I., Royal Irish Constabulary ; b. 27 Mar. 1861 ;
m 1888, Emily, o. d. of Henry Fisher, Liverpool ,
two s. one d. Educ. : Dundalk. Entered army,
1884; Major, 1896; Lt.-Col. 1900 , Colonel, 1908;
Major-General, 1912 ; retired, 1920 ; served m
Nile Expedition, 1884-85, also Suakim, 1885
(medal with 2 clasps, Khedive's star) ; North-
West Frontier, India, 1897-98 (m^al with
clasp) ; South African War, Defence of Mafeking
(in Protectorate Regt.), etc. (Despatches, pro-
moted Lt.-Col., Queen’s medal 2 clasps ; King’s
medal with 2 clasps, C.B.); European War
(medal). Recreations : shooting and fishing.
Address: 33 De Veie Gardens, Kensington,
W.8. Club : Junior Army and Navy.
ANDERSON, Louisa Garrett, C.B E.
1917 ; M D., B.S. London ; F'ellow Royal Society
of Medicine , h. 28 July 1873 , d. of late James
George Skelton Anderson, Shipownei, and late
Elizabeth Garrett Anderson, M D. ; unmarried.
Educ . . 8t Leonard’s School, St. Andrews ; The
London (Royal Free Hospital) School of Medi-
cine for Women. Engaged in private practice
and hospital work until the outbreak of war ; in
Sep. 1914 went to France as Jomt-Organiser of
and Chief Surgeon to the Women s Hospital
Corps, Voluntary Unit ; Chief Surgeon Military
Hospital, Endell Street, W C , 1915-18 ; J.P.
Bucks. Publications • contributions to medical
liteiature Address. Paul End, Penn, Bucks.
ANDERSON, Mary ; see Navarro.
ANDERSON, Sir Maurice Abbot, Kt.,
or, 1912 ; C.V 0. 1925 , M V.O 1906 ; Knight of
Grace of the Order ot the Hospital of St. John
of Jerusalem in England, 1922 , M.B., B.8.,
M R C.8. ; retired ; late Hon Medical Officer to
the Housing Association for Officers’ Families ,
Fellow Medical Society of London and Royal
Society of Medicine, Member of the National
Trust ; of the Councils for the Preservation of
Ruial Wales, and the Association for the Pre-
servation of Rural Scotland , Represents the
Wild Plant Conservation Board on the Ex-
ecutive Committee of the Council for the
Preservation of Rural England ; Member of
the Council of the Society for the Promotion
of Nature Reserves , b. 1861 ; s ot Mrg.-Gen.
Edward Abbot Anderson ; m. 1st, 1898, Maude
((/ 1927), d, of William Thomas Shaw ; 2nd, 1929,
Muriel, d. of Percy Charles Porter. Educ. :
University College, London ; Durham. Was
Physician and subsequently Honorary Physic-
ian to The late Princess Royal and House-
hold ; Founder of Flora’s League Publica-
tions: various medical works and articles on
the protection of wild flowers, ferns and trees.
Recreations : botany, shooting, and golf.
Address: Madeira Cottage, The Walk, Lyme
Regis ; T. • Lyme Regis 107.
ANDERSON, Captain Sir Maxwell
Hendry Maxwell-, Kt.,cr. 1934, C.B.B.
1919 ; O.B.B. 1918 ; K.C. , Royal Navy (retired) ,
b. 1879 ; «. 8, of late Rev. J. H. Anderson,
Rector of Tooting ; m. 1918, Mildred, e. d.
of late Rev. I. H. Jones, Rector of Nevern,
Pembroke; one d, Educ.: privately; H.M.S.
Britannia. Various commissions abroad ;
while Navigating Officer of Flora thanked by
Admiralty for valuable senes of Magnetic Ob-
servations in Pacific Ocean; Younger Brother
Trinity- House, 1910; called to Bar, 1900; re-
tired from R.N. to practise at Bar 1912 ; rejoined
R.N. on outbreak of war ; served in Trade Divi-
sion A.W.S. for special service at Admiralty;
Councillor for Tooting, Wandsworth Boro’
Council, 1913-18; Government Member Central
Unemployed Body for Ijondon, 1914; retired
Captain, April 1919; Liberal Candidate for Par-
liament,tBalham, Tooting, Dec. 1918 ; Attorney-
WHO’S WHO, 1988
General of Gibraltar, 1919 29 , Chief Justice
of the Supreme Court of Fiji and Judicial
Commissioner for the Western Pacific, 1929-86
Publications Elements of Pilotage and Navi
gation, 1908 16 , the Navy and Prize, 1916
various articles on Prize and kindred matters
Addrety^ Villa Gloria, Ta Xbiex, Malta Clvhs
United Service Maltese, Malta
ANDERSON, Major-Gen. Nelson
Graham, C B 1918 , C M G 1916 . D 8 O
1900 , late R A S C , p s c , late Royal Sussex
Regiment , h 14 Sep 1875 , y s of late Maj
Gen R P Anderson , m 1914, Fanny, y d of
late William Scott of Hampden House, Ibrox,
N B , and uidow of H Herbert Harley
Entered Army, 1896 , Captain, 1901 , Major,
1912 , Lt Col 1917 Col 1917 , Maj -Gen
1924 , served South Africa (D S O , despatches,
Queens medal five clasps, Kings medal two
clasps) , ser\ ed in Zakka Khel Expedition,
1908 (medal and clasp) , on special service in
Somaliland, 1908 10 as Assistant Director of
Supplies, Transport, and Ordnance (despatches
thrice, general service medal and clasp) ,
European War, 1914 18, as D A A and Q M G
A A and Q M G A Q M G and D A and
Q M G (temp Brig Gen Aug 1916)(despat<hes
eight times, Bt Lt Col and Col , C M G ,
C.B , Officer Legion of Honour, Commander
Crown of Roumania) Assistant Director of
Supplies and Transport 1921 24 , A D C to the
King, 1922 24 , D Q M G Staff College iQio 21,
retired pay, 1927 Address 19 Hayne Road,
Beckenham T Beckenham 0295 Club
United Service
ANDERSON, Lieut.- Colonel Nerille,
C B B 1923 , a Special Commissioner of Income
Tax since 1919 , b 11 Jan 1881 , s of late W M
Anderson of Burghfleld, Oxted, Surrey , m 1906,
Dorothy (rf 19 iO) d of late R Rowell, Oxford
one s Educ Rugby Oriel College, Oxford
Called to Bar, 1903 Midland Circuit 2nd 1 1
London Rifle Bng«de, 1914 France, 1916 19
D AA G Ist Army Headquarters, M B B ,
1917 O B B 1918 , despatches thrice , seconded
for special service in Ireland with rank of Lt
Col , 1920 Ireland, 1920 22 gazetted out of
Army with rank Lieut Colonel Address 4
Ralston Streep Chelsea, S W 3 P Flaxman,
2865 Club Brooks s
ANDERSON, Rev. Nicol Keith:
Secretary, South London CTiurch Fund ana
Southwark Diocesan Board of Finance , b 10
June 1882 s of William Richard and Edith
\nderson; m 1918, Kathleen Irene Duffin , two
s Educ Marlborough Oriel College, Ox-
ford (Exhibitioner) Assistant Curate St
Pancras Parish Church, 1908 11 , Chaplain,
Indian Ecclesiastical Establishment, Rangoon
191134 Archdeacon Rangoon 1930 (resigned
1934) , Silver Jubilee Medal 1935 Recreation
golf Address 47 Carson Road, S E 21 2
Gipsy Hill 2050
ANDERSON, Major Patrick Camp-
bell, DS0 1918 MC, late Seaforth High
landers 1) rector M Samuel and Co Ltd ,
Shell House, Rishopsgate , h Nov 1894 , m
1919, Gladys Erica, o d of Sir H B Abdy,
4th Bt Fduc Harrow School , R M C ,
Sandhurst Served European War, 1914-18
(despatches, D S O , M C and bar) Address
Lanchester Court, Seymo» r Street, W.l. T A
Patanglad Club Army and Navy
ANDERSON, Robert, CMG 1903
M InstC B , b 29 Nov 1858 * of late David
Anderson of Mount Pleasant, Cambnslang Scot
land, m Ist 1884 Susan (d 1915) d of late
Donald McNicol Loch Awe, 2nd, 1920, Grace,
d of Lewis Macdonald, Gilshochill, Glasgow
Fdue Glasgow First Resident Engineer on
Railways in Scotland , tlien went to Mexico
and Venezuela, thence to Uganda, 1895 ,
Superintending Engineer Uganda (Govern
ment) Railways, 1898 1901 , Deputy Chief
Engineer, 1901 - 8 , Chief Engineer, 1903 4
ANDERSON, Sir Robert Albert. Kt ,
or 1934; CMG 1980 , Chairman of Nestle and
Anglo-Swiss Condensed Milk Co (Australasia)
Ltd since 1934; Chairman of New Zealand
Milk Products, Ltd , Managing Director of
J. G Ward & Co , Ltd , a Director of New
Zealand Shipping Co , and New Zealand Insur-
ance Co Ltd , b Queenstown, New Zealand,
26 Sep 1866; s of Robert Anderson, Glasgow ,
m 1888, Elizabeth Maria, d of Peter Walker,
Invercargill, New Zealand , two s. two d.
Address Victoria Park, Waikiwi, via Imer-
cargill, New Zealand
ANDERSON, Robert G. G. ; see Gayer
ANDERSON, Brigadier Robert Heath,
C B 1934 C I E 1988 , b 4 Aug. 1882 , s of late
W R LeG Anderson C B ,m 1921, Anne Lilian,
d of late Col T H B Young, noc Educ Cbel
tenharn College, R.M C Sandhurst Gazetted
Middlesex Regiment, 1901 , transfoired to Indian
Army, 1902 (45th Rattray s Sikhs) , commanded
45th Rattray s Sikhs, 192b 30 commanded 3rd
(Jhelum) Infantry Brigade, 1930 34, Colonel 1923,
Temp Brigadier, 1930 , retired 1 )84 served N W
Frontier of India 1908 Zakha Khel (medal and
clasp), European War 1914 18, Egypt and Meso-
potamia (despatches three times, 1914-15 Star,
G S Medal and Victoiy Medal Brevet It
Colonel, French Croix de Gueire witli palms),
Kuidis an 1919 (despatches, medal and clasp)
Iraq (Arab Rebellion) 1920 (clasp) Re reations
fishing and shooting Address The Grey
House M ary Tavy De\ on I Mary favy 03
Club United Service
ANDERSON, Brifr.-Gen. Sir Robert
Murray McCheyiie,K CMG 1917, C M G
1917 , Chairman Australian Mutual Fire Insur
ance Society Ltd , Deputy Chairman Australian
Gaslight Co , Director Mount Kembla Colheiies
Ltd b Sydney, 6 Aug 1867 , m 1892 Jean
Cairns (d 1928), d of R. Amos, Sydney , three s
fourci Educ Sydney Grammar School Served
in Bank of New Zealand, 1882 97 , City Treasurer
and afterwards Town Clerk, Sydney, 1897-
1900, Timber and Shipping, 1901-14, Royal
Commissioner — Australian Sugar Industry,
Australian Postal Services, New Zealand War
Expenditure, WarSeiMce Australian Imperial
Force, Egypt (Order of the Nile, 2nd Class) and
Europe Address 14 Fairfax Road, Woollahra,
Sydney NSW Club Union, Sydney
ANDERSON, Rt Hon Sir Robert
(Newton), PC, Noithern Ireland, 1927 ,
Kt cr 1918 b 8 Dec 1871 , s of late James
Anderson Gortecar House Co Fermanagh , m
1903 Lydia Elizabeth Smith d of Henry
Elliott Smith and Isobel Smith, Fitzwilliam
Stieet, Dublin twos twod Fduc privately
Hosiery manufacturer. City of Deny Mayor of
Londonderry, 1915 1919 , Deputy Lieutenant
for City of Derry; M P for County and City of
Derry, Northern Parliament, 1921 29, Member
Irish Convention , Member Derry Bridge Com
missioners and other local Boards Recreations
fishing and shooting Address Deanfleld
House, Londonderry T A Sir Robert Ander
son, Londonderry T 278 and 405 Clubs
Northern Counties, Derry; Ulster Reform,
ANDERSON, Colonel Rowland James
Percy, CMG 1918 , D S O 1900 , late llth
Hussars , h 12 July 1873 , s of late Sir H
Percy Anderson, KCB, KCMG , m Ist,
1914 Phyllis, 0 d of T Stanley Chappell,
Ohadshunt, Warwick ; one d , 2nd 1924,
Kathleen Crawshay Williams, d of late William
Rome Served North West Frontier, 1897 98
(medal with clasp) , Uganda 1898 1900 (medal
with clasp) , S Africa, 1900-2 (despatches twice,
two medals) D 8 O , European War 1914 18
(wounded, despatches twice CMG), Com-
mander of the Crown of Roumania, 1920,
retired pay 1922 Address Edgehill, Hadleigh,
Suffolk r Hadleigh 29 Club Cavalry.
WH0*8 WHO, 1938
ANDBRSONi Rudolph Martin; Zoologist
(Mammalia) ; Chief of Division of Biology,
National Museum of Canada, Department of
Mines, Ottawa, since 1920 ; b. Winneshiek
County, State of Iowa, 80 June 1876 ; s of
John B. and Maitha Ann Johnson Anderson,
w. 1913, M. B. Allstrand, B A , M.A. ; three d
Educ. : Public and High Schools ; State Uni-
versity of Iowa, Ph.B., Ph.D. U.S. Volunteer
Army (infantry) for duration of Spanish-
American War, 1898 ; Assistant in Zoology,
Museum of Natural History, University of
Iowa, 1902 6 ; instructor and assistant com-
mandant Blees Military Academy, and captain
National Guard of Missouri, 1906-8 ; explorer,
field agent and assistant in mammalogy,
American Museum of Natural History, New
York City, 1908 13 ; explorations m North-
west Territories, Canada, and Alaska, 1908-12 j
zoologist, Geological Survey of Canada 1913-20,
Chairman Library Committee Geological Sur
vey atid National Museum of Canada , Chief
of Southern Party of the Canadian Arctic
Expedition, 1913-16, and general editor of the
Government scientific reports of the expedition,
1919-31 , Naturah'ib of Canadian Arctic Expe-
dition of 192S (Greenland and Eastern Arctic);
explorations Southern Bntish Columbia, 1929,
Member of Advisory Board on Wild Life Pro-
tection, Canada , Northern Advisory Board
(Canadian Arctic) ; Committee on Oil Pollu
tion of NaMgable Waters (Interdepartmental);
Interdepartmental Reindeer Committee ,
Associate editor Canadian Field Naturalist ,
M A O U , M.A.S Mamrnalogists, Fellow
American Association Advancement Science ;
Biological Society of Washington , Fellow
Canadian Geographical Society, 1930; honor-
ary member Ornithologischer Verein zu Dres
den, 1930. Publications : Birds of Iowa, 1907,
Report on the Natuial History Collections
of the 190S-12 Arctic Expedition, 1913 ; Recent
Explorations on theCanadian Arctic Coast, 1917 ;
Field Study of Life Histones of Canadian Mam-
mals, 1920 ; Present Status and Future Prospects
of the Larger Mammals of Canada (BAAS
Toronto, 1924) ; Fur bearing Animals (Land) for
Encyclopsedia Britannica, 1928 ; Methods of
Collecting and Preserving Vertebrate Animals
(Museum Bulletin, No. 69), 1032 ; The Dis-
tribution, Abundance, and Economic Ini
portance of the Game and Fur - Bearing
Mammals of Western North Ameiica; Effect
of the Introduction of Exotic Animal Forms
(Mh Pacific Science Congress, Vancouver, 1933) ,
various other scientific papers , Check List of
Canadian Mammals, Anim il Life and Life
Zones of Southern British Columbia, and
Mammals of Canada (in preparation) Recrea
tions : Arctic research, natural history, shoot
mg, fishing Address ’ National Museum of
Canada, Ottawa, Canada.
ANDERSON, Rupert Daruley, O B E.
1918; I). L Surrey; JP SuiTey and Staflord-
shire ; ft. 1859 ; s. of Thomas Dainley Anderson,
J P., and Dorothy Anderson ; m 1889, Amy
Douglas Knyveton, O B E., d of Rev Edward
Harland, Piebendary of Lichfield and Vicar oi
Colwich, Staffs ; one s. four d. hduc.: Eton ;
Cambridge. Ser\ed as Major, 1914 19, Terri-
torial Army and R.A P. Address: Waverley
Abbey, Farnham, Surrey. T. Farnham 138.
Club: M.C.C.
ANDBRSONi Slierwoodi novelist; two s.
one d. Publications Windy McPherson’s Son ,
Maiching Men; Winesbuig Ohio; Mid-Aineri-
can Chants; Poor White , Tiiumph of the Egg,
Many Marriages; Horses and Men , Story Tell-
ers Stoiy; Dark Laughter, Sherwood Ander-
son’s Notebook. ; A New Testament ; Hello
Towns , Perhaps Women , The Modern Writer ,
Beyond Desire; Death in the Woods; No
Swank ; Pii/zled America ; Kit Brandon, a
novel ; Plays— by Sherwood Anderson, Ad-
dress: Troutdale, Va., U.S A.
ANDERSON, SHnley. A R A. 1934 ; R.B.;
b. 11 May 1884 ; m 1910, laiian Phelps, London;
two s. Educ. : Merchant Venturers Technical
College, and Municipal School of Art, Bristol ;
Roy. Coll of Art, and Goldsmith’s Coll of Art,
London, Much against his will, apprenticed
to father’s business as an engraver at the age
of 16 ; not able to take up art seriously until
1909 ; won The British Institution Btchmc
Scholarship ; has exhibited paintings ana
etchings at the principal galleries m England
and Scotland, mcliidmg the International
Society, National Portrait Society, Vienna,
Hamburg, and Dresden, and has held shows
m USA; works acquired bj Print Room,
Bntish Museum, Victona and Albert Museum,
Bradford Art Gallery, Bnstol Art Gallery,
National Gallery Australia, California State
Library, Southport Art Gallery, Manchester
Art Gallery, Fitzwilham Museum, Cambridge,
Chicago Art Institute, and Prague Museum,
Adelaide Art Gallery, Birmingham Art Gallery
and the chief Art Galleries m the USA.
Recreations * lawn- tennis and billiards. Ad*
dress : St. Paul s Studios, 55 Colet Gardens,
W 14 T. ‘ Riverside 0206. Club . Chelsea Arts.
ANDERSON. Briff. - Gen. Stuart
Milllgrani D.S 0. 1917 ; late R A. ; a Director
The Exchange Telegraph Co., Ltd. ; b. 1879 ; m.
1914, Alexandra Helen Gaiiesco, Bucharest; one
s one d Sei\ed South African War ; European
War, 1914-19(0 S O , Legion of Honour, Ameri-
can D S M ) Address Ilarry Warren House,
Stud land, Dorset
ANDERSONi THomas Alexander
Harviei C.B. 1917 , T.D. , o. s. of late Harvie
Anderson of Quarter and Shirgarton, Stirling-
shire, m. Nessie Wilson, d. of late Sir John
Shearer, D L Glasgow ; one d. Educ. ’ Glasgow
Academy and University. M.A,, B.L., LL.B. ;
Solicitor and Partner of firm of Anderson, Fyfe,
fiittlejohn & Co., solicitors, Glasgow; Secre-
tary Glasgow Ternt/Orial Army Association
since 1908 , late Major 9th (Glasgow Highland)
Batt. Highland Light Infantry; Sec. and Treas.
Princess Louise Hospital for Limbless Sailors
and Soldiers, Erskme , I) L., J.P. City of Glas-
gow Address • Quarter, by Denny, Stirling-
ANDERSONi Col. Thomas G. 6.;
see Gayer-Anderson
ANDERSON, MaJ. - Gen. Thomas
Victor, DSO 1918; iks.c. 1920; Quarter-
master General, Canada, since 1035 ; b Ottawa,
4 July 1881; s. of late Colonel William P
Anderson, C.M.G ; m 1910, Elizabeth Grace,
2nd d. of late Colonel W D. Gordon, Kings-
ton, Canada , three d Educ. Royal Mili-
tary College, Canada; McGill University.
Graduated with Honours from R.M C. Canada,
1900; McGill, 1901 (B Sc.); Instructor m Cnil
Engineering, R M.C , Canada, 1902 - 6 , entered
Canadian Permanent Force (Royal Canadian
Engineeis), 1905 ; in charge of Military Survey
of Canada, 1910-14; ser\ed European War in
France, Feb 1916 -April 1917; C.R B. 8rd
Canadian Div., 1916 17 , Commandant, Canadian
Engineers’ Training Centre, England, 1917-19 .
(severely wounded, D.S O., Russian Order of
St Anne, 2nd class, with swords, despatches
four times, 1914-15 Star, British War Medal and
Victory Medal); G.SO., R.M C., Kingston,
1921-25; Diiector Military Training and Staff
Dutips at National Defence Headquarters,
Canada, 1925-29 ; District Officer Commending
Military District No. 10, Winnipeg, 1929-33 ;
Commanding Military District No. 2, Canada,
1933-36. Address: N.D.H.Q. Ottai^a, Ont.,
ANDERSON, Col. WUliam, C.B. 1936;
DS.O. 1917; MC; D.L., J.P. ; A.D.C.
(Additional) to the King since 1935 ; member
of the firm of Anderson & Garland, valuers,
Newcastle-upon-Tyne ; President Auctioneers’
and Estate Agents’ Institute, 1933 ; b. 11
WHO’S WHO, 1038
April, 1886; s of James Verty Anderson,
of Whorlton Hall, Newcastle, and Bridge
End, Hexham, and Ann Elizabeth Oubridge ;
m. 1914, Elizabeth Gladys, d. of James T.
Robb, J.P., Hexham ; two «. two d. Educ. :
Royal Grammar School, Newcastle-npon-Tyne ;
Clarence School, Somerset. Served European
War, 1914-18 (wounded, despatches, D.S O ,
M.C., Bt.-Major , commanded the 149th (North-
umbeiland) Infentry Brigade (T.A.), 1931-36
Address: Highbury, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. T •
Jesmond 1154 ClxLb: Union, Newcastle.
ANDERSON^ William, M A ; Professor of
Philosophy, Auckland University College, since
1921; &. Kirkmaiden, Scotland, 21 Dec. 1889; s.
of Alexander Anderson, M A ; m 1919, Mar-
garet W. Summers , one s. two d. Educ
Hamilton Academy; Glasgow Univer (Scholar).
Graduate with Honours (1st Class) in Philo-
sophy, 1911 ; Lecturer m Logic, Glasgow, 1912-
1920. Served European War, 1917 18; Tem-
porary Assistant to Professor of Moral Philo-
sophy, Glasgow, 1919; President, Australian
Association of Psychology and Philosophy,
1930. Publications ’ articles and reviews.
Recreations : golf, walking. Address. 1 Grand
View Road, Remueia, Auckland, N Z.
ANDBRSONi Col. WiUiam Beaumont^
C.M.G 1919; D.S.O. 1917 ; D O C. Military Dis
trict No. 3, Kingston ; h. Ottawa, 9 Sep. 1877 ; s.
of late Col. Wm. P. Anderson, C.M.G. , V.D ; w.
1903, Lois Winnifred Taylor , one s. Educ.: Royal
Military College, Kingston ; McGill Univer-
sity, Montreal. First Commission in R C.E ,
Captain, 1905 ; Intelligence Staff O'^lcer, 1903 6 ;
Assistant Director of Surveys at Militia Head-
quarters, Ottawa, 1906-8; Staff College, Cam-
berley, 1909-10 ; G S.O. Halifax Fortress, 1911 ;
Director of Military Training, Canada, 1912-13 ,
G.S.O. 4th Division, Montreal, 1918 to outbreak
of War; D.A.A. and Q.M.G. Canadian Corps,
1915-16; A.Q.M G. 1916-19; G.S.O., M.D
No 6, Halifax, 1919-24 , D.O.C Military Dis-
trict No. 7, St. John, 1924-28 ; Bachelor of Ap-
plied Science; Ontario Land Surveyor; Dominion
Land Surveyor. Recreation: golf. Address
Kingston, Ontario, Canada.
ANDERSON^ William Blair, D.Litt.
(Aberdeen) ; M.A. Cambridge and Manchester ;
Kennedy Professor of Latin, Cambridge Univer-
sity, since 1986 ; Fellow of St. John’s College ,
b. Aberdeen, 28 July 1877 , e s. of William B
Anderson. JSduc. : Gordon s College and Univ.
of Aberdeen ; Trin. College, Cambridge. Assist-
ant Lecturer in Classics, Victoria University of
Manchester, 1903-6 ; Professor of Latin, Queen’s
University, Kingston, Canada, 1906-13 , Pro-
fessor of Imperial Latin, University of Man
Chester, 1913-29 ; Huline Professor of Latin,
1929-36. Publications . Livy, Book IX , edited
with introduction, notes, etc., 1909 ; third
edition, 1928 ; The W< rks of Apollinaris
Sidonius (Loeb Senes), Vol. I 1936 , contribu-
tions to classical and other penodicals.
RecrecUxons ‘ golf, lawn tennis. Address: St.
John’s College, Cambridge ; 31 Madingley Road,
Cambiidge. T. Cambridge 54391. Club’
ANDERSONi Briff.- General William
Christian, C M G. 1916 ; late 1/lst King
George’s Own Gurkha Rifles (the Malaun Regt.),
Indian Army; b, 20 Feb. 1867 ; 2nd s. of late Lt -
Gen. George G. Anderson; m. 1906, Beryl Gert-
rude7d.oflate Col. Alfred Borton. Entered Army
(2nd Batt. H.L.I.), 1888; 2nd Batt Isl Gurkha
Rifles, 1891 ; served Mohmand and Tirah,
1897-98 (medal with two clasps); 8. Africa,
1901-2 (Queen’s medal 6 clasps) ; Somaliland,
1903-4 (medal); European War, 1914-17 (de-
™tche8 twice, C M G., Bt -Col.; Brigade
Comdr. ; dangerously wounded ; Russian
medal of 8t Annes); retired, 1920; J.P.
Worcestershire, Recreations: shooting, foot-
ball, cricket, tennis, etc, Address: New-
court, Tenbury Wells, Worcestershire. Club:
United Service.
ANDERSON, Brigradier William
Henniker, C.B B 1925 ; Indian Army,
retired ; Remount Purchasing Officer to Govern-
ment of India in England since 1930; Secretary
of the Arab Horse Society of England since 1934;
Polo Manager Huilingham Club since 1986;
b. 17 Apr 1880; <?. of late Col John Anderson.
Educ. • The Mount, Chesterfield. Joined The
Norfolk Regiment, 1899; transferred to 38rd
(Q.V.O.) Light Cavalry Indian Army, 1908;
served European War, 1914-18, Army Head-
quarters India and in Mesopotamia (despatches
thiice. Brevet Lt.-Col. 1926); in Irak (Arab
Rebellion), 1920; Assistant Director Remounts,
1914; Deputy Director Remounts and Director
Remounts, 1918-20. M. E. Foice; Deputy Direc-
tor Remounts, A.H.Qrs , India, 1922-26, Direc-
tor Remounts A.H.Qrs , India, 1926-30 Recrea-
tions: polo, hunting, and racing Club: Cavalry.
ANDERSON, Rt. Rev. William
IiOUiS s see Croydon, Bishop of.
ANDERSON, Sir W. M. A.; see
Anderson, S>r Maurice A
ANDERSON, Lieut. - Col. William
Maurice, C.I E 1919 , M I) , B S (London),
D.T M. & H (Cantab) , 1 M S , retired ; b. 1873 : s.
of Rev J n Anderson; m. 1901, Mabel
Elizabeth, d of J Kale, Loughton, Essex , one
8. Educ * Whitgift School; London Hospital.
Bnteied I M.S , 1901; served European War,
1914-19 (despatches twice, C I E ); Chief
Medical Officer, N W Frontier ProMiice, 1920;
Residency Surgeon, Hydeiabad, 1924; retired,
1928 Address: Fenton, Fleet, Hants. T. :
Fleet 132
ANDERSON, Lieut.-Colonel Wil-
liam Menzies, D 8 O 1918; M C ; Solicitor;
formeily commanding 6th Highland Light
Infantry ; partner in West, Anderson &
Co. ; b. 7 Aug 1883 , s. of William Anderson
and Katherine Forbes ; m 1918 , one s. one d.
Educ • Allan Glen’s School, Glasgow ; Glasgow
University Served European War, Gallipoli,
Egypt, Palestine and France, 1914-18 (de-
spatches twice, M.C , D.S.O.) ; Director of tlie
Royal Scottish Insurance Co., Ltd. , Branch
Manager, North of Scotland Bank Ltd. ;
Chairman Court of Referees under Unemploy-
ment Insurance Acts. Recreation golf. Ad-
d/ress ’ 92 Bath Street, Glasgow, C 2 1 A. :
Westander, Glasgow. T. Douglas 1020. Clubs
Glasgow Art, Royal Scottish Automobile,
ANDERSON, William Thomas, C B E
1920; Chairman Geevoi Tin Mines, Ltd.;
Director Anglo-French ExTfforation Co , Apex
(Trinidad) Oil Co., and Messina (Transvaal)
Development Co. * b. Shildon, Co. Durham,
26 Feb. 1872, m. Sarah, d. of late Robert
Hornsey, Darlington ; no c. Educ. : Grammar
School, Darlington Mine manager, Transvaal ;
consulting engineer, Rand Mines group , supei-
intending engineer. East Rand Proprietary
Mines, 1913-17 ; during war Controller of Iron
Oie Mines of Cumberland and Lanra‘<hire ;
Chief Labour Adviser Ministry of Munitions,
1919. Address: Glenrose, South Border, Pur-
ley, Surrey. T. : Uplands 1682. Club . Consti-
ANDERSSON, Lieut.-Colonel Sir C.
Llewellyn, Kt., or. 1922; O B.B. 1920;
e. 8. of Charles John Andersson, explorer,
naturalist, and author of works on South-
West Africa; b. 3 Aug. 1861; tn. lat, 1891;
one 8 . ; 2nd, 1900 ; two s. Cape Civil Ser-
vice, 1875-87 ; assisted Construction Telegraph
Line Pietermaritzburg to Pretoria during Zulu
War, 1879; Secretary to Special Commis-
sioner to Damaraland, 1880 ; Pioneer Johannes-
burg Witwatersrand, 1887 ; one of original
Pounders Wanderers’ Club, Johannesburg;
took active part in all South African sport and
WHO’S WHO, 1938
big-game shooting ; Member Reform Committee,
Jameson Raid, 1896-96 ; sentenced two years
imprisonment, commuted later to fine, £2000,
etc.; served in D.E.O.V. R. 1876-80; enlisted
Basuto War, 1878; served South African War,
1899-1902 ; raised South African Light Horse ;
Captain, 1899; Lieut -Col. 1902 (Queen’s medal
3 bars); served European War; commanded 8th
North Staffords in France ; wounded and
prisoner of war, 1916-18 ; organised and com-
manded Civic Guards, Johannesburg, 1914-22 ,
raised and c-ommandea two Battalions Special
Constables and appointed Acting Deputy Com-
missioner of Police, Revolution, Johannesburg,
1922. Address: Dolobran, Victona Avenue,
Parktown, Johannesburg. Club : Rand,
ANDBRTON^ Sir Francis Robert
Ince, Kt., cr. 1923 ; b. 1869; 2nd s. of
William Ince Anderton, J.P., D.L , of
Buxton, Co Lancaster, and Lady Emma
Plunkett, d. of 9th Earl of Fingall. Educ.
Oratory School, Bdgbaston ; University of
London, M.A. Barrister -at -law, Lincoln’s
Inn, 1882 , practised on the Northern Circuit ,
Alderman L.C.C 1910 and 1925-31 ; repre
sented Hammersmith on the L C C , 1918-19,
and South Hammersmith, 1919-25; Chairman,
1922-23 ; J P. County of London. Recreations
golf, travel. Address: 23 Down Street, W.l
Clubs Carlton, Conservative Garrick.
ANDOVER, Viscount; MicbaelJobn
James George Robert Howard; b
27 March 1935 ; s of 20th Earl of Suffolk and
Berkshire, q v.
ANDRADE, Prof. Edward Neville da
Costa, F R S , 1935 , F.Inst P. , D Sc
(Lond ), Ph 1) (Heidelberg) , Quain Professor of
Physics Univ. of London since 1928 ; b London,
1887; 2nd s. of S H. da C. Andrade ; m. 1917,
Katherine Barbara, d. of T. T Evans, Man-
Chester ; two s. Educ. ‘ St. Dunstan’s College ;
University College, London; University of
Heidelberg , Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge ,
University of Manchester B Sc. (Ijond ), 1st
class hons physics, 1907 ; Trouton scholar
Ellen Watson scholar, Jossel scholar, Univ
Coll , London, 1907-10; 1851 Exhibition scholar,
1910-13; Heidelberg Univ 1910-11; Ph.D
(summd cum laude\ 1911 ; Cavendish Lab ,
Cambridge, 1911 12; Univ. Coll London, 1912-13
Univ. of Manchester, John Harling Fellow,
1913-14 ; 2nd Lieut, to Captain, R.G A , 1914
1919; active service, Prance, 1915 17 (de
spatches); Fellow of University College,
London, 1916 ; Christmas Lecturer, Royal
Institution, 1927 ; Professor of Physics m the
Artillery College, Woolwich, 1920 28 ; Editor
for Physics, Encyclopaedia Bntannica, Four
teenth Edition. Publications * The Structure
of the Atom (8rd edition, 1927): Airs; The
Atom (Burmese Translation, 1928); Engines
(Polish Translation, 1932); The Mechanism of
Nature (translated into French, Italian, Polish,
Dutch, Danish and Swedish); (with Julian
Huxley) Simple Science ; The New Chemistry ;
various papers on physical and mathematical
subiects in Royal Society Proceedings and
Transactions, Philosophical Magazine, Annalen
der Physik, and other technical iournals ;
numerous articles in Encyclopiedia Bntannica;
articles in London Mercury, Week-End Review,
The Observer, and elsewhere. Recreations •
golf, poetry, collecting old scientific books
and useless knowledge. Address' University
College, Gower Street, W.0.1. Clubs: Athen
spum, Savage.
ANDREW, Briir- - General Albert
William, C.M.G. 1918 ; Indian Army,retired,
b. 29 Mar. 1866 ; s. of late John Richards
Andrew, Christchurch, New Zealand. Joined
Essex Regiment, 1886 , l.C.S. 1889 ; Captain
Indian Army, 1897 ; Major, 1904 ; Lieut. -Col.
1912 ; served South Africa, 1901-2 (despatches,
Bt. Major, Queen’s medal 5 clasps) ; European
War, 1914-18 (C.M.G. , despatches); retired, 1920 ;
Hon. Chief Commissioner, New Zealand Boy
Scouts Association, 1922-29. Address: 6 Kid-
son Terrace, Cashmere Hills, Christchurch,
S 2, New Zealand.
ANDREW) George. C.B.B. 1937; M.A. ;
F R S.B. ; H, M. Senior Chief Inspector of
Schools (Scotland) ; b. 28 Nov. 1873 ; s. of A. R.
Andrew, LL.D. ; m. 1924, Kathleen Sturton, d.
of Alfred Lunn, O.B. Educ. * Keith Grammar
School ; Aberdeen University ; Christ Church,
Oxford. Classical Master, Ilillhead High School,
Glasgow ; Junior Inspector of Schools, Scottish
Education Department, H. M. Inspector in
charge of (a) Lanarkshire, (b) Dundee and For-
farshire, (c) Glasgow ; H. M. Chief Inspector in
charge of (a) Highland Division, (b) Western
Division ; H. M. Senior Chief Inspector of
Schools in chaige of (a) Western Division, (b)
Training of Teachers. Publuations Various
official leports Recreation golf. Address
Hamewith, Kilmacolm, Renfrewshire. 7.
Kilmacolm 290.
ANDREW, Engineer- Captain
George Edward, C.B 1916 ; R.N , retired,
6. 3 Nov. 1869 ; s. of Donald McDonald Andrew,
of Swindon; w. 1908, Evelyn Elizabeth (d.
1927), e. d of J. M Spink , two s. one d
Educ. • Swindon ; Kaiser Friedrich Wilhelm
Universitat, Berlin Trained as Mech. En-
gineer at the G W R. Works, Swindon, and
the Earles Shipbuilding Co , Hull ; entered
Navy as Assist. Engineer, 1892 ; served in H.M.
ships Pembroke, Trafalgar, Victorious, Pelorus,
Resolution, Formidable, Chelmer; Admiralty
Engineer Overseer, Glasgow ; H M S. London ,
Admiralty Overseer Marine Turbine Works,
Newcastle; Assist, to Manager Engineering
Dept , Devonport Dockyard , special service
in Germany , H M S. Boadicea, H M S. Kent ;
1st Assistant to Engineer Manager and Acting
Engineer-Manager, H M dockyard, Chatham,
1916-19; retired, 1919 ; served Falkland Islands
Battle and at the destruction of 8.M 8. Dresden
off Juan Fernandez (despatches, C B.); Member
lost of Mech Engineers and Royal Society of
Arts London ; M I Struct B. Address : 8
Southgrove Terrace, Ventnor, I W. Clubs:
Malta Union , Mediterranean, Gibraltar.
ANDREW, Ian Graham, M A. ; Head-
master, Robert Gordon s Coll , Aberdeen, since
1933; h 6 Sep 1893; s. of Rev John Graham
Andrew, MA, and Isabella Ironside; m.
Elizabeth May, y. d of Alfred Smith, O. B.E.,
Woodwoith, Keighley; two 5 Educ.. Glasgow
High School and Glasgow University. En-
listed m Cameron Highlanders, Sep. 1914;
2nd Lieut. 5th Scottish Rifles, 1916; Senior
Super\ising Officer, Physical and Recreational
Training, North of Ireland with rank of Captain,
1918; won nded at I^oos 1 9i 5 and Arras 1916 , gradii
ated with Honours, 1919 (Glasgow Unnersity);
Rector of Elgin Academy, 1922. Recreations :
cricket, golf, tennis. Address: Beech wood,
Rubislaw Den South, Aberdeen. T. : Aber-
deen 55^6
ANDREW) John Harold, D.Sc. ; Pro-
fessor of Metallurgy, and Dean of the Faculty
of Metallurgy, Sheffield University, since
1932 ; b. 14 Jan. 1887; s of John Andrew;
m. 1915, Sarah Elsie, d. of H. K. Shaw.
Educ. : Manchester University (1st class
honours in Chemistry, M Sc., Dalton Scholar).
Research Fellow and Demonstrator, 1910 ;
Caniegie Scholar, Iron and Steel Institute;
Chief of the Metallurgical Research Depart-
ment of Sir W. G Armstrong, Whitworth &
Co., Ltd., Manchester, 1914-20; Professor of
Metallurgy, Royal Technical College, Glasgow,
1920 32. Address: Torw'ood, Endcliffe Grove
Avenue, Sheffield, 10.
ANDREW, Captain Eeslie Wilton,
V.C 1917; commissioned officer, New Zealand
Regular Forces: b. 28 March 1897; s. of
William Jeffrey Andrew and Francis Hannah
WHO’S WHO. 1938
McNeil; m. 1918, Bessie, 2nd. d. of T. Ball,
Brinsley, Notts ; two s. two d. Educ.: Ashhurst
State School ; Wanganui District High School
and Wanganui Collegiate School. Served in
the New Zealand Expeditionary Force during
European War, 1914-18; New Zealand Staff
Corps after war, Oct. 1919 ; served in Egypt,
Prance, Belgium, and India. Recreations : Rugby
football, rowing, swimming. Address: 58 Box
Hill, Khandallah, Wellington, N.5, N.Z.
ANDREW, Samuel Ogrden, M.A. Oxon ;
b. 8 Jan. MGS ; e. s. of Samuel Andrew and
Mary Ogden ; m. Lilian, y. d. of William
Pullmger ; one a. two d. Educ : Manchester
Grammar School ; Oriel Coll., Oxford (Scholar).
First- class Classical Mods. 1888 ; First-class
Lit. Hum. 1890 ; a year in Germany studying
psychology ; Master at Llandovery College,
1892-95 ; Headmaster of Oldham Grammar
School, 1895-1902 ; Headmaster. Whitgift School,
Croydon, 1903-28. FuhliccUiona : Greek Prose
Composition ; Greek Versions ; articles on
Greek Life and Thought and Old English •
Sir Gawayne and the Greene Knight. Recrea-
tions: walking, tennis. Addiess: Hey, Sander-
stead Road, Sanderstead. T.. Sanderstead 1445.
ANDREW, William Monro, B C.L.,
M.A.Oxon. ; Recorder of Walsall since 1936;
h. 21 Feb. 1895 ; s. of James Andrew, LL.D.,
Glasgow and Jeannie Jackson, d. of William
Monro, M.D, ; unmarried. Educ. : Glasgow
Academy ; Oriel College, Oxford. Called to
Bar, Lincoln’s Inn, 1921 ; loined the Oxford
Circuit; Recorder of Dudley, 1934-30; served
European War in 9th Bn. H.L.I. (wounded
and prisoner in 1917). Address: 3 Paper Build-
ings, Temple, E.C.4. T. ' Central IS'iO ; Cross-
loan, Gullane, E. Lothian. Club. Junior
ANDREWES, Dr. Christopher
Howard; Member of Scientific Staff, National
Institute for Medical Reseaich since 1927 ; b. 7
June 189b ; s of late Sir Fiederick William
Andrewes, M.D., F R 8. and Phyllis Mary
Hamer ; m. 1927, Kathleen Helen Lamb ; three
s. Ed'iJbc. : Highgate School ; St Bartholomew’s
Hospital. Surgeon Sub-Liout (R.N V R.), 19is-
1919 ; M R C S. Eng., L.R C P , Lond , 1921,
M.B. B S. Lond, (Univ. Gold Medal), 1921,
M.D. Lond. (Univ Gold Medal), 1922, M RC.P
Lond., 1923 ; F.R.C.P. Lond., 19,15; House
Physician and Assistant to Medical Unit
St. Bartholomew’s Hospital, 1921-23 and 1925-
1926 ; Assistant Resident Physician, Hospital
of the Rockefeller Institute, New York City,
192.3-25 ; William Julius Mickle Fellowship,
Uni\ersity of London, 1931; Oliver-Sharpey
Lectureship, Royal College of Physicians, 1934.
Publications : various papers on viruses, chiefly
m the Journal of Pathology and Bacteriology
and the British Jouinal of Experimental
Pathology. Address: 34 Ossulton Way, N2
T. : Speedwell 3371.
ANDREWES, Rev. Canon Gerrard
Thomas, M.A. Oxon; Hon. Canon of Win
Chester Cathedral; b. 1S55; s. of Rev. W. G.
Andrewes, Master of St. Cross, Winchester; m
Helen L. (d. 193b), d. of T, F. Kirby, Bursar of
Winchester College ; two s. one d. Educ. : Eton ;
Merton College, Oxford. Curate, Holy Trinity,
Gray’s Inn Road, Isleworth, Highfield, South-
ampton; RectorofChilcomb, Winchester, 1891-
1931. Address: 1 Beaufort Road, Winchester.
T. : Winchester 442.
ANDREWES, Dt.-Col. William, D.S.O
1917: 20th Battalion Canadian Infantry; b.
16 Oct. 1874; a. of late Rev. William John
Andrewes and Geoigina Kate Lockwood; m.
1902, Lulu Janes Vosburg ; two c. twod. Educ.
Beccles, Suffolk. Came to Canada with parents
at age of sixteen, to work on fruit farm;
volunteered m R.C.A ’s for Boer War ; came
back to farm ; served European War, 1914-19
(D.S.O.) Address: Beamsville, Ontario. T. ;
Beamsville 120 ring 5.
ANDREWS, Maj. Arthur Treharne,
C. M.G. 1918 ; late R.K. Served European War,
1914-19 (C.M.G.).
ANDREWS, Iiieut.-Col. Cecil RoUo
Payton, J.P., M.A. ; D.Litt. (Hon.) Uni-
versity of Western Australia, 1929; h. Ijondon,
2 Feb 1870 ; s. of Rev. J. M. Andrews (Vicar of
St. Jude’s, Gray’s Inn Road, and subsequently
Vicar of Highgate) ; m. 1900, Bertha Arnold, d. of
T. H. Agnew, Giieinsey ; one s two d Educ. :
Merchant Taylors’ School, London ; St. John’s
College, Oxford. (Classical Scholar) Ist Class
Honours, Classical Moderations, 1890 ; 2nd
Class Honours, Literse Humaniores, 1892 ; B.A.,
1892; M.A., 1898; Assistant Master, Highgate
School, 1893-94 ; Sixth Foirn Master, Forest
School, 1894-96 ; Resident Tutor, St. John’s
Training College, Batteisea, 1896-1900; Princi-
pal of Tiaimng College, Claremont, Western
Australia, 1901-3 ; Head of Education Depart-
ment, 1903-29 ; Officer Commanding Cadets,
Commonwealth Military Forces, W.A , 1906-12 ;
Major, 1906; Lieut -Col., 1910, Member of
University Senate and Pro-Chancellor, 1912-
1929 ; represented Western Australia at Imperial
Education Conference, London, 1911. Recrea-
tions : golf, lawn tennis, gaidcnmg, walking.
Address : Argyll, Rosebery Road, Cheam,
Surrey. T. . Sutton 1823
ANDREWS, Rev. Charles Freer; Vice-
President in Rabindranath Tagoie’s Institution,
Santiniketan, Bengal, India; h. Carlisle, 12
Feb. 1871 ; s. of John Edwin and Mary
Charlotte Andrews ; unmarried. Educ. : King
Edward VI. School, Birmingham ; Pembroke
College, Cambridge. Head of Pembroke
College Mission, 1806 ; Fellow of Pembroke
College, Cambridge, 1900 ; Vice-Pnncipal of
Westcott House, Cambridge, 1900 ; joined
Cambridge Brotherhood, Delhi, 1904; Fellow
of Punjab University, 1908 ; loined Rabind
ranath Tagore’s Institution at Santiniketan,
1913; went to South Afiica to help in the
Sinuts-Gandhi Agreement, 1913-14; went to
Fiji concerning abolition of Indentured Indian
Labour, 1916 and 1917 ; Adviser to Indian Delega-
tion at Kenya Conversations, London, 1923 ;
wont to South Africa, 1925-27, to help in the
Indo Union Agreement between South Africa
and India, signed Jan. 1927 ; Delegate, Educa
tion Conference, Vancouvei, Canada, 1929 ;
visited British Guiana with reference East
Indian Settlers, 1929. Correspondent of Man-
chester Guardian, Natal Advertiser, Toronto
Star, Modern Review, Calcutta, The Hindu,
Madras. Publications : Renaissance in India;
Christ and Labour ; Zaka Ullah of Delhi ;
The Indian Problem; Letters to a Fiiend
(edited) ; Mahatma Gandhi’s Ideas ; Maliatma
Gandhi : His own Story ; India and the Simon
Report, 1930; Mahatma Gandhi at Work;
Christ m the Silence, 1933; SadhuSuiidar Singh,
1934. Recreation, travel. Addiess Santiniketan,
Bengal, India. T.A. : Santiniketan, India.
ANDREWS. Charles M*Lean, A.M.,
Ph.D., L H.I). (Trinity, 1905), LL.D (Lehigh,
1934), Litt.D. (Yale, 1935, Harvard, 1936);
Farnam Professor of American History,
Emeritus, Yale University; 6 Wethersfield,
Connecticut, 22 Feb. 1863 ; s. of Rev. W. W.
Andrews and Elizabeth Williams, both of
New England (Puritan) stock ; w. 1895,
Evangeline Holcombe Walker of Washington,
D. O. ; one s. one d Educ. : Trinity College,
Hartford, Conn. ; Johns Hopkins University.
Associate, Associate Professor and Professor
of History, Bryn Mawr College, 1889-1907;
Professor of History, Johns Hopkins
University, 1907 - 10 ; Farnam Professor of
American History, Yale University, 1910-
1931 ; Director of Historical Publications, Yale
University, 1981-33 ; Member, National In-
stitute of Arts and Letters (gold medalist.
WHO’S WHO, 1938
1987); Fellow, American Academy of Arts
and Sciences ; Member Historical Societies
of Connecticut, Pennsylvania, Maryland,
Virginia, Massachusetts, etc. ; American His-
toiical Association (on Executive Council,
1905-8; Acting President, 1924; President,
1926) ; American Antiquarian Society ; Amer-
ican Philosophical Society ; Correspond-
ing Member Royal Histoiical Society ; Hon
Member, Historisch Geiiootscbap, Utiecht,
Chairman Winsor Prize Committee, American
Historical Association, 1900 • 6 ; Member
Publio Archives Commission, 1901 16 ; Member
Committee on Documentary Publuations, U.S
Government, 1907-8 and 1922-29, Member
Department of Historical Records, Connecticut,
since 1918; Chairman, Committee on Tran-
scripts from Foreign Archives, 1905-1928;
Special Lecturer, University of Helsingfors,
1911 , Editor Yale Historical Publications,
1912 33. Publications: Old English Manor,
1892 ; Historical Development of Modern
Europe, 1896 - 98 ; Contemporary Europe,
Asia, and Africa, 1902 ; History of England
for Schools and Colleges, 1903 , Colonial Self-
Government (American Nation Senes, V.),
1904 ; British Committees, Commissions,
and Councils, 1622-76, 1908; Short History
of England, 1912 , The Colonial Period of
American History, 1912 , Guide to American
Materials in British Archives, three vols ,
1908-14 ; Fathers of New England and Colonial
Folkways in Chronicles of America Senes, 1919 ;
The Colonial Background ot the Ameiican
Revolution, 1924, 2iid ed 1931 ; contribns to
Cambridge History of British Empire, 1929 ,
Our Earliest Colonial Settlcrnents, 19i3 , Th(
Colonial Period of American History, I, 1934
(Pulitzer Prize), 11, 1936 , HI, 1937; IV, 1938 ,
editor (in collaboration), Journal of a Lady of
Quality, 1921, second ed,, P)34 , Old Houses of
Connecticut, 1923 Recreations: travel, tramp-
ing, country life. Address' 424St Ronan Street,
New Haven, Conn, ; Bast Dover, \eimont,
USA. Clubs Authors’ ; Graduates, Eliza
bethan, New Haven.
ANDREWS^ Bme«t Clayton } b 18 Oct
1870; m. Ist 1909, Florence A Wynne Byron
(deed .) , 2nd 1929, Mabel Agnes Smith. Mue
Sydney Univ., B A. (Mathematics). Govern
ment Geologist, New South Wales, 1920-33 ,
retired 1931 , Silliman Lecturer, 1027, Piesident
Australian and New Zealand Association for
Advancement of Science, Biisbane meeting,
1929 30; President Australasian Inst Mining.,
and Metallurgy, 1929, President Royal Society,
N S Wales, 1921 , Piesident Liiinean Society,
N S Wal«s, 1937. Puhhcation Broken Hill
Memoir, and Supplement, 1922 23. Recreation
mountain climbing. First ascent Mount Dar-
VMU (13,900 ft), Californian bieria, Aug. 1908
Address: Ku-Ring Gai, 241 Old South Head
Road, Bondi Sidney, NSW 7. • F. W. 3154
ANDREWS, Capt. Francis Arthur
Eavini^tou, C.B.B. 1918 ; R.N., retired ; b.
1869, King’s Harbourmaster, Malta, 1912-19 ,
retired list 1923. Club United Seivice.
ANDREWS , Harry Thomson , Accredited
Representative of Union ot South Atnca to
League of Nations, Geneva, since 1936 ; b Cape-
town, South Africa, 11 Dec. 1897 ; s of H
Andrews, Capetown ; m. 1926, R D. Whlliams,
Pretoria: one d Edut. : Observatory High
School, Capetown; Manst Bi others’ College,
Capetown ; University of Pretoria. Entered
South African Civil Service 1918 ; Department
of External Affairs ; Political Secretary South
Africa House, Ijondon, 1980 35. Ret nations:
golf, tennis. Address Unites, 66 Route de
Ferney, Geneva. T. A,' Volharding. T.:
Geneva 26976. Clubs: British Empire ; Inter-
national, Geneva.
ANDREWS, Henry Russell, M.D.,
B8. Lond., F.R.C.P., F C O.G. ; Consulting
Obstetric Physician, London Hospital ; Con-
sulting Gynajcologist to the Ilford Emergency
Hospital and Bushey Heath Cottage Hospital ;
Vice-President British College of Obstetricians
and Gynsecologists ; late President of the
Obstetric and Gynaecological Section of the
Royal Society of Medicine , late Examiner in
Obstetric Medicine to Cambridge University;
late Examiner in Obstetric Medicine to the
London University, Oxfoid University, the
Conjoint Boaid, Durham University, and the
Society of Apothecaries ; b. 13 Sep 1871 ; s. of
Rev. John Marshall Andrews, late Vicar ol High-
gato ; m. 1914, Margaret Dorothea, 2nd d. of
Walter Reynolds, Hawk’s Wick, St. Albans,
Herts. Educ. . Merchant Taylors’ School , Lon
don Hospital; Berlin and Vienna. Publications:
Midwifery for Nurses, 1906 ; (joint) Midwifery,
1916, and Diseases of Women, 1919 , contribu-
tions to medical journals Recreations: fishing,
shooting. Address : The Manor House, Iford,
near Lewes, Sussex. 2 . : Lewes, 388.
ANDREWS, Rt. Hon. James, PC.
Northern Ireland, 1924 ; Lord Justice of Appeal
for Northern Ireland since 1921 ; s. of late
Rt. Hon. Thomas Andrews, D.L., of Ardara,
Comber, and Eliza Pune; b. 3 Jan. 1877 ,
m. 1922, Jane Lawson Haselden, widow of
late Captain C>nl Haselden, R.E., and d. of
late Joseph Oirnrod, Bolton. Educ. * Royal
Academical Institution, Belfast , Stephen's
Gieen School, Dublin , Trinity College, Dublin,
B.A. Called to Irish Bar, 1900; appointed
one of Ills Majesty s Counsel, 1918; a Bencher
of King’s Inns, Dublin, 1920 , a Bencher of Inn
of Court of Northern Ireland, 1920; a Pro-
Chaiicellor of Queen’s Univ ersity, Belfast , I> L.
Co. Down, 1928. Recreations cricket, sailing,
shooting and golf. Address Eusemere, Com-
ber, Co. Down. T. Comber 10. Clubs Ulster,
Belfast ; Royal Ulster Yacht, Bangor.
ANDREWS, John Alban, M.C., M.B.,
Ch.B., Edin., F.R.C.S., Eng.; Hor. Asst.
Suigeon St. Petei’s Hospital for Urinary
Diseases; Hon. Surg. i/c Genibo-Unnary
Department Queen Mary s Hospital for the
East End; F.R.S.M. ; Mem. Internat. Urol.
Association ; Fill. Assoc. Suig. Gieat Bnt. and
Ii eland; Fell. Med. Soc. London; ni. Sarah
Helen Davies, M.B., B.S., London; two d.
Educ.: Dean Close School, Cheltenham; Edin-
burgh University ; King’s College, London.
House Physician, Edinburgh Royal Infirmary
Demonstrator An atomy, Edinburgh Uni veri>it} ;
ben. Res. Med. Olheer, Ro>al Free Hospital,
London ; Res. Surgic. Officer, bt. Peter’s
Hospital ; Capt. R. V.M.C. att. 2nd. Battn.
Gren. Gds. (M.C., Despatches) Addre^^ts : 41
Hailey Stieet, W.l. 2 . Laiigbam 3816 ; Oving-
dean, Sussc x. ^ ..
ANDREWS, John Launcelot, Head-
master, Exeter School since 1927 ; b. 18 Dec.
1898 ; s. of Launcelot Andrews and Maud Wisden ;
m. 1929, Bertha Margaret Happtdd ; one 9. one d.
I dw. . Rugby School ; Peterhouse, Cambridge
(Kxhibitioiiei). 1st Div. Class 11 Historical
'Inpos Parti, seived European Wai, 1914-19;
Cipt. 5th. Hampshire Regt. (T.F.) and 72Dd.
Punjabis, Indian Army ; Staff Capt. 1st Peshawar
Infantry Brigade (Khyber Movable Column),
l‘>16-17. Palestine E.E F., 1917-18 (wounded),
passed Home Civil Service Examination, 1919
Assistant Principal, Board of Education, 1920-
1921; Temp, Assistant Master, Rugby School,
1922 ; Assistant Master, Marlborough College,
1923-27. Recreations cnckct, tennis, walking,
archceology, modern languagi's, rotary. Ad-
dress Exeter School, Exeter, Devon. T. •
Exeter 3o79. Club. Devon and Exeter, Exeter.
ANDREWS, Rt. Hon. John Miller j
P.C. Northein Ireland, 1922 ; D L. ; M.P.
(Unionist) Co. Down, Parliament of Northern
Ireland, 1921 - 29, Mid • Down since 1929 ;
Minister of Finance, Northern Ireland, since
1937; President of Ulster Unionist Labour
Association ; Hon Secretary Ulster Unionist
WHO’S WHO, 1938
Council ; Member of County Council of Down ,
flax spinner, land owner, and Director of
various companies ; b. 17 Julv 1871 ; e. s, ot
late Bt. Hon. Thomas Andrews, D L., ol
Ardara, Comber, Co. Down, and Eliza, d. of
James Alexander Pirrie, Belfast ; m. 1902,
Jessie, e. d. of late Joseph Ormrod, of More-
lands, Heaton, Bolton; one s. two d. Edur.
Royal Academical Institution, Bel fast. Minister
of Labour m Cabinet of Northern Ireland,
1921-37; High Sheriff tor Co. Down, 1929 Re-
crmtions: hunting, yachting. Address Max-
well Court, Comber, Co. Down. Clubs : Consti-
tutional; Ulster, Ulster Reform, Royal Ulster
Yacht, Belfast.
ANDREWS, Group Capt. John
OUveri D.S O. 1917; M C.; Royal Air Force;
h 1896 ; 8. of John Andrews, Waterloo, Lancs ,
m. 1923, Bertha, d of Wilfred Bisd^e, Hambiook,
Glos ; two s. Educ : Owens College, Man-
chester; Emanuel College, Cambridge. Lieut
Royal Scots; seconded R. F.C , 1914; served
Fiance, 1914-18; S. Russia, 1919, India, 1920
(M.C. and bar, Montenegrin Silvei Medal for
bravery, D.S O., despatches thrice) , transferred
to R A.F., 1919. Address: 106/7 Great Saffron
Hill, E C.l. Club: Army and Navy
ANDREWS, Col. John Owen, D 8 O.
1917; Deputy Director of Vetennaiy Seivices,
Northern Command, India, since 1937 ; h
8 May 1883. Served European War, 1914 18
(despatches, D S O., 1914 Star, two medals);
Commandant Royal Army Veterinary School
and School of Farriery, 193o
ANDREWS, Dewis Yelland, O.B.E.
1929; Development Ofhcer with cliaige of
Deiurtment of Development, Palestine, since
1932; b. 26 Sep. 1896; s. of Albert Bdwaid
Andrews and Georgina Clements , m. 1922,
Maude Elizabeth Kiikham ; one s two d,
Educ, • Gordon School, New South Wales.
Served with Australian Imperial Forces and
British Army, 1914 20, being demobilised with
the rank of Captain (despatches); Regular Army
Reserve of Officers, 1920 , served in Royal New
South Wales Lanceis prior to Gieat War, 1914
Deputy Assistant Administratoi, occupied
Enemy Territory (South) Palestine, 191b- 20 ,
District Officer, Palestine, 1920 2y; Judge in
the District Court of Haifa, 1921 ; Assistant
District Commissioner, 1929-32 ; Member, Com-
mittee on the Economic Condition of Agri-
culturists, 1930; Member, Rural Pioperty Tax
Committee, 1932-33; Acting Directoi, Depart
raent of Development, 1932; Acting District
Commissioner, 1932-34 , Acting Registrar of
Co-operative So< ieties, 1935 and 1936, Membei,
General Agricultural Council, 1935 ; Assistant
Commissioner on Special Duty, 1936, 1937 ,
Liaison Officer to Palestine Royal Cominis
Sion, 1936 37. Roreations. tennis, motoring.
Address • P O Box 649, Jerusalem, Palestine
T.A. : Development, Jerusalem, Palestine.
T. : Jerusalem 605.
ANDREWS, Engineer Rear-Admiral
Robert Walter Benjamin^ C B. 1930, b 24
March, 1876 , s. of late Robert Henry Andrews,
Engineer Manager, H.M. Dockyard, Devonport
of Elburton Cross, South Devon ; wi. 1902
Edith Margaret Hunter, d. of James Davisson,
late of Rochester; four s. Educ.: Sir Joseph
Williamson s Mathematical School, Rochester ;
Naval Engineering College, Devonport Assist-
ant Engineer Empress of India, 1896-1900,
Engineer, Wildfire, 1901 8 ; Senior Engineer
Queen, 1908-6; at Armstrong, Whitworth A
Co., Blswick Works and Naval Ordnance
Department, Admiralty, 1907-10; Engineer
Lieutenant and Eng Lt. Commandei, Lyra,
1911-18; Gun Mounting Overseer, Co\ entry
Ord. Works, 1913-17 ; Engineer Officer Agamem-
non and Lord Nelson Flagship, Eastern Medi-
terranean and Black Sea, 1917 19; Engineer
Inspector, Naval Ordnance Dept. Admiralty,
1919-21 ; Engineer Officer, Revenge, 2nd Flag-
ship Atlantic Fleet, 1921-22 ; Eng. Capt<ain
1922; Gun Mounting Overseer, Messrs. Arm-
strong, Whitworth & Co., Elswick, Newcastle
on Tyne during construction of the gun
machinery of Nelson and Rodney and 8-inch
cruisers, 1922-27 , Senior Engineer Inspector,
Naval Ordnance Dept., Admiralty, 1927 31 ;
Eng. Rear Admiial, 1928 ; Retired, 1981.
Address' The Anchorage, Drakes’ Avenue,
Bxinouth. T. : Bxmouth 807.
ANDREWS* Roy Chapman; M.A., Sc.D.;
Director, American Museum Natural History,
New York; leader of Asiatic Expeditions;
b. Beloit, Wis , U.S.A., Jan. 2b, 1884 ; s
of Chas. E Andrews and Cora M. Chapman ;
m. Ist 1914, Yvette Borup ; divorced 1930,
two s ; 2nd 1986, Wilhelmina A. Christmas.
Educ ' Beloit College, A B : Columbia Uni-
versity, A.M. ; Hon. Sc.D. Brown University
and Beloit College. Explored in Alaska,
1908; special naturalist U.S.S. Albatioss on
voyage to Dutch B.I., Borneo, Celebes, 1909-
1910; explored N Korea, 1911-12; Borden Alaska
Expedition, 1913; leader Ist Asiatic Expedi-
tion of American Museum Natural History to
S.W China, 1917; 2 nd Expedition to Mongolia,
1919; 3rd lixpedition to Central Asia and
Mongolia, 1921-30. In U.8 Intelligence Service,
I 1917-18; The Central Asiatic Expedition of
I 1922-23-26; discovered great fossil fields in
Mongolia ; found the first dinosaur eggs known
to science, mapped large unknown areas of
Gobi Desert; did much work in palaeontology,
archaeology, botany, zoology, geology, topo-
graphy, Elisha KentiKane Gold Medal, Phila-
delphia Geographical Society ; Hubbaid Gold
Medal, National Geographical Society ; Ex-
plorers Club Medal, New Yoik City , Charles
F. Daly Gold Medal, American iGeogtaphical
Society , Vega Medal, Royal Swedish Geo-
graphical Society. Publicatinns Whale Hunt-
ing with Gun and Camera, Camps and Trails
in China, Across Mongolian Plains, On the
Trail of Ancient Man ; Ends of the Baith , The
New Conquest of Central Asia; This Business
of Exploring, 1935 ; scientific publications ;
many papers and two monographs on watei
mammals. Recreations * polo, steepleehasing,
hunting Address: American Museum Natuial
History, N Y Clubs Century Explorers,
Authors, Boone and Crockett, Ends of the
Earth, N Y. ; Peking, Peking
ANDREWS, William Horner , D Sc
(Lond ) , Member of Royal College of Veterinary
Suigeons ; Director, Veterinary Laboratory,
Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, and of
the Imperial Bureau of Animal Health since
1927 ; b. 22 June 1887 ; s. of Major H. G
Aiidiews, late AO Dept. ; m. 1916, lions, 2nd
d. of late H. Burls, Christiana, Transi aal ,
one s. one d. Educ : Mathematical School,
Rochester , Royal Veterinary College, London ;
Institut Pasteur, Pans. Assistant Government
Veterinary Bacteriologist, Transvaal, 1909 ;
Veterinary Research Officer, Union of South
Africa, 1912 , Captain, South Afncan Veterinary
Corps, German South West Afiica, 1914-15 ;
Senior Veterinary Research Officer, 1918 ; Pro-
fessor of Physiology, Transvaal University Col-
lege, Pretoria, 1920 ; Research Assistant,
Research Institute in Animal Pathology, Lon-
don, 1924. Publications • various technical
articles in scientific journals relating especially
to plant poisoning. Recreation : gardening.
Address: Veterinary Laboratory, New Haw,
Weybndge. T A. : Medium, Addlestoue. T. :
Byfleet 180.
ANDREWS, William Linton \ Editor of
the Leeds Mercury since 1923 ; formerly
with the Daily Mail; frequent Broadcaster
on North Country topics; Vice-President
Scottish Regimental Association of Yorkshire ;
w. 1916, Gertrude, e. d. of late Alexander Doug-
las, Dundee. Educ. : Hull Grammar School ;
Christ’s Hospital. Began journalistic career
WHO‘S WHO, 1938
at Hull and continued it at Huddersfield,
Sheffield, Poitsmouth, Dundee, Pans, and
Loudon. Publications: Old English Towns
and Picturesque York and the North Riding
(with the late W. Andrews) ; Haunting Years :
The Commentaries of a War Territorial ; Way-
side Pageant (with A. P. Maguire); Yorkshire
Folk: Memories of a Journalist; My Editor
Says ; many articles on Northern liabour ques-
tions, and the humours and pathos of North
Country industrial life. Recreations: books
and the couutiy. Address: Grey Garth, West
Park, Leeds, 6. T. : Leeds 52978.
1930; J.P. ; Chairman ol Radio Distribution
(Gibraltar), Ltd. ; Director of Saccone & Speed,
Ltd., Gibraltar, London, Edinburgh, Ports-
mouth, Chatham, Devon port, Weymouth, Malta,
Tangier, Auckland and Ceuta , h. 1876 ; s. oi late
James Andiews-Speed; m. 1903, Lucy, y. d, of
late Fiancis imossi, J.P., Gibraltar; ones. oned.
Educ.. Forest School, Walthamstow. Chairman
ot Gibraltar City Council, 1922 23; Chairman
Gibraltar Chamber of Commerce, 1922; Un-
official Member, Executive Council, Gibraltar,
1922-28 and l980-i}6 , has served on several com-
mittees and commissions ; Consul for Sweden
since 1‘)19 ; Jubilee Medal, 1Q35 ; Coronation
Medal, 1937 , Chevalier of the Order of the Star
of the North (Swedish). Address 293 Mam
Street, Gibraltar. T A. : Andrews - Speed,
Gibraltar. T. . A 609. Clubs: Royal Empire
Society; Royal Gibraltar Yacht ; Union, Malta.
ANDROS, Et..Col. Ralph Craven,
D.S.O. 1917; b. Canada, 7 Feb. 1871; s. of
Capt. E. B. Andros, 95th Reg. (Imp.) ; m.
1891, F. M. L , d. of Capt. Hewett, R M , one
s. three d Educ.: Upper Canada College,
Toronto. Served four years, R.N W.M.P. ,
five years, Canadian Militia; European War,
three years, B.E F., France (D.S O.). Recrea-
tions: hunting, polo. Address. Victoria, B.C.,
Canada. Clubs. Union, Pacific, Victoria.
ANDRUS, Brlgr.-Gen. Thomas Alehin,
C M G. 1910 ; J.P , s. of Capt. Ihonias Alehin
Andrus (Mi!itia)of Scad bury Manor, South fleet,
Kent; h. 1872; in. 1913, Loveday, 2tid d. of late
Admiral Arthui Chase-Parr, R.N , of Bickley,
Kent; one s. one d. Joined Ist Batt. Prince of
Wales North Stafiordshire Regt 1893; served
Sudan campaign, 1890 (British medal, Khedive s
Sudan me<lal), Indian N.-W, Frontier campaign,
1897-98, with the Malakand Field Force and
the Utman Khel Column , also Buner Field
Force in the attack and capture of the Tanga
Pass (Indian medal and clasps), Euiopean War,
1914-lN , raised the 7th Serv’ce Batt. Noi th Staf-
ford Regiment, and commanded it thioughout,
Aug. 1914 July 1916, Brigadiei -General, July
1916, and commanded the 39tli Inf. Brigade
until March 1919 in Mesopotamia, Pei sia, and
the Caucasus (severely wounded Aug. 1915
in the attack on San Bair in Gallipoli, de-
spatches thrice, Brevet Lieut. -Col. C M.G. ,
Imperial Order of St. Anne of Russia, 2nd
class, 1914-16 Star; British and Victoiy war
medals). Colonel, 1920: Temp. Colonel Com
mandant in Ireland, 1921 22 , retired, 1923,
J.P Kent. Addrm ; Hartley Court, Hartley,
Longfield, Kent. T. : Longfleld 24. Club.
Army and Navy
ANGASt Major Lawrence Lee Baxley,
M.C. ; M.A. ; Financial Consultant; b. 22 Feb.
1893 ; m. Catherine Lowe ; one s. two d. Educ. :
Charterhouse ; Magdalen College, Oxford. Major
1st Cheshire Regt. ; served France and Italy
(M.C , Croix de Guerre, despatches twice, twice
wounded); resigned 1919. Student of currency
and the Business Cycle. Publications. : Repara-
tions, Trade and Foreign Exchange; Germany
and Her Debts; Investment; L’Art du Place-
ment des Capitaiix; The Problems of the
Foreign Exchanges ; and various other books on
economic and Stock Exchange subjects, llecrea-
tions: rackets, ski-ing, tennis, golf. Address.
65 Onslow Gardens, S.W.7 ; Waldorf Astoria
Hotel, New York City. T. : Kensington 2139.
Clubs: Bath, Leander; Vincent’s, Oxford.
ANGEL, John, Litt.D., F.R.B.S. ; Sculptor;
6. Newton Abbot, England, 1 Nov. 1881 ; in.
1914, Elizabeth D , d. of Professor Thomas Day
Seymour, Yale University ; two s. Educ. :
Exeter College oi Art ; Lambeth Art School ;
Royal Academy Schools, London. After 7 years
apprenticeship carving marble, stone and wood,
and study in Exeter and at Lambeth Schools,
entered Royal Academy Schools 190b; Land-
seer Scholarship, Armitage diploma, two first
silver medals, gold medal, 1911 ; studied in
Rome and Athens, 1912 ; assisted Sir George
Frarapton 4 years; Exhibited at Royal Acad-
emy, 1912 27; Designed and executed Exeter
and Bridgwater War Memorials ; statuettes and
busts m various collections, including Institute
of Fine Arts, Glasgow, and Albert Memorial
Museum, Exeter ; Busts of Sir John Biles, Sir
Philip Watts, etc. ; left England foi U.8.A. 1926,
made most of statuary on Cathedral of St John
the Divine, New Vork (Ralph Adams Cram,
Architect); Statues of William M. Rice, Rice
Institute, Texas, Francis Vigo, (granite) at
Vincennes, Ind , Alexandei Hamilton, Chicago,
St Paul at Concord, N. H , Last Supper group
(inarbh) for Bast Liberty Chmch, Pittsburgh,
Crucifixion group, St Louis, Mo., Majestas
group, Princeton University Chapel, etc ; hon.
Litt D. Columbia University, 1986; has lec-
tured at Yale University, Metropolitan Museum,
New York, etc. Recreat lulls . Mediaeval history
and art, and modern science Addre.'^s . 468
Riverside Drive, New York, N Y. ; (studio)
149 Bast ll9th Street, New York. 7’ ; Uni-
versity 4, 1427, New York, Club: Century,
New York.
ANGEL^ Captain Thomas Lombard;
D S O 1901 , consulting engineer ; b. Torquay,
10 Jan. 1867 ; s. of John Angel, Torquay,
Devon ; m Ist, Mabel, 2nd d of Charles Abbey,
sculpt-or, Richmond, Surrey ; one s. ; 2na,
Agnes Dunlop, d. of J. Carbery, M D Educ. :
St. Luke’s, Torquay Mechanical engineer ;
served with Kimberley Regt. in Bechuana-
land, 1896 97 (medal and clasp) ; South Africa,
1900-1 (I> S O.) ; European War, France, 1914
1915 ; Assistant to Officer m charge of Records,
No 6 District, 1915-18 ; Hounslow, 1918 ,
Assistant to O.C. G H.Q. Srd Echelon, Egypt,
1918-19 , invalided from service, 1919.
ANGELIS; A. de; see De Angeiis.
ANGELL; James Rowland. Litt.D. Uni-
versity Vermont ; Hon Ph l5 Rensselaer
Polytechnic Institute, LL.D. \ale, Harvard,
Princeton, Columbia, Chicago, Union, Cincinn-
ati, McGill, Brown, Middlebury, Illinois Col-
lege, Wesleyan (Conn ), Michigan, Wabash,
California, Vew York University, Dartmouth
College b. Burlington, Vt., 8 May 1869 , s. oi Dr
James Burnll Angell, Pres, of the University of
Michigan, and Sarah S., d. of President Cas-
well,of Brown University ; m 1st, 1894, Marion
Isabel Watrous (d 1931), Des Moines, Iowa ,
one 5. one d. ; 2nd, 1932, Mis. Kathaiine
Cramer Woo<i man. Educ. A.B , 1890 , A.M.,
1891, University of Mich.; A.M,, Harvard,
1892; Universities of Berlin and Halle, 1898 ;
studied Vienna, Pans, Leipzig. Instructor in
Philosophy, University of Minnesota, 1893 ;
Assistant Professor Psychology and Director
Psychological Laboiatory, 1894-1901 ; Associate
Professor, 1901 - 6 ; Professor and Head of
Department, 1906-19; Senior Dean, 1908-11;
Dean of University Faculties, 1911-19 ; acting
President, 1918-19, University of Chicago;
President Yale University, 1921-87 ; Exchange
Professor The Sorbonne, Paris, 1914 , Member
Psychology Committee of National Research
Council; Member Committee of the Ad,)utaDt-
General’s office on Classification of Per-
sonnel in the Army, 1917-18 ; Advisory
Member Committee on Education and Special
WHO^S WHO, 1938
Training, 1918 , Chairman, National Research
Council, 1919 20 , President, Carnegie Corpora-
tion, 1920-21 , Bx President, University of
Chicago Settlement , member American Philoso
phical Society , member National Academy
of Sciences; member American Psychological
Association (Pres 1906) ; Follow American
Academy of Arts and Sciences , Hon Mombei
British Psychological Society , Phi Beta Kappa,
Sigma Xi, Delta Kappa Epsilon, Kappa Delta
Pi , Officier de I Ordre National de la Legion
d Honneur, France , Grand Officer of the Older
of the Crown of Italy , Conn Society of the Cin-
cinnati (Hon ) , Vico-Pres. National Comm for
Mental Hygiene, Director New York Life In-
surance Co ; member Boaid Rockefeller Founds
tion PuUvcatxons Psychology, 1904 , 4th ed ,
revised, 1908 , Chapters from Modern Psy
chology, 1911 , Introduction to Psychology
1913, American Education, 10^7, Editor,
Psychological Monographs, 1912-22, and
numerous scientific ai tides. Address Yale
Univeisity, New Haven, Conn Clubs Cosmos
Washington , Century, Yale, New York Uni
versity, Yale - Hai vard - Princeton, Chicago ;
Yale, University, Boston, Graduates, New
ANGELIi. Sir Norman^ Kt , cr 1031,
aiithor and lecturer b 26 Dec 1874 , s of late
Tliomas Angell Lane, J P , Mansion House,
Holbeach. Educ , privately , Lyc6e de St
Omer, Prance Youth passed in Western States
of America, first ranching and prospecting, and
later in newspaper work , returned to Europe,
1898, as correspondent various American news
papers. Editor, Galignani s Messenger, 1899
1908 , staff of Eclair, Pans, 1903 5 , General
Manager Pans Daily Mail, 190o 14 , Editor,
Foreicn Affairs, 1928 31 , M P (Lab ) North
Bradford 1929 31 , Member of the Council of
Royal Institute of International Affairs since
1928; awarded Nobel Peace Prize for 1931,
inventor of The Money Game, a series of
card games which teach the principles
of elementary economics, particularly of
banking and currency Publications Patriot
ism under Three Flags, 1903 , Euiope s
Optical Illusion, 1909 The Great Illusion
1910 , Peace Theories and the Balkan War, 1912,
The Foundations of International Polity, 1914 ,
Prussianism and its Destruction, 1914 , The
World 8 Highway, 1915 (in America) , The
Dangers of Half Preparedness, 1916 (in
America) , Why Freedom Matters, 1916 , Wai
Aims, 1917 , ITie Political Conditions of Allied
Success, 1918 , The Economic Chaos and the
Peace Treaty, 1919 , The Fruits of Victory,
1921 , If Britain IS to Live, 1923; Must Britain
Travel the Moscow Road? 1926; The Public
Mind, Its Disorders Its Exploitation, 1926 ,
The Story of Money, 1930 , Can Governments
Cure Unemployment f 1931 (with Harold
Wnght), The Unseen Assassins, 1932 , The
Press and the Organisation of Society, 1933 ,
The Great Illusion, 1933, 1933 , From Chaos
to Control 1933, The Menace to Our National
Defence 1934 , Preface to Peace, 1935 , The
Money Mystery, 1936, The Money Game,
1936; Ihis Have and Have not llusiness
1936 , The Defence of the Empire, 1937 ; Is
Pacifism the Road to Peace? 1937 The
Great Illusion has appeared in England,
America, France, Germany, Holland, Denmark,
Sweden, Spam, Italy, Russia, Japan, and
China, as well as in Hindi, Bengali, Urdu,
Marathi, and Tamil Recreation small yacht
cruising. Address 4 Kings Bench Walk,
Temple, EC; T A Angell, 44 Temple,
London; P, Central 6649, Northey Island,
Maldon Essex; T, Maldon 109
ANGBRS. Justice Busene-R^al, Judge
of the Kxenequer Court of Canada since 1932 ;
b. Oct 1, 1883; 8 of R^al Angers and Josephine
Trudel m. 1909, Germaine Tousignant; four s
three d, Edue* High School, St. Mary s
College (B.A.) and Laval University (LL.L ),
Montreal. Admitted to Bar, Province of
Quebec, 1907 , Practised law In Montreal, 1907-
1932; K C , 1980 Address 301 Wilbrod Street,
Ottawa, Canada 1 Rideau 2314; Queen
6400, Local 665 Club Rideau, Ottawa.
ANGIiBSE'^ 6th Marquess of (or. 1816),
Charles Henry Alexander Pagret,
G C V O , or 1928 , Baron Paget, of Beau Desert,
1549 , Bail of Uxbndge, 1784 , Capt Reserve of
officers, late Capt Royal Horse Guai ds , Lord
Chamberlain to Queen Mary since 1922 , b 14
April 1886 ; e s of late Lord Alexander Victor
Paget, D L , and late Hon Hester Alice
Stapleton Cotton, 2nd d of 2nd Viscount
Combenneie, m 1912, I ady Victoiia Marjorie
Harriet Manners, d of 8th Duke of Rutland ,
ones five d Fduc. Eton , R M C , Sandhurst
6 cousin, 1905 OiderofSt John of Jerusalem ,
Older of the Nile, 4th Class, Grand Cross
of Star of Italy and of Roumania Grand Cross
of Order of Ismail , Grand Cordon of Star of
Ethiopia , Grand Cross of Star of Afghanistan ,
Commander of Legion of Honour Heir
s Earl of Uxbridge, q v Address 170
Queen s Gate, S W 3 Kensington 3225 ,
Pl&s Newydd, Llanfair Pwllgwyngyll, Ang
lesey Clubs Tuif, Bachelors , Royal Yacht
Squadron, Cowes
See also harl of Pembroke Farl of Shrewsbury
ANGLiESS, V. ; see Brunton, V
ANGEIN, Arthur Whyte, K C 1908 ,
Member of firm of Blake, Lash, Anglin &
Cassels, Toionto , 6 St John, N B , 10 Jan
1867 , s of late Hon T W Anglin, Speaker,
Canadian House of Commons , m 1894, Madeleine
St George {d 1929), e d o\ late Sii Glen
holme Palconbridge , Ine s six d Fduc
St Maiys College, Montreal , OtUwa Urn
versity, IjEW Society, Upper Canada, Fust
scholarship, 1888 and 1889 , gold medal, 1890
Called to Ontario Bar, 1890 Address 71
Cliiendon Axoiiiie, Toronto Clubs loronto,
loronto, Rideau, Ottawa
ANGUS, Lieut. -Col. Alexander Wm.,
D S O 1919 , C A Served European War, 1914
1919 (despatches D 8 0 ).
ANGUS, Alfred Henry. B Sc (Vict),
FISA, founder ind first Editor, The British
Advertiser , Director, Audit Bureau of Circula
tions , Principal, Hon Secretary and Hon.
Chaplain, Tettenhall College, Staffordshire,
1913 25 , b Hutton Loweross, Guisborough,
Yorks, 29 May 1873, s of G H Angus and E
Cilvert; m 1st 1900, Nellie, d of Joseph
Unsworth, Liverpool ; one s one d , 2nd 1936
Selma Jane Arnott, e d of late James Treble,
Assistant Director, Education, Northumbir-
land Educ Sir Joseph Pease s School, and
Univ College, Liveipool History Lecturer,
Leeds Pupil Teachers Centie, 1895-6, House
Master, Harrogate College, 1896-1900 , Second
Master and Chief Mathematical Master, Central
Secondary School, Birmingham, 1901 6, Head-
mister, George Dixon Secondary School, Bir-
mingham 1906-13 Publications Introtluction
to Differential and Integral Calculus , Manual
of Slide Rule; Ideals in Teaching; numerous
articles m Educational Journals Recreations
golf, shooting, motoring Address 6 Purcell
Mansions, Queen’s Club Gardens, W,14 T.
Fulham 5951 Club National I iberal
ANGUS, J. Mortimer^ MA (Cantab)
LL D Hon (Wales) , late Registrar, Uni-
versity of Wales, b 1850, 2n(r s of Re\.
Joseph Angus, D D , m 1882, Mabel Septima,
d of Henry M Harris, Plymouth , four s two d
Educ City of London School , ( lare College,
Cambridge , M A , 1876 , Professor of Latin and
Comparative Philology, University College of
Wales, Aberystwyth, 1878- 1906. Address
Kerbrae, Hollybush Road Penylan, Cardiff
ANGUS, Rev. Samuel, M A D D , D Lit
Queens University, Belfast, 1923, D D. Glas
WHO*S WHO* 1988
gow, 1924 ; D.I). Queen’s University, 1929 ;
IPI 1 .D. Princeton ; Professor of New Testament
4Mid Historical Theology in St. Andrew’s Col-
lege, New South Wales ; 0 . Ireland, 27 Aug. 1881 ;
w. 1907, Katharine Walker Duryea (d. 1934),
New York ; no c. Edric. : University College,
Galway ; R. University of Ireland ; Princeton
University and Theological Seminary ; Mar-
burg, BerHn and Edinburgh Universities ; First
Classical Honours, R.U.l. Lecturer on Hellen-
istic Greek, Hartford Theological Seminary,
1906-10 ; Gay Lecturer, 8. Baptist Theological
Seminary, Louisville, 1912 ; Norton Lecturer,
1920 ; Classical Lecturer, Chatauqua College,
New York, 1906; Chaplain Scotch Church,
Algiers, 1912-13; Acting-Professor of N. T.
Interpretation, and Elliot Lecturer, Western
Theological Seminary, Pittsburgh, U.S.A.,
1920 ; Earle Lecturer, Pacific School of Re-
ligion, Berkeley, California, 1925-29; Visiting
Professor of Education, Columbia University,
New York, 1029-31; member of Berliner Neu-
testamentliche Gesellschaft, and Society of Bib-
lical Literature (U.S.). Puhlicatioris : Sources
•of first ten books of Augustine’s De Clvitate Dei,
1906 ; The Environment of Early Christianity,
1914 ; The Mystery-Religions and Christianity,
1925 ; The Religious Quests of the Graeco-Roman
World, 1929 ; Jesus in the Lives of Men, 19.33 ;
Christianity and Dogma, 1983; Truth and Tra-
dition, 1934 ; translator of Thumb’s Handbook
of the Modem Greek Vernacular, 1912 ; articles
in Temple Dictionary of the Bible, New Inter-
national Encyclopaedia, Hastings’ Encyclopaidia
•of Religion, etc. Recreations : goU, tenmn. Ad-
dress: St. Andrew’s College, Sydney, N.S.W.
Clubs: Royal Societies ; Canterbury, Princeton.
AN G WIN, Hon. William Charles,
C. M.G. 1933; J.P. ; Member, Fremantle Har-
bour Trust since 1934 ; h St. Just, Cornwall, 8
May 1863; s, of Benjamin Aiigwin, grocer, and
Mary Angwm ; m 1884, Sarah Ann, d. of Jacob
Sumpton, Hensingham, Cumberland ; one s.
one d Educ: Wesleyan School, St. Just.
Migrated to Victoria, Australia, 1886 ; Western
Australia, 1892 ; resided continuously at East
Fremantle; Member in the first Municipal
Council of that town, 1897-1927 ; Mayor three
years, and Treasurer twenty years ; representa-
tive of the East Fremantle District to the
Legislative Assembly, 1904 ; Hon. Minister
and Member Executive Council, 1904-5 ; Hon.
Minister controlling Health, Chanties and
Migration, and Member Executive Council,
1911-14; Minister for Public Works
and Industries, 1914-16; Minister for Lands,
Industries and Migration, 1924-27 ; Agent-
General for Western Australia, 1927-33; Deputy
Premier, 1925 ; Member of the Fremantle
Municipal District Tramway and Electric
Lighting Board, 1910-26; Chairman, Trustees
Rural Relief Fund, W.A., 1936. Address: East
Fremantle, Western Au.stralia.
ANI.EY1 Brig;. -Gen. Barnett Dyer
laempriere Gray, C.B. 1925; C.M.G. 1917 ;
D. S.0. 1900; Secretary, Royal United Kingdom
Beneficent Association ; 6. 22 Aug 1878 ; m.
1902, Gwendolyn, «. d. of Msilor Leigh Gwatkm,
J.P. Entered Army, 1894 ; served South
Africa, 1899-1900 (despatches twice); Euro-
pean War, 1914 - 18 (despatches six times,
Bt. Lt.-Col. and Col., C M.Q., Chevalier
Legion d’Honneur), Commanded 18.3rd Infantry
Brigade; G.S.O.I. SUff College, 1919; com-
manded 1st Batt. K.O.R.H., 1919 20; com-
manded 3rd 'London Infantry Brigade, 1920-
1921 ; Commandant Senior Officers’ School,
Sheerness, 1921-25; Commanded 12.5th (Lancs
Fusiliers) Infantry Brigsde T.A., 1926-28 ;
retired pay, 1028. Address: St. George’s,
Wych Hill Lane, Woking. T. : Woking 868
Club : Army and Navy.
ANIaBY, Ool. Henry Aniriistue« C.B.
1917 ; late R. A.O.C. ; b. 20 Nov. 1864 ; e. s. of
late Capt. H, T. Anley, The Buff's; m. 1891,
Agnes Pauline, d. of lato Capt. W. P. Bridson,
King’s Own Regt. ; three d. Joined B. Surrey
Regt. 1886; Capt. 1894; Major, 1904; Lt-Col.
1906; Col. 1913; served Bast Africa, 1903
(medal with clasp) ; Assistant Director War
Office, 1911-18; retired pay, 1919. Address.
Green Gates, Totland Bay, l.W.
ANIiBY^ Major Philip Francis Ross,
C.B.E. 1927 ; Chief Constable of Derbyshire ; 6.
1874 ; s. of Col. B. N. Anley ; w. 1911, Adeline
Ellen id. 1932), d. of late General Sir William
Shenbrook Ramsay Norcott, K.C.B. Served
H. Africa, 1809-1901 (wounded, despatches
twice, Queen’s medal with five clasps); Euro-
pean War, 1914-18. Club: Army and Navy.
ANN All Yf 4th Baton (cr. 1^68), Dnke
Henry 'White; late 11th Hussars; b.
7 Aug. 1886 ; 5. of Srd Baron Annaly and
Hon. Lilah Georgiana Augusta Constance Agar-
Bllis, d. of Srd Viscount Clifden ; S. father, 1922 ;
m. 1919, Lady Lavima Spencer, 2nd d. of 6th
Earl Spencer, K.G. ; one s. one d. Entered
Army, 1906 ; Captain, 1915 ; Major, 1921 ; re-
tired, 1921; was A.D.C. to Lord Methuen in
South Africa ; served European War, 1914-18
<Ofllcer Legion of Honour, M.C.V Heir: s.
Hon. Luke Robert White, b. 15 March 1927.
Address ’ 35 Hyde Park Gardens, W.2. Clubs :
Turf, Marlborough, Brooks’s.
See also Viscount (rolway, Earl of Leicester,
Col. J. G. Lowther.
ANNAN, William, M.A., C.A., F.C.W.A.,
F.R.S.E. ; Partner of Graham Smart and Annan
C.A. Edinburgh and London ; Professor of
Accounting and Business Method, Edinburgh
University ; b. Lochee, Dundee, 23 Ang. 1872 ;
jf. of David Annan and .Jane Wilkie; w. 1897,
Margaret Letts Munro ; no c. Educ. : High
School, Dundee. Recinition: golf. Address:
22 Charlotte Siiuare, Edinburgh. T. ; Edin-
burgh 26253. Llnb: Northern, Edinburgh.
ANN AND. Col. Frederick William
Gadsby, D.S.O. 1917; J.P. ; V.D. ; b. Too-
woomba, Queensland, 7 May 1872; s. of
James Annand, formerly of Elgin, Scotland,
and Harriet Qadsby, formerly of Thirsk, Yorks ;
m. 1898, Helen Alice, 5th d of T. G. Robinson
of Toowoomba, Queensland ; four s. two d.
Educ. : High School, Toowoomba. After two
years of experience on a sheep station, entered
comme>rcial life in Toowoomba ; studied and
practised accountancy and obtained diploma
as Government Auditor ; established a business
in Toowoomba ; Manager of Brisbane Per-
manent Building and Banking Co., Ltd., 1906-
1925 and since 1931; Town Clerk of Brisbane,
1926-31 ; commanded 7th Field Company
Engineers m A.I.F. ; officer in Queensland
Mounted Infantry since 1897 ; in Light Horse,
Field, and Signal Engineers ; organised and
commanded the first Pioneer Battalion
Australian Army, 1916 ; served European War,
1915-18 (despatches five times, D.S.O. and bar,
Bt. Lt.-Col.) ; commanded 7th Infantry Brigade
1926-30; A.D.C. to Governor - General 1927;
Past Master of Scottish Free - masonry ;
Deputy Grand Master United Grand Lodge
of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of
Queensland, 1931-32; past Hon. Treasurer of
Queensland Rifle Association, Queensland
United Service Institution, Brisbane Institute
of Social Service ; past Hon. Treasurer Wharf
Street Congregational Church ; past President
Y.M.C.A. ; President, Brisbane Institute of
Social Service ; late Alderman, Town of Hamil-
ton; Mayor, 1924. Publications: a few verses
under nom -de-plume in periodicals, BecreU’
tions: yachting, billiards, shooting, driving,
bowls. Address: 9 Mayfield Street, Hamilton,
near Brisbane, Queensland. T. : J 8382. Clubs:
United Service, Constitutional.
ANNB, Brnest Lambert Swinburne,
2ud s. of late William Henry Charlton, of Hes-
leyside, Northumberland, and Barbara, d, of
Tgsburgh, of Burghwallis Hall ;
7 §
WHO*S WHO, 1938
h. 1862 ; TO. 1886, Edith (d. 1937), 4th d. of Sir
Thomas George Augustus Parkyns, 6th Bart. ;
three a. one d. Ediic. : Oratory. Heir : s. George
C., q.v. Patron of one living; Captain and
Hon. Major late 8rd Battalion Sherwood
Foresters (Derbyshire Militia); late Captain
56th Foot ; inherited property from George
Anne, whose name he assumed by royal licence,
1882; J P. West Riding, Yorks. Addtess :
Burgh wallis Hall, Doncaster.
ANNE, George Charltoni O.B.E.;
Director and Geneial Manager, Tote Investors
Ltd. ; 6. 1886 ; to. 1910, Amy Violet (d. 1935), d.
of late James Montagu ot Melton Park and
Hon. Mrs. Lindley Wood ; three s, one
d. Bduc,: Oratory School; Exeter College,
Oxford. Ma^ior, late R.F C. and R A.F. ;
formerly Captain K.O.Y.Ii.I.; A.D C.
to Governor of Gold Coast, 1909-10 ; served
European War, France, 1915 ; Middle East,
1916-18 (despatches, O.B.E.); founded Wne
Fox Terrier Association, 1912; Secretary,
R. A.P. Boxing Association, 1924 27; Manager,
North District Racecourse Betting Conti ol
Board, 1929-32 Addreb!> • 22 Diaycott Avenue,
S. W.3; T. : Kensington 6348 ; Tote Investors
Ltd., 16-17 New Bridge Street, EC 4; T A. .
Guartote, London. T. : Central 2040. Clubs :
United Service, Stadium (hon ).
ANNESliBY^ family name of Earl Annes-
ley. and Viscount Valentia.
ANNESIiEY, 8th Ear) (cr 1789), Beresford
Cecil Bingham Annesley ; Baron Annes-
ley, 1758; Viscount Glerawly, 1766; late Lieut.
6th Batt Roy. P'us. ; h 2 Apr 1894; o. s. of
7th Earl and Maud Fleming (d. 1923), d. of
Haynes Bingham Higginson, Rock Ferry,
Cheshire ; S. father, 1934 ; to. 1921, Edith, o d.
of Maj. Rawlinson, late of 4 Aldford Street, W,
Heir: kinsman, Major James Hairy Sydney
Annesley, 6. 20 Nov. 1875.
ANNESI«EY, Col. Arthur Stephen
Roherti C M.G. 1919 ; Indian Army, retired ,
e. 8, of late Lieut -Col. R. M. S. Annesley ; 6.
1869; to. 1894, Rate Talbot, d. of General W.
Howey ; one d. Served European War, 1914-
1918 (despatches, C M.G., Bt Col.). Address:
Manor House, Fareham, Hants
ANNESLEY, Lt.-Col. Clifford
Regfinald Templeman. D.S.O. 1916; late
R.A.S.C. ; 6. 4 Jan. 1877; w. 1907, Clara Mabel,
e. d. of Lt.-Col. Samuel Martin Gully; one s
one d. Entered army, 1897 ; served European
War, 1914-18 (D.S.O., despatches, Bt. Lt.-Col.),
retired pay, 1024. Address: c/o Gl>n Mills
Ltd., Kirkland House, Whitehall, 8. W.l.
ANNESLEY. Cdr. John Campbell^
D 8.O. 1918 ; R.N. ; 6. 2 Aug 1895 ; s. of late
William Gore Annesley; to. 1920, Cicely Anne
Walton, d. of late James Craig, The Glen
House, Crawfordsburn, Co. Down ; one s.
Bduc.: Eastman's, Southsea; R N. Colleges
Served European War, 1914-19 (wounded, de-
spatches, D S.O., Croix de Guerre). Address,
cfo Coutts and Co., 440 Strand, W.C.2.
ANNESLEY, Richard Arthur Grove
h. 20 June 1879 ; « », of Richard Grove
Annesley ; to. 1907, Hilda Margaret, d. of Rt.
Hon. Sir Francis Macnaghteo, 8rd Bart., and
vndow of P. C. Phillii>8 ; two s. one d. Edmc.
Harrow. Kept a private pack of Harriers for
11 years, known as Puncheon Vale Harriers ;
Joint-Master of Duhallow Foxhounds, 1910-15,
1933-34-36 ; served European War as Lieut, in
North Irish Horse. Address : Annesgrove,
Castletown roche, Cork.
AN NETT, Henry Edward, M.B.E.,
M.D., D.P.H. ; Turner Research Fellow
fCancer), 1031 ; lion. Lecturer Pathology of
Meat, etc., University of Liverpool, 1922;
Lecturer in Animal Pathology, University of
Liverpool, 1922-28 ; Cancer Researcher, Uni-
versity of Liverpool, 1923*30 ; Superintendent,
Research Laboratories, Higher Runcorn, 1911-
J922 ; Professor of Comparative Pathology, '
University of Liverpool, 1906-11; 6. 6 June
1871 ; TO. 1906, B. L., d. of George Bell. Bduc. :
University College, Liverpool ; Victoria Univer-
sity, Manchester. Graduated with honours,
1894. Lecturer on Comparative Pathology,
University, Liverpool, 1903 ; Supenntendent,
Incorporated Liverpool Institute of Com-
parative Pathology since 1902 ; member of first
expedition sent out by Liverpool School of
Tropical Medicine to West Afiica, 1891 ;
directed second expedition, 1900; Director
Animal Diseases Expedition to Uiuguay, 1905,
and of Colonial Office Expedition to W. Indies,
1906-7 ; M.O.H. Runcorn Urban District, 1913-
1923 ; Acting M.O.H. Widnes Borough Dis-
trict, 1915-19; M.O. in command Runcorn
Vicarage Military Hospital ; Joint Author —
Report of Malaria Expedition to Sierra Leone,
1899; Report of Expedition to Nigeria (Mal-
aria), 1900; Report of Expedition to Nigeria
(Filariasis), 1900. Address: 143 Highfield Road,
Rock Ferry. T. : Rock Ferry 518,
ANNUNZIO ; see D’Annunzio.
ANREPj Gleb V. : Professor of Physiology,
University of Cairo, Egypt, since 1931 ; b. Petio-
grad, 1891 ; s. of Basil von Anrep, pharmacolo-
gist and high official in pre-war Russia ; to. Dina
von Anrep; ones. Kduc: Medical Academy,
Petrograd ; University College, London. M.B.
1914 ; joined the Russian Army as a medical
officer, 1914 till the end of the participation of
Russia in European Wai, 1917, M.D. Medical
Academy and Lecturer in the Institute of
Exi)erimental Medicine, Petrograd ; joined the
forces of General Denikine against the Bol-
sheviks, 1918; settled in England in 1920 ;
naturalised, 1926 ; First Assistant at University
College, London, then I.ecturer at Cambridge ,
M Sc. and D.Sc., London; M.A. Cantab;
FRS 1928; Fellow of Unuersity College;
Sharpey-Schafer prize, W. Mickle prize, Sydney
Ringer Lecturer; engaged in research work
since 1912. Publications : m various Physio-
logical Journals, chiefly on circulation and con-
ditioned reflexes. Recreations : anything which
comes along. Address: Physiological Labora-
tory, University of Cairo, Egypt. T A. Maadi,
Cairo T.: Maadi 169. Clubs: Maadi Sporting,
Turf, Cairo.
AN SELL. JohUy musical director; 5. 26 Mar.
1874. Educ. : Guildhall School of Music.
Studied composition under the late Hamish
MrCunn; was Musicnl Director at the Alhambra
Theatre, 1913-20, at the Playhouse with Mr,
Cyril Maude ; composed the incidental music
to all his productions during that period ;
has conducted at most of the West End
theatres ; was at the Winter Garden Theatre
for neaily seven years and afterwaids four and
a half years at the B.B.C , Savoy Hill, which
he resigned m 1930; has composed several Comic
Operas, including Violette, 1918; orchestial
works, songs, etc. Publications: Overtures:
Plymouth Hoe, Overture to an Irish Comedy,
John and Sam, etc.; Suites : Danses Minatures
de Ballet, Tliree Irish Dances, Three Irish
Pictures, etc. Club : Savage.
ANSELLy Capt. WillUm Henry,
M.C. ; Royal Engineers ; architect; F.R.I.B.A., ; 0 . Nottingham, Nov. 1872; to. 1902,
Floience Leman, of Chipping Norton, Oxon.
Bchic. : Derby. Articled to firm of architects
m Derby; commenced practice in London as
an architect, 1900 ; principal works ; hospitals,
Westbury, Bevenoaks ; country houses, Surrey,
Derbyshire, Devonshire; churches, Liverpool,
London, and Suffolk ; Head Offices, National
Deposit Friendly Society, London ; Butchers'
Charitable Institution, Hounslow; Convale-
scent Homes, Skegness, St. Maigaret's Bay,
Bverleigh ; Etcher of architectural subjects ;
University Extension Lecturer on Architecture
in connection with the University of London ;
served European War, Oct. 1915-18 (M.C.,
despatches twice); President Architectural
WHO’S WHO, 1938
Association, 1928 ; Chairman Board of Archi-
tectural Education, 1931-33; Vice-President,
Royal Institute of British Architects, 1933-35.
Address: 12 Gray’s Inn Square, W.C 2 ; Chan-
cery 8169. Little Paddock, Seal, Sevenoaks ,
T. : Seal 68, Club : Arts.
ANSON, family name of Earl of Lichfield.
ANSON. Viscount; Thomas William
Arnold; 2nd Lieut., Grenadier Guards; &.
4 May 1913 ; s. of 4th Earl of Lichfield, q.v.
ANSON, Capt. Hon. Alfred : y s. of 2nd
Earl of Lichfield; w. 1912, Lefa, wtdow of
John J. Emery of New York. Educ. : Harrow.
Late Captain Sussex Yeomanry, Address: 38
Rue Bar bet de Jouy, Paris; 6 East 68th Street,
New York. Clubs : Turf, White’s, Marlborough ;
Jockey, Pans.
ANSON, Admiral Charles Eustace,
C.B. 1919; M.V.O 1901; b. 3 Dec. 1859; s
of Rev. Frederick Anson and Hon. Caroline
Maria Vernon, d. of 5th Baron Vernon ; m. 1st,
1888, Maria Evelyn {d. 1905), d. of Horatio Ross ,
one s. two d. ; 2nd, 1906, Ethel Kate, d. of T
May. Entered Navy, 1872 ; Lt. 1882 ; Com
mander, 1894; Captain, 31st Dec. 1901; Rear-
Admiral, 1911 ; Vice Adm and retired, 1917 ,
Admiral, 1919 ; commanded H M Yacht Os-
borne, 1901-4 ; served Egypt, 1882 (medal with
clasp, bronze star) ; Captami in Charge and King’s
Harbour-master, Portland 1908 11 ; Admiial
Superintendent, Chatham Dockyard, 1912 15,
Coronation Medal, 1902; Younger bi other of
Trinity House, 1907. Addres<i * Huntercoinbe,
Elmstead Road, Bexhill-on Sea T. * Bexhill
621. Clubs: Junior United Service; Royal
Yacht vSquadron, Cowes.
ANSON, Hon. Claud, J.P., D.L. ; 5th s of
2nd Earl of Ijichfield and Lady Harriet Geoigi
ana Louisa, e. d. of 1st Duke of Abercorn, K.G ;
b. 11 Jan. 1864; wi. 1901, I^ady Clodagh De La
Poer Beresford, y. d, of 6th Marquis of Watei
ford, K.P.; two s. one d. Educ.: Harrow. Vice-
Lieutenant of Ccunty Watei ford Address
Bally saggartmore, Lismore, co. Waterford
Club: Kildare Street, Dublin.
ANSON^ Sir Edward (Reynell), 6th Bt.,
cr. 1831 ; b. 81 Jan. 1902 ; o. surv. s. of late Rear
Adin Algernon Horatio Anson, 4th*. of 2nd Bt ,
and Hon. Adela Vernon, d. of 6th Baron Vernon ;
.S. brother, 1918 ; w. 1923, Alison, o. d. of Hugh
Pollock, Ciossways, South Chard, Somerset,
two a. Edw. Royal Naval Colleges, Os boine
and Dartmouth ; Trinity College, Cambridge
Joined R. Navy, 1915; retired, 1919. Puhhca
tion: The Owner-Gaidener, 1934; The Small
Garden, 1936. Recitations' gaideningand fish-
ing. Heir: s. Peter Anson, b .31 July 1924.
Address' Ilalsdon House, nr. Honiton, De\on.
T.: Honiton 113; 42 Berkeley Comt, Baker
Street, N.W.l; 2’.; Welbeck 1<»34. Club. St.
ANSON, Lieut. -Colonel Hon. Sir
George AuffU^tuSi K.C.B. tr. 1937 ,
C.B.E. 1925; M.V.O. 1907; D.L. ; 2nd s.
of 2nd Earl of Lichfield ; 5. 22 Dec. 1857 ; m.
1884, Blanche, d. of late G. Miller of Brentry,
Gloucester; ones, onetf. Educ,: Harrow ; U.M.
Academy, Woolwich. Late R.A.; Chief Con-
stable Stoffordshire, 1888-1929; Lt.-Col. 8rd
North Mid. Field Artillery Brigade, 1915-16;
Chairman Staffordshire Territorial Force As-
sociation. Clid) : Naval and Military.
ANSON, Georgre H., M.C., T.D., D.L.; late
commanding Staffs. Yeomanry ; J.P. Derby-
shire ; e. s. of Henry Anson Horton, of Catton
Hall, Co. Derby ; w. 1926, Barbara Mary, o. d. of
Algernon H. P. Strickland, of Apperley Court,
Gloucestershire. Educ. : Eton ; New College,
Oxford. B.A. Barrister Inner Temple, 1912 ;
served in Egypt and Palestine and Syria, 1914-
1919 ; Master 8. Staffs. Hounds, 1920-27
Address: Catton Hall, Burton-on-Trent. T.:
Barton - under - Need wood 22. Club : Con
ANSON, Rev. Harold, M.A. ; Master of
the IVmple, 1985 ; Hon. Canon of iSouthwark,
1983; Hon. Chaplain to the Bishop of South-
wark, 1933 ; b, 1867 ; *. of Rev. Frederick
Anson, Canon of Windsor and Caroline, e. d. of
5th Lord Vernon ; m. 1894, Qwenllian {d. 1935),
d. ot Henry Langridge ; two s. one d. Educ. :
Clifton ; Christ Church, Oxford. Deacon,
1890 ; Priest, 1891 ; Curate of St. Pancras,
1890 94 ; Rector of Whitton, 1894-97 ; Vicar of
Hawera, N.Z., 1897-1902 ; Warden of St. John's
College, Auckland, N.Z., 1902-05; Rector of
Bads worth, 1906-10 ; Rector of Birch-m-
Husholme, 1910-19 ; Curate of St. Mary’s,
Primrose Hill, 1919-22 ; of St. Martin in the
Fields, 1922-28 ; Examining Chaplain to Bishop
of Lincoln, 1920-25; Select Preacher, Cambridge,
1918 ; Vicar of Tandridge, 1928-35 ; Rural Dean
of Godstone, 1930-35. Publications : Spiritual
Healing ; A Practical Faith , Thinking Aloud.
Address • The Masters House, The Temple,
E C.4. 2. ; Central 2681.
ANSORGE, Eric Cecil, C.I.E. 1937 ; I.C.S. ;
Commissioner of Tirhut, Bihar, since 1935 ; b.
6 March 1887 ; v. of laie Dr. W. J. Ansorge ; in.
1915, Wenonah, d. of late Major J. W. Leather.
Educ.: St. Paul’s School; St. John’s College
Oxford. Entered I.C.S. 1911 and posted to
Bengal ; served under government of India
(Commercial Intelligence Dept., 1918-19, Com
merce Dept., 1919-24); Secretary to govern-
ment of Bihar and Orissa, 1926-29; Registrar
of Cooperative Societies, 1930-34. Publication'
Silk in India (with late Prof. Maxwell Lefroy).
Recreation^: tennis, polo, philately, entomo-
logy. Addnss: Muzaffarpur, Bihar, India;
c/o Lloyds Bank, 6 Pall Mall, S.W.l.
ANSTEAD, Rudolph David, C.I.E.
1927 ; M.A. ; Fellow Madras University.
b. Wisbech, Cambridgeshire, 2 June 1876; s. of
Walter Henry Anstead, H.M. Inspector of
Schools ; w. 1905, Louisa Lofting ; no c. Educ.
Giggleswick Grammar School ; Christ’s College,
Cambridge (Scholar and Prizeman), 2nd
Class m Natural Science Tripos ; Research
Chemist, Barbados, British West Indies, 1901 ;
joined the Imperial Department of Agricul-
ture, British West Indiee, as Sugar Chemist,
1902; Superintendent of Agriculture, Grenada,
in same Dept., 1906 ; transferred to Indian
Agricultural Service as Deputy Director of
Agiiculture, Planting Districts, 1909 ; Director
of Agriculture, Madras Agricultural Dept.,
1922 31 ; retired, 1931. PublicxUions : various m
scientific journals. Recreations: fives, cricket,
tennis. Hobby: botany and gardening. Ad-
dress ■ St. Alkelda, Maple Avenue, Bishop’s
Stortford. T. : Bishop’s Stortford 520. Clubs .
Royal Empire Society, Authors.
ANSTBY, Rt. Rev. A. H.; see Tnnidad,
Bisliop of.
ANSTEYj Bri^. Edg;ar Carnegie,
D.S.O 1919, late R. A. ; b. 1882 ; s. of H. Anatey ;
in. 1922, Laura, d of late Feodorov Samsonoff,
of Province of Witebsk, Russia. Educ. :
Wellington College. Served European War,
1914-19 (despatches, D.S.O.) ; Chief Staff
Officer, Armaments Sub-Commission of the
Inter-Allied Commission of Control in Germany,
1920-22; Biigadier, R.A., Western Command,
India, 1931-32 ; Brigadier, General Staff,
Western Command, India, 1932-35 ; retired
pay, 1985. tlnh : Naval and Military.
ANSTEY, Hon. Frank, journalist; b.
London, 18 Aug. 1865. M L.A. Victoria, 1902-
1910; M.P. Bourke Federal House of Repre-
sentatives, 1910-34 ; Deputy Leader of Parlia-
mentary Labour Party in Federal House of
Representatives, 1922-27 ; Minister for Health
and Repatriation, Commonwealth of Australia,
192tK31. PubJuations: Red Europe ; The King-
dom of Shyloek ; Money Power, etc. Address :
Sydney, N.8.W.
ANSTBY, Vera, D.Sc. (Econ.): Sir Ernest
Cassel Lectuier in Commerce, London School of
WHO’S WHO, 1988
Economics and Political Science since 1983 , b.
1889 , 2 nd d, of James and Mary Powell , m 1913,
Percy L Aiistey (d 1920) , one s one d I due
Ladies College, Cheltenham , Bedford College
for Women , London School oi Economics and
Political Science Studied music and German
at Frankfurt a/M, 1907-8, Hygiene Diploma
Bedford College for Women, 1910, Gerstenberg
Scholar in Economics, 1912 , B Sc (Econ ) with
Ist Class Honouis n Economic History, 1913 ,
resided in Bombay, India, 1914-20, Assistant
at the London School of Economics, 1921
Lecturer in Commerce, London School of
Economics, 1929 , D Sc (Econ) London Univer
sity, 1930 Publications The 1 lade ot the Indian
Ocean, 1929, The Economic Development of
India, 1929 Revised Edition, 1936 Itecrea
tion lawn tennis Address 35 Fairholme
Road, W Kensington, W 14 T, Fulham 6972
ANSTRUTHBR, Arthur Wellealey^
C B 1908 , h 5 March 1864 4th s of late Sir
Robert Anstruther of Balcaskie 6 th Bait
m let, 1893, Hon Mary Elma Cumming Bruce
(d. 1894), d of 6 th Baron Thurlow no c 2 nd
1901, Louise Ad4le Rose, d of late W H
Trapmann of Charlestown, South Carolina
USA, two s one d Rduc Eton Formerly
a Captam in the Fife Artillery Militia entered
Board of Agriculture as Inspector, 1890 Private
Secretary to Mr Herbert Gardner (afterwards
Lord Biirghclere) 1892 95, and to Mr W H
Long, 1895 98, when President of the Board of
Agriculture Chief Clerk to the Board 1898
1902, Assistant Secretary 1902-20 Address
20 Palmerston Place Edinburgh / 30321
Clvh New Edinburgh
ANSTRUTHER, Georgre Elliot;
lecturer and writer , Assistant Editor of 1 ablet
1920 86 previously Organising Secretaiy
Catholic Truth Society , formerly Editor of Uni
verse newspaper b London 1870 m 1896 I ydia
Mary Richardson two s two d A founder
and for some years hon secretary of the
Histoncal Research Society , lecturer on
religious and historical subjects , hon secretary
Catholic Congress Publications Venice Notes
and Impressions Willuim Hogarth The
Bindings of To morrow , Catholic Answers to
Protestant Charges Edith O Gorman and her
Book, What is Orangeism? The Piotestant
Platform , Caroline Chisholm A Hundred
Years of Catholic Progress , Philip Fletcher
many Tablet papers , articles and poems in
English and American magazines etc Address
IS Hornsey Lane Gardens Highgate, N 6
T Mountview 7119 Club Savage
ANSTRUTHERi Lt -Col. Philip Noel,
D S O 1916, M C , commanding 1 st Bn The
Queen s Own (Royal West Kent) Regiment since
1937, b 2 Sep 1891, o s of Admiral Robert H
Anstruther, C M G , R N , <7 1 w of Sir Ralph
Anstruther, 6 th Bart of Balcaskie, Fife m
1920, Hope Lewin (who obtained a dnorce,
1931), one s one d , 2nd 1 >37 Mary W< re
Matamata N / Educ Sherborne Scliool
R M C , Sandhurst Commission in Regular
Army, 1911, served in India till Jan 1914
Adjutant and acting Lt -Col commanding 7th
(Service) Batt of R W Kent Regt during
European war, 1914 18 (M C , D S O , de
spatches twice, seriously wounded) India
1921-26 graduated Staff College Quetta, 1926,
Staff Captain, Malta, 1928-29 , Brigade Major,
Canal Brigade, Egypt, 1930 32 , India 1932 37
Recreations sailing and music Address
Napier Barracks Shorncliffo
ANSTRUTHER. Sir Ralph Hngo, 7th
Bt , or 1694, h 13 June 1921, o s of late
Captain Robert Edward Anstruther M C
o * of 6 th Bt S grandfather 1934 Heir
cousin, Douglas lollemache h 16 July 1893
Address Balcaskie, Pittenweem Fife
See also Sir T TT H J FrsHne
ANSTRUTHER, Major Robert
Abercrombie, D 8 O 1917 , late Royal Field
Artillery, b 3 Aug 1879, 2 nd s of late Lt Col
! P R Anstruther, 94th Regt Rduc Welling
! ton College , Royal Military Academy, Woolwich
Served South Afiica, 1900 01 (Queens Medal),
France Egypt and Salonika, 1914-18 (despatches
thrice, I) 8 O ) Recreations golf, shouting
Address Caiinie, Colinsburgh, Fife 2 Colins
burghs tiuh Naval and Military
ANSTRUTHER, Adm. Robert Ham-
ilton, C M G 1907 , Srd s of Sir Robert
Anstruther, 6 th Bt h 10 June 1862, m 1890,
Edith Flora d of late W F Peel , one s Educ
Cheam School , H M S Britannia Entered
Navy, 1876 , Lieut , 1885 , Commander, 1897 ,
Captain, 1904 , Rear Adm , 1915 Vice Adm
1919, Admiral letired, 1924 , late Senior Naval
Officer Newfoundland Fisheries, Admiral in
charge at Hong Kong, 1912 16, retired, 1919,
holds Order of the Rising Sun, Japan Publi
cation Sea faring Phrases English and Italian
(with Captain R Settembrmi) Recreations
golf Ashing
'>ee also Major P N, Anstruther
Eric Francis Carmichael-, 12 th Bt , cr
1694 and 1798 H-ereditary Carver to Royal
Household in Scotland , one of the Hereditary
Masters of the Household for Scotland , b 1 lOO
8 of late Gerald Yprke Anstruther and Ellen
Ciroline, d of J Milne Craddock, Cape
Colony S cousin, 1928, m 1932 hay Sibyl
Mane, 0 c of Finest Rechmtzer, 45 Charles
Stieet, Berkeley Squaio, and Warninglid
Grange, IIa>w mis Heath Pduc Marlborough
RMC, Sandhurst Heir u Hugh John
hlphinstone, b 27 Nov 1876 Address
Carmichael House Thankerton R 8 O , Scot
land Club Miilboiongh
THORPE, Sir PitzRoy Hamilton,
IstBt rr 1 >29 J P . b 1872, m 18)8, Hon
Rachel Gough Calthorpo e d of 6 th Baron
Calthorpe one s two d hduc Harrow
Served 1 uropean War on General Staff, 1914
1919 Military Order of Aais, Poitugal Heir
s Richard Hamilton I 1 iitenant and Adjutant,
Hie Greys h 2 S March 1908 Address Elve
tham Hall Hartley Wintney Basingstoke
T Hartlej Wintney 10 1 A Hartley Wintney
Clubs Iravellers Marlborough Royal Thames
Yacht Royal Yaclit Squadron
^ee also Hon Jan lav son Johnston
Colonel William, F 8 A ; J P , D L ,
Major late Royal Horse Guards , b 6 Sep
1859 s of Colonel John Anstruther Thomson
of Charleton Colinsburgh, Fife, and Maria
Hamilton Gray of Carntyne, Glasgow, Lanark
shire [adopted name of Gray on succeeding
to Carntyne estate 1904] m Clayre C B E
1934, J P , d of Andrew Tennant Essenside,
Glenelg South Australia one « one d Fduc
Eton Joined 18th Hussars, 1880 , served in
India and Afghanistan 1880 81 transferred to
Royal Horse Guards 1885 , A D C to the Earl
of Kintore Governor of South Australia, 1889
1891 served in South Africa, 1901 2 , com
mandant of district of Knysna, 1901 , In
spector of Concentration Camps, Transvaal
1902 , commanded 3id 1 me Group, Scottish
Horse, European War , contested (U ) St
Andrews Burghs, 1908 , M P (U ) St Andrews
Burghs 1906 10 and 1910 19 Address Kil
many, Fife, Scotland Clubs Naval and
Military Guards’, Cailton, Brooks's, Jravelleis,
New Edinburgh
See also Baron Stratheden
Jobn, M P (U ) for North Lanark since 1981 ,
Parliamentary Private Secretary to Rt Hon
John Colville, M P , Financial Secretary to
the Treasury, and previously to the Under
Secretary of State for Scotland and to Secret
tary of Overseas Trade Depaitment, b 1906,
0 8. of Lt -Col William Anstruther -Gray,
WHO’S WHO, 1938
q.v. ; m. 1984, Monica Helen, o. c. of late Geoflftey
Lambton, 2nd. ■?. of 4th Earl of Durham ,
one d Kduc, • Eton ; Christ Church, Oxioid,
M.A. (Honours) Lieut., Coldstream Guards,
1926- 80; served with Shanghai Delence Foice,
1927- 28. Address. Kilmany, File, Scotland.
T. : Gauldry 3 , 26 Elm Park Gardens, 8 W.
T. : Sloane 3220. Clubs: Guards’, Carlton,
Brooks’s; New, Edinbmgh.
ANTHONY, C. L.; Smith, Dodie.
ANTHONY, Henry Montesquieu,
O.B.B 1926 ; b. Clifton, 1878 ; s. of late
J. Montesquieu Anthony ; m. 1914, Dorothy,
8rd d. ot Sir Francis Elliot, G O.M G ,
G.C.V.O., qv.; one d, Eduo. . Clilton Col-
lege ; Lincoln College, Oxford. Entered the
service of the Egyptian Government, 1896 ,
Director General, Egyptian State Domains
Administration 1916-82 ; retired 1082 ; 2nd Class
Order of Medjidieh, 1912; 2nd Class Order of
the Nile, 1917 ; Grand Officer, Order of Ismail,
198S; was for many years Menibei ol Council
of Royal Egyptian Agricultural Society, and
one of the Egyptian Representatives on tlie
International Cotton Committee. Recreations
sailing and motoring. Address • Mataiieh, nr
Cairo, Egypt. Club : Mohammed Aly, Cairo.
ANTHONY, Herbert Dout;Lae, M.A
(Cantab ), B Sc , Ph.D (Lond.), F.R A 8. ;
Headmaster, Kilburn Grammar School; b. 24
June 1892; s. ot Thomas Michell Anthony , un
married, kduc : Latymer Upper School, Ham-
mersmith; Queens’ College, Cambridge (Mathe
matical Scholar and Prueman, Ryle Reading
Pri/se); King s Coll., London Loyal North Lan-
cashire Rcgt. (Asst, and Acting Adjutant);
Royal Engineers (Sound - ranging, Western
Front); Asst. Tutor, Richmond Coll.; Mathe-
matical Lecturer, Westminster College; Head-
master, Elmrteld School, York; Panel of Asst
Examiners m Mathematics, London University ,
Examiner, L.C C. ; Hon Local Secretary, Geo
giaphy Section, British Association, York Meet-
ing, 1932 ; District Comr , Selby Boy Scouts;
District Commissioner, Richmond, Suiiey ,
memlier of the Royal Society of Teachers and
of the Aiistotelian Society Fuhhcattons
Relativity and Religion, an inquiry into the
implications of the theory of relativity with
respect to religious thought, 1927 ; Is Christ
Final? 1929. Recreations walking, swimming,
motoring Address 8 Westhay Gardens, Temple
Sheen, S W 14 T. : Piospect 1620.
ANTHONY, Irvin, Author; b. 5 March
1890; s. of Samuel Anthony and Eliza
Conquest; m. 1918, Eleanor L. Cooper. B S.
and M.A., University of Pennsylvania
Publications • Down to the Sea in Ships, 1925 ,
Three Ships in Azure, 1927 ; Paddle Wheels
and Pistols, 1929; Voyagers Unafraid 1930;
Decatur, 1981; Ralegh and His Woild, 1934,
The Saga of the Bounty, 1936 , Revolt at Sea,
1937 ; contributor to The Bookman, Saturday
Evening Post, The Pictorial Review, Rudder,
Fore and Aft, Sea Stories, etc. Recreations
swimming, yachting, travel. Address. Seaside
Park, New Jersey, USA.
ANTHONY, PhUip Arnold, C.M.G. 1918 ;
M.Inst.C.B. ; Consulting Civil Engineer,
b 1878; m. ; two d, Educ. : Mill Hill School
Engineering Department, Great Western Rail-
way, 1894-1910 ; General Manager and Chief
Engineer, Federated Malay States Railways,
1910-24; services lent by F.M.S. Government
to Ministry of Munitions, May 1916-Nov. 1916 ,
appointed Royal Commission Enquiry Working
and Management South Australian Railways,
1918; reported on Palestine railways, 1925.
Address: 20 Avonmore Road, Kensington, W 14
T • Fulham 2771.
ANTHONY, Major-General Richard
William, C.T.B. 1929; M.B., C.M. Ed.,
F.R.C.S.B.: Indian Medical Service (retired!;
b, Allahabad 18 May 1874; «. of Adam Anthony,
of the Financial Department, India, and
Accountant-General, Punjab; m. 1903, N, E.
Johnston ; one s. Edue. : Mussoone Schooi ;
Edinburgh University. Joined the I.M.8.,
1898; medical cliarge 125th Napier’s Rifles,
1900; on service with Ogaden Punitive Force,
1901, in British East Africa (medal with clasp) ;
joined Civil Department of I.M.S. in the
Bombay Presidency, 1903, and was Civil
Surgeon of various places; served European
War, 1916-18; was m medical charge of the
Hospital Ship Sicilia and O.C. No. 1 Indian
General Hospital, Karachi, Civil Surgeon and
Superintendent of the Medical School, Hydera-
bad, 1919-26; acted as Inspector General of
Civil Hospitals and Surgeon-General m the
Government of Bombay, 1925; Surgeon-General,
Bombay, 1927 ; Major-Geueral, 1928 ; retired,
1929. Recreations shooting, tennis, golf. Ad-
dress • c/o Gnndlay & Co., 54 Parliaiiient Street,
S.W.l. Club: East India United Service.
ANTHONY, Maj.-Gen. William
Samuel, C.B. 1930; C.M.G. 1919; Colonel
Comdt. R A.V.C. since 1934 ; b. 1874 ; w. 1919,
Adelaide, widow of Lieut Douglas Cooper,
R.N. ; one s. one d. Served N.W. Frontier of
India, 1897-98 (medal and clasp) , European
War, 1914-19 (despatches, C.M G , Bt. Lt.-
Col ) ; Director-General, Army Veterinary Ser-
vices, 1929 33 ; jretired pay, 1933. Address
Knight's Close, Wool ton Hill, Newbury
ANTIGONISH, Nova Scotia, Bishop
of (R.C.), since 1912; Rig^ht Rev.
James Morrison, Ph.D.* D.D., LL.D. ; b.
St. Andrews, Prince Edward Island, 1861 ; s.
of Donald Morrison and Elizabeth Campbell.
Edur, : St. Dunstan s College, Charlottetown,
P.E.I. ; College of the Propaganda, Rome.
Ordained 18S9; Cuiate at St. Dnnstan’s
Cathedral, Charlottetown, 1890; Professor of
Philosophy in St. Dunstan ’s College, Charlotte-
town, 1801 ; President of the College, 1892-95 ;
Rector ot the Cathedral, 1895-1907; Vicai-
General of the Diocese, 1904; Pastor of the
parish of Voinon River, P.B I., 1907; Apostolu
Administrator of the diocese of Charlottetown
1011 . Address Antigonish, Nova Scotia,
ANTIGUA, Bishop of, since 1987 ; Rt.
Rev. Georgre Sumner Hand. J^duc.:
St John’s College, Oxford; Ely Theological
College Dean of St. Johns Cathedral,
Antigua, 19^0-37 Address: Antigua, B.W.l
ANTILIj, Mrs. Mary; we Sargood, L M
ANTOINE, Andre, b. Limoges, 31 Jan. 1861 ;
Chevalier Legion of Honour ; Offlcier de I’ln-
striictioo Publique ; was a Clerk in the Pans
Gas Co ; founded the Th6&tre Libre, 1887 ;
Director of the Od^on, 1906. Address: rue de
Uivoli, 202, Pans. T. : Op. 02-80
ANTRIM, 13th Earl of, cr. 1620; Randal
John Somerled McDonnell; Viscount
Dnnluce, 1785 ; Clerk in the House of Lords
1933-34; b. 22nd May 1911; er. s. of 12th
Earl of Antrim and Margaret, y. d. of late
Rt Hon. J. G. Talbot; 5. father, 1932; m
1Q34, Angela Christina, d. of Sir Mark Sykes, 6th
Bt. , one «. Educ. ; Eton ; Christ Church,
Oxfoid Hon. Attach^ H.M. Legation, Tehran,
1932, J.P, Co, Antrim. Heir s. Viscount
Dun luce, q.v. Address; 28 Chester Terrace,
Regent’s Park, N W.l. ; T. : Wei beck 0288;
Glenarm Castle, Co. Antrim. Clubs: Brooks’s,
See also Baron Clinton, Sir M, MacGregor, Bt,,
V. H, Smith.
ANTROBUS, Sir Cosmo Gordon, 5th
Bt., cr. 1816 ; J.P., Wilts ; barrister ; b. 22 Oct.
1859 ; s. of 8rd Bart and Marianne, d. of Sir G.
Dashwood, 4th Bart ; S. brother, 1915. Owns
about 550 acres. Heir: cousin, Capt. Philip
Humphrey Antrobus, q v. Address : Amesbury
Abbey. Amesbury, Salisbury. T. : Amesbury
279 T.A * Amesbury. Club Travellers'.
ANTROBUS, Edward Gream, C.M G.
1916 ; 6. 14 Nov. 1860 ; 2nd s of late Rev. George
Antrobus, M.A., Vicar of Beighton, Derby-
shire; w. 1892, Agnes Minnie, e. d. of late
Janies Edward Pollock, M.D., F.R.C.P., 52
Upper Brook Street, W ; ones. Educ. ; Charter-
house Entered the Office of the tJrown Agents
for the Colonies, 1879 ; Asst Accountant, 1893 ,
Chief Accountant and Chief Clerk, Office of the
Crown Agents for the Colonies, 1902-20; retd.,
ANTROBUS, Captain Philip
Humphrey, M.C. ; late Irish Guaids ; cout,xn
and heir-pres. to Sir Cosmo Gordon Antrobiis, q. v. ;
6. 22 July 1876; s. of late R. C. Anirobus; vi.
1919, Olive, d. of late Louis Dillon FitzGibbon
Educ.: Eton. Served European lyar, 1914-10
Address: The Grange, Hutton, Brentwood,
Essex. T. : Brentwood 462.
ANTROBUS, Sir Reginald (Laurence),
K.C.M.G., cr. 1911; C.B. 1898; b. St. John’s,
Withyham, Sussex, 5 Sep. 1858-; e. s. of Rev.
George Antrobus and Henrietta, d of Rev.
Robert Gream ; m. 1st, 1880, Selina Jane
(d. 1890), d. of Rev. A. Leighton Irwin ; two
d. ; 2nd, 1894, Dame Edith Marion, D.B E.,
cr. 1927, for services in connection with the
Overseas Nursing Association, d. of John
Paik Robinson of Liverpool; two s. two d.
Educ. : Winchester ; New College, Oxford (Scho-
lar, 1872) ; 1st class Moderations, Classics, 1874 ;
2nd class Final Classical School, 1876 ; B.A. 1876
Appointed, after an open competitive exam., to
be a clerk in the Colonial Office, 1877. Assistant
private secretary to Earl of Kimberley, 1880-82 ;
private secretary to 15th Earl of Derby, 1882-85;
to Col Rt. Hon. F. A. Stanley, M.P. (afterwards
I6th Earl of Derby), 1885-86 ; to Earl Granville,
1886 ; acted as Governor of St. Helena, 1889-90 ;
Assistant Under-S«cretary of State for the
Colonies, 1898-1909 ; Senior Crown Agent for
the Colonies, 1909-18. Cieated C.B. for services
in connection with the negotiations with France
relating to West Africa ; Member of National
Assembly of Church of England, 1920-25, and
of Central Board of Finance, 1925-35, Gentle-
man Usher of the Blue Rod in the Oidei of St.
Michael and St. George, 1^20 35. Address: 19
Cranley Gardens, S.W. 7. T.: Kensington 3857.
AlSTWYIi, Rev. John Bodvan; b. Chester,
1875 , 4th s. of John and Elen Anwyl ; b. of late
Sir Edward Anwyl. Minister of Eliin Welsh
Congregational Church, Carmarthen, 1899-1901 ;
Superintendent of the Glamorgan Mission to
the Deaf and Dumb, 1904-19 ; Cataloguer at
the National Library of Wales, Aberystwyth,
1919-21 ; Dictionary Secretary to the Board of
Celtic Studies of the Uiiiv of Wales, 1921-35 ;
winner of prize offered by Mi. William Geoige
for best rendering of National Insurance
Act terms into Welsh. Publications : Spurrell’s
Welsh - English Dictionary, editions 1914,
1915, 1918, 1920, 1925, 1930, 1934 ; Spurrell s
English-Welsh Dictionaryi, editions 1916, 1922,
1926, 1932; Spurrell’s Pocket Dictionary,
Welsh-English and English-Welsh, 1919, 1929,
1930 ; Y Pulpud Bach, 1924 ; X Bardd Cwsg
(rev, edn.), 1927 ; Drych y Pnf Oesoedd (rev.
edn.), 1932 ; Englynion, 1938 ; Fy Hanes i fy
Hunan, 19.33 ; Yr Anan Mawr, 1914 ; has trans-
late about a dozen volumes into Welsh ; has
written numerous articles, stones, essays, and
poems, chiefly in Welsh. Recreations . farm-
ing, gardening, etc. Address: Bryn Bodfan,
Llangwnadl, Edern, Caernarvonshire.
AOTEAROA^ Bishop of, since 1928; Rt.
Rev. Frederick Augrustus Bennett ;
Suffragan to Bishop of Waiapu ; b. Ohineniutii,
N.Z., 1872. Educ. : Ohinemutu ; St. Stephen's
College, Auckland ; Nelson College, N.Z. ;
Bishopdale Theological College. Deacon, 1896 ;
Priest, 1897 ; Missionary to Maoris in Southern
Taranaki, 1899-1905; at Rotorua, 1905-17;
Assistant Superintendent to Maori Mission,
Hawkes Bay, 1917-28. Address: Kohiipatiki,
Clive, New Zealand.
AP ELLIS, Group Capt. Augrustine,
C.B.E, 1925; R.A.F. ; commanding No. b
Flying Training School since 1935 ; b. Wester-
dale, 1886 ; s. of Rev. John Rathbone Ellis,
Westerdale, Yorks; m. 1910, Mary Catherine,
d. of Capt. James White ; one s. Educ. :
Woi ksop College. Commissioned in the London
Irish, 1909 ; attached to the R.F.C. from the
Royal Engmeeis, 1915 ; served in France, 1915-
1916 ; on the Air Boatd, Directorates of Training
and Demobilisation, 1917-19 ; permanent com-
mission R.A.F. as Squadron Leader, 1919 ;
Headquarters Inland Area, 1919-22; in com-
mand No. 208 Squadron, 1922-23 ; Headquarters
Iraq Command, 1924-26 ; Headquarters Air
Defence of Great Britain, 1926-29 ; Directorate
of Staff Duties, Air Ministry, 1929-31 ; in
command No. 5 Flying Tiainmg School, 1981-
1932 , No. 4 Flying Tiaining School, Egypt,
1932-35 ; mentioned for War Service, 1918 ;
Group Capt 1931. AiZcIress- No. 6 Flying Train-
ing School, Netheravon. Club : Roy. Air Force.
APLIN, Harold D'Auver^ne, C.M.G.
1930; b. 1879; 5. of the late Capt. P. H. P.
Aplm, the Buffs; m. 1931, Maiion Sylvester
Bostock. Educ. United Services College, West-
ward Ho. Appointed to Secretariat, Nyasa-
land, 1901 ; Provincial Commissioner, 1921 ;
Senior Provincial Commissioner, 1928 ; Secre-
tary for Native Affairs, 1931; retired 1933.
APLIN, Colonel Stephen Lush-
ington, C.S.I. 1916; Indian Army (retired);
b. 17 Oct. 1863 ; s. of late Vice-Admiral B. d’O.
d’A. Aplin ; m. 1890, Emily Mabel (<Z. 1921),(/. of
late Rev. J. L. Wyatt, M A. ; one d. Educ.: Bed-
ford. First commission. Royal Marine Light In-
fantry, 1883 ; joined Indian Staff Corps, 1887 ;
transferred to civil employ as Assistant Com-
missioner Burma Commission, 1891 ; promoted
subsequently to Deputy Commissiouor and
Conimiss’oner ; Commissioner, Mandalay Divi-
sion, 1912 • 19 ; Additional Member of the
Imperial Legislative Council, India, 1916-19;
officiating Financial Commissioner, Burma
Feb.-Sep 1919, and member Provincial Legis-
lative Council, Burma ; retired, 1920 ; Burma
medal, 1888; clasp, Chin-Lu8hai,1889 90; Durbai
medal. Address: Woodlands, IBudleigh Salter-
ton, Devon.
See aho Lieut.-Col. H, M, Alexander. Col. K. R.
c. Wmtt.
APPERLEY, (George Owen) Wynne,
R.I 1913; figure and land.scape painter; b.
Ventnor, 17 June 1884; s. of William Wynne
Apperley, who was g.s. of C. J. Apperley,
the author, known as Nimrod, and Mar-
garet Tremenheere. Educ. : Uppingham.
Studied art under Herkomer ; first ex-
hibited at Royal Academy, 1906, A February
Landscape, in oil ; exhibitions of water-colours
in London, Venice, 1906; Venice and Holland,
1908 ; Venice and Italian Lakes, 1910 ; Venice
and England, 1912; The Riviera, 1918; The
Rums of Rome, 1914 ; Spam, etc , 1915 ; exhi-
bited also at Pans Salon, Venice International,
Madrid, etc. ; one man exhibitions abroad—
Madrid, 1919, Buenos Ayres, 1924 ; Madrid,
1928; in the last named exhibition his picture
Melancolia was bought by the Spanish Govern-
ment, and is now in the Modern Art Gallery,
Madrid ; represented at Victoria and Albert
Museum by two pictures. Publications : Senes
of Chapters on Water Colour painting pub-
lished in Drawing 1914-15: articles in The
Studio and iii daily press. Reoreations : music,
travel. Address: c/o British Post Office,
Tangier, Morocco
APPLEBY, Sir Alfred, Kt., cr. 1923 ; J.P. ;
Head of firm of Appleby & Lisle, solicitors ;
b. 1866 ;rM 1897, May Crandon, o. d. of Edward
Ormas, of The Elms, Norwich ; one s. one d.
Chairman of the Conservative Party for the
County of Northumberland. Address: Wal-
bottle Hall, Walbottle, Northumberland. T. :
Lemington 54.
APPLETON, Professor Arthur Beeny,
M.A., M.D. (Cantab.), M.R.O.8., L.R.C.P.,
WHO'S WHO. 1938
P.Z.S. ; Professor of Anatomy, St. Thomas’s
Hospital^ University of London ; s. of Arthur
John Appleton and Emily Amelia Beeny ;
in. 1918, Eva Gertrude d. ot Edward
George Plewman and Martha Booth , one
s. one d. Bdttc. : City of London School ,
Downing College, Cambridge (Scholar); St.
Bartholomew’s Hospital (Scholar). Senior
Demonstrator of Anatomy, Cambridge Univer-
sity, 1920, University Lecturer, Cambridge,
1926; Horton Smith M.D. Pri/e, Cambridge,
1922; Symington Prize Anatomical Research,
1923 , Lieutenant and Captain R A.M.C., 1914-
1919 ; Examiner in Univer-sities of London and
Manchester ; late Examiner in Univers^ities of
Liverpool and Cambridge ; Member Assoc des
Anatomistes , Fellow of Downing College,
Cambridge, 1930. Puhhcations: Guide to
Vertebrate Dissection for Students of Anatomy ;
Surface and X-ray Anatomy, pa person anatomy,
morphology and embryology in the Journal of
Anatomy, C. R. Assoc, des Anat., 1 ancet, etc.
Recreations music, walking. Address: St.
Thomas’s Hospital, S. B. 1. r. : Waterloo 6633 ;
Downing College, Cambridge.
APPLETON, Edward Victor, MA,
D Sc , Hon LL 1) (Abeideen), F R S. 1927;
Jacksonian Professor of Natural Philosophy,
Cambridge University, since 1‘'36; Fellow of
St. John s College, Cambridge; h. 6 Sep. 1892 ,
s. of Peter Appleton, Bradford, Yorks ; m
Jessie, d. of late Rev. J. Lougson ; two d.
Educ : Hanson School, Bradford , St. John’s
College, Cambridge (Scholar and Exhibitioner) ,
NaturalScienceTripoa, Paitsl. and II. (Physics),
1913 and 1014 , Wiltshire Prizeman, 1913 ,
Hutchinson Research Student, 1914. Served
European War, 1914-18, West Riding Regt. and
Capt R B. ; Assistant Demonstrator in Ex-
perimental Physics, Caventlish Laboratory,
1920 ; sub-lector. Trinity College, 1922 , Wheat
stone Professor of Physics, University of
London, 1924-30 ; member of Radio Research
Board and Chairman of British National Com-
mittee for Rad 10 - telegraphy , Morns Liebniann
Memorial Prizeman (1929) and Vice-President
(1932) American Inst. Radio. Eng ; Hughes
Medallist of Royal Society, 1933; President
International Scientific Radio Union. Publica-
tions: various original papers on?electricity and
the scientific problems of wireless telegraphy
Address 11 Madingley Road, Cambridge,
Cavendisli Laboratories, Cambridge. Club
APPLETON, Prof. Henry William,
M A. ; Emeritus Professor of \ncient History,
Univ. of Sheffield ; b. 1865 ; s. of T. Appleton,
Bradford ;m. 2nd d. of Robt. Hadfteld, Shef-
field. Educ. : Bradford Grammar School ,
University College, Oxford 1st Classical
Mods. 1885; 1st Class Lit. Hum. 1887; 1st
Class Mod. History, 1888 Recieation: golfing.
Address: Fairfield, Sheffield. T.: B’hill, Shef-
field, 62051.
APPLETON, William Archibald;
O.B.B. 1917 ; J.P. (Herts); Secretary of Gene-
ral Federation of Trade Unions since 1907 ,
British correspondent to the International
Federation of Trade Unions ; Fellow of Royal
Statistical Society ; Fellow of Chartered In-
surance Institute; h. Notts, 31 Dec. 1859
Educ.: Trinity Day School and St Luke’s
Evening School, Notts. Earlier years variously
occupied amongst lace and hosiery machinery ;
lace maker until 1896 ; Secretaiy of Lace Makers’
Trade Union, 1896-1907 ; Member of School
Board Education Committee and City Council,
Nottingham, 1898 1907 ; Member of Advisory
Committee on National Insurance ; Depart-
mental Comm«ttee on Approved Society
Finance and Administration ; Departmental
Committee on Juvenile Education in relation
to Employment after the War; silver medallist
Royal Society of Arts. Publications : What We
Want and Where We Are, 1921 ; Trade Unionism,
1924; Trade Unions : Their Past, Present and
Future, 1925; Unemployment, 1923 ; books,
pamphlets and articles on Industrial Economic
subjects and on the Trade Union attitude
towards the War and the Army. Recreations :
ttoriculture, music. Address : Prospect House,
Ash well, nr. Baldock, Herts; Central House,
Upper Woburn Place, W C.l. T.A • Well-
wisher, Eincioss, London. T. : Euston 2578-9.
APPLEYARD, Kenelm Charles, O.B.E.
1937 ; J.P ; Managing Director, The Birtley Co.
Ltd. and associated companies abroad since
1928 ; Managing Director, The Koppers Coke
Oven Co. Ltd. ; Chairman, North Eastern Trad-
ing Bstatfes, Ltd ; Northern Director .Special
Areas Reconstruction Association , &. 25 March
1894 ; 8. of Charles Wormald and Ada Leonora
Clare Appleyard ; m, 1920, Monica Mary, d. oi
Professor I^enry Louis, q.v. ; one s. Educ. :
St. Pauls School ; privately. Entered works
of C. A. Parsons and Co. Ltd , 1912 , later
with Sir W. G. Armstrong Whitworth and
Co, Ltd., as a Production Manager ; Geneial
Manager of the Birtley Iron Co., 1919 ;
President of the Birtley Co. of Western Europe
and other associated companies on the con-
tinent, Chairman of the N.K. Coast Engineering
Employers Association since 1929 ; Member of
the Management Board, Engineering and Allied
Employers National Federation since 1929;
Clwiirman of the Central Conference ; Member
of Council N.E.Inst. of Mining Engineers;
Member of the Iron and Steel Institute, the
American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical
Engineers and other societies ; Member of the
Durham County Council, 1922-25 ; Chairman of
Highways and Works Committee, 1922 25 ;
Vice-Chairman Durham County Unionist Asso-
ciation, 1923 30 ; Vice Chairman Durham Muni-
cipal and County Federation ; Member of
Council N B Coast Development Board ;
Military Member of Durham Territorial and
Air Force Association; Military Member of
Northumberland Terntonal Association; Lt.-
Col Royal Engineers (T A.) and ORE. 50th
(Northumbrian) Division since 1931 , Bt. Col.
1935; Col 1917. Pui)licatt<yns ' Miners, Owners
and Mysteries, 1936 , numerous technical papers
before institutions in this country and the
United States on coal preparation and other
subjects relating to mechanical problems in
mining. Recreatiovs shooting, tennis, travel
Alldress: Birtley Springs House, Birtley Co.
Durham. I'.A : Birtley, Newcastle-on-Tyne.
r. Birtley 110 Clubs' Union, Newcastle-cn-
Tvne ; County," Durham
APPLEYARD, Rollo, O.B E ; M.Inst.
O.B., M.Inst E E.; J.P. ; Consulting Engineer ;
b. 1 Jan. 1807 ; 2nd s. of late Septimus
Appleyard ; m. 1901, Mabel Laming, d. of
late Worthington Evans. Educ • Dulwich
(old college), privately. Medal of Science
and Art Dept., 1888; Telford Premium,
Inst. C.B. 1903 and 1920; Royal Indian
Engineering College Staff, 1885-02; technical
adviser and writer on The Times, 1906-14;
served in R.N.V.R. 1914 20; lent to Air Service
to advise on aeronautical instruments, Feb.
1917 ; appointed to War Staff for Convoy Section,
Sep. 1917; founded and directed the Technical
History Section of the Admiralty, 1918 ; edited
Convoy Instructions; invented the Oonducto-
ineter for the measurement of electrical con-
ductivity, and various aeronautical and other
Instruments ; research work on dielectrics,
alloys, thermometry, an<l surface tension ; dis-
covered and tabulated the length-function for
the solution of catenary problems. PuhUca-
tions : The Conductometer and Electrical Con-
ductivity ; Measurement of Air-Speed ; Height
Measurements by Barometer and Thermometer;
The Elements of Convoy Defence m Submarine
Warfare ; Pioneers of Electrical Communica-
tion ; A Tribute to Michael Faraday ; Charles
Parsons—his Life and Work; The History of
WHO’S WHO, 1938
the Institution of Electrical Engineers , con .
tributions to the Fortnightly Review and The
Times on naval and other subjects, and numer I
OU8 papers m the proceedings of the Physical
Society Recreation golf Address 79 St
Mary s Mansions, Paddington W 2 T, Pad
dmgton 0642 Clubs Atheneeum, Roehampton
APPLIN, Capt. Arthur G. T., novelist
and dramatic author , (Hon ) Captain Rojal
Air Force, ^ s of Capt V J Apphn (late
H M Legation, Japan, and R M T at Chelstone
Manor, Torquay) and Agnes S I Fernera of
Chudleigh, Devonshire , m 1900, Bdyth Olive,
actress, noc hduc Toi quay Public College,
Newton Abbot Read for the law, but at the
age of twenty two went on the stage, working
under Ben Greet , afterwards played with
George Alexander in John Chilcott, M P , and
The Man of the Moment, with Charles Wynd
ham in Cyrano and Cyril Maude in the Black
Tulip at Wyndhani s and the Haymarkel
Theatre with Fred lerry and Julia Neilson
in Sweet Nell of Old Drury, etc , produced
Hauptmann s Hannele Scala Theatre for the
Playactors Society, and several other plays ,
in 191S wrote the comedy Rags, produced by
Louis Calvert at Court Theatre, The Masked
Girl , and L Amour et Le Mort, Ballet, Winter
Garden Theatre, 1921 , in the war served in
Royal Naval Air Service and Royal h lying
Corps, and was the first aeronaut to do night
flights m free balloons over England (Zeppelin
raids) served with JBleet and in Egypt, 1915
1916 , was among the first hundred aeronauts to
be granted the R A Club and J A I Certificate
Publications A Life of Admiral Jellicoe , Ihe
Chorus Girl , The Butcher of Bruton Street ,
Le Collier de Perles , Stories of the Russian
Ballet , The Stage Door , Children of the
Gutter , Shop Girls , The Whirlpool , Rags
Desire of The Desert; Ihe Actress Loudon
Love, 1927, Ihe Fearless Lovers, 1928 , Luxury
Unlimited Piccadilly, 1929 , The Death Mask,
1931 , The Black Nail, 1932 The Chosen Angel,
1938 , Cold Cream 1935 , Picked Up , Sweeter
than** Honey, 1936 , Jane Goes Gay, 1917
produced Reading Historical Pageant, 1920
and wrote and produced Torquay Historical
Pageant, 1924 , Brighton Pageant, 1925 Re
creation fishing Address 18 Addison Avenue
W 11 T Park 3750
APPLIN, Lt..Col. Ree^inald Vincent
Kempenfeldt, DSO 1902 OBJ , b
11 April 1869, e s of late Capt V I Apphn,
late R M T , m 1st 1902, Beatrice Caroline
Buchan nee Bather (d 1938) of Wroxeter
Salop, 2nd 1935 Daisy B Rogers nee hifleld
Edur Newton College , and Sherborne Bn
tered British North Borneo Service as cadet,
1889, served through Syed and Mat Salleh
RebelUotis, ISOo 97 (me lal and clasp) , served
through South African War, 1899 1901 , District
Comnussioner, Bloemfontein (medal four
clasps, despatches twice, DSO) Battles
Messmes and Passchendaele 1917 (despatches
twice. Brevet Lt Col O 13 E ) , commanded
14th King 8 Hussars 1919 22 M P (C) Enfield
Division 1924 29 and 1931 35 Publications
Across the Seven Seas , Machine gun Tactice
Recreations shooting, fishing Address c/o
Lloyd s Bank, 6 Pall Mall, S W 1 Club
United Service
APPS, Engineer - Captain William
Richard, M V O 1906 , h 16 April 1862 , t of
late Charles Apps Chichester , m 1885, Florence
(d 1935), d of late T Lidiard Bath , two d
Assistant Engineer 1883 , Chief Engineer, 1896
Staff Engineer 1899, Engineer Commander 1899
Engineer Captain, retired, 1912 , served West
Coast Africa, 1894 , South African War, 1899
1900 (medal) West Coast of Africa, 1901 , Cape
Colony, 1902 , Eng Com dr H M S Renown
visit of Prince and Pnncess of Wales to India
1905-06 (M V O ) , Chief Engineer H M Naval
Yard, Cape of Good Hope, 1908 11 , Coronation
Medal, 1911 , served European War, 1916 17
(medal) , Member of Institution of Naval Archi-
tects Recreations archaeology, horticulture
Address Branksome, Chandler s Ford, Hants
See also Commander Sir Cuthbert P Blake, Bt
Edward, K.C.B ,cr 1932 ; C B 1925 , C M G.
1915 , D S O 1917 , Indian Army , A D C
General to the King since 1936 , Master
General of the Ordnance, India, since 1934;
b 30 Nov 1874 , e. s of late Lieut Col.
D D Pryce, Indian Army, of Penns Rocks,
Withyham, Sussex , m Alice Louisa, d of
R F H Pughe, two s Muc Trinity Col
lege, Glenalmond , R M C , Sandhurst Entered
Army 1895 Captain, 1902 , Major, 1913 , Lt
Col 1916, Col 1919 Major Gen 1925, Lt Gen ,
1931, General, 1936, served Thibet 1908 4
(medal) European War, 1914 18 (despatches
seven times, C M G , Bt It Col , Bt Col ,
DSO, Croix de Guerre Beige) , Command
ant, Senior Officers School, Belgaum, 1920
10 24 , Director Supplies and Iranspoit, A.H Q ,
India 1925-29 , G O C Presidency and Assam
Distiict, 1029-30; Deccan District, 1930-32
Address At my Headquarters, India
A PS LEY, Lord, AlUn Als«x*x^on
Bathurst, DSO 1918 , M C , 1 D , M P.
(N C ) Bristol Central since 1931, Parliamentary
Private Secretary, Ministry for Co ordination
of Defence, since 193b Bt Major Royal
Gloucestershire Hussar Yeomanry, President
United Kingdom Pilots Association since 1925 ,
e a of 7th Earl Bathurst, q v b 8 Aug 1896 m
1924 Viola (author with lady Diana Shedden
of To Whom the Goddess, 1932) er d of late
Capt Beitram Meeking, 10th Hussars and
late I Mrs Herbert Johnson, M B E , of Marsh
Court Stock bridge Hants , two s Edvo
Eton , Christ Church, Oxford Served Euro-
pean War, 1915 19 (D 8 O , M C ) M P (U )
Southampton, 1922 29 , was Parliamentary
Private Sec (unpaid) to Parliamentary Sec
Overseas Trade Dept , Board of Trade Dec
1922 Tan 1924 , a Unionist , Parliamentary
Private Sec to Minister of Transport, Nov
1925 , J P , County of Gloucester, late Director,
Morning Post t ubhcation (with Lady Apsley)
T he Amateur Settlers 1926 (with Lady Apsley)
Bridleways through History 1936 Address
IS Buckingham Gate, S W 1 , 1 Victoria
0845, Petty France, Badminton, Glos Club
ARAMAYO, Carlos Victor, s of Don F
Avelino Arainayo, Minister to Great Britain,
1899 1906, and to France 1920 26 and Elena
Zeballos ; m 1918, Mane Retire Tuckerraan
Fduc Beaumont Exeter Colleee, Oxfoid
Third Secretary of Embassy to Argentine on
Special Mission, 1916 Dei uty to National Con
gress, 1916 , Secretary to Committee of Foreign
Affairs of Chamber of Deputies, 1916-20 ; sent to
Washington on Special Mission, 1920 ; Delegate
to League of Nations, 1921 ; Bolivian Minister
(Plenipotentiary) to Great Britain, 1926 Recre
ations polo, hunting, golf, squash rackets
Clubs Bath, Automobile, Pans; Jockey,
Buenos Aires
ARBER, Agrnes (Mrs. E. A Newell
Arber), M A , D Sc F L S , Leverhulme
Research Fellow, 1986-38 , e d of late H R
Robertson , m 1909, Dr E A Newell Arber
(d 1918), one d If due North I ondon Ool
legiate School Univ College 1 ondon Newn
ham College, Cambridge Publications Herbals,
1912, 2nd edition, 1987, Water Plants, 1920,
Monocotyledons, 1926; The Qramineae: a
Study of Cereal, Bamboo, and Grass, 1934;
author or joint author of about sixty botanical
memoirs in Annals of Botany and other
scientific journals Address 62 Huntingdon
Road Cambridge
ARBUTHNOT. Brigadier Alexander
George, CMG 1917, DSO 1914, late
WHO'S WHO, 1988
R.P.A. ; b. 80 Nov. 1878 ; «. of late General
Sir Charles Arbuthnot, G.O.B., Colonel Com-
mandant, R.A. ; m. 1905, Olive Mary Hay, d. of
Col. W. H. Burton, R.E. Educ. : Marlborough ;
Woolwich. Entered Army, 1893 ; Captain,
1900 ; Adjutant, 1904-7 ; Major, 1910 ; Colonel,
1920 ; Col. Commandant, 1924 ; commanding
R. A., 1st Div., 1924-28; served European War,
1914-19 (despatches five times, severely
wounded Ypres, 1917 ; Order of Karageorge,
1916 ; D.S.O., C.M.G.); retired pay, 1929. Ad-
dress: Higher House, Bagborough, Taunton,
ARBUTHNOT, Clifford William
Ernest, C.I.B. 1930; Indian Service ol
Engineers; Member of the Bombay and sind
Public Service Commission; b 13 Feb. 1885 ; «.
of late William H. Arbuthnot, Belfast; m. 1921,
Josephine Turton (d. 1922). Educ,: Campbell
College, Belfast; Queen’s University, Belfast,
B A., B.E. Entered Indian Service of Engin-
eers, 1908. Addrets: Byculla Club, Bombay,
India. Cluh: East India United Seivice.
ARBUTHNOT, Brig.-Gen. Sir Dal-
rymple, 5th Bt., cr. 1823 ; G.M.G. 1915 ; D.S.O
1918; late R.A.; 6. 1 Apr. 1867; 2nd«. ofSrdBt
and Alice Margaret, d. of Rev. M. C. Tompson,
Vicar of Aldermmster ; S. h, 1916; m. 1918,
Alice Maude, d. of Hugh Arbuthnot ; tn o s
Entered Army, 1886; Capt., 1896; Major, 1901;
Lt.-Col 1913 , StAff Officer, S. Africa, 1900 ;
Assistant Staff Officer for Colonial Forces, 1902 ;
served Chitral, 1895 (medal with clasiO ; S.
Africa, 1899-1902 (Queen’s medal 8 clasps. King «
medal 2 clasps); served European War, 1914-18
(despatches, Bt. - Col., C.M G., D 8.O.); temp
Brig. - Gen. 1915 ; retired pay, 1920. Heir s
Robert Dalrymple, b. 4 July 1919. Addres'>. Nash
Court, Ludlow, Salop. Club: Aimy and Navy,
ARBUTHNOT, Capt. Ernest Kenna-
way 5 D.S.O. 1917 ; Chief Constable, Oxford-
shire, since 1921; b. 8 Sep, 1876; 2nd s, of
Major A. E. Arbuthnot, Madras Ca^al^y ; m.
1st, Evie Gieene {d, 1017); 2nd, Gladys, 2nd
d. of W. B, Mann, of Downe, Broadhempston,
S. Devon; two s. Educ.: H.M.S. Britannia; joined
Royal Navy as Cadet, 1800 ; awarded Bron^t
Medal Royal Humane Society, 1897 ; Lieut.
1898 ; retired, 191i ; joined Devon Constabu-
lary, 1914; rejoined Navy, 1914; took part in
Battle of Heligoland (despatches) ; air-raid on
Cuxhaven, Battle of the Dogger Bank, opeia-
tions in Noith Sea (despatcdies, Order of St.
Maurice and St. I^azarus); Capture of Bagdad
(despatches, D.S.O.); Commodore of Convoys,
1918-19. iteoreafiona; all outdoor sixirts. Ad-
dress: County Constabulary, Oxford, 7, • Ox-
ford 8105. Club • Oxford and County, Oxford.
ARBUTHNOT. Rear-Adm. Geoffrey
Sclxomberg;i D.S.O. 1919; R.N.; Fourth
Sea Lord and Chief of Supplies and Trans-
port since 1937 ; e. 5. of late Admiral C.
Arbuthnot and late Emily Caroline, d. of
Rear-Admiral C. F. Schomberg , b. 1885 ; m.
1918, Jessie Marguerite, d. of late William
Henderson of Berkeley House, Frome ; two s.
oned. Served European War (D.S.O., Chevalier
Legion of Honour) ; Naval Member of the
Ordnance Committee at Woolwich, 1927-29,
commanding cruiser Suffolk, 1929-81 ; Deputy
Director of Training, 1932-83 ; Director of
Training and Staff Duties, Admiralty, 1983 34 ;
commanded destroyer flotillas, Home Fleet,
1934-35 ; commanded H.M.S. Valiant, 1935 37.
Address : Manor Farm, Sarisbury Green,
ARBUTHNOT, Major John Bernard,
M.V.O. 1902 ; Scots Guards ; Knight of Justice,
Order of St. John of Jerusalem ; b. 1875 ; «. s.
of late Col. George Arbuthnot of Norton Court,
Gloucester ; m l^os, Olive, o. d. of late Sir
Henry A. Blake, O.C.M.G; four s. two d.
Educ. : Eton ; Sandhurst.' Entered Army, 1896 ;
served South Africa, 1900 ; A.D.C. and Private
Secretary to the Governor and Commander-in-
Chief of Hongkong, 1902-3 ; A.D.C. to the
Governor of Ceylon, 1907 ; retired, 1913 ;
rejoined Scots Guards, 1914 ; appointed
Brigade-Major Brigade of Guards, 1914 ; A D.C.
to Gen. Sir A. J. Murray, 1916 ; acting Military
Secretary, B.E.F., 1917 (des^iatches); employed
special Intelligence Department, War Office ;
Mission to Rome ; British Mission to United
States, 1918 (despatches); owns about 1000
acres of land in Cumberland ; assistant editor
Daily Express, 1919. Publications : (pen name
Sassenach) Arms and the Irishman ; Hands
acrobs the Sea; The Bunny Book; lush
Sketches. Rei'reations : golf, fishing, painting.
Address: Myrtle Grove, Youghal, Co. Cork;
Dormansteads, Cumberland. Clubs: Carlton,
Beefsteak: Royal Cork Yacht; Cork County.
William; landed proprietor; b. 1878; s. of
George Arbuthnot (Royal Scots Greys) and
Mary Rose Leslie, heiress of Warthill; m. 1921,
Maria de la Luz, e. d. of Don Guillermo de
Landa y Bscandon, Governor of Mexico City
during presidency of General Diaz: one d.
Educ. : Eton. Served with Gordon Highlanders,
South African War (Queen's medal with three
clasps); transferred to Scots Guards; A.D C.
to Governor and Commander -in -Chief, Hong
Kong, 1904-6; invalided from Army, 1912. Ad-
dress. Warthill, Aberdeenshiie. Citib; Carlton.
ARBUTHNOTT, family name of VUconnt
ARBUTHNOTT, 14th Viscount, cr. 1641;
Jobn Ogrllvy Arbuthnott; Lord-
Lieutenant of Kincardineshire ; President
County of Kincardine Tern tot lal Association ;
Convener Kincardineshire County Council ; b.
15 Sep. 1882 ; s. of 13th Viscount and Emma
Marion Hall (d. 1930), d. of Rev. J. H. Parlby ;
m. 1914, Dorothy, d. of Adm. Charles L. Oxley,
The Hall, Ripon ; 5. father, 1920. Heir ■ cousin,
Capt. Hobert Keith Arbuthnott, M.C., Black
Watch [h. 21 Aug, 1897 ; m. Ursula, SM d. of
late Sir William Collingwood]. Address:
Arbuthnott House, Fordoun, Kincardineshire.
ARCHAMBAUET, Et. - Col. (temp.
Col.) J, P., DS.O. 1917; M.C. ; Dept.
National Defence ; b. 1890 ; m. Jeanne Boulet ;
two s one d Educ. : Mount St. Louis College
and Normal School, Montreal. Served Europ-
ean War, 1914-19 (twice wounded, despatches,
D.S.O , M.C., Chevalier Legion of Honour,
1914-15 star, two medals). Address: Dept.
National Defence, Ottawa, Ont., Canada.
ARCH BOLD. William Arthur Jobson,
M.A., LL.B. ; b. 5 May 1865; 2nd s. of Alfred
Jobson, late of Darlington ; nephew of late J.
A. P. Archbold; m Alphonsine Louise Douilly
(d. 1936). Educ. : Taunton ; Peterhouse, Cam-
bridge (scholar and prizeman) ; Ist Class Law
Tripos; Whew ell vScholar and Prince Consort
Prizeman in the University of Cambridge ;
Examiner in the Historical Tripos ; Secretary
of the Board of India Civil Service Studies ;
Secretary of the Appointments Association ;
Assistant Secretary of the Local Examinations
and Lectures Syndicate in the University;
Acting Superintendent of the Rand Schools ;
Principal of the Mohammedan Anglo -
Oriental College, Aligarh, and Government
College, Dacca; Principal of Muir Central
College, Allahabad, 1918-20. Publication: The
Romantic Movement in English Literature,
1921 ; Recent Essays, 1923 ; Outlines of Indian
Constitutional History, 1926; Twentieth Cen-
tury Essays, 1927 ; Bengal Haggis, 1928. Ad-
dress : Solwyn Croft, Cambridge T. : Cam-
bridge 4772.
ARCHDALEi Colonel Arthur Somer-
▼illei DS.O 1917; Commander R.A., 42nd
(East Lancs.) Division T.A. since 1935; b. 8
Sep. 1882; s. of late F. Archdale, Baldock,
Herts ; m. 1907, Mildred Barbara Funnell.
WHO’S WHO, 1938
Edwc. : Rpptron. Entered 11 A., 1901 : Capt.
1014; Major, 1916; Lt.-Col. 1931; CoU 1935 ;
served European War. 1914-18 (despatches four
times, D.S O , Gioix de Guerre); commanded
9th Field Brigade R A., Buiford, 1931-35. Ad-
dress : c/o Lloyds Bank Ltd., 6 Pall Mall, S.W.l.
ARCHDAXiS, Rt. Hon. Sir Edward
Mervjrn, P.O. Ireland, 1920 ; Ist Bt., cr,
1928 ; J P., D.L. ; Hon. LL.D. Queen s
University, Belfast, 1926 ; Minister of
Agriculture and Commerce, Northern Ire
land, 1921-25, of Agriculture 1925-33 ; M.P.
(C.) North Fermanagh, 1898-1903 and 1916-21,
Fermanagh and Tyrone, Northern Ii eland,
1921-29, Enniskillen Division since 1929 ,
engaged in farming , Chairman Standing Com-
mittee Ulster Council ; Commodore Enniskillen
Yacht Club; President Enniskillen Golf Club ;
ft 26 Jan. 1858 ; m. 1880, Alicia Bland (d.l924),
y. d. of late Qumtin Fleming, of Chapelville,
Liverpool ; four s. (and one killed in war)
one d. Educ. : Naval School, Portsmouth.
Entered Royal Navy, 1866, Lieutenant, 1875 ,
retired, 1880; served China Station in Juno,
Mediterranean Station in In\incible and Heli-
con ; Sultan when commanded by late Duke
of Edinburgh ; Cape and West Coast of Africa in
Dwarf; High Sheriff, Co. Fermanagh, 1884.
Heir: s. Vice Adm. N. E. Archdale, q v. Ad-
dress: Riversdale, Ballinamallard, Co. Fer
managh. T. : Ballinamallard 2 CZwfta ; Ulster,
Belfast; Fermanagh County.
See al^o P. M. Tottenham.
ARCHDAIiE, Rev. Canon Eyre j
William Preston; Vicar of Slocklaml
Bristol since 1922; h. 26 Feb. 1871; s. of
late Rt. Rev. M. Archdall, Bishop of Killa-
loe, and Henrietta, d. of Eyre W. Preston,
Clontarf ; m. Edith Gladys Jeannette, d. of
late R. de Roa Rose, of Ardhu and Aghabog,
Co. Limerick ; one s. one d. Educ. . Trinity
College, Dublin (M. A.). Curate of Magherafelt,
1894-96; Shankhill, Lurgan, 1896; Bail>willan,
Portrush, 1896-1900, Chaplain, Loretto School,
1900-1; Curate of St. Mary’s Cathedral, Limerick,
1901 5 ; Precentor, 1905-8 ; Rector of Killaloe,
1008; Canon of Killaloe, 1908; Chaplain to
Bishop of Killaloe. Recreations * golf, lawn
tennis, croquet, motoring, shooting, fishing
Address : The Vicarage, Stock land- Bristol, near
Bridgwater. Llnh : IBnclgwater.
ARCHDAIiE, Helen Alexander;
journalist ; h. 1876 ; d. of late Alexandei
Russel of the Scotsman and Helen De Lacy
Evans ; wuiow of Theodore Montgomery Arch-
dale, D.S.O,, Lt.-Col. Royal Artillery; two one
d, Educ. : St. Leonards School, St. Andrews ,
St. Andrews University. Vice - Chanman,
Equal Rights International ; International Sec.
of Six Point Group; Member of Women's
Social and Political Union ; twice imprisoned
during militant suffrage movement ; worked on
Britannia, organ of W.S.P.U. ; started training
farm for women agricultural workers, Sep.
1914; clerical work at II Q., Q.M.A.A.C., 1917-
1918; transferred to Women’s Dept. Ministry
of National Service, 1918 , Secretary Ministry
of Health Watching Council* lion. Secretary
Women’s Political and Industrial League ,
Editorial Director Time and Tide Publishing
Co. since 1920; E<litor, 1921 - 26. Address.
Straws, Crouch, Sevenoaks.
ARCHDAIiE, Vice- Adm. Nicholas
Edward, C.B.B. 1920; h. 11 June 1881;
e. 8. of Right Hon. Sir Edward M. Archdale,
Bart., q.v. ; m. 1920, Gerda, 2nd d, of late F. C.
Sievers, Copenhagen ; one s. one d. Edvc. :
Royal Academy, Gosport; H.M.S. Britannia.
Midshipman, 1897 ; Sub Lieut. 1900 ; obtained 4
first-class certificates ; Lieut. 1902 ; joined Sub-
marine Service, 1902 ; qualified in Torpedo,
1904; Staff of H.M.S. Vernon, 1906; employed
with minelayers and destroyers till 1908, when
rejoined Submarine Service ; Commander, 1913,
when m command of China S.M. Flotilla; em-
ployed with submarines dining European War ;
Captain 1918 ; Naval A.D.C. to the King, 1929 ;
Rear-Adm., 1929; retired list, 1930; General
Inspector under Ministry ot Home AHaits,
Northern Ireland, 1931; Vice- Adm., retired
list, 1935. Recreations: shooting and all games.
Address: Tarteu House, Old Cavehill Road,
Belfast. Club. Ulster, Belfast.
ARCHDAIiIi, Rev. Henry Kingsley,
M. A., Th. Soc. ; Chaplain, Wellington College,
Berks, since 1935; b. Balmain, Sydney, 1886;
5. of late Rev. Canon Mervyn Archdall, M.A.,
Sydney ; m. Laura Madden ; three s. one
d. Educ: Sydney Grammar School; Sydney
University (First Class honours in philosophy
and classics, Woolley Travelling Scholarship) ;
Trinity College, Cambridge (First Class,
philosophy of religion Tripos); Fellow ami
Lect. Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, 1912-
1915 ; Dean, 1915 ; Dean ot Newcastle, N.S W.,
1915- 19 ; Headmaster, Arrnidale School, N S.W.,
1910-26 ; Headmaster King’s College, Auckland,
N. Z , 1926-35. Publuation : A Christian In-
struction, 1933 Recreations, tennis, gardening.
Address: Edgebarrow liodgo, Wellington Col-
lege, Crouthorne, Berks. T. Crow thorn e 297.
ARCHER, lit. -Col. Charles, C.S.I.
1911; C.I.B. 1906; b. Perth, Scotland, 18
Aug. 1861 ; s. of Tliomas Archer, C.M.G.,
late Agent General for Queensland ; m. 1900,
Alice (d. 1928), d. of Henry G. Hayes of
Washington, U 8. A. Educ. : Rockhampton
Grammar School ; Edinburgh Institution.
Lieut. 2nd Bait. Dorsetshire Regt. 1882 ;
joined Indian Staff Corps, 1885, and appointed
to 2nd Punjab Infantry, entered Imlitical
Department as Assistant to Agent to the
Governor General in Baluchistan, 1887 , Assist-
ant Secretary in Foreign Department, Govern-
ment of India, 1891 ; Political Agent in Zhob,
1894-98; Thai Chotiali, 1899 1900; Malakand,
1901-2 ; Officiating Revenue Commissioner in
Baluchistan and Political Agent, Qiietta-Pishin,
1904-8; Revenue Commissioner, 1909; Officiat-
ing Agent to tlie Governor-Geneial in Balu-
chistan, 1911 and 1914; He\enne Commissioner
in Baluchistan, 1911-16 ; retired, 1916 G S.O. 3,
1916- 19. PuhhcnHons: William Archer : Life,
Work, and Friendships, 1931 , translation of
Ibsen’s Peer Gynt, Lady Inger of Ostiaat,
Rosmersholm (with brother William Archer), of
Mantzms History of Theatrical Art, vol. vi ,
etc. Address: c/o Lloyd'* Bank, Ltd, 6 Pall
Mall, S.W.l. Club: East India United Service.
ARCHER, His Honour Judge Francis
Kendray, K.C. 1923; Judge of County
Courts and additional Judge of Circuit No. 50
since 19.17; b. 1882; m. 1906, ti. of F. S.
Champion, Burgess Hill ; one s. liduc. : St.
Peter’s, Adelaide; London University, LL.B.
Called to Bar, Lincoln’s Inn, 1012, Address:
6 Stone Buildings, Lincoln’s Inn, W.C.2; 2 a
A rgyll Road, W S; The Grange, Dilham, Nor-
ARCHER, Sir Geoffrey (Francis),
K.C.M G., cr. 1920; C.M.G. 1913; b. 1882,
2nd 8. of Bradley Archer, Somers Place, Hyde
Park, W. ; m. 1916, Olive Mary, e. d. of Colonel
Charles Bulkeley Godman, q.v., Woldring-
fold, Horsham. Knterwi Colonial Civil Service
as Assistant Collector, East Africa Protectorate,
1902 ; attached Secretariat ; District Com-
missioner, 1907 ; Officer in Charge, Northern
Frontier, 1911 ; sent to Somaliland to administer
Government, 1912 ; Deputy Commissioner, Som-
aliland, 1913 ; Commissioner and Commander-
in-Chief, 1914 ; present at action at Shimber
Berris, 1915 (African General Service medal
and clasp) Member of British Mission at
Coronation of the Empress Zauditu of Abys-
sinia ; awarded Cnthbert Peak Grant by
the Royal Geographical Society in 1918 for
surveys in East Africa connecting Major
Gwynn’s Abyssinian triangulation with the
WHO*S WHO, 1988
tiiangulation of East Africa: Governor, 1919 ;
directed operations against Mullah, 1920, re-
sulting in the destruction of the Dervish
power in Somaliland (K.G.M Q., clasp to
A.G.S. mediil); Governor and Commander-In-
Chief, Uganda, 1922-24; Governor-General of
the Sudan, Dec. 1924-26; has Qiand Cordon of
Star of Ethiopia (1917) and of Egyptian Older
of Ismail, 1926). kecreahona: big-game shootir g
and ornithology.
ARCHER^ Colonel Henry^ D.S.O. 1917 ;
Commander R A. 53id (Welsh) Division T.A.
since 1936 ; b. 17 Apr. 1883 ; a, of late H. C.
Archer, Cerns Lodge, Wimbledon, S.W. ; m.
Sybil Mary, d. of late Rev. A. II Cooke of
Quethiock ; one d. Educ. : Oundle ; Royal
Military Academy, Woolwich. Comninssioned,
1902 ; 1st Lieut. 1905; Capt. 1914; Major,
1916; Bt, Lieut. -Col. 1927 ; Litut.-Col.
1931 ; Colonel, 1935 ; joined 128th Battery
R. EA. on first commission; served in 128th
Batteiy six years; Adjutant 4th East Lancs
Brigade R.P.A. 1909-13 ; joined 126th Battery
R F.A on outbreak of war ; commanded r25th
Battery, R.K A , Sept. 1915- Keb. 1917 ; Brigade
Major, 51st Divisional Artillery, Feb. 1917 to
end of war ; served continuously in Fiance,
Aug. 1914-19 (D S.O., Croix de Guerre with
silver star); Instructor, Senior Officers’ School,
Belganni, 1927-30. Recreations: hunting, golf.
Address: Cerns Lodge, Wimbledon, S.W.
Club : J unior Army and Navy.
ARCHER, Col. James H. E.; see
Lawrence Archer.
ARCHER, Sir John, K B.E., cr. 1918;
J. P ; Chair man of Advisory Committee (Customs
and Excise) on Wines and Spirits, 1916-19 ; late
Chairman Bulloch, Lade & Co., Ltd., Glasgow,
London, etc. ; b. 13 June 1860; e. s. of late John
Aicher of ljenz\e, Dumbartonshiie ; m. 1901,
Ella Beatrice, 2n<i d. of late J. C. Sharpe of
Goslings and Sharpe, Bankers, Fleet Street,
and of Longhope, Gloucestershire, also of
Richmond, Suirey, and By fleet, Suriey; no c.
Educ. .* privately. Recreations : go\f. Address:
Devonshire Lodge, Richmond, Suirey; V •
Richmond 0541 ; Orton Rigg, Canford Clifis,
Bournemouth ; 1\: Canford Clifls 115. Clubs'
Junior Carlton, Royal Thames Yacht, Consti-
tutional ; Richmond Golf.
ARCHER, Wing; Commander John
Oliver, O.B.B. 1920; O.B.E. 1919; R A.F.
retd. ; b. Walton-on-the-Nazo, 22 Sep. 1887 ; •>.
of late John Archer ; m. 1916, Esther {d 1930),
d. of late 0. S. Chilton, Sidmouth, Devon,
one s. one d Educ : Felsted School; Univer
sity of London. B.Sc. Engineering (Honours),
1909. Enlisted Seaforth Highlanders, 1914 ,
commissioned R.F.A S R. 1915 and trans-
feired R.F.O. ; served in France, Egypt, Pales-
tine, and South Russia (despatches foui time’'),
retired list, 1935. Addiess: c/o Westminster
Bank, Bellevue Road, S.W. 17. Club: Royal
Air Force.
ARCHER, Richard Lawrence, M.A. ;
Professor of Education, University College of
North Wales, Bangor, since 1906 ; b. 1874 ; un-
married. Educ. : Leamington College ; Wadham
College, Oxford (Scholar). Ist class Classical
Moderations, 1895 ; 1st class Litt. Hum , 1897 ;
Classical Master in secondary schools, 1897-
1904 ; Assistant Lecturer in Education, Cam-
bridge University Day Training College, 1904-6.
Publications : The Teaching of Geography in
Elementary Schools, 1910; The Teaching of
History m Elementary Schools, 1916 ; The
Passman, 1918; Secondary Education in the
Nineteenth Century, 1921. Address: Plas
Menai, Bangor.
ARCHER, Colonel Samuel Arthur,
C.M.O. 1919; M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.O.P.Lond. ;
late Army Medical Service ; 6. 22 Apr. 1871 ;
s. of Colonel S. Archer, A.M.S., and M. K.
Webster, of Upton Hall, Cheshire ; m. 1899,
Violet Marguerite, d. of Lt.- Colonel E.
Fail land, A.M.S. ; no c. Educ.: Merchant
Taylors’ School, Crosby; Victoria University,
Liverpool. Qualified, 1894 ; entered the Army
Medical Service as Surgeon Lieutenant, 1896 ;
served Egyptian Campaign, 1898 (Queen’s
medal and Khtdives medal); Captain, 1899;
Major, 1908 ; mobilised with the 7th Division
15 Sep. 1914, as Officer Commanding 22nd
Field Ambulance ; landed in Belgium 5 Oct,
1914; present at first battle of Ypres and
the battles of Festubert and Neuve Chapelle ;
Lient.-Colpnel, 1915 , appointed to command
No. 6 General Hospital, Oct. 1915 (despatches) ;
A.D. M.S. Abbeville and Amiens Areas, Apiil
1917; A. D. M.S. 7th Division with the rank of
Colonel, Oct. 1917 ; accompanied the Division
to Italy and was present at the battle of Papu-
dopole and the crossing of the River Piave
(despatches, O.M.G., Croce di Guerra); Sub-
stantive Colonel, Oct 1918 ; joined the Scottish
Command, March 1919 (despatches); retired
A. M S , 1921. Recreotiori : gardening Ad-
dress: The Guuyah, Holloway Hill, Godaiming,
Suriey. P. : Godalinmg 127.
ARCHER, William John, C.M.G. 1909 ;
b. 2 April 1861 ; s. of Wm. Spearman Archer,
Assistant Coinmissary-Gen., and g.s of Thomas
Archer, Principal Clerk H.M. Treasury; m.
1892, Christina 0., d. of Rev. Roger Burrow,
M A ; two 5. five d. Educ. : Lausanne. Bar-
rister at-law, Middle Temple; F.RGS. Stu-
dent interpreter in Siam, 1882 ; 1st Assistant,
1886 ; acting Vico Consul at Chieugmai, 1886-89 ;
employed on the Burma Siam Boundary Com-
mission 1888-91 Consul at Chiengmai, 1896 ;
Consul at Bangkok, 1897 ; has been m charge
of the Ijegatiou at Bangkok at various times ;
Judge of H.B M. Court for Siam, 1903; Judge
of tl>e Mixed Tribunals, Alexandria, Egypt, 1904-
1906; Councillor of the Siamese Legation in
Loudon, 1906-20. Address: Somerset West,
Cape Province, S. Africa.
ARCHER.HOUBLON, Major R. A.; see
1)^.0. 1919; h. 1884; y. a. of late John
Archer Jackson. hdnc.: Wellington College.
Entered Militia, 1904; served Shropshire Light
Infantry; European War, 1014-18, Captain and
Adjutant, 8th Shropshiie Light Infantiy ; Msijor,
2nd 111 command, 1910 ; Lt.-Col , and given
command 9th King’s Own Royal Lancaster Regt.
(despatches four times, D.S.O , M C , French
CroiK de Guerre with Palmes). Address: Lynch-
mere End, Shottermill, Suirey. Club: Junior
ARCHIBALD, Col. Gordon Kingr>
D.S.O. 1917 ; R.A.S.C. ; Assistant Director of
Supplies and Transport, Western Command
since 1937 ; m . ; two s. Served European
War, 1914 17 (despatches, D S O., Bt. Majoi);
Major, 1924 ; Bt. Lt.-Col., 1031; Lt.-Col., 1933;
Col. 1937 ; Deputy Assistant Diiector of Trans
poi t, War Office, 1928-32. Address : c/o National
Provincial Bank Ltd., 66 Trafalgar Squaie,
ARCHIBALD, James; h. 1863; s, of
James Archibald, Buckie, and ftfargaret Reid ;
unmarried. Educ, : Buckie Public School ;
Elgin Educational Institute; Edinburgh Uni-
versity. Served successively in five banks. City
of Glasgow Bank, Aberdeen Town and County
Bank, Glyn Mills Currie & Co., London, Cale-
donian Bank, and Bank of Scotland ; engaged
111 business in U.S.A. in North Carolina, Georgia,
and New York; Provost of Buckie, 1906-15;
Member of Fishery Boaid for Scotland, 1911-21 ;
Lord Lieutenant of Banffshire, 1930. Recrea-
tion: community work. Address: Rath burn,
Buckie, Banffshire. T, : Buckie 35.
ARCHIBALD, Raymond Clare;
Professor of Mathematics, Blown University,
Providence, R.I., since 1923; b. Colchester Co.,
Nova Scotia, 7 Oct. 1875 ; s. of Abram Newcomb
Archibald and Mary Hellish ; unmarried. Educ. :
WHO*S WHO. 1938
Mount Allison University, Sack vi lie, N.B.,
B.A. ; Harvard University, B. A. and M. A. ; Uni-
versity of Berlin ; University of Strasbourg,
Ph. D. ; University of Pans, Universitj of Rome,
Mount Allison Conservatory of Music, diplo
mas as graduate in violin jilaying, 1894 and
1896; Professor of Mathematics, librarian, and
Head of the violin department, Mount Allison
Ladies’ College, Sackville, N B , 1900-7; Pro
fessor of Mathematics and Head of the depart-
ment at Acadia University, Wolfville, Nova
Scotia, 1907*8 ; at Brown University, Instructor
in Mathematics, 1908-11, Assistant-Professor,
1911-17 ; Associate Professor, 1917-23 ; Fellow
of the American Academy of Arts and
Sciences, 1918; Hon Member Harvard Univer-
sity Chapter of Phi Beta Kappa Society, 1921 , a
Foreign Fellow of the Masarykova Akademie
Prace, Prague, 1930; Hon Foreign Member
Polish Mathematical Society, 1935 ; Hon.
Doctor Uni V. of Padua, 1922 ; Hon LL.D. Mount
Allison University, 1923 ; Foreign Fellow,
Society of Sciences, Cluj, Rumania ; Delegate
to the Congress of the Universities of the
British Empire, London, 1912 ; Delegate to the
University of Padua, 700th anniversary of
its founding, 1922; Delegate to dedication
of the Gennadius Library, American School
of Classical Studies, Athens, 1926 ; Delegate
of the U. S. Government to International Mathe-
matical Congiess at Bologna, 1928; Delegate
from Brown Univ. and Mathem. Assoc. Amer.
to International Congress of Mathematics
at Zurich, 1932 ; Associate Editor of Revue
Semestrielle des Publications Math6matiques,
Amsterdam, 1923-34; Associate Editor, Isis,
since 1924; Associate Editor, Scripta Mathe-
matica, since 1932 ; Editor-in -chief of American
Mathematical Monthly, 1919-21 ; President
of the Mathematical Association of America,
1922 ; Librarian of the American Mathematical
Society since 1921 ; member of the American
Section of the International Mathematical
Union, 1924 28 ,* Member of the International
Commissioo, of the International Mathematical
Union, on Mathematical Bibliography, 1924
1928 ; Chairman of Section A and Vice-President
of American Association for Advancement
of Science for 1928 and Vice-President and
Chairman of Section L (historical and philo
logical sciences), 1937 ; Member of the National
Research Council, 1928 - 31 ; foundei and
developer of the Mary Mellish Archibald
Library of English and American Poetry and
Drama, 1915-37, at Mount Allison University.
PublicatioTisr Carlyle’s First Love, Margaret
Gordon, Lady Bannerman, 1910; Euclid’s
Book on Divisions of Figures with a Re-
storation, 1915 ; The Training of Teachers
of Mathematics for the Secondary Schools of
the Countries represented in the International
Commission on the Teaching of Mathematics,
1918; Benjamin Peirce, 1809-1880, Biographical
Sketch and Bibliography, 1925; Bibliography
of Egyptian and Babylonian Mathematics,
1927-29 ; Editor of second English edition of
P. Klein’s Famous Problems of Elementary
Geometry, 1930 ; Outline of the History of
Mathematics, 1932 (2nd edition, 1934, 3rd
edition, 1936); Unpublished Letters of James
Joseph Sylvester and other new information
concerning his life and work, 1986 ; The
scientific achievements of Nathaniel Bov ditch,
1937; articles in Bncyelopaedia Bntannica,
14th ed., 1929, and Dictionary of Amencan
Biography, 1929-36 ; extensive contributor to
mathematical journals and reviews of Europe
and America. Recreations • music, library work.
Address: Brown University, Providence, Rhode
Island. CJub: Faculty Providence.
ARCHIBAXaDf Sir Robert Oeor|;e.
Kt. or. 1934; C.M.G. 1928; D 8 O. 1917;
MD. ; R.A.M.C., retired; Medical Siiper-
mtendent, Leper Settlement, Tnnidad, West
Indies ; 6. 1880 ; «. of Rev. W. P. Archibald,
C. F. ; m. 1919, Olive Chapman, o. c. of
Arthur Cant, Claremont House, Colchester;
two d. Educ.: Dollar Academy; Edinburgh
University. M.B., Ch.B. 1902; corresponding
member Society Pathologie Bxotique, 1920 ;
Member of Council Section of Tropical Diseases
and Parasitology, Royal Society of Medicine ,
President Sudan Branch British Medical
Association, 1935-1936 ; entered Royal Army
Medical Corps, 1906 , Pathology Prizeman,
Army Medical College, 1906 ; Ambulance
Surgeon, Northern Hospital, Liverpool ;
Assistant Medical^ Officer, Ramhill Asylum ;
House Surgeon, St. Mary’s Hospital for
Women and Children, Plaistow; seconded
for Sleeping Sickness Commission, Uganda,
1007 ; attached Egyptian Army, 1908 ; Blue
Nile Operations, 1908 (despatches) ; Mediter-
ranean Bxiiedltionary Force, Dardanelles, 1915;
Darfur Expedition, Sudan, 1916 (Order 4th
Class Medjidieh, Order 2nd Class Nile, and
D. 8 O.) ; Director Wellcome Tropical Research
Laboratories, Khartum, 1920; Director Stack
Medical Reseaich Laboratories, 1928; retired,
1936. Publications : Reviews of Recent Ad-
vances in Tropical Medicine, Supplements to
Repoits, Wellcome Retsearch Labs, (with Dr.
Andrew Balfour) , Editor (with W. Byam) Prac-
tice of Medicine in the 'Iropics; contributor
Oxford Index of Therapeutics, 1921; Alkalinity
of Blood seen in Kala-Azar (J.K.A.M.C. 1910);
Intestinal Schistosomiasis (B.M.J. 1914); In-
vestigations on Kala - Azar in the Sudan
(J.RA.M.C. 1914); Human Botryomyersis
(B.M.J. 1910); Entenca m the Sudan (Journal
of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 1918) ;
Mycosis of Turkey (Journal Comp. Path, and
Therap. 1918), Tuberculosis in the Sudan, Annals
Trop. Medicine and Parasitology, Oct 1922;
Trypanosoma rhodesiense m the Sudan, ibid.
Oct 1922’ Investigations on Bilharzia m the
Sudan, ibid, vol. xvi. 1923; Sickle Cell
Anaemia m the Sudan (Trans. Royal Soc. Trop.
Med. and Hygiene, Jan. 1926); Black Aim
Disease of Cotton, etc., and Sulphuric Acid
Treatment of Cotton Seed, Journal Soil Science,
Jan. 22, 1926 , Epidemiology of Kala Azar in the
Sudan (Trans Royal Soc Tiop Med. and Hy-
giene, Jan. 1937). Recreations riding, shooting,
golfing, fishing. Address • c/o Holt & Co , Kirk-
land House, Whitehall, S. W.l. Club • Caledonian.
ARCOT; Prince of (Omdatul - Omaraj
Amir - ul - nmara, Sirajul Omara,
Madar - ul - Mulk, Omdatul Mnlk.
Aximnd Dowlah, Aaadud Dowlatnl
InfiTleex, Nawab Asim Jah, H.H.
Sir Ghulam Muhammad Ali Khan
Bahadui^ Amir - i - Arcot) : O.C.I.E.,
cr. 1917; K.CT.B., or. 1909; i. 26 Feb. 1882;
S. father (Sir Muhammad Munawar Khan
Bahadur, ILC.LE.), 1908. Premier Mahomedan
nobleman of Southern India, being the direct
male representative of the Sovereign Rulers of
the Carnatic ; acknowledged leader of Muslim
community of Madras Presidency ; two d.
Educ. : Newington Court of Wards Insti-
tution, Madras, under C. Momson, M.A. ,
receiv^ title of Khan Bahadur in 1897 ;
Member of Madras Legislative Council, 1904 6 ;
Member of the Imperial Legislative Council
(Mahomedan Electorate) of the Madras Presi-
dency, 1910-13 ; Member of the Madras Legisla-
tive Council by nomination, 1916 ; Patron Cos-
mopolitan Club, Madras ; Life Member South
Indian Athletic Association; President All India
Muslim Association, Lahore ; Life Member
laiwley Institute, Ootacamund ; celebrated
Silver Jubilee, 1928 ; Distinction of Highness
conferred, 1935 Address : Amir Mahal,
Madras. 2’. ; 3679 Club: Gymkhana, Madras.
ARCTIC, first Bishop of thSi since 1983,
Rt. Rev. Archibald Itang; Fleminr,
D.D , F.B.G.S. ; b. Greenock, 8 Sep. 1888 ; *. of
John and Jessie Fleming, Greenock and Aleppo,
Hunter's Quay, Scotland ; w. 1918, Helen Grace
WHO’S WHO, 1938
d. of Walter and Laura Gillespie, Toronto,
formerly of Bdmonston, Biggar, Scotland ; no c.
Educ. Greenock Academ y ; G lasgo w U ni versity ;
Wycliffe College, Toronto. In drawing-office,
shipyard John Brown & Co., Clydebank,
1901-6 ; Scientific Department of the same
firm, 1906-8, including special course at Glasgow
University in naval architecture and maiine
engineering, 1906-6; prizeman. Naval Archi-
tectural Drawing, 1906 ; went to Canada to pre-
pare for missionai y work at Wycliffe College,
1908 ; Deacon, 1912 ; Priest, 1913 ; Missionary
Baffinland until 1916; Locum Tenens, St.
John’s Church, Port Hope, Ontario, 1916; St.
John's Church, St. John, N.B., 1917; served at
Military Orthopedic Hospital, Toronto, 1917-18;
Chaplain and Financial Secretary, Wycliffe
College, Toronto, 1918-21; Rector, Sb. John's
Church, St. John, N.B,, 1921-27 , Archdeacon
of the Arctic and Executive Officer of the
Arctic Mission Fund, 1927-33; Examining
Chaplain for the Bishops of Moosonee, Mac-
kenzie River, and Yukon. PuhhcatiOTis : For
Us, a series of devotional addresses on the
Seven Last Words, 1923; A Book of Remem-
brance, a History of St. John's Church, St.
John, N.B., 1925; Dwellers in Arctic Night,
1928 ; The Hunter-Home, 1930; Penis of the
Polar Pack, 1932 , Flying Beyond the Arctic
Circle, 1933 Recreations : golf, fishing, motoring,
photography, travelling. Address : Bishop s
Lodge, 2 Elmsley Place, Toronto, Ont. ; diurch
House, 604 Jarxis Street, Toronto, Canada
r.A. Marturia, Toronto. T. : Randolph 2118
Cluh • Overseas League.
Bishop of, snice 1927, Rt. Rev. James
Joseph Mac-Namee; b. i$70 Educ.
St. Macarten’s, Monaghan ; St Patrick’s, May
nouth. Ordained, 1900 ; Professor in St
Macarten s, 1900-6 ; C. C, Clones, 1906 8 ,
Monaghan, 1908 20 ; Administrator of Cathedral
Monaghan, 1920-25 ; Parish Priest of Clones,
1925-27 Address : Bishop’s House, St
Michael’s, Ixingford, Ireland.
ARDBB, Iiord, Anthony Windham
Normand Brabazon; Lieut Grenadier
Guards ; A D C to Go\ernor of Bengal since !
1930 , b. 8 Nov. 1910 ; o, s. of 13th Earl of
Meath, q.v. Educ.: Eton. Address; Kill-'
riiddery, Bray, Ireland,
ARDFERT, Dean of: see Rowan, Veiy
Rev R P.
ARDIIilf, Very Rev. John Roche;
LL D ; Rector ot Calry since 1899 ; Dean of
Elphm Cathedral since 1933 ; Canon of
Elphin Cathedral, 1902 ; ?n. 1887, Blanche Annie
Morrison (d 1929); four s three d, Educ
Trinity College, Dublin Ordained 1884 ; Curate
of St. Mary, Athlon e, 1884-86 ; North Derry
vullen, 1886-87 ; St. Andrew’s, Dublin, 1887-89 ,
Incumbentof Drumcliffe, 1889-99. Publxcatxaus .
Forgotten Facts of Irish History, 1905 ; The
Closing of the Irish Parliament, 1907 , St
Patrick, a.d. 180, 1931. Address: Calry
Rectory, The Mall, Sligo.
ARDOUIN,Engrine(uomd«piuwe “Ardouin
Dumazet"), publicist and gentleman farmer,
b Vizille, Dauphin^, 12 Jan. 1852 ; member of
one of the most ancient families of Brian^onnais;
m. 1884; two 8. two d. Educ.: Self-taught.
Clerk in a business house at Lyons ; joined the
army as a volunteer, 1870 ; went through the
whole campaign in the Bast of France ; volun-
teered again in 1872 ; served a certain time in
Algeria (local military office) ; became a journal-
ist, first in the provincial press, next in the
Paris press ; for a long time belonged to the staff
of the Temps and the Figaro; Vice-Chairman of
the Alpine Economics Society; corresiiondent
of French Agricultural Academy; military
critic for the Liberty, the Illustration, during
the war : Officier de la l6gion d’honneur ,
Officier du mente agricolo. Publications
Very numerous : first, a book on the Frontier of
Northern France ; then a volume of Recollec-
tions of the War of 1870; An Army in the
Snow; and an important work on France, of
which 68 voU. have so tar been printed ;
among these, three, The Lost Provinces, concern
Alsace and Lorraine, and were written with his
son Maurice, then a student at the Military
College of St. Cyr, killed m Alsace in 1915 ;
Etudes Algeriennes ; Le Colonel Bourras et le
Corps franc du Vosges ; au Regiment en
Escadre , les petites industries rurales ;
I Europe centrale et sex rdseaux d'l^tat ; La
guerie, texte des deux volumes documents de
la sectiou photographique de I’armee ; many
articles to Agriculture. Recreation : looking
after a small property in Champagne. Address :
Mazeb de I’Eveche k Arsonval, Aube, h'rance.
Clud) : SociSt^ des Gens de Lettres, Maison des
Journallstes, Pans.
ARENDZEN, Rev. John, M.A. Cantab;
D D , D.Ph. ; Member of Catholic Missionary
Society since 1902 , b Amsterdam, 6 Jan. 1873 ;
8. of P. J. Arendzen, Dutch Etcher, Assoc.
Royal Academy of Belgium, who settled in
England, and E. Strack6, ot Belgian parentage;
iinmarned. Educ : Christs College, Cambridge
(Research degree). Theological course at
Oscott College, 1891-95; Holy Orders in 1895;
at Bonn University, 1895-97 ; Doctor of
Philosophy (Semitic Philology), 1897 , Munich
University, 1900, Doctor of Theology. Pubitca-
tions : Theodon Abu Kurra Libellus de Cultu
Imagmum (Arabic-Latm), 1897 , Gospels — Fact,
Myth or Legend ? , Prophets, Priests and Pub-
licans ; What becomes of the Dead?, Whom
do you say ; Mtn and Manner'* in the Days of
ChiJst; articles m Catholic Encyclopwdia,
Journal of ’Theological Studies, Jewish Quar-
terly, etc. Recreation chess. Address Mission
House, Brondesbury Park, N W.6.
SOUTH AMERICA, Bishop of smce
1937 ; Rt. Rev. John Regrinald Welleri
M.A; h. Blackwell Hall, Chesharn, Bucks.
6 Oct. {1880; s. of Edward Weller and
Edith Aylwaid; m. 1916, Alexma Caley
(d. 1934), Windsor; no c. Educ.. Selwyn Col-
lege, Cambridge. Tea planting, Ceylon, 1899 :
32nd Batt. I.Y. Soutli Afnca, 1901; m United
States and Canada, 1903-10; Deacon, 1913;
priest, 1^14; Chaplain, Wa/instan, 1917; Divi-
sional Chaplain, 3id Lahore Division, Mesopot-
amia, Egypt, and Palestine, 1917-18; Divisional
Chaplain, 4th Quetta Division, Afghanistan,
IMiO; Superintendent, The Missions to Seamen,
Melbourne, 1923; Siipeiintendent, The Mersey
Mission to Seamen, 1930; Bishop of Falkland
Islands, 1934-37. Address * St John’s Pro-
Cathedral, 25 de Mayo 282, Buenos Aires,
\igentina. Club • Royal Empiie Society.
ARGYLE, Hon. Sir Stanley Seymour.
K.B.E., cr. 1930; M.B., M.R.C S. ; Leader ot
the Opposition in the Legislatne Assembly,
Victoria, since 1935 ; M L A. for Toorak since
1920; late Consulting Radiologist, Alfred Hos-
pital;?) 4 Dec. 1867; 3rd s. of late Eduard Argyle,
Rock House, Kyneton, Victoria , m. Violet
B. J. Lewis ; two s. two d. Fduc. : Hawthorn
Grammar School ; Melbourne University.
Graduated m Medicine, 1891 ; Chief Secretary
and Minister of Health, Victoria, 1928-24, 1924-
1927 and 1928-29; Leader of Opposition in Vic-
torian Parliament 1930-82 , Premier, Treasurer
and Minister for Health, Victoria, 1932 85 ;
Member of Kew Municipal Council 12 years ;
Mayor of Kew" 2 years ; Lieut-Col. Australian
Army Medical Corps, served in A.I.P. , European
War, 1914-17. Re&realions: all field sports.
Address: Halstead, Toorak, Melbourne, S E 2 ,
Victoria, Australia. Clubs: Melbourne, Tonck,
ARGYLL. 10th Duke of (or. 1701), NIall
Diarmld Oamphell. Marquis of Lome
and Kintyre ; Earl Campbell and Cowal ;
Viscount of Lochow and Glenisla ; Baron
WHO*S WHO. 1938
Inveraray, Mull, Morvern, and Tlry, 1701 ;
Baron Campbell, 1445 ; Bari of Argyll, 1457 ;
Baron of Lome, 1470; Baron Kintyre, 1638
(Scotland); Baron Sundndge, 1766; Baion
Hamilton, 1776; 34th Baron and 44th Knight
of Lochow. Celtic title, Mac Cailean Mhor,
Chief of Clan Campbell (from Sir Colin
Campbell, knighted 1286). Hereditary Master
of the Royal Household, Scotland ; Hereditary
High Sheriff of the County of Argyll ; Admiral
of the Western Coast and Isles ; Keeper ot the
Great Seal of Scotland and of the Castles of
Dunstatfnage, Dunoon, and Carrck and
Tarbert ; Loid-Lieutonant of Aigyll ; late Hon.
Colonel of 8th Argyll and Sutherland High-
landers ; Hon. Col. of 16th (Canadian) Argyll
Light Infantry ; s. of Lord Archibald Campbell,
2nd 5. of 8th Duke and Janey Sevilla, d. of James
Henry Callander, oi Ardkinglass, Argyll, and
Craigforth, Co. Stirling ; b. 16 Feb. 1872 ; S.
uncle, 1914. Educ. • St. George s, Ascot ;
Charterhouse; Christ Church, Oxford (B.A.
1896). Heir: c. Ian Douglas Campbell, (/.v.
Address: Inveraray Castle, Argyll; 2 Observa-
tory Gardens, W. 8. r. • Western 3010. Clubs:
Bath, Carlton ; Now, Edinburgh.
Of, since 1907, Rt. Rev. Kenneth Mac>
kenzie, D.D. ; b. Edinburgh, 10 June 1868 ;
y. s. of late Lord Mackenzie, Senator of the
College of Justice, Scotland ; m. 1897, Alice,
6th d. of late James Parquhar White of Bal-
ruddery, Forfarshire ; two s. four d Educ . .
Loretto ; Keble College, Oxford ; Cnddesdon
Tlieological College. B.A. 1887, 2nd class
Mode., 3rd class Modem History ; M.A., 1895 ,
D.D., 1907 ; Knight of the Holy Sepulchre,
1929 ; Deacon, 1890 ; Priest, 1891 ; Curate
of St. Mary Redcliffe, Bristol, 1890-95; St
Paul’s, Dundee, 1895 - 1900 , Rector, 1900 ♦ 7 ,
Provost of Cathedral of St. Paul, Dundee,
1906-7. Recreations: golf, fishing. Address.
Ardconnel, Oban, Argyll. T. : Oban 67.
ARGYLL and the ISLES, R. C. Bishop
of (since 1919), Rt. Rev. Donald Martin,
J.P. ; b. Ardnamurchan, Argyllshire, 1873
Edvc. : Scots College, Valladolid. Late Ad-
ministrator of the Cathedral, Oban. Address
Bishop’s House, Oban.
ARIS, Ernest Alfred, F.Z S. ; artist; b.
22 April 1881; s. of Alfred Arts and Emily
Wright; m. 1913, Winifred Archer Quid; ones.
Educ.: Technical College and School of Ait,
Bradford ; Royal College of Art, London
Started as a portrait painter; later drifted into
commercial art, book illustrations, magazines,
etc ; later specialised in animals and wiitim,
and illustrating story books and nature articles.
Publicattons : about 150 books for children;
Bunny o’ the Cosy Corner Series, 1920 ; Tales
for Tiny Tots ; The Dainty Series, 1921 ; Rock-
a-bye Stones 1919; The Bunny o’ the Bracken
Series, 1920 ; The Woodland Senes, 1919 ; That
Little Animal Senes, 1915 ; Famous Animal
Tales re-pictured by Ernest Ans, including
stones by E. A., 1935 ; etc. Recreations : angling,
entomology, swimming, collecting old furniture,
gardening, travel. Address : 9 Oak Avenue,
Priory Roatl, Hornsey, N.8. T. : Mountview
ARKELL, H. S,, M.A. ; General Super-
intendent, The Canadian Live Stock Coopera-
tive, Ltd , Montreal; b. Broad Lea Farm,
Teeswater, Bruce County, Ontario, Aug.
1880 ; s. of Henry Arkell and Sarah Tapscott
Arkell ; m. 1909, Kate Macljaurin, B.A. Educ.:
Public Schools m Culross and Teeswater, Bruce
Co. ; Woodstock Collie, Woodstock, Ont. ;
M‘Master University, Toronto, Ont. ; Ontario
Agricultural College, Guelph, Ont. Lecturer in
Animal Husbandry, Ohio State University,
Columbus, Ohio, 1904 - 5 ; Ontario Agricultural
College, Guelph, Ont., 1905-7; Professor of
Animal Husbandry, Macdonald College, Ste.
Anno de Bellevue, Que., 1907-10; Assistant
Live Stock Commissioner, 1910-17 ; Live Stock
Commissioner for Canada 1917-31 ; Publication:
Report to Minister of Aqjriculture, Quebec
(included in Departmental Repoit, spring 1910),
upon Government Assistance to Agriculture m
certain Countries of Europe, observations made
in visit to England, Ireland, Scotland, France,
Belgium, and Holland during summei ot 1909.
Address: Canadian Live Stock Cooperative,
Ltd., Montreal, Canada.
ARKELL. Reg'inald^ Author and Dramatist;
s. of late Daniel Arkell, Lechlade, Gloucester-
shire ; m. Elizabeth Evans ; one s. Educ :
Burford Grammar School. Trained as a journal-
ist; until outbieak of war was on staff of
London Opinion ; has written many revues and
musical comedies, including libretto or lyrics
for Jumble Sale, 1920; Now and Then, 1921 ;
The Last Waltz, 1922 ; Catherine, 1923 , Our Nell,
1924 ; Fiasquita, 1924 ; Blue Train, 1927 ; Chelsea
Follies, 1930 ; Savoy Follies, 1932 ; Ijisteners’
Inn, 1932; 1066 and All That, 1935 ; Gay
Deceivers, 1035 ; Kingdom for a Cow, 1935 ,
Paganini, 1937 ; Laughing Cavalier, 1937 ;
has broadcast on many occasions and
lectured. Publications : Colombine and Other
Verses, 1912 ; Tragedy of Mr. Punch, 1920 ; Meet
These People, 1928; Winter Sportings, 1929 ;
Richard Jettenes, 1933; A Cottage in the Country;
Bridge Without Sighs ; Gresn Fingers, 1984 ;
Playing the Games 1935 ; Editor of Men Only,
1936 Recreations: I always like to call a slam ;
That IS the sort of fool 1 am Addre'^s : 107
Paramount Court, University Street, W.C.l
T. • Boston 2()87, 2582 ; Marston Meysey,
Cncklade, Wilts. Club. . Savage
ARKELLi Captain Sir Tkomas NoSlf
Kt. u. 1<)37 ; Joint Managing Director of
J. Arkell and Sons, Ltd., Swindon,
Wilts.; 2nd. s. of James Arkell, Redlands
Court, Highworth, Wilts, and Laura Jane
Rixoii ; m. 1919, Olive Arscott Quu k, Tiverton,
Devon ; three s. three d. Educ, : Brad field
College. Joined 4th Wiltshire Regt. (Terri-
torials) in 1912 as 2nd Lieut ; ser ved European
War in India, Mesopotamia and Palestine
(thrice wounded); invalided with rank of
Captain, 1919 ; Chairman, Swindon Conserva-
tive Association since 1927 ; Chairman Wessex
Provincial Area of Conservative Party, 1933-35 :
Member of National Executive Committee of
Conservative Party since 1933 ; Commissioner
of Income Tax; Member of Biisbol Diocesan
Conference. Recreations: fishing, shooting,
archery. Address : Westhill, Highworth, Wilts.
7’. A. : Arkell Highworth. T. : Highworth 10.
ARKELL^ William Joscelyn ; b. 9 June
1904 ; y. s. of James Arkell, Redlands Court,
Highworth, Wiltsg m. 1929, Ruby Lillian
Percival , two s. Educ. : Wellington College ;
New College, Oxford. B.A. (1st Class Honours
in Natural Science), 1925 ; Burdett-Coutts
Scholar, 1925-27 ; B Sc., 1927 ; M.A., D Phil ,
1929 ; D Sc., 1934 (Oxford) ; engaged in roseaich
on palaeontology, stratigraphy and tectonics
since 1925 ; Associate of the Prehistoric Survey
of the University of Chicago, investigating the
geology and prehistoric archaeology of the Nile
Valley m Egypt, 1926-80 ; Lecturer in Geology,
New College, Oxford, 1929-33 ; Fellow since
1933 ; Fellow of the Geological Society and the
Geographical Society. Publications: The Jur-
assic System in Great Britain ; A Monograph
of the Bntish Corallian Lamellibranchia
(Palaeontographical Society); Monograph of
the Ammonites of the English Corallian Beds
(Palaeontographical Society) ; scientific papers
in the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal
Society, Quarterly Journal ot the Geological
Society, Journal of Ecology, Proceedings of
Geologists’ Association, Geological Magazine,
etc. Address : Hurstcote, Cumnor, Oxford.
T. : Cumnor 27
WHO*S WHO, 1938
ARKWRIGHTj Rev. Ernest Henry.
M.V.0. 1911 ; M.A. Oxon ; h. 23 March 1868 ; 4th
s. of la to Rev. George Arkwright, Rector of Pen -
combe, Co. Heretord ; wi. 1912, Bertha Blais, d.
of late Rev. Canon Scarth, vicar of Bearsted,
Kent. Educ. : Haileybury. Assistant Chap-
lain of CliRon College, 1900-3; Royal Naval
College, Osborne, 1908-5 ; Royal Naval College,
Dartmouth, 1905-19; Harrow School, 1919-20,
Rector of Binfield, 1920-27; Chaplain of St.
Stephen’s Hospital, S W 10, 1927 30, Vicar of
Hollingbourne, Kent, 1030-36. Address : Palace
Corner, Charing, Kent
ARKWRIGHT^ Sir John Stanhope^
Kt, cr. 1934 ; M.A., F.L.S. ; D.L., J.P., Bar-
nsler-at-law ; Chief Steward, City of Here-
ford ; h. 1872 ; e. «. of late J. Hungerford Ark-
wright, Lord-ljieutenant ol Herefordshire, and
Charlotte Lucy, 8rd d, of John Davenport
of Foxley, Hereford ; m. 1905, Helen Muriel
Stephanie, y. d. of Stephen Robinson of Lyn-
hales, Kington ; two s. Educ. : Eton ; Christ
Church, Oxford ; Newdigate Prizeman, 1895 ;
M.P. (C.), Hereford, 1900-12 Publications: The
Last Muster ; The Supreme Sacrifice, and other
poems in time of War. Address • Kinsham
Court, Presteigne. Clubs: Athenamm, Carlton,
St. Stephen s.
ARKWKIGHTj Sir Joseph Arthur,
Kt. cr. 1937; P.R.S , 1926; M.A , M D., F.R C.P ;
Hon. Member of Staff, Lister Institute for
Preventive Medicine, Chelsea, S W 1 ; Mem-
ber of Agricultural Research Council since
1931 ; b. 22 March 1864 ; $. of late Arthur
William Arkwright, of Broughton Astley,
Leicestershire ; w. 1893, Ruth, d. of late
Joseph W, Wilson, civil engineer ; three d.
Educ. : Wellington College ; Trinity College,
Cambridge ; St. Baitholomew’s Hospital
General practice, chiefly at Halos Owen,
Worcestershire, 1893-1904 ; Capt. R A M.C
temp., 1915-17. Publications: The Carrier
Problem in Infectious Disease (with J C G.
Lediugham) ; various papers m scientific
journals on Bacteriology and Pathology.
Recreations : field natural history, gaidening
Address: Cloister Garth, Fuizc Hill, Purh y,
ARKWRIGHT, MrsJ. P.; M.F.H.; h
27 Nov. 1878: d. of Albert Brasscy and Hon.
Matilda Bingham; vi, 1900, John Peter Ark-
wright {decd.)\ three s. two d. Address-
Hatton House, Warwick. I'.A.: Hatton,
Warwickshire. T.: Claverdon 41. Club ' Bath.
ARlaEN, Michael (changed by deed poll
fromDikran Kouyoumdjian); author; 6. Roust-
cliouk, Bulgaria, lb Nov. 1895, of Armenian
parents ; naturalised British subject, 1922 ; w,
1928, Atalanta, d of Count Meroati ; one s. one d
Educ.’ Malvern College. Publications : Novels
and short stories: The London Venture; The
Romantic Lady ; Piracy ; These Charming
People ; The Green Hat ; May Fair ; Young
Men in Love ; Lily Christine ; Babes in The
Wood ; Men Dislike Women, 1931 ; Man’s
Mortality, 1983 ; Hell ’ said the Duchess, 1931 ;
The Crooked Coronet, 1937. Plays: The Green
Hat ; These Charming People; (with Walter
Hackett), Good Losers. Address: Villa ;Bellai
Vista, Cannes, France, A.M.
ARIalSI^ Georgre ; b. London 10 April 1868 ;
m. 1899, Florence Montgomery. Educ. : London.
First appearance at Elephant and Castle
Theatre, 1887 ; first appearance New York, 1901 ;
commenced film career, 1920; completed his
1st British film, the Iron Duke, 1934. Address:
1 Clifton Villas. Maida Hill, W.9. Clubs • Garrick,
Green Room ; Players’, Coffee House, New York
ARMAGH, R.C. Cardinal Archbishop
of, since 1928, His Eminence Joseph
Mac Rory, D.D. ; b. Ballygawley, Co. Tyrone,
1861. Educ. : Armagh ; Maynooth. Priest,
1885 ; First President of Dungannon Academy ;
Professor of Moral Theolog^ and S. Scrip-
ture at Olton College, Birmingham, 1887-
1889; Professor of 8. Scripture and Oriental
Languages, Maynooth, 1889-1905; Professor of
Hermeneutics and N.T. Exegesis, 1905-15 ;
Vice-Pres. Maynooth College, 1912-15 ; Bishop
of Down and Connor, 1915-28 ; Member of the
Irish Convention, 1917-18; Cardinal, 1929; Papal
Legate at laying of Foundation Stone of Liver-
pool Cathedral in Juiie 1033, and at the National
Eucharistic Congress in Melbourne, Dec. 1984.
Publications : The Gospel of St, John; The
First and Second Epistles to the Corinthians ;
Co- Editor of The Irish ITreological Quarterly,
which he helped to found ; contributor to the
1. T.iQuarterly, the Irish Ecclesiastical Record,
the Catholic University Bulletin of America, etc.
Address : Ara Coeli, Armagh
ARMAGH, Dean of; see Tichborne, Very
Rev. F.
ARMAGH, Archdeacon of; see Ford,
Ven. A. L.
ARMBRUSTER, Charles Hubert,
O.B.E. 1919; M.A (Camb.); b. London, 1874;
2nd s of late C. Armbruster, Musical Adviser
to London County Council, and Jeanie, 2ud d.
of F. A. Fold , m. Stefana, undow of F. Knobel.
Educ : Christ’s Hospital (Senior Grecian, 1898 ;
Lamb, Pitt, and Thomson medals ; Pitt Club
Exhibitioner); King’s College, Cambridge
(Minor Scholar) ; B A, (Classical Honours), 1896.
Assistant Collector and Judicial Officer m
British Central Africa Protectorate Adminis-
tration, 1897 ; transferred by Lord Cromer to
Sudan, 1900 ; served in Dongola and Kasala ;
accompanied as Political Officer expedition
into Abyssinia against Haifa Maryam, 1906 ;
sent by Sudan Govt, on political missions to
Abyssinia, 1907, 1908 ; accompanied the Sirdar
(Gon Sir R. Wingate) on his mission to Somali-
land as Intelligence Officer, and sent on poli-
tical mission to Addis Abeba, 1909 ; Examiner
in Amharic for Civil Service Commissioners,
1910, 1911, for Sudan Govt., 1922, and in Arabic
for Sudan Govt., 1911, 1912; Senior Inspector
in tile Legal Department, Sudan Govt., 1909-12 ;
H.M Consul for North-West Ethiopia, 1912 19 ;
retired from Sudan Political Service, 1926 ;
temp. Lieut., Intelligence Corps, Force in
Egypti 1916 ; Egyptian Expeditionary Force,
1916-19 (1914-15 Star, despatches four tunes,
O.B.E.) ; Local Major and General Staff Officer,
2nd Grade, 1918 ; 4th class Medjidieh, 1909 ;
3rd class Nile, 1917 ; Commander, Star of
Ethiopia, 1932. Publications: Initia Am-
hanca : Amharic Grammar, 1908 (awarded £100
by Prime Minister) ; Bnglish-Aniharic Vocab-
ulary, 1910 ; Amhaiic-English Vocabulary, 1920 ;
in map of Africa 1 250,000 : Qavtya, Wolqait
(50-1, J), Wogeia, Simyen (5b- J, N), Gondar,
Dembya, Saqqalt (56-M). Recreations .* music,
remembering. Address : Marmac^n, Puerto de
Andraitx, Mallorca, Spam. Clubs: Athenaeum,
Royal Societies, Savile.
ARMES. Colonel Re^finald John^C.M.G.
1919; late The Prince of Wales (North Staf-
foidshire) Regt ; h. 17 Mar. 1876; 2nd and o.
surv. s. of late W. L. Annes, J.P., King’s Lynn,
Norfolk. Served South African War, 1902;
European War, 1914-18 (despatches, Bt. Lt.-
Colonel, C M.G., Legion of Honour). Club:
United Service.
ARMFIEED, Mrs. Maxwell (Con-
stance, d. of late W. T. Smedley and Annie
Duckworth) ; w. 1909, Maxwell Armfleld, q.v.
Educ. : Binmmsrham School of Art and King
Edward VI. High School. Founder of the
International Association of Lyceum Clubs, The
CotswoldiPlayers, The Greeuleaf Theatre. Pub-
lications: The April Princess ; The Flower Book;
Service, 1910 ; Mothers and Fathers, 1911 ; Com-
moners’ Rights, 1912; Sylvia’s 'Iravels, 1912;
New Wine and Old Bottles, 1918 ; Una and the
Lions, 1914 ; On the Fighting Line, 1916 ; Red-
wing, 1916 ; The Armfleld Animal Book, 1922 ;
Tales of Timbuktu, 1923 ; The Unholy Experi-
ment, 1924; Justice Walk, 1924; Crusaders
WHO’S WHO. 1938
(Reminiscences of Constance Smedley), 1P29;
Walls, 1929; The Woman in the Wilder-
ness, 1930 ; The Magnolia Lady, 1932 ; Grace
Darling and Ht*r Times, 1932; Grace Darling
and Her Islands, 1934 ; Greenleaf Rhythmic
Plays, First Senes, 1922 ; Second Senes,
1925, The Fortunate Shepherds , Acting Edi
tion, Greenleaf Plays, 1930; Lectures on
Community Drama, University of Columbia
and of California, U.S.A., 1918-21; Greenleaf
Elements : (1) Action, (2) Speech, 1925,
(8) Production, 1926. Plays ; Miriam ; The
King’s Progress, produced at the Greek Theatre,
Berkeley, USA. 1920 ; The Curious Herbal
The Gilded Wreath, Belle and Beau, by Green-
leaf Players, Arts League of Service, etc ,
1916-25, The King Decrees, and with Maxwell
Armfleld, The Seventh Devil, 1928, Kingsway,
Pierrots Welcome, Everyman, 1981. Pecrea-
tion • music Club London Lyceum.
ARMF1BX.D, Maxwell Ashby. A.R.W.S.
1937 ; 8 of Jos#‘ph J. Armfield and Margaret
Maxwell ; m. Constance Smedley {<*ee Mis
Maxwell Armfield) Educ . ' hidcot and Leighton
Park, Birmingham School of Art , Paris Italy.
Illustrator , Exhibitor, R A Salons, N K A C ,
Venice International, Berlin, New York Chicago,
and all pimcipal exhibitions; Lectures on Design
and Stage Decoration at the Universities of Col-
umbia, California, New Mexico, etc , Special
Studies, Design Tempera Painting; represented,
Luxembourg, Biitish Museum, Sydney, etc ,
Member The Tempera Society, Art Workeis
Guild ; Individual shows, Carfax, Leicester,
U.S., etc. Puhlicattona * The Hanging Garden,
1914; White Horses; An Artist lu America,
An Artist in Italy; (technical) Rhythmic
Shape; Stencil Printing; A Manual of Tempera
Painting, 1930; Articles in the Studio, New
Statesman and other Magazines. liecreodtons •
music, walking. Address 2 Garden Couit, 60
Clarendon Road, W 11.
ARMIDAIjEi Biahop of, since 1929; Rt.
Rer. John Steward Moyea, M.A
^del),Th.Soc (Aust. Coll.Theol.); b Koolunga,
8 A., 25 July 1884 ; s. of John Moyes and
Ellen Jane Stoward ; m. 1909, Helen Margaret
«. d of late Sir Richard Butler, Premier and
Treasurer of S.A. , four s. two d. Edvjc.: St.
Peter's College, Adelaide (Dux) ; University of
Adelaide ; S. Barnabas Theological College,
Adelaide ; 1st Class Honours in Th L of Aust
Coll, of Theology ; course in honours Maths ,
gaming B A , 1905 ; supplemented this with
course in Classics, gaming M.A degree, 1907.
Assistant Curate, Port Pine, 1907-10 ; S. Mary,
Lewisham (Southwark), 1911-13; Rector of S
Cuthbert’s, Prospect, 1913 19 ; S. Paul s. Port
Pine, 1919-1921, 8. Bartholomew’s, Norwood,
1921-29 ; Archdeacon of Adelaide 1925-29 ,
Examining Chaplain Bishop of Adelaide, 1925
1929 • Chaplain Commonwealth Forces, 1918-20
Publicatwn. Marriage and Sex. Recreations'
cricket music. Address • Bishop s Court,
Armidale, NSW. T. : Arrnidale 355.
ARMIDAI.E, R.C. Bishop of;
Coleman, Rt. Rev. J. A.
ARM I NOTON, Frank Milton, A R.E
1910-15; Painter and Etcher; h. Fordwich,
Ontario, Canada, of Canadian parents; m. 1900
Caroline Helena Wilkinson, of Brampton, On-
tario, Canada ; no c. Kdtu:. : Toronto ; Paris
Began Art Studies with J W. L. Forster,
Toronto, 1892; Pans, m the Acad^mie
Julian, under Bepiamin Constant and J. P.
Ijaurens, 1899 and 1905-7. Exhibited at
Salon d’AuVimne, Pans ; «=»alon des Artistes
Frangais, Pans , Salon des Beaux Arts,
Pans; Carnegie Institute, U S.A. ; Toulouse,
Internationale ; Painter Etchers, London ,
Walker Art Gallery, Liverpool, etc ; two paint-
ings in Mus6e du Jeu de Paume and six
in other French galleries ; the Art Gallery of
Toronto, Canada ; also paintings in Brooklyn
Museum, Des Moines Association of Fine Arts,
Witte Museum, San Antonia, Texas, Art Asso-
ciation of Tulsa, Okla., University of Tulsa,
Okla., Women’s Club, Fort Worth, Texas. Re-
presented in the permanent print collection of:
British Museum, Ijondon; South Kensington
Museum, London ; Walker Art Gallery, Liver-
pool ; Congressional Library, Washington,
U.S.A. ; Alte Pinakothek, Munich ; Biblio-
graphie de Belgique, Brussels ; Petit Palais,
Pans , Musde du Luxembourg, Pans ; National
Gallery, Ottawa, Canada Honourable Mention :
Salon, 1908, on etchings , Srd-class medal on
painting at Toulouse International, 1908 ;
since 1919 six pamtings purchased by the
French Government and two by the Mus^e
Carnavalet, Pans. Publuaiwns . La Revue de
I’Art, ancien et moderue. Pans, 1909 , The
Studio, 1910; special number of Studio on
Modern Etchings, etc., 1912; and Gazette des
Beaux-Aits, Pans, 1912 Address: 7b bis rue
des Sts Pferes, Pans, Vll.
ARMITAGE, Captain Albert Borlase,
R D , R N R (retd ) ; Resident Governor
Royal Merchant Seaman’s Orphanage, Bear
Wood, Wokingham, 1926-32; 6. Balquhidder,
Perthshire, 2 July 18b4 , s. of S. H. Tatham
Armitage, M.D , and Alice, d. of Edward
Lees, Ashton - under-Lyne ; m. 1st, Beatrice
Laetitia, d. of H. Whitehead ; one d ; 2nd,
Dorothy Lilian Joyce, d. of Charles Crigan.
Fduc. ' privately , T N T.C , H.M.S Worcester.
Apprentice and officer in sailing ships, 1880-8b ;
joined P. <& O S. N. Co.’s service as 6th officer,
1886, rising through various grades; awarded
Murchison Grant by R.G 8 , 1898 , Sub -Lieut.
R N R., 1892; lent to Jackson - Harm worth
N. Polar Expedition as 2nd in Command
and Observer, 1894-7; promoted Lieut. R.N R
1901 ; lent to British National Antarctic
Expedition, 1901-4: 2nd m Command, Navi-
gator of Discovery, and Magnetic Observer
at Sea; first to penetrate the Antarctic con-
tinent at ice caps of Victoria Land , thanked
by Royal Sop. and R G.S ; received King’s and
R G S. medals ; promoted Commdr. R.N R ;
received R D decoration, 1907 At sea through-
out War, 1914 18 , carrying mails, troops and
food; in action with enemy, 1917, torpedoed,
ship sunk. Captain F. & O., 1907 ; Commodore
P. & 0 , 1923 ; Captain (retired) R.N R ,
1923 ; retired from P. & O , 1924 ; Seamanship
Examiner T N T C , H.M S Worcester, 1027
Pvbli(xitions : Two Years in the Antarctic, 1905 ;
Cadet to Commodore, 1925 ; Cold Lands, 1931 ,
magazine articles. Recreation ' swimming.
Address • 18 Tattenham Way, Burgh Heath,
Tad worth, Surrey. Club: Authors’.
ARMITAGEi Bernard William
Francis, M.A. (Camb ) , M R.C S ; Assistant
Director of Psychology and Psychotherapeutic
Officer, Bethlem Royal Hospital; b. 6 July
1890: 3. of William Armitage and Clara, niece
of late Sir Jonathan Hutcliinson ot Inval, Hasle-
mere, Suirey, unmarried Educ.: Gresham’s
School, Holt, St John’s College, Cambridge;
St. Bartholomew’s Hosjutal, London Fellow
and Tutor of St John’s College, Cambridge,
1919-25 ; Demonstrator of Anatomy in 'Cam-
bridge University, 1919-28 ; Member of the
British Repatriation Commission, 1918; Medical
Adviser, Olympic Games, Antwerp, 1920; Fellow
of Royal Society of Medicine ; Member of Royal
Medico-Psychological Association; Member of
Anatomical Association of Great Britain and
Ireland. Puftlicaitons • occasional articles. Re-
creations * represented Cambridge in 8 miles v.
Oxford, 1910-12 ; painting, field sports and coun-
try pursuits, travel. Address • 31 Harley Street,
W.l ; Monks Orchard, Eden Park, Kent. T. :
Springpark 1180. Clubs' Atheneeum, Achilles,
Royal Automobile, Royal Aero. University
of London : Pitt, Hawks, Cambridge.
ARMITAGE, Cecil Henry, C.B.B. 1918;
D.L., J P. Derbyshire; County Director of
B.R.C 8. ; b. 1877 ; s. of late Frederick Armitage,
WHO’S WHO, 1938
North Allerton ; m. 1902, Mary Marchent, d. of
late John Edwards, Taunton; one s. one d.
Educ. : King William's College, I.O.M
Recreations : hunting and gardening. Address
Longstone Grange, nr. Bakewell, Derbyshire
2\ : Great Longstone 8. T.A.: Arraitage, Great
Longstone, Club : County, Derby.
ARMlTAGEi MaJ.-Gen. Charles Cle-
ment, C.B 1933; O.M.G. 1918; D.S O. 1916;
late R. A. ; Command( r Ist Division since I
1930; h. 12 Dec. 1881; s. of late C. I 1
Armitage of High Royd, Honley, Yorkshire ,
m. 1st 1916, Hilda Caroline (d. 1931), d. of late
T. J Hirst, Meltham Hall, Yorkshire; three s.
one d. ; 2nfl, 1933, Eileen widow of Lieut. -Col
Frank A. W. Aimitage, D.S.O., and er. d. of
Rev. K. R. Day, q,v. Served South African
War, 1901-02 ; European War, 1914-18 (Croix de
Guerre, D.S O. and bar, C M.G., Chevalier
of the Legion of Honour, Officer of the Order
of Leopold, despatches seven times) , Com-
manding School of Artillery, 1927-29, Comm. 7th
Infantry Brigade, Tid worth, 1920-32 ; A DC.
to the King, 1910-32 , Comdt. Staff College,
Catnberley, l‘t34 3b Club United Service.
armitage^ Major Charles Eeathleyi
nS.O. 1915; O.BB. 1918; late 6th Batt
Wolcestershiie Regt. ; b 6 Mar. 1871. Entered
Army, 1892 , Captain, 1900 ; retired Liverpool
Regt , 1907 ; joined 6th Batt. Worcestershire
Regt 1914; sei ved European War, 1914-16 (D S.O
for assault on the Qeiman lines at Richebourg) ,
Chief Constable of South poit, 1907-19. Ad-
dress: Salmon Arm, British Columbia.
ARMITAGE, Rev. C3rril Moxon, M A.,
Precentor of Westminster Abbey, 1934 ; Deputy
priest to the King, 1934-35 , Priest in Ordinal y
since 1935, Minor Canon since 1932, b 4 June
1900 ; s. of late Harry and Charlotte Elizabetli
Armitage, Rydal Mount, St John s, W^akefield ,
w 1931, Eva, e d. of Herbert John and Winifred
Bnnsmead, Hendon ; one one d Kduc
Queen Elizabeth’s School, Wakefield ; St
Chad s College, Durham Diploma in Theologv,
1923. Deacon, 1923 ; Priest, 1924 ; Assistant
Cuiate S Augustine s, Kilburn, 1923 31,
Deputy Minor Canon of Westminster, 1931 ,
Assistant Secretary Church Lads’ Biigade, 1931 ,
General Secretary and Headquarters Start
Chaplain, Church Lads Brigade, 1932-35. Re
creations : music, architecture, golf Address
2 The Little Cloister, Westminster Abbey
S W.l 7. ; Abbey o005.
ARMITAGE^ Brig;. -General Edward
Hume^ C.B 1912, b 28 Jan 1859; s of Rev
E Armitage ; m 1908, Mrs. Glanville, widow
of Lt.-Col. A Glanville, R A ; ones Educ.
Clifton College , Woolwich. Enteied Royal Ar
tillery, 1878, served Burmese Expedition, 1880 9
(despatches, medal with two clasps) ; S African
War, 1899-1901 (despatches, Bt. Lt -Col , medal
with 5 clasjis); European War, 1914-18, Com-
manding R A 9th (Scottish) Division, 1914-16 ;
R. A. 6bth Division, 1916; Area Commandant and
Liaison, 1917-18. Address Surrey Lodge, Her-
sham, Walton-on-Thames. Clubs: Army and
Navy, M C.C
ARMITAGE, Francis Paul, C B E 19S3 ,
M.A. Oxon. ; Director of Education for the City
of Leicester since 1919 ; b. 21 April 1876 ; s. of
late Rev. William Armitage, Vicar of Scotforth,
Ijancaster and late Margaret Robinson ; m. 1907,
Louise, d. of late Lt.-Col J. W. Wilson, J P.,
Trinidad ; two a. oned. Educ. : Royal Grammar
School, Lancaster ; Magdalen College, Oxfonl ,
Bonn University. Assistant Master at St
Paul’s School, London, 1898-1918 (Head of
Modern Side from 1910 ; Housemaster) ; Member
of Secondary Schools Examination Council ;
Jubilee Medal, 1986. Fublicatiom : A Histoiy
of Chemistry, 1906; Chemistry, Part I (1915);
Part II (1916) ; Diet and Race, 1922 ; Leicester,
1914-18, 1933. Recreations: gardening, writing.
Address: Wyndham House, Wigston Magna,
Leicestershire. T. : Wigston 89804.
ARMITAGE, Frank, C.I.B. 1927; retired;
6. 19 Jan. 1872 ; s. of late Arthur Armitage,
J.P., D.L., of Dadiior, Ross, Herefordshire;
m. 1906, Muriel, d of late Rev Frederic Louis
Byrde ; two s. Educ. : Marlborough College
Entered Police Department, Madras, 1890 ;
Commissioner of Police, Madras City, 1910-20 ,
Inspector General of Police, Madras Presi-
dency, 1921-27. Address Kildoward, Whit-
church, Hereford. T.A. : Whitchurch, Here-
fordshire. T. : Whitchurch 43.
ARMITAGE, Rev. George; b. Southport,
1856 ; w Annie, d. of Isaac Kelsali, J.P., Ashton-
under-Lyne; one s. Educ.: Private School,
Liverpool. Entered Primitive Methodist min-
istry, 1881 ; ministry spent in Lancashire and
London ; secretary ot Hartley Theological
College for eleven years and secretary ol the
Denomination, 1919-24 ; President of the Primi-
tive Methodist Church, 1927-28. Recreation:
goit. Address; Branksome, Hipon Road, Ans-
dell, Lytham St. Aime s.
ARMITAGE, Rev. Robert, D.S O. 1902 ;
M A , Vicar of Stanton Lacy since 1922 , Pre-
bendary of Hereford siik e 1932 ; b. 6 March 1857 ,
e s. oi Arthur Armitage ot Bndstow, Co Here-
ford, Educ.. Marlborough ; Magdalen College,
Oxford. Deacon, 1880 , Priest, 1882 ; Curate of
Llanduigat, 1880-82, Chaplain, Oxford Militaiy
College, 1882 84 ; Curate of St John Baptist,
Leamington, 1884-86, served Aldershot, 1886-90 ,
Wellington Hai racks, 1890-94; Barbados,
1894-9S ; Woolwich, 1898 99 ; Cape of Good
Hope, 1899-1902 , served South Alnca, 1899-
1902, Woolwich, 1902-7, C.F., Cairo, 1907-
1911 , Plymouth, 1911-12 , Vicar of St. Chad s,
Tushingham, 1912-15; Bunbury, 1916-22,
Rural Dean of Ludlow, 1931 35. Address.
Sianton Lacy Vicaiage, Ludlow.
ARMITAGE, Robert, J.P. ; b. 22 Feb.
1866 , s. of William James Armitage of Farnley,
Leeds, m 1st, 1891, Caroline Katliarine (d.
1933), d of Dudley H. Ryder of Westbrook-Hay,
Heinel-Hempstead ; three s four d. ; 2nd, 19.36,
Mary Dorothea, widow of Rev E Bacheler
Russell Educ. : Westminster , Trinity College,
Cambridge. Manager and Director ot various
Companios, M.P. (L.) Central Leeds, 1906-22 ;
Lord Mayor of Leeds, 1904-6 Deputy Lord
Major, 1905 6, 1906-7, and 1908-9; a member of
the National Assembly of the Church Address :
Farnley Hall, Leeds T. : Leeds 38432. dubs:
Reform, National, Bath, Leeds; Sheffield.
ARMITAGE. Valentine Leatbley,
M A (Oxon ) ; Uiplome ca lettres (Rennes) ,
Headmaster, Bloxham School, since 1926; b
Feb. 1888; s of the Rev A. L. Armitage,
M ed stead ; m. 1921, Evelyn Muriel, d of
late R. C Nichols, Yockleton Hall, Salop;
no c Educ ' King’s School, Canterbury ;
Balliol College, Oxford Teaching and Lec-
turing at Rennes University, 1909-11 , Giange,
Folkestone and Gore Court, Sittingboui ne,
1911 13; Rossall School, 1914-15; War Service,
England and France and Germany, Northamp-
tonshire Regt. and Provost Corps, 1916-19 ;
Rossall, Housemaster. 1919-22; St Bees School,
Housemaster, Senior Modern Language Mastei ,
1922-25; elected a Member of the Headniasteis
Conference, 1929 Recreations' fives, walking,
archeology, acting. Address: Bloxham School,
Banbury, Oxon. T. . Bloxham 6.
ARMITSTEAD, Ven. John Hornby;
Vicar of Sandbach since 1919; Archdeacon of
Macclesfield since 1932 ; b 1868; e «. of Canon
J. R. Armitstead, Vicar of Sandbach and Hon.
Canon of Chester Educ.- Westminster;
Christ Church, Oxford. Curate of Sandbach,
Cheshire, 1892-99; Rural Dean of Conglebon,
1918 ; Hon. Canon of Chester 1926 ; J.P. County
of Chester, 1890 ; Alderman of Cheshire County
Council, 1929 Recreations: hunting, cricket.
Address : The Vicarage, Sandbach, Cheshire. T.:
Sandbach 88. Club : Oxford and Cambridge.
ARMOUR^ aeorffe Denholm. O.B.B. ; b. t ARMSTRONG, Colonel Bertie Harold
Scotland. 80 Jan. 1864 : 8rd $. of Robert Araiour Olivier, C.B. 1919 ; C.M.G. 1918 ; late R.B.;
and Marion Paterson ; m. 1st, 1898, Mary Emma
(d. 1924), d. of John Robb, J.P., Busby House,
Busby ; two s, ; 2nd, 1926, Violet, d. of late
Capt. J. P, M. Burton of Brasted House, Kent,
and Taverham, Norfolk ; one d. Educ. : St.
Andrews. Studied Art at the Edinburgh School
of Art and Royal Scot. Academy from 1880 to
about 1888, during which time exhibited in most
of chief galleries ; afterwards went to London,
working as painter and illustrator; commanded
Remount Squadron, 1915 ; transferred to
Salonica, 1917 , promoted to Lt.-Col. to com-
mand Remount Depot, B.S.F., 1917, and to
D.A.D. Remounts; exhibits in R.A. and
other galleries. Works: equestrian portraits
of Dowager Duchess of Beaufort, Sir Lionel
Darell, Miss Bsm6 Jenner, J. B, Lewis,
etc. Pubhcations: Humour in the Hunting
Field, 1928 ; Sport and There’s the Humoui
of it, 1935; illustrator of woiks of Surtees,
etc. ; many drawings in the Graphic, Sporting
and Dramatic News, Punch, Country Life, etc
Eecreations : hunting, shooting, ttshing, and
all field sports. Address: The Old Court
House, Yetmmster, Dorset. Club: Savage.
ARMOUR^ Margraret: see MacDougall, M.
ARMSi John Taylor, A.R.E. 1934 ; N.A.
1933; Etcher; President Society of American
Etchers, Inc. ; b. Washington, D.C , U.8.A.
1887, of American parentage ; m. 1913, Dorotliy
Noyes ; two s. one d. Edur. : Princeton Uni
versity; Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
8.B., S.M. Aichitect until 1917; Etcher; re-
presented in the Permanent Colltctioiis of.
Brooklyn Museum, Congressional Library
(Washington, D.C.), Los Angeles Museum,
Cleveland Museum, Museum of Fine Arts (Bos-
ton, Mass.), United States National Museum
(Washington, D.C.), Bibhotheque Nationale
(Pans), The British Museum, Victor laand Albert
Museum, Art Institute ol Chicago, Art Gallery
of Toronto, Metropolitan Museum (New Yoik
City), etc. Publtcations : Handbook of Print
Making and Print Makers, 1934 ; (with wife) De-
sign in Flower Arrangement, 1937; illustrated
Churches of France and Hill Towns and Cities
of Northern Italy, by Dorothy Noyes Arms.
Address: Mill Stones, Greenfield Hill, Fairfield,
Connecticut, U.8. A. T, : Fairfield 477. Clubs :
Century, Lotos, Grolier, National Arts (Life
Member), Salmagundi, New York.
ARMSTRONG. Ist Baron, of Bamburgh and
Oragside (cr. 1903), William Henry Arm-
strong; Fitzpatrick Watson - Arm-
strong;, J.P., D.L. ; Major, Northumberland
Hussars I. Y., ret. : T.D. ; County Alderman,
Northumberland O.C., D. C. Rothbury Rural
and Urban Councils, Chairman Rothbury
Guardians ; President for Northumberland of
the League of Meicy ; Hon. Freeman of New-
castle-upon-Tyne ; b. S May 1863 ; s of late John
William Watson of Addeistone Hall, Belford ;
and g.n. of 1st Baron Armstrong (d. 1900,
Barony extinct); m. 1st, 1889, Winilreda {d.
1914), d. of late Sir John Adye, G.C.B ; ones. ;
2nd, 1916, Beatrice Elizabeth {d. 1934), Lady
Pres, of League of Mercy for Northumberland,
Order of Mercy, e d. of late Jonathan Cowx,
Tudhoe ; 3rd, 1935, Kathleen, d. of late Rev.
C. T. England. Editc. : Eton ; Trinity College,
Cambridge. M.A.; Hon. D.C.L. Durham. Heir:
8, Hon. W. J. Montagu Watson-Armstrong, q.v.
Add/ress : Cragside, Rothbury, Morpeth ; T. :
Rothbury 3 ; Bamburgh Castle, Northumber-
iand; T. : Bamburgh 5. Clv^s. Carlton, Con-
stitutional ; Northern Counties, Newcastle.
ARMSTRONG, Anthony (A. A.), see
Willis, Capt. A. A. *
ARMSTRONG, Arthur Campbell,
C.I.B. 1922; O.B.E. 1933; O.B.B. 1919.; b. 26
Nov. 1878. Joined Indian Police Service, 1895 ;
retired, 1933 ; King’s Police Medal, 1909.
0 . 18 Dec. 1878 ; 2nd s. of Charles Newhouse
Armstrong, of Montieal, Canada, and Amelia
Prances, d. of J. E. Johnstone ; w. 1914, Dorothy
Maud, d. of Janies Padgett Cooper, Strawberry
Hill, Middlesex ; one s. one d. Educ. : Royal
Military College, Kingston, Canada. Entered
Royal Eiigineeis, 1893 ; served Sierra Leone Ex-
pedition, 1898-99 ; C.R.B. West Coast of Africa,
1899-1900 , South Afiican War, 1900-2 ; Director
of Relief Works, Orange River Colony Govern-
ment, 1902-6 ; Member of Industrial Commis-
sion O.R.C., 1903-4; Member of Intercolonial
Irrigation Commission, South Africa, 1904-5 ;
Commanding Royal Engineer, Natal and Harii-
sinith, 1906-10; Member of Conciliation Com-
mission, Natal Government Railways, 1909 ;
lent to Colonial Office tor Survey of Gambia,
1910; Staff-Captain, War Office, 1911 ; at War
Office till 1918, when transferred as Director of
Inland Air Ministry, 1918; retired Nov.
1919. Publication: Military Handbook of Natal.
Address: 14 Hyde Park Gate, S.W.7. 2’.;
Western 4145. Clubs: Ranelagh, City of London.
ARMSTRONG, Sir Charles Herbert,
Kt., cr. 1913; Chairman Gieat Indian Peninsula
Railway Co. Annuity Branch ; b. 24 Nov. 1862 ;
2ndi. of Thomas Armstrong, Bowdon, Cheshire ,
m. 1896, Mane Louise Tlierese, e d. of M. C C.
Magrath, Liverpool. Educ.: Kings School,
Canterbury. Went out to India, 1885. Chaiiman
of the Bombay Chamber of Coinmeice, 1904-5,
1907, 1909, 1911, 1912, 1913; additional Member
of Imperial Legislative Council, India, 1909,
1911, 1912, 1913, atldilional Meniberof Bombay
Legislative Council, 1904, 1905, 1907 President
Bank of Bombay, 1908, 1911, 1918 , Chairman
of the Great Indian Peninsula Railway Co.,
1917-25 ; and for ten years a Trustee ol the Port
of Bombay. Address: Elmhyrst, Guildford.
T. : Guildford 843
ARMSTRONG, Rev. Claude Blakeley,
M.A., B.D., Headmaster of St. Andiew’s
College, Orahamstown, S A., since 1934 ; b.
31 Oct. 1889 ; «. s. of late Rev. J. B. Armstrong,
M.A. ; w. 1914, Hester, d. of late Sir Samuel
Dill, Litt.D. ; one d. Educ.: St. Stephen’s
Green School and Trinity College, Dublin (hirst
Classical Scholai) Senior Mod eratoi in Classics
and Philosophy ; Fellowship pri/eman ; Vice-
chancellor’s prizeman and medallist. Deputy
for the Professor of Greek, Queen’s Uni-
versity, Belfast, 1913-14 ; Headmaster of Cork
Grammar School, 1914-19 ; Warden of St.
Coliimba’s College, Rathfaruham, 1920 - 33 ;
Member of the Headmasteis’ Coulerence , Mem-
ber of the Council of Rhodes Univei.sity Coll.;
President Irish Schoolmasterg’A8sociation,1929.
Publications : The Persians of Aeschylus trans-
lated into English verse ; contributor to Re-
views and Punch ; Editor Sir S. Dill’s Roman
Society m Gaul in tlie Merovingian Age. Recrea-
tions: tennis, golf, fishing. Addressii^U Andrew’s
College, Orahamstown, S Africa. Clubs: Uni-
versity, Dublin; Albany, Grahamstown.
ARMSTRONG, Bdmund ha Touche,
M.A., LL.B. ; b. Heme Hill, Geelong, 1864 ;
5. of John Simpson Armstrong of the Irish
and Victorian Bars, and Alice, d. of Major
O’Dell. Educ. : Scotch College, Melbourne ;
University of Melbourne. Assistant in the
Public Library, 1881 ; read law with the inten-
tion of practising at the Bar, and graduated in
the Law School, 1898 ; Principal Assistant in
the Reference Library, 1895 ; Chief Librarian and
Secretary, Public Libraryi Museums, and
National Gallery of Victoria, 1896-1925. Publica-
tions : editor of and contributor to the Library
Journal of Australasia. 1901-2 ; Book of the
Public Library, Museums, and National Gallery
of Victoria, 1866-1906 ; continued in conjunction
with R. D. Boys, 1906-81. Address: 9 Bates
Street, East Malvern, Melbourne, S.B.6.,
WHO’S WHO, 1938
ARMSTRONOi l.t.-Ool. Rdwardi
O.M.G. 1918; D.S.O. 1917; b. 1869; 2nd s, of
late C. B. Armstrong, of Staunton Wyville,
Leicestershire; m, 1907, Constance B., 2nd d.
of late A. R. Tull, D.T , J.P., of Orookham
House, near Newbury ; one d. Educ. : Hailey
bury. Bntered H.L.I, 1892; retired as Lieut. -
Colonel, 1919 ; served N.W. Frontier of India,
1897-8 (medal with clasp) ; South African War,
1901-2 with Mounted Infantry (despatches
Queen’s medal three clasps; Brevet Major);
Burc^ean War, 1914-19 (despatches, C.M.G.,
D.S.O. ). Address: Aberdunant, near Port-
madoc, Carnarvonshire Club : Army and Navy.
ARMSTRONG, Bdward Frankland,
F.R.S 1920; D Sc., Ph.D., LL.D., F.I.G. ;
M I Ohem.B. j J.P., Cheshire ; Chemical Con-
sultant; Director of the South Metropolitan
Gas Co. Ltd. and Commoicial Gas Co. Ltd. ;
a. of late Henry Bdward Armstrong, F.R.8. ;
b. 1878 ; m. 1907, Ethel, d. of C. K. Turpin,
Woolwich ; one s. one d President of the
Society of Ohernioal Industry, 1922-24 ; Chair-
man Association of British Chemical Manufac-
tureia, 19.^0-33 ; Chairman British Association
of Chemists, 1926 ; Chairman British Standards
Institution, 1934 85 and 1937-38; Managing Dn
ector Joseph Crosfield & Sons, Warrington, 1915-
1925; Wni. Gosaage & Son, Widnes, 1916-20;
Biitish Dye Stutfs Corporation, Manchestei,
1925-28; Chairman Soap Manufacturers Em-
ployers’ Federation and of the Joint Industrial
Council for the Soap Trade, 1920-25 ; Gover-
nor Imperial College of Science; Chairman
Organising Committee International Congress
of Scientific Management, 1935 ; Vice-Chairman,
British Management Council ; Vice-President
Royal Society of Arts, 1930-37. Puhhcattons :
The Simple Catbohydiates, 1910; Chemistiy
in the Twentieth Century, 1924 ; The Glycosides,
1931; contributed a large number of oiiginal
papers to the Royal Society, the Chemical
Society, and elsewhere; author of articles in
Thoipes Dictionary and other technrcal
journals. Address : 69 Barkston Gardena,
S. W 6 r..' Frobisher 1798. Clubs Athenseum,
ARMSTRONG, Francia Philip, O B.E.
1918, Barrister, Inner Temple ; late Commander
R.N.V.R. ; Secretary and General Manager,
Royal Automobile Club ; h and hen -pres, to Sir
George Armstrong, 2nd Bt , g v ; b 16 Oct
1871; m. 1896, Pukhena Margaret, d of late
George Fox, Elmhurst Hall, Lichfield
Address Oxleys, Beaulieu, Hants. T., Beaulieu
16 Clubs: Junior Carlton, Royal Automobile.
ARMSTRONG, Frederick Ernest;
Member of the Stock Exchange, London, and
artner in the firm of Killik and Co., stock
rokers ; b 26 Aug 18S4 ] o s of late Frederick
and Louisa Armstrong , m 1910, Elizabeth
Marion, e. d of late Thomas Daniel Follett
three s two d. Tuiuc . Portsmouth, Plymouth
and London. Authority on Stock Exchange
procedure and lecturer on Exchange Law and
Practice to the City of London College ;
Member of Advisory Committee to the London
County Council Commercial Evening Insti
tutes ; contributor to the Press on financial
matters Pubhcatton : The Book of the Stock
Exchange. Recreations: motoring, sport and
travel. Address: Hollywood House, Fille
brook Road, B. 11. 2\A.: Myopia London.
T. : Leytonstone 2569.
ARMSTRONG, Sir Georre (Elliot): 2nd
Bt., cr. 1892 ; C M.G.1917; Comm. RN., retired,
«. 8. of Ist Bt. and Alice FitzRoy, d. of Rev. C. J.
Furlong; 6. 19 Jan. 1866; S. father, 1907,
m. 1st, Edith (d. 1924), d. of late Adolphus
Pass, The Grange, Chalfont St. Peter ; one d, ;
2nd, 1925, Milhcent, d. of Adolph Ortlepp,
Graaf Reinet, Cape Colony (Bmelia Micza,
prima donna of La Scala, Milan, Royal Opera
House, Madrid, etc,). Educ.: H.M.S. Britannia.
Bntered Navy, 1878 ; Lieutenant, 1890 ; served
Mediterranean, North America, West Indies,
Channel, and China stations ; resigned 1892,
and Joined staff of Globe, which he edited for
12 years; contested (C.) Pembroke Boroughs,
Jan. 1910, and Southanipton, Dec. 1910 ;
appointed, outbreak of War, Chief Naval
Censor at Press Bureau; commanded Havre
Patrol and Mine Sweepers for 8 years in
European War (despatches, C M.G., Officier
Legion d’Honneur, Croix de Guerre) ; Order of
Rising Sun (Japan); Assistant Naval Liaison
Officer, Pans, 1919 ; Member of Delegation of
British Journalists to U.S.A., 1928 ; on Emer-
gency List of Officers Royal Navy. Publication
Torpedoes and Torpedo-Vessels, 1896. Heir : b.
Francis Philip, q.v. Address: The Hollies,
Poyle, Colnbrook, Bucks. Clubs : Carlton,
Naval and Military, Beefsteak.
ARMSTRONG, Georgre Gilbert:
President General Assembly of Unitarian and
Free Christian Churches, 1935 86 ; journalist,
retired; 6. Nottingham, 1870; e. s of late
Rev. Richard Acland Armstrong of Nottingham
and Liverpool ; m. 1894, Katharine, d. of
late William Clark of Nottingham; one s.
Educ.: private schools; University College,
Liverpool Served successively on editorial
staffs of liiverpool Mercury, Nottingham Ex-
press, North-Eastern Gazette, Bradford Ob-
server, Bolton Evening News, and Morning
Leader ; editor Northern Echo, Newcastle and
Darlington, 1904-8, managing editor northern
edition of the Daily News (Manchester), 1908-21 ;
assistant editor of the Daily News, 1921-28 ;
Dnector, 1919-22; free lance, 1924-30 (editor
of the Inquirer, 1028-30 ; Chairman since 1984).
Publications * Our Ultimate Aim in the War ;
Richard Acland Armstrong: a Memoir; and
pamphlets. Recreation : committee work.
Address : 133 North End Road, Qolders Green,
N W 11. T. : Speedwell 7507.
ARMSTRONG, Captain Harold
Courtenay, O B E. ; B.A (Oxon); Bronze
Medal of Royal Humane Society ; b 20 Oct.
1802; of William Frederick Armstrong and
Frances Carnsew. Educ. King’s School,
Worcester ; Oxford. Indian Army, 67th
Punjabis ; to Mesopotamia with Expeditionary
Foice; captured at Kut-al-Amarah ; War
Office in M 12 (b); Assistant and Acting
Military Attach^ to the British High Com-
missioner, Constantinople ; on staff of G.O.C.
in C , Allied Forces of Occupation in Turkey ;
Supervision of the Turkish Gendarmerie ; on
staff of Commission for the Asse.S8ment of
Damages suffered m Turkey, in Pans ; British
Delegate, Syrian Sub Commission of above
commission. Pubhcatton'^ Grey Wolf (Mustafa
Kemal of Tuikey) ; Lord of Arabia (King Ibn
Sand) Grey Steel (Geueial J C. Smuts);
Unending Battle ; Tales of Hazard ; On the
Run (Escaping Tales) , Turkey in Travail ;
Turkey and Syria Reborn. Jiecttatwns. riding,
tennis and golf, travel and exploration. Ad-
tlrei>s Pen wood, Highclere, Newbury, Hants.
ARMSTRONG, Sir (Harry) Gloster,
K.C.M.G. n' 1931; K B.B.. cr. 1923; Com-
mercial Adviser to the Manchestei Ship Canal
Company; 6 Belturbet, Co. Cavan, 17 Jan, 1861 ,
s. of John Armstrong, Irish lawyer, and Sarah
Helen Moffatt ; m. twice, 2nd 1912, Margaret
Hanway ; one «. two d. Educ. : Royal School,
Cavan ; Dr Benson’s, Dublin ; Army Academy
under Dr Chet wode Crawley. Lt. County Cavan
Regb., 1878 ; served in Royal Irish Fusiliers
and 105th Regt., attached to 88th Regt. ;
resigned from army, 1884 ; Officers’ Reserve ;
acted as amateur, and after leaving army
played round of Shakespearean and Old Com-
edy with Sir Frank R. Benson’s Shakespearean
Co. ; later joined Haymarket Theatre Co.,
London, then under the Bancroft manage-
ment; F,R.Q.8,; H.B.M. Consul-General, New
York City, 1920-31. Publications: Catechism of
Squad Drill (2 editions); Words of Command
and Caution used in Company Drill, Words of
Command and Caution used m Battalion Drill
(2 editions) ; Catechism of Regulations for
Encampment. Recreations: sailing, swimming,
rowing, walking. Address : Queen Anne’s
Mansions, St. James’s, S.W.l; Whitehall
6262; 40 East 54th Street, -New Yoik. Cluhs:
Union, Savage ; Kildare Street, Dublin ; Union,
Century, Downtown, India House, New York.
ARMSTRONG^ Rt.Hon. Henry Bruce^
Hon. LL.D., Queen’s University, Bellast, 1937;
H.M.L. Co. Armagh, 1924 ; Privy Councillor for
N. Ireland, 1932; 2ud surv. s. of Wm J ones Wright
Armstrong, J.P., D.L., Co. Armagh, High
Sheriff, 1840, and Frances Elizabeth, widow of
Sir Michael McCreagh, K.C.H., and d. of late
Mi^jor Christopher Wilson, 22nd Regt. ; 6. Hull
House, Shoulden, Kent, 1844; m. 1883, Margaret
(d. 1936), d. of Wm. Leader, Rosnalea, Co.
Cork ; five s. three d. Educ : Armagh Royal
School; Trinity College, Cambridge. Took
Degree 2iid Class Law Tripos, M.A., 1870; Bar
nster-at-law, 1868; J.P., D.L., Co. Armagh,
High Sheriff, Armagh, 1875; Longfoid, 1894 ;
Vice-Lieutenant, Co. Armagh, 1920; Senator,
Queen’s University, Belfast, 1920-37 ; Member ol
Irish Convention, 1917-18; County Councillor,
Armagh, 1899-1920 ; Chairman, 1909-20 ; Senator
Northern Ireland, 1921-37 ; returned unop-
posed to House of Commons for Mid-Armagh,
1921 ; 25 years member of Representative
Body of Church of Ireland ; Chairman, County
Armagh Education Committee, 1925-31 ; Presi-
dent, Association of Education Committees of
N. Ireland. Recreations: tiavelled extensively
in Bast and Far Bast for several years : no
special recreation, but joins in any available.
Address: Deans Hill, Armagh. Clubs: Carl-
ton ; Ulster, Belfast
ARMSTRONG, Henry Bdward, F.K.S.
1876; Hon. F.R.S E., Hon. F.C.O.I. ; Ph.D.,
LL.D., D.Sc., Melbourne and Madrid ; Emeritus
Professor of Chemistry at the City and Guilds
College, South Kensington ; h. 6 May 1848 ;
m. 1877, Frances Louisa (d 1930). Awarded
Davy Medal Royal Society, 1911; Messel Medal
Society of Chemical Industry, 1922 ; Albert
Medal Royal Society of Arts, 1930. PwbZtca-
Hons: Essays on the Teaching of Scientific
Method, 2nd ed., 1925; The Art and Principles
of Chemistry, 1927. Address: 55 Granville
Park, Lewisham, S.E 13. Club: Athenaeum
[Died IS July 1937,
ARMSTRONG, Brig:. -Gen. Herbert;
lee Aimstrong, T. G L. H.
ARMSTRONG, Col. John CecU, C.B.
1918 ; C.M G. 1916 ; b. 28 Aug. 1870 ; y. s. of late
Maj. -General John Armstrong, C.B.; m. 1890,
Minnie (d. 1936), d of late Charles Morrell, J.P.,
The Manor, Dorchester; one s Educ. • Wellington
College; Il.M.C., Sandhurst (Queen's Cadet)
Served S. Africa, 1899-1902 (Queen’s medal 3
clasps. King’s medal 2 clasps) ; Europe^in War,
1914-18 (C.M.G.,C.B.); Chief Paymaster, War
Office, and Officer in charge of Records,
R.A.P.C., 1924-28; retired pay, 1930; Col.-Comdt.
R.A.P.C. since 1928. Address : B>^^ay8, Albury,
ARMSTRONG, John D. H. ; see Heaton-
Arm strong
ARMSTRONG, John Elliot, C.I.E
1927; O.B.E. 1923: Director-General of Police,
Hyderabad; b. 21 Sep. 1875. Joined Indian
Police Service, 1897 ; Deputy Inspector-General
C.I.D., Bengal, 1920; retired, 1929; King’s
Police Medal. 1926. Address: Police and Jail
Departments, Hyderabad, Deccan, India.
ARMSTRONG, John Warneford
Scobell, C.B E. 1920; Offleier d’Acad6mie ;
Barrister-at-Law; b. 1 Mar. 1877 ;o. 5. of late John
and late Fanny Scobell Armstrong, of Nan ceal-
veme, nr. Penzance ; m. 1926, Winifred Amy, yr.
d. of Rev. Douglas Hamilton, of Ren hold, near
Bedford ; ones. Ednc» : Abroad. Called to Bar,
Inner Temple, 1905; member of Western Circuit;
Assistant Postal Censor, 1014-15 ; in charge of
sub -section of Directorate of Military Intelli-
gence, War Office, 1915-1919; Assistant Legal
Adviser to the Foreign Office, 1919-20; Legal
Adviser to Reparation Claims Department,
Board of Trade, 1920-22. Publications: The
Trade Continuation Schools of Germany, 1918 ;
War and Treaty Legislation, 1914-21. Address :
Nancealverue, Pen/ance. T. ; Penzance 101.
Clubs: St. James’s, Eighty, M.C.C.
ARMSTRONG, Martin Donisthorpe,
author ; b. NewcaStle-on-Tyne, Oct. 1882 ; 8.
of late Charles Armstrong, Brisco Hill, Carlisle;
m. 1980, Jessie McDonald Aiken ; one s. Educ.:
Charterhouse School ; Pembroke College, Cam-
bridge (B.A.). Private in 2nd Batt. Artists
Rifles, 1914-16 ; Commission in 8th Batt. Middle-
sex Regt., 1916-19 ; served in France ; Associate
Literary Editor of The Spectator, 1922-24.
Publications: Exodus, and other poems, 1912;
Thirty New Poems, 1918; The Buzzards, 1921 ;
The Puppet Show, 1922; Jeremy Taylor, a
Selection from his Works, 1923 ; The Bazaar,
1924 ; The Goat and Comxiasses, 1925 ; Desert,
1926; Sir Pompey and Madame Juno, 1927;
The Stepson, 1927 ; Saint Hercules, 1927 ;
Sc. Christopher’s Day, 1928; The Birdcatcher
(poems) and The Sleeping Fury 1929; Adrian
Glynde, 1930 , Collected Poems, Mr. Darby,
and The Paintbox, 1931 ; Lover’s Leap, 1932 ;
The Foster-Mother and Fifty Four Corueits,
1933 ; General Buntop’s Miracle, 1934; (Ed.) The
Major Pleasures of Life, 1934 ; Venus over
Lannery, 1936 ; A Case of Conscience, 1937 ;
Spanish Circus (1788-1808), 1937. Recreation :
walking. Address: Sutton, near Pulborough,
ARMSTRONG. Sir Nesbitt William,
4th Bart. ; cr. 1841 ; b 8 July 1875 ; s of 2nd
Bart, and Alice, d. ol W W. Fisher ; brother,
1922; m. 1910, Clarice Amy, d. of John Carter
Hodgkinson, Maryborough, Victoria, Australia,
one s. one d. Heir : s. Andrew St. Clare, b. 27
Dec. 1012.
ARMSTRONG, General St. George
Bewes, C.B. 1919; C.M.G. 1919, Hon. Col.
Comdt., Chatham Div. R.M since 1934; b. 23
May 1871 ; 5. of Ck)l. W. G. Armstrong, R.M.L 1.,
and Augusta Annie, d. of Augustus Bewes ;
m. 1914, Constance Dorothy Christian, d.
of J. B. Friar, ot Duddo, Co. Northumber-
land ; one s. (d. 1931). Educ. • Mannamead
School, Plymouth. 2nd Lieut Plymouth Div.,
R.M.L I. 1889 ; MSiior-Oeneral, 1923; Lt.-Gen.,
1925 ; General, 1926 ; Naval Intelligence Depart-
ment, 1899-1904; P.S.C. 1907; Staff R.N. War
College, 1907-10 ; G.S.O 2 Western Coast
Defences, 1913; A A. and Q.M.G., H Q L. of
C. Medilerrapean Expeditionary Force, 1915;
after evacuation of Gallipoli held various
staff appointments in Egyptian Expeditionary
Force, including A A. and Q.M.G. 54 Div. 1917
and D.A. and Q.M G. (temp. Brig.-General)
2l8t Army Corps and North Force, 1917-20
(Brevet Colonel, C.M.G , C B., 8rd Class Nile,
Croix de Guerre, despatches 5 times); Com-
mandant, Portsmouth Division Royal Marine
Light Infantry, 1920-28 ; retired list, 1927.
A^ress: Highfaeld, South Brent, Devon.
Club: United Service.
ARMSTRONG, Samuel, C.B.E. 1937 ;
J.P. ; Managing Director Cranfield Bros. Ltd.,
Flour Millers, Ipswich since 1908 ; b. 1878 ; s. of
late Samuel Armstrong, Shingay, Cambridge-
shire ; m. 1903, Florence Eva, d. of late Thomas
Dixon, Chelmsford ; two s. one d. Educ. : Kent
College, Canterbury. Commenced business at
Cranfield Bros., 1893; Member of Council of
National Association British and Irish Millers
since 1914; Member of Executive Committee
since 1917; President 1920-21; Member of
Board ot Millers Mutual Association since
1930 ; Member of Ipswich Dock Commission
since 1909; Vice-Chairman since 1923 ; Member
of Wheat Commission since 1932 ; Member
WHO’S WHO, 1988
of Board Alliance Assurance Co., Ipswich
Branch. RecrmHonn: golf, tennis, shooting.
Address: Barncroft, Stone Lodge Lane, Ips-
wich. T.A.‘ and T: Ipswich 3331. Cluh<<:
Farmers; County, Ipswich.
Carter, B.A. (Reap.) ; Retired ; 6. Aug.
1866 ; 8. of Alan Armstrong, late of Lake-
view, Manorhamilton, Co. Leitrim ; m. 1878
Eliza, d. of John Martin, Solicitor, Dublin:
four 8. five d. Educ : Bournemouth Prepara-
tory College (Wanklyn’s) ; Rathmines School ;
Trinity College, Dublin. Deacon, 1886 ; Priest,
1886 ; Curate of Drumcannon, Tramore, 1885-6 ;
Rector of Shrule, Ballymahon, 1886-91; Tubber-
curry, 1891-2 ; Curate of Portadown, 1892-4 ,
Rector of Templederry, 1894-1911 ; Canon ot
Lockeen (Killaloe), 1909; Rector of Kilrush,
1911-23 ; Chancellor of St. Flannan’s Cathedral
(Killaloe), 1917 , Curate-m charge of the Light
Duty parish of Finglas, 1923-26. Puhh/iatwns .
The Cooneyites or Dippers : being a Plain
Refutation of their Errors. Recreations *
angling, chess. Address : Tempo, Co. Fer-
managh, Ireland.
ARMSTRONG, Thomas Graves
Lowry Herbert, C.B.E. 1918; late of
Killciare Clara, Kings Co., 6th Northum
berland Fusiliers; b. 12 Dec 1856; «. s. of
John Herbert Armstrong, Major, late 95th
Regt , and Elizabeth Catherine, d of R. W
Lowry, D.L , Pomeioy, Co. Tyrone; m
Emily Theodosia, y. d. of St. John Bla< ker
Douglas, D.L., of Elm Park, Killylea ; one d.
Julitc . Trinity College, Dublin. Entered
Army, 1877, Captain, 1884; Major, 1894; Lieut.-
(’olonel, 1900, Bt.-Col., 1903, Substantive Col.,
1907 , commanded 5th N. Fusiliers, 19(X)-4 ; No
3 Group District, 1907-11 ; retired, 1912 , offered
service at commencement of European War;
temp Biig.-Gen , 1914; commanded 62nd In-
fantry Brigade of New Army ; served m France,
1916-1917 and 1918 (despatches, granted rank of
Hon Brig. -Gen 1917, C.B.E). Recreations
hunting, shooting, etc. Address: 58 Hans
Road, S.W.l. T : Kensington 7948. Clubs:
Naval and Military ; Ro>al Wimbledon Golf
ARMSTRONG^ Thomas Henry Walt,
M.A., Mus.Doc. ; Organist of Christ Church
Cathedral, Oxfoid, since 1933 , Conductor ot
the Oxford Bach Choir; Choragus of the
Unu ersity, 1937 ; o. s. of A. E. Armstrong,
Peterborough, Northants; b. 15 June 1898;
w. 1926, Hostel, 2nd d. of late Rev. W. H
Draper; one s. one d, Educ.: Choir School,
Chapel Royal, St. James s ; King’s School, Peter-
borough; Keble College, Oxford ; Royal College
of Music. Organist, Thorney Abbey, Cambs,,
1914; sub-organist, Peterboiough Cathedral,
1916; Organ Scholar, Keble College, Oxford,
1916; Lt. R.G.A., B.E.F., Prance, 1917-19;
sub -organist, Manchester Cathedral, 1922;
organist, St. Peter’s, Eaton Square, 1928 ,
organist of Exeter Cathedral, 1928-83 Composi-
tions • The Passer-by, for chorus and orchestra ;
The World of Light, for soprano solo, chorus,
and orchestra ; Quintet for pianoforte and
strings ; sonata for violin and pianoforte ,
songs, part-songs, anthems, etc. Publicaiions *
Strauss' Tone-poems; Mendelsohn’s Elijah,
1931 ; and numerous critical articles and
reviews. Address: Christ Church Cathedral,
A,|lMSTRONG. Williami M.A. ; Director
and Producer, The Repertory Theatre, Liver-
pool ; b. Edinburgh 80 Nov. 1882 Educ. :
Edinburgh University. Studied for the musical
profession, and was for some years a school-
master ; studied for stage under F. R. Benson ,
first appearance on London stage in 1909 in
Beerbohm Tree’s company ; acted m Germany,
America, and in London under the management
of Arthur Bourehier, J. B. Fagan, Matheson
Lang and others ; for many years acting with
various Repertory Theatre Companies in
Glasgow, Liverpool, Birmingham, and Every-
man Theatre ; appointed Producer to the
Liverpool Repertory Theatre 1922 and became
the Director of the Theatre 1923 ; produced for
the O.U.D.8. in 1925; Shnte Lecturer m the
Art of the Theatre at Liverpool University,
1929 , Hon M A. Liverpool University, 1930.
Publications Collaborated in a children s play,
King of the Castle, with A. P. Herbert, and
with Francis Brett Young in the play entitled
The Furnace. Recreations: music, book-
collecting and travel. Address: The Repertory
Theatre, Liverpool. Clubs : Green Room ;
University, Liverpool.
ARMSTRONG, William Georgre,
B.A., M B , Ch.M., 1888, Sydney Univer-
sity ; D.P.H Cambridge, 1895 ; Fell. R. San.
Inst ; Member New South Wales Board of
Health ; Member City of Sydney Building
Advisory Comittee; Major, A A.M.C. (retired
list); late Director-General of Public Health,
New South Wales, and President of the Board
of Health ; late Lecturer and Examiner in
Public Health, University of Sydney ; b.
Leigh, Essex, 29 May 1860 ; s. of Richard R.
Armstrong, Commander, R.N. ; m. 1888, Eliza-
beth, d of Rev. C. F. Garnsey of Christ Cliurch,
Sydney ; one s. one d. Educ. : The King’s
School, Canterbury ; University of Sydney ;
London Hospitah Was member City of Sydney
Imprcvement Board and was President of the
Section of Public Health, Australasian Medical
Congress, Adelaide, 1905 ; Dep. Chm. Metro-
polian Meat Industry Board, 1924-25 Publi-
cations : Epidemic Smallpox in New South
Wales, Proceedings Royal Society of Medicine,
1914 ; Preventive Medicine in Australia,
Journal Royal Sanitary Institute, 1923; article
Public Health in Australian Bncyclopa»dia ;
other articles on public health and epidemo-
logical subjects. Address: 49 Wentworth Road,
Vaiiclnse, Sydney, NSW.
see Jones
ARMYTAGE, Rev. Canon Dtmcan,
M A. , Canon Missioner Diocese of Southwark,
Warden of the College of St Saviour, Cars
ballon, and Warden of the Southwark Diocesan
House, Carshalton since 1934 ; b. 22 Ang. 1880 ,
s. of William Ka> e Lewis Armytage and Florence
Beatrice Daniel , unmarried. Eouc : Leetis
Grammar School; St Edmund Hall, Oxfoid ;
Cuddesdon Tlieological College. Assistant
Curate, St. Peters, Plymouth, 1913-17 ; Assist
ant Master, St. Cuthberts School, Worksop,
and Licensed Preacher in the diocese of South-
well, 1917 18; Assistant Curate, The Annuncia-
tion, Chislehuist, 1918 19, Assistant Cuiate,
St. James’, De\onpoit, in chaige of the Kelly
College Mission, 1919-23; Vice-Principal, Dor-
ohe-.ter Missionaiy College, 1923-27 ; Warden of
St. Anselm Hall, Uni\erait> of Manchester,
1927-34 ; Examining Chaplain to the Bishop of
Southwark since 1932 Publications ’ Christi-
anity in the Roman Woild; Firmly I believe.
Recreations golf, motoring, etc. Address : Col-
lege of St. SaMonr, Caishalton, Surrey. T.:
Wallingtori 2434.
ARMYTAGE. Brigr-Gen. Sir Geor«re
(Ayscou^h). 7th Bt , <3r. 1738 ; C.M.G. 1918;
D.S.O. 1917; b. 2 Mar. 1872; *. of 6th Bt.
and Ellen (d. 1890), d. of Rev. A. Fawkes of
Farnley Hall, Yorkshire; S. father, 1918; m.
1899, Aim(&e, 3rd d. of Sir Lionel Milborne
Swinnerton-Pilkington, 11th Bt. ; twoi. oned.
J.P., W. Riding of Yorkshire ; formerly Lt -
Col. KR.RC, and Col. commanding 2nd
West Riding Inf. Brig., T.A., 1921-22 (now
Hon. Brig - Gen.); European War, 1914-18.
Brig.-Gen commanding an Infantry Brigade,
19lb-18 (despatches tour times, Bt. Lt -Col ,
D S.O., O.M G., Col., Croix de (Juerre). Owns
about 8600 acres. Heir: s. John Lionel [b.
23 Nov. 1901 ; m. 1927, Evelyn Mary Jessamine,
d. of Edward Herbert Fox, of Adbury Park,
WHO’S WHO, 1988
Newbury ; one s. (6. 26 Feb. 1933) one d, Educ. :
Eton ; Sandhurat. Capt. King’s Royal
Rifle Corps]. Addrw: Kirklees Park, Brig-
house, Yorks. T.A. : Array tage, Brighoiiae.
T. : Brighouse 16. Club . Carlton.
ARMYT AGE, Vivian B. G.j see Green-
ARNETT, Edward John, C.M.G. ; late
Senior Resident in the Southern Provinces of
Nigeria, West Africa ; 4tli s. of late Charles
Arnett of Fairfield, Great Bookham, Surrey ; m.
1912, Mildred Helen, d. of Rev. Walter Wace,
Rector of West Hanningfleld, Essex ; one d.
Educ. : St. Paul’s School ; St. Catherine s
College, Cambridge; Classical Tiipos, BA,
1898. Revenue Officer, Northern Nigeria, 1903 ;
Resident, 1906 ; Senior Resident, 1913 ; called
to Bar, Middle Temple, 1914 ; Acting Lieut -
Governor Northern Provinces, Oct. 1920 to May
1921, and Jan. to Aug. 1923; retired, 1932.
Address. Stoney croft, Cavendish Road, Redhill
T. : Redhill 382. Club : Royal Societies.
ARNOED^ family name of Baron Arnold.
ARNOLD^ 1st Baron, cr. 1924, of Hale ,
Sydney Arnold; b. 13 Jan. 1878 ; s. of W
A. Arnold, stockbroker, Manchester. Educ :
Manchester Grammar School ; privately. Be-
fore entering the flim of W. A. Arnold & Sons,
was articled to a Chartered Accountant and
passed Preliminary Examination 2nd m
England ; IntermediatiC Examination, ,Srd in
England ; Member of Manchester Stock Ex-
change, 1904-22 ; contested Holderness Divi
Sion, Dec. 1910; M.P. (L.) Holmfirth Divi-
sion of West Riding, later Peiiistone Division,
1912-21; resigned seat owing to ill-health,
1921 ; Parliamentary Private Secretary to
President of Board of Education, and to
Financial Secretary to the Treasury, 1914 ,
joined the Labour Party, 1922; Under-Secre-
tary for the Colonies, Jan. -Nov. 1924; Pay-
master-General, June 1929-March 1931, when
resigned from the Government in order to
help the causes of Free Trade and of Temper-
ance. ffetr: none. Address: Marley Corner,
near Haslemere, Surrey. T. : Haslemere 562
Club ■ Reform.
ARNOLD] Arthur : Assoc Member Tnstitu
tlons of Mechanical Engineers, Electncal
Engineers; Founder Member, Institute of Fuel.
Editor of 'Ihe Power and Works Engineer ; b 31
Aug. 1891 ; s. of Arthur and Maria Arnold,
Lymmgton ; m 1919, Elsie, d. of John
T. and 8. I. Milnes, Cawthome, Yorkshire ,
one 8 one d Educ . King Edward VI
Grammar School, Southampton. Pupil to
J. H, Bolara, M.Sc., M.l.E E., at Weymouth
Corporation Electricity Works ; subsequently
on Technical Staff of electricity undertakings
at Watford, Willesden, Walthamstow, County
of London, Luton, Yorkshire Power Co., with
experience also m turbine shops and ship
wiring ; two years during the War with Grand
Fleet; Bng.-Lieut. R.N. ; Joined The Power
Engineer, 1919 Publications: 4 tols. The
Modem Electncal Engineer ; sundry papers to
technical societies : many articles in technical
press. Address: 155 Brunswick Road, Ealing,
ARNOLD. Major Benini; Mourant
D.8.O. 1918 ; M.A., A.M.I.C.E. ; House
Master, Bradfield College, Berks; b. 4 Aug
1884 ; 8 of late Bcmng Arnold and Emilie
Mourant ; tn. 1914, Elsie Kate, e d. of Rev. J
D. Best of Sandon Rectory, Chelmsford ; two *.
three d. Educ. : St. Paul s School ; Jesus Col-
lege, Cambridge ; B. A. degree in mech, sciences ;
five and a half years at J I. Thomycroffc &
Co. ; Supervisor in Royal Gun Factory, Wool-
wich, 1914; mobilised 81 July 1914; com-
manded L. Anti-aircraft Battery, B.E F , 1916-18
(despatches, D.8.O.) ; Major Instructor in A. A
^nnery, 1918-19. EecreaXions : sculling, cruis-
ing (Riduna III). Address: Bradfield College,
Berks. 2’. ; Bradfield 88. Clubs : Thames
Rowing, Leander ; Royal Channel Islands
Yacht ; Little Ship.
ARNOLD] Edmund Georgre] LL.D., h
Barnstaple, 28 June 1865 ; s. of late Edmund
James Arnold of Cattal Bridge, near York; m.
1899, Emily Rosa, o. c. of late Benjamin Taylor;
one s. one d. Educ. : Leeds Grammar School.
Lord Mayor of Leeds, 1916-17 ; Pro-Chancellor
of the University of Leeds, 1921-26 , Pres, of the
Federation of Master Printers and Allied Tiades
of Great Britain and Ireland, 1916-18 , Hon.
Treasurer of the Meanwood Convalescent Home
for Children, Leeds ; Chairman of Leeds
Y.M C.A. Boys’ Work Committee; President
of the Leeds and District Master Printers’
Association, 1907-8 ; President of the North-
Eastern and Midland Master Printers’ Alliance,
1915-19. Address: Moorfield House, Moor
Allerton, Leeds. T.A. : Arnold, Roundhay
61262, Leeds. T. : Roundhay 61262, Leeds.
ARNOLD. Edward Augustus. B A.,
h, 15 July 1867 ; o. s. of Rev. Edward
Penrose Arnold and Caroline, d. of Richard
Orlftbar of Hinwick, Beds. ; ff s. of Dr.
Arnold of Rugby and nephew of Matthew
Arnold ; ni. 1st, Minnie Margaret, d. of W. H.
Wakefield, Sedgwick House, Kendal ; 2nd,
Christina, d. of John Borland, Taunton ; twod.
Educ,: Eton ; Oxford. President of the Pub-
lishers Association, 1928-29. Recreations:
travelling, fishing. Address * Little Court,
Pyrford, Surrey. Club • Oriental.
ARNOLD, Edward Carletoii] M.A ; s. of
G B. Arnold, Mus Doc (Oxon), of Winchester.
Educ. : Merchant Taylors’ School ; Emmanuel
College, Cambridge (Scholar) First Class in
Classical Tripos, 1890 ; Senior Classical Master,
Elizabeth College, Guernsey, 1891 ; Senior
Classical Master, Eastbourne College, 1899-
1924; Headmaster of Eastbourne College, 1924-
3929. PuhltoaHons A Bird Collector’s Medley ;
British Waders: Birds of Eastbourne. Ad-
dress : 32a Furness Road, Eastbourne.
ARNOLD. Lt.-Col. Herbert Tolle-
mache. (5.B B 1919; D S O. 1916; late
R A.P.C.; h. 6 Apr. 1867; 9 of late Rev E. G.
and Lady Cliarlotte Arnold ; m. 1897, Eleanor
Josephine, d. of late H. P A Beckett Chambers ,
one s. Entered Wilts. Regt. 1889; transferred
to Army Pay Dept. 1901 ; Lt.-Col. 1920 ; retired,
1924; 8er\ed European War, 1914-18, (des-
patches, DSO., CBE, Bt Lt Col.). Club.
United Service.
ARNOLD. Major John Effingham,
D S.O. 1917 ; member of London Stock Ex-
change; Z>. 1882; o 8 of Percy Ai n old, O B.E.;
m. 1910, Nellie Beatrix, d. of Mrs. Hughes,
W. Kensington ; one s. two d, Educ. : Lancing
College. Joined Army (A.S.C.) Sep. 1914
(despatches twice, D.8.0 ). Address: 9 York
Avenue, Hove, Sussex. T. • Hove 4187.
ARNOLD] Reginald Edward] R.B.A ;
b 1853 ; s. of Edward Arnold, Dorking, Surrey ,
m. Annie R., d. of R. Merrylees. Educ. : Lancing
College Bronze medal, London International
Exhibition, 1874 ; pupil of Alfonse Legros,
Slade School, London, and of Carolus Duran,
Paris ; decorative sculptor and painter ; ex-
hibitor at Royal Academy, etc. RecreaiHons :
reading, antiquities, music. Address: The
Cottage, White Stone Pond, Hampstead, N.W.3.
T. : Hampstead 4700.
ARNOLD. Robert Anthony-] Chapter
Clerk Rochester Cathedral ; Registrar of the
Diocese of Rochester, Governor and Deputy
Governor, Sir John Hawkins Hospital ; b 1869 ;
e. 8 of Augustus Alfred Arnold, Cobhambiiry,
Kent; m. Olive Grey, o d. of late Ralph Hart
Tweddell, Meopham Court, Kent; one s. one d.
Educ. : ’ronbridge School ; Trinity College,
Oxford. B.A. ; admitted a Solicitor 1894;
Captain, Royal Engineers, 1914 ; Major, R B.,
1918; served in France, 1916-19. Recreations:
WHO’S WHO. 1938
cricket, hunting. Address: Meopham Court,
Meopham, Kent. T.A.: Arnold, Meopham. T.:
Meopham, 48.
ARNOIfD, Thomas Georgre; ft. ll March
1866; 8. of John and Harriette Arnold ; m. 1890,
Ellen Maria, d. of John and Keturah Roas ; no
c. EduG. : Presbyteran School, Woolwich.
Aaaistant Secretary, Royal Arsenal Co-operative
Society, Ltd., Woolwich, 1888-1902; Secretary,
1902-16 ; J.P. (London County), 1915 ; member
of Central Committee of the International Co-
operative Alliance, the Board of Trade Census
of Production (1926) Advisory Committee and
reappointed for the 1931 Census Committee, and
the Royal Commission on Incensing (England
and Wales); Director Co-operative Wholesale
Society, Ltd., 1916-34; Co-operative Insurance
Society, Ltd. ; Russo-Bntish Grain Export
Co. Ltd. Recreations: bowling, collecting old
English glass, pottery, and porcelain. Address :
The Cot, Woolwich Road. Abbey Wood, S.B.2.
r. ; Erith 209
ARNOIiD, Thomas James. C.B.E. 1925;
Controller of Pension Issue Office, Ministry of
Pensions, since 1928 ; h. 10 April 1879 : s. of late
H, T. Arnold; m. 1906, Minnie Linnell; two
Educ : Owen’s School, Islington Entered
Civil Service, 1897; Local Government Board,
1897-1916; Military service in European War,
1916-19 ; Assistant Private Secretary to the Rt.
Hon. Walter Long (Viscount Long of Wraxall),
1916 ; appointed to Ministry of Pensions, 1919 ;
Private Secretary to Minister of Pensions, 1920-
1928, Recreations: y&noua. ^Iddress: 15 Rook-
field Close, Muswell Hill. N.IO.
Forster Delafleld. C.M.G. 1918; R.N.,
retd. ; s. of late Edward Penrose Arnold-Forster,
J. P., D.L., and Edith Mary, d. of late William
Ford, C.S.I. ; b. 1876; m. 1907, Georgina Mary,
d, of Alfred Tucker; one df. Joined H.M.S
Britannia, 1890; Captain R.N., 1916; served
Admiralty Anti-Submarine Division, 1918-19;
Captain -m- Charge, Simonstown Dockyard,
1921-28 ; retired pay, 1923 ; officer St Maurice
and St Lazarus (Italy), 1916 Puhhration • The
Ways of the Navy, 1931 ; At War with the
Smugglers. 1936. Address : Cathedme, Pilgrims
Way, Guildford.
Anson. D.8.0. 1918; T.D.; Engineer; Reserv^e
of Officers, 70th Brigade, K.F.A,,T.A. ; b. 1890
s. of late E. P. Arnold Forster ; m. 1921,
Helen Frances Broadbent Maufe. First com-
mi-ssion in 4th W.R. (How.) Brigade, R.F.A.
1908 ; mobilised Aug, 1914, and served abroad
in 49th and 62nd Divisions. Address' Croft
Cottacft, Station Rtjad, Harpenden Herts
T. : Harpenden 479.
ARNOLDl, Frank. K.C. ; partner in Arnoldi,
Parry, & Campbell, Toronto ; 4th s. of late
Dr. F. 0. T. Arnoldi and Christina M. Telfer ,
b. Montreal, 8 April 1848 ; m. Emily Louisa,
(d. 1922), 2ndd. of late E. A. H. Fauquier, Wood -
stock, Ontario ; three s. two d. Educ, : Upper
Canada College, Toronto. Barrister, 1870 ;
K. C., 1889 ; has been for some time one of the
leaders of Toronto bar; counsel in many
cases before Judicial Committee, Pnvy
Council, England ; much retained by the Crown
as Crown Counsel ; President, National Club,
Toronto, 1898-97 ; a Governor, U.C. College,
since 1896; President, Royal Canadian In-
stitute, Toronto, 1913-16 ; a delegate, 8rd Con-
gress Chambers of Commerce of the Empire,
London ; a Conservative ; an Anglican. Public
cation : An Epoch in Canadian History, 1904.
Address : 192 Cottingham Street, Toronto.
T.A. : Arnoldi, Toronto. Clubs: National,
Toronto Golf, Caledon Mountain Trout, Toronto.
ARNOLDI. Major Frank Fanquiari
D.8.O. 1917 ; Canadian P'ield Artillery ; b.
Toronto. 7 July 1889 ; «. of Frank Arnoldi, K.C.,
q.v, Ediie. : Upper Canada College and Royal
Military College, Canada. Went into civil life ;
Subaltern 16th Battery Canadian Field Artillery,
C.B.P., Dec. 1914 ; served European War,
France, 1916-17 (D.8.O.) ; North Russia, 1918-19
(bar to D.8.O., Order of St. Stanislas, Russia).
Clubs: University, Montreal; National-Toronto.
ARNOTTi John; Councillor, Chairman
Leeds Transport Committee : 6. Kincardine-
on-Forth, 21 Dec. 1871 ; s. of Henry and Mary
Arnott; m. 1910, Jane Ellen Parkinson, Preston;
no c. Educ. : Elementary, Gartconner School
near Kirkintilloch; Ruskin College, Oxford, 1905
and 1906. To work in shipyard at 18, Thornaby-
on-Tees ; worked as blacksmith ; active in
politics before 21 ; Joined I.L.P. 1892 and Trade
Union, A.8.B.,about’8ame time: accepted post
as organiser at Preston, Lancs, I L P., later at
King's Lynn, Glasgow, Bermondsey ; Divisional
Organiser, I.L.P., Leeds, 1911; Leeds City
Council, 1913; Leader of Labour Group, 1917-
1925; contested West Leeds, 1918; S.-W.
Hull, 1922, 1923, 1924; M.P. (Lab.) South-
West Hull, 1929-31; Lord Mayor of Leeds,
1925-26; Alderman, 1926; Chairman Tramway
Committee. Publications : a few pamphlets
and newspaper articles Recreations: music,
walking. Address: 25 Stretford Avenue,
Leeds, 11.
ARNOTT, Sir John Alexander. 2nd Bt.,
cr. 1896; D.L.; J.P. (Dos. Cork and Dublin;
Chairman Irish Times ; Maj. and Hon. Lt.-Col.
4th Batt. Cheshire Regt. ; retired, 1900 ; h. 16
Nov. 1858 ; e. s. of Ist Bt. and Mary, d. of John
McKinlay, Stirling ; m. 1881, Caroline, D.B.B.,
Lady of Grace of the Order of St. John of
Jerusalem, J.P. Co. Dublin (d. 1933) , e. d. of Sir
F. M. Williams, 2nd Bt. of Tregullow; three s.
three d S. father, 1898. Recreations: golf,
shooting, and riding. Heir: s. Jjauriston John
[b. 27 Nov. 1890; Capt. late 3rd Batt. The Roy.
Irish Rifles). Address : Shearwater, Baily, Co.
Dublin. Clubs • Turf, Brooks's, Carlton ; Kildare
Street, Dublin.
See also Sir F. H. Brooke, Lord De Freyne, LU-
Gen. Sir W. P. PnUeney.
ARNOTT^ Colonel John Maclean,
C.M.G. 1918; V.D, ; Retired List, Australian
Commonwealth Military Forces; 6. New-
castle, N S. Wales, 22 Jan. 1869; w. 1895,
Adeline, d. of John Hardy, of Strathfield,
N.8. Wales ; six s. Educ, : Maitland School,
N S.W. Civilian life, manufacturer ; en-
tered Australian Military Forces, 1899;
Brigade-Major, Australian Light Horse, 1910 ;
C.O. nth L.H. 1913; Lt.-Col. Australian
Expeditionary Force, 1914, Egypt, Gallipoli ;
Colonel, 1916; Commandant, Australian and
New Zealand Training Centre in Egypt, 1916-
1919. Recrentxon-s : golf and motoring. Ad-
dress: Coolah Creek, Coolah, N.S.W. Clubs:
Au-stralian. R.S.G.C . N.S. Wales, Sydney.
ARNOULD, Francis Grahami C.LE.
1928; V.D. 1924 ; A.C.GL; h. 6 Jan. 1876;
4th s. of late Alfred Henry Arnould, DC.L.,
of Whltecross, near Wallingford, Berks; m.
1913 Barbarina Helen Sefon e. d. of late T, S.
Dury (Master of the Supreme Court of Judica-
ture) , three d Educ. : St. Paul’s School ; the
City and Guilds Institute. Joined the engin-
eering staff of the B.B. and C. I. Railway as an
Assistant Engineer. 1895; Chief Engineer,
1920-30 ; officiated as Director of Civil Engineer-
ing, Railway Board, India, April -Sep. 1928.
Address: Starrs Green House, Battle, Sussex,
r. ; Battle 163.
ARRAN, flth Karl of (cr. 1762), Lt.-Col.
Arthur Jocelyn Charles Gore, K.P. ;
P.C. 1917; Bt. 1662; Viscount Sndley, Baron
Saunders, 1768 ; Karl of Arran of the Arran
Islands, Co. Galway, 1762; Baron Sudley(U.K.)
1884; K.P. ; Lord-Lieut. Co, Donegal, 1917-20;
late Brev. Major and Adjutant Royal Horse
Guards, h. 14 Sep. 1868 ; s. of 5th Earl and
Hon. Edith, d of Viscount Jocelyn ; S. father,
1901 ; m. Ist 1902, Maud (d. 1927), o. d. of Baron
Huysson de Kattendyke of The Hague ; two $, *
WHO’S WHO, 1938
2nd 1929, Lilian Constance, widow of Francis
Brown, Red House, St. Mawes. Served in
Egyptian Cavalry (Order of Medijeh, invalided);
commd. R.H.G. Squadron, Household Cavalry,
South African War (Bt. Major, medal with 4
clasps) ; Hon. Sec. Liberal League ; late
Brigadier commanding all Officers’ Training
Corps in Ireland 1909-12 ; Brevet Maior Royal
Horse Guards, 1914, invalided ; Chairman Royal
Westminster Ophthalmic Hospital 1007-34 ;
Hon. Treasurer Children’s Country Holiday
Fund, 1904-34 ; formerly Chairman, Bovnl ,
D.L., J.P. Herts, Donegal, Louth, Mayo.
Ovms about 36,000 acres. PttbltcaHons : articles
m Nineteenth Century, Punch, National
Review, English Review, Daily News. Heir:
5. Viscount Sudley, q.v. Address : Thoby
Priory, Essex; St. Mawes. Cornwall. Chibs:
Turf, Travellers’, Beefsteak ; Royal Yacht
Squadron, Cowes.
See also Mahell, Cotinte<ss of Airlie, Viscount
Hambleden, Baron Ruthvent and Marqiuss of
ARROW, Gilbert John^ F.Z S., F.R.E.S. ;
Deputy Keeper, Department of Entomology,
British Museum (Natural History); b. 20 Dec.
1878 ; s. of late John Gai ner Arrow, Stieatham ;
m. Rachel Katharine Da\ns. Spent 5 years in an
architect’s office and afterwards, in 1896, entered
the Natural History Museum by competitive
examination. Publications : 4 volumes on
Indian Beetles, in Fauna ot India Senes, and
over one hundred contributions to transactions
of learned societies, etc. Recreations, music,
photography, gardening. Address: 9 Rossdale
Road, Putney, 8. W. T, : Putney 7217.
ARSEN AUIiT. Hon. Justice Aubin
Edmond, M A. (St. Joseph), Hon LL.l).
(Laval); Bamster-at-law , Assistant-Judge
Supreme Court and Vice Chancellor Court of
Chancery and Member Appeal Conit of Prince
Edward Island since 1921 ; b. 28 July 1870 ; s. of
late Hon. Joseph O. Arsenault and Gertrude
Gaudet ; m. 1907, Bertha Rose Galland Educ. *
St. Dunstan’s College, Charlottetown, P.B.I. ; St
Joseph’s College, Memramcook, N B. Studied
law with M‘Leod Morson and M’Quarne, Char-
lottetown, and Sir Charles Russell, Bai t., Lon
don, England ; admitted Bar of Prince Edward
Island, 1898 ; entered upon practice of law in
Summerside, P.B. Island, 1%0 ; elected
Legislative Assembly, Prince Edward Island,
1908, 1911, 1915, bye-election 1917, and
Member of Government, P E.I., 1911; Premier
and Attorney-General of Prince Edward Island,
1917-19*; Leader of the Opposition, 1919-21,
Member of Conservation Commission of Canada,
1913; Director Canadian National Geographic
Society Recreations: reading and fishing. Ad-
dress: Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island.
Club: Charlottetown.
ARTHUR, family name of Baron Qlen-
ARTHUR, MaJ. Christopher Geoffreyf
D.S.O. 1915; Reserve ot Officers, Canadian
Forces ; Overseas Representative Canadian
Government Department of Pensions and
National Health, Canada House, Trafalgar
Square; b. 27 Jan. 1882; m. 1917, Eirene
Primrose Dodd, Tlie Grange, Buxton ; one s.
one d. Educ. : King’s College, London. Served
European War, 1914-18 (despatches, D.S.O.)
Address: Kingsmere, Watford Road, North-
wood, Middlesex. 2’. ; North wood 1147. Club:
British Empire.
ARTHUR, Sir Georfre (Compton
Archibald), 8rd Bt. cr. 1841 ; M.V.O. 1909 ;
b. 80 Apr. I860 ; m 1898, Kate Harriet, ividow of
Arthur Raymond Yates, and d. of late Horatio
Brandon. Echic. : Eton ; Christ (Jhurch,
Oxford ; S. father, 1878. Lieut. 2nd Life Guards,
1880-86; Egyptian Campaign, 1882 ; Nile Expedi-
tion, 1884-86 ; 8. Africa (Herts Yeomanry Cav.),
and on Staff, 1900; Private Secretary to Earl
Kitchener, 1914-16 ; with Intelligence Depart-
ment in France, 1917-18 ; Chevalier Legion of
Honour ; Order of the Crown of Belgium ;
Chesney Gold Medal. Publications: Story of
the Household Cavalry, 1909 ; The Life
of Lord Kitchener of Khartoum, 1920 ; edited
Letters of Lord and Lady Wolseley, 1922 ; Sarah
Bernhardt, 1923 ; (with Sir F. Maurice) The
Life of Lord Wolseley, 1924 ; Loid Haig, 1928 ;
General Sir John Maxwell, 1932; A Septua-
ginarian’s Scrap Book, 1933 ; Oueen Alexandra,
1934 ; Queen Mary, 1935; Phelps to Gielgud,
1936 ; Seven Hens Apparent, 1937 ; Translation
of Memoirs of Raymond Foincar^. Heir. c.
George Malcolm Arthur, 6. 1908. Address :
28 The Boltons, S.W.IO. T. : Flaxman 9040.
Clubs Marlborough, Carlton.
ARTHUR, Colonel John MauricCf
C.M.G. 1918; D.S.O. 1916 ; T.D.; Officer of the
Order of the Crown of Belgium ; D.L., Lanark-
shire; J P.; Architect ; F R.l B. A., with exten-
sive practice in Scotland; Past President of
Glasgow Institute of Architects; b. 1877; s. of
George Arthur, Airdrie ; m. 1905, Katharine
Adam Stevenson, d. of Andrew Hutton ; two s.
one d. Seived European War (D.S.O.). Ad-
dress : Glentore, Airdrie, Lanarkshire. Club :
Conservative, Glasgow.
ARTHUR, Colonel liionel Francis,
D S.O 1917, O.B.E. 1920; Indian Army, retired ;
b. London, 14 March 1876 ; Srd s. of late Edwaid
Jenkins, author of Ginx’s Baby, M.P., Dundee,
etc ; one s. one d ; m. 2iid 1934, Muriel Irene,
e. d. of Sir G Tilley, q v., and iridow of Lieut. -
Col. S. G. C. Murray, C.I.K., I. A. ; one ?.
Educ. : St. Paul’s ; Neuenheim College, Heidel-
berg; R.M.C , Sandhurst. First commission,
Indian Unattached List, 1896 ; Russia. 1905-
1906 ; Qualified Interpreter ; Stall, A.H.Q ,
Simla, 1907-9; Staff Coll., Camberley, 1911-12;
p.s c ; Brig.-Ma^j., Bangalore Brigade, 1914 ;
Brig.-MHi)., Imperial Service Cavalry Brigade,
Egypt, Sep. 1914; D.A.Q.M.G H Q. Force in
1916 ; Gen, Staff, Feb. 1916 (de-
spatches), Gen, Staff, Australian Imperial Force,
Mar. 1916; B E.F., France, 1916-17 (despatches,
D S O.); Assist. Corndt. Cadet College, Quetta,
1917-19 : 8id Afghan War, 1919, G.S.O. (1) Wazi-
ristan Foice (despatches, O B B.) ; Corndt.
Royal Deccan Hoise, 1920; A.Q.M.G. Eastern
Command, India, 1921-26 ; A.A G., A.II.Q.,
India, 1 92*^ -30 ; retired 1930. Rer rent ions : golf,
tennis. Address: Newby, Sunninghn 1, Berks.
T. : Ascot 456.
ARUNDAIaE, Dr. George Sydney^ M.A.,
LL.B., D. Litt. ; President The Theosophical
Society ; Freeman of the City of London ;
Member of the Worshipful Company of Pew-
terers ; h. Surrey, 1 Dec 1878 ; s. of Rev.
John Kay; m. Rukmini, d. of N. K. Sastri,
engineer, South India. Educ. : St. John’s Col-
lege, Cambridge. Principal, Central Hindu
College, Benares; Examiner to the Uriiveisity
of Allahabad and to the Government, United
Provinces, India ; Fellow of the Allahabad
University; Fellow of the Royal Historical
Society, London ; late Principal of National
Univftisity of Madras ; late Minister of Educa-
tion to the Government of the Maharaja Holkar ;
late Regionary Bishop of the Liberal Catholic
Church in India; late Deputy Chief Scout of
Indian Boy Scouts Association ; Editor of The
Theosophist, late Editor New India, Madras.
Publwations: various pamphlets and books on
Education ; Nirvana, Mount Everest, You,
Freedom and Friendship, Gods in the Becoming,
etc. Recreations : lawn tennis, chess. Address:
Theosophical Society, Adyar, Madias, South
India, Clubs: Queen’s, Royal Societies.
ARUNDELIa. family name of Baron
Anmdell of Wardour.
ARUNDEEIa of Wardot&r, 15th Baron,
rr. 1605 ; Gerald Arthur Arundell ;
Count of the Holy Roman Empire, 1696 :
b. 1861 ; Srd s. of late Theodore Arundell and
cousin Louisa, 2nd d. of John Hussey of Nash
WHO'S WHO, 1988
CJourt, Dorset ; S, brother, 1921 ; m. 1006, Ivy,
0 , d. of late Capt. W. F. Segrave ; one «. two
d, Htxr: ». Hon. John Francis Arundell [b.
18 June 1907. Edtxo.: Stonyhurst College].
Address: Wardour Castle, Tisbury, Wilts.
AS coil I. Frank David, C.T.E 1925 ;
Managing Director, Dunlop Plantations, Ltd. ,
b. 10 Aug, 1883; a. of late E. Ascoli ; m. 1912,
Mary Isobel, d. of late J. Mornaon Anderson ,
two 8 Muc, : Manchester Grammar School ,
Exeter College, Oxford, lat class I;itt.Hum.,
1906 ; entered Indian Civil Service, 1907 ;
Secretary, Board of Revenue, Bengal, 1917<»20 ,
President, Boiler Laws Committee, India, 1920-
1921 ; Deputy Secretary, Government of India,
Department of Industries and Labour, 1921-22 ;
Controller, Printing, Stationery and Stamps,
In(Da, 1923-25 ; retired from Indian Civil Service,
1926, Publications : Early Revenue History of
Bengal, 1917 ; Revenue History of the Sunder-
bans, 1919. Jitareation : tennis. Address.
24 Bryanston Court, W. 1. T, : Paddington
0686. Clubs: East India United Service,
Oriental ; Royal Calcutta Turf.
ASH, Audrey B.| Principal St. Michael's
(a residence for women htudentsof Goldsmith’s
College), Grove Park, S.B.12, since 1931. Bduc.
The Laurels, Rugby ; Hartford Physical Train-
ing College Physical frainmg Lecturer Glas-
gow University and Training College, 1908-17 ;
H.M. Inspector Physical Training, Board of
Education, 1917-30 (resigned Sep. 1980). Ee-
creations: walking, motoring. Addresj: St.
Michaels, Givive Park, S.E.12. T.: Lee Gieen
8505. Club: Cowdray.
ASH, Edwin Iianoelot Hopewell-, M.D ,
B,S. Lond. ; M.R.0.8. Eng. ; consultant phy-
sician and medico-psychologist; b. Finchley,
4th a. of late Charles Frederick Ash, of Malton
Yorks; m. 1907, Mabel Ethel, 4th d. of late
James Jackman Streeter; three a. Sdue. .
University College School, London ; St. Mary’s
Hospital, London ; (Entrance Scholarship in
Natural Science, and various pnzes and certifi-
cates of dlaUnotion). Successively assistant
demonstrator of anatomy, demonstrator of
physiology, house physician, and resident anses-
thetist; gained the Cheadle Gold Medal for
original medical investigations, 1905 ; sub-
sequently worked at West End Hospital for
Nervous Dneases, Groab Northern Central
Hospital, Royal Hospital for Chest Diseases,
fjonnon Temperance Hospital, and the Italian
Hospital ; “ mentioned " by War Office for Red
Cross services during the Gieat War ; ha.s reed
various papers before leading medical societies,
including Royal Society of Medicine, British
Medical Association, and Harvelan Society
Puhlicationa: Mind and Health, 1910; Nerves
and the Nervous, 1911; Mental Self-Help, 1912 ;
N;irsing of Nervous Patients, 1918 , Notes on
the Nervous System (for nurses and students),
1916 ; The Problem of Nervous Breakdown,
1910 ; Middle-Age Health and Fitness, 1922 ,
Therapy of Personal Influence, 1929; Melan-
cholia in Everyday Practice, 1984 ; numerous
articles on medico-psychology, treatment of
neurasthenia, and other medical subjects.
Recreations : reading, gardening, motoring
Addrese: 71 Harley Street, W.l. T.: Wei beck
8787. Club: Thatched House.
A8H. Rt. Rev. Fortescue L. ; see
Rockhampton, Bishop of.
ASKBEBt O. R.; b. Isleworth, 17 May
1868 ; 8. of Henry Spencer Ashbee ; m. 1899,
Janet Elizabeth Forbes; four d. Edue,.
Wellington ; King’s College, Cambridge. Archi-
tect, designer and town planner; Master of
the Art Workers’ Guild, 1929 ; Founder and for
twenty-five years Directorof the Guild of Handi-
craft which ended during the war v Founder of
the London Survey Committee, and Editor of
its earlier publioations ; the builder of piany
houses in London, the country, and abroad ;
extensive church restoration and repair work ;
Designer in metal-work, jewellery, and various
crafts , Pounder of the Essex House JPress,
which he conducted for twelve years, and for
which he designed the Prayer Book for King
Edward VII ; Civic Adviser to the Palestine
Administration, first Military, then Civil, 1918-
1922. Publioations: Various works on archi-
tecture and the crafts in their social aspects;
principal writings — Cliapters on Workshop
Reconstruction and Citizenship ; Craftsman-
ship in Competitive Industry ; Modern Silver-
work ; The Treatises of Benvenuto Cellini ; Book
of Cottages and Little Houses ; also poetry and
belles lettres ; The Building of Thelema ; Echoes
from the City of the Sun; The Masque of the
Edwards ; Lyncs of the Nile; Should We Stop
Teaching Art ’ The Hamptonshlre Experiment
m Education ; Where the Great City Stands ;
The Private Press — A Study in Idealism;
Jerusalem, 1918-20 ; A Palestine Notebook,
1918-23 ; Jeiusalem, 1921-22; Caricature, 1927;
Peokover — the Abbotscourt papers, 1932;
Kingfisher out of Egypt, 1934 ; Kings of
Mmzaman, 1987. Address : Godden Green,
Sevenoaks, Kent. T. • Seal 109. Clubs: Over-
seas League, ist Editions.
ASHBQURNE, 27id Baron (cr. 1886),
William Gibaonij J.P.; Bx-Presldentof the
Gaelic League ; b. 16 Dec. 1868 ; e. of Ist
Baron Ashbourne and Frances Maria Ade-
laida, d of H. C. Colles ; m, 1896, Marianne,
ti. of late M. de Monbrison , S, father, 1013.
Bduc, : Harrow ; Dublin University ; Merton
College, Oxford. Bx-Preaident Gaelic I^gue
of London. Publicatuyns : The Abbe Itamennais
ami the Liberal Catholic Movement m France,
1396 ; L’Bglise Libre dans I’Btat Libre, 1907 ;
Oiegoireand the French Revolution, a Study,
1U82 ; contributions to reviews, Heir; n.
Comdr. Edward Russell Gibson, R.N. [6. 1 June
1901 ; m, 1929, Reta, d. of E M. Hazeland,
Hong Kong; one s.j. Address: 17 rue des
Domehers, Compiegne, Oise, Prance, Clubs:
Athenecum ; St. Stephen s Green, Dublin.
See also Baron Bolton.
ASHBRIDGB, Sir Noel, Kt. cr. 1935;
B.Sc. ; M.I C E , M I B E. ; hellow of King’s
College ; Knight of Royal Order of Dannebrog
(Danish) ; Chief Engineer, B.B.O since 192u ; 1.
10 Dec., 1889 ; 4tb s. of John Ashbridge, Wan-
stead ; m 192o, Olive Maude, d of Rowland
Strickland, Erlth ; two d 1 due Forest School ;
King’s College, London. Engineering training
with YarrowandCo , Ltd., and British Thomson-
Houatou Co , Ltd. ; Served European War
1914-19, Royal FuMhers and Royal Engineers;
Six years Marconi’s, at Writtle Experimental
Station ; Joined B B.C 1926 as Assistant Chief
Engineer; Became Member of Council of
Institution of Electrical Engineers ; Member of
Radio Research Board ; Member of Television
Committee, 1934 and Television Advisory Com-
mittee, 1985. Publications: Wireless Valve
Receivers and Circuits (with R. D. Bangay>—
1923 ; The Acoustical Problems of Broadcast-
ing Studios, 1931 ; Various Technical and
Scientific Papers. Address • Broadcasting
House, W.l. Club: Royal Societies.
ASHBROOK, 10th Viscount (or. 1761),
Desmond Llowaireh Bdward Flower,
Baron ot Castle Dnrrow, 1778 ; b, 9 July 1906 ;
o 3 of 9tli Viscount and Gladys, d. of late
General Sir George Wentworth A. Higginaon,
G.C.B., G.C.V.O. ; S. father, 19S6; m. 1984,
Elizabeth, er. d of late CapL John Egerton-
Warburton and of Hon Mrs. Waters ; one «.
Edoc. * Eton ; Balliol College, Oxford. Hed/r :
a Hon. Michael Llowaroh Warburton Flower,
6. 9 Dec. 1985. Addresa: 65 Montagu Square,
W.l ; Arley Hall, Cheshire. T. : Padd. 8193.
Clsibe * Travellers’, Marlborough.
A8HBURNBR. Xit.-Ool. Harley Went-
worth, D.S.O. ma; b. 1875; w. ; one #.
one d. Served China, 1900 (medal with clasp) ;
Somaliland, 1908-4 (medal with clasp); Meso-
potamia, 1915-17 (despatches, D.S.O.).
A.8HBURNHAM, Sir Resinald, 10th
Bt. ; cr. 1061 ; s. of 8th Bt. and Isabella, «. d.
of late Captain G. B. Martin, C.B., R.N.; h. 26
Aug. 1865 S. brother, 1935 ; m. 1921, Mildred,
widow of Walter Cheesman, of Hill House,
Crowhurst, Sussex. Heir h Fleetwood Ash
burnham [b. 1869; m. 1908, Elfiida, d. of late
James Kiikley ; two i oned] Address Broom
ham, Guestling, near Hastings. T. : Pett 5b.
ASHBURTON, 5th Baron (cr. 1885), Francis
Denxil Edward Baring: j late Ma^]or Hants
Carabiniers ; 6 20 July 1666 ; s. of 4th Baron and
Leonora Caroline (d. 1930), d. of 9th Lord Digby;
S. fiither, 1889 ; m. 1st, 1889, Hon. Mabel Edith
Hood (d. 1904), d. of 4th Viscount Hood ; one s
twod.; 2nd, 1906, Prances, d. of J. C. Donnelly,
New York. Fdwc. : Eton. Owns about 86,000
acres. Heir s Hon. Alex. F. Banng, q.v
JJecrealioiw: shooting, yachting Clubs Carlton,
Turf, Cavalry ; Royal Yacht Squadron, Cowes
See also Major C. J. Balfour, Marquess of
ASHBY, Arthur Wilfred; Professor of
Agricultural Economics, University College
of Wales, Aberystwyth, since 1929 , e. s. of late
Joseph Ashby, J.P., Tysoe, Warwick; w. Rhoda
Dean, e. d. oHate John Dean and Rhoda Bland,
and step d of John Andrew Bland, J P ,
Haverfordwest ; one s Educ. : Ruskin College,
Oxford; University of Wisconsin, U.S.A
Diploma (with Honours) in Economics and
Political Science, University of Oxford, 1911 ,
Ministry of Agriculture Research Scholar in
Agricultural Economics, 1912-15 (first holder
of scholarship); Honorary Fellow m Political
Economy, University of Wisconsin, U.S.A.,
1915; Food Production Department, 1917-18,
M.A. (hon.) Oxon, 1923 Senior Research
Assistant, Agricultural Economics Research
Institute, Oxford, 1920-24; Member of Rojal
Commission on Agriculture, 1919 ; Member of
(Linlithgow) Departmental Committee on Prices
of Farm Produce, 1923-24 , Appointed (Im
partial) Member of National Agricultural
Wages Board, 1924 ; Member of Council of
Agriculture for England since 1920; Member
of Standing Committee of Council of Agriculture
for England since 1924 ; Member of Advisory
Committee, Ministry of Agriculture since
1924 ; Member of Council of Agriculture for
Wales since 1927 ; Fellow of Royal Statistical
Society, 1920; President, Agricultural Eco-
nomics Society, 1934-33 ; Advisory Lee
tnrer in Agricultural Economics, University
College of Wales, 1924. Puhlwations: One
Hundred Years of Poor Law Administration ,
Oxford Studies in Social and 1 egal History
edited by P. Vinogradoff, 1912 ; Allotments and
Small Holdings in Oxfordsliire, 1917 ; (with
P. G. Byles) Rural Education, 1923 ; very
numerous contributions to scientific Journals
and Reviews. Recreations : gardening, motoring.
Address: Hendie, Brynmor, Aberystwyth
T. • Aberystwyth 232.
ASHBY^ Hngrb Ttxke, B.A., M.D., B C
(Camb ), F.B C P (London); Physician to the
Manchester Children’s Hospital, Hon. Physician
to Salford Royal Hospital, Consulting Physician
Princess Christian (jollege, Hon. Physician to
the Alford School for Mothers ; Physician for
Children to the Manchester Public Health Com
mittee : h.l6 Sep. 1880 ; s of late Henry Ashby,
M.D., F R.C.P. Educ. : Clifton College ; Cam
bridge, Marburg, and Manchester Universities
Late House Surgeon, Royal Infirmary, Man
Chester; late Senior and Junior Resident Medical
OIRcer Manchester Children’s Hospital ; late
Senior Medical Officer to Out-patients Man-
chester Children's Hospital. Publications: Dis
eases of Children. Medical and Surgical, with
C, Roberts, F R.C.8., 1922 ; Infant Mori»lity
1914 and 1922; revised and re-written Notes
on Physiology, by late H. Ashby ; Post •
Anaesthetic Acidosis Medical Chronicle, 1908 ;
The Leucocytosis of Whooping-Cough, B.M.J.,
1908; Headache in Children, Clinical Journal,
1911 ; Anaemia of Rickets, Splenic Anaemia,
Practitioner, 1911. Recreations: golf, tennis.
A(tdrfiss : 13 St. John Street, Manchester. T. :
Blackfriars 0206. Club : Clarendon, Man-
ASHBY, Mrs. Margrery Corbett, Presi-
dent International Alliance of Women for
Suffrage and Equal Citizenship; President
British Commonwealth League; Vice President
Liberal Party ; b 1882 ; d. of C. H. Corbett
of Woodgate, Danehill, Sussex, and Marie, d.
of George Gray, Tunbridge Wells; m. 1910,
Arthur Brian Ashby, barrister, Inner Temple ;
one s. Educ. : Ilonie ; Newnham College,
Cambridge. Secretaiy to the National Union of
Suffrage Societies on leaving college ; lectured
on education and land questions from Liberal
platforms. Liberal candidate, 1918, 1922 1923,
1924, 1929 General Elections ; substitute
delegate for U.K to Disarmament Conference,
193133, tra\elled and lectured all over
Europe, m United States and Canada, speaking
in English, French and German. Recreations'
gardening and travelling. Address • 33 Upper
Richmond Road, East Putney, S W.15. T :
Putney 0667. Clubs : Lyceum, University
ASHBY, Robert Claude, C.B.E. 1937;
F.ll.G S. ; Company Director ; b. 26 May 1876 ;
of Robert Ashby, Staines, Middlesex; m.
1911, Frances Laeta Hunnybun. Educ. ' Oliver’s
Mount School (Friends’ S(hool), Scarborough.
Has been engaged in Social and Philanthroinc
work through Statutory and Voluntary Com-
mittees for 38 years, paiticularly those con-
cerned with Housing, the Welfare of Young
People, etc. ; served lu France during European
War, Reneations: mountaineering and other
out-door actiMties. Address Woodlands, West-
end, Near Southampton. T.A. and 2 South-
ampton 67172. Clubs' Alpine, Ro>al Empire
ASHCOMBE, 2nd Baron, cr. 1892, Henry
Cubitt, C B. 1911 ; T.D ; M A. ; H,M.3j
L ieut. Surrey since 1905; b 14 Mar. 1867 ;
s of Ist Lord Ashcoinbe and Laura, d. of Rev.
James Joyce; S father, 1917: m. 1890, Maud,
d. of late Col Calvert, Ockley Court ; three s.
Educ. : Eton ; Trinity College, Cambridge.
Lieut.-Col and Hon. Col. commanding The
Surrey (Queen Mary’s Regt ) Yeomanry, 1901-
1912; Pres., Surrey Territorial Force Associa-
tion ; M P. (C.) Reigate Division of Surrey, 1892-
190(). Heir. 8. Hon. Roland Calvert Cubitt, q v.
Address: Denbies, Dorking Club: Carlton.
See also W A ( ah erf
ASHCROFT, Alec Hutchinson, D.S.O.
1919; Headmaster of Fettes College since 1919;
b, 1887 ; 8, of C, W, Ashcroft of Burwood, Oxton,
Cheshire ; m. 1915, Bertha Elizabeth, a. of
Charles Til lard of Bathford, Bath; two s. oned.
Educ : Birkenhead School; Gonville and Cams
Collece, Camb. (open classical scholarship).
First Class First Part Classical Tripos ; First-
Class Second Part Historical Tripos Was an
Assistant Master at Fettes College; served
European War, Gallipoli, Egypt and France
(despatches thrice, D.S.O., Order of the Crown
of Italy). Recreation: played Rugby football
for England and Cambridge University.
Address: The Lodge, Fettes College, Edinburgh.
ASHCROFT, Thomas, Editor of Railway
Review since 1938; b. Southport 1890; m.
Educ : Elementary School ; Southport Gram-
mar School ; London Labour College. Entered
service Ijancashire and Yorkshire Railway
Company and became member of National
Union of Railwaymen, 1914; Lecturer, London
Labour College, 1924, and Principal, 1926-29.
Publications : 'Text-Book of Modem Imperial-
ism, 1922; English Art and English Society,
WHO*S WHO, 1988
1936, RecreatioTiB : walking, theatre. Addrtn:
206 Buston Road. N.W.l. T. : Euston 312ft.
ASHDOWN, Lt. -Col. Arthur Durham,
O.I.B. 1925 ; I.A.R.O. ; retired ; 6.7 Aug. 1872 ;
«. of John Ashdown, late of Bast Molesey ; m.
1st, 1898, Anne Florence Clifford (deceased);
one «. five d. ; 2nd, 1981, Muriel Kathleen,
ividmv of Capt. R. H. Qwyn-Wllliams, O.B.E.,
M.C., and y. d. of W. II. Phelps, Calcutta.
Educ.: Heidelberg College. Joined Indian
(Imperial) Police, 1898; District Superinten-
dent Police, Cawnpore, Meerut, Jhansi, etc, ;
Principal, Police Training School, 1911-16 ;
Deputy Inspector General of Police, 1917; Lt.-
Col. I.A.R.O., 1918; Inspector General, Govern-
ment Railway Police and Police Assistant to
Agent to Governor General, Rajputana, 1920-23 ;
Inspector General of Police, United Provinces,
1928 ; King’s Police Medal, 1924. Recreations :
shooting, fishing, travel, motoring, winter
sports, etc. Address: LaBarbarie, St. Martin’s,
Guernsey, C. I. T. : Guernsey 6729.
ASHBR, Florence May, R.B.A. ; member
of National Society of Painters, Sculptors,
Engravers, and Potters ; figure and landscape
painter ; 6. Nottingham, 2 May 1888 ; 2nd
d. of Joseph William and Ruth Asher. Educ, :
Nottingham. Studied at the Royal Academy
Schools (Silver Medallist and Landseer Scholar-
ship); exhibited Royal Academy, International
Exhibition, Washington. Stockholm, Toronto,
Paris Salon ; sold picture. In the Tyrol, to
Canadian Government for permanent collection
at Toronto. Recreations: reading, gardening,
and scientific interests. Address: 9 Belgravt*
Mansions, St. John’s Wood, N.W.8. T. : Mania
Vale 6112 , Langton Matravers, Swanage,
Dorset r. ; Swanage 2424.
ASHER, Samuel Garcia, J.P. ; High
Sheriff of Berkshire, 1924-25 ; one of H.M.
Lieutenants for the City of London ; 6. 1868 ;
s, of late Asher Asher, M.D.; m. 1908, Lillie,
0 . d. of late Henry Barnato ; two d, Educ. :
City of London School ; abroad. Vice-Presi-
dent Home for Jewish Incurables; Vice-Presi-
dent and Member of Weekly Board of Middlesex
Hospital ; Member of the Gardeners’ Company.
Address : 80 Berkeley Square, W.l ; Ascot
Place, Ascot. T. : Mayfair 0944, Ascot 6.
Clubs: Carlton, Garrick.
ASHERSON, Nehemiahi M.A. (Cape);
M.B.B.S. (Lond.).; F.R.C.8, (Kng.) ; L.R.C.P.
Lond ; A.I.C., etc.; lion. Surgeon for Diseases
of the Ear, Nose, and Throat, Queen's Hospital
for Children ; and to Battersea General
Hospital , Hon. Assistant Surgeon, The
Central London Throat, Nose, and Ear
Hospital : Consulting Laryngologist, the
Charterhouse Rheumatism Clinic; Aunst
to the L.C.C. ; 6. 1897; s. of Isaac Aaherson ;
m.; one s, one <1. Educ : South African College ;
University of Cape Town (Entrance Scholar) ;
University College and Hospital, London; post
graduate study in the speciality in London and
Vienna. Medallist in Chemistry; exhibitioner
at the B.A. examination ; Jameson Scholar at
M.A. ; Alexander Bruce Gold Medallist in
Surgery and Liston Gold Medal in Surgical
Pathology, University College Hospital ;
Geoffrey Duveen Travelling Scholar of the
University of London in ()to-rhmo Laryngo-
logy ; late Harker Smith Cancer (radium)
Registrar and Casualty Surgical Officer at Uni-
versity College Hospital; Chief Assistant to
the Royal Bar Hospital, University College
Hospital; Chief Assistant to the Bar, Nose,
and Throat Dept, of the Bolingbroke Hospital,
etc. Publications: Diagnosis and Treatment
of Foreign Bodies in the Upper Food and Re-
spiratory Passages, 1932; Acute Otitis and Mas-
toiditis In General Practice, 1984 ; Chronic Ear
Discharge (Otorrhcea) and its complications, |
1986 ; communications in the Journal of the |
Royal Society of Medicine, papers on subjects re-
lating to the speciality, including the following :
Acute Symptomless Mastoiditis (I^ancet, 1930) ;
The Significance of Oedema in Mastoiditis,
Archives of Oto Laryngology; Experiences
with Radium in Malignant Disease of the Nose
and Throat (British Journal of Laryngology) ;
The Treatment of Chronic Otorrhoea with
Iodine Powder (Lancet 1930); Acute Retro-
pharyngeal Abscess (Lancet 1932) ; Hoarseness,
The Care of the Tonsillectomy Case, etc.
(Clinical Journal). Recreation: Philately. Ad-
dress: Linksmede, Hampstead Lane, N.W.3.
T.: Speedwell .3929; 9 Harley Street, W.l.
T. ; Langham 8197.
ASHFIEliD, 1st Baron, cr. 1920, of
Southwell; Albert (Henry) Stanley:
P.C. 1916; Kt., cr. 1914; Chairman Lon-
don Passenger Transport Board since 1933;
Chairman and Managing Director North
Metropolitan Electric Power Supply Co. ;
Director Midland Bank, Ltd., Imperial Chemi-
cal Industries, Ltd. ; 6. Derby, 1874 ; s. of late
Henry Stanley, Detroit ; m. 1904, Grace Lowrey
Woodruff; two d. Educ.: Amencan Colleges
and Technical Schools. Prior to 1907 General
Manager of American Electric Railways for 12
years, chiefly 'the Detroit United Railways and
the Public Service Railways of New Jersey;
General Manager of Metropolitan District Rail-
way and Tube Railways in London, 1907 ;
Managing Director of the Underground Group
of Companies, 1912 ; Director General of
Mechanical Transport, 1916; Colonel Engineer
and Railway Staft Corps ; President Board of
Trade, 1916-19 ; M P. (C.U.) Ashton-under-
Lyne, 1916 20 ; Chairman and Managing
Director of the Underground Group of Com-
panies, 1919-33 ; Member Royal Commission on
Railways and Transportation in Canada, 1931
Recreation: golf. Address: 43 South Street,
W.l. T.: Grosvenor 1837; The Crossways
Sunningdale. T. : Ascot 259. T.A.: Nowash-
field, Audley, London. Clubs : Carlton, Royal
Automobile ; Coombe Hill ; Walton Heath.
ASHFIELD, Percy John, C.B.E. 1927;
J.P. ; 6. 1870; s, of William Ashfield, Strat-
ford-on-Avon ; m. Guendoline, d. of Captain
B. W. Keatinge, J.P,; one s, one d. Educ, :
King Edward VII. School, Stratford-on-
Avon. Public services m Rhyl for 30 years.
Recreations : amateur acting and rose growing.
Address: Den Haag, Rhyl. T.A,: Ashfield,
Rhyl. T. : Rhyl 508.
ASHFORIK Sir Cyril Ernest, K.B.E.,
a. 1927; C.B. 1919; M.V.O. 1911 ; Hon. LL.D.
Bdin. ; M.A. ; b. 17 June 1867; y. s. of
W. W, Ashford of Edgbaston, Birming-
ham, and Eliza, d. of 'ITios. Lowe ; m. 1899,
Leila (d. 1913), e. d. of Alfred Allhusen of
Beadnell Tower, Northumberland ; three d.
Educ.: King Edward’s School, Birmingham;
Trinity Coll., Camb. (scholar) ; 11th Wrangler,
1889 ; Ist class m Part I. Natural Sciences
Tripos, 1890 ; Assistant Demonstrator at
Cavendish Laboratory ; Assistant Master at
Clifton College, 1892-94 ; Senior Science Master
at Harrow till 1908 ; Headmaster R.N. College,
Osborne, till 1906 ; Headmaster RN. College
Dartmouth, 1905-27. Address : Old Barn, Kid-
more End, near Reading. T.: KidmoreKndlS.
Club : Athenaeum.
ASHIiBY, family name of Baron Mount
ASHIaEY, Xaord, Anthony Aahley.
Cooper; J.P. County of Dorset; Capt.
Royal Wiltshire Yeomanry ; e. s. and heir of 9th
Earl of Shaftesbury, q.v. ; 6. 4 Oct. 1900 ; m
Ist, 1927, Sylvia (from whom he obtained a
divorce, 1935) d. of late Arthur Hawkes ; 2nd,
1937, FrariQOise Claudine, e. d. of Georges
Soulier, Paris and Rouen. Educ. : Eton ;
Royal Military College, Sandhurst ; Caius
College, Cambridge University. A.D.C. to the
Governor of Bombay, 1929-80; A.D.C. to the
WHO’S WHO. 1988
Oommand®r»in-Chief in India, 1980-81. Ad~
drus : Purton Stx>ke House, Swindon. Clv^s :
Carlton, Bovul Automobile, Buck’s.
A8HLBY. Francis Noel, O.M.G. 1987;
Resident Commissioner British Solomon Islands
since 1929. Address: Tulagi, British Solomon
ASHIUBY, Sir Percy (Walter
Blewellyn), K.B.B. cr. 1938; C.B. 1919;
Secre^ry to Import Duties Advisory Committee
since 1982 ; b. 1876 ; y. s. of Jiames Ashley ; m.
1906, Doris Hayman : one s, one d. Eduo^ : St.
Olave’s School, Southwark ; Lincoln College,
Oxford (Scholar); M.A. (First^lass Honours
Modern History), Formerly Lecturer in
History and Pubhc Administration, Lon-
don School of Bconomics (University of
London) ; StaflF.OflQcer, Commercial Depart-
ment, Board of Trade, 1907 ; Secretary, Com-
mercial Intelligence Committee; Joint-Secre-
tary, Committee on Commercial and Industrial
Policy, 1916-17; Assistant Secretary Board of
Trade, 1918-23 ; Principal Assistant Secretary,
Department of Industries and Manufactures,
Board of Trade, 1923-32 ; Member of Council,
Royal Statistical Society. Publvoaiions : Modern
Tariff History; Bnglhsh Local Government;
Local and Central Government; Twice Fifty
Years of Burope. Address: Shell-Mex House,
Strand, W.0.2. Club: Reform.
ASHLSy'. BROWN, Ven. William,
Th.L. ; J.P. ; Archdeacon of Bombay, and
Bishop’s Commissary since 1934 ; Chaplain of
Poona since 1931 ; b. 1887 ; s. of James Brown,
J.P.; m. Ist, 1910, E. M. Gragson (d. 1928);
2nd, 1926, Alice May Preston ; two s. two d.
Educ. : St. John’s College, Armidale, N.S.W. ;
Australian College of Theoiosry. Deacon, 1910 ;
Priest, 1911 : Curate Christ Church Cathedral,
Grafton; Vicar of Walgett; Coffs Harbour,
N.S.W. ; served European War, 1915-18 ; Indian
Ecclesiastical Establishment since 1917 ; Past
District Grand Warden (Bombay) ; Past Assist-
ant Grand Chaplain (England). Pvhlxcations :
novels : I’he Hole in the Board ; Zaudi, Princess
of Abyssinia; On the Bombay Coast and
Deccan ; short stories, verse, essays. Recrea-
tions: sketching, sailing, golf, riding, shooting,
fishing (formerly polo, boxing). Address: c/o
Grindlay & Co., Bombay. Clubs: Overseas;
Bombay Yacht, Poona.
ASHIiBY'COOPER, family name of Earl
of Shaftesbnry.
ASHliEY-SCARIiETT, I«leut.-Col.
Henry, D,S,0. 1918; Western Metropolitan
Radio Societies Representative to the Radio
Society of Great BriUin ; President of Golders
Green and Hendon Radio and Scientific Society ;
b. Jan. 1886; m. 1928, Maijone Laird, d. of Percy
Collins, J.P., Frinton-on-8ea, Essex. Rdve. •
Berkhampstead ; Paris. Captain and Adjutant,
13th Royal Fusiliers ; Major, 2nd m Command,
9th Royal Fusiliers ; Lt.-Colonel, 7th Norfolk
Regt. ; Lt.-Col. Royal Fusiliers (Reserve of
Officers); served European War, 1914-19 (de-
spatches thrice, D.S.O.). Recreations: tennis,
golf, nding, wireless. Address: 60 Pattlson
R(^, N.W.2. T,: Hampstead 4288 ; Carlotta,
Prlnton on Sea.
ASH MALE, Rev. Francis Jame^ b.
Hammer wich, Staffs., 17 Dec. 1856; s. of Elias
Ashmole Ashmall and Mary Glover ; m. Anne
Mary, d. of George and Elizabeth Davies Postle-
thwaite, of Waterloo, Liverpool, and laterofOak-
leigh. Bast Grinstead ; no e. Educ. : Cannock
Grammar School ; Queens’ College, Cambridge.
Deacon, 1881 ; Priest, 188^ Curate of Farebam,
Hants, 1881-6 ; Vicar of Holy Trinity, South-
ampton, 1886-96; Rector of Bishopstoke,
1896-1905 ; of Hickling, 1906-28 ; Rural Dean of
S. Bingham. 1906-28 ; Hon. Canon of Southwell,
1918-28 ; retired. Recreations : cricket till 1910,
football till 1886, golf since 1896, cycling since
1884. Address : 22 Grand Avenue, Muswell Hill,
N. 10.
ASHMOLE, Bernard, M.a; M.A., B.Litt.,
Hon. A.R.l.BtA. ; Yates Professor of Archse-
ology in the University of London since 1929 ;
b. Ilford, 22 June 1894 ; 2nd s. of late William
Ashmole and Caroline "V^arton Tiver ; m, 1920,
Dorothy Irene, 2nd d. of late Bverard de Peyer,
of Newent Court, Glos. ; one s. two d. Educ. :
Forest ; privately ; Hertford College, Oxford
(Classical Scholar). 11th Royal Fusiliers, 1914-
1918 (Captain) ; Craven Fellow, and student of
the British schools at Athens and Rome, 1920-
1922 ; Assistant Curator of Coins, Ashmolean
Museum, 1928-25 ; Director of the British School
at Rome, 1926-28; Florence Bursar, R.I.B.A.,
1937 ; Member of the German Archseglogical
Institute. Publications: Catalogue of Ancient
Marbles at Ince Blundell ; articles on Greek
Sculpture in the Journal of Hellenic Studies
and other periodicals. Address: High and
Over, Amersnam, Bucks. Club : Athenojum.
ASHMORE, Major .-General Edward
Bailey, C.B. 1918; C.M.G. 1916; M.V.O.
1911 ; b. 20 Feb. 1872 ; s. of late Fitzroy
Paley Ashmore, barrister ; m. Betty, d. of Rev.
P. W. Parsons, Vicar of Tandridge, Surrey.
Educ. : Eton ; Woolwich. Entered R.A. 1891 ;
Adj. R.H.A, 1904; Staff ColL 1906-7; General
SUff in the War Office, 1908-12; Military
Secretary to the Inspector-Gen. of the Oversea
Forces, 1918-14 ; served South Afi-ica with “ Q ”
Battery R.H.A. ; severely wounded, Sanna’s
Post, 31 March 1900 ; European War, 1914-17 ;
Commanded a Brigade R.F.C. 1916 (C.M.G.,
Bt.-Ool., Commander of the Legion of Honour) ;
General Officer Commanding Air Defences of
Liondon, 1917 ; Commander Ist Air Defence
Brigade, 1920- 24; G O.C. Territorial Air
Defence Brigades and Inspector Anti-Aircraft
1924-28 ; Pounded the Observer Corps ; retired
pay, 1929. Publication: Air Defence, 1929.
Recreations : hunting ; was Master of the Staff
College Hounds, 1906-7 ; music ; is a Fellow
of the Philharmonic Soc. Address : 5 Ted worth
Square, Chelsea, S.W. T. : Flaxman 4084.
Club : Armv and Navy.
ASHMORE, Major Edwin James
Caldwell, D.S O., M.C. ; late 8/20th Burma
Rifles ; b. 11 July 1898 ; s. of late W. C. Ashmore,
O.I.E. ; w. 1919, Dnlcie Marguerite, y. d. of
late Frederick Dransfleld of Longsight House,
Darton , one s. Entered Indian Army, 1914 ;
Capt., 1917 ; Major, 1931 ; retired 1988.
ASHTON, family name of Baron Ashton-
ASHTON*Of-HYDE, 2nd Baron, or. 1911 ;
Thomas Henry Raymond Ashton:
Joint M.F.H. Heythrop, 1934-36, sole Master
since 1936 ; b. 2 Oct. 1901 ; ». of 1 st Baron
and Eva Margaret, d. of J. H. James, Kings-
wood, Watford, Herts ; S. father, 1988 ; m. 1925,
Maijone Nell. d. of Hon. Marshall Brooks, q.v.
one a. one d. Educ. : Eton ; New College,
Oxford, M.A Recreations: hunting, shooting,
deerstalking. Heir: s. Hon, Thomas John
Ashton, b. 19 Nov. 1926. Address: Broadwell
Hill, Moreton-ln-Marsh, Glos. T.A. : Broadwell
Hill, 8tow-on-the-Wold. 2’ ; Btow-on-the-Wold
20. Cl/ub : Boodle’s.
ASHTON, Major Cyril George Rossi,
D.8.O., 1918; Director of Thomas De La Rue
and Co. Ltd. ; b. 16 Aug. 1895 ; s. of Albert Rossi
Ashton of Iona, Agrapatnas, Ceylon; m. 1921,
Gladys d. of F. G. Jonas; one s. Educ, : Ton-
bridge School. Joined 6th South Lancashire
Regt. Sep. 1914 ; served in Gallipoli and Prance ;
transferred to Tank Corps, 1910 (despatches
thrice, Brevet Major, D.8.O.). Address : Over-
dale, Woldineham, Surrey.
ASHTON. Major Edward James, D.S.O.
1916 ; Commissioner, Soldier Settlement
Board since 1918; b. Tumby, Lines, 18 June
1870 ; m. Ist, 1008, Mary Louise (d, 1919), d. of
Jas. Webster, Dundas, Out. ; one a two d. j 2od,
1920, Beatrice Mary, d. of L. E. Bmbree, M.A.,
LL. D„ Toronto; one d. Edue. : Louth Gramma
WHO'S WHO, 1038
School. Served South Aft’ioAn War in Sherwood
Rangers I.T. (Queen’a medal 6 olaaps) ; attached
82nd Batt. O.B.F., Nov. 1914; transferred to
loth Batt. Canadian Infantry, 1015; served
European War, 1914-16 (wounded at Feetubert,
1916, despatches, D.S.O.), Recreations: swim-
ming, golf. Address : 91 Glen Avenue, Ottawa,
Ontado. ; Rideau, Ottawa.
ASHTONi Maj.-Oen. Brneat Charles,
O.B. 1936; C.M.Q. 1918; V.B.; M.D., C.M. ;
Chief of Canadian General Staff emoo 1936 ;
6. Brantford, Ontario, 28 Oot. 1873: s. of
Rev. Robert Ashton, Principal, Mohawk Insti-
tution; m. 1907, Helen M. Weir; one d.
Edno. : Trinity University, Toronto. Graduated
in Medicine, 1898i Medallist and Hon. Graduate
Trinity University, 1898, and Trinity Medical
College, *1898 : College of Physicians and Sur-
geons, Ontario, 1899: House Surgeon, Hos-
pital Sick Children, Toronto, 1898-99; Medical
Superintendent, Muskoka Cottage Sanatorium,
1899-1901; Staff Surgeon, Brantford General
Hospital, 1901-15; Member of Board of Gover-
nors, Brantford General Hospital, Brant Sana-
torium, Brantford ; Lieut. Duflerin Rifles of
Canada, 1898; Captain; 1896; Major, 1902;
Lieut. -Colonel, 1907-12; organised and com-
manded 23rd Battery C.F.A., 1918, and .36tli
Battalion O.E.F., 1915; Colonel, C.M., 1916;
Commanded Canadian Training Brigade, 1915-16;
Division, 1916-17; 16th Canadian Infantry
Brigade, 1917; Brig. -General, 1917: Adjutant-
General C.M. (temp.), 1918; CM. 1919-20;
Quartermaster - General C.M, 1920-22; N.D.
1923; D.O.C. M.D. 2, 1980-33; District Officer
Commanding M. D. No. XT., Esquimault, B.C.,
1988-35 ; Ma,jor-General, 1918 ; twice mentioned
for valuable services in war (overseas). Ad-
dress: National Defence Headquarters, Ottawa,
Canada Cluh: Rideau, Ottawa.
ASHTON, Harry: M.A, Litt D. (Cantab.);
O.Litt. (Birmingham); D.Lltt. (Pans);
Offlcier de I’lnstruction Publique; Chevalier
de la L4gion d’honneur; Lecturer in French,
UniversSity of Cambridge ; b. Bury, Lancs, 31
Jan. 1882; s. of Edwin Ashton and Priscilla
Wrigley, Middleton ; w. 1934, Mr.>. Anne
Venner Earlo, d. of late William Venner
Marriner and Mrs. Brnost Staines, Kduc
Bury Grammar School ; Saltley Coll. Birming-
ham ; Qonville and Cams College, Cambridge ;
Univ. of Paris. Lecturer, Univ. of Birming-
ham, 1913-16; Professor and Head of Modern
Language Dept, Univ, of British Columbia,
1915-88, Pnblicntxons : Du Bartas en Angleterre,
1908 ; Mme. de La Fayette, sa vie etses tvuvres,
1922 ; Lettres de Mme. de La Fayette et de Qilles
Manage, 1924; A Preface to Molidre; La Prin-
oesge de Olives ; The French Novel ; Moll^re ;
etc. Address : Qonville and Caiua College,
A.SHTON. Helen, (Mrs. Arthur
Jordan). Novelist; b. London 18 Oct. 1891 ;
d. of late Arthur J Ashton, K.C., Recorder of
Manchester and Judge of Appeal in the Isle of
Man ; m. 1927, Arthur Edward North Jordan,
barrisber-at-Ijaw of Gray's Inn and the Oxford
Circuit. Bduc.: liondon University; M.B.,
B.Oh. Publioatlons : A Lot of Talk, 1927;
Par Enough, 1928 ; A Background for Caroline,
1929; Doctor ^rooold, 1980; Mackerel Sky,
1980 ; Bricks and Mortar, 1932; Belinda Grove,
1982 ; Family Cruise, 1934 ; Hornet’s Nest, 1984 ;
Dust over the Ruins, 1986 ; People in Cages,
1987. Rscrmtions: salmon and trout Ashing.
Address: 13 South Square, Gray’s Inn, W.C 1.
r, : Chancery 7489 ; Grafton Manor, Olanfleld,
LSHTON« 0»ptaln Henry Oordon
Oooch, D.8.O. 1916; F.R.G.8.; late Welsh
Guards ; 6. 26 Nov. 1870 ; 2nd s. of late Lt. James
Walter Ashton, Royal Navy ; m. 1906, Gladys
Mary Letitia (served Buroiiean War with
French Red Cross, Medaille de I'Uriion des
Femmes de France, 1916), d. ofilate J. M. Phillips,
M.D., J.P., Cardiganshire. Associate of the
Institution of Naval Architects : holds the
Shipwreck and Humane Society’s Silver Medal
for saving life at sea ; has travelled extensively
all over the world ; served European War, 1014-
1018 (despatches twice, D.S.O., seriously
wounded Sep. 1916). Recreations: Shooting,
yachting (Board of Trade Master's Certificate),
and hunting. Address: Welston Court, Pem-
broke. Cluh : Guards’.
ASHTON. Hon. James, Chairman of Com-
mercial Banking Co. of Sydney, Ltd., since
193.8 ; b. Geelong, 8 May 1864 ; m. 1898, Helen,
O.B.E., d, of Rev. Speer Willis. M.L.A. 1894-
1907; M.L.O. 1907-34; Mintster for Lands,
1904-7 ; Minister without portfolio, 1907-9.
Address: Tueila, William Street, Double Bay,
Sydney, N.S.W. , .
ASHTON, Engineer Rear - Admlrh.1
James, D.S.O. 1918; B.N. retired; 6. 1888;
m, 1929, Florence Mary, widow of Dr. Sinclair
Mason, Sutton Coldfield. Educ. : Bedford
Grammar School; Royal Naval Engineering
College, Devonport. Served Euroj^n War,
1914-18 (despatches, D.S.O.); Eng. Rear-Adm.
1936; retired list, 1936. Address: Tulla^,
Fernhill Road, New Milton, Hants. T. : New
Milton 744.
ASHTON, Rt. Rev. John W. j see
Grafton, Bishop of.
ASHTON, Julian Rossi, C.B.B. 19^:
Principal, Sydney Art School; 6. 27 Jan. 1851 ;
8, ot Thomas Bnggs Ashton and Henrietta
Spencer; w. 1876 ; two s. one d. Educ. : Gram-
mar School, Totnes, Devon. In London until
1878; in Australia (Sydney ami Melbourne)
since 1878. Recreation, gardening. Address:
The Glen, Bondi, Sydney, N.S.W., Australia.
ASHTON, Mareraret; Hon. M..^, Man-
chester University; b. 1866; Srd d. of Thomas
Ashton of Hyde and Ford Bank, Didsbup'^,
Manchester. Bduc. : Home. Interested in In-
fant Welfare and Hospital, Education, Women s
International League, Local Government, etc.
Recreations: gardening and needlework. Ad-
dress • 12 Kingston Road, Didsbury, Manchester.
ASHTON, Will, R O.I. : artist ; Dir^tor,
National Ait Gallery of New South Wales
since 1937 ; b. York, 1881 ; s. of late James
Ashton, artist and art teacher, Adelaide, So.
Australia ; m. May, d. of late James Millman,
So. Australia; three s. Educ.: Prince Alfred
College, Adelaide. Studied in England Under
Julius Olsson q.v., and Algernon Taimage, q.v.,
and in Paris with Professors Baschet and
Schommer ; exhibitor Academy, Royal Acad-
emy, Paris Salons, old and new, Royal West of
England International Society of Painters,
Sculptors and Gravers, Royal Institute of Oil
Painters ; elected member Royal Institute of Oil
Painters, 1913 ; Carnegie Institute, Pittsburgh
(hon. mention 1914), Goupil Gallery, London,
etc. ; Wynne Prize for best Landscapt Of the
year 1908 and 1930, Sydney ; awarded Godfrey
Rivers Memorial Prize, Brisbane, 1933 ;
represented in National Galleries, Sydney,
Mel bourns, Adelaide, Brisbane, Perth, Aus-
tralia. Castlemame Art Gallery, Victoria,
Chnstchuich, N, E., Peebles, Scotland, and
many of the private Art Collections m Aus-
tralia; Auckland, N.Z ; commissioned by
Commonwealth Government of Australia in
1910 to paint landscape at La Perouse, which
was presented to French Government, and now
hangs in a Gallery in Paris ; Australian Art
Association, Melbourne; member Art Ad-
visory Board to Commonwealth Governmant
of Australia ; acted as one of the Art Advisers
to Board of Governors of National Gallery,
Adelaide, in 1013-16, and purchased works for
National Collection. Recreatiasx: motoring.
Address: Bossiney, Tivoli Street. Hitman,
Sydney, N.S.W. T.: Y 4774. Club; Chelsea
Aru. jjj
WHO'S WHO. 1938
lawny Arthur, C.M.a. I'iSS; Counselloi,
Foreign Office since 1934 ; b. 14 April 1H89 ; s. of
Rev. Canon W. H. T. Ashton-Gwatkin, q,v»; m.
Nancy Violet Butler, Melbourne, Australia
Edv4}. : Eton ; Balliol College, Oxford. En-
tered H.M. Consular Service (Far East), 1913 ;
2nd Secretary, Foreign Office. 1921 ; 1st Secre-
tary. 1924; Acting Counsellor ot Embassy,
Moscow, 1929; Ist Secretary, Foieign Office,
1930; attached to suite of Crown Prince of
Japan on his visit to England, 1921 ; attached
to United Kingdom Delegation, Disarma-
ment (Conference at Washington, 1921-22 ;
Impel lal Economic Confeience at Ottawa, 1932 ,
Woild Monetary and Economic Conference at
London, 1933; has the Japanese Older of the
Sacred Treasure (4th Class) Address : Foreign
Office, S. W.l. Clitb : Brooks's,
see Gwatkin,
ASHTOWN, 8rd Baron (cr. 1800), Frederick
Oliver Trench; J.P., D.L. ; b. 2 Feb. 1868,
e. s of Hon. Frederick Sydney Charles Tiench
and Lady Anne Le Poer Trench, d. oi Srd Earl
of Claricarty ; S. grandfather, 1880 ; m. 1894,
Violet, d. of late Col. R. G. Cosby , two s. one d
Educ. Eton ; Magdalen College, Oxford. Re-
creations \ shooting, hslniig Owns 22,000 acres.
Heir: s. Hon. Robert Power Trench, q v. Ad
dress. Woodlawn House, Co. Galway; Glen*
ahiry Lodge, Waterford.
See also Hon. D, 0. Trench^ A’? ig Gen. L. F. G
ASHWEIjI., Major Arthur Eindley,
D 8.0. 1916 ; T.D 1926; late 8th Bn &herwoo(l
Foi esters; Secretaiy Notts T.A. Association ,
b. 19 Jan. 1886 , o. s. of Arthur Thomas Ashwell,
solicitor, Nottingham , m. 1932, Syhia Violet,
widovfol Harold Gallatly, M.C., and d. of Philip
Scratchley. Educ. . Lambrook, Bracknell
Winchester College. Three years’ Temtonal
service prior to outbreak of war, serNed
European War, 1916 (wounded thrice, de-
spatches, D.S O ) Recreation : cricket. Ad-
dress; The Drill Hall, Derby Road, Notting-
ham. CluRs: Royal Automobile , Nottingham-
A S H W E Ii Eena. O.B.E. ; 8rd d. of
Commander Pocock, R.N. ; m. 1908, Sn
Henry Simson, K.C V.O (d 1932) Hon
Organiser of Lena Ash well Concerts at the
Front, and Chairman Lena Ashwell Players
Prmetped parts : Mrs. Dane in Mrs. Dane’s De
fence, 1900 ; Ellen Famdon in Chance the Idol,
1902 ; Katusha in Resurrection ; Pia and
Gemma in Dante ; Yo San, Darling of the Gods ,
Leah Kleschna; Ninon; Bond of Ninon; Deborah
in 'The Shulamite ; Ins in Ins Intervenes
Manager Kings way Theatre, produced Diana of
Dobson’s and Irene Wycherley. Publications
Modem Troubadours, also Reflections from
Shakespeare; TTie Stage; Myself a Plajer,
Autobiography, P>3b. Address * 6 Belgrave
Mews West, S.W.l. T. . Sloane 8o03
ASKE, Sir Robert William, Ist Bt.,
cr. 1922; Kt., cr. 1911; K C. 19.34; Bar-
nster-at-law ; M.P. (L.) Newcastle East,
1928-24, and since 1929 (L Nat. since 1931),
b. 1872; s. of Edward Aske; m. 1st, 1899,
Edith (d. 1900), d. of Charles McGregor;
2nd, 1909, Edith (d. 1918), d. of Sir W. H.
Cockerliiie, q.v ; two*, twe d. Received LL.D
from London University and gold medal of the j
University, 1900 ; contested Central Hull (L ), i
1910 and 1911 ; Lt.-Col. l/5th Batt. East
Yorks Regt. (R ) ; T D. ; D^uty-Shenffof Hull
three times Publication : The Law of Customs
of Trade. Heir: s. Conan, b. 22 April 1912
Address: 4 Elm Court, Temple, B.O.4. T. :
Central I860. Club: Reform.
irerston, J.P. ; h. 1868; *. of late Watson
Askew Robertson and Hon. Sarah, «. d. of
first and last Baron Marjoribanks ; m. 1908,
Katherine Marjorie Strathearn (d. 1932), e. d. of
late Hon. John Edward Gordon, M.P. ; one*.
(m. 1933, Lady Susan Egerton, 4th d. of
Earl of Ellesmere, q.v ) one d. Educ. : Eton ;
Christ Church, Oxfoid. Member of Stock
Exchange for over 80 years. Recreations.
country gentleman. Address: Lady kirk,
Norham, Northumberland. T. : Coldstream 59.
Clubs : New University ; New, Edinburgh.
ASKWITH, family name of Baron
ASKWITH, 1st Baron, or. 1919; Georg:e
Ranken Askwith, of St. Ives in the Co. of
Hunts. ; K C.B., cr. 1911 , O.B. 1909 , b. 17 Feb.
1861 ; 8. of late Gen. W. H. Askwith, Col. -Com.
B. A. ; m. 1908, Ellen (see Lady Askwith), widow
of M^. Henry Graham, 20th Hussars, and d.
of Aichibald Peel of Westlea, Broxbourne ;
one d. Educ. : Marlborough (Member of
Council and Chairman Finance Committee) ;
Brasenose College, Oxford (Scholar, Hulmeian
Exhibitioner, 1st class History, Hon. Fellow,
1019) M.A., Hon. D O.L. 1912. Barrister
Inner and Middle Temple, 1886 ; Counsel
on the Venezuelan Arbitration, to H.M.’s
Commissioners of Works, and for the Crown
in Peerage Claims ; Steward of H.M.’s Manor
of the Savoy ; Arbitrator and conciliator in
many trade disputes ; Assistant Secretary
Board of Trade (Railways), 1907; British Pleni-
potentiary to International Congress on Copy-
right at Berlin, 1908 ; K.C. 1908 , Comptroller
General Commercial, Labour and Statistical
Depts., Board of Trade, 1909 , Chief Indus
trial Commissioner, 1911-19 ; Chairman In-
dustrial Council, 1011, and of Fair Wages
Advisory Committee, 1909-19; made •peciul
report for Government on labour laws of Canada,
1912 ; Umpire bcottisli Coal Conciliation Board,
1913 15; Chairman Government Arbitration
Committee under Munitions of War Acts,
1915-17 , Chairman of Council Institut Frangais
since 1913; Commander of the Legion of
Honour and of the Belgian Oruer of the Crown,
1919 ; received hon. freedom of Weaver’s Com-
pany (Upper Bailiff, 1925) and City of London,
1911 , Mayor of St. Ives, Hunts., 1913; Presi-
dent Middle Classes Union (now National
Citizens Union), 1921-29; Member Royal Com-
mission on Cattle Importation, 1921 , Chairman,
Malta Royal Comniission, 1931; and member of
Joint Committees on Consolidation Acts and
Guardianship of Infants’ Bills and Lords’
Committees on Claims to Peerages, and
Chairman or Member of other Joint or
Select Committees; Chairman Parliamentary
delegation to Bermuda, 1932; Member of
panel for commissions of inquiry under Art.
412 of the Treaty of Versailles, 1934 ; Chairman
of Council Royal Society of Arts, 1922-24 ;
Treasurer 1926-27, and Vice-President 1927-
1937 ; President of British Science Guild, 1922-
1925 ; Pres. Inst, of Patentees, 1925-37 ; Pres.
National Assoc, of Trade Protection Societies,
1924-27 and 1928-29; Vice-Pres. Federation ot
Bntish Industries ; Hon. Treasurer Y.M.C.A ,
1920-33, and Vice-President; late Chair-
man Governors of Royal Holloway Collegia ;
Cliairman of Council of Cheltenham Ladies
College, and late Member of Council of St.
Hilda’s College, Oxford ; President of the
National Greyhound Racing Society of Great
Britain ; President Institute of Arbitrators,
1083-37 ; Director of Monotype Corporation and
County of London Electric Supply Corpora-
tion, and other companies. PuMications : In-
dustrial Problems and Disputes, 1920; British
Taverns, their History and Laws, 1928 ; Lord
James of Hereford, 1980. Recreations: travel-
ling, shooting. Heir: none. Address: 5
Caaogan Gardens. S.W.8. T. ; Sloane 1062.
Chtbs • United University, Atheneeum.
ASKWITH, Eady (Bllen), C.B.B. 1018 ;
d. of Archibald Peel, g.d. of Rt. Hon. General
and Lady Alice Feel and of Sir Roger and
WHO’S WHO. 1938
Lady Palmer ; m. 1st, Mi^or Henry Graham,
20th Hussars ; two s. ; 2nd, Lord Ask with,
Q.V.; one d, Educ, : Home. Worked as one
of the Y.M.C.A. Lady Presidents in the War;
ran five canteens in the docks and one hostel ;
started the National Kitchens, taken over by
the Government ; joined the Dockers’ Trades’
Union as a member; served on several Govern-
ment Committees, Women’s Unemployment,
War Savings, War Memorials Committees, and
two Safeguarding Committees : Gloves and
Translucent Pottery ; has done a good deal
of journalism, written articles in reviews, and
two books ; does a considerable amount of
ublic speaking PuhluaHons : The Tower of
iloam ; Disinherited of the Barth. Recreations :
budge, golf. Address: 5 Cadogan Gardens,
8.W.S. r. ; Sloane 2779. Ciut; Bath.
See also Capt. H. A. R. GraJiam, Capt. M. W.
A. P. Graham,
ASKWITH. Rev. Edward Harrison,
D.D. (Cambridge); 5. 8 Sep. 18(54; s. ot late
Thomas Askwith of Ripon ; m. 1889, Mary
Douglas Pox, d. of late Sir Douglas Fox ; two d.
Kduc. : Christ’s Hospital ; Trinity College, Cam
bridge (Scholar), bracketed 10th Wrangler, 1886,
Assistant-Master Westminster School, 1888 ;
Headmaster of South-Eastern College, Rams-
gate, 1889-91 ; ordained Deacon, 1888 ; Priest,
1889 ; Vicai of St Michael’s, Cambridge, 1898-96 ,
Chaplain of Trinity College, Cambridge, 1894-
1909 ; Norrisian prizeman, 1898 ; Vicar of Kirk by
Lonsdale, Westmorland, 1909-17 ; Hon Canon
of Carlisle, 1917 , Rector of Dickleburgh, Nor
folk, 1917 24. Publications : Papers on Groups
of Substitutions in Quarterly Journal of Pure
and Applied Mathematics, 1889, etc ; The
Epistle to the Galatians — an essay on its Des-
tination and Date, 1899 , Tlie Christian Con-
ception of Holiness, 1900 *, Au Intioduction
to the Thessaloman Epistles, 1902 , Pure Geo-
metry, 1903 , Essay on Sin and the Need of
Atonement, 1905, The Analytical Geometry of
the Conic Sections, 1908; The Historical Value of
the Fourth Gospel, 1910; The Psalms (Books
IV. and V.), A Rhythmical Translation, 1925
Recreations: golf and gardening Addnss . 2n
Storey’s Way, Cambridge. T, . 4t>05.
See also Lt -Col. L, H. 'I rist.
ASKWITH. Rev. Canon George. M.A ,
Vicar of Woking, Surrey ; Hon Canon of Guild
ford; 8. of Thomas Askwith and Sai-ah Nowell
Askwith; m. 1897; one s Kduc ’ Ripon
Grammar School; Queens College, Cambridge
Curate of St. George’s, Leeds; St. Matthew’s,
Redhill, Surrey; Vicar, St. James’, Plumstead,
Woolwich. Recreation: motoring Address
Woking Vicarage, Surrey. T. • Woking 207
ASKWITH, Col. Henry Francia. C.M.G
1916; late R.A. ; 6. 24 Dec. 1865; y *. of late Gen
W. H. Askwith, R.A.; w. 1921, Ruth Mary, 8i<l
d. of late J. P. Cha worth Musters. Served 8.
Africa, 1899-1900 (Queen’s medal 8 clasps), Euro-
pean War, 1914-18 (despatches thrice, C.M.G.) ,
letired, 1918. Address: 21 Montpelier Square,
S.W.7. T. : Kensington 2412. Club : Naval and
Se« also Col, J, N Chaworth-Mu'^fers,
AS MAN, Rev. Harry Newbltt, M.A.,
B.D. ; Headmaster of Owen's School, B.C.l,
since 1929; b, Hull, 1877; s of Charles Arden
and Martha Clark As man. Educ, : Hull Grammar
School; London University. BA., Double
Honours, 1900; M A., 1903; Durham University,
B.D., 1907; Deacon, 1903; Priest, 1904; Assist-
ant Master, Hull Grammar School, to 1899;
Assistant Master, Owen’s School, 1899; Second
Master, 1907; Curate, St. Andrews, Alexandra
Park, 1908-10; Chaplain to the Manor House,
Brondesbury, 1910-29. Publications: A Junior
Latin Prose; An Introduction to the History
of Rome; Selections from English Literature,
1700-1900 Recreations: walking, music. Ad^
dress: 88 Walm Lane, N.W.2. T, : Teiminuh
ASPDEN, Hartley, C.B.B. 1919; J.P ,
County of London ; y. s, of Richard Aspden of
Clitheroe ; b. 1858 ; w. 1886, Kate (d. 1934), 2nd
d, of W. G. Crowther, Too thill Lodge, Mans-
field. Journalist, associated for many years
with Sir George Newnes, Bt., and up to 1914
with Lord Northcliffe. Elected a Director of
the Amalgamated Press, Limited, in 1898 ; also
Director Pall Mall Trust. Limited ; Hartley
Property Company, Ltd. Recreation : golf.
Address: Westcourt, Russell Hill, Purley. T. :
Purley 1188. Club: National Liberal.
ASPElali, Alderman Sir Jobn, Kt. er.
1934; retired cotton manufacturer; b 8 Aug.
1854 ; s ot James Aspell, Broomheld, Middleton,
Lancashire. Educ. • Middleton Grammar School ;
Spring Bank Academy, Darwen ; Owens College,
Manchester. Member of Middleton Borough
Council, 1886-1907 , Alderman, 1904 ; Mayor of
Borough, 1905-06 ; Hon Freeman of Borough,
1907 ; Member of Lancashire County Council
since 1898 ; Alderman, 1909 ; Cliairman of
Highways Committee, 1915-34 Recreations :
golf, reading Address: Kents Ford, Grange
over Sands, Lancashire. T : Grange 41. Clubs:
Clarendon, Old Rectory, Manchester; County,
ASPINaLl, Sir Algernon (Edward),
Kt., cr. 1928; C.M.G. 1918; C.B.K. 1926;
Officer, Order of St. John of Jerusalem, 1930;
Secretaiy, the West India Committee since
1898, and the Imperial College of Tropical Agri-
culture since 1921 ; President, W. Indian Club ;
b. 1871 ; y. s. of late Robert Augustus Aspinall,
J P , D.L. ; m. 1907, Kathleen, y. d. of lata
William Augustus Mason. Educ.: Eton ;
Magdalen College, Oxford (Honours Law). B. A.
1894; called to Bar, Inner Temple, 1897; A.B.
m R N V.R. Anti-Aircraft Corps, 1914-18 (Royal
Humane Society’s Medal, 1916); Secretary,
the West Indian Contingent Committee, 1915-19,
Original Member of Council, Britishif Cotton-
giowmg Association ; Member of Committee,
Society of Comparative Legislation and of
the Ross Institute ; Chairman, Cocoa Associa-
tion of London, 1930-31 ; Chairman, West
Indian Produce Association and Davison,
Newman Co. ; Hou. Sec. British Guiana
Colonisation Deputation, 1919; Member West
Indian Shipping Committee, 1918-19, Com-
mittee on Colonial Blue books, 1917, Tropical
Agricultural College Committee, 1919 (Hon,
Sec ), West Indian Currency Committee, 1923,
and West Indian Air Transport Committee,
1926 ; Hon. Commissioner for West Indian and
Atlantic Group, British Empire Exhibition,
1924-25 (C.B.B.). Publications * The Pocket
Guide to the West Indies; West Indian Tales
of Old ; A Wajfarer in the We^t Indies, iie-
creation: travel. Address: 18 Walpole Street,
Chelsea, S W 3. T.: Sloane 3667, Royal 1188.
Club Carlton
ASPINAI.E, Major John Ralph, J.P.,
b 1878 ; 8 of late Col. Ralph John Aspinall and
Mabel FedericaFrances, y. a. of late Robert Lloyd
Jones-Parry of Aberdunant, Carnarvonshire,
and of PlAs Tregayan, Anglesey; m. 1st, 1901,
Florence Augusta (d. 1923), 3rd d, of late Col.
George Blucner Heneage Marten ; 2nd, 1926,
Muriel, y. d, of late John Lawson Johnston ;
one s Educ. : Eton ; Trinity Hall, Cambridge
Major in 1/1 Lancashire Hussars ; Patron of two
livings. Address : Standen Hall, Clitheroe.
Club: Cavalry.
See cd'^o Lt.-Col. E. N. Evelegh.
ASPINAU, Iit..Col. Robert Stivala,
C.I.E. 1936; F.R.C.S. Edinburgh; Indian Medi-
cal Service ; Civil Suigeon Ajiner-Merwara and
Chief Medical Officer, Rajputana, since 1935 ;
h. 5 Feb. 1895. Address * A,]mer-Merwara, India,
OecU Faber, C.B. 1919 ; C.M.G. 1916 ; D.S.O.
1917; h. 8 Feb. 1878: w. 1927, Florence Joan,
0 . d. of late J. H. Oglander. J.P., D.L., of Nun-
well, Isle of Yt ight. Educ. : Rugby. Entered
WHO’S WHO, 1938
Army (Boyal Munster Fusiliers), 1900; Captain,
1908 ; Major, 1915 ; Lt. -Col. 1910; B ig. ^Qeii. 1917;
retired with rank of Brig.-Gen* 1920; passed
Staff College, 1908; employed General Staff,
India, and at War Office, 1909*14 ; served in
operations in Ashanti, 1900 (despatches, medal);
South African War, 1901-2 (medal and 4 clasps) ,
Mohmand Expedition 1908 (medal and clasp) ;
European War, 1914*18, was chief general staff
officer Dardanelles army during the evacuation
of Gallipoli (despatches 10 times, Bt. Maj., Bt.
Lt. *Col.,O.B.,C.M.G., D.S.O., Legion Of Honour,
White Elephant of Siam). Publxcations : Mili-
tary Operations, Gallipoli, vol. i* 1929, vol. ii.
198k Address: 25 York Terrace, N.W.l ;
Nun well Park, Brading, Isle of Wight. T.:
Welbeek 8097. Clvh : United Service.
ASQUITH : family name of Earl of Ox-
ford axid Asqultti.
ASQUITH, Hon. Artbnr (Melland) ;
D.8.O. 1917; Director Sudan Plantation Syndi-
cate, Ltd., Westminster Bank, and of other com*
panies ; 5. 24 April 1883 ; 8rd a of 1st Earl of Ox-
ford and Asquith; m. 1918, Hon. Betty Constance
Manners, d. of drd Lord Manners ; fourd. EdAie . .
Winchester ; New College, Oxford. Sudan Civil
Service, 1906*11 ; business in Argentina and
London, 1911-14 ; joined R.N.V.R. in beginning
of European War; served with R.N.D. Ant-
werp and Gallipoli (wounded); France sub-
sequently (again wounded, D.S.O., 2 bars) ,
retired witn honorary rank of Brig. - Gen. ,
Controller, Trench Warfare Dept, 1918 ; Con-
troller Appointments Dept, and member of
Council, Ministry of Labour, 1919. Recreations
If and shooting. Address : 28 Sussex Square,
.2. T. : Paddington 2227. Clubs : Brooks's,
City University, Royal Automobile; Hunter-
combe Golf.
A8QUITH| Hon. Cyril^ K.C. 1986; Re-
corder of Salisbury since 1937 ; 4th s. of 1st
Earl of Oxford and Asquith; b, 1890; m. 1918,
Anne Stephanie, d. of Sir A. D. W. Pollock, q v ,
two «. two d. Educ,: Winchester; Balliol
College, Oxford. Hertford and Ireland Scholar,
1911: Fellow of Magdalen College, Oxford, 1913 ;
Bar, Inner Temple, 1920 ; Assistant Reader in
Common IjUW to Inns of Court, 1925, Publica-
tions: Outlines of Constitutional Law (with D.
Chalmers); Trade Union Law for Laymen
1927 ; Versions from A Shropshire Lad, 1930 ,
Life of Herbert Henry Asquith, Lord Oxford
and Asquith (with J. A. Spender), 1932. Re-
creation : botany. Address : 8 Westbourne
Street, Hyde Park, W.2. T. : Paddington 6696
Club: Brooks’s.
ASQUITH, Hob. Herbert s e. surv. a. of
Ist Earl of Oxford and Asquith ; b. 11 Mar.
1881 ; TO. 1910, Lady Cynthia Cliarteris (author
of The Spring House, 19;16), e. d. of 11th Earl
of Wemyss and March ; three a. Educ.
Winchester; Balliol College, Oxford. Presi-
dent Of Oxford Union Society, 1908; called to
Bar, Lincoln’s Inn, 1907 ; Captain (late) R.F.A. ,
active service in France ana Flanders, 1916-18
Publications: Verse — The Volunteer, 1916,
A Village Sermon, 1921; Pillioock Hill, 1926;
Poems, 1934; Novels — Wind’s End, 1924 ; Young
Orland, 1927; Roon, 1929; Mary Dallon, 1932;
Memoir — Moments of Memory, 1937. Re&rea-
tions: shooting and golf. Addreu: 8 Sussex
Place, Regent’s Park, N.W.l. T, ; Paddington
0914, dubs : Brooks’s, Savage.
ASSAM I Bishop of, since 1924; Bt. Rew.
Georgre Clay Hnbbabk. B.Sc^ D.D ; b.
7 Apr. 1882 ; a. of Joseph Huboack, J.P., Liver-
pool ; unmarried. Educ.: Rossall ; Univ. College,
Liverpool. Civil Engineer on the Admiralty
Harbour, Dover, 1902-5 ; in Port Trust Calcutta,
1906-8; Oxford Mission to Calcutta, 1908-24,
with two years as Curate of St. Anne's, S.
Lambeth, 1910-12, and War Hospital diaplain,
Bombay, 1916-17; Deacon, 1910; Priest, 1911.
Addtess: Bishop’s House, Dibrugarh, Assam.
T,A*: Bishop, Dibrugarh.
ASSBliIN, Maurictfi Chevhlier de la Legion
d'honneur ; Artiste peintre ; to. Suzaime
Ram baud ; three a. Educ* : Orleans. Salon
des Independants, Paris ; Salon d’Automne
(membre du oomit6); Expositions Londres,
Paris, La Hague, Amsterdam, Stockholm,
Munich, Pittsburg, Vefiise, Toklo, etc.
Publications : Paintings, Water Colours,
Etchings, Lithographies. Address i 45 rue du
Bois de Boulogne, Neuilly s Seine, France.
T. : Maillot 29.61.
A8SER. General Sir (JdaOpb) John,
K.C.B., er. 1924 ; E.C.M.G., or. 191$; K.C.V.O.,
ct*. 1917 ; C.B. 1916; late Dorsets Regt. ; b, 81 Aug.
1867; a. of late 8. B. V. Asser^ Windlesham,
Surrey; to. 1901, Leila, d* of James Wother-
spoon of New 'York ; one d. Entered Army,
1887 ; Captain, 1893 ; Major, '1907 ; Lt.-Ool. 1907 ;
Col. 1011 ; retit^ J uly I9i4; restored to active list
1916 as Maj.-Gen. ; Gen. 1926; A.D.O. toG.O.C.
®8ypt, 1892 ; A.G. Egyptian Army, 1907-14;
served Nile Expedition, 1897 (medal and Clasp) ;
Nile Expedition, 1898 (Bt. -Major, medal and
two clasps) ; Nile Expedition, 1899 (clasp) ; Ex-
pedition Southern Kordofan (m command), 1910
(medal and clasp); European War. 1914-1918
(despatches. Base Comdt., G.O.C. L. of C. area,
G.O.C. British Troops, FVance and Flanders,
1919, K.C.M.O., C.B., prom. Lt.-Gen., 1914 Star,
British and Victory medals. Order St. Anne
(crossed swords), Belgian Order de la Couronne) ;
Governor and Comraander-in-Ohief, Beimuda,
1922-27 ; 2nd class Osmaineh; 2nd class Mejidie
Sacred Treasure, Aviz, Grand Offlcier Legion
of Honour, Croit de Guerre (France and Bel-
gium) ; A.D.C General to the King, 1929-80 ;
retired pay, 1930; for some years a member of
Sudan Go\t. Council ; a Pasha m Egypt ; Hon.
Member Phi, Beta, Kappa, William and Mary
College, Virginia. Recreations: shooting, fish-
ing, and golf. Address: Hurst Mill, Peters-
field r. ; Harting 16. .• Army and Navy.
A 8 S B R, Bri|g.-Gen. Verney, C.B.
1981 ; O.M.G. 1919 ; D.S.G. 1902 ; 6. Beadon-
well, Kent, 28 Dec. 1873 ; 3rd i. of
late 8. B. V. Asser, J.P., Windlesham,
Surrey ; to. 1911, Hyacinth, d. of late
Henry Irwin, CJ.B., Madras; one 8. one d.
Educ. : Uppingham School. Joined York-
shire Artillery, 1898 ; served with British
8. A. Police in Matabels War, 1896 (medal);
commissioned to Royal Artillery, 1899 ; on
service in Anglo- Boer War, 1900-2 (Queen's
medal three clasps, King’s medal and clasps,
despatches, D.S.O.) ; operations on Blue Nile,
1908 (medal) ; Adjutant, 11th Brigade, 1905-8 ;
attached Egyptian Arlny, 1908-12 ; Aiijt. R.M.A.
1918-14 ; served European War, 1914-18, Staff
Capt. R.A., Brigade Major R.A., G.S O. 2,
O.R.A. (despatches, Bt. Lt.-Ool., C.M.G.,
Greek Military Cross); C.R.A. 44th (Home
Counties) Division ; A. A.G. War Office, 1926-27 ;
commanded R.A., 4th Division, 1927-30; retired
pay, 1930. Address : Wadlington, Lodsworth,
Sussex. Club : Army and Na\'y.
A 8 S H E T O N. RAlpb| J.P. County of
Lancaster; M.A., F.S.A.: M.P. (Nat. U.)
Rushcliffe Division of Notts since 1934;
Parliamentary Private Secretary to the Rt.
Hon. W. Ormsby Gore when First Com-
missioner of works and Secretary of State
for the Colonies; h. 24 Feb. 1901; o* s. bf
R. C. Assheton, q.v, ; TO. 1924, Hon. Sylvia
Benita Prances Hotham, er. d. of eth Baron
Hotbam : two «. one d. Educ. .* Eton ;
Christ Cimrch, Oxford. Called to Bar, inner
Temple, 1926; Member of London Stock Ex-
change since 1927; Member of National As-
sembly of Cimrch of England since 1930 ; Lord
of the Manor of Cnerdale. Address : 46 Wilton
Orescent, S.W.l. T. : Sloane 5921 ; Hall Foot,
Clitheroe, T. : Chatbttrn 90. Oliits : Carlton,
City of Ixmdon, Royal Automobile.
A88RRTQK, Rblpb OObbAytie : h. 18 Sep.
I860: a- of lata Ralph Assheton, M.P., and
WHO'S WHO, 1938
ISmilr 'Augusta, d. of late Joseph Feilden, M.P.,
Witton Park, Blaoktum, and g.&. Of William
Afisheton and Prances Annabella, d. of Hon.
William Cockayne of Riiehton Hall, Co. Nor-
thanmtOQ ; m. 1898, Miltteed Bstelle Sybella,
C.B.E. 1934, J.P, Lancs, d. of late JOhn Henry
Master, ^Petersham, Surrey, J.P., Madras Civil
Service ; one s. three d. fidwc. ; Bton • Jesus
College,' Cambridge. Haabaen an acting Justice
for West Biding, Co. York, since 1888, and 'for
I/aneashire siuoe 18ieo ; High Sheriff of Lanca-
shire, 1U19 ; IS a Deputy Lieutenant and an
Alderman )for tho County off Lancastar ; Chair-
man of the Hulnie Trustees ; a Director of
Hargreaves Collieries Ltd. ; a Director of the
Union Bank of Manchester, and lord oi
the Manor of Downham. Addrm: Downharn
Hall, Clitheroe. T.A. : Chatburn. T. : 10
Ohatburn. Ol^b: Carlton,
odso Ralph A&sheton,
see Duff Assheton-Sraith.
ASTBURY, Arthur Ralph, O S.I.
1933; C.IE. 1928; M.lnst.C.E. ; Member
Town Planning Institute; h. 6 June, 1880;
o. s. of Aithur Kingsby Astbury ; ta. 1008,
Fnede Hildegard von Schoenberg ; one
5. one d. Educ. : Westminster ; Royal Indian
Engineering College, Coopers Hill. Assistant
Engineer, Indian Public Works Department,
llfOt) ; Superintending Engin